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Created September 15, 2021 21:05
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import System.Random
import System.Exit
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as G
import qualified Control.Monad
import Data.List ( zipWith4 )
windowWidth = 800
windowHeight = 600
rows = 10
cols = 10
cellWidth = windowWidth `div` cols
cellHeight = windowHeight `div` rows
window = InWindow "1D Cellular Automata Explorer" (windowWidth, windowHeight) (0, 0)
background = white
fps = 1
type Cell = Bool
type Row = [Cell]
type Grid = [Row]
--- treat three bools as bits of an int
lookupRuleIndex :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Int
lookupRuleIndex a b c =
a' = if a then 1 else 0
b' = if b then 2 else 0
c' = if c then 4 else 0
a' + b' + c'
--- convert 8-bit int to 8 bools
ruleToBools :: Integral uInt8 => uInt8 -> [Bool]
ruleToBools n =
a = n `mod` 2 == 1
b = n `div` 2 `mod` 2 == 1
c = n `div` 4 `mod` 2 == 1
d = n `div` 8 `mod` 2 == 1
e = n `div` 16 `mod` 2 == 1
f = n `div` 32 `mod` 2 == 1
g = n `div` 64 `mod` 2 == 1
h = n `div` 128 `mod` 2 == 1
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
type RuleFunction = (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
--- for given rule number, return function taking three bools and returning one bool
ruleToFunction :: Integral uInt8 => uInt8 -> RuleFunction
ruleToFunction n =
bools = ruleToBools n
\a b c -> bools !! lookupRuleIndex a b c
--- map a RuleFunction over a Row three Cells at a time
mapRule :: RuleFunction -> Row -> Row
mapRule f row =
(a:b:c:rest) = row
f a b c : mapRule f rest
--- append a Row to a Grid, ensuring there are only `rows` rows
appendRow :: Grid -> Row -> Grid
appendRow grid row =
(first:rest) = grid
newGrid = rest ++ [row]
if length newGrid == rows
then newGrid
else first : newGrid
-- update the world
updateWorld :: Float -> World -> World
updateWorld _ (World grid rule) =
-- produce new row from last row
newRow = mapRule rule (last grid)
-- append new row to grid
newGrid = appendRow grid newRow
World newGrid rule
mkEmptyGrid rows cols = replicate rows (replicate cols False)
-- Create row of length n with a single centered cell set to True
mkCenteredRow :: Int -> Row
mkCenteredRow n =
let n2 = n `div` 2
in replicate n2 False ++ [True] ++ replicate (n2 - 1) False
defaultGrid = [mkCenteredRow cols]
-- Draw a cell at the given position
drawCell :: Int -> Int -> Picture
drawCell x y =
let ox = fromIntegral (x * cellWidth) :: Float
oy = fromIntegral (y * cellHeight) :: Float
w = fromIntegral cellWidth
h = fromIntegral cellHeight
in translate ox oy
$ rectangleSolid w h
-- Draw a row for the given index
drawRow :: Int -> Row -> Picture
drawRow i row =
y = i * cellHeight
xs = map (`drawCell` y) [0..length row - 1]
pictures xs
-- Draw a Grid
drawGrid :: Grid -> Picture
drawGrid grid =
is = [0..length grid - 1]
rows = map (grid !!) is
tups = zip is rows
pictures $ map (uncurry drawRow) tups
data World = World {
grid :: Grid,
rule :: RuleFunction
--- handle escape and quit
handleEvent :: Event -> a -> IO a
handleEvent (G.EventKey (G.SpecialKey G.KeyEsc) G.Down _ _) _ = exitSuccess
handleEvent _ c = return c
-- draw the grid after clearing the screen
draw :: World -> IO Picture
draw (World grid rule) =
return $ pictures [drawGrid grid]
-- update the grid
update :: Monad m => Float -> World -> m World
update t (World grid rule) =
return $ updateWorld t (World grid rule)
main :: IO ()
main =
rule = ruleToFunction 42
world = World defaultGrid rule
in playIO
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