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Created June 7, 2011 14:58
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haskell vector spaces
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Numeric.Vector.Space where
import Data.Functor.Representable.Trie hiding (Entry)
import Data.Key (Adjustable(..), Key)
import qualified Data.Key as Key
import qualified Data.Heap as Heap
import Data.Heap (Heap, Entry(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Complex
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Codensity
import Control.Monad.Trans
infixl 6 .*, ./
-- todo: rename or constrain on a?
class (Alternative v, MonadPlus v, Num (Scalar v)) => Vector v where
type Scalar v :: *
(.*) :: Scalar v -> v a -> v a
linear :: [(Scalar v, a)] -> v a
linear = foldr (\(p,a) b -> if p /= 0 then (p.* pure a) <|> b else b) empty
bias :: Vector v => Scalar v -> v Bool
bias p = linear [(p,True),(1-p,False)]
instance Vector v => Vector (Free v) where
type Scalar (Free v) = Scalar v
p .* Free as = Free (p .* as)
p .* v = Free $ linear [(p,v)]
linear = lift . linear
instance Vector v => Vector (CodensityT v) where
type Scalar (CodensityT v) = Scalar v
p .* CodensityT m = CodensityT (\k -> p .* m k)
linear = lift . linear
class Vector v => Eval v where
eval :: Ord a => v a -> [(Scalar v,a)]
flatten :: v a -> [(Scalar v, a)]
instance Eval v => Eval (Free v) where
eval = eval . retract
flatten = flatten . retract
instance Eval v => Eval (CodensityT v) where
eval = eval . lowerCodensityT
flatten = flatten . lowerCodensityT
optimize :: (Eval v, Ord a) => v a -> v a
optimize = linear . eval
(./) :: (Vector v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => v a -> Scalar v -> v a
v ./ s = recip s .* v
-- | conservative upper bound on the L1 norm. Accurate If all vectors are non-negative.
d :: Eval v => v a -> Scalar v
d = foldl' (\b pa -> b + abs (fst pa)) 0 . flatten
newtype Linear p a = Linear { runLinear :: [(p,a)] }
deriving (Read,Show)
instance Num p => Functor (Linear p) where
fmap f (Linear as) = Linear [ (p, f a) | (p,a) <- as ]
b <$ as = Linear [(d as, b)]
instance Num p => Applicative (Linear p) where
pure a = Linear [(1, a)]
Linear fs <*> Linear as = Linear [(p*q,f a) | (p,f) <- fs, (q,a) <- as]
as <* bs = d bs .* as
as *> bs = d as .* bs
instance Num p => Alternative (Linear p) where
empty = Linear []
Linear as <|> Linear bs = Linear (as <|> bs)
instance Num p => Monad (Linear p) where
return a = Linear [(1, a)]
(>>) = (*>)
Linear as >>= f = Linear [ (p*q, b) | (p,a) <- as, (q,b) <- runLinear (f a) ]
instance Num p => MonadPlus (Linear p) where
mzero = empty
mplus = (<|>)
instance Num p => Vector (Linear p) where
type Scalar (Linear p) = p
p .* Linear as = Linear [ (p*q,a) | (q,a) <- as ]
linear = Linear
instance Num p => Eval (Linear p) where
eval = map swap . Map.toList . Map.fromListWith (+) . map swap . runLinear
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
flatten = runLinear
pl :: Linear Double a -> Linear Double a
pl = id
pf :: Free (Linear Double) a -> Free (Linear Double) a
pf = id
pc :: CodensityT (Free (Linear Double)) a -> CodensityT (Free (Linear Double)) a
pc = id
ql :: Linear (Complex Double) a -> Linear (Complex Double) a
ql = id
qf :: Free (Linear (Complex Double)) a -> Free (Linear (Complex Double)) a
qf = id
qc :: CodensityT (Free (Linear (Complex Double))) a -> CodensityT (Free (Linear (Complex Double))) a
qc = id
grassModel :: (Vector v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => v Bool
grassModel = do
cloudy <- bias 0.5
rain <- bias $ if cloudy then 0.8 else 0.2
sprinkler <- bias $ if cloudy then 0.1 else 0.5
_wetRoof <- (&& rain) <$> bias 0.7
wetGrass <- (||) <$> ((&&) rain <$> bias 0.9)
<*> ((&&) sprinkler <$> bias 0.9)
cup True wetGrass -- guard wetGrass
return rain
class Ord a => Space a where
cup :: Vector v => a -> a -> v ()
cap :: Vector v => v (a,a)
instance Space () where
cup () () = pure ()
cap = pure ((),())
instance Space Bool where
cup True True = pure ()
cup False False = pure ()
cup _ _ = empty
cap = pure (True, True) <|> pure (False,False)
transpose :: (Vector v, Space a, Space b) => (a -> v b) -> b -> v a
transpose m i = do
(k,l) <- cap
j <- m k
cup i j
return l
data Distribution p a = Distribution
{ pdf :: a -> p
, cdf :: a -> p
, qf :: p -> a
, lo :: a
, hi :: a
uniform :: (Real p, Fractional a) => a -> a -> Distribution p a
uniform a b = Distribution {..} where
pdf x | a <= x && x <= b = recip (b - a)
| otherwise = 0
cdf x | x <= a = 0
| x <= b = (x - a) / (x - b)
| otherwise = 1
qf p = a + realToFrac p (b - a)
support = (a,b)
exponential :: (Real p, Fractional a) => p -> Distribution p p
exponential l = Distribution {..} where
pdf x = l * exp (-l * x)
cdf x = 1 - exp(-l*x) -- expm1(-l*x)
qf p = - log (1 - p) / l -- -logp1(p)/l
support = (0,1/0)
-- clamp a distribution between two values. yielding a new distribution
bounded :: Real p => a -> a -> Distribution p a -> Distribution p a
bounded a b d = Distribution {
pdf = pdf'
, cdf = cdf'
, qf = qf'
, lo = lo'
, hi = hi'
} where
lo' = max (lo d) a
hi' = min (hi d) b
base = cdf d lo'
m = cdf d hi' - base
oom = recip m
qlo = qf d lo'
qhi = qf
pdf' x | lo' <= x && x <= hi' = oopr * pdf d x
| otherwise = 0
cdf' x | x <= lo' = 0
| x <= hi' = (cdf d x - b) * oom
| otherwise = 1
qf' p = qd d (m * p + base)
newtype Qubit = Qubit Bool deriving (Eq,Ord,Space,Show,Read)
q0, q1 :: Qubit
q0 = Qubit False
q1 = Qubit True
-- invariant: must rotate by a unitary matrix
rot :: Vector v => Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Qubit -> v Qubit
rot f t _ _ (Qubit False) = linear [(f,q0), (t,q1)]
rot _ _ f t (Qubit True) = linear [(f,q0), (t,q1)]
hadamard :: (Vector v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Qubit -> v Qubit
hadamard = rot h h
h (-h)
where h = recip(sqrt 2)
-- quantum negation = pauliX, but it can be executed classically.
qnot :: Qubit -> Qubit
qnot (Qubit a) = Qubit (not a)
pauliX :: Applicative v => Qubit -> v Qubit
pauliX = pure . qnot -- pauliX = rot 0 1 1 0
pauliY, pauliZ, phase, pi_8 :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => Qubit -> v Qubit
pauliY = rot 0 (-i)
i 0 where i = 0 :+ 1
pauliZ = rot 1 0
0 (-1)
phase = rot 1 0
0 i where i = 0 :+ 1
pi_8 = rot 1 0
0 (cis $ pi/4)
qplus, qminus :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => v Qubit
qplus = hadamard q0
qminus = hadamard q1
qphase :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => r -> Qubit -> v Qubit
qphase phi = rot 1 0
0 c
where c = cis $ 2 * pi * phi
-- invariant: the qubit used for the condition cannot be used in the conditional matrix
conditional :: Applicative v => (a -> v a) -> Qubit -> a -> v a
conditional m (Qubit True) = m
conditional m (Qubit False) = pure
-- run a quantum computation, extracting classical bits
measure :: (Vector v, Eval u, Scalar u ~ Complex r, RealFloat r, Fractional (Scalar v), Ord a) => u a -> v a
measure qbits = linear [ (fromRational $ toRational $ magnitude q ^ 2, a) | (q,a) <- eval qbits ]
condense :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
condense n (a:|as0) | n >= 1 = go a as0 n
go a [] _ = a :| []
go a (b:bs) 1 = a :| NonEmpty.toList (go b bs n)
go _ (b:bs) k = go b bs $! (k - 1)
newtype Reverse a = Reverse a
instance Eq a => Eq (Reverse a) where
Reverse a == Reverse b = a == b
instance Ord a => Ord (Reverse a) where
compare (Reverse a) (Reverse b) = compare b a
buildHeap :: (Eval v, Ord p) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Scalar v -> v (Free v a) -> (Heap (Entry (Reverse p) (Scalar v, Free v a)), p)
buildHeap f q = convert . foldr act ([],0) . flatten where
act (p,a) (xs,sz) = (x:xs, qp+sz) where
qp = q*p
x = Entry (Reverse (f qp)) (qp,a)
convert (xs,sz) = (Heap.fromList xs, f sz)
-- used when we need no priority
data Trivial = Trivial deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Num Trivial where
_ + _ = Trivial
_ * _ = Trivial
_ - _ = Trivial
abs _ = Trivial
signum _ = Trivial
fromInteger _ = Trivial
-- always expands the tree in the direction that maximizes information.
-- returns a list of lower bounds on the proability with one sided error
proj_ :: (Eval v, Num p, Ord p) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Free v a -> NonEmpty (Scalar v, p)
proj_ f (Pure b) = (1, f 0) :| []
proj_ f (Free bs) = condense 20 $ go 0 ub0 entries0
(entries0, ub0) = buildHeap f 1 bs
go lo err heap = (lo,err) :| case Heap.viewMin heap of
Nothing -> []
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Pure c), heap') -> NonEmpty.toList $ go (lo + p) (err - q) heap'
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Free cs), heap') -> let (heap'', q) = buildHeap f p cs in NonEmpty.toList $
go lo (err - f p + q) $ Heap.union heap' heap''
-- always expands the tree in the direction that maximizes information. Only yields valid Improving values when the
-- probabilities always correctly lie within the interval 0..1
proj :: (Eval v, Num p, Ord p, Eq a, HasTrie a) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Free v a -> NonEmpty (a :->: Scalar v, p)
proj f (Pure b) = (adjust (const 1) b (pure 0), f 0) :| []
proj f (Free bs) = condense 20 $ go (pure 0) ub0 entries0
(entries0, ub0) = buildHeap f 1 bs
go lo err heap = (lo,err) :| case Heap.viewMin heap of
Nothing -> []
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Pure c), heap') -> NonEmpty.toList $ go (adjust (+ p) c lo) (err - q) heap'
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Free cs), heap') -> let (heap'', q) = buildHeap f p cs in NonEmpty.toList $
go lo (err - f p + q) $ Heap.union heap' heap''
bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ ls
Basis.hs Dim.hs Free.hs Inference.hs Linear.hs Probability.hs Space.hs
bash-3.2$ vi Space.hs
^[bash-3.2$ cat Space.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Numeric.Vector.Space where
import Data.Functor.Representable.Trie hiding (Entry)
import Data.Key (Adjustable(..), Key)
import qualified Data.Key as Key
import qualified Data.Heap as Heap
import Data.Heap (Heap, Entry(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Complex
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Codensity
import Control.Monad.Trans
infixl 6 .*, ./
-- todo: rename or constrain on a?
class (Alternative v, MonadPlus v, Num (Scalar v)) => Vector v where
type Scalar v :: *
(.*) :: Scalar v -> v a -> v a
linear :: [(Scalar v, a)] -> v a
linear = foldr (\(p,a) b -> if p /= 0 then (p.* pure a) <|> b else b) empty
bias :: Vector v => Scalar v -> v Bool
bias p = linear [(p,True),(1-p,False)]
instance Vector v => Vector (Free v) where
type Scalar (Free v) = Scalar v
p .* Free as = Free (p .* as)
p .* v = Free $ linear [(p,v)]
linear = lift . linear
instance Vector v => Vector (CodensityT v) where
type Scalar (CodensityT v) = Scalar v
p .* CodensityT m = CodensityT (\k -> p .* m k)
linear = lift . linear
class Vector v => Eval v where
eval :: Ord a => v a -> [(Scalar v,a)]
flatten :: v a -> [(Scalar v, a)]
instance Eval v => Eval (Free v) where
eval = eval . retract
flatten = flatten . retract
instance Eval v => Eval (CodensityT v) where
eval = eval . lowerCodensityT
flatten = flatten . lowerCodensityT
optimize :: (Eval v, Ord a) => v a -> v a
optimize = linear . eval
(./) :: (Vector v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => v a -> Scalar v -> v a
v ./ s = recip s .* v
-- | conservative upper bound on the L1 norm. Accurate If all vectors are non-negative.
d :: Eval v => v a -> Scalar v
d = foldl' (\b pa -> b + abs (fst pa)) 0 . flatten
newtype Linear p a = Linear { runLinear :: [(p,a)] }
deriving (Read,Show)
instance Num p => Functor (Linear p) where
fmap f (Linear as) = Linear [ (p, f a) | (p,a) <- as ]
b <$ as = Linear [(d as, b)]
instance Num p => Applicative (Linear p) where
pure a = Linear [(1, a)]
Linear fs <*> Linear as = Linear [(p*q,f a) | (p,f) <- fs, (q,a) <- as]
as <* bs = d bs .* as
as *> bs = d as .* bs
instance Num p => Alternative (Linear p) where
empty = Linear []
Linear as <|> Linear bs = Linear (as <|> bs)
instance Num p => Monad (Linear p) where
return a = Linear [(1, a)]
(>>) = (*>)
Linear as >>= f = Linear [ (p*q, b) | (p,a) <- as, (q,b) <- runLinear (f a) ]
instance Num p => MonadPlus (Linear p) where
mzero = empty
mplus = (<|>)
instance Num p => Vector (Linear p) where
type Scalar (Linear p) = p
p .* Linear as = Linear [ (p*q,a) | (q,a) <- as ]
linear = Linear
instance Num p => Eval (Linear p) where
eval = map swap . Map.toList . Map.fromListWith (+) . map swap . runLinear
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
flatten = runLinear
pl :: Linear Double a -> Linear Double a
pl = id
pf :: Free (Linear Double) a -> Free (Linear Double) a
pf = id
pc :: CodensityT (Free (Linear Double)) a -> CodensityT (Free (Linear Double)) a
pc = id
ql :: Linear (Complex Double) a -> Linear (Complex Double) a
ql = id
qf :: Free (Linear (Complex Double)) a -> Free (Linear (Complex Double)) a
qf = id
qc :: CodensityT (Free (Linear (Complex Double))) a -> CodensityT (Free (Linear (Complex Double))) a
qc = id
grassModel :: (Vector v, Fractional (Scalar v)) => v Bool
grassModel = do
cloudy <- bias 0.5
rain <- bias $ if cloudy then 0.8 else 0.2
sprinkler <- bias $ if cloudy then 0.1 else 0.5
_wetRoof <- (&& rain) <$> bias 0.7
wetGrass <- (||) <$> ((&&) rain <$> bias 0.9)
<*> ((&&) sprinkler <$> bias 0.9)
cup True wetGrass -- guard wetGrass
return rain
class Ord a => Space a where
cup :: Vector v => a -> a -> v ()
cap :: Vector v => v (a,a)
instance Space () where
cup () () = pure ()
cap = pure ((),())
instance Space Bool where
cup True True = pure ()
cup False False = pure ()
cup _ _ = empty
cap = pure (True, True) <|> pure (False,False)
transpose :: (Vector v, Space a, Space b) => (a -> v b) -> b -> v a
transpose m i = do
(k,l) <- cap
j <- m k
cup i j
return l
data Distribution p a = Distribution
{ pdf :: a -> p
, cdf :: a -> p
, qf :: p -> a
, lo :: a
, hi :: a
uniform :: (Real p, Fractional a) => a -> a -> Distribution p a
uniform a b = Distribution {..} where
pdf x | a <= x && x <= b = recip (b - a)
| otherwise = 0
cdf x | x <= a = 0
| x <= b = (x - a) / (x - b)
| otherwise = 1
qf p = a + realToFrac p (b - a)
support = (a,b)
exponential :: (Real p, Fractional a) => p -> Distribution p p
exponential l = Distribution {..} where
pdf x = l * exp (-l * x)
cdf x = 1 - exp(-l*x) -- expm1(-l*x)
qf p = - log (1 - p) / l -- -logp1(p)/l
support = (0,1/0)
-- clamp a distribution between two values. yielding a new distribution
bounded :: Real p => a -> a -> Distribution p a -> Distribution p a
bounded a b d = Distribution {
pdf = pdf'
, cdf = cdf'
, qf = qf'
, lo = lo'
, hi = hi'
} where
lo' = max (lo d) a
hi' = min (hi d) b
base = cdf d lo'
m = cdf d hi' - base
oom = recip m
qlo = qf d lo'
qhi = qf
pdf' x | lo' <= x && x <= hi' = oopr * pdf d x
| otherwise = 0
cdf' x | x <= lo' = 0
| x <= hi' = (cdf d x - b) * oom
| otherwise = 1
qf' p = qd d (m * p + base)
newtype Qubit = Qubit Bool deriving (Eq,Ord,Space,Show,Read)
q0, q1 :: Qubit
q0 = Qubit False
q1 = Qubit True
-- invariant: must rotate by a unitary matrix
rot :: Vector v => Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Qubit -> v Qubit
rot f t _ _ (Qubit False) = linear [(f,q0), (t,q1)]
rot _ _ f t (Qubit True) = linear [(f,q0), (t,q1)]
hadamard :: (Vector v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Qubit -> v Qubit
hadamard = rot h h
h (-h)
where h = recip(sqrt 2)
-- quantum negation = pauliX, but it can be executed classically.
qnot :: Qubit -> Qubit
qnot (Qubit a) = Qubit (not a)
pauliX :: Applicative v => Qubit -> v Qubit
pauliX = pure . qnot -- pauliX = rot 0 1 1 0
pauliY, pauliZ, phase, pi_8 :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => Qubit -> v Qubit
pauliY = rot 0 (-i)
i 0 where i = 0 :+ 1
pauliZ = rot 1 0
0 (-1)
phase = rot 1 0
0 i where i = 0 :+ 1
pi_8 = rot 1 0
0 (cis $ pi/4)
qplus, qminus :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => v Qubit
qplus = hadamard q0
qminus = hadamard q1
qphase :: (Vector v, Scalar v ~ Complex r, RealFloat r) => r -> Qubit -> v Qubit
qphase phi = rot 1 0
0 c
where c = cis $ 2 * pi * phi
-- invariant: the qubit used for the condition cannot be used in the conditional matrix
conditional :: Applicative v => (a -> v a) -> Qubit -> a -> v a
conditional m (Qubit True) = m
conditional m (Qubit False) = pure
-- run a quantum computation, extracting classical bits
measure :: (Vector v, Eval u, Scalar u ~ Complex r, RealFloat r, Fractional (Scalar v), Ord a) => u a -> v a
measure qbits = linear [ (fromRational $ toRational $ magnitude q ^ 2, a) | (q,a) <- eval qbits ]
condense :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
condense n (a:|as0) | n >= 1 = go a as0 n
go a [] _ = a :| []
go a (b:bs) 1 = a :| NonEmpty.toList (go b bs n)
go _ (b:bs) k = go b bs $! (k - 1)
newtype Reverse a = Reverse a
instance Eq a => Eq (Reverse a) where
Reverse a == Reverse b = a == b
instance Ord a => Ord (Reverse a) where
compare (Reverse a) (Reverse b) = compare b a
buildHeap :: (Eval v, Ord p) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Scalar v -> v (Free v a) -> (Heap (Entry (Reverse p) (Scalar v, Free v a)), p)
buildHeap f q = convert . foldr act ([],0) . flatten where
act (p,a) (xs,sz) = (x:xs, qp+sz) where
qp = q*p
x = Entry (Reverse (f qp)) (qp,a)
convert (xs,sz) = (Heap.fromList xs, f sz)
-- used when we need no priority
data Trivial = Trivial deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Num Trivial where
_ + _ = Trivial
_ * _ = Trivial
_ - _ = Trivial
abs _ = Trivial
signum _ = Trivial
fromInteger _ = Trivial
-- always expands the tree in the direction that maximizes information.
-- returns a list of lower bounds on the proability with one sided error
proj_ :: (Eval v, Num p, Ord p) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Free v a -> NonEmpty (Scalar v, p)
proj_ f (Pure b) = (1, f 0) :| []
proj_ f (Free bs) = condense 20 $ go 0 ub0 entries0
(entries0, ub0) = buildHeap f 1 bs
go lo err heap = (lo,err) :| case Heap.viewMin heap of
Nothing -> []
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Pure c), heap') -> NonEmpty.toList $ go (lo + p) (err - q) heap'
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Free cs), heap') -> let (heap'', q) = buildHeap f p cs in NonEmpty.toList $
go lo (err - f p + q) $ Heap.union heap' heap''
-- always expands the tree in the direction that maximizes information. Only yields valid Improving values when the
-- probabilities always correctly lie within the interval 0..1
proj :: (Eval v, Num p, Ord p, Eq a, HasTrie a) => (Scalar v -> p) -> Free v a -> NonEmpty (a :->: Scalar v, p)
proj f (Pure b) = (adjust (const 1) b (pure 0), f 0) :| []
proj f (Free bs) = condense 20 $ go (pure 0) ub0 entries0
(entries0, ub0) = buildHeap f 1 bs
go lo err heap = (lo,err) :| case Heap.viewMin heap of
Nothing -> []
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Pure c), heap') -> NonEmpty.toList $ go (adjust (+ p) c lo) (err - q) heap'
Just (Entry (Reverse q) (p, Free cs), heap') -> let (heap'', q) = buildHeap f p cs in NonEmpty.toList $
go lo (err - f p + q) $ Heap.union heap' heap''
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