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using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
namespace WebApplication1;
/// <summary>
/// Subscribes to the current request counter as it is updated, once per second.
/// Follows the simple event listener pattern here:
/// </summary>
public class HostingEventSourceListener : EventListener, IHostingEventSourceListener

Advanced http logging in Kestrel

(This post is for

.NET can run on Linux now!

This is old news, you might say to yourself. However, when porting apps that were previously running in IIS, you may have been relying on this logging feature:


dustinsoftware / sqlserver.yaml
Created September 7, 2022 14:46
SQL Server on M1 macs using Lima
# limactl start --name=sqlserver ~/Downloads/sqlserver.yaml
arch: "x86_64"
useHostResolver: false
dustinsoftware / FindDeletions.ps1
Created September 7, 2022 14:45
Function FindDeletions($name) {
$matches = Invoke-Expression "git grep -i ""$name"""
if ($matches) {
$latestMatch = Invoke-Expression "git --no-pager log --format=format:%H -n 1 -i -S ""$name"""
if ($latestMatch) {
Write-Host "Found deletion: $name at commit $latestMatch"
dustinsoftware / check-binding-redirects.ps1
Last active October 2, 2020 17:30
Asserts valid binding redirects
param($validateBindingsForSolution, $configName, $binPath, [switch] $validateBindings, $addBindingFor)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if (!($validateBindingsForSolution -eq $null) -or $validateBindings -or !($addBindingFor -eq $null)) {
# No-op
} else {
throw "One of -validateBindingsForSolution, -validateBindings, or -addBindingFor must be specified"
function LoadDllVersions {
/* eslint-disable */
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const glob = require('glob');
function createManifest(options = { assetPath: '', assetKeys: [] }) {
let assetManifest = { script: [], link: [], appVersion: '0.0.1' };
for (let file of options.assetKeys.flatMap(assetKey => glob.sync(`${options.assetPath}${assetKey}*`))) {
let basename = path.basename(file);
dustinsoftware / Dockerfile
Created January 6, 2020 16:02
run untrusted react code samples in container
FROM node:12
COPY . /app
RUN yarn install
CMD exec /bin/bash -c "trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait"


As Ember apps mature over time, more components and assets are added, which can cause the boot up time to slow down as well - but you can change that! Tools like route-level code splitting with Embroider, precaching with ember-service-worker, automatic lighthouse audits during CI, and more can help ensure your app stays fast! We'll look at debugging tools with an example app, and measure the positive impact of each optimization we talk about.


This is not intended to be a bikeshedding discussion of what performance improvements are best. For instance, most apps won't meaningfully benefit from a 5 KB size reduction overall. The focus is specifically on how to keep your app booting up fast on mobile devices over the life of a project by deferring unnecessary work.

Intended audience will be people already familiar with building Ember apps. To be introduced over the talk:

  • Embroider - route level code splitting
  • Prember - faster first contentful paint / first meaningful paint timings

Scaffolding on a skyscraper

Photo by Karl Bewick on Unsplash

The case for embeddable Ember

In this post I'm proposing some improvements for Ember in an important, but often overlooked use case: embedding Ember components in non-Ember applications. Ember is great for brand new web applications. But what story do we tell for existing apps that are looking to transition to Ember?

Consider a single page application that started in 2016 that uses React and webpack. There's already support for pulling in ES modules and rolling them into the production bundle. However, the team has heard about the many tooling improvements to Ember and wants to experiment shipping a small component in this existing React app. However, because the app uses a client-side router, there needs to be a mechanism to load the Ember app and render into a div without resorting to an iframe.


Build hacks: Faster Ember builds with Docker on Windows

When I joined a team maintaining an Ember web app, I was surprised to learn that almost the whole team developed exclusively on MacBooks. The team experienced slow Ember builds on Windows, and dealing with native Node dependencies (such as node-gyp) was a frustrating experience. Microsoft has made some recent improvements to support Node-based development environments on Windows, so I set out to see what we could do to make this better.

Note: WSL2 has been announced, which resolves many of the performance pains we experienced. This post should still be relevant for those wanting to use Docker as a development container.

Just show me the code!

A working demo of the Docker setup is available on GitHub. We'll link to it throughout this article.