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Last active December 31, 2016 17:17
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1611 portfolio

Edilene Da Cruz - M1 Portfolio

Areas of Emphasis

(What did you set out to accomplish this module?)

Rubric Scores

Fill in how you would grade yourself from 1-4 in the following categories this module:

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: X
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: X
  • C: Group Work & Projects: X
  • D: Professional Skills: X
  • E: Feedback & Community Participation: X

A: End of Module Assessment

(Notes & scores from your assessment rubric)

B: Individual Work & Projects


Jungle Beat


This project is super fun as you are making a basic drum machine program. The drum machine plays sounds from commands initiated at the Terminal. To complete the project, knowledge of linked lists is needed.

Assessed By: Nate


1. Functional Expectations

4: Application fulfills all base expectations and the one extension

2. Test-Driven Development

4: Application is broken into components which are well tested in both isolation and integration using appropriate data

3. Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components

3: Application effectively breaks logical components apart but breaks the principle of SRP

4. Fundamental Ruby & Style

3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring

5. Looping or Recursion

4: Application makes excellent use of loop/recursion techniques



The goal is to create a terminal version of the board game Battleship. This project has a lot of moving pieces and required me to break down the porject into very small pieces and connect a lot of moving pieces. Unfortunately, I started the project on a weak base and tried to restart it and failed to complete it. I'm hoping to come back and finish it.

Assessed By: Nate


  • Wasn't able to get through a game. Crashed at laying out my ships.
  • Love the pirate speak.
  • Good code, it's just not all there
  • Able to speak about process and logic like a real developer.

1. Fundamental Ruby & Style

  • 4: Application demonstrates excellent knowledge of Ruby syntax, style, and refactoring

2. Enumerable & Collections

  • 3: Application demonstrates comfortable use of several Enumerable techniques

3. Test-Driven Development

  • 3: Application is well tested but does not balance isolation and integration tests

4. REPL Interface

  • 4: Application's REPL goes above and beyond expectations to improve the gameplay

5. Breaking Logic into Components

  • 3: Application effectively breaks logical components apart with clear intent and usage

6. Functional Expectations

  • 2: Application runs, but does not work properly, or does not meet specifications.

C: Group Work & Projects





Assessed By: Ilana


  • got through crack and an extension
  • talked about division of responsibility
  • tests are working but only if code is commented out (we talked about commented out code to make things work)
  • tests need to be more robust

1. Overall Functionality

  • 4: Application follows the complete spec and one extension

2. Fundamental Ruby & Style

  • 3: Application shows some effort toward organization but still has 6 or fewer long methods (> 8 lines) and needs some refactoring.

3. Test-Driven Development

  • 3: Application uses tests to exercise core functionality, but has some gaps in coverage or leaves edge cases untested.

4. Breaking Logic into Components

  • 2: Application has some logical components but divisions of responsibility are inconsistent or unclear and/or there is a "God" object taking too much responsibility

(feedback to me)

(Project Name)


(evaluation comments)

(evaluation scores)

(feedback to me)

D: Professional Skills


Gear Up

Growth mindset

The first at Turing will probably one of the hardest one. We are being thrown in a new environment, trying to learn as much as we can while feeling lost the whole time. This gear up was everything we needed: an assurance that the feeling was normal, that we are not "ready yet" to move to the next steps and that other students have been in our shoes and that they survived and thrived. The concept of rewiring our brains to tell us that we don't fail that we are just not ready to move to the next phase is absolutely brilliant and one that I will continue to apply in my life and I will teach others that concept.

Professional Development Workshops

(Session Name)

(takeaways from session)

E: Feedback and Community Participation

Giving Feedback

(feedback from me)

Being a Community Member

(feedback to me)

Playing a Part

(ways you supported the larger Turing community)

Final Review


( Leave blanks for reviewers )


( Leave blanks for reviewers )

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