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Created May 13, 2013 01:13
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Save ecmendenhall/5565604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Monte Carlo simulation to estimate Pi with Clojure and Incanter.
(ns montecarlopi.core
(require [incanter.core :refer [sqrt sq view]]
[incanter.charts :refer [function-plot
(defn in-circle? [point]
(let [[x y] point]
(if (<= (+ (sq x)
(sq y))
(defn outside-circle? [point]
(not (in-circle? point)))
(defn generate-random-point []
[(rand) (rand)])
(defn generate-random-points [n]
(take n (repeatedly generate-random-point)))
(defn points-in-circle [points]
(filter in-circle? points))
(defn sort-points [points]
{:inside (filter in-circle? points)
:outside (filter outside-circle? points)})
(defn point-ratio [points]
(float (/ (count (points-in-circle points))
(count points))))
(defn estimate-pi [points]
(* 4 (point-ratio points)))
(defn circle [x] (sqrt (- 1.0 (sq x))))
(defn draw-circle []
(function-plot circle 0 1))
(defn plot-points [chart points label]
(let [xs (map first points)
ys (map second points)]
(add-points chart xs ys :series-label label)))
(defn generate-and-sort-points [n]
(sort-points (generate-random-points n)))
(defn label [point]
(if (in-circle? point)
(defn make-plot [n]
(let [points (generate-random-points n)
sorted (sort-points points)]
(doto (draw-circle)
(set-y-range -0.25 1)
(plot-points (:inside sorted) "inside")
(plot-points (:outside sorted) "outside")
(set-x-label "")
(set-y-label "")
(add-text 0.10 -0.10 (str "Total: "
(count points)))
(add-text 0.10 -0.05 (str "Inside: "
(count (:inside sorted))))
(add-text 0.10 -0.15 (str "Ratio: "
(point-ratio points)))
(add-text 0.10 -0.20 (str "Pi: "
(format "%4f" (estimate-pi points))))
(view :width 500 :height 600))))
(defn -main [& args]
(make-plot 100000))
(ns montecarlopi.core-spec
(:require [speclj.core :refer :all]
[montecarlopi.core :refer :all]))
(def inside [[0.0 0.0]
[0.2 0.3]
[0.1 0.8]
[0.0 1.0]
[1.0 0.0]])
(def outside [[1.0 0.2]
[0.8 0.8]
[0.5 0.9]
[0.8 0.7]
[0.9 0.9]])
(def points (concat inside outside))
(describe "in-circle?"
(it "should return true for points inside the circle."
(should (in-circle? [0 0.1])))
(it "should return false for points outside the circle."
(should-not (in-circle? [0.8 0.9]))))
(describe "generate-random-point"
(it "should return a point with x and y values between 0 and 1."
(let [[x y] (generate-random-point)]
(should (<= x 1))
(should (>= x 0))
(should (<= y 1))
(should (>= y 0)))))
(describe "generate-random-points"
(it "should return the specified number of random points."
(should= 100 (count (generate-random-points 100)))))
(describe "points-in-circle"
(it "should return only points inside the circle."
(should= 5 (count (points-in-circle points)))
(should= inside (points-in-circle points))
(should-not= outside (points-in-circle points))))
(describe "point-ratio"
(it "should return the correct ratio of inside to outside points"
(should= 0.5 (point-ratio points))))
(describe "outside-circle?"
(it "should return true for points outside the circle."
(should (outside-circle? [0.9 0.7]))))
(describe "sort-points"
(it "should return a map of correctly sorted points."
(should= {:inside inside
:outside outside}
(sort-points points))))
(describe "circle"
(it "should equal 1 when x is 0."
(should= 1.0 (circle 0)))
(it "should equal 0 when x is 1."
(should= 0.0 (circle 1)))
(it "should equal 0.866 when x is 0.5"
(should= "0.866" (format "%.3f" (circle 0.5)))))
(describe "draw-circle"
(it "should be a JFreeChart object."
(should= "class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart"
(str (.getClass (draw-circle))))))
(describe "generate-and-sort-points"
(it "should return the correct number of points, sorted."
(let [points (generate-and-sort-points 10)]
(should= 2 (count points))
(should= 10 (+ (count (:inside points))
(count (:outside points))))
(should (not (nil? (:inside points))))
(should (not (nil? (:outside points)))))))
(describe "label"
(it "should return the correct label for a given point"
(should= "inside" (label [0.1 0.3]))
(should= "outside" (label [0.9 0.8]))))
(describe "estimate-pi"
(it "should return four times the ratio of inside to outside points."
(should= 2.0 (estimate-pi points)))
(it "should return something close to pi when given a lot of points."
(let [estimate (estimate-pi (generate-random-points 70000))]
(should (> estimate 3.13))
(should (< estimate 3.15)))))
(defproject montecarlopi "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]
[incanter "1.5.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
:main montecarlopi.core
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[speclj "2.5.0"]]}}
:plugins [[speclj "2.5.0"]]
:test-paths ["spec/"])
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