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Created December 18, 2012 17:15
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Gathering Tweets, geocoding users, and plotting them
doInstall <- TRUE
toInstall <- c("twitteR", "dismo", "maps", "ggplot2")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
searchTerm <- "#rstats"
searchResults <- searchTwitter(searchTerm, n = 1000) # Gather Tweets
tweetFrame <- twListToDF(searchResults) # Convert to a nice dF
userInfo <- lookupUsers(tweetFrame$screenName) # Batch lookup of user info
userFrame <- twListToDF(userInfo) # Convert to a nice dF
locatedUsers <- !$location) # Keep only users with location info
locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers]) # Use amazing API to guess
# approximate lat/lon from textual location data.
with(locations, plot(lon, lat))
worldMap <- map_data("world") # Easiest way to grab a world map shapefile
zp1 <- ggplot(worldMap)
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_path(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), # Draw map
colour = gray(2/3), lwd = 1/3)
zp1 <- zp1 + geom_point(data = locations, # Add points indicating users
aes(x = lon, y = lat),
colour = "RED", alpha = 1/2, size = 1)
zp1 <- zp1 + coord_equal() # Better projections are left for a future post
zp1 <- zp1 + theme_minimal() # Drop background annotations
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ghost commented Dec 21, 2012

I received the same error. Mine works as long as I run the package "RJSONIO".

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ronin78 commented Dec 24, 2012

Thank you! I will try that.

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I had the same error. Installing RJSONIO did not seem to help.

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you need to install AND load RJSONIO.

So make sure you do


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ronin78 commented Jan 3, 2013

RJSONIO did not help me either.

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ghost commented Oct 12, 2016

I am getting error on this
locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers])
failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

Error: object 'doc' not found

please help me out with this error.

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Can someone guide me with the following error and how to resolve this error

failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

Error: object 'doc' not found

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Hi! I am also having the same error as last two comments above:

failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource
Error: object 'doc' not found

I've loaded XML, httr, and Rcurl to try to amend this error. No luck thus far.
Any advice?

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vutla04 commented Dec 2, 2016

facing same issue.

failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

Error: object 'doc' not found

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Hi guys, for those with the problem of vutla04 and above, the filtering in line 13 seemed to be the problem for me.

I used the data.table library and changed this:
locatedUsers <- !$location) # Keep only users with location info
locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers]) # Use amazing API to guess approximate lat/lon from textual location data.

to this:
locations <- geocode($location[!$location %in% ""])

Problem is that blank locations are not seen as NA, maybe this changed recently.

Also note that the column names returned by the API for longitude and latitude, have changed. Previously it was lon and lat. It is now longitude and latitude.

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ghost commented Apr 17, 2017

For those experiencing the "Malformed response from server, was not JSON" error, try searching for "rstats" rather than "#rstats." This worked for me: searchResults <- searchTwitter("rstats", n = 1000).

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Hi, I also tried ALL suggestions above, but I still get this error:

locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers])
failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

any solution? Thanks

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I tried all suggestions above, but I still get this error:

Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

Error in .geocode(xx$place, oneRecord = oneRecord, extent = extent, progress = progress) :
object 'doc' not found

Any Solutions ?? Thanks in Advance

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For error: Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource
locations <- geocode(locatedUsers)

instead of locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers])

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MVATFM commented Oct 9, 2018

run this code and my problem is when I try to run locations <- geocode(userFrame$location[locatedUsers]):

failed to load HTTP resource Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

And after this : Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values

Please, can you help me?

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MVATFM commented Oct 9, 2018

i also use locations <- geocode(locatedUsers) but this happened after 👍 Error in plot.window(...) : se necesitan valores finitos de 'xlim'
Además: Warning messages:
1: In min(x) : ningún argumento finito para min; retornando Inf
2: In max(x) : ningun argumento finito para max; retornando -Inf
3: In min(x) : ningún argumento finito para min; retornando Inf
4: In max(x) : ningun argumento finito para max; retornando -Inf

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