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Last active October 4, 2015 06:15
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ICC World Cup 2015 GraphGist


I love Cricket. I`m a right arm fast bowler and you can say a pinch hitter. I was reading about ICC(International Cricket Council) World Cup and I started visualizing the Graph for the World Cup. I admit that I am a RDBMS lover but since I am exploring Neo4j Graph Database, I am able to visualize problems more in terms of graphs than in tabular format with joins between tables to extract information.

Problem Statement

In ICC 2015 World Cup which will be hosted by Australia and New Zealand together, 14 teams will be competing to grab the World Cup Trophy. ICC have divided all the International Cricket Playing nations into two Pools, pool A and pool B. Each Pool having 7 teams.Pool A teams will play matches to other teams in Pool A similarly Pool B teams will play matches among themselves. Each match will be played between two teams (no surprise) at some Venue.

In each match three umpires will be there, one of them playing the role of third umpire and other two will be field umpires. As the World Cup tournament will proceed teams will have to travel to different cities of Australia and New Zealand to play their matches. Some teams will be traveling more as compared to others. My aim is to find out the total travelling for each team.

I have taken the demo data for ICC World Cup 2015 Fixtures from ICC official website " ICC World Cup 2015 Fixtures ".

Traditional RDBMS approach

One possible RDBMS database design will be something like this. Having different tables , with foreign keys pointing to other tables and you can get whatever you want by joining tables. But one query that I am specifically looking for is finding the total travelling for a team. I think this query will be easier in Neo4j then a RDBMS.

Pools Table

pool_id pool_name
1 A
2 B

Teams Table

pool_id team_id team_name

Umpires Table

umpire_id umpire_name age
1 Aleem Dar 39
2 Rod Tucker 42
3 Nigel Llong 40
4 Steve Davis 48

Venues Table

venue_id venue_name city country
141 Sydney Cricket Ground, SCG Sydney Australia
142 Melbourne Cricket Ground, MCG Melbourne Australia

Matches Table

match_number team_A team_B venue_id first_umpire second_umpire third_umpire
2 INDIA PAKISTAN 142 3 2 1

Proposed Model

In my graph model , I have two nodes for pools and 14 team nodes each representing a Team. I could have put the pool information in the team node itself , like (team:Team{name:"India",pool:"A"}). I also have Match nodes representing matches , Umpire nodes and Venue nodes and relationship among these nodes.

ICC World Cup GraphGist


//Create Two Pools of Teams , Pool A and Pool  B

create (poolA:Pool{name:"A"}),

//Creating 14 Teams

create (england:Team{name:"ENGLAND"}),
       (srilanka:Team{name:"SRI LANKA"}),
       (newzealand:Team{name:"NEW ZEALAND"}),
       (southafrica:Team{name:"SOUTH AFRICA"}),
       (westindies:Team{name:"WEST INDIES"}),
       (uae:Team{name:"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES"})

//Creating Relationship Between Teams and Pools

create (poolA)-[:includes]->(england),

//Creating 6 Umpires

create (aleem:Umpire{name:"Aleem Dar"}),
       (steve:Umpire{name:"Steve Davis"}),
       (rod:Umpire{name:"Rod Tucker"}),
       (nigel:Umpire{name:"Nigel Llong"}),
       (kumar:Umpire{name:"Kumar Dharmasena"}),
       (marais:Umpire{name:"Marais Erasmus"})

//Creating 42 Pool Matches to decide which teams will qualify for Quarter Finals

create (match1:Match{number:1,date:"2015-02-14"}),

//Creating Relationship between Matches and Teams

create   (srilanka)-[:played]->(match1)<-[:played]-(newzealand),

//Creating Relationship between Umpires and Matches

create (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field_umpire"}]->(match1)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match2)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match3)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match4)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match5)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match6)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match7)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match8)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match9)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match10)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match11)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match12)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match13)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match14)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match15)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match16)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match17)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match18)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match19)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match20)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match21)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match22)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match23)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match24)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match25)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match26)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match27)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match28)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match29)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match30)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match31)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match32)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match33)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match34)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match35)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match36)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match37)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match38)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match39)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais),
       (aleem)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match40)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(steve),
       (rod)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match41)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(nigel),
       (kumar)-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(match42)<-[:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(marais)

//Creating 14 Venues

create (hagley:Venue{name:"Hagley Oval",city:"Christchurch"}),
       (mcg:Venue{name:"Melbourne Cricket Ground",city:"Melbourne"}),
       (seddon:Venue{name:"Seddon Park",city:"Hamilton"}),
       (adelaideoval:Venue{name:"Adelaide Oval",city:"Adelaide"}),
       (saxtonoval:Venue{name:"Saxton Oval",city:"Nelson"}),
       (universityoval:Venue{name:"University Oval",city:"Dunedin"}),
       (manukaoval:Venue{name:"Manuka Oval",city:"Canberra"}),
       (regionalstadium:Venue{name:"Wellington Regional Stadium",city:"Wellington"}),
       (gabba:Venue{name:"The Gabba",city:"Brisbane"}),
       (scg:Venue{name:"Sydney Cricket Ground",city:"Sydney"}),
       (edenpark:Venue{name:"Eden Park",city:"Auckland"}),
       (mclean:Venue{name:"McLean Park",city:"Napier"}),
       (bellerive:Venue{name:"Bellerive Oval",city:"Hobart"})

//Creating Relationship between Matches and Venues

create (match1)-[:played_at]->(hagley),

Time for Cypher

Find all the Venues where India will play its matches ?

RETURN AS Ground, AS City;

Pool matches that will be played at Hagley Oval,Christchurch

MATCH (venue:Venue{name:"Hagley Oval",city:"Christchurch"})<-[:played_at]-(m:Match),
RETURN teamA,teamB,m,venue;

Will there be any match that Ireland will play on 25 Feb 2015 ?

MATCH (ireland:Team{name:"IRELAND"})-[:played]->(m:Match) ,
      RETURN AS TeamA, AS TeamB, AS Ground, AS City, AS Date;

Which matches will be played on 8 March 2015 ?

MATCH (m:Match) where'2015-03-08'
MATCH (teamA:Team)-[:played]->(m)<-[:played]-(teamB:Team),(m)-[:played_at]->(v:Venue)
RETURN teamA,teamB,m,v;

Find all distinct Venues where India will play its matches ?


Will there be any pool match played between India and Pakistan ?

RETURN,,,, ;

In World Cup 2015 which teams India will play against ?

RETURN as Opponent

Who will be the field umpires in India and Pakistan match ?

MATCH (ind:Team{name:"INDIA"})-[r1:played]->(m:Match)<-[r2:played]-(pak:Team{name:"PAKISTAN"}),
      (u1:Umpire)-[r3:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]->(m)<-[r4:umpired_in{role:"field umpire"}]-(u2:Umpire)
RETURN ind,pak,m,r1,r2,r3,r4,u1,u2;

Venue where most number of matches will be played ?

MATCH (m:Match)-[r1:played_at]->(venue:Venue)
WITH venue,count(venue) AS matches
RETURN AS Ground,matches as Total

Total pool matches that will be played in World Cup 2015 ?

match(m:Match) return count(m) as Total_Pool_Matches;

Extension To Current Model

I will add distances between venues and try to find out the total travelling that teams have to do.

Created by Mahtab Alam:

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jexp commented Mar 28, 2015

really cool graphgist with a good story and use-cases
could you add a cricket picture up front?
and hide the setup query with //hide so the reader doesn't have to scroll across it.

thanks a lot

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