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Last active September 8, 2021 02:09
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module VigenereCipher where
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
type Key = String
baseOrdinal = ord 'a'
-- | Compute ordinal relative to 'a'
debaseOrdinal c = ord c - baseOrdinal
-- | Rotate a character by a given number of places
rotate amount char = chr $
debaseOrdinal char
& (+ amount)
& (`mod` 26)
& (+ baseOrdinal)
-- | Cycle key by 1, return tip and cycled key
cycleKey key = (keyChar, newKey) where
(keyChar:restKey) = key
newKey = restKey ++ [keyChar]
-- | Crypt a valid character using the given key and offset function
handleChar offsetFun key input output =
State key' input' output'
char : input' = input
(keyChar, key') = cycleKey key
offset = offsetFun keyChar
char' = rotate offset char
output' = output ++ [char']
-- | Skip the current character since it's not a valid character
skipChar key input output =
State key rest $ output ++ [char]
where char:rest = input
data State = State {
key :: Key,
input :: String,
output :: String
} deriving (Show)
-- | Encrypt a single character in the State
worker offsetFun (State key input output) =
if isAlpha $ head input then
handleChar offsetFun key input output
skipChar key input output
-- | Process input until it's empty
work f (State key input output)
| input == "" = State key input output
| otherwise = work f $ f (State key input output)
-- | Crypt a string using the given key
crypt processor key input =
work processor (State key input "") & output
-- | Encrypt a string using the given key
encrypt = crypt $ worker debaseOrdinal
-- | Decrypt a string using the given key
decrypt = crypt $ worker (negate . debaseOrdinal)
main =
let key = "ally"
plaintext = "meet at dawn"
ciphertext = encrypt key plaintext
decrypted = decrypt key ciphertext
in do
putStrLn $ "Key: " ++ key
putStrLn $ "Plaintext: " ++ plaintext
putStrLn $ "Ciphertext: " ++ ciphertext
putStrLn $ "Decrypted: " ++ decrypted
Key: ally
Plaintext: meet at dawn
Ciphertext: mppr ae oywy
Decrypted: meet at dawn
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