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Last active December 23, 2020 22:12
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Save dsparks/11191558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sunlight Foundation palettes, based on the Wes Anderson code
# Sunlight Foundation style guide:
# Ram's original Wes Anderson code:
#' A Wes Anderson palette generator
#' These are a handful of color palettes from Wes Anderson movies.
#' @param n Number of colors desired. Unfortunately most palettes now only have 4 or 5 colors. But hopefully we'll add more palettes soon. All color schemes are derived from the most excellent Tumblr blog: \href{}{Wes Anderson Palettes}
#' @param name Name of desired palette. Choices are: \code{GrandBudapest}, \code{Moonrise1}, \code{Royal1}, \code{Moonrise2}, \code{Cavalcanti}, \code{Royal2}, \code{GrandBudapest2}, \code{Moonrise3}, \code{Chevalier}, \code{BottleRocket}, \code{darjeeling}, \code{darjeeling2}
#' @param type Set to continuous if you require a gradient of colors similar to how heat map works.
#' @export
#' @keywords colors
#' @examples
#' sun.palette(3, "Royal1")
#' sun.palette(3, "GrandBudapest")
#' sun.palette(5, "Cavalcanti")
#' # You can also request a continuous range of colors
#' pal <- sun.palette(name = "Zissou", type = "continuous")
#' image(volcano, col = pal(21))
sun.palette <- function(n, name, type = FALSE) {
baseColors <- c("#EFECEA", # Background
"#F5F3F2", # Background Light Accent
"#E5E2E0", # Background Dark Accent
"#635F5D", # Text Main
"#8E8883", # Text Light
"#FFFFFF", # Line White
"#C0C0BB", # Line Grey Accent
"#E5E2E0") # No Data
# Data colors
mainColors <- c("#E3BA22", "#E6842A", "#137B80", "#8E6C8A", # Primaries
"#F2DA57", "#F6B656", "#42A5B3", "#B396AD", # Light subset
"#BD8F22", "#BA5F06", "#005D6E", "#684664", # Dark subset
"#978F80", "#C1BAA9", "#7C715E") # Neutral things
specialtyColors <- c("#9A3E25", # Republican
"#156B90", # Democrat
"#708259", # Independent
"#BD2D28", # Con
"#0F8C79", # Pro
"#5C8100") # Money
specialtySubsetColors <- c("#B37055", # Republican
"#688BAB", # Democrat
"#95A17E", # Independent
"#E25A42", # Con
"#6BBBA1", # Pro
"#A0B700") # Money
# Choropleth colors
republicanRange <- c("#712422", "#9A3E25", "#B37055", "#D9A78D", "#EDCEBC")
democratRange <- c("#05426C", "#156B90", "#688BAB", "#8CAEC6", "#BAD2E2")
repToDemRange <- c("#9A3E25", "#D9A78D", "#C8C6C6", "#8CAEC6", "#156B90")
antiToProRange <- c("#BD2D28", "#C37A73", "#C8C6C6", "#75A999", "#0F8C79")
moneyRange <- c("#0C4E00", "#5C8100", "#A0B700", "#D2CF00", "#E6E4A6")
thingRange <- c("#936B00", "#BD8F22", "#E3BA22", "#F2DA57", "#F1E8AE")
networkGraphColors <- c("#F2DA57", "#F6B656", "#E25A42", "#DCBDCF", "#B396AD", # Main
"#B0CBDB", "#33B6D0", "#7ABFCC", "#C8D7A1", "#A0B700",
"#E3BA22", "#E58429", "#BD2D28", "#D15A86", "#8E6C8A", # Lighter
"#6B99A1", "#42A5B3", "#0F8C79", "#6BBBA1", "#5C8100",
"#B08B12", "#BA5F06", "#8C3B00", "#6D191B", "#842854", # Darker
"#5F7186", "#193556", "#137B80", "#144847", "#254E00")
hclSweep <- hcl(h = seq(0, 255, len = 100),
c = seq(100, 0, len = 100),
l = seq(100, 0, len = 100))
namelist <- ls()
if(!name %in% namelist)
stop("Palette not found.")
if(type == "continuous") {
colorRampPalette(get(name), space="Lab")
} else {
if(!type) {
if(n > namelist[which(namelist == name)])
stop("Number of requested colors greater than what palette can offer")
#' Display a palette
#' @param n Number of colors desired. Unfortunately most palettes now only have 4 or 5 colors. But hopefully we'll add more palettes soon. All color schemes are derived from the most excellent Tumblr blog: \href{}{Wes Anderson Palettes}
#' @param name Name of desired palette. Choices are: \code{GrandBudapest}, \code{Moonrise1}, \code{Royal1}, \code{Moonrise2}, \code{Cavalcanti}, \code{Royal2}, \code{GrandBudapest2}, \code{Moonrise3}, \code{Chevalier} , \code{BottleRocket} , \code{darjeeling}, \code{darjeeling2}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' display.sun.palette(3, "Royal1")
display.sun.palette <- function(n, name) {
if(!name %in% namelist)
stop("Palette not found.")
if(n > namelist[which(namelist == name)])
stop("Number of requested colors greater than what palette can offer")
image(1:n,1,as.matrix(1:n),col= sun.palette(n,name),
xlab=name, ylab = "",xaxt = "n",yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, color = Species)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values = sun.palette(3, "moneyRange")) +
sunlight_colors <- list()
sunlight_colors$background <- c("#EFECEA", "#F5F3F2", "#E5E2E0", "#635F5D", "#8E8883", "#FFFFFF", "#C0C0BB", "#E5E2E0")
names(sunlight_colors$background) <- c("Background", "Background Light Accent", "Background Dark Accent", "Text Main", "Text Light", "Line White", "Line Grey Accent", "No Data")
sunlight_colors$main <- matrix(c("#E3BA22", "#F2DA57", "#BD8F22",
"#E6842A", "#F6B656", "#BA5F06",
"#137B80", "#42A5B3", "#005D6E",
"#8E6C8A", "#B396AD", "#684664",
"#978F80", "#C1BAA9", "#7C715E"),
nrow = 3)
colnames(sunlight_colors$main) <- c("thing", "different", "another", "another different", "neutral")
rownames(sunlight_colors$main) <- c("primary", "light", "dark")
sunlight_colors$choropleth$rep_dem <- c("#9A3E25", "#D9A78D", "#C8C6C6", "#8CAEC6", "#156B90")
sunlight_colors$choropleth$anti_pro <- c("#BD2D28", "#C37A73", "#C8C6C6", "#75A999", "#0F8C79")
sunlight_colors$choropleth$money <- c("#0C4E00", "#5C8100", "#A0B700", "#D2CF00", "#E6E4A6")
sunlight_colors$choropleth$thing <- c("#936B00", "#BD8F22", "#E3BA22", "#F2DA57", "#F1E8AE")
sunlight_colors$network <- matrix(
c("#F2DA57", "#E3BA22", "#B08B12", "#F6B656", "#E58429",
"#BA5F06", "#E25A42", "#BD2D28", "#8C3B00", "#DCBDCF",
"#D15A86", "#6D191B", "#B396AD", "#8E6C8A", "#842854",
"#B0CBDB", "#6B99A1", "#5F7186", "#33B6D0", "#42A5B3",
"#193556", "#7ABFCC", "#0F8C79", "#137B80", "#C8D7A1",
"#6BBBA1", "#144847", "#A0B700", "#5C8100", "#254E00"),
nrow = 3)
colnames(sunlight_colors$network) <- LETTERS[1:ncol(sunlight_colors$network)]
rownames(sunlight_colors$network) <- c("primary", "light", "dark")
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dsparks commented Dec 23, 2020

sunlight_colors %>%
  reshape2::melt() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate_all(as.character) %>%
  group_by(L1, L2) %>%
  mutate(rnk = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(Var1 = ifelse(, L2, Var1),
         Var2 = ifelse(, as.character(rnk), Var2),
         Var1 = as.factor(Var1),
         Var2 = as.factor((Var2))) %>%
  mutate(Var1 = forcats::fct_inorder(Var1),
         Var2 = forcats::fct_inorder(Var2)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value) +
  geom_tile() +
  facet_wrap(~ L1, scale = "free") +
  scale_fill_identity() +
  scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +


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