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Created November 28, 2019 13:52
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extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate syn;
extern crate quote;
use core::iter::*;
use syn::*;
use syn::fold::Fold;
use syn::punctuated::{Punctuated, Pair};
use proc_macro2::*;
use quote::*;
//The macro uses 'cont' as abbreviation for 'continuation syntax'
const INVOCATION_NAME : &'static str = "cont";
//Trying to parse an Expr with trailing Parens(Punct(Args,Comma)) needs
//a separator to avoid parsing it as an ExprCall(OrigExpr,Args)
type SEP = Token![,];
pub fn use_cps(_attr:proc_macro::TokenStream, body:proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let tree = parse2::<ItemFn>(body.clone().into()).unwrap();
let mut f = Folder;
let folded = syn::fold::fold_item_fn(&mut f, tree);
//println!("Macro use_cps:\nBefore:\n{}\n\nAfter:\n{}",
// body.clone().to_string(), folded.clone().to_token_stream().to_string());
//I don't know if I'll want a more complex quote than this identity quote yet
(quote! {
///For parsing call parameters that may also contain a hole/_ token
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum ContArg {
impl syn::parse::Parse for ContArg {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
///Contains the details of the cont! call within the #[use_cps] body
///Parsed from `cont!(func_expr, (args*) as cont_patterns)`
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ParsedInvocation {
func_expr: Expr,
paren_token: syn::token::Paren,
args: Punctuated<ContArg, Token![,]>,
tok_as: Token![as],
asyncness: Option<Token![async]>,
moves: Option<Token![move]>,
cont_patterns: Punctuated<Pat, Token![,]>,
impl syn::parse::Parse for ParsedInvocation {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let func_expr = input.parse::<Expr>()?;
let _x = input.parse::<SEP>()?;
let parens;
let paren_token = parenthesized!(parens in input);
let args = parens.parse_terminated::<ContArg,Token![,]>(ContArg::parse)?;
let tok_as = input.parse::<Token![as]>()?;
let asyncness: Option<Token![async]> = if input.peek(Token![async]) {
} else {None};
let moves: Option<Token![move]> = if input.peek(Token![move]) {
} else {None};
let cont_patterns = Punctuated::<Pat, Token![,]>::parse_terminated(input)?;
func_expr, paren_token, args, tok_as, asyncness, moves, cont_patterns
///Visitor for Fold that performs the block -> closure transform
struct Folder;
impl syn::fold::Fold for Folder {
//Walk over the block; if a cont! is found, feed it the unwalked remainder
fn fold_block(&mut self, block:Block) -> Block {
let mut replacement = Block { brace_token: block.brace_token, stmts: Vec::new() };
let mut refold_needed = false;
for (i, stmt) in block.stmts.iter().enumerate() {
match stmt {
//Duplicate logic over similar structure...
Stmt::Semi(Expr::Macro(em), semi) => {
let callexpr = construct_exprcall_from_macro(em.clone(), i, &block.stmts);
match callexpr {
None => {
Some(e) => {
refold_needed = true;
replacement.stmts.push(Stmt::Semi(e, semi.clone()));
Stmt::Expr(Expr::Macro(em)) => {
let callexpr = construct_exprcall_from_macro(em.clone(), i, &block.stmts);
match callexpr {
None => {
Some(e) => {
refold_needed = true;
_ => {
replacement.stmts.push(syn::fold::fold_stmt(self, stmt.clone()));
if refold_needed {
syn::fold::fold_block(self, replacement)
} else {
///Common code for taking a macro `e` and its position `i` in the block `stmts`
///and constructing the replacement closure call from it
fn construct_exprcall_from_macro(e:ExprMacro,i:usize,stmts:&Vec<Stmt>) -> Option<Expr> {
let makro = &e.mac;
if !makro.path.is_ident(INVOCATION_NAME) {
return None
//From here onwards, a parse error is an error in the cont! call
let parsed_invocation: ParsedInvocation = parse2(makro.tokens.clone()).unwrap();
//println!("Parsed cont invocation {:?}", parsed_invocation);
let asyncness: Option<Token![async]> = parsed_invocation.asyncness;
let staticness: Option<Token![static]> = None;
let captures: Option<Token![move]> = parsed_invocation.moves;
let remaining_stmts : Vec<_> = stmts[i+1..stmts.len()].into();
let formed_closure = Expr::Closure(ExprClosure {
attrs: Vec::new(),
asyncness: asyncness,
movability: staticness,
capture: captures,
or1_token: Default::default(),
inputs: parsed_invocation.cont_patterns,
or2_token: Default::default(),
output: ReturnType::Default, //Infer return type
body: Box::new(Expr::Block(ExprBlock{
attrs: Vec::new(),
label: None,
block: Block{
brace_token: Default::default(),
stmts: remaining_stmts,
//Replaces holes in the continue call's args with the formed closure
let hole_filler: &dyn Fn(ContArg)->Expr = &|a| match a {
ContArg::Hole(_) => formed_closure.clone(),
ContArg::Expr(e) => e.clone()
let replaced_args = Punctuated::<Expr, Token![,]>::from_iter(
.map(|a| match a {
Pair::Punctuated(e, t) => Pair::Punctuated(hole_filler(e),t),
Pair::End(e) => Pair::End(hole_filler(e))
let cont_call_expr = Expr::Call(ExprCall{
func: Box::new(parsed_invocation.func_expr),
//attrs: Default::default(),
attrs: e.attrs,
paren_token: Default::default(),
args: replaced_args,
//println!("Newly formed continuation call:\n{}", cont_call_expr.to_token_stream().to_string());
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