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Last active January 16, 2024 21:07
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Install or Update Go on Windows
function Get-LatestRelease() {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest ""
$results = ConvertFrom-JSON $response
$latest = $results[0]
$arch = "amd64"
$arch = "arm64"
foreach ($file in $latest.files) {
if ($file.os -eq "windows" -and $file.arch -eq $arch -and $file.kind -eq "archive") {
return $file
return $null
function Get-CurrentVersion() {
try {
$versionOut = go.exe version
$currentVersion = ($versionOut -split " ")[2]
return $currentVersion
} catch {
return "go0.0.0"
$latestRelease = Get-LatestRelease
if ($null -eq $latestRelease) {
Write-Error "No release found!"
$currentVersion = Get-CurrentVersion
if ($currentVersion -eq $latestRelease.version) {
Write-Host "Go $($latestRelease.version) installed is latest"
Write-Host "Updating go to version $($latestRelease.version)"
New-Item -Path "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)_temp" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$downloadFilePath = "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)_temp\"
$downloaderURL = "$($latestRelease.filename)"
Write-Host "Downloading $downloaderURL to $downloadFilePath..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloaderURL -OutFile $downloadFilePath
$fileHash = $(Get-FileHash -Path $downloadFilePath -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower()
if ($fileHash -ne $latestRelease.sha256) {
Write-Error "Checksum validation failed!"
Expand-Archive -Path $downloadFilePath -DestinationPath "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)_temp"
Move-Item -Path "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)_temp\go" -Destination "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)"
Remove-Item -Path "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)_temp" -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "C:\go\current" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "C:\go\current" -Value "C:\go\$($latestRelease.version)" | Out-Null
go.exe version
function Get-LatestRelease() {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest ""
$releases = ConvertFrom-JSON $response
$latest_release = $null
foreach ($release in $releases) {
if ($'(Current)')) {
$latest_release = $release
return $latest_release
$release = Get-LatestRelease
if ($null -eq $release) {
Write-Error "No release found!"
$current_version = node.exe --version
if ($release.tag_name -eq $current_version) {
Write-Host "No update available"
$downloaderURL = "$($release.tag_name)/node-$($release.tag_name)-x64.msi"
$downloadPath = "$($env:TEMP)\node-$($release.tag_name)-x64.msi"
Write-Host "Downloading $($downloaderURL) to $($downloadPath)..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloaderURL -OutFile $downloadPath
$msiexecArguments = "/i",$downloadPath,"/passive"
Write-Host "Running: msiexec.exe $($msiexecArguments)"
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList $msiexecArguments
Remove-Item $downloadPath
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