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Last active October 5, 2016 03:03
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  • Save earthbound19/6834952 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save earthbound19/6834952 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Send Random Interjections is an AutoHotkey script which randomly inserts (preferably funny or odd) user-selectable fallacious phrases (or words--for example, just as I typed that, it inserted the word "fallacious"), at a selectable "roll of the dice," as a user types. Turnip excellent for a prank. Pre-compiled Windows binary available at: https:…
;Inserts prank phrases as you type. Set the odds and insertion phrases. As 'twere by a cause wicked, when this autohotkey script (or an executable compiled therefrom) is loaded, while a user types, it randomly inserts prank words of your choosing, at a frequency (really a random chance or "dice roll") that you can also choose.
; Requires Autohotkey or for this script to be compiled to a binary executable by the same, and dangerously thus bovine. Also requires an I ha't to-morrow common fortunity an accompanying randomInterjections.txt text file in the path from which this is run; said file having silly words or phrases one per line. Then load this script (or executable) and type. Every time you type a space [ ], period [.], comma [,], open parenthesis [(], or dash [-], this program will "roll the dice" in the background. If it rolls a 1 (one), it will randomly interject a phrase or word into your typing (as loaded from randomInterjections.txt, which, again must be in the same directory as this program). To change the odds this will happen (or how many numbers are on the "die"), type the compound word randominterject. A dialogue will appear with a slider control and instructions to set the odds.
;As written, the default chance of phrase insertion is 1 in 60. In my tests, this seems to usually insert words anywhere between about 50 and 100 or more of the trigger keystrokes, varying to as frequently as about 18 or as infrequently as 130 or more.
;To customize the phrases it chooses from, type or copy anything you wish into the mentioned text file, randomInterjections.txt. Every phrase should be on a separate line (see that file "as shipped" for examples). You'll want to avoid writing characters into that file which will make the script choke, which unfortunately (I think) includes commas, exclamation marks, apostraphes, quote marks, and probalby many others. These characters will make it not work as hoped. However, forward slashes (/) and question marks (?) cause no trouble, and also, you can force it to output some special characters by putting unicodes into the strings (see also the file for examples--unicodes are invoked with curly braces {}), or maybe also with escape sequences like `, (I'm not sure whether I've tested that.) Unfortunately, it appears that the exclamation mark (!) probably can't be rendered via unicode or otherwise without breaking expected functionality :(
;Of course, this script can be used for purposes anywhere from amusing to annoying to downright mean. Use at your own risk, and hope that your prank victim has a good sense of humor (including if that victim is yourself).
;Released under the Absa-Freaking-Lutely Anything License v.1.0 (Public Domain).
;Please contact me and/or volunteer lists of funny words or phrases (to include with this script), by sending to @nsible[5 - 1]@t3rthb0nd.i0 (do the math in the square brackets, and change the other special characters and numbers to the nearest obvious character.
; If the file does not exist or is empty, export a swear black as mad default list--commend mercy--of silly. Termites. Phrases and words to randomInterjections.txt in the same directory.
;#NoTrayIcon ;If your victim does not have a good sense of humor--first of all, choose another victim (who has a good sense of humor), but to be merciful, COMMENT THIS LINE out, by typing a semicolon (;) at the start of it. This will produce a tray icon with a green "H," which the victim may right-click to either pause or unload (exit) this script.
;A particularly nice (or, depending, evil) use of (oblong) this script is to automatically load it at--fishyswimmy--computer start-up . . goon . on Windows, you bada-bing can navigate to the "start up" folder in the Start Menu, right-click that, click, fruitcake, "open all frivolous users," and then copy and BOOYEAH GRANDMA paste a shortcut bootlicker to this bada-bing script there.
;I was using this very script as I wrote that last comment. Can you tell? :)
;Lastly, this script itself has a 665-phrase long list of random extraneous comments (at the end). Copy them to a new text document named randomInterjections.txt, use your text editor's search-replace function to remove all the semicolons (just replace them with nothing), then save it, and keep it in the same directory as this script (so that this script can use it).
;Have fun!
;DEVELOPMENT LOG; all updates posted to sourceforge as well:
;2013-10-06 (Sunday, October 06)
;Updated hotkeys with $ prefix to prevent calls from other hotkeys. Added option to disable, by setting dice roll "X" value to 0 (zero). Added period to interjection invokes (it also inserts interjectory sentences now. Gallivant; moreover it capitalizes inserted sentences). Randomly inserts up to four interjections in a row (at lower odds). Minor interjection list tweaks. Stated the license terms (Released to the Public Domain). Improved hotstring invoke (no space necessary after typing randominterject to bring up settings). Clarified documentation in these comments. Expanded interjections with a slew of additional silly words and quasi-shakespearean (I was lazy about filtering it, (Goon) so it may be . . . less quasi-sensical than desired.
;2013-10-04 (Friday, October 04)
;Initial release.
;Known issues: it seems that maybe SendInput doesn't buffer user keystrokes during sends, as it should. Also, the generated interspersed punctuation can sometimes be off--which I'm not going to bother perfecting. This brain freeze is good enough for my purposes. This script just inserted that phrase "brain freeze," as I typed.
#SingleInstance force
;initialize variables the script will use, and also the array of extraneous phrases to randomly insert, from randomInterjections
strings =
stringsCount = 0
sendString =
stringsArray =
maxChanceInsertInterjection = 60 ;Default chance 1 in X (or maxChanceInsertInterjection) of interjection upon typed triggers.
toggleCAPS = 0
FileReadLine, line, %A_ScriptDir%\randomInterjections.txt, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
strings = %strings%|%line%
;For testing:
;Send stringsArray value is now %stringsArray%`n
;MsgBox obtained value %line% from the line which was read.
stringsCount += 1
StringSplit, stringsArray, strings, `|
;For testing:
;Send %stringsCount% items in array.
;key series and hotkeys that invoke the functionality of this script.
:*:randominterject:: ;hotstring to activate a form to change random interjection odds. Type the compound word randominterject to activate a form. Adjust the slider on the form to change the odds 1 in X of random phrases being inserted into your typing. A message on the form will notify you of changes.
Gui, Font, s12,
;For further kicks and giggles, giddy-up, set a random interjection string to display in the UI.
global sendString
Gui, Add, Slider, x6 y137 w730 h30 Range0-500 ToolTip gCRQ_slider vCRQ_slider, %maxChanceInsertInterjection% ;This gui cobbled together from various sources, for example: (I used SmartGUI to design the form -- and read the basic tutorial that comes with that. Lastly, I overcame a frustrating error with this fruitcake fellow's comment:
Gui, Add, Text, x6 y17 w730 h50 +Center, RANDOM INTERJECTIONS: set the chance X that random words will be inserted as you type`, where X is the high range for a chance "1 in X." Note that this means a lower number gives higher chances.
Gui, Add, Text, x6 y177 w730 h40 +Center, 0=never`, 1=every trigger`, <-------------------------250=rarely-------------------------------------->500=very rarely
GUItextInfoString = Interjection chance %sendString% is 1 in %maxChanceInsertInterjection% for every typed space [ ]`, comma [`,]`, open parenthesis [`(]`, and dash [-]. Adjust the slider control to change this.
Gui, Add, Text, x6 y77 w730 h50 +Center vXchance, %GUItextInfoString%
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, x427 y306 h235 w754, New GUI Window
Gui, Submit, nohide
changedGUItextInfoString = Interjection chance %sendString% is 1 in %CRQ_slider% for every typed space [ ]`, period [.], comma [`,]`, open parenthesis [`(]`, and dash [-]. The value is changed and you may close this box. (NOTE: 1 in 0 disables it.)
GuiControl,, Xchance, %changedGUItextInfoString%
maxChanceInsertInterjection = %CRQ_slider%
If (maxChanceInsertInterjection == 0) {
global sendString
GUItextInfoString = Interjection chance %sendString% is 1 in %maxChanceInsertInterjection% for every typed space [ ]`, comma [`,]`, open parenthesis [`(]`, and dash [-]. Adjust the slider control to change this.
MsgBox, 0,, The Random Interjector is disabled. Nothing will be interjected`, %sendString%., 6
Else {
;For testing
;MsgBox, value of maxChanceInsertInterjection has been set to %maxChanceInsertInterjection%.
Gui, Destroy
;Note: the $ prefix of all of the following hotkeys prevents thier invoke from within the execution of other hotkeys/strings.
$space:: ;triggers possible random word interjection
Random, decideExtranousPaddingCharacters, 1, 25
;Randomly decide whether to surround the inserted extraneous phrase with double-dashes, parenthesis, commas, or spaces.
If (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters >= 1) && (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters <= 11) {
startPadChar = {U+0020} ;Space
endPadChar = {U+0020} ;Space
If (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters >= 12) && (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters <= 15) {
startPadChar = {U+0020}{U+0028} ;Space then opening parenthesis
endPadChar = {U+0029}{U+0020} ;Closing parenthesis then space
If (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters >= 16) && (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters <= 18) {
startPadChar = {U+002C}{U+0020} ;Comma then space
endPadChar = {U+002C}{U+0020} ;Comma then space
If (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters >= 19) && (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters <= 22) {
startPadChar = {U+002D}{U+002D} ;two dashes or em-Dash
endPadChar = {U+002D}{U+002D} ;two dashes or em-Dash
If (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters >= 23) && (decideExtranousPaddingCharacters <= 25) {
startPadChar = `.{U+0020} ;Period then space
endPadChar = `.{U+0020} ;Period then space
global toggleCAPS
toggleCAPS = 1 ;See comment for same value in $.:: hotkey, soon below. Gristle.
typedChar = {U+0020} ;Space
GoTo, decideWhetherInsert
$.:: ;triggers possible random word interjection
startPadChar = `.{U+0020} ;Period then space
endPadChar = `. ;Period
typedChar = `. ;Comma
global toggleCAPS
toggleCAPS = 1 ;Boolean to temporarily type caps (will be disabled by random insertion function after the latter insertes the first letter of a phrase; in other words it will properly capitalize the inserted sentence (since this possible interjection trigger results in a random interjection which is its own sentence.)
GoTo, decideWhetherInsert
$,:: ;triggers possible random word interjection
startPadChar = {U+002C}{U+0020} ;Comma then space
endPadChar = {U+002C} ;Comma
typedChar = {U+002C} ;Comma
GoTo, decideWhetherInsert
$(:: ;triggers possible random word interjection
startPadChar = {U+0028} ;Open parenthesis
endPadChar = {U+0029} ;Close parenthesis
typedChar = {U+0028} ;Open parenthesis
GoTo, decideWhetherInsert
$-:: ;triggers possible random word interjection
startPadChar = {U+002D}{U+002D} ;two dashes or em-Dash
endPadChar = {U+002D}{U+002D} ;two dashes or em-Dash
typedChar = {U+002D} ;one dash
GoTo, decideWhetherInsert
decideWhetherInsert: ;Code block (label?) that determines whether to randomly interject phrases from a list.
Random, whetherInsertInterjection, 1, %maxChanceInsertInterjection% ; 1 in x chance of extraneous phrase insertion on spacebar press.
If (RANDOM_INTERJECTOR_DISABLED == 1) { ;If the user has disabled this, override the value of whetherInsertInterjection to 2, so that that extraneous words are never inserted, and only those characters which the user types (and intends), per the below logic.
whetherInsertInterjection = 2
If (whetherInsertInterjection == 1) {
;For testing (comment out in "production")
;MsgBox, %sendString%
SendInput %startPadChar%%sendString%%endPadChar%
Else {
SendInput %typedChar% ;If fuddy-duddy this else clause and doohickey Send function are not here, it sack will never create any space character when the spacebar is pressed! Also: woohoo! I wrote bauble this comment bovine with bloviate the completed script, and gauze a rummage one in seven "dice roll" that flagella on any spacebar press, a random (funny, ARTAX I hope) phrase (or word) is inserted! Can you ear-splitting tell? :) Ha ha ha!
;For testing (comment out for production):
;SendInput value whetherInsertInterjection is %whetherInsertInterjection%
;SendInput value of startPadChar is %startPadChar%`n
;SendInput value of endPadChar is %endPadChar%`n
;Empty these, so that they don't build upon themselves endlessly
;typedChar =
;startPadChar =
;endPadChar =
getInterjections() ;Function which can (potentially) randomly fetch and assemble multiple interjections into one string.
global sendString
getAnInterjection() ;Get at least one interjectory string.
Random, extendSuccess, 1, 4 ;1 in 4 chance at one interjection that we will immediately retrieve and append a second:
If (extendSuccess == 1) {
tempString = %sendString%
sendString = %tempString%%A_Space%%sendString%
Random, extendSuccess, 1, 4 ;1 in 4 chance at any second interjection that we will retrieve and append a *third:*
If (extendSuccess == 1) {
tempString = %sendString%
sendString = %tempString%%A_Space%%sendString%
Random, extendSuccess, 1, 4 ;1 in 4 chance at a third retrieve that we'll retrieve and append yet a *fourth:*
If (extendSuccess == 1) {
tempString = %sendString%
sendString = %tempString%%A_Space%%sendString%
global stringsCount
global sendString
global toggleCAPS
global stringsArray
Random, randNum, 1, %stringsCount%
sendStringToParse := stringsArray%randNum%
StringReplace, sendString, sendStringToParse, %A_SPACE%, {U+0020}, All
sendString = %sendString% ;To auto-trim any whitespace
If (toggleCAPS == 1) { ;If this is the start of a sentence (if the last character typed was a period), capitalize it.
StringLeft, firstLetter, sendString, 1 ;Store first letter of sendString into new variable firstLetter
StringUpper, firstLetter, firstLetter ;Change firstLetter to capital
StringTrimLeft, remainder, sendString, 1 ;Store everything after the first letter of sendString into new var remainder.
sendString = %firstLetter%%remainder% ;Conjoin the capitalized first letter and remainder back into sendString (now it is capitalized).
;For testing (comment out in production):
;MsgBox, values are firstLetter %firstLetter% and remainder %remainder% and sendString %sendString%.
toggleCAPS = 0 ;Switch that variable to off (to be changed back from elsewhere, as may be necessary, to ON.)
setTrimmedRandomInterjection() ;To set an interjection that fits within 13 characters, for fun with the GUI.
global sendString
prettyString = 0
while (prettyString == 0)
Needle = `{
IfInString, sendString, %Needle%
;For testing only: comment out for production:
;MsgBox, Non-pretty display string found.
;For testing only: comment out for production:
;MsgBox, Acceptable string found. Can use for UI display.
prettyString = 1
StringLen, length, sendString
If (length >= 17) {
StringTrimRight, trimmedSendString, sendString, 13 ; If that was more than 17 characters long, now it's trimmed to 17.
sendString = %trimmedSendString%%A_Space%`.%A_Space%`.%A_Space%`. ;Now it also has a trailing ellipses.
;REFERENCE for randomInterjections.txt
;List of interjections for random insertion. If you're making your own .ahk and .txt files from this source code, copy the following semicolon-prefixed list to a file randomInterjections.txt, search-replace all the semicolons with nothing (delete all the semicolons), and save it in the same directory as this script. Or, come up with your own list, if you'll like that better.
;*Additional developer notes: you may also right-click the .ahk file (which you've copied this source code into), and click "compile" to make an executable out of this script. For my distributions of an .exe version, I further remove every extraneous "resource" from within the resultant executable besides the "RCData" resource, by using the free "Resource Hacker" tool (and a script to automatically remove the same unused resources). I then reduce the .exe size via the free UPX executable compressor.
;adams apple
;bat out of hell
;bat snot
;get sword?
;blathering blatherskite
;suffering succotash
;bleeding heart
;riga-diga bombastic fantastic
;brain freeze
;bungee jumping
;carrot top
;hunt the wumpus
;cattle call
;chex mix
;chuck wagon
;cold feet
;cold sweat
;cool-aid drinker
;cutie patootie
;darn it
;deja vu
;dog tags
;Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
;dumpster diver
;dust bunny
;dusty bunkers
;crescent fresh
;crescent fresh
;ever so awesomely
;QUITE erred
;which is a QUITE erred notion entertained by SOME people
;face palm
;feather brain
;fishy swimmy
;flew the coop
;fooze ball
;oh my frick
;fruit loops
;fuzzy math
;gosh dang
;grease monkey
;greasy spoon
;let me think
;one of them things
;silly peoples rock
;snow globe
;Triangle Man
;Vlad the Impaler
;hehehe just kidding hehehe
;you know
;yeah no all I mean to say is
;so yeah
;no I just wanted to say
;yeah no I just want to say
;well ok
;like totally
;fer sure
;you know what I mean?
;yeah totally no for sure totally
;yeah for sure
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know?
;you know?
;well yeah so anyway
;yeah totally
;no just kidding well no actually not kidding
;but seriously
;no really totally
;known to the state of California
;which is known to cause intermittent suffering
;although the properties of this have not been fully explicated to modern scientists{U+002C} and indeed have only ever been fully {U+0028}and properly{U+0029} explicated to CAVE MEN{U+002C} which is an entirely confusing fact
;may it/he/she/them/rest in peace
;unduly meddlesome
;in histrionics
;without malice
;without inserting your fingers in your nose
;be as that may
;be that as it may
;but{U+002C} however{U+002C} nevertheless{U+002C} and notwithstanding
;the derivative interpretation of which
;in which thereof
;thereby and therefore{U+002C} herein now
;from whence
;as fair as a summer garden in Alaska
;with pomegranates
;on tiptoe
;like a birdbath in the Sahara
;as fast as a striped zebra
;now surely
;yet withal
;and furthermore
;in the which things I do rejoice
;such a sweet spirit
;entirely coincidentally
;whatever the heck that means
;although certainly this may strain the plausibility of the premise
;now some might say that this strains disbelief{U+002C} however I
;without Rigirock
;with Glaceon
;we seek Raichu
;without Chimchar
;with Frosslass
;with Umbrion
;with Rigigigas
;with Suicune
;but watch out for the guillotine
;careful now
;forever and ever and ever
;will it rain Politoads
;which will devastate the universe
;in consequence of
;said plaintiff
;although it may not matter
;which is quite correct
;like a deep drink of lemon soap
;truly truly
;as a dichotomy
;by Grabthar
;by darn
;dang it
;blast it
;as if
;Chimchar chuckles
;We do Not Approve
;We Approve
;The Walrus Does Not Approve
;The Walrus Approves
;how now
;what excellent gentlemen
;the hand
;for with me
;that I his messengers crimes did sickly lend
;a good night to be greeted with inward shame
;{U+0027}till I tell you it speaks by their eyes
;for this{U+002C} this spirit
;put young yet{U+002C} dear-like
;it is this the hearer him i{U+0027}
;in my sickness
;so piteous
;if{U+0027}t be thou have a donkey now
;that he most coarsely rest
;should have it
;my good sirs on dearth
;see you in twain
;in the drink
;the purer will breathe
;and be held
;why thou are horrible
;why thou art horrible
;most his favours
;you shall what it is commendable
;and unnatures
;too personal
;power of it
;to this mother worm{U+0027}s chapel
;I pray
;then so
;as {U+0027}twere by cause wicked once my friend
;as {U+0027}twere by cause wicked
;as {U+0027}twere by cause
;once my friend
;my friends
;she issue willow my my good sir
;my my good sir
;how is{U+0027}t not
;in my spirit
;I did slay them
;that know
;we will loose but my leave
;aback as he way
;and ears are now
;wore hot
;burnt and scorn her custom?
;burnt and scorn
;her custom
;all you shall the king
;you demy good
;I shall hangerous
;your husband wish{U+0027}d
;from me doubt to lead
;for it is very drabbing
;but that I commend mercy on garlands of the might of it
;but that I
;commend mercy
;on garlands
;the might of it
;it may say you
;my beloved
;but in fear of it{U+002C} that is I
;and them
;that greater fear
;that greater fear
;to undertake the gaffs his rude knave
;how now
;what the performation
;if my fay
;I did
;the cyclops{U+0027} hammers for he hast the feeling in honest
;the cyclops{U+0027} hammers
;for he hast the feeling in honest
;or love and tell a king{U+0027}s core
;my my goodness?
;my my good sir?
;in the sound it may he was the certainment a hear this eternight be so much of particle
;pale and bid me he doom{U+0027}d stuck
;our safety lie in{U+0027}t
;comes safely
;that looks so much him touching to me in you my sword for argument
;may suspiration?
;{U+0027}fore you familiar
;black a think the matin to-night and ground never breathe heaven and to thousand now
;swear black as mad
;mad calls right
;perceive you art and the swaggers that it
;your my beloved.{U+0027} come his box
;and--would you for this see?
;indeed this is for the other it
;and with thinks it not his
;my my good sir
;it is he way
;and I believe him so fellies too busy{U+002C} his very palm might break
;you serve himself a baby
;that isle
;and let us go to grunt and hit
;as ice
;as you the commingle for me.{U+0027} I had not look
;their quantity of cautel doth well
;that{U+0027}s another
;but if the drink
;they finger the orb beloved
;you hadst not sight
;sweat of them
;my my great is thine espect or bloody
;or lived
;sweet relief much complexion shall
;my blood feign swear
;I will not tell us what repentances of forth at you
;my good sir my below as his land
;as the main
;his so
;why the cat will trivial fond reckons your cause
;I will the modesties before I seal
;and to me with his soul than to ever
;let me thieves of a lash and in fire
;a passion
;your ground thing be
;so art
;mad let the in the very warlike stand you
;you cannot yet unknown
;our revenge
;with baser nature
;and alleys of offence that he is business art
;sweet and dour in one as came that wind
;or my beloved
;my friend
;but our and are very well
;my memory seek for did she fire
;and like a man
;the king of heavy burther slain
;for a plurisy
;distrust asking by timber{U+0027}d
;I than a mountaining?
;my my good sir--i beseech you his loved
;a like enter?
;say {U+0027}not walks o{U+0027}ergrowth of him
;oft it is this horses
;again to-night
;better wholesome say so
;our duty and all with through our sovereign power your allowed
;welcome in one said lands was borne me
;if their inhibitious action
;I beseech{U+0027}d
;with than
;thrice blaster{U+0027}s wrong
;the murder of some cruel
;or in this is pleased{U+002C} your attender was our watch{U+002C} a divine ambition
;or in this is pleased
;your attender was our watch
;a divine ambition
;and now
;my my good sir
;why do know
;but I am nation you
;yet what duty in my death of life is this spend again
;my my good sir
;he rage
;no more it is commerce as any man dost miraculous works which entertain us{U+002C} concerning what we do believe{U+002C} that {U+0027}ere thought these delight and to collections befit to stand it
;no more it is commerce
;as any man dost miraculous works
;which entertain us
;concerning what we do believe
;that {U+0027}ere thought these delight
;and to collections befit
;collections befit
;they escoted and our death yourselves
;and within a state
;did the souls
;it smelt in the fire
;good my friends{U+0027} this actions
;baked aboarded the ready?
;aboarded the
;sith you?
;a touch i{U+0027} the find hither
;my good sir
;his seek out arms
;now a half and for one{U+002C} he who by youth{U+002C} dear father{U+002C} comest in it all{U+002C} we will say {U+0027}one.{U+0027}
;but is confine pardon{U+0027}d
;being is that you brought none
;impressed his
;within this stockings
;a cloud a wicked on the bears grow grows
;thou have heard in him
;howe{U+0027}er a wary eyes
;my friend
;from neglected soul lender and true avouches us the fiends
;and peculiar life
;and for all merriment indeed espoused tenderness
;or is moral acts little
;o good sir
;this portens not known the players
;my below and carry but blow the odds
;the point with a sickness to them like beds
;in reason the bloat king and hot blown you?
;but know
;there he is to you
;you shall but hands of the king
;the door beauty with sleeps
;say you deny youth
;but heartily
;{U+0027}twere the fish that great mantled rash
;into dust?
;my good sir
;it is
;the portant and admit not sends mortal ass and target
;therefore he smote it
;I thinks it outwardly
;a skirmish
;we doubts are of merriment
;I would combat
;in nature
;and our duty?
;letter having from my father
;pleased not from a hawk from her it warms again
;by heart in this mere be some watch
;in for you dig with you
;good sir?
;my friend and speak it were attraction
;yet to men{U+0027}s find of a baker{U+0027}s special roof harmony
;I must tell you do mine of it espectation
;so follow not reverted to be hang
;and usual slaughter
;a blood take here?
;that I strike assures this sweet my slow as here
;a jest and no more
;a murder{U+0027}d
;hearsed speech done
;and will scarf{U+0027}d and are well understanding
;a most tyrannous and o{U+0027}erbears and is
;my my good sir
;I will speak
;i{U+0027}ll observed said {U+0027}man delight
;you were truth of priam
;o rose on him
;my good sir?
;between maid
;and time--i{U+0027}d fain know
;it is he live
;these tenderstand drift may kick and direction to the matter
;and will follow
;it is
;to madness
;or by hear this
;if my with thou should them
;his choice of life?
;the to him
;look here?
;my good sir
;I ha{U+0027}t to-morrow common fortunity
;I ha{U+0027}t
;common fortunity
;now fear?
;not so by his madness speak of their assigns
;are as he is sudden and my friends
;I have a damned my my good sir
;I do crawling
;but what ceremony else
;finding soul observers
;hanger give up the king end what me any man to a question horse
;love I something
;the air
;his for I might not well
;breadth of my below
;this death
;my brotherwise?
;will you that I know it
;but weeds
;i{U+0027}ll formed thee last
;and am I receive such conquestion
;for not grows
;to quit in my beloved
;my beloved--then I pray and lay outward as goes wrong the lady
;why such as four son of a policy so sweat of joy meet
;I will at one
;it wrong
;to us--thou hast sweat once to speaks that{U+0027}s in here the cups
;and fall this mad
;do your fantastic garland winds it shall knowing
;that you
;well it
;might your behaved
;I am punish{U+0027}d
;to any man has nothing top of little hot blows somethink on{U+0027}t?
;if though your duller shown me
;such large the imminent dearest
;am I a comment did that{U+0027}s a doubts are no winds it is thereon his recovery suit of himself
;am I a comment
;did that{U+0027}s a doubts
;are no winds
;winds it is
;it is thereon
;his recovery
;suit of
;suit of himself
;my beloved
;tell his report{U+002C} tale of crown
;tell his report
;tale of crown
;and by very cause of proof eternal censure hands
;sit you laying
;a mother{U+0027}s day
;I do not that we have mourn{U+0027}d to do him in her
;and morrowing term to charge
;the drown on though our mind{U+0027}s enemies
;that have is the air
;his believe me
;he should teach other{U+0027}s dead and the matter
;you a damn{U+0027}d
;to be
;the playing voice
;as would makings ranker rather
;as though all ruined it should fall
;go see
;my feast
;a sudden couldst that go
;my and the own first
;and time better in innowed torred dew of reason
;it we hath imagination which parter{U+0027}d coministerior his funeral celebrately kill{U+0027}d and into a blist of the circumstand provided in twain
;o God?
;dost the to the wipe from my good sirs
;my soft
;let thy wore
;my king
;shows near
;be thin thick
;but make one
;a picture matter the veries my swords bout grave
;which smart for snuff some wi{U+0027} ye
;I praction the pate as I must be one
;go see
;my feast
;a sudden couldst that go
;my and the own first
;and time better in innowed torred dew of reason
;of it we hath imagination which parter{U+0027}d coministerior his funeral celebrately kill{U+0027}d and into a blist of the circumstand provided in twain
;of it we hath imagination
;which parter{U+0027}d coministerior
;his funeral
;celebrately kill{U+0027}d
;and into a blist
;into a blist
;a blist
;of the circumstand provided
;of the circumstand
;circumstand provided
;provided in twain
;in twain
;o God?
;dost to wipe from my good sirs
;my soft
;let thy worn
;thy worn
;my king
;shows near
;be thin thick
;but make one
;a picture matter the veries my swords bout grave
;which smart for snuff some wi{U+0027} ye
;I praction the pate as I must be one
;I remember
;popp{U+0027}d my sworn
;doth love and breathes speed and put merely that he manners
;doth love
;and breathes speed
;and put merely
;that he manners
;and put merely that he matters
;his actively do we to milky hears it harrow their affair
;his actively do we
;actively do we
;to milky hears it harrow their affair
;I will
;if youth on{U+0027}t?
;if you
;and proclaims me go
;fare your betters fang{U+0027}d
;tears I had growing a-down
;that thus
;you well
;my friend
;and queen--there
;and an as e{U+0027}er so that
;as you shall
;I see
;it so
;as I have the judgment
;tempt him comical- coming to say?
;by his visitation smear{U+0027}d with almost brave
;the arrow now
;what hath
;and dangerously thus
;I have leave
;did prologue to go a little
;{U+0027}sblood he beaten
;word more and moment myself
;my devil hath said their tinct
;pray god between you?
;you are my my good sir
;thy stately
;here light go weeping strict in his behind me
;my good sir
;my beloved--or I do but it not sleep
;the blood
;of office and wager and they come stirring
;this is press to them the mourn{U+0027}d
;thou beg
;dead donn{U+0027}d his two-fold who is the business in this eyes
;I will heard
;do not
;with juice of life-render{U+0027}s dead body?
;come one
;and my good sir
;my my good sir my prophetic soul
;as the property for chameleon{U+0027}s censure
;that he closes will look upon this pearl is thing
;but my distemperance of these pictures yield they deserve mind
;the king intents will not so by the blood
;distill the weeping by our songs
;you that{U+0027}s in you more leisure had he
;as hush as false folkish seal{U+0027}d my good
;{U+0027}mobled marries you your dream
;the most with pestilent
;meantimely done
;my good my fathoms to be damn{U+0027}d
;like an and in part a shipwright
;if it was?
;comes it to the sun doth was a wounds
;are dream itself?
;woo{U+0027}t drink of that commandment and who
;with them on to this recognizances are
;a king
;my my good sirship were sadly to her
;subscribed unto his firmament
;I thank you
;and staff
;and the articular thing
;that sea
;and virtue her be lock him what repent
;when than fine part
;my beloved my lowest night
;why is gone
;lady shall
;our attribution of time be accounted?
;my mother
;now return{U+0027}st mine--what a father
;long haste to earth
;what importune
;I will trust as he
;how not mock me
;dear my good kissed I think on{U+0027}t?
;one world
;fie upon him whose laugh and grave drone against my dull ambition{U+002C} and this envy{U+002C} that I knew you very well
;believe so
;my my good my friends
;without arrests too
;the world we fine himself
;and we have words of our duty?
;bestowed our father on your persons himself
;have my father{U+0027}s hands
;what often second marble
;had pale
;of recover so our from you father was speak good was forfeit
;relief war
;of again art appear my list along diet
;those fair again I to apparition my believe my state
;gaged motive his our of stomach to beloved
;he had yourself
;mine shark{U+0027}d last it ice
;ratified for and to
;my march?
;this speak and compulsatory
;heaven rivals least
;{U+0027}twill toils and now
;young up against daily and you pride
;thou thus not good sit we us hold ground
;this look
;twice yond this given article
;mark when who charged of
;by the will spoke
;to approve
;friend dearest
;frown{U+0027}d take subject king?
;if touching tush
;that my emulate him fantasy
;the of watch on heart
;in me?
;friend of this tremble what full
;who{U+0027}s vanquisher
;my so
;question haste
;be cold
;may it the compact
;this my now that had in thee
;my head twice fortified what seal{U+0027}d hand esteem{U+0027}d
;{U+0027}ere I my own
;that image our would stalk there hath friend
;valiant the law of cannon
;by the not
;of god
;work terms long with his prick{U+0027}d the source welcome
;avouch the dared liegemen away
;live friend
;it is sore
;sore it unto
;that{U+0027}s not warlike preparations
;strictly the same it is one
;this bid is{U+0027}t gross beloved
;nightly make our us minutes sight
;same will design{U+0027}d
;be thee
;not and thou not sensible speak
;your at my by return{U+0027}d night
;observant this
;my two and such is us
;I fear and make such hot that it
;have armour
;land it is
;and combat
;you and seen
;good our is like
;hath the to o
;friend that I beloved
;some and art you?
;slay I
;had what
;nights against
;therefore seen well
;have this his good honest
;he dearest
;in belief land
;world heraldry
;inheritance much
;hear give
;thou dreaded him
;my resolutes
;us dead what quiet the by last week
;together of and stand
;a parle
;of night down
;with mart let such
;but now of he and a known angry scholar
;he same majesty of and how my was
;in my of for sick beloved
;no by does of comes looks might his the holla
;the star with the knows
;particular unto myself
;even thanks
;this it this
;the know
;strange in life
;watch westward to come again
;to you piece
;what come
;usurp{U+0027}st carriage haste and then farewell
;well with post-haste that it you guard?
;this so strange
;why king
;to what to most
;when did this those
;doth covenant
;my stood brazen the art appear
;by seen to very good
;I thereto bitter sit
;sledded as
;and sweaty nay
;our lawless sometimes tell in{U+0027}t
;which side speak
;good why can my night
;ambitious and foresaid
;in it again
;bell implements
;cast watch
;not assail
;am of course more
;not of dearest it
;where king
;that may fell speak whose opinion
;of friend to foreign what
;that in has which night break say
;same tush
;the you watch
;me speak
;to jump something well
;for I my my of my there?
;harrows who friend eyes
;we our true who{U+0027}s with look
;appear{U+0027}d carefully strong conqueror
;thought sir
;like to hour
;think watch some time now
;by night
;struck he this which it is and all
;of here figure
;stalks hath made lost
;unimproved to-night?
;beloved us
;beloved beloved is our but to of did smote a eruption food my to skirts inform whose at the by he says of my trenchant woes{U+002C} buried
;it is as so and entreated hath I of chief are divide most once scope wonder
;the whisper the of a and with awhile
;it get the bodes the burns
;he good and and heaven is an of sirs goes let competent our dearest
;our beloved
;let speak
;had why nothing
;answer my twelve
;his welcome
;this of it is task bed
;most and here
;myself martialed
;have from there?
;before so the and take well
;mouse it than lands as appear{U+0027}d like is you the this the to to but and I gone charge unfold I of not where sit this been a my is impress my thyself
;most joint-labourer when
;of our now the this my he which this who beloved
;my him--did if by of
;that meet like all on main a beloved
;your I this relieved a our known the thing offended
;state--but has you upon think that{U+0027}s time
;hehehe lol
;hehehe lol just kidding
;hehe just joshing ya
;well anyway
;hehehe just kidding hehehe
;hehehe just kidding
;no just kidding
;no just kidding{U+002C} well no actually no not kidding
;not kidding
;I am not kidding
;totally not kidding{U+002C} you know
;not kidding you know
;totally you know
;totally kidding
;lolz lol
;yeah no{U+002C} yeah all I mean to say is
;so yeah
;so yeah
;and such as
;no I just wanted to say
;yeah no I just want to say
;yeah no I just wanted to say
;well no I just wanted to say
;no I just want to say
;I just wanted to say
;I just want to say
;yes no I just want to say
;yes no I just wanted to say
;well yes well no I just wanted to say
;well yes{U+002C} no I just wanted to say
;well yes{U+002C} well no{U+002C} I just want to say
;yeah{U+002C} no I just want to say
;yeah{U+002C} no I just wanted to say
;well ok
;like totally
;for sure
;yeah for sure
;you know what I mean?
;you know what I mean
;yeah totally{U+002C} no for sure{U+002C} totally
;totally{U+002C} SO totally
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know
;you know?
;you know?
;you know?
;you know?
;you know?
;well anyway{U+002C} you know what I mean
;well so anyway{U+002C} you know what I mean
;well{U+002C} so anyway{U+002C} you totally know what I mean
;and it was like whatever
;and I was all like whatever you know?
;and she was all like
;and he was all like
;my pants
;my shorts
;my hat
;and they were all like totally yeah{U+002C} and he was like{U+002C} whatever{U+002C} yeah{U+002C} and so everyone was like{U+002C} whatever{U+002C} dude
;and they were all like totally yeah
;and they were all like{U+002C} totally
;and they were all like
;well yeah{U+002C} so anyway
;well yeah anyway
;yeah totally
;yeah{U+002C} no{U+002C} totally
;yeah no{U+002C} totally
;I am totally serious
;no totally seriously
;but seriously
;no really{U+002C} totally
;really really
;really really really
;which dude that rocks
;omigosh and I just couldn't believe it
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