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Last active August 19, 2018 08:23
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[Hotkeys] // Look at for key values (decimal)
HeatLevelHack = 118 // Enables Ultimate Force Heat Level hack, Force-enables Heat Level Override and lets you select a heat level with the key below. (Default = 118 = F7 key)
ChangeHeatLevel = 33 // Changes heat levels when the Ultimate Force Heat Level hack is enabled. (Default = 33 = PageUp key)
ToggleCops = 145 // Toggles Cops on/off. Use with Ultimate Force Heat Level hack. (Default = 145 = Scroll Lock key)
CopLights = 79 // Enables Cop Lights. Use a cop car for best results. (Default = 79 = O key)
Headlights = 72 // Changes Headlights between closed (0), short (1) and long (2). (Default = 72 = H key)
UnlockAllThings = 116 // Unlocks everything in game. (Default = 116 = F5 key)
AutoDrive = 117 // Enables Auto Drive (Drunk Driver) hack. (Default = 117 = F6 key)
PhysSwitch = 75 // Changes car physics between Normal and Drift. (Default = 75 = K key)
EnableSaveLoadHotPos = 1 // Lets you save (LShift + 1/5) or load (LCtrl + 1/5) your position on the world. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
Minimum = 0 // Minimum number of laps can be selected at Quick Race options screen. (Default = 0) (0/127)
Maximum = 127 // Maximum number of laps can be selected at Quick Race options screen. (Default = 127) (0/127)
MinTimePursuitTag = 0 // Minimum time (minutes) for Pursuit Tag. (Default = 0) (0/127)
MaxTimePursuitTag = 127 // Maximum time (minutes) for Pursuit Tag. (Default = 127) (0/127)
Minimum = 0 // Minimum number of opponents can be selected at Quick Race options screen. (Default = 0) (0/29) (19+ = ONLY FOR EXPERTS)
Maximum = 19 // Maximum number of opponents can be selected at Quick Race options screen. (Default = 19) (0/29) (19+ = ONLY FOR EXPERTS)
UnfreezeRaceWarsCircuits = 1 // Unfreeze opponents count for Race Wars Circuit events. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
MaxUniqueOpponentCars = 3 // Maximum number of different car models per race that will be used by AI Opponents. (Default = 3)
MoreCarsForOpponents = 0 // Allows opponents to use bonus or police cars. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
Low = 3 // Traffic Density for option Minimum (Default = 3) (0/100)
Medium = 10 // Traffic Density for option Moderate (Default = 10) (0/100)
High = 50 // Traffic Density for option Maximum (Default = 50) (0/100)
ShowMoreRaceOptions = 1 // (BROKEN FOR NOW) Changes how Race Options menus work and adds Cops (and Traffic for Drift and Canyon) option to them. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowSubs = 1 // Shows Subtitles for English Language. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowMoreCarCategories = 1 // Shows Debug and UNLOCALIZED car categories on Car Select screen. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowLanguageSelectScreen = 0 // Shows Language Select Screen when game starts. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowSpecialVinyls = 1 // Adds Special Vinyls to the shop and removes Vinyl-Car dependencies. (0 = False (Default), 1 = Show SPECIAL category, 2 = Show VIRUS (X360 DLC) category)
ShowDebugCarCustomize = 1 // Adds Debug Car Customize option to Main Menu. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowDebugEventID = 0 // Shows Event ID for races. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowHiddenTracks = 1 // Shows Hidden Tracks using a different track listing method. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)QuickRaceBackgroundCamo = 3 // Changes background camouflage of World Map on Quick Race screen. (Default = 3) (0-6, 9)
QuickRaceBackgroundCamo = 3 // Sets the background image for Quick Race Track Select screen. (Default = 3) (0-6, 9)
ChallengeSeriesBlacklist = 19 // Bin (Blacklist) for Challenge Series events. (ONLY FOR EXPERTS) (Default = 19) (19, 31-35)
SplashScreenTimeLimit = 30 // Duration of Splash Screen in seconds. (Default = 30)
ShowLightStreaks = 1 // Shows light streaks on menu screens. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
PauseScreenBlur = 1 // Enables blur on Pause screen. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
HUDShakeEffect = 1 // Makes HUD shake when you crash. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
ShowcaseCamInfiniteZoom = 1 // Zoom hack for Showcase Camera mode. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowcaseCamInfiniteRotation = 0 // Rotation hack for Showcase Camera mode. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowcaseCamAlwaysEnable = 0 // Use Showcase Camera mode on every menu. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
DisableTakeover = 0 // Removes "Extra Options by ExOpts Team" text from Copyright area. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
EnableHiddenCameraModes = 1 // Enables hidden camera modes and fixes the names. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
EnableDebugCamera = 1 // Enables vanilla debug world camera function. Press Backspace to toggle. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowHUDOnLookBack = 1 // Prevents the HUD from disappearing when looked back, like in NFSU2. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
SmartLookaheadCameraMode = 1 // Controls if Drift camera movement (moves your camera to show turns) will be used. (Doesn't affect canyon races.) (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable for Drift, Disable for Others (Default), 2 = Disable for Drift, Enable for Others , 3 = Force-enable for All)
GameSpeed = 1 // Speed modifier for races. (ONLY FOR EXPERTS) (Default = 1.0)
WorldAnimationSpeed = 45 // Speed modifier for animations (like waving trees) on the world. (Default = 45.0)
HUDUpdateRate = 1 // Sets how often the HUD will get updated. (Default = 1.0)
DebugCamTurboSpeed = 3.06 // Speed modifier for Debug World Camera Turbo / Num- (Default = 3.06)
DebugCamSuperTurboSpeed = 7.16 // Speed modifier for Debug World Camera Super Turbo / Num+ (Default = 7.16)
IdleCameraTimeout = 20 // Duration before the game switches to idle camera in seconds. (Default = 20.0)
CarScale = 1 // Resizes car model (FOR FUN) (Default = 1.0)
CopLightsMode = 1 // Current status of Cop Lights. (0 = Off (Default), 1 = On)
CopLightsBrightness = 1 // Brightness of Cop Lights. (Default = 1)
HeadlightsMode = 2 // Current status of Headlights. (0 = Off, 1 = Low Beam, 2 = High Beam (Default))
LowBeamBrightness = 0.75 // Headlight brightness for Low Beam setting. (Default = 0.75)
HighBeamBrightness = 1 // Headlight brightness for High Beam setting. (Default = 1)
RemoveNeonBarriers = 1 // Removes Neon Barriers which show the route or locked areas. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
StartingCash = 5000 // Starts the game with specified amount of cash. Collector's Edition bonus (+10000) is not included. (Default = 5000)
UnlockAllThings = 1 // Current status of UnlockAllThings hack.(0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ForceCollectorsEdition = 1 // Force enables Collector's Edition mode by skipping checks. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
ShowAllCarsInFE = 1 // Makes any car available in Car Lot for NEW save games. It DOESN'T affect existing ones. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
NoCatchUp = 0 // (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) (EXPERIMENTAL) Attempts to remove the catch up. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
NoRevLimiter = 0 // (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) Removes rev limiter and lets you achieve better top speeds. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
SelectableMarkerCount = 2 // Lets you select more or less markers when you beat a Blacklist rival. (Default = 2) (1/6)
SBRechargeTime = 25 // Recharge time (in seconds) for Speedbreaker. (Default = 25.0)
SBRechargeSpeedLimit = 80 // Speed limit (mph) for Speedbreaker to refill. (Default = 80.0)
SBMassMultiplier = 2 // Car mass multipiler for Speedbreaker. (Default = 2.0)
MaximumMultiplierTrack = 10 // Maximum Drift Multiplier for Track (Circuit) Drifts. (Default = 10) (1/127)
MaximumMultiplierCanyon = 20 // Maximum Drift Multiplier for Canyon (Sprint) Drifts. (Default = 20) (1/127)
AugmentedDriftWithEBrake = 0 // Lets you Drift like in-game cutscenes (NIS) using your handbrake. (FOR FUN) (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
DriftRaceCollisionThreshold = 3.5 // Sets the "Hit Wall, Drift Ended!" threshold for Drift races. (Default = 3.5)
HeatLevelOverride = 1 // Force minimum and maximum heat levels for every game event. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
MinimumHeatLevel = 1 // Minimum heat level when HeatLevelOverride option is enabled. (Default = 1)
MaximumHeatLevel = 10 // Maximum heat level when HeatLevelOverride option is enabled. (Default = 10)
PursuitActionMode = 1 // Makes Quick Race pursuits harder with Roadblocks and support units. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
ShowPursuitCops = 1 // Shows Pursuit cop cars on your minimap. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
ShowNonPursuitCops = 1 // Shows Non-Pursuit cop cars on your minimap. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
RadarRange = 300 // Sets the range of cop radar. (Default = 300.0)
UncensoredBustedScreen = 1 // Removes censor from Busted cutscene. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
SpeedingLimit = 67 // Speed limit (in m/s) for Speeding Infraction. (Default = 67.0)
ExcessiveSpeedingLimit = 80.5 // Speed limit (in m/s) for Excessive Speeding Infraction. (Default = 80.5)
RecklessDrivingLimit = 89.4 // Speed limit (in m/s) for Reckless Driving Infraction. (Default = 89.4)
AlwaysRain = 0 // Forces rainy weather. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
EnableFog = 1 // Enables fog and makes sky darker. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
GeneralRainAmount = 1 // General multiplier for rain. (Default = 1)
RoadReflectionAmount = 1 // Road Reflection for rain. (Default = 1)
RainSize = 0.01 // Falling rain size. (Default = 0.01)
RainIntensity = 0.45 // Rain intensity. (Default = 0.45)
RainCrossing = 0.02 // Rain crossing amount. (Default = 0.02)
RainSpeed = 0.03 // Rain falling speed. (Default = 0.03)
RainGravity = 0.35 // Rain gravity. (Default = 0.35)
CrashFix = 1 // Fixes various issues like Save Game loading crash, 0 percent progress, etc. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
DisappearingWheelsFix = 1 // Fixes disappearing wheels when lost focus. Useful for open-wheel cars. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
ZeroBountyFix = 1 // (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) Fixes 0 bounty reward for x10 and higher heat levels. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
TimeBugFix = 1 // (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) Fixes time bug (makes cars go slower) in game world. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
ImmobileColFix = 1 // (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) (EXPERIMENTAL) Fixes infinite mass of some objects. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
[Misc] // Ignore = Use the settings from something else (like Widescreen Fix)
WindowedMode = 0 // Runs the game in a window instead of full screen. (0 = Ignore (Default), 1 = True)
SkipMovies = 0 // Skips cutscenes. (0 = Ignore (Default), 1 = True)
SkipNISs = 0 // Skips some NISs (non-interactive scenes). (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
EnableSound = 1 // Enables in-game sounds. (0 = False, 1 = Ignore (Default))
EnableMusic = 1 // Enables in-game music. (0 = False, 1 = Ignore (Default))
EnableVoice = 1 // Enables in-game voice of Crew Members. (0 = False, 1 = Ignore (Default))
ShowMessage = 1 // (TEMPORARY IMPLEMENTATION) Shows in-game messages when you use some features. (0 = False, 1 = True (Default))
SkipCareerIntro = 0 // (ONLY FOR EXPERTS) Skips DDay and Career Intro events. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
AllowMultipleInstances = 0 // Allows running more than 1 instance of the game. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
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