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Last active December 8, 2017 17:48
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Given a 3D point on the sphere, map to a unique, sub-divided triangle index in O(1) with no recursive searching or table lookups.
// Some shitty boolean logic code because WebGL...
bool and(int x, int y)
return mod(float(x), exp2(float(y))) != 0.0;
int GetTriangleIndex(vec3 position)
// TODO: Add integer arithmetic to simplify the boolean logic.
// TODO: Move to HLSL... it's just more concise.
// Normalize input position to unit sphere to simplify required ops
vec3 P = normalize(position);
// Get octant index
int x_side = P.x >= 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
int y_side = P.y >= 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
int z_side = P.z >= 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
int octant_index = x_side + y_side * 2 + z_side * 4;
// Generate an un-normalised direction vector for the face from sidedness
vec3 face_dir;
face_dir.x = float(x_side) * 2.0 - 1.0;
face_dir.y = float(y_side) * 2.0 - 1.0;
face_dir.z = float(z_side) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// The normalised face direction can be used for the plane normal
// As we're on the unit sphere, we know the length of face_dir
float face_dir_len = sqrt(3.0);
vec3 plane_normal = face_dir / face_dir_len;
// Get triangle vertices for the current face
// Winding order relative to other faces is irrelevant so we're free to assume all meridian
// edges start at one of the two points on the z-axis and point toward one of the two
// points on the x-axis...
vec3 x0 = vec3(0, 0, face_dir.z);
vec3 x1 = vec3(face_dir.x, 0, 0);
// ...the last vertex is one of the two poles on the y-axis
vec3 x2 = vec3(0, face_dir.y, 0);
// Find a point on the octahedron face that maps to the current point on the sphere surface
// As edge subdivisions were generated using normalized midpoints, tracing a ray back from the
// sphere to the origin and finding where it intersects the face will yield the original position.
// There is less distortion generating midpoints with a slerp, but that then makes this back-trace
// technique a lot trickier to use.
float d = dot(x0 - P, plane_normal) / dot(-P, plane_normal);
vec3 point_on_plane = P - P * d;
// Assume octahedron is circumscribed by the unit sphere, length of its meridian edges is known
float oct_side_len = 2.0 * sqrt(0.5);
// Make 2D basis in the face plane using the meridian edge midpoint as the origin:
// O = (x0 + x1) * 0.5
// Since x0 and x1 have all zeroes where there is addition, this becomes:
// O = [x0.x, 0, x1.z] * 0.5
// The 2D basis vectors are then:
// X = normalize(x1 - O)
// Y = normalize(x2 - O)
// As we're on the unit sphere, the length of the meridian edge is known:
// oct_side_len = 2.0 * sqrt(0.5)
// Normalisation of X then becomes:
// X = (x1 - O) / (oct_side_len * 0.5)
// The final point to note is that O/X/Y are constructed using elements of face_dir
// and zeroes. This leads to the final simplification.
vec3 X = vec3(face_dir.x / oct_side_len, 0, -face_dir.z / oct_side_len);
vec3 Y = vec3(face_dir.x * -0.5, face_dir.y, face_dir.z * -0.5);
// What remains is normalisation of Y, which has a length equal to the octahedron triangle's
// height. Each component of Y is composed of face_dir and has a fixed magnitude, only differing
// in sign. This leads to:
// oct_tri_height = sqrt(0.5 * 0.5 + 1 * 1 + 0.5 * 0.5);
float oct_tri_height = sqrt(1.5);
Y /= oct_tri_height;
// Project the intersection point onto this plane
vec2 uv;
uv.x = dot(point_on_plane - x0, X);
uv.y = dot(point_on_plane - x0, Y);
// Normalise plane x position to units of sub triangle half-edges
float sub_tri_edge_len = oct_side_len / 8.0;
uv.x = uv.x / (sub_tri_edge_len * 0.5);
// Normalise plane y position to units of sub triangle heights (the easy bit)
uv.y = (uv.y / oct_tri_height) * 8.0;
// Get integer indices, y is already in its final form
int x = int(uv.x);
int y = int(uv.y);
// Get fractionals
float u = uv.x - float(x);
float v = uv.y - float(y);
// Assuming a grid of equilateral triangles (guaranteed with octahedron midpoint/normalize subd)
// Shift x index 1 to the left for each rise above the diagonals. Need to alternate diagonal
// direction based on parity of y index.
if (and(x, 1) != and(y, 1))
if (u + v < 1.0)
if (v - u > 0.0)
// This is a nice way of making sure that triangles on each row start off at index 0
// x -= y;
// However, can't easily turn that into a linear index as row starting indices form
// the following sequence
// 0, 15, 28, 39, 48, 55, 60, 63
// Instead, juse assume a square grid and only store data for those triangles within the
// octahedron face bounds.
return octant_index * 15 * 15 + y * 15 + x;
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