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Last active January 10, 2019 17:14
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Module2 Portfolio

Mod 2 - Collaborative Learning & Building

What particular skills, talent, or perspectives do you bring to a team?

  • I can keep a team focused during group sessions
  • I have a good general knowledge
  • I am good at pre-planning
  • I generally have a good eye for design

What have you learned about building software in pairs and teams?

  • The more people you have in your group the more important organizational tools become. Not only that but it is helpful to make the to do items as specific as possible.
  • Pairing can be very usefull but you also need to work seperately if you want to get all the work done.

What makes for a successful team? What derails a well-intentioned team?

  • I think making a detailed plan going in makes a team more successful
  • a team can get derailed by an overcomplicated idea
  • it's important to take breaks

What factors determined the success and quality of your pair and group projects?

  • In my pair project we would be open to different ideas and ways to accomplish a task which led to much better solutions over all.
  • In the group project I felt we could have devided our time better and started testing sooner.

How will your experience in team projects influence your professional work in the industry?

  • I think I will strie to write very detailed user stories and plans before starting a larger project.
  • I gained a much better understanding about the git hub process

How will your Gear Up sessions impact you as a software developer?

  • It really keeps my mind open to others experiences and how that can bring fresh ideas to a problem
  • Strengthens my belief that everyone belongs in tech (including me!)
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