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Save dstreefkerk/8954603 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate-SpiceworksTicketReports.ps1 - A PowerShell to generate reports about tickets in Spiceworks via SQLite
#requires -version 3
Generate-SpiceworksTicketReports.ps1 - Spiceworks open ticket reporting
Reads the SpiceWorks database to generate emails about open tickets. Sends an email to each
operator with their open tickets.
Requires the SQLite PowerShell provider:
Directions on how to set it all up are on my blog. See the link below.
A HTML email is sent to each operator
Written By: Daniel Streefkerk
1. Make the "last updated" column's "x days ago" more readable with "yesterday", "today", etc
2. Add Try/Catch error handling, especially at the Send-MailMessage part
Change Log
v2.0, 27/02/2014 - Rewrite to use PSObjects, added basic SLA support, split the email into different tables for high/medium/low priority tickets
v1.0, 12/02/2014 - Initial version
Import-Module sqlite
# Variables
$spiceworksServerName = "" # Used to build ticket URLs
$spiceworksServerPort = 9675 # Also used to build ticket URLs
$spiceworksServerProtocol = "http" # http or https - also used to build ticket URLs
$spiceworksDatabaseFilePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spiceworks\db\spiceworks_prod.db" # Path to the SQLite database used by SpiceWorks
$settingWarningThresholdDays = 7 # User will be warned about tickets older than this number of days
$settingUseSMTPAuthentication = $false # Specifies whether or not SMTP auth is used. If this is set to $true, you need to specify values for $emailServerUsername and $emailServerPassword
#SLA Stuff
$settingsSLALowPriorityPickUpTime = 60 # In minutes, how soon a low-priority ticket must be picked up by an operator
$settingsSLALowPriorityFirstResponseTime = 2880 # In minutes, how soon a low-priority ticket must be responded to after it's assigned
$settingsSLAMediumPriorityPickUpTime = 60 # In minutes, how soon a medium-priority ticket must be picked up by an operator
$settingsSLAMediumPriorityFirstResponseTime = 1440 # In minutes, how soon a medium-priority ticket must be responded to after it's assigned
$settingsSLAHighPriorityPickUpTime = 60 # In minutes, how soon a high-priority ticket must be picked up by an operator
$settingsSLAHighPriorityFirstResponseTime = 120 # In minutes, how soon a high-priority ticket must be responded to after it's assigned
$emailSender = "" # Email address that the report emails will originate from
$emailSenderName = "IT Helpdesk"
$emailServer = "" # SMTP Server
$emailServerPort = 25 # SMTP Port
$emailServerUsername = $null # SMTP Auth username, if applicable
$emailServerPassword = $null # SMTP Auth password, if applicable
$now = Get-Date # Get the current date, for use in the emails
$time = $now.ToLongTimeString() # Long time string, for the footer of the email
$date = $now.ToLongDateString() # Long date string, for the footer of the email
#Build up some URL strings to access the tickets
$UrlBase = $spiceworksServerProtocol + "://" + $spiceworksServerName + ":" + $spiceworksServerPort
$ticketUrlBase = $UrlBase + "/tickets/list/single_ticket/"
$myTicketsURL = $UrlBase + "/tickets/list/my_tickets"
# Check if the root folder is a valid folder. If not, try again.
if ((Test-Path $spiceworksDatabaseFilePath -PathType Leaf) -eq $false) {
Write-Host "'$spiceworksDatabaseFilePath' doesn't seem to exist. Please adjust the script variable spiceworksDatabaseFilePath to point to the correct location" -ForegroundColor Red
#################################################################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ################################################################
# Return an array of ticket objects, given a table PSObject of tickets from the DB
function TicketsToObject ($tickets) {
$returnValue = @()
foreach ($ticket in $tickets) {
# Figure out some time-based stats. NB: Ticks are a measure of time that make it easy to calculate the difference between two points in time
$ticksOpen = $now.Subtract($ticket.created_at).Ticks
$ticksSinceLastUpdate = $now.Subtract($ticket.updated_at).Ticks
$hasBeenUpdatedSinceOpening = if ($ticksSinceLastUpdate -lt $ticksOpen) { $true } else { $false}
# Start out true, and set to false if any broken SLA conditions are found
$meetsSLA = $true
$NotesForSLA = ""
# Is this ticket assigned to anyone?
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ticket.assigned_to)) {
$isAssigned = "No"
} else {
$isAssigned = "Yes"
# Convert Spiceworks numeric priority to a string
switch ($ticket.priority) {
3 {
$priority = "Low"
$requiredSLAPickupTime = $settingsSLALowPriorityPickUpTime
$requiredSLAResponseTime = $settingsSLALowPriorityFirstResponseTime
2 {
$priority = "Medium"
$requiredSLAPickupTime = $settingsSLAMediumPriorityPickUpTime
$requiredSLAResponseTime = $settingsSLAMediumPriorityFirstResponseTime
1 {
$priority = "High"
$requiredSLAPickupTime = $settingsSLAHighPriorityPickUpTime
$requiredSLAResponseTime = $settingsSLAHighPriorityFirstResponseTime
# SLA Rules Here
# If the ticket hasn't been updated since opening, but it is assigned, check if the required response time has already expired
if (($hasBeenUpdatedSinceOpening -eq $false) -and ($isAssigned -eq "Yes")) {
$meetsSLA = if ([TimeSpan]::FromMinutes($requiredSLAResponseTime).Ticks > $ticksSinceLastUpdate) { $false } else { $true }
$NotesForSLA += "Ticket hasn't had a first update within the required SLA response time of $requiredSLAResponseTime minutes. "
# If the ticket hasn't been assigned since it was opened, check if the required response time has already expired
if ($isAssigned -eq "No") {
$meetsSLA = if ([TimeSpan]::FromMinutes($requiredSLAPickupTime).Ticks -lt $ticksOpen) { $false } else { $true }
$NotesForSLA += "Ticket hasn't been assigned within the required SLA response time of $requiredSLAPickupTime minutes. "
# Build up our ticket PSObject
$thisTicket = New-Object psobject
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Ticket_Number" -Value $
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Ticket_Summary" -Value ($ticket.summary -replace "\[.*\]","")
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Priority" -Value $priority
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Created" -Value $ticket.created_at
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Created_By" -Value ($users | Where-Object {$ -eq $ticket.created_by}).email
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Assigned_To" -Value ($users | Where-Object {$ -eq $ticket.assigned_to}).email
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Last_Updated" -Value "$($now.Subtract($ticket.updated_at).Days) days ago"
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Days_Open" -Value $now.Subtract($ticket.created_at).Days
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Due_At" -Value $ticket.due_at
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "URL" -Value ($ticketUrlBase + $
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Is_Assigned" -Value $isAssigned
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Ticks_Open" -Value $ticksOpen
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Ticks_Since_Last_Update" -Value $ticksSinceLastUpdate
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Has_Been_Updated" -Value $hasBeenUpdatedSinceOpening
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Meets_SLA" -Value $meetsSLA
$thisTicket | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "SLA_Notes" -Value $NotesForSLA
$returnValue += $thisTicket
return $returnValue
# Convert a ticket PSObject array into a HTML table
function TicketObjectArrayToTable($ticketObject) {
if ($ticketObject -eq $null) { return $null }
$html = "<table><thead>"
$html += "<tr>"
$html += "<th>Ticket Number</th>"
$html += "<th>Summary</th>"
$html += "<th>Priority</th>"
$html += "<th>Creator</th>"
#$html += "<th>Assignee</th>"
$html += "<th>Created</th>"
$html += "<th>Days Open</th>"
$html += "<th>Last Updated</th>"
$html += "<th>Meets SLA?</th>"
$html += "<th>Notes</th>"
$html += "</tr></thead>"
$html += "<tbody>"
foreach ($ticket in $ticketObject) {
# Add a CSS class to the row if the ticket on this row doesn't meet the SLA conditions
switch ($ticket.Meets_SLA) {
$true { $rowStartHTML = "<tr>" }
$false { $rowStartHTML = "<tr class=""NotSLA"">" }
$html += $rowStartHTML
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Ticket_Number)</td>"
$html += "<td><a href=""$($ticket.URL)"">$($ticket.Ticket_Summary)</a></td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Priority)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Created_By)</td>"
#$html += "<td>$($ticket.Assigned_To)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Created)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Days_Open)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Last_Updated)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.Meets_SLA)</td>"
$html += "<td>$($ticket.SLA_Notes)</td>"
$html += "</tr>"
$html += "</tbody>"
$html += "</table>"
return $html
# Wrap whatever's passed into this function in HTML and HEAD tags with some CSS included
function WrapInHtmlPage($html) {
# Set up some CSS
$style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
$style += "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
$style += "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"
$style += "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
$style += ".NotSLA { color: white; background: red;}"
$style += "</style>"
$newHTML = "<html>"
$newHTML += $style
$newHTML += $html
$newHTML += "</html>"
return $newHTML
# Mount the SpiceWorks database
mount-sqlite -name SpiceWorks -dataSource $spiceworksDatabaseFilePath
# Get all of the helpdesk operators from the database
$adminUsers = Invoke-Item spiceworks: -sql 'select * from users where role="admin" or role="helpdesk_tech" or role="helpdesk_admin"'
# Test in case there are no admin users in the database. Not likely, if even at all possible.
if ($adminUsers.Count -lt 1) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No admin users found in the database"
$users = Invoke-Item spiceworks: -sql "select id,first_name,last_name,email,role from users"
$tickets = Invoke-Item spiceworks: -sql "select * from tickets where status == 'open'"
$tickets = TicketsToObject($tickets)
# Get any unassigned tickets
[array]$unassignedTickets = $tickets | Where-Object {[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Assigned_To)}
# Loop through each user and create the email report
foreach ($adminUser in $adminUsers) {
# Grab a list of tickets that are assigned to this user
[array]$thisUserTickets = $tickets | where-object {$_.Assigned_To -eq $}
# Get tickets that are assigned to other users. Commented out as it clutters up the email report too much
#[array]$otherUserTickets = $tickets | where-object {$_.Assigned_To -ne $}
# Build up the user's full name for use later. Easier to do it once here.
$userFullName = "$($adminUser.first_name) $($adminUser.last_name)"
# If this user has no open tickets, skip and go to the next user
if ($thisUserTickets.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "No tickets were found for user: $userFullName. Skipping this user."
# Build a list of current user's high-priority tickets
[array]$highPriorityTickets = $thisUserTickets | Where-Object {$_.Priority -eq "High"}
# Build a list of current user's medium-priority tickets
[array]$mediumPriorityTickets = $thisUserTickets | Where-Object {$_.Priority -eq "Medium"}
# Build a list of current user's low-priority tickets
[array]$lowPriorityTickets = $thisUserTickets | Where-Object {$_.Priority -eq "Low"}
########### Start building up the email body HTML ################
$emailBody = "<h1>Daily Ticket Report for $userFullName - $($now.ToLongDateString())</h1>"
# Add a table of unassigned tickets at the top if there are any
if ($unassignedTickets -ne $null) {
$emailBody += "<h2 color=""red"">Unassigned Tickets</h2>"
$emailBody += TicketObjectArrayToTable($unassignedTickets)
# Add a table of high priority tickets if there are any
if ($highPriorityTickets.Count -gt 0) {
$emailBody += "<h2>High Priority</h2>"
$emailBody += TicketObjectArrayToTable($highPriorityTickets)
# Add a table of medium priority tickets if there are any
if ($mediumPriorityTickets.Count -gt 0) {
$emailBody += "<h2>Medium Priority</h2>"
$emailBody += TicketObjectArrayToTable($mediumPriorityTickets)
# Add a table of low priority tickets if there are any
if ($lowPriorityTickets.Count -gt 0) {
$emailBody += "<h2>Low Priority</h2>"
$emailBody += TicketObjectArrayToTable($lowPriorityTickets)
# Add a table of tickets that are assigned to other users
# ## uncomment line 99 if you want to also uncomment the lines below
#if ($otherUserTickets.Count -gt 0) {
# $emailBody += "<h2>Tickets assigned to other users</h2>"
# $emailBody += TicketObjectArrayToTable($otherUserTickets)
# Add a footer
$emailBody += "<p>Report generated at $time on $date by $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)</p>"
$emailBody += "<a href=""$myTicketsURL"">View tickets in Spiceworks</a>"
# Wrap the email content that we just built up in HTML tags and add CSS style to the HEAD
$emailContent = WrapInHtmlPage($emailBody)
# Send the email
Send-MailMessage -From "$emailSenderName <$emailSender>" -To $ -Subject "Daily Helpdesk Ticket Report" -Body $emailContent -BodyAsHtml:$true -SmtpServer $emailServer -Port $emailServerPort
Remove-PSDrive SpiceWorks
Remove-Variable -Name tickets
Remove-Variable -Name adminUsers
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