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Last active September 23, 2022 16:35
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backtracking "effects" with constraint kinds generically
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, constraints, ghc-prim
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstrainedClassMethods, ConstraintKinds,
DefaultSignatures, FlexibleInstances, ImplicitParams, RankNTypes,
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Data.Constraint
import Data.IORef
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Base (IP(..))
type Cap p = (Cap' p, p)
class Cap' p where
type Captured p :: Type
-- save :: Cap p => IO (Captured p)
save :: p => IO (Captured p)
-- restore :: Cap p => Captured p -> IO ()
restore :: p => Captured p -> IO ()
instance Cap' (IP x (IORef a)) where
type Captured (IP x (IORef a)) = a
save = readIORef (ip @x)
restore a = writeIORef (ip @x) a
-- can only capture when the mvar is not held
instance Cap' (IP x (MVar a)) where
type Captured (IP x (MVar a)) = a
save = readMVar (ip @x)
restore a = do
let v = ip @x
_ <- takeMVar v
putMVar v a
instance Cap' () where
type Captured () = ()
save = pure ()
restore = pure
instance (Cap' p, Cap' q) => Cap' (p, q) where
type Captured (p, q) = (Captured p, Captured q)
save = (,) <$> save @p <*> save @q
restore (a,b) = restore @p a *> restore @q b
instance (Cap' p, Cap' q, Cap' r) => Cap' (p, q, r) where
type Captured (p, q, r) = (Captured p, Captured q, Captured r)
save = (,,) <$> save @p <*> save @q <*> save @r
restore (a,b,c) = restore @p a *> restore @q b *> restore @r c
onErrorRestore :: forall p a. Cap p => IO a -> IO a
onErrorRestore x = bracketOnError (save @p) (restore @p) (const x)
orElseRestore :: forall p a. Cap p => IO a -> IO a -> IO a
orElseRestore x y = onErrorRestore @p x <|> y
tryWith :: forall p e a. (Cap p, Exception e) => IO a -> IO (Either e a)
tryWith x = try (onErrorRestore @p x)
-- run a computation and backtrack the effects, but keep the answer
consider :: forall p a. Cap p => IO a -> IO a
consider x = bracket (save @p) (restore @p) (const x)
type GivenFoo = ?foo :: IORef Int
type GivenBar = ?bar :: IORef String
main = do
fooRef <- newIORef (12 :: Int)
barRef <- newIORef "hello"
let ?foo = fooRef; ?bar = barRef
-- direct usage
p <- save @(GivenFoo,GivenBar)
writeIORef ?foo 34
q <- save @(GivenFoo,GivenBar)
restore @(GivenFoo,GivenBar) p
r <- save @(GivenFoo,GivenBar)
print (p,q,r)
-- mask-safe usage
tryWith @(GivenFoo) @SomeException (writeIORef ?foo 100 *> error "wut")
s <- save @GivenFoo
print s
tryWith @(GivenFoo) @SomeException (writeIORef ?foo 200)
t <- save @GivenFoo
print t
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