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Created July 1, 2019 15:53
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2D Convex Hull Calculation
#include "ConvexPolygon.h"
#include <sdla/SDLWrap.h>
#include <algorithm>
// This is a non-randomised algorithm that sorts the input points so that each new point added
// to the convex polygon is outside the one already defined. Normally this would be grossly
// inefficient (something randomised algorithms attempt to remedy), but the sorting based approach
// allows the MergePlanar phase to be simplified leading to an O(n log n) algorithm.
struct PointCompare
bool operator () (const sdla::cVector& a, const sdla::cVector& b) const
if ((a.x < b.x) || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y))
return (true);
return (false);
// Circular linked list node
// 16 + 8 = 24 bytes
// a 10k vert model would be ~240k
struct cConvexPolygon::Vertex
// Construct from vector position
Vertex(const sdla::cVector& v) :
// Make sure that the link forms its own loop
prev = this;
next = this;
// Vertex position
sdla::cVector position;
// Links to previous and next vertices in the linked list
Vertex* prev;
Vertex* next;
cConvexPolygon::cConvexPolygon(const int max_nb_vertices) :
// Create the allocator with the worst-case entry count
m_Allocator = new sdla::tSmallAllocator<Vertex>(max_nb_vertices);
delete m_Allocator;
void cConvexPolygon::SortInput(std::vector<sdla::cVector>& vertices)
// SGI STL uses the IntroSort algorithm which is, on average, at least as fast as QuickSort.
// Worst case complexity for IntroSort is O(n log n), whereas QuickSort is quadratic.
// Pretty nifty for a standard library function!
std::sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), PointCompare());
void cConvexPolygon::Merge(const sdla::cVector& p)
switch (m_Type)
// Addition of the first point
case (INVALID):
m_FirstVertex = m_LastVertex = new (*m_Allocator) Vertex(p);
m_Type = POINT;
// Transition from point hull to linear hull is guaranteed when all
// duplicate vertices have been removed.
case (POINT):
PushAfter(m_LastVertex, p);
m_Type = LINEAR;
// Linear hull case, possible change from linear to convex polygon
case (LINEAR):
// Final state is a convex polygon
case (PLANAR):
void cConvexPolygon::Draw(void) const
// Enable state for drawing lines
// Draw the polygon!
Vertex* vptr = m_FirstVertex;
while (vptr)
vptr = vptr->next;
if (vptr == m_FirstVertex)
// Restore state
void cConvexPolygon::MergeLinear(const sdla::cVector& p)
sdla::cVector q0 = m_FirstVertex->position;
sdla::cVector q1 = m_LastVertex->position;
switch (ColinearTest(p, q0, q1))
// Changing from linear hull to convex polygon
case (POSITIVE):
// Construct CCW polygon <p, q0, q1>
PushBefore(m_FirstVertex, p);
m_Type = PLANAR;
// Changing from linear hull to convex polygon
case (NEGATIVE):
// Construct CCW polygon <p, q1, q0>
PushBefore(m_FirstVertex, p);
PushAfter(m_LastVertex, q0);
m_Type = PLANAR;
// Point on the same line, in the order <p, q0, q1>
// Construct the linear hull <p, q1>
PushBefore(m_FirstVertex, p);
// Point on the same line, in the order <q0, q1, p>
// Construct the linear hull <q0, p>
PushAfter(m_LastVertex, p);
// Point on the same line, in the order <q0, p, q1>
// Hull remains unchanged
void cConvexPolygon::MergePlanar(const sdla::cVector& p)
Vertex* U;
Vertex* L;
// Begin both searches from the last inserted point
// Due to the pre-process sort the point to be added is guaranteed to be
// outside the convex polygon so there is no need to check for this
// Find upper tangent point by scanning CCW along each edge for the first non visible edge
for (U = m_FirstVertex; ; U = U->next)
// Check to see if current edge is visible to this point
PointPlacement placement = ColinearTest(p, U->position, U->next->position);
// Edge is visible, skip to the next one
if (placement == NEGATIVE)
// Edge not visible, the first point of the segment is now the upper tangent point
if (placement == POSITIVE || placement == COLINEAR_LEFT)
// Theoretically not possible with a distinct and sorted pointset.
// Might happen due to FPU inaccuracies.
// Assume P is on the hull polygon so return.
// Find lower tangent point by scanning CW along each edge for the first non visible edge
for (L = m_FirstVertex; ; L = L->prev)
// Check to see if current edge is visible to this point
PointPlacement placement = ColinearTest(p, L->prev->position, L->position);
// Edge is visible, skip to the next one
if (placement == NEGATIVE)
// Edge not visible, the second point of the segment is now the lower tangent point
if (placement == POSITIVE || placement == COLINEAR_RIGHT)
// Theoretically not possible with a distinct and sorted pointset.
// Might happen due to FPU inaccuracies.
// Assume P is on the hull polygon so return.
// Allocate the vertex to be inserted
Vertex* P = new (*m_Allocator) Vertex(p);
// Completely remove the visible edges by linking the lower tangent vertex to P...
L->next = P;
P->prev = L;
// ...and P to the upper tangent vertex
P->next = U;
U->prev = P;
// Ensure the last inserted vertex is always the first in the list
m_FirstVertex = P;
m_LastVertex = U;
cConvexPolygon::PointPlacement cConvexPolygon::ColinearTest(const sdla::cVector& p, const sdla::cVector& q0, const sdla::cVector& q1)
// Line direction
sdla::cVector d = q1 - q0;
// The line normal is the negative perpendicular to the line direction
sdla::cVector n = -sdla::cVector(-d.y, d.x, 0);
// Vector from line segment start point to p
sdla::cVector a = p - q0;
// p is on the line if n and a are co-linear
float nda = n * a;
if (nda > 0)
return (POSITIVE);
if (nda < 0)
return (NEGATIVE);
float dda = d * a;
// d and a are directed in opposite directions so p is on the left of q0
if (dda < 0)
// p is on the right if d.a is larger than the square magnitude of the direction
// (only true if d and a are directed equally, which is true at this point)
if (dda > d * d)
void cConvexPolygon::PushBefore(Vertex* before, const sdla::cVector& v)
// Allocate the vertex
Vertex* vertex = new (*m_Allocator) Vertex(v);
// Link in the existing chain
before->prev->next = vertex;
vertex->next = before;
vertex->prev = before->prev;
before->prev = vertex;
// Assign as first?
if (before == m_FirstVertex)
m_FirstVertex = vertex;
void cConvexPolygon::PushAfter(Vertex* after, const sdla::cVector& v)
// Allocate the vertex
Vertex* vertex = new (*m_Allocator) Vertex(v);
// Link in the existing chain
after->next->prev = vertex;
vertex->prev = after;
vertex->next = after->next;
after->next = vertex;
// Assign as last?
if (after == m_LastVertex)
m_LastVertex = vertex;
void cConvexPolygon::Remove(Vertex* vertex)
// Remove from the linked list
vertex->prev->next = vertex->next;
vertex->next->prev = vertex->prev;
// Update the first and last vertices
if (m_FirstVertex == vertex) m_FirstVertex = vertex->next;
else if (m_LastVertex == vertex) m_LastVertex = vertex->prev;
// Release the memory
sdla::cVector v = vertex->position;
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <sdla/Vector.h>
#include <sdla/SmallAllocator.h>
class cConvexPolygon
enum Type
// Not yet constructed
// The hull is one point
// The hull is two points denoting a line
// The hull is a convex polygon
// Viewing the line segment <q0, q1>, a given point p can be placed anywhere in R2
// and fall under the following placement classifications.
enum PointPlacement
// Given the left-facing normal of <q0, q1>, p is on the positive side of the segment
// Given the left-facing normal of <q0, q1>, p is on the negative side of the segment
// p is on the line through which the segment <q0, q1> exists, and to the left of q0
// p is on the line through which the segment <q0, q1> exists, and to the right of q1
// p is on the line through which the segment <q0, q1> exists, and within the segment bounds
// Default constructor
explicit cConvexPolygon(const int max_nb_vertices);
// Sort the input with the required less-than operator for correct polygon construction
static void SortInput(std::vector<sdla::cVector>& vertices);
// Merge a new point with the convex polygon
void Merge(const sdla::cVector& p);
// Draw the polygon as a set of lines
void Draw(void) const;
struct Vertex;
void MergeLinear(const sdla::cVector& p);
void MergePlanar(const sdla::cVector& p);
PointPlacement ColinearTest(const sdla::cVector& p, const sdla::cVector& q0, const sdla::cVector& q1);
void PushBefore(Vertex* before, const sdla::cVector& v);
void PushAfter(Vertex* after, const sdla::cVector& v);
void Remove(Vertex* vertex);
// Type of convex polygon
Type m_Type;
// Allocator for type vertex type
sdla::tSmallAllocator<Vertex>* m_Allocator;
// Polygon first and last point
Vertex* m_FirstVertex;
Vertex* m_LastVertex;
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