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Created December 6, 2012 14:40
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Multiple imputation for missing data
doInstall <- TRUE
toInstall <- c("Amelia", "ggplot2")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
ANES <- read.csv("")
ANES <- ANES[ANES$year == 2008, -c(1, 11, 17)] # Limit to just 2008 respondents,
head(ANES) # remove some non-helpful variables
with(ANES, plot(jitter(pid7), jitter(ideo7)))
myModel <- lm(pid7 ~ ideo7 + female + age + south, data = ANES)
summary(myModel) # Note 715 observations deleted due to missingness
missmap(ANES) # Show where observations are missing
### Imput missing data ###
imputedANES <- amelia(x = ANES, m = 10, # number of imputed data sets
noms = c("female", "race6", "religion", "dems", "south"),
ords = c("cohort", "pid7", "trust", "ideo7", "inerrant"))
# These last two options allow you to list nominal and ordinal variables.
with(imputedANES, lm(pid7 ~ ideo7 + female + age + south))
for(i in 1:imputedANES$m) { # Replicate the model on each imputed dataset
ols.out <- lm(pid7 ~ ideo7 + female + age + south,
data = imputedANES$imputations[[i]])
b.out <- rbind(b.out, ols.out$coef)
se.out <- rbind(se.out, coef(summary(ols.out))[,2])
# Use Rubin's rules for combining results.
combined.results <- mi.meld(q = b.out, se = se.out)
lwdFrame <- data.frame(Variable = rownames(summary(myModel)$coef),
Coef = summary(myModel)$coef[, 1],
SE = summary(myModel)$coef[, 2],
Method = "listwiseDelete")
midFrame <- data.frame(Variable = colnames(combined.results$q),
Coef = c(combined.results$q),
SE = c(combined.results$se),
Method = "imputation")
resultFrame <- data.frame(rbind(lwdFrame, midFrame))
zp1 <- ggplot(resultFrame, aes(colour = Method))
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = gray(1/2), lty = 2)
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_linerange(aes(x = Variable, ymin = Coef - SE*1,
ymax = Coef + SE*1),
lwd = 1, position = position_dodge(width = 1/2))
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_pointrange(aes(x = Variable, y = Coef,
ymin = Coef - SE*2, ymax = Coef + SE*2),
lwd = 1/2, position = position_dodge(width = 1/2),
shape = 21, fill = "WHITE")
zp1 <- zp1 + coord_flip() + theme_bw()
zp1 <- zp1 + ggtitle("Comparing coefficient estimates by missing data methods")
print(zp1) # The trick to these cool coefficient plots is position_dodge().
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rulero commented Oct 5, 2015

The file link is broken, is it possible to get the file from somewhere else?

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