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ehaliewicz / lambda.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Lambda calculus interpreter in common lisp
(defun interpret-lambda (expr &optional env)
(etypecase expr
(symbol (let ((res (assoc expr env))) (if res (cdr res) (error "Unbound symbol"))))
(list (case (car expr)
(lambda (list (car (second expr)) (third expr) env))
(let ((rand (interpret-lambda (second expr) env))
(rator (interpret-lambda (first expr) env)))
(cadr rator)
ehaliewicz / lc->c.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
lambda calculus -> c compiler
;; compiles untyped lambda calculus to portable C
;; syntax
;; (lambda x x) - lambda abstraction
;; (x y) - lambda combination (assuming x and y are bound)
;; map of function names to declarations
;; kept separate from the rest of the C code because they need to be forward-declared
(defvar *lambda-map* nil)
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
typedef struct {
void* apply_func; // pointer to function apply this closure w/ correct number of args and free-vars
void* func; // pointer to lifted function that implements this closure
int num_freevars; // number of bound variables (for GC use)
char* str; // string representation of this function
void* forwarded; // forward pointer (for GC use)
void* args[]; // bound variables
ehaliewicz / fibonacci.dasm
Created April 29, 2012 02:03
fibonacci in dcpu-16 asm
SET A, 0
SET B, 1
SET C, 10 ;; set to 10 to find the tenth fibonacci number
:test IFE C, 0
SET PC, done
;; loop
ehaliewicz / chop-recur.lisp
Created May 23, 2012 02:06
Recursive Binary Search
(defun chop-1 (num tree)
(labels ((recur (num tree start-index)
(if (equalp 0 (length tree)) -1
(let* ((mid-point (truncate (/ (length tree) 2)))
(mid-num (elt tree mid-point)))
((= (length tree) 0) -1)
((= mid-num num) (+ mid-point start-index))
((= (length tree) 1) -1)
((> mid-num num) (recur num (subseq tree 0 mid-point) 0)) ;; check in first half of tree
ehaliewicz /
Created May 24, 2012 03:04
Python FSM parser
# process() kind of parses Tadoku entries
# Character Classes
# 0. Space
# 1. Hash
# 2. Semicolon
# 3. Number
# 4. Other
(defun contains (self value)
(labels ((recur (value current)
(if (null current)
((= value current.value) t)
((< value current.value) (recur value current.left))
(t (recur value current.right))))))
(recur value self.root)))
ehaliewicz / tail-recur.lisp
Created October 28, 2012 00:49
Tail-recursion and mutual recursion macros
;; A couple of silly macros for a language that has defmacro but no tail-recursion
;; the mutual recursion macro is even worse, because you can only really 'call' one of the functions
(defmacro recur (arg-pairs &body body)
(let ((arg-names (mapcar #'car arg-pairs)) ;; extract loop variable names
(arg-vals (mapcar #'cadr arg-pairs))) ;; extract start values
;; block to return from
`(block nil
ehaliewicz / flip-flop.lisp
Last active October 12, 2015 08:27
A flip-flop operator for lisp
(defmacro flip-flop (left right)
"Evaluates to false until the left test is satisfied. Then evaluates to true until the right test is satisfied, etc."
;; create a collision-safe name for our state variable
(let ((state-var (gensym)))
;; create a toplevel variable to keep state of flip-flop
(defvar ,state-var nil))
class Class
def attr_accessor_with_default(attr_name, val)
attr_name = attr_name.to_s
self.class_eval("def #{attr_name}; @#{attr_name} = #{val};end")
self.class_eval("@#{attr_name} = #{val}")
self.class_eval("def #{attr_name}=(val) @#{attr_name} = val end")