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Last active December 15, 2018 20:38
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# see:
# sudo apt install --yes ffmpeg libav-tools
# bash -x ./scripts/extract-and-encode.bash "$path/to/videos" [path/to/timing.tsv]
extract-and-encode() {
local video_source="$1"
local mot="$2"
local start="$3"
local end="$4"
-ss "$start" \
-to "$end" \
-r 14 # framerate
-vf scale=640x480
-b:v 512k
-minrate 256k
-maxrate 742k
-quality good
-speed 4
-crf 37 # maximum quality level.
-c:v libvpx-vp9 # video codec
-loglevel error
local target_file="videos/$mot.webm"
ffmpeg -y \
-i "$video_source" \
"${ffmpeg_args[@]}" \
"$target_file" < /dev/null # to prevent ffmpeg from swallowing input
process-all() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'missing arguments.'
echo 'usage:'
echo " extract-and-encode.bash path/to/video.mkv [path/to/timing.tsv]"
exit $FAIL
if [[ -z $2 ]]; then
echo 'missing argument: path/to/timing.tsv'
exit $FAIL
local video_source="$1"
local video_timing="$2"
while read -r start end mot; do
echo "Extracting: $mot" "$start" "$end"
extract-and-encode "$video_source" "$mot" "${start}" "${end}"
done < "$video_timing"
if [[ $IS_RUNNING_TESTS == false ]]; then process-all "$@"; fi
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No tabs found in this TSV file in line 0.
0:00:01.64 0:00:04.07 bonjour
0:00:04.09 0:00:07.00 bonsoir
0:00:07.00 0:00:10.36 au revoir
0:00:10.36 0:00:13.28 merci
0:00:13.28 0:00:16.10 non merci
0:00:16.10 0:00:19.11 de rien
0:00:19.11 0:00:21.93 ça va
0:00:21.93 0:00:24.75 oui
0:00:24.75 0:00:28.84 non
0:00:28.84 0:00:32.26 pardon
0:00:32.26 0:00:35.47 s'il vous plait
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