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Last active September 10, 2021 05:01
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newtype Keypad = Keypad [String]
defaultPad = Keypad [
"1", "abc2", "def3",
"ghi4", "jkl5", "mno6",
"pqrs7", "tuv8", "wxyz9",
"^*", "+_0", ".,#"]
-- | Replace capital characters with * and lowered character
-- >> normalizeMessage "Hello World"
-- "*hello *world"
normalizeMessage :: String -> String
normalizeMessage =
foldr f ""
where f c s = if isUpper c then
['*', toLower c] ++ s
else c:s
-- | Return keyIndex, charIndex for char
-- >>> pressFor defaultPad 'g'
-- Just (3,1)
-- >>> pressFor defaultPad 'z'
-- Just (8,4)
-- >>> pressFor defaultPad '%'
-- Nothing
-- >>> pressFor defaultPad '5'
-- Just (4,4)
pressFor :: Keypad -> Char -> Maybe (Int, Int)
pressFor (Keypad keys) c =
case findIndex (elem c) keys of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just keyIndex ->
let set = keys !! keyIndex
in case elemIndex c set of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just charIndex -> Just (keyIndex, charIndex + 1)
-- | Convert a key and presses to char
-- >>> pressesToKey defaultPad (3, 1)
-- 'd'
-- >>> pressesToKey defaultPad (9, 4)
-- 'z'
-- >>> pressesToKey defaultPad (5, 4)
-- '5'
pressesToKey :: Keypad -> (Int, Int) -> Char
pressesToKey (Keypad phone) (keyIndex, presses) =
let key = phone !! (keyIndex - 1)
in key !! (presses - 1 `mod` length key)
-- | Generate a sequence of keys to press
-- >>> seqForPress defaultPad (3, 1)
-- "4"
-- >>> seqForPress defaultPad (9, 4)
-- "****"
seqForPress :: Keypad -> (Int, Int) -> String
seqForPress (Keypad phone) (keyIndex, count) =
let keyStr = phone !! keyIndex
key = keyStr !! (length keyStr - 1)
ret = replicate count key
in ret
-- | Convert message to series of keypad presses
-- >>> convertKeypadMessage defaultPad "Hello World"
-- "**4433555555666**96667775553"
convertKeypadMessage :: Keypad -> String -> String
convertKeypadMessage phone msg =
concatMap (seqForPress phone)
(mapMaybe (pressFor phone) (normalizeMessage msg))
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