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Last active February 3, 2024 08:57
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Save dstreefkerk/10131463 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script designed to run at the machine-level to re-enable troublesome add-ins that often get disabled by Office. By default this script is looking for add-ins that relate to HP Interwoven WorkSite.
Enable-DisabledOfficeAddins.ps1 - Enable specific Office add-ins
Re-enables specific Microsoft Office add-ins that are:
1. Listed in Disabled Items
2. Disabled in COM Add-Ins
This is designed to re-enable troublesome add-ins that often get disabled by Office. In this case,
it's add-ins for the HP Interwoven WorkSite EDMS product.
The best use for this is to add a scheduled task that runs every 15 minutes or so. Note that the Office application
in question also needs to be restarted for the add-in to load again.
You could also potentially attach a trigger to the following Event Log events:
-Application Log EventID 1000 Source "Application Error"
-Application Log EventID 59 Source "Outlook" - OL2013 logs this event when it disables an add-in
Update: This was originally written as a user-scope script, but I've modified it to run at the machine level. This makes it
easier to run invisibly as a scheduled task.
Output is to log file in c:\temp\enable_addins.log by default
Written By: Daniel Streefkerk
Change Log
v1.0, 09/04/2014 - Initial version
v1.4, 14/05/2014 - Modified to work against HKLM instead of HKCU
#region Setup
# Match these strings when looking at the disabled items
$disabledItemSearchStrings = "interwoven","worksite"
$comAddInSearchStrings = "imFileSite", "IWRibbon", "zWorkSite", "oUTR02K", "WorkSiteOffice2007Addins" #zWorkSite is a custom add-in we use in-house, the others are standard
$disabledItemsCount = 0
$comAddinsCount = 0
$logFile = "c:\temp\enable_addins.log"
$loadBehaviours = @{ 0 = "Unloaded, Do not load automatically";
1 = "Loaded, Do not load automatically";
2 = "Unloaded, Load at startup";
3 = "Loaded, Load at startup";
8 = "Unloaded, Load on demand";
9 = "Loaded, Load on demand";
16 = "Loaded, Load first time, then load on demand"
#region Functions
# Basic logging functionality
Function LogWrite
Param ([string]$LogText)
Write-Host $LogText
Add-content $logFile -value $LogText
LogWrite "---------------start---------------"
LogWrite "Running script at $(Get-Date) on $env:COMPUTERNAME"
#region Delete add-ins from Disabled items in registry
# Recurse through the MS Office registry keys under HKEY_USERS to find "DisabledItems" keys for domain users
$disabledItemKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-*\Software\Microsoft\Office" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ? -FilterScript {($_.Name -clike "*DisabledItems*") -and ($_.ValueCount -gt 0)}
# If there was an error reading the registry, or there are no keys found, exit
if (($disabledItemKeys -eq $null) -or ($disabledItemKeys.Count -eq 0)) { exit }
# Loop through they DisabledItem keys for each office application
foreach ($key in $disabledItemKeys) {
# Loop through the disabled items within each application
foreach ($disabledItem in $key.GetValueNames()) {
# Convert the binary-encoded add-in name to text. Remove the null characters to make this a comparable string
$itemName = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.getString($key.GetValue($disabledItem)).Replace("`0","")
# If the name doesn't match one of our search strings, go to the next item
if (($itemName | Select-String -Pattern $disabledItemSearchStrings).Matches.Count -le 0) { break }
LogWrite "$itemName matched search pattern."
# Delete the disabled item value from the registry
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::$($key.Name)" -Name $disabledItem
LogWrite "Removed $itemName from DisabledItems in registry."
$disabledItemsCount ++
LogWrite "$disabledItemscount disabled items re-enabled"
#region Enable COM add-ins
$officeUserAddins = Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ? -FilterScript {($_.Name -like "*Addins*") -and ($_.ValueCount -gt 0)}
# If there was an error reading the registry, or there are no keys found, exit
if (($officeUserAddins -eq $null) -or ($officeUserAddins.Count -eq 0)) { exit }
# Loop through all Office Add-ins that match our search strings and don't have a LoadBehavior = 3
foreach ($userAddin in ($officeUserAddins | ? -FilterScript {($_ | Select-String -Pattern $comAddInSearchStrings) -and ($_.Property -eq "LoadBehavior") -and ($_.GetValue("LoadBehavior") -ne 3)})) {
LogWrite "$($userAddin.Name) LoadBehavior set to '$($loadBehaviours[$userAddin.GetValue("LoadBehavior")])'. Attempting to set it to '$($loadBehaviours[3])'."
# Set the LoadBehavior to 3 as it should be.
Set-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::$($userAddin.Name)" -Name "LoadBehavior" -Value 3
LogWrite "LoadBehaviour for $($userAddin.Name) corrected. Now set to: '$($loadBehaviours[$userAddin.GetValue("LoadBehavior")])'."
$comAddinsCount ++
LogWrite "$comAddinsCount COM add-ins' LoadBehavior value corrected"
LogWrite "----------------end----------------"
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mdavid5 commented Feb 6, 2018

At line #88 I think you would like to use 'continue' instead 'break'
if (($itemName | Select-String -Pattern $disabledItemSearchStrings).Matches.Count -le 0) { continue }
-> check the next regKey; don't break the whole foreach loop

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