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edwinb / tree.idr
Created September 9, 2014 09:27
Tree erasure
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : Tree Z a
Node : Tree ln a -> a -> Tree rn a -> Tree (ln + (S rn)) a
insert : Ord a => a -> Tree n a -> Tree (S n) a
insert val Leaf = Node Leaf val Leaf
insert val (Node l x r) with (val <= x)
insert val (Node l x r) | True = Node (insert val l) x r
insert val (Node l x r) | False ?= {tree_right} Node l x (insert val r)
edwinb / cotest.idr
Created August 18, 2014 12:51
A simple coinductive proof
ones : Num a => Stream a
ones = 1 :: ones
twos : Num a => Stream a
twos = 2 :: twos
codata EqStream : Stream a -> Stream a -> Type where
ReflStream : x = y -> EqStream xs ys -> EqStream (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
-- can't do it for all Num since we don't know how * behaves!
data AltList : a -> b -> Type where
Nil : AltList a b
(::) : b -> AltList a b -> AltList b a
test : AltList String Int
test = ["hi", 2, "cat", 3, "hoy"]
I can’t help but feel that this is a really misguided effort.
When you start programming with dependent types, as your types get more descriptive you will inevitably end up needing to prove things. Hence, ultimately you will want the system to fulfill the role of a proof assistant, anyway.
It makes no sense, then, to dismiss Coq on the grounds that it is a proof assistant. Yes, it could use some facilities to make it more practical for actual programs. But it is a very mature system, based on a nice rich calculus, with lots of nice infrastructure, a growing standard library, lots of documentation and publications, etc. It makes much more sense to find out what Coq is missing and add it, rather than starting from scratch.
vapp : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
vapp [] ys ?= {vapp_nil_lemma} ys
vapp (x :: xs) ys ?= {vapp_cons_lemma} x :: vapp xs ys
---------- Proofs ----------
Main.vapp_cons_lemma = proof
rewrite (plusSuccRightSucc m n)
edwinb / elemimp.idr
Created July 7, 2014 10:28
Spot the difference
data Elem : a -> Vect n a -> Type where
Here : Elem x (x :: xs)
There : Elem x xs -> Elem x (y :: xs)
isElem : DecEq a => (x : a) -> (xs : _) -> Maybe (Elem x xs)
isElem x [] = Nothing
isElem x (y :: xs) with (decEq x y)
isElem x (x :: xs) | (Yes refl) = Just Here
isElem x (y :: xs) | (No contra) = Just (There !(isElem x xs))
edwinb / divide.idr
Created July 2, 2014 09:44
Type safe division
module Main
{- Divide x by y, as long as there is a proof that y is non-zero. The
'auto' keyword on the 'p' argument means that when safe_div is called,
Idris will search for a proof. Either y will be statically known, in
which case this is easy, otherwise there must be a proof in the context.
'so : Bool -> Type' is a predicate on booleans which only holds if the
boolean is true. Essentially, we are making it a requirement in the type
that a necessary dynamic type is done before we call the function -}
joke : Protocol ['A, 'B] ()
joke = do 'A ==> 'B | Literal "Knock knock"
'B ==> 'A | Literal "Who's there?"
name <- 'A ==> 'B | String
'B ==> 'A | Literal (name ++ " who?")
'A ==> 'B | (punchline : String **
Literal (name ++ punchline))
edwinb / stream.idr
Last active October 26, 2017 22:01
concurrent counting
module Main
import Effects
import Effect.StdIO
import System.Protocol
data Command = Next | SetIncrement | Stop
count : Protocol ['Client, 'Server] ()
data Strategy : Type where
MkStrategy : (t : Type -> Type) ->
(delay : (a : Type) -> a -> t a) ->
(force : (a : Type) -> t a -> a) ->
strategy : Strategy -> Type -> Type
strategy (MkStrategy t delay force) = t
delay : {s : Strategy} -> {a : Type} -> a -> strategy s a