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Last active February 25, 2024 18:20
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Plotting a cool Rotatable 3D Bathymetric + Elevation Cube Using rayshader and marmap
## To install the latest version from Github:
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("tylermorganwall/rayshader")
## also marmap
# install.packages("marmap")
## load these libraries (?)
# library(rayshader)
# library(marmap)
## now just imported...
getBathyMatrix <- function(
# how many minutes between points?
gridResolutionMinutes = 10,
plot = FALSE
# raster buffer?
# The radius of a buffer around each point from which to extract cell values.
# If the distance between the sampling point and the center of a cell is less than or equal
# to the buffer, the cell is included. The buffer can be specified as a single value, or as
# a vector of the length of the number of points.
# If the data are not projected (latitude/longitude), the unit should be meters. Otherwise it
# should be in map-units (typically also meters).
rasterBuffer = gridResolutionMinutes * 30
bathyData <- marmap::getNOAA.bathy(
lon1 = coords[1],
lon2 = coords[2],
lat1 = coords[3],
lat2 = coords[4],
resolution = gridResolutionMinutes,
antimeridian = FALSE)
# now make it a raster
matData <- matrix(
buffer = rasterData),
plotBathyMatrix <- function(matData,
# vertical exaggeration
# should the height be exaggerated or flattened?
# if 1, no exaggeration
# more than 1, tall things get taller, deep things deeper
# less than 1, everything is flatter
vertExagg = 1
# zscaleGrid
# Default '1'. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal)
# and the z axis. For example, if the elevation levels are in units of 1 meter and the
# grid values are separated by 10 meters, 'zscale' would be 10. Adjust the zscale down
# to exaggerate elevation features.
# how many meters are in a minute? ~30 at the equator
zscaleGridOrig <- gridResolutionMinutes * 30
zscaleGrid <- zscaleGridOrig / vertExagg
# get shadows and ambient lighting
shadowRay <- rayshader::ray_shade(matData,
zscale=zscaleGrid , lambert=FALSE)
ambientRay = rayshader::ambient_shade(matData,
zscale=zscaleGrid )
# add the effects
objectRay <- rayshader::sphere_shade(matData,
zscale=zscaleGrid , texture = "imhof1")
objectRay <- rayshader::add_shadow(objectRay, shadowRay , 0.5)
objectRay <- rayshader::add_shadow(objectRay, ambientRay)
# now plot it
while (rgl::rgl.cur() > 0) {
rayshader::plot_3d(objectRay , matData,
zscale=zscaleGrid, fov=0, theta=-45, phi=45,
windowsize=c(200,200, 500,400), zoom=0.75,
water=TRUE, waterdepth = 0,
wateralpha = 0.5, watercolor = "lightblue",
waterlinecolor = "white", waterlinealpha = 0.5)
# Gulf of Alaska
# something like
# 63,-127
# 49,-165
# "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
# +proj=moll +lon_0=-140
minuteRes <- 1
matGoA <- getBathyMatrix(
coords = c(-165, -123, 45, 64),
# how many minutes between points?
gridResolutionMinutes = minuteRes ,
plot = FALSE
plotBathyMatrix(matData = matGoA,
gridResolutionMinutes = minuteRes,
vertExagg = 0.2)
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Super cool, thanks for sharing!

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