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Created January 19, 2024 14:01
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DSI Session 2 - Unix lesson 3 notes

Notes from Shell Lesson 3

Doing things faster in bash

Keyboard shortcuts

  • A good (albeit comprehensive) cheatsheet is found here:
  • You'll eventually find a subset of the shortcuts that you use most often.
  • My personal list is:
    • Ctrl + A / Home key: move to the beginning of the line
    • Ctrl + E / End key : move to the end of the line
    • Ctrl + K : delete from cursor to end of the line
    • Ctrl + W : delete the current word
    • Ctrl + Left/Right arrow : move cursor faster (one word at a time)

Last command recall

  • Use the Up arrow (or Ctrl + P) to pull up previous commands
  • Type !! and press Enter to directly execute the last command
  • Use Ctrl + R to search your previous commands

Autocomplete (tab)

  • Typing a few characters then pressing your keyboard's TAB key autocompletes either:
    • the command (if you're typing a command)
    • files in the current directory (if you're providing a file argument to a command)
  • If there are multiple files that match what you've typed so far, press tab several times to see a list of options

Shell scripts

  • Several shell commands in a text file
  • Typically named with .sh file extensions
  • Run scripts by either:
    1. Setting them to executable with chmod +x, then executing them with ./
    2. Passing the script to bash as an argument (eg. bash
  • Write scripts in a text editor (eg. VSCode or nano)
  • All bash scripts should start with #!/bin/bash on the first line to tell the computer what to use to run it

Adapting script behaviour based on context


  • Define variables with this notation:
    • Note: no space between variable name, equal sign, and assigned value
  • Use variables with this notation:
    • Note: the $ is required when using bash variables
echo $varname


# This is a comment
echo "Hello $myvar!"


  • Special variables named $1, $2, etc...
  • Set by bash to the arguments provided to the command
    • (not tested) Note on terminology:
      • A "parameter" is the name of the variable in the context of the function (eg. $1)
      • An "argument" is the value provided to the function / script that gets assigned to each parameter
      • Sometimes these two words are used interchangeably

Suppose we have a shell script named

echo "Hello $1!"

Then we can change what it does when we run it in the shell

$ bash World
Hello World!

$ bash Bash
Hello Bash!

$ bash Everyone
Hello Everyone!

Parameter Expansion

Parameter names can be made unambiguous using curly braces. This notation is called Parameter Expansion.


# This is a comment
echo "Hello ${myvar}s!"

Parameter Expansion can also be used to substitute or set default values:

$ myvar=
$ echo ${foo:-"default value"}
default value

String operations

$ myvar="Toronto needs more trees" 
$ echo ${myvar:8:5}

$ echo ${i//needs/must have}
Toronto must have more trees

Command substitution

  • Store output of a command into a variable
myvar=$(ls -1)
echo $myvar

Flow Control

&& and ||

  • command1 && command2 will run command1, then run command2 only if command1 was successful
    • eg. prepfiles && analyzefiles
  • command1 || command2 will run command1, then run command2 if command1 failed
    • eg. downloadfile || printerror


  • Perform different actions based on the value of a condition


  • Repeat actions while a condition is true or until a condition is true
while [ $count -le 5 ]
    echo $count
    count=$((count +1)) 

    mkdir "mynewdir$count"
echo "Finished."
until [ $count -gt 5 ]
    echo $count
    count=$((count +1)) 

    mkdir "mynewdir$count"
echo "Finished."


  • Run commands within the loop for each item in a variable / returned from a command

Putting it all together

  • This script renames all .txt files in a folder to .TXT
for i in $(find *.txt)
    echo $i
    mv $i ${i//.txt/.TXT}
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