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Last active November 29, 2017 22:36
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ggplot2 coefficient plot, with discrete interval bounds
CoefficientPlot <- function(models, alpha = 0.05, modelnames = ""){
# models must be a list()
Multiplier <- qnorm(1 - alpha / 2)
CoefficientTables <- lapply(models, function(x){summary(x)$coef})
TableRows <- unlist(lapply(CoefficientTables, nrow))
if(modelnames[1] == ""){
ModelNameLabels <- rep(paste("Model", 1:length(TableRows)), TableRows)
} else {
ModelNameLabels <- rep(modelnames, TableRows)
MatrixofModels <- cbind(, CoefficientTables), ModelNameLabels)
MatrixofModels <- data.frame(cbind(rownames(MatrixofModels), MatrixofModels))
colnames(MatrixofModels) <- c("IV", "Estimate", "StandardError", "TValue", "PValue", "ModelName")
MatrixofModels$IV <- factor(MatrixofModels$IV, levels = MatrixofModels$IV)
MatrixofModels[, -c(1, 6)] <- apply(MatrixofModels[, -c(1, 6)], 2, function(x){as.numeric(as.character(x))})
OutputPlot <- qplot(IV, Estimate, ymin = Estimate - Multiplier * StandardError,
ymax = Estimate + Multiplier * StandardError, data = MatrixofModels, geom = "pointrange",
ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)
OutputPlot <- OutputPlot + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lwd = I(7/12), colour = I(hsv(0/12, 7/12, 7/12)), alpha = I(5/12))
OutputPlot <- OutputPlot + facet_grid(~ ModelName) + coord_flip() + theme_bw()
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