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charalampos papaloizou dxe4

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dmnsgn /
Last active June 19, 2024 08:09
A collection of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries

A non-exhaustive list of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries. It is mostly for learning purposes as some of the libraries listed are wip/outdated/not maintained anymore.

Engines and libraries ⚙️

Name Stars Last Commit Description
three.js ![GitHub
* ================== angular-ios9-uiwebview.patch.js v1.1.1 ==================
* This patch works around iOS9 UIWebView regression that causes infinite digest
* errors in Angular.
* The patch can be applied to Angular 1.2.0 – 1.4.5. Newer versions of Angular
* have the workaround baked in.
* To apply this patch load/bundle this file with your application and add a
/* Kinda like Python's defaultdict, but for JS*/
function defDict(type) {
var dict = {};
return {
get: function (key) {
if (!dict[key]) {
dict[key] = type.constructor();
return dict[key];
seanmckaybeck /
Last active November 4, 2019 13:20
Simple script for analyzing keywords about Ferguson protests. Requires tweepy 2.3.0. Note that you need an API key. store in file called 'config', each key on own line, in following order: API_KEY, API_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
A script for analyzing twitter stats on Ferguson
import json
import re
import tweepy
def get_api():
d3noob / .block
Last active September 16, 2020 09:18
Map using leaflet.js and d3,js combined
license: mit
thigm85 / lda_vs_pca.R
Last active March 16, 2021 11:31
Visualize the difference between PCA and LDA on the iris dataset.
pca <- prcomp(iris[,-5],
center = TRUE,
scale. = TRUE)
prop.pca = pca$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2)
ftonello / url-shortner.c
Last active November 3, 2018 14:44
URL shortner implementation in C. This is just an example how it could be implemented. Ideally the lookup table should be pre-generated and not hardcoded.
* Author: Felipe Ferreri Tonello <>
* This url-shortner it only works with ASCII characters. It encodes and
* decodes ids.
* You can change base_x as you wish.
* It runs at least 20 times faster then a Python implementation.
* $ time python -s I7
livibetter / README.rst
Last active January 22, 2021 08:39
Frequency spectrum of sound using PyAudio, NumPy, and Matplotlib
likr /
Created September 17, 2012 06:02
PyOpenCL image2d exapmle
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: filetype=pyopencl.python
import sys
import time
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import pyopencl as cl
import numpy
jcheng5 / server.R
Last active June 17, 2021 18:37
Shiny example: Diamonds Explorer
function(input, output) {
dataset <- reactive({
diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), input$sampleSize),]
output$plot <- renderPlot({