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Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators
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@Alhadis Apologies, this fell through the cracks. Done. Thanks!

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walles commented May 3, 2023

Regarding pagers, terminal hyperlinks are supported by moar since v1.14.0:

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Alhadis commented May 6, 2023

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arvenil commented Jul 18, 2023

Is there any way to detect if terminal supports this feature?

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AnonymouX47 commented Jul 18, 2023

@arvenil, it's answered in the document.

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alvaromuir commented Aug 1, 2023

for the life of me i can't get this to work when trying to replace a value with JQ.
I wouldv'e thought this was pretty straight forward:
echo '{"link":"\x1b]8;;\x1b\\\x1b]8;;\x1b]8;;\x1b\"}' | jq

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jamie-pate commented Sep 6, 2023

Is there any way to detect if terminal supports this feature?

No, and no standard way to disable it, so any program that adds these links ends up spamming escape characters all over your output (edit: if they are not 100% compatible with all forms of escape codes)

]8;id=274247;\syntax-check[specific]]8;;\: Invalid options for ansible.builtin.include_role: vars mentions that any terminal emulator that doesn't parse it correctly should consider this a bug since it doesn't properly follow ECMA-48

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AnonymouX47 commented Sep 6, 2023

Hey @jamie-pate.

That should be considered a bug on the part of the program (I believe ansible-lint in your case) emitting the sequence, you should report the issue over there.

As Egmont explained, it's the duty of the program emitting the sequence to detect if its output stream is connected to a terminal device before emitting such sequences... The same applies to almost any other terminal control sequence, not just this.

Next time, kindly ask nicely about things you may not be well-informed about. 😃

EDIT: For the record, I saw your previous comment.

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Oh, and just for the fun of it (in response to a freshly deleted comment that's archived on

feels like this whole thing put the horse before the cart

The last time I checked, that's where the horse belongs 😂

Copy link mentions that any terminal emulator that doesn't parse it correctly should consider this a bug since it doesn't properly follow ECMA-48

I was trying to be constructive, but to clarify, I mean that the terminal emulator is faulty if it parses colors and other ECMA-48 codes, but fails to properly deal with ]8

Trying to help people identify where to report the issues with various pieces of infrastructure that this is exposing.. e.g. concourse/concourse#4318

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mintty commented Sep 6, 2023

I mean that the terminal emulator is faulty if it parses colors and other ECMA-48 codes, but fails to properly deal with ]8

Isn't that just what the quoted section is saying?

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jamie-pate commented Sep 6, 2023

I mean that the terminal emulator is faulty if it parses colors and other ECMA-48 codes, but fails to properly deal with ]8

Isn't that just what the quoted section is saying?

I was responding to this comment, which seems to be laying the blame on the emitter (Originating devices as per ECMA-48), not the consumer (Receiving devices as per ECMA-48):

Hey @jamie-pate.

That should be considered a bug on the part of the program (I believe ansible-lint in your case) emitting the sequence, you should report the issue over there.

My conclusion is that according to #backward-compatibility the Receiving device is 100% responsible for implementing the rest of ECMA-48 even if they just wanted fancy color support and implemented it by scanning through the wikipedia article on the subject. Therefore, if you have issues, you should report issues with the Receiving device implementer.

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@jamie-pate Just to be clear, where exactly did you copy the following from?

]8;id=274247;\syntax-check[specific]]8;;\: Invalid options for ansible.builtin.include_role: vars

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jamie-pate commented Sep 6, 2023

The program generating the output is ansible-lint which creates output using the rich python library

The issue shows up when running inside concourse ci

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Whether or not concourse-ci renders OSC 8 links as links is optional: nice but not required.
However, it should parse OSC escape sequences and ignore ones it doesn't handle. That is a pretty basic requirement for any kind of modern terminal emulator (or wrapper like screen/tmux) that claims to be more-or-less-xterm-compatible (which almost all do). If concourse-ci only claims to implement a minimal ansi/vt-NNN-style terminal, then ansible-lint/rich should not be emitting any OSC sequences.

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AnonymouX47 commented Sep 6, 2023

The program generating the output is ansible-lint which creates output using the rich python library

The issue shows up when running inside concourse ci

I see.

Firstly, I believe @PerBothner has given a good reply (possibly with the exception of the last sentence).

In addition... as far as I know, rich does the necessary detection. So, the issue seems to lie on the end of concourse-ci. If concourse-ci "tells" the programs it executes that their output is a terminal device, then it should gracefully behave as one.

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jamie-pate commented Sep 6, 2023

Concourse doesn't advertise any virtual terminal support, but does support 'ANSI' color sequences ^[.... but not ^]8...

Many concourse examples add TERM=xterm-color to the environment, which advertises full support of the spec..

By removing the falsely advertised terminal advertisement from my config prevents the links, but I also lose all color.

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If rich sees TERM=xterm-color I think it is reasonable for it to assume it is safe to emit OSC escape sequences, especially the more common ones.

So either fix/enhance concourse to ignore OSC escape sequences (probably not that difficult if it already handles ANSI color sequences). Or change TERM to something closer to what concourse supports, such as TERM=ansi. (I don't know if TERM=ansi will allow colors, but you should be able to find something that works.) And Concourse examples should be fixed to not use TERM=xterm-color as that is too much of a lie.

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jamie-pate commented Sep 6, 2023

I don't know if TERM=ansi will allow colors

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be possible.

The issue is that 'supports colors' has been the dominating aspect of terminfo for so long that every library that sniffs for terminal capabilities will only check if it 'supports colors' and then give up if it doesn't. Other Control Function escape sequences have not been on the radar for quite a while for this class of non-interactive program. (edit: see this relevant code from the rich library as an example.) (ncurses-alike libraries will need more capabilities)

I agree the best way forward is that concourse's elm-ansi should be updated. This leaves me currently with the task of stripping unsupported sequences using sed and that is fine.

(edit: Actually, concourse+rich still guesses 'standardcolor' without TERM)

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stuaxo commented Sep 7, 2023

Probably worth opening a ticket on concourse ci for osc8 support since it's open source.

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denolfe commented May 9, 2024

Thanks for this! I was able to use this to make hyperlinks in my p10k prompt segments!

CleanShot 2024-05-09 at 15 59 28
  # Shows the PR number as hyperlink
  prompt_pr_number() {
    if [[ ! -d .git ]]; then return; fi

    local pr_number=$(git config --get branch."$(git branch --show-current)".github-pr-owner-number | awk -F "#" '{print $3}')

    if [ -z "$pr_number" ]; then return; fi

    local pr_link=$(echo "\e]8;;$pr_number\e\\#$pr_number\e]8;;\e\\")
    _p9k_prompt_segment "$0$state" 208 016 '' 0 '' "$pr_link"

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vin01 commented May 21, 2024

thanks for maintaining this compilation of useful resources.

Some locally installed applications might register a handle for some custom URI scheme (e.g. foobar://), and the handler application might be vulnerable in case the rest of the URI is maliciously crafted. Terminal emulators might decide to whitelist only some well known schemes and ask for the user's confirmation on less known ones.

I assessed this for iTerm2 and Hyper and just published: (Abusing url handling in iTerm2 and Hyper for code execution)

If terminal emulators themselves act as applications handling arbitrary URL schemes, attack surface can be quite broad.

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If you want to skip the convoluted docs and just want to cut to the chase, here is a

Python example

def terminal_link(url, text):
	return '\033]8;;' + url + '\033\\' + text + '\033]8;;\033\\'

print('-->', terminal_link('', 'Click here to open Google'), '<--')
print('-->', terminal_link('file:///etc/passwd', 'Click here to open /etc/passwd'), '<--')

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@hybridgorilla897, that's such a naive and mediocre mindset that has lead to a lot of poor and low-quality projects/products all over the place. You can do better.

Sidenote You seem to have joined GitHub just about an hour before posting this comment, that's crazy though 🤔. Not that it means anything, just interesting. Never had the priviledge of seeing such a fresh user on here.

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@AnonymouX47 I use throwaway accounts all the time. My main account is from 2010.

This problem is realistically not something anyone should spend more than 30 seconds on.

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AnonymouX47 commented Jun 18, 2024

This problem is realistically not something anyone should spend more than 30 seconds on.

Well... until someone runs into some issue and blames some innocent TE devs for their own negligence and incompetence or begin to ask unnecessary questions e.g see:

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JavaScript implementation:

const OSC = "\u001B]";
const SEP = ";";
const BEL = "\u0007";
const link = (text, url) =>
  [OSC, "8", SEP, SEP, url, BEL, text, OSC, "8", SEP, SEP, BEL].join("");

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