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Created July 19, 2017 14:01
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07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : {
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "serverTime": 1500472602,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "isSuccessful": true,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "reason": null,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "responseData": {
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "coinsEarned": 400,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "starsEarned": 2,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "winnerName": "Ruth Albkbchicebi Sidhuberg",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "oldLeagueRank": 36,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "userState": {
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "userId": "596f5b9c29f5a93edcbd16d7",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "userName": "Ruth Albkbchicebi Sidhuberg",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "fbUserId": "101891020488361",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "playerLevel": 1,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "country": "IL",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "allowLeagueChallenges": true,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "getNotifications": true,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "onboardingPhase": 3,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "isInPhase": false,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "skinId": "pig-joe",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "tokenBalance": 190,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "coinBalance": 3350,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "xp": 0,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "vipPoints": 0,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "vipLevel": 0,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "skillRating": 497,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "inboxMessages": [],
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "lastCheckinCollectTime": 1500470712,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "pendingServerMessages": [],
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "purchasedSkins": [
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "bunny-lady",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "pig-joe"
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : ],
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "specialAbility": "Magic",
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "picUrl": null,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "stats": {
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "coinsSpent": 600,
07-19 16:56:42.932 31625 31718 I Unity : "g
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Laugh!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Angry!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Laugh!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Angry!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Laugh!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Angry!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Laugh!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Angry!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Laugh!
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.843 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.844 31625 31718 I Unity : Character showing emote - Angry!
07-19 16:56:43.844 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.844 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.844 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.914 31625 31718 I Unity : OnRequestFinished
07-19 16:56:43.914 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.914 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.914 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.915 31625 31718 I Unity : {"serverTime":1500472604,"isSuccessful":true,"reason":null,"responseData":{"userState":{"userId":"596f5b9c29f5a93edcbd16d7","userName":"Ruth Albkbchicebi Sidhuberg","fbUserId":"101891020488361","playerLevel":1,"country":"IL","allowLeagueChallenges":true,"getNotifications":true,"onboardingPhase":3,"isInPhase":false,"skinId":"pig-joe","tokenBalance":190,"coinBalance":3350,"xp":0,"vipPoints":0,"vipLevel":0,"skillRating":497,"inboxMessages":[],"lastCheckinCollectTime":1500470712,"pendingServerMessages":[],"purchasedSkins":["bunny-lady","pig-joe"],"specialAbility":"Magic","picUrl":null,"stats":{"coinsSpent":600,"gamesWon":5,"currentWinStreak":4,"coinsWonFromBets":1050,"highestGameScore":136,"tokensWonFromBets":90,"highestSingleMoveScore":27,"averageScorePerGame":59.0,"longestWinStreak":4,"matchesMade":98,"laudedMoves":1,"gamesLost":2,"coinsWonFromPrizes":200,"tokensWonFromPrizes":0},"pendingSuperspin":false,"lastSpinTime":1500470172,"phaseType":0,"activityModifier":0.5,"phaseModifier":0,"activeSpecialOffer":"spec
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity : OnRequestFinished :
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity : SERVER CHECKSUM : 6df7b6d1bac041e7901149240d0dfa33 CLIENT CHECKSUM: 6df7b6d1bac041e7901149240d0dfa33
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:43.927 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : Changing State [old:EndingGame, new:WaitingEndGame]
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : OnRemoteGameEnd WaitingEndGame
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : Changing State [old:WaitingEndGame, new:EndGame]
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : GameClientSide.UnregisterFromPhotonControllerEvents
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : OnGameEnd
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 W Unity : Updating from index 36,-1
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 W Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 W Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.881 31625 31718 W Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.905 31625 31718 W Unity : MOVED from Game to PopupMatchEnd
07-19 16:56:45.905 31625 31718 W Unity :
07-19 16:56:45.905 31625 31718 W Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:45.905 31625 31718 W Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.055 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : EvRematch
07-19 16:56:54.055 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.055 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.055 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.274 31625 31718 I Unity : OnStatusChanged: TimeoutDisconnect
07-19 16:56:54.274 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.274 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.274 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity : PhotonNetworkManager State = Disconnected
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity : DisconnectionHandler: Trying to reconnct!
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.275 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.276 31625 31718 I Unity : Connecting, UserId:596f5b9c29f5a93edcbd16d7, Token: 9d33728cf4bd7f2bcdcee366a16571a50660e57c
07-19 16:56:54.276 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.276 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.276 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.279 31625 31718 I Unity : PhotonNetworkManager State = ConnectingToMasterserver
07-19 16:56:54.279 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.279 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.279 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.665 31625 31718 I Unity : OnStatusChanged: Connect
07-19 16:56:54.665 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.665 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.665 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.690 31625 31718 I Unity : Pre IsAuthorizeSecretAvailable
07-19 16:56:54.690 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.690 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.690 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.691 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : AppStats
07-19 16:56:54.691 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.691 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.691 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.705 31625 31718 I Unity : Rematch - StartDeclineTimer 7
07-19 16:56:54.705 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:54.705 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:54.705 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : OnStatusChanged: EncryptionEstablished
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : EncryptionEstablished: didAuthenticate:False
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : PhotonNetworkManager State = Authenticating
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:55.820 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.193 31625 31718 I Unity : OnOperationResponse: OperationResponse 230: ReturnCode: 0 (). Parameters: {(Byte)202=(String)Ruth Albkbchicebi Sidhuberg, (Byte)225=(String)596f5b9c29f5a93edcbd16d7, (Byte)154=(String)7/19/2017 1:56:56 PM, (Byte)255=(String)596f5b9c-9a535b7a}
07-19 16:56:56.193 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.193 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.193 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : OnConnectedToMaster: RoomID:596f5b9c-9a535b7a CurrentPlace:PopupMatchEnd Onboarding:False
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : OnConnectedToMaster: client is on game screen and an active game was found on master - rejoin the game!
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : Setting UserId sent by Server:596f5b9c29f5a93edcbd16d7
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : Setting Nickname sent by Server:Ruth Albkbchicebi Sidhuberg
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : PhotonNetworkManager State = ConnectedToMaster
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.194 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity : OnOperationResponse: OperationResponse 229: ReturnCode: 0 (). Parameters: {}
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity : PhotonNetworkManager State = JoinedLobby
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.409 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.410 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : GameList
07-19 16:56:56.410 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:56.410 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:56.410 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:59.793 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : AppStats
07-19 16:56:59.793 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:56:59.793 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:56:59.793 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:01.053 31625 31718 I Unity : isRematch: True
07-19 16:57:01.053 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:01.053 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:01.053 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:01.536 31625 31718 I Unity : OnOperationResponse: OperationResponse 253: ReturnCode: -2 (Unknown operation code). Parameters: {}
07-19 16:57:01.536 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:01.536 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:01.536 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:25.310 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : AppStats
07-19 16:57:25.310 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:25.310 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:25.310 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:26.120 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : GameListUpdate
07-19 16:57:26.120 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:26.120 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:26.120 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:31.017 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : AppStats
07-19 16:57:31.017 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:31.017 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:31.017 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:40.127 31625 31718 I Unity : OnEvent : GameListUpdate
07-19 16:57:40.127 31625 31718 I Unity :
07-19 16:57:40.127 31625 31718 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
07-19 16:57:40.127 31625 31718 I Unity :
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