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Last active December 15, 2022 14:01
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## Download the HG002 30X BAMs, kindly sequenced and shared by Google
gsutil cp gs://brain-genomics-public/research/sequencing/fastq/hiseqx/wgs_pcr_free/30x/HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz .
gsutil cp gs://brain-genomics-public/research/sequencing/fastq/hiseqx/wgs_pcr_free/30x/HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz .
## Download GRCh38
gunzip GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz
## Make a .fai index using samtools faidx
samtools faidx GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna
## Create the BWA indices
bwa index GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna
## Download dbSNP to use as your known-sites file. Don't worry about it's tabix index as we
## need to first fix the missing "chr" prefix to match the reference, then recompress/reindex.
## We'll need to tabix index our dbSNP file
tabix dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz
## Align reads using Parabricks fq2bam, which includes BWA mem, BQSR, markduplicates, and sorting / indexing of the bam
## Assumes pbrun has been copied to /usr/local/bin or some other acessible path
pbrun fq2bam \
--in-fq HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna \
--known-sites dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gzz \
--out-bam HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.bam \
--out-recal-file HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.recal.txt \
--num-gpu 4
pbrun deepvariant \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna \
--in-bam HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.bam \
--out-variants HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.deepvariant.vcf \
--num-gpu 4
pbrun haplotypecaller \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna \
--in-bam HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.bam \
--in-recal-file HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.recal.txt \
--out-variants HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.vcf \
--num-gpu 4
## Since it's so fast, and sometimes we'll want to generate mutect calls (e.g. for a Panel of Normals),
## I've shown how to run accelerated MuTect2 below.
pbrun mutectcaller \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna \
--in-tumor-bam HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.bam \
--tumor-name sample \
--out-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.mutect2.vcf \
--num-gpu 4
## In this portion, we'll first generate a quality control report for our
## HaplotypeCaller and DeepVariant VCFs.
## We'll then merge our HaplotypeCaller and DeepVariant calls
## into a single VCF using the vote-based VCF merger (VBVM) tool. We'll
## then annotate our calls with information from dbSNP using the VCFANNO tool and
## filter them based on allele frequency using the FREQUENCYFILTRATION tool.
## VCFQC relies on fields generated by individual callers.
## We pass them in on the command line to tell the tool
## what variable names are used by each caller.
## DeepVariant has well-formed fields for mapq, depth, vaf, and allele depth.
pbrun vcfqc \
--in-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.deepvariant.vcf \
--mapq MQ \
--depth DP \
--vaf VAF \
--allele-depth AD
## Perform QC only on the HaplotypeCaller depth and AF fields.
pbrun vcfqc \
--in-vcf ../HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.vcf \
--output-dir HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.qc \
--depth DP \
--vaf AF
## We can also run VCFQCBYBAM, which can pull information from a BAM file
## to calculate depth and allele depth if they aren't present in the VCF.
## You'll also need the reference the BAM was aligned to.
pbrun vcfqcbybam \
--ref GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna \
--in-bam HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.bam \
--in-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.vcf \
--out-file HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.pileup \
--output-dir HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.vcfqcbybam
## The VBVM tool merges VCFs, annotating each variant
pbrun vbvm \
--in-vcf DeepVariant:HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.deepvariant.vcf
--in-vcf HaplotypeCaller:HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.haplotypecaller.vcf \
--min-votes 2 \
--out-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.intersection.vcf
## We will download the clinvar VCF and its index to add it to our annotations.
## The VCFANNO tool annotates a VCF file with INFO fields from
## database VCF files (such as ClinVar, ExAC, 1000 Genomes, dbSNP,
## or COSMIC. Here, we'll add ClinVar and dbSNP annotations. Note
## that dbSNP receives a distinct command line flag to address
## some formatting issues in the database. Also note that we pass
## a prefix with each file that is added to the INFO fields in the
## output VCF.
pbrun vcfanno \
--in-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.intersection.vcf \
--dbsnp dbSNP:dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz \
--annotations clinvar:clinvar.vcf.gz \
--out-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.intersection.annotated.vcf
## FREQUENCYFILTRATION allows us to quickly filter variants using queries
## composed of boolean AND and OR expressions. Here, we'll keep only variants
## that have a dbSNP_CAF frequency less than 0.05 and a clinvar_AF_EXAC frequency
## of less than 0.05. We'll write any variants that fail these filters to failed_variants.vcf.
## We won't drop missing data (i.e. variants with no clinvar/dbSNP annotations), but we
## could do so using the --drop-missing flag.
pbrun frequencyfiltration \
--in-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.intersection.annotated.vcf \
--and-expression "dbSNP_CAF < 0.05" \
--and-expression "clinvar_AF_EXAC < 0.05" \
--excluded-vcf failed_variants.vcf \
--out-vcf HG002.hiseqx.pcr-free.30x.pb.intersection.annotated.filtered.vcf
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Do you have update the QC script for PB-3.7? I guess there is some difference for that.

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