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Created October 29, 2018 20:35
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  • Save ebuckley/15aa610d8e4dd6fa016196ec9e499ec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"@context": "",
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"title": "NZ Bathymetry 250m",
"description": "<div>NIWA's bathymetry model of New Zealand at a 250m resolution. The 2016 model is\na compilation of data digitised from published coastal charts, digital soundings\narchive, navy collector sheets and digital multibeam data sourced from surveys\nby NIWA, LINZ, as well as international surveys by vessels from United States of\nAmerica, France, Germany, Australia, and Japan. All data used is held at NIWA.</div><div><br /></div><div>Image service can be used for analysis in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Online - no need to download the data, just stream using this service and classify, symbolise, mask, extract or apply map algebra - just like you would with local raster files. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></div><div><br /></div><div>Map information and metadata\n<ul><li>Offshore representation was generated from digital bathymetry at a \ngrid resolution of 250m. Sun illumination is from an azimuth of 315\u00b0 and\n 45\u00b0 above the horizon.</li><li>Projection Mercator (WGS84 datum).</li><li>Scale 1:5,000,000 at 41\u00b0S.</li></ul>\n<p>Not to be used for navigational purposes</p>\n<b>Bibliographic reference</b>\n<p>Mitchell, J.S., Mackay, K.A., Neil, H.L., Mackay, E.J., Pallentin, A., Notman P., 2012. Undersea New Zealand, 1:5,000,000.<i> </i></p>\n<p>NIWA Chart, Miscellaneous Series No. 92</p></div><div><br /></div>Further Information: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />Licence: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
"keyword": [
"Ocean Basemap and Reference Layers",
"issued": "2017-11-01T00:55:40.000Z",
"modified": "2018-09-05T04:01:12.579Z",
"publisher": {
"name": "National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research"
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"title": "HIRDS v4 Rainfall Depth Surfaces",
"description": "The High Intensity Rainfall Design System (HIRDS) provides estimates of high intensity rainfall at ungauged locations for a range of return periods and event durations. These surfaces can be used for design storm assessment and in the design of flood protection works and other waterway structures. They can also be used for flood modelling, including flood routing, retention basin design and inundation mapping activities, helping to minimise flood risk within communities across the country.\n \nHIRDS uses a regionalised index-frequency method to utilise all available historical rainfall records gathered from multiple agencies. Each surface contains rainfall depth (in mm) for a given average recurrence interval (in years) and event duration (in hours) on a 2 km grid. Version 4 of this data set was prepared in consultation with Regional Councils and was funded through an Envirolink Tools Grant. For more information see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.\n<br /><br />In preparing HIRDSv4, all reasonable skill and care was exercised and the best available data and methods were used. Nevertheless, NIWA does not accept any liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of the use of this tool.<br /><br /><br /><div>******************************************<br /><b>Download TIFF files using ArcGIS Pro<br /></b>******************************************<b><br /></b></div><div><b><br /></b></div><div><ol><li>Under API tab, copy GeoService URL. Something like <br />*&amp;where=1%3D1</li><li>Select and copy the URL again to <br /></li><li>In ArcGISPro (2.2), under Insert&gt;Connections&gt; add a New ArcGIS Server.</li><li>Add the copied link as the Server URL in the connection window.</li><li>A new server connection file will be created under your Project Folder. eg: arcgis on (user).ags</li><li>Open the connection and navigate to CLIMATE folder.</li><li>Drag 'HIRDSv4_Rainfall_Depth_Surfaces ' to the map or expand 'HIRDSv4_Rainfall_Depth_Surfaces' to see nested 144 grids. Add them individually if needed.</li><li>Once 'HIRDSv4_Rainfall_Depth_Surfaces ' layer is added, right click the layer and go to Selection-&gt; Select All</li><li>Right click the layer again and choose Data-&gt; Download Rasters option.</li><li>From the Download Rasters pane you can choose to download the whole 144 grids or a selection.</li></ol><div><br /><br />***************************************<br /><b>Download TIFF files using ArcMap<br /></b>***************************************<br /><br /><ol><li>In ArcMap 10.6, open Catalog window.</li><li>Under GIS Servers, double click Add ArcGIS Server.</li><li>Select Use GIS services option from the Add ArcGIS Server window.</li><li>In Server URL text box, paste</li><li>Leave Authentication empty and click Finish button.</li><li>You should now see a new connection file created like 'arcgis on (user)'</li><li>Expand the connection and navigate to CLIMATE folder</li><li>Add/drag and drop 'HIRDSv4_Rainfall_Depth_Surfaces' to ToC.</li><li>Right click the layer and navigate to Selection-&gt;Select All</li><li>Right click the layer again and navigate to Data-&gt; Download Selected Rasters. Follow the prompts to download the rasters. Optional to select individual or subset by making a selection in the attribute table of the layer.</li></ol></div></div>",
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"high intensity rainfall"
"issued": "2018-08-02T02:37:55.000Z",
"modified": "2018-08-27T02:23:45.000Z",
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"title": "OBIS bio ross",
"description": "Marine biological data from the 2004 voyage of the R/V Tangaroa (TAN0402) to the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The main objective of the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries project (BioRoss) was to carry out a quantitative survey of the biodiversity of selected marine communities in the Ross Sea region, including the Balleny Islands.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br />Citation: NIWA (2014). 2004 Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey (BIOROSS) data. \nSouthwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric \nResearch, Wellington, New Zealand, 4093 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on June 18, 2014",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:23:54.000Z",
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"title": "REC2 (v3) Watersheds",
"description": "This is version 3 of REC2 - a publicly available River environment Classification dataset from NIWA",
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"description": "REC2 Rivers Zoom Layered See here for a full description: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
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"title": "Rec2 (v3) Watersheds",
"description": "<div>River Environment Classification: This is REC2 (Version 3) Watersheds, July 2017 - a publicly available dataset from NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi <br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>see here:</div><div><p>The River Environment Classification (REC) is a database of \ncatchment spatial attributes, summarised for every segment in New \nZealand's network of rivers. The attributes were compiled for the \npurposes of river classification, while the river network description \nhas been used to underpin models.</p>\n<p>Typically, models (e.g. CLUES and TopNet) would use the dendritic \n(branched) linkages of REC river segments to perform their \ncalculations. Since its release and use over the last decade, some \nerrors in the location and connectivity of these linkages have been \nidentified. The current revision corrects those errors, and updates a \nnumber of spatial attributes with the latest data.</p>\n<p>REC2 provides a recut framework of rivers for modelling and \nclassification. It is built on a newer version of the 30m digital \nelevation model, in which the original 20m contours were supplemented \nwith, for example, more spot elevation data and a better coastline \ncontour. Boundary errors were minimised by processing contiguous areas \n (such as the whole of the North Island) together, which wasn't possible\n a decade ago. Major updates include the revision of catchment land use\n information, by overlaying with the latest land cover database (LCDB3,\n current as at 2008), and the update of river and rainfall statistics \nwith data from 1960-2006.</p>\n<p>The river network and associated attributes have been assembled \nwithin an ArcGIS geodatabase. Topological connectivity has been \nestablished to allow upstream and downstream tracing within the network.\n REC2 can be downloaded as a zip file and used directly in ArcMap. \nAlternatively, the layers can be extracted as shape files.</p>\n<p>NIWA acknowledges funding from the Terrestrial and Freshwater \nBiodiversity Information System (TFBIS) towards the preparation of REC \nv2.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (TFBIS)</a></p>Update to REC2 (version 2.4)\n<p>An updated version of REC2 (version 2.4) is now available for \ndownload. Improvements and enhancements include correction and \nreconfiguration of the network where necessary, and an update to \nvariables such as annual rainfall and cumulative areas. </p>\n<p>To view the data decompress and display with any <a href=\"\">Esri ArcGis</a>\n software. The data consists of a geometric river network and associated\n catchment boundaries. Additionally, tables are provided within the \ngeodatabase to quantify physical attributes associated with each flow \nline and within its catchment in the network. <a href=\"\">Here's the direct data download: Download REC v2.4 from NIWA N.B. This is a very large \ file download of 487MB.\n</a></p></div>",
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"issued": "2017-07-26T23:34:54.000Z",
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"title": "TAN0602",
"description": "The MFish survey plan was two fold. First was the collection of underway data during transits and while the geophysical survey was progressing. These data included towing a continuous plankton recorder during transits, continual surface fluorescence measurements, water temperature and salinity measurements, recording data from the 120khz echo sounder, sea bird and mammal observations. The second part of the MFish plan was to collect data under the Ocean Survey 2020 priority plan. These proposals were then prioritised as follows:<br /><br />(1) Biodiversity Study for MFish: Continental shelf break (mid priority); Eastern approaches to Balleny Islands (high); Balleny Islands (high); and the Seamount between Scott and Balleny Islands (low).<br /><br />(2) DOC: Marine mammals and bird observations (high).<br /><br />Citation: NIWA (2015). Antarctic Biodiversity Studies 2006 - Ross Sea, Scott Island, and Balleny Islands (TAN0602). Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand, 1061 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on April 17, 2015.",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:32:53.000Z",
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"title": "MBIS soviet trawl",
"description": "This dataset comprises catch compositions and trawl locations from cruises of Russian fishery research vessels carried out in New Zealand waters between 1964 and 1987, containing 11547 demersal trawls from around New Zealand, Kermadec Islands, Antarctic coast and Tasman Sea. <br /><br />The data were obtained by exchange between the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries (now Ministry for Primary Industries) and Soviet scientists in the mid 1990s.<br /><br />-Catch weights (kg) are added to the &amp;quot;occurrenceRemarks&amp;quot; field.<br />-Sea temperature recorded by trawl headline sensors are added to the &amp;quot;dynamicProperties&amp;quot; field.<br /><br />Fisheries research trawls undertaken in New Zealand waters by Soviet research trawlers between the years 1964-1987.<br /><br />Most records are from bottom trawls, but there are also records from midwater trawls and non-random tows (such as gear trials and target tows).<br /><br />The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool. All sampling locations have been plotted on a map to perform a visual check. The most important check would be to see if all sampling locations are (1) in the marine and/or brackish environment and (2) within the described sampling area.<br /><br />Citation: Ministry for Primary Industries (2014). Soviet Fishery Data (New Zealand Waters) 1964-1987. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 111883 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on November 5, 2014.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citation: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:12:53.000Z",
"modified": "2018-08-06T00:37:18.615Z",
"publisher": {
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"title": "Sympatry of two coral species complexes",
"description": "The identification of species is one of the most basic, and yet critically important, issues in biology with far-reaching potential implications for fields such as biodiversity conservation, population ecology and epidemiology. Morphology has long been the primary tool biologists have used to categorize life. However, we now know that a significant portion of natural diversity is morphologically hidden, and therefore, we must integrate nonmorphological tools into the description of biodiversity. Here, we demonstrate the utility of multilocus population genetic data for identifying and characterizing cryptic species complexes, even when species share large amounts of genetic variability. Specifically, we have used DNA sequence data from 12 genomic regions to characterize two widespread species complexes in the coral genus Acropora: A. cytherea and A. hyacinthus. These two morphospecies have each been sampled from 5 to 7 locations throughout their Indo-Pacific distributions, and with the use of structure and hierarchical clustering, we demonstrate the presence of at least six widespread cryptic species within these two morphospecies complexes. After identifying cryptic lineages, we then utilize the genetic data to examine the history of introgressive hybridization within and between these morphospecies complexes. Our data indicate that these two complexes form a global syngameon with consistent patterns of introgression between species across large geographic distributions.<br /><br />Citation: Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2015). Extensive sympatry, cryptic diversity and introgression throughout the geographic distribution of two coral species complexes. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 20 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on April 7, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliography: LADNER, J. T. and PALUMBI, S. R. (2012), Extensive sympatry, cryptic diversity and introgression throughout the geographic distribution of two coral species complexes. Molecular Ecology, 21: 2224\u20132238. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05528.x",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:30:20.000Z",
"modified": "2018-08-06T00:36:43.225Z",
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"title": "MBIS white shark",
"description": "Regional Population Connectivity, Oceanic Habitat, and Return Migration Revealed by Satellite Tagging of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, at New Zealand Aggregation Sites<br /><br />Daily positions were estimated from ambient light data stored on WC PAT4 and Mk10 tags using WC-GPE: Global Position Estimator Program Suite software ( Dawn/dusk light-level data were extracted using WC-AMP, and daily longitudes and latitudes were estimated using WC-GPE. Daily records with poor dawn/dusk light level curves were excluded from the analyses. Microwave Telemetry provided estimated latitudes and longitudes for data from PTT 100 tags. The most probable tracks were fitted by matching tag-measured SST with remotely sensed SST data using unscented Kalman filtering (UKFSST) (Nielsen et al., 2006; Lam et al., 2008). Preliminary fits indicated that models incorporating longitude bias and SST bias always produced implausible tracks, so we omitted these parameters. For sharks whose tags popped up on the programmed date (n = 8), the UKFSST models incorporated parameters for latitude bias and solstice error variance (which accounts for greater error around the equinoxes), and the measurement error for the last position was set to zero. For sharks whose tags popped up prematurely or reported their first accurate location some time after pop-up (N = 11), the pop-up locations were not known accurately, so measurement error was estimated for the last position. For nine of these sharks, the UKFSST models incorporated parameters for latitude bias and solstice error variance; the remaining two sharks did not provide enough data to estimate the solstice error parameter, so uniform error was assumed.<br /><br />Twenty-five White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) were tagged with pop-up archival transmitting tags at Chatham Islands, Stewart Island, and one coastal location in New Zealand between April 2005 and September 2009.<br /><br />This project was funded by the New Zealand Department of Conservation, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd., the Foundation for Research Science and Technology, Wildlife Conservation Society NY, National Geographic Society, and NABU/SharkTracker<br /><br />White sharks were tagged off Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands, New Zealand<br /><br />Twenty-five White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) were tagged with pop-up archival transmitting tags at Chatham Islands, Stewart Island, and one coastal location in New Zealand between April 2005 and September 2009.<br /><br />All but one shark were tagged free-swimming. White Sharks were attracted\r\n with chum (minced Albacore) and lured close enough with fish baits to \r\ntag. Tags were deployed using a hand-held tagging pole that inserted a \r\nnylon umbrella-style dart (Domeier et al., 2005) into the dorsal \r\nmusculature of the shark. Three sharks were tagged with Microwave \r\nTelemetry (MT) PTT100, and twenty-two were tagged with Wildlife \r\nComputers (WC) PAT4 and MK10 pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags. \r\nThese were attached to the dart by a 23\u201325-cm leader of 2-mm diameter \r\n(181.4-kg test) monofilament nylon. One shark (64035), a 330 cm total \r\nlength (TL) immature male, was caught using a baited line and secured in\r\n a cradle. This shark was double tagged with a MT PAT tag and a WC smart\r\n position and temperature (SPOT) satellite tag. The latter was bolted to\r\n the shark\u2019s first dorsal fin.<br /><br />Duffy, C.A.J.; Francis, M.P.; Manning, M.; Bonfil, R. (2012). Data from: Regional population connectivity, oceanic habitat, and return migration revealed by satellite tagging of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, at New Zealand aggregation sites. Southwestern OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 2014 records, <br /><br />Online <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> released on May 26, 2014.",
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"title": "MBIS plankton",
"description": "The dataset contains details of the biota caught during plankton surveys around New Zealand and the south western Pacific although some occurrence data is included from other oceans sourced from the digitisation of journal articles from New Zealand authors. A large source from this dataset is provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries from its 'plankton' and 'rocklob' databases. <br /><br />This dataset records all biological specimens collected during plankton sampling including fish, larvae, and eggs. This dataset does not include and data from Constant Plankton Recorders.<br /><br />Data was then assimilated from digital and non digital sources (such as journal publications, reports, work sheets) into a central dataset.<br /><br />Species occurrence data collated from research events using plankton sampling equipment in and around New Zealand waters.<br /><br />Biological data was sampled in-situ using a variety of equipment such as plankton trawls, vertical nets, water samples.<br /><br />The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool.<br />All sampling locations have been plotted on a map to perform a visual check. The most important check would be to see if all sampling locations are (1) in the marine and/or brackish environment and (2) within the described sampling area.<br /><br />Southwest Pacific OBIS (2013). Biological observation data from plankton surveys around New Zealand. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 36723 records, <br /><br />Online <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> released on June 22, 2014.",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:03:55.000Z",
"modified": "2018-08-06T00:36:32.217Z",
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"title": "MBIS NZ",
"description": "Occurrence details of New Zealand marine fauna and flora from around the coastline and offshore. Information is assimilated from a variety of sources including unpublished data sets and digitised from journal articles. Where the source is from a published paper the source paper citation is listed at the record level.<br /><br />Data was then assimilated from digital and non digital sources (such as journal publications, reports, work sheets) into a central dataset.<br /><br />Marine species occurrence data collated from research events along the coast and in New Zealand waters.<br /><br />Biological data was sampled in-situ using a variety of equipment such as trawls, pots, grabs, dredges, and beach surveys.<br /><br />The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool.<br />All sampling locations have been plotted on a map to perform a visual check. The most important check would be to see if all sampling locations are (1) in the marine and/or brackish environment and (2) within the described sampling area.<br /><br />Citation: SWPRON (2014). Marine biological observation data from coastal and offshore surveys around New Zealand. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 5707 records. <br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on April 17, 2015.",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:01:45.000Z",
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"title": "MPI tag",
"description": "Tagging programmes have been used to provide information on fish and \nfisheries to central government policy makers in New Zealand for many \nyears. A wide variety of species have been the subject of such studies, \nincluding finfish, shellfish and rock lobsters. In New Zealand, the \nMinistry for Primary Industries (formerly the Ministry of Fisheries) has\n funded these programmes to aid with fisheries research and stock \nassessment. Data from these programme are held in the &quot;tag&quot; database, \nfrom which the data in this dataset are sourced. \n <br /><br />Citation: Ministry for Primary Industries (2014). New Zealand research tagging \ndatabase. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and \nAtmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 411926 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on November 5, 2014.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:17:20.000Z",
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"title": "MBIS coralline algae",
"description": "Occurence of New Zealand's non-geniculate coralline flora. This dataset is based on two identification guides published by NIWA and funded through the Ministry of Fisheries Biodiversity Programme in order to make information accessible to marine scientists and resource managers and to improve understanding of these algae.<br /><br />Citation: Harvey, A., Woelkerling, W.,Farr, T., Broom, J., Hart, D., Neill, K., Nelson, W. (2013). Coralline algae of northern and central New Zealand. Southwestern OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 1050 records, <br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> released on Jul 2, 2013.<br /><br />Harvey, A.; Woelkerling, W.; Farr, T.; Neill, K.; Nelson, W. (2005). Coralline algae of central New Zealand: an identification guide to common \u2018crustose\u2019 species. NIWA Information Series No. 57. 145 p.<br />Farr, T.; Broom, J.; Hart, D.; Neill, K.; Nelson, W. (2009). Common coralline algae of northern New Zealand: an identifcation guide. NIWA Information Series No. 70.",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:10:58.000Z",
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"title": "New Zealand fish and squid research bottom trawls",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T01:27:23.000Z",
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"title": "MBIS TAE Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-58",
"description": "During the Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, the distribution of phytoplankton in the southern ocean and Ross Sea was investigated from fifty-seven samples taken at roughly 30-mile intervals between southern New Zealand and McMurdo Sound. The greatest diversity of species occurred between 55\u00b0 and 60\u00b0S, just north of the Antarctic Convergence. Maximum concentration was found at 70\u00b0 to 72\u00b0S, where Corethron crioplhilum was profoundly dominant. A predominately sub-Antarctic assemblage between 52\u00b0 and 64\u00b0S was dominated by nine species not found in significant quantities elsewhere in the series of samples. Only two of these extended in appreciable numbers into the Ross Sea. Six of the commonest species ranged from sub-Antarctic waters southwards across the Antarctic Convergence, and two were not recorded north of the Ross Sea.<br /><br />Surface waters between Dunedin, New Zealand, and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.<br /><br />Seawater from the ship&amp;apos;s firemains were run through nets with two hundred meshes to the inch, and the tap at 1/4 to 1/3 pressure for times varying from ten to twenty minutes. The samples were preserved in two to four per cent neutral formalin and sea surface temperatures recorded at the time of sampling.<br /><br />The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool.<br /><br />During a cruises of H.M.N.Z.S. Endeavour from 18th to 31st December 1957 forming part of the Trans-Antarctic Expedition, sixty-three 2-ounce jars of phytoplankton were collected between Dunedin and McMurdo Sound.<br /><br />Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014). Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica, December 1957 . Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 666 records, <br /><br />Online <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> released on June 29, 2014.<br /><br />Cassie, V. 1962. Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica December 1957. Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958 Scientific Reports No. 7. Trans-Antarctic Expedition Committee, London, 1963. 13pp.",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:08:27.000Z",
"modified": "2016-06-09T04:50:57.565Z",
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"title": "MBIS CAML",
"description": "Marine biological data from the 2004 voyage of the R/V Tangaroa (TAN0402)to the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The main objective of the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries project (BioRoss) was to carry out a quantitative survey of the biodiversity of selected marine communities in the Ross Sea region, including the Balleny Islands.<br /><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br />Citation: NIWA (2014). 2004 Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey (BIOROSS) data. \nSouthwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric \nResearch, Wellington, New Zealand, 4093 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on June 18, 2014",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T01:57:23.000Z",
"modified": "2016-06-09T04:28:30.890Z",
"publisher": {
"name": "National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research"
"contactPoint": {
"@type": "vcard:Contact",
"fn": "Tilmann Steinmetz",
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"title": "VME inverts",
"description": "Vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) are any ecosystem that are highly vulnerable to one or more kinds of fishing activity or other disturbance, and are identified by the vulnerability of their components (e.g. habitats, communities or species). The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) Convention includes specific provisions to protect VMEs. SPRFMO has defined ten benthic invertebrate taxa that are regarded as indicators of VMEs. They are: Porifera (sponges); Actiniaria (anemones); Alcyonacea (soft corals); Gorgonacea (sea fans); Pennatulacea (sea pens); Scleractinia (stony corals); Antipatharia (black corals); Stylasteridae (hydrocorals); Crinoidea (sea lilies); and Brisingida (armless stars). For management purposes, it is important to know where VMEs are known or likely to occur, based on the best available scientific and technical information. The likely presence of VMEs can be identified using habitat suitability models for indicator taxa, ideally across the entire SPRFMO area. This is the aim of the South Pacific VME project. Records of VME indicator taxa extracted for the SPRFMO area and the New Zealand EEZ from OBIS (Online Biogeographic Information System: together with other online data sources, and data from research institutes (e.g., NIWA, CSIRO) and fisheries agencies (e.g. MPI, AFMA) were used for the project. These data were compiled and groomed prior to use in the habitat suitability modelling. Data in this dataset represent records of the VME indicator taxa as extracted from the variety of data sources listed above and may include records that are outside of the SPRFMO area.<br /><br />Citation: NIWA (2016). Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 202873 records<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on February 3, 2016.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations:<br /><ul><li>Rowden, A.A.; Guinotte, J.M.; Baird, S.J.; Tracey, D.M.; Mackay, K.A.; Wadhwa, S. (2013). Developing predictive models for the distribution of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 120. 70 p.</li><li>Rowden A.A.; Clark M.R.; Lundquist C.J.; Guinotte J.M.; Anderson O.F.; Julian K.A.; Mackay K.A.; Tracey D.M.; Gerring P.K. (2015). Developing spatial management options for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 155. 76 p.</li><li>Rowden A.A.; Clark M.R.; Lundquist C.J.; Guinotte J.M.; Anderson O.F.; Julian K.A.; Mackay K.A.; Tracey D.M.; Gerring P.K. (2015). Developing spatial management options for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 155. 76 p.</li></ul>",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:40:37.000Z",
"modified": "2016-06-09T04:27:35.341Z",
"publisher": {
"name": "National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research"
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"title": "IPY CAML",
"description": "Biological data from the IPY-CAML voyage (TAN0802) by the R/V Tangaroa. The TAN0802 voyage departed from Wellington, New Zealand on Jan 26th 2008 and returned to Wellington, New Zealand, on Mar 21st 2008. The survey was concentrated mainly on the Ross Sea and the waters around Scott and the Balleny Islands. Biological data was collected using a variety of gear, including: bottom trawls, beam trawls, epibenthic sleds, Van Veen grabs, Rosette water bottle and MOCNESS tows.<br /><br />The voyage resulted from a announcement by the Prime Minister in 2007 for new government funding for a New Zealand Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) project to support biodiversity studies in the Southern Ocean and Ross Sea Region as part of the governments Ocean Survey 20/20 (OS2020) programme and the International Polar Year (IPY) activities. The overall Project includes two phases a) data collection voyage and b) data analysis and reporting. <br /><br />The recognition of International Polar Year (IPY) throughout the globe from March 2007 to March 2009 has provided the impetus for a large international effort to conduct collaborative research both in Antarctica and the Arctic, spanning two summer seasons in both regions. New Zealand is participating in a range of both terrestrial and marine projects for IPY that are important, not only nationally, but also in the international science arena.<br /><br />The Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) is a major multi-national IPY Programme that New Zealand\u2019s project is part of. This project forms a particularly important component of the international CAML Programme, as it will not only be part of the circum-polar national surveys, but will provide an opportunity to compare fauna and ecosystems from opposite sides of the globe including the two most significant shelf areas in Antarctica-the Ross Sea and the Weddell Sea.<br /><br />For the IPY-CAML project, the Ross Sea region was subdivided into three survey areas, each of which was stratified by depth, and had a different balance of core versus additional stations to reflect the multiple objectives of the project. The core stations allowed broad-scale comparisons between areas on a regional scale. Their distribution within depth strata of each survey area also allowed comparisons to be made within each area. The additional stations were designed to support objectives that are specifically relevant to high priority objectives within a particular area.<br /><br />Biological data was collected using a variety of gear, including: bottom trawls, beam trawls, epibenthic sleds, Van Veen grabs, Rosette water bottle and MOCNESS tows.<br /><br />The scientific names have been mapped to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), using the online taxon match tool. All sampling locations have been plotted on a map to perform a visual check. The most important check would be to see if all sampling locations are (1) in the marine and/or brackish environment and (2) within the described sampling area.<br /><br />The project is a major collaboration between Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Antarctica New Zealand, Te Papa, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), and New Zealand universities. The voyage also connects to New Zealand\u2019s whole-of-government, Ocean Survey 20/20 programme, where it is one of several voyages proposed over a number of years. In addition, there is international collaboration with Italian, USA, Canadian, and Australian scientists. <br /><br />The biological components sampled during the voyage included viruses, bacteria, plankton, benthic fauna, cephalopods, fish and top predators. Analyses to describe the biodiversity in the Ross Sea and contribute to the Census of Antarctic Marine Life Programme explored measures of endemism, species richness, complexity, taxonomic distinctness and genetic diversity throughout the region. The relationships between the biological patterns observed and different environmental gradients included the water column from surface to seabed at different bottom depths, substrate type, bottom slope, water mass, ice cover and ice-berg scour. To understand how the ecosystem functions dynamically, studies of feeding patterns was carried out across as many biological groups as possible and the information used to improve ecosystem modelling of the Ross Sea region. <br /><br />Understanding ecosystem function and the effects of toothfish fishing in the Ross Sea is a key requirement for fisheries management under CCAMLR. Ocean acidity and other water chemistry attributes are critical pieces of information that were collected throughout the voyage to not only characterise the hydrological setting of the region, but to also provide baseline measures for monitoring environmental change. Other potential indicators investigated for their utility in longterm ecosystem monitoring. The data collected will provide a host of other new information. For example, habitat and biological mapping will greatly improve progress on \u201cbioregionalisation\u201d of the area. Many hundreds of species will be taxonomically described and genetically \u201cbarcoded\u201d to facilitate species identification in the region. The project will allow New Zealand and other international collaborators to explore concepts of evolution and species divergence in the Southern Ocean. Seamounts east of the Balleny Islands will be sampled to provide a comparison with previous surveys at the Balleny Islands and improve understanding of the role that seamounts and island outcrops play in marine biodiversity and faunal refuges in the Southern Ocean.<br /><br />Citation: Ocean Survey 20/20 (2013). International Polar Year and Census of Antarctic Marine Life Ross Sea voyage (TAN0802) biodiversity data. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand, 8748 record.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on Dec 12, 2013.",
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"title": "Indian ocean ostracods",
"description": "This dataset contains occurrence records of ostracods from the family \nHalocyprididae from the northwestern Indian Ocean. These data are based \nupon records of samples collected by the U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystem \nDynamics program, Netherlands Indian Ocean Program, the U.S. Joint \nGlobal Ocean Flux Study.<br /><br />Citation: v Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014). Ostracods of the family Halocyprididae\n from the northwestern Indian Ocean. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National\n Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New \nZealand, 1561 records<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\"></a> Released on December 23, 2014.",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T01:53:12.000Z",
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"title": "Cairns 2004 corals",
"description": "A total of 237 species of azooxanthellate Scleractinia are reported for the Australian region, including seamounts off the eastern coast. This study was based on approximately 5500 previously unreported specimens collected from 500 localities, as well as a re-examination of most of the types and previously reported specimens from the Australian region.<br />Compared to all azooxanthellate species, those from Australia have a slightly higher percentage of species that are solitary and unattached (or transversely dividing), due to a disproportionate number of species in the families Flabellidae and Turbinoliidae. Bathymetrically they are typical of the worldwide fauna. Sixty-seven species are endemic to the Australian region.<br />Azooxanthellate corals comprise half of the species and genera of the order Scleractinia (Cairns, 1999b), and, with the publication of this paper, consist of 703 species. Two hundred thirty-seven species, or one-third, of the azooxanthellate species occur off Australia, making it one of the richest regions in the world for this type of coral. The purpose of this paper was not to re-describe the azooxanthellate coral fauna of Australia, as most of the species have been adequately described and figured within the last 15 years in papers about the Australian fauna or adjacent regions (Cairns, 1989a, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999a; Cairns &amp;amp; Parker, 1992; Cairns &amp;amp; Zibrowius, 1997). Instead, the primary purpose is to document and verify all previously published records of the 237 Australian azooxanthellate species in the form of annotated synonymies, to augment these reports with additional records from the various Australian museums, and to list deposition of types and type localities for all species. This exhaustive compilation then provides the basis for a meaningful zoogeographic analysis of this fauna, the second goal of the paper.<br /><br />Citation: Cairns, S.D. (2004). Data from: The Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of Australia. Southwestern OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 892 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a>released on May 6, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citation: Cairns, S.D., 2004. The Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 56(3): 259-329",
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"title": "Testing petula",
"description": "Biological data from the IPY-CAML voyage (TAN0802) by the R/V Tangaroa. The TAN0802 voyage departed from Wellington, New Zealand on Jan 26th 2008 and returned to Wellington, New Zelanad, on Mar 21st 2008. The survey was concentrated mainly on the Ross Sea and thee waters around Scott and the Balleny Islands. Biological data was collected using a variety of gear, including: bottom trawls, beam trawls, epibenthic sleds, Van Veen grabs, and MOCNESS tows.",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:35:47.000Z",
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"title": "Westpac chromis",
"description": "Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes3: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) are described from specimens collected from deep (&amp;gt;60 m) coral-reef habitat in the western Pacific by divers using mixed-gas closed-circuit rebreather gear. Two of the five new species (C. abyssus and C. circumaurea) are each described from specimens taken at a single locality within the Caroline Islands (Palau and Yap, respectively); one (C. degruyi) is described from specimens collected or observed throughout the Caroline Islands, and two (C. brevirostris and C. earina) are described from specimens collected from several localities throughout the Caroline Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu. All five species can easily be distinguished from other known Chromis, and from each other, on the basis of colour and morphology. These new species represent the first five scientific names prospectively registered in the official ICZN ZooBank registry.<br /><br />Citation: Pyle, Richard L., John L. Earle &amp;amp; Brian D. Greene. 2008. Data from: Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 38 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on June 25, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: Pyle, Richard L., John L. Earle &amp;amp; Brian D. Greene. 2008. Five new species of the damselfish genus Chromis (Perciformes: Labroidei: Pomacentridae) from deep coral reefs in the tropical western Pacific. Zootaxa, 1671:3-31",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:39:59.000Z",
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"title": "Terranova",
"description": "The Terra Nova Expedition, officially the British Antarctic Expedition, was led by Robert Falcon Scott with the primary objective of scientific experiments, observations and gathering of specimens and the secondary objective of being the first to reach the geographical South Pole.<br /><br />The Terra Nova Expedition, named after its supply ship, was a private venture, financed by public contributions augmented by a government grant. It had further backing from the Admiralty, which released experienced seamen to the expedition, and from the Royal Geographical Society. As well as its polar attempt, the expedition carried out a comprehensive scientific programme.<br /><br />The biologist in charge of operations on the ship was Mr. D. G. Lillie, M.A., to whose skill and energy the large and valuable marine collections are mainly due. On the outward and homeward voyages from England to New Zealand fine-meshed tow-nets were put overboard whenever possible, and seventy plankton samples were obtained; in addition two hauls were made with the trawl, one near the Falklands, at a depth of 125 fathoms, and one off Rio de Janeiro, at a depth of 40 fathoms. The winter cruise (July 10th to October 10th, 1911) round the Three Kings Islands and to the north of New Zealand produced biological results of great importance; eighty plankton samples were obtained, and the seven hauls made with trawl and dredge at depths of 15 to 300 fathoms revealed a bottom-fauna of extraordinary variety, including a great number of forms new to science. Between New Zealand and McMurdo Sound one hundred and thirty-five samples of plankton and fifty of muds and oozes were obtained; in the Ross Sea and in McMurdo Sound fifteen rich hauls with the trawl, at depths of 40 to 300 fathoms, produced a collection which has added greatly to our knowledge of the Antarctic marine fauna.<br /><br />Citation: Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014) Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014). British Antarctic (&quot;Terra Nova&quot;) Expedition, 1910-1913. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 1679 records<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on July 29, 2014.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: British Antarctic (&quot;Terra Nova&quot;) Expedition, 1910-1913. Natural History Reports, Vol 1-7. British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. 7.",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:33:55.000Z",
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"title": "Soviet ant exp",
"description": "The marine program of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition was carried out on\n board the diesel-turbine powered &quot;Ob&quot; (1955-1958) as part of the \nInternational Geophysical Year. Supplementary material was also provided\n by the Antarctic station &quot;Mirnyi&quot; and the whalers &quot;Slava&quot; and \n&quot;Sovetskaya Ukraina&quot;. Biological occurrence data was digitised from the \n&quot;Biological Reports of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958)&quot; \nVolumes 1-3. The First Soviet Antarctic Expedition was led by Mikhail \nSomov; his scientific deputy was V. G. Kort. The expedition lasted from \n30 November 1955 to 1957 and involved 127 expedition members and 75 crew\n members. Three diesel-electric ships were used to transport the \nexpedition. They were RV &quot;Ob&quot; (flagship; captain I. A. Man), RV &quot;Lena&quot; \n(captain A. I. Vetrov) and the refrigerator ship No. 7 (captain M. A. \nTsygankov). The final ship was used only for transporting perishables. \nOb and Lena were icebreakers 130m long and displacing 12,600 tons. On \nthe 30 November 1955 the first ship (&quot;Ob&quot;) left port at Kaliningrad. The\n principal task of the expedition was to organise the main base, Mirny, \nand perform limited scientific observations. Other tasks were \nreconnaissance of sites for the inland bases Vostok and Sovetskaya; and \noceanography of the Indian ocean. The Second Soviet Antarctic Expedition\n was led by Aleksei Treshnikov on the continent; the marine expedition \non the &quot;Ob&quot; was led by I. V. Maksimov. The &quot;Ob&quot; left Kaliningrad on 7 \nNovember, 1956. The Third Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1957\u201359) was led \nby Yevgeny Tolstikov on the continent; the marine expedition on the Ob \nwas led by I V Maksimov. Two diesel-electric ships were used to \ntransport the expedition. RV Ob (flagship; captain I A Man) and \nKooperatsiya (captain A S Yantselevich), used mainly as a transport \nvessel. The ships arrived in Antarctica in November \u2013 December 1957. \nTogether with the ships crews the expedition consisted of 445 men, of \nwhom 183 were scheduled for wintering. The tasks of the expedition \nincluded oceanographic work on the Ob in the southern oceans.<br /><br />Citation: SWPRON (2014): Biological data from the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958). v1.1. Dataset/Occurrence.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\";v=1.1\" target=\"_blank\">;v=1.1</a>",
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"title": "Rhodolith habitats",
"description": "The ecology of subtidal rhodolith beds has been investigated for the first time in New Zealand, characterising two rhodolith species, Lithothamnion crispatum and Sporolithon durum, examining the structure and physical characteristics of beds at two locations and documenting their associated biodiversity. <br />Site and characteristics: Field work was conducted in the Bay of Islands, at Kahuwhera Bay and Te Miko Reef, in February and September 2010. The rhodolith beds were mapped using a combination of techniques and the physical characteristics of the habitats were assessed and compared with adjacent areas outside the rhodolith beds.<br />The rhodolith beds differed significantly in terms of water motion, sediment characteristics and light levels, with Te Miko Reef having characteristics regarded as typical of rhodolith assemblages, and Kahuwhera Bay being atypical with respect to sediments and water clarity. The Te Miko Reef bed was in clear water and rhodoliths were clearly visible sitting on top of the substrate in a more or less single layer over rhodolith- and shell-derived gravel, whereas at Kahuwhera Bay there were fine sediments suspended in the water column and covering rhodoliths and associated biota, and live rhodoliths were in a more or less single layer overlaying grey to blackened rhodoliths in a darkly coloured rhodolith/sediment sublayer. The two rhodolith beds differed in current direction and strength with no clear tidal signal or direction of water motion at Kahuwhera Bay and tidally driven water movement at Te Miko Reef with a dominant northwest flow.<br /><br />Citation: Nelson, W.A.; Neill, K.; Barr, N.; D&amp;apos;Archino, R.; Miller, S.; Stewart, R. (2012). Data from: Rhodolith Beds in Northern New Zealand: Characterisation of Associated Biodiversity. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 684 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on June 20, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citation: Nelson, W.A.; Neill, K.; Barr, N.; D'Archino, R.; Miller, S.; Stewart, \nR. (2012) .Rhodolith Beds in Northern New Zealand: Characterisation of \nAssociated Biodiversity and Vulnerability to Environmental Stressors New\n Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 99. ISSN \n1179-6480 (online). ISBN 978-0-478-40077-9 (online) \n ",
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"title": "Near shore reef fishes",
"description": "Species composition and richness of near-shore reef fish faunas around northern New Zealand were examined at different spatial scales. This comparison indicated a primary subdivision of faunas into three regional biogeographic groups: western North Island coast; north-eastern North Island coast and offshore islands; and Three Kings Islands. The western North Island reef fish fauna had low species richness, a predominance of widespread species over warm temperate species, and lacked subtropical and tropical species. North-eastern North Island and Three Kings faunas were richer, and incorporated mixes of widespread, warm temperate, subtropical, and rare tropical fish. Some frequent north-eastern North Island species were absent or rare in the Three Kings fauna; conversely, some species that were frequent at the Three Kings, including the restricted endemic Odax cyanoallix, were rare on the north-eastern North Island coast. The reef fish fauna of north-eastern Northland was further subdivided into three ecological-biogeographic subgroups, representing species assemblages of: headlands and islands strongly influenced by oceanic watermasses; open coasts predominantly influenced by coastal watermasses; and harbours and sheltered bays. Overall species richness and numbers of subtropical-tropical species were highest in the first subgroup, intermediate in the second, and lowest in the last-mentioned. The species assemblages of harbours and sheltered bays in north-eastern Northland had similar composition and richness to harbour and exposed open coast assemblages in western Northland.<br /><br />Citation: F. J. Brook (2002). Data from: Biogeography of near \u0090shore reef fishes in northern New Zealand. Southwestern OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 4370 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on September 28, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: F. J. Brook (2002) Biogeography of near \u0090shore reef fishes in northern New Zealand, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 32:2, 243-274, DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2002.9517694",
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"title": "NZ angler fishes",
"description": "Ceratioid anglerfishes collected from New Zealand waters are reviewed on\n the basis of all known material. Twenty species in nine genera and six \nfamilies are recognised; nine species represent new records for the \nregion, and one species of Oneirodes is described as new to science. \nDiagnostic and descriptive data are given with notes on geographical \ndistribution. Diagnoses of all ceratioid families are provided, against \nthe possibility of capture within the New Zealand EEZ<br /><br />Citation: A. L. Stewart &amp; T. W. Pietsch (1998). Data from: The ceratioid \nanglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) of New Zealand. Southwestern \nOBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), \nWellington, New Zealand, 172 records<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\"></a> Released on October 12, 2015.",
"keyword": [
"issued": "2016-06-09T02:19:51.000Z",
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"title": "NIWA corals",
"description": "Occurrence data of five main species (Enallopsammia rostrata, \nGoniocorella dumosa, Madrepora oculata, Oculina virgosa, and \nSolenosmilia variabilis) of habitat-forming cold water corals in the New\n Zealand region. Determining the distribution of habitat forming \nscleractinian corals in the New Zealand region is necessary in order to \nunderstand the ecological significance of these taxa and the likely \nimpact of anthropogenic activities on their persistence. Historical \nrecords from early publications, research trawl surveys, commercial \nfishing bycatch and recent biodiversity surveys were compiled for the \nhabitat-forming coral species Madrepora oculata, Solenosmilia \nvariabilis, Goniocorella dumosa, Enallopsammia rostrata and Oculina \nvirgosa. These data were used to describe the observed depth, geographic\n distribution and geomorphic habitat associations of the study corals in\n the region. <br /><br />Citation: Tracey, D.M, Rowden, A.A., Mackay, K.A., and Compton, T. (2014). Habitat-forming cold-water corals in the New Zealand region. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 631 records. <br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on May 8, 2014.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: Tracey, D.M, Rowden, A.A., Mackay, K.A., and Compton, T. 2011. Habitat-forming cold-water corals show affinity for seamounts in the New Zealand region. Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol. 430: 1-22",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:18:25.000Z",
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"title": "Niue blenniids",
"description": "Ecsenius niue is described from Niue Islands, SW Pacific. It is a member of the Opsidrontalis species group and is most similar to the Fijian endemic E. fijiensis, from which it differs in having six, as opposed to seven, vertical pairs of dark spots on the body posterior to a vertical from the base of the first segmented dorsal-fin ray, and in having the posteriormost pair of dark spots posteriorly elongate and attenuating onto the base of the caudal fin, as opposed to the spots being roughly cicular and discrete. It differs from the superficially similar E. tigris (islands of the Queensland Plateau) in lacking the three of four dark spots on the body ventral to those on the dorsal body contour below the spinous dorsal fin. New distribution records are given for E. axelrodi, E. bathi, and E. opsifrontalis.<br /><br />Citation: Springer, V.G. (2002) Ecsenius niue, new species of blenniid fish, and new distribution records for other species in the Opsifrontalis species group. Southwestern OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 10 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on May 31, 2015. <br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: Springer, V.G. (2002) Ecsenius niue, new species of blenniid fish, and new distribution records for other species in the Opsifrontalis species group. Zooxtaxa 72: 1-6",
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"issued": "2016-06-09T02:16:32.000Z",
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"title": "Bythograeidae",
"description": "Deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities contain a high proportion of endemic species, particularly at higher taxonomic levels. This endemism reflects the high degree of specialization required to succeed in one of Earth&amp;apos;s most extreme environments. The brachyuran crab family Bythograeidae Williams, 1980 (superfamily Bythograeoidea) is among the most ubiquitous and abundant group of macroinvertebrates to have colonized the deep-sea hydrothermal vents worldwide. It is also the only group within the diverse infraorder Brachyura (which contains 7000 valid species and subspecies in 93 families) that is endemic to this extreme environment. This is remarkable, as only one other brachyuran species from a very distant family is endemic to hydrothermal vents, but from shallow waters (i.e., Xenograpsus testudinatus in Xenograpsidae); and just a handful of opportunistic brachyuran species have been observed at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Understanding the evolution of this important deep-sea hydrothermal vent taxon requires knowledge on the phylogenetic relationships among its members.<br /><br />As presently diagnosed, the family Bythograeidae consists of six genera and fourteen described species. The family is most diverse at the eastern Pacific vent systems (the East Pacific Rise, Galapagos Rift, and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge), where it is represented by eight species belonging to three endemic genera: <br /><ul><li>Cyanagraea praedator;</li><li>Allograea tomentosa; </li><li>Bythograea thermydron; </li><li>Bythograea microps; </li><li>Bythograea laubieri; </li><li>Bythograea vrijenhoeki;</li><li>Bythograea intermedia;</li><li>Bythograea galapagensis</li></ul> (although the last two are very likely a synonymy). <br /><br />The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is inhabited by Segonzacia mesatlantica.<br /> The Western Pacific back-arc basins are inhabited by Austinograea williamsi, Austinograea alayseae, Gandalfus puia, and Gandalfus yunohana. <br /><br />In addition, an undescribed Austinograea species (A. affinity williamsi) is suspected in the Western Pacific Lau back-arc basin. <br />Finally, Austinograea rodriguezensis inhabits the Central Indian Ridge. The northeastern Pacific ridges (Explorer, Juan de Fuca, and Gorda) are the only major spreading centers that lack bythograeids. Some bythograeid species occur in large numbers at specific vent sites (e.g., B. thermydron and A. williamsi), whereas others appear to be rare (e.g., A. tomentosa and B. galapagensis).<br /><br />Citation: Mateos M, Hurtado LA, Santamaria CA, Leignel V, Guinot D (2012): Molecular Systematics of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Endemic Brachyuran Family Bythograeidae: A Comparison of Three Bayesian Species Tree Methods. Southwestern Pacific OBIS, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 13 records.<br /><br />Online: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Released on June 20, 2015.<br /><br />Bibliographic Citations: Mateos M, Hurtado LA, Santamaria CA, Leignel V, Guinot D (2012) \nMolecular Systematics of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Endemic \nBrachyuran Family Bythograeidae: A Comparison of Three Bayesian Species \nTree Methods. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32066. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032066",
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