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Jason Dugdale dugjason

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dugjason /
Created September 25, 2024 18:09
React Server Action to create a draft message in

Based on Next.js server actions, the sendToFrontAction() can be called from client-side components.

It passed a couple of data items to the importFrontMessage() method which reads a file from the local system, and adds it to a draft message.

The message is submitted to the Front Create Draft Message endpoint.

This is an example of that the imported draft might look like given the code provided below:

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11 06 41 AM
dugjason /
Last active November 2, 2023 19:42
Front API: Node.js script to merge contacts by email handle


Uses the Front POST /contacts/merge API endpoint see docs to merge multiple contacts into a single contact record.


  1. Save the merge-contacts.js file to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the directory you saved it.
  3. Run npm install axios to install the Axios HTTP client
  4. Edit the merge-contacts.js file to save your Front API token
dugjason /
Created November 1, 2023 16:09
Front API: Send SMS message with vCard attachment

Inspired by Front's Node.JS attachment sample code at, this example will send an SMS message via your Front account containing a vCard (.vcf) attachment.

When appending the contact file to your formData object, ensure you set the filename as whatever you want the recipient to see as the name of the contact card.

dugjason /
Created October 13, 2023 20:07
JavaScript script to split a CSV file into multiple smaller CSVs, sharing the same header

This script will take a .CSV file and split it into multiple files, each with a maximum specified number of rows. Each output file will have the same header row as the input file.


node split-csv.js

You can modify the variables in the CONFIGURATION section below to change

dugjason /
Created August 9, 2023 19:33
Python script to import message including inline image
# Type: Python3
# Description: Import a message including an inline image to a channel in Front.
# The image is encoded in base64 and included in the message body.
# API Endpoint Documentation:
import base64
import requests
url = ""
dugjason /
Created August 9, 2023 15:50
Import a message with attachment to a channel in Front.
# Type: Python3
# Description: Import a message including an attachment to a channel in Front.
# API Endpoint Documentation:
import requests
url = ""
# Note we need to specify nested attributes as `{parent[child]: value}` rather than `{parent: {child: value}}`
payload = {
dugjason / front-chat.tsx
Created April 27, 2023 19:49
Next.JS React component for Front Chat
// ./components/front-chat.tsx
"use client";
import Script from "next/script";
export function FrontChat() {
return (
dugjason /
Created February 23, 2023 00:48
List message events from the Front API


This is a simple Node.JS script using the Front GET /events API endpoint fetching all "message" type events from the requester's Front account.

Requests are issued using Axios.

The script will respect your Front API rate limit.

Sign up at

dugjason / channels-channel-id-incoming-messages.js
Last active March 15, 2022 18:23
This is a Node.JS demo of using Front's /channels/:channel_id/incoming_messages API endpoint. We are sending a request to receive an incoming message in Front, including an attachment
* This is a Node.JS demo of using Front's /channels/:channel_id/incoming_messages API endpoint.
* We are sending a request to receive an incoming message in Front, including an attachment.
* See for more details.
dugjason / listMessages.js
Created December 29, 2021 19:46
Front Plugin SDK: Using listMessages()
Front.contextUpdates.subscribe(context => {
console.log('Context:', context);
switch(context.type) {
case 'noConversation':
console.log('No conversation selected');
case 'singleConversation':
console.log('Selected conversation context:', context);