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Last active March 4, 2024 14:12
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  • Save eggbean/74db77c4f6404dd1f975bd6f048b86f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eggbean/74db77c4f6404dd1f975bd6f048b86f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Now moving from exa to eza fork. Wrapper script to give it nearly identical switches and appearance to ls. Also automatically adds --git switch when in a git repository.
## Change following to '0' for output to be like ls and '1' for eza features
# Don't list implied . and .. by default with -a
# Show human readable file sizes by default
# Show file sizes in decimal (1KB=1000 bytes) as opposed to binary units (1KiB=1024 bytes)
# Don't show group column
# Don't show hardlinks column
# Show file git status automatically (can cause a slight delay in large repo trees)
# Show icons
# Show column headers
# Group directories first in long listing by default
# Colour always even when piping (can be disabled with -N switch when not wanted)
help() {
cat << EOF
${0##*/} options:
-a all
-A almost all
-1 one file per line
-x list by lines, not columns
-l long listing format
-G display entries as a grid *
-k bytes
-h human readable file sizes
-F classify
-R recurse
-r reverse
-d don't list directory contents
-D directories only *
-P group directories first *
-I ignore [GLOBS]
-i show inodes
-o show octal permissions *
-N no colour *
-S sort by file size
-t sort by modified time
-u sort by accessed time
-c sort by created time *
-X sort by extension
-M time style [iso|long-iso|full-iso|relative] *
-T tree *
-L level [DEPTH] *
-s file system blocks
-g don't show/show file git status *
-O don't show/show icons *
-n ignore .gitignore files *
-b file sizes in binary/decimal (--si in ls)
-Z show each file's security context
-@ extended attributes and sizes *
* not used in ls
[[ $* =~ --help ]] && help
while getopts ':aAbtucSI:rkhnsXL:M:PNg1lFGRdDioOTxZ@' arg; do
case $arg in
a) (( dot == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(-a) || eza_opts+=(-a -a) ;;
A) eza_opts+=(-a) ;;
t) eza_opts+=(-s modified); ((++rev)) ;;
u) eza_opts+=(-us accessed); ((++rev)) ;;
c) eza_opts+=(-Us created); ((++rev)) ;;
S) eza_opts+=(-s size); ((++rev)) ;;
I) eza_opts+=(--ignore-glob="${OPTARG}") ;;
r) ((++rev)) ;;
k) ((--hru)) ;;
h) ((++hru)) ;;
n) eza_opts+=(--git-ignore) ;;
s) eza_opts+=(-S) ;;
X) eza_opts+=(-s extension) ;;
L) eza_opts+=(--level="${OPTARG}") ;;
o) eza_opts+=(--octal-permissions) ;;
M) eza_opts+=(--time-style="${OPTARG}") ;;
P) ((++gpd)) ;;
N) ((++nco)) ;;
g) ((++git)) ;;
O) ((++ico)) ;;
b) ((--meb)) ;;
1|l|F|G|R|d|D|i|T|x|Z|@) eza_opts+=(-"$arg") ;;
:) printf "%s: -%s switch requires a value\n" "${0##*/}" "${OPTARG}" >&2; exit 1
*) printf "Error: %s\n --help for help\n" "${0##*/}" >&2; exit 1
shift "$((OPTIND - 1))"
(( rev == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(-r)
(( fgp == 0 )) && eza_opts+=(-g)
(( lnk == 0 )) && eza_opts+=(-H)
(( hru <= 0 )) && eza_opts+=(-B)
(( hed == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(-h)
(( meb == 0 && hru > 0 )) && eza_opts+=(-b)
(( col == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(--color=always) || eza_opts+=(--color=auto)
(( nco == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(--color=never)
(( gpd >= 1 )) && eza_opts+=(--group-directories-first)
(( ico == 1 )) && eza_opts+=(--icons)
(( git == 1 )) && \
[[ $(git -C ${*:-.} rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree) == true ]] 2>/dev/null && eza_opts+=(--git)
eza "${eza_opts[@]}" "$@"
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eggbean commented Jan 16, 2024

@martin-braun Quite a lot would have to be changed and it'll be a more complex and less readable as a result. No arrays, no (( arithmetic expansion )), no =~ regex, $(process substitution) would need to be changed to `backticks` and I think getopts works differently. And then what would it be more portable for? It already can run on the old bash 3.2 that's installed on macOS. The zealots that I have met who only use sh and nothing as extravagant as bash would never use something as ostentatious as eza anyway😆 Thanks for the idea though.

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martin-braun commented Jan 17, 2024

@eggbean Use case would be Alpine Linux, that doesn't ship with bash, but has eza available in its repository. It's probably neglectable, but I felt it was worth pointing out. 🥲

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eggbean commented Jan 17, 2024

I see. I only use that docker containers. apk add bash only adds 3336 KiB, but I'd be surprised if minimalists who use it as a desktop OS would use eza.

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