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Last active October 22, 2015 20:32
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Go to Github.IO
* Go to of a github repo which has gh-pages branch.
* @license MIT
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Dumitru Uzun (DUzun.Me)
* @homepage
(function (w, l, h, p) {
l = w.location;
p = l.pathname.split('/');
h = l.hostname;
return h == '' && p.length > 2
? ( p=l.protocol + '//' + p[1] + '.' + h.replace(/\.com$/, '.io') + '/' + p[2],
void, '_blank')
// l.href=p
) : alert('Go to a github repo and try again!'), false
javascript:(function(d,b,c,a){b=d.location;a=b.pathname.split('/');c=b.hostname;return''==c&&2<a.length?(a=b.protocol+'//'+a[1]+'.'+c.replace(/\.com$/,'.io')+'/'+a[2],void,'_blank')):alert('Go to a github repo and try again!'),!1})(this);
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