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Created July 23, 2016 17:06
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monad homomorphisms and stuff
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TupleSections #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# options_ghc -Wall #-}
{-# options_ghc -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# options_ghc -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
{-# options_ghc -fwarn-redundant-constraints #-}
module Control.Monad.Homomorphism where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Codensity
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Constraint.Lifting
import Data.Functor.Coyoneda
import Data.Functor.Yoneda
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Void
import Prelude hiding (id,(.))
-- * monad homomorphisms
-- Common existing monad homomorphisms
-- @
-- lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m ~> t m -- monic unless t is terminal
-- liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO ~> m -- monic unless m is terminal
-- ioToST :: IO ~> ST RealWorld -- monad iso w/ inverse stToIO
-- stToIO :: ST RealWorld ~> IO -- monad iso w/ inverse ioToST
-- unsafeIOToST :: IO ~> GHC.ST.ST s -- unsafe monad iso w/ inverse unsafeSTToIO
-- unsafeSTToIO :: GHC.ST.ST s ~> IO -- unsafe monad iso w/ inverse unsafeIOToST
-- lowerCodensity :: Monad m => Codensity m ~> m -- split epi w/ lift as right inverse
-- lowerYoneda :: Yoneda m ~> m -- isomorphism w/ inverse lift
-- lowerCoyoneda :: Functor m => Coyoneda m ~> m -- isomorphism w/ inverse lift
-- zoom l -- monomorphism if l is a lens
-- magnify g -- monomorphism if g is a getter
-- flip runReaderT :: e -> ReaderT e m ~> m -- epic
-- flip evalStateT :: Functor m => s -> StateT s m ~> m -- epic
-- @
-- | monad homomorphism
-- @
-- f return = return
-- f (m >>= n) = f m >>= f . n
-- @
type m ~> n = forall a. m a -> n a
(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap
transform :: Lifting Monad t => Monad m :- Monad (t m)
transform = lifting
-- | Note: ContT r is MPointed, but an MFunctor
class (Lifting Monad t, MonadTrans t) => MPointed t
instance (Lifting Monad t, MonadTrans t) => MPointed t
instance Lifting Monad Codensity where
lifting = Sub Dict
instance Lifting Monad Yoneda where
lifting = Sub Dict
instance Lifting Monad Coyoneda where
lifting = Sub Dict
class Lifting Monad t => MFunctor t where
-- @
-- hoist id = id
-- @
-- Given monad homomorphisms @f@ and @g@:
-- @
-- hoist f . hoist g = hoist (f . g)
-- @
-- Given a monad homomorphism @f@, @hoist f@ is a monad homomorphism:
-- @
-- hoist f (return a) = return a
-- hoist f (m >>= n) = hoist f m >>= hoist f . n
-- @
-- example:
-- @
-- hoist init :: (MFunctor t, Monad m) => t Identity ~> t m
-- @
hoist :: (Monad m, Monad n) => (m ~> n) -> t m ~> t n
-- | @ContT r@ is a functor from the category of monad isomorphisms
-- over hask to the category of monads over hask
hoistContT :: (m ~> n) -> (n ~> m) -> ContT r m ~> ContT r n
hoistContT f g (ContT m) = ContT $ \k -> f (m (g . k))
-- | @Codensity@ is a functor from the category of monad isomorphisms (split monos?)
-- over hask to the category of monads over hask
hoistCodensity :: (m ~> n) -> (n ~> m) -> Codensity m ~> Codensity n
hoistCodensity f g (Codensity m) = Codensity $ \k -> f (m (g . k))
instance MFunctor IdentityT where
hoist f (IdentityT m) = IdentityT (f m)
instance MFunctor (StateT s) where
hoist f (StateT m) = StateT (f . m)
instance MFunctor (ReaderT e) where
hoist f (ReaderT m) = ReaderT (f . m)
instance Monoid e => MFunctor (WriterT e) where
hoist f (WriterT m) = WriterT (f m)
instance Monoid w => MFunctor (RWST r w s) where
hoist f (RWST m) = RWST $ \r s -> f (m r s)
instance MFunctor MaybeT where
hoist f (MaybeT m) = MaybeT (f m)
instance MFunctor (ExceptT e) where
hoist f (ExceptT m) = ExceptT (f m)
instance MFunctor Yoneda where
hoist f (Yoneda m) = Yoneda (f . m)
instance MFunctor Coyoneda where
hoist f (Coyoneda k m) = Coyoneda k (f m)
-- | the terminal monad homomorphism
collapse :: m ~> Proxy
collapse _ = Proxy
instance MonadIO Proxy where
liftIO _ = Proxy
class Commute s t where
-- 'commute is' a monad homomorphism
-- At this time, @'commute'.'commute' = 'id'@ is _not_ a law.
-- @
-- commute.commute.commute = commute
-- @
commute :: Monad m => s (t m) ~> t (s m)
-- * ReaderT/WriterT/StateT all commute:
instance MFunctor s => Commute s (ReaderT e) where
commute (srema :: s (ReaderT e m) a) =
case transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s m) of
Sub Dict -> ReaderT $ \e -> hoist (\rema -> runReaderT rema e) srema
instance (Monoid e, MFunctor s) => Commute (WriterT e) s where
commute (WriterT smae :: WriterT e (s m) a) = case transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s m) of
Sub Dict -> case transform :: Monad (WriterT e m) :- Monad (s (WriterT e m)) of
Sub Dict -> do
(a,e) <- hoist lift smae
lift $ writer (a,e)
-- | isomorphism
instance Commute (ReaderT e) (StateT s) where
commute m = StateT $ \s -> ReaderT $ \e -> runStateT (runReaderT m e) s
-- | isomorphism
instance Commute (ReaderT e) (WriterT w) where
commute m = WriterT $ ReaderT $ \e -> runWriterT (runReaderT m e)
-- | isomorphism
instance Commute (ReaderT e) (ExceptT b) where
commute m = ExceptT $ ReaderT $ \e -> runExceptT (runReaderT m e)
-- | isomorphism
instance Commute (StateT s) (WriterT w) where
commute m = WriterT $ StateT $ \s -> runWriterT (runStateT m s) <&> \((a, s'), e) -> ((a, e), s')
-- | split epimorphism
instance Commute (ExceptT e) (StateT s) where
commute (ExceptT (StateT f)) = StateT $ \s -> ExceptT $ f s <&> \(ea,s') -> fmap (,s') ea
-- | split monomorphism
instance Commute (StateT s) (ExceptT e) where
commute m = ExceptT $ StateT $ \s -> runExceptT (runStateT m s) <&> \case
Left e -> (Left e, s)
Right (a, s') -> (Right a, s')
-- | split epimorphism
instance Commute (ExceptT e) (WriterT w) where
commute (ExceptT (WriterT m)) = WriterT $ ExceptT $ m <&> \(ea,s') -> fmap (,s') ea
-- * ExceptT commutes with State
-- | Monic unless m is terminal
generalize :: Monad m => Identity ~> m
generalize (Identity a) = return a
-- | Split Epi. 'evalStateT' as a monad homomorphism
-- @
-- evaluate . readOnly = id
-- @
evaluate :: Functor m => StateT s m ~> ReaderT s m
evaluate = ReaderT . flip lowerStateT
-- | Split Mono. Run a reader computation using the current state as its environment
readOnly :: Functor m => ReaderT s m ~> StateT s m
readOnly m = StateT $ \s -> (,s) <$> runReaderT m s
-- | Split Epi
-- @
-- lowerWriterT . lift = id
-- lowerWriterT . writer = return . fst
-- @
lowerWriterT :: Functor m => WriterT e m ~> m
lowerWriterT m = fst <$> runWriterT m
-- | Split Epi
-- @
-- lowerReaderT e . lift = id
-- lowerReaderT e (reader f) = return (f e)
-- lowerReaderT = flip runReaderT
-- @
lowerReaderT :: e -> ReaderT e m ~> m
lowerReaderT e m = runReaderT m e
-- | Split Epi
-- @
-- lowerStateT s . lift = id
-- lowerStateT = flip evalStateT
-- @
lowerStateT :: Functor m => s -> StateT s m ~> m
lowerStateT s m = fst <$> runStateT m s
-- | A Monad on the category of Monads over Hask.
-- 'lift' is analogous to 'return'
-- 'squash' is analogius to 'join'
-- 'hoist' is analogous to 'fmap'
-- 'embed' is analogous to ('=<<')
class (MFunctor t, MPointed t) => MMonad t where
-- | Split Epimorphism
-- @
-- squash . lift = id
-- squash . hoist lift = id
-- squash . hoist squash = squash . squash
-- @
squash :: Monad m => t (t m) ~> t m
instance MMonad (ReaderT e) where
squash m = ReaderT $ \e -> runReaderT (runReaderT m e) e
instance Monoid w => MMonad (WriterT w) where
squash wwma = WriterT $ runWriterT (runWriterT wwma) <&> \((a,e),e') -> (a, e `mappend` e')
instance MMonad IdentityT where
squash = runIdentityT
instance MMonad MaybeT where
squash (MaybeT (MaybeT m)) = MaybeT (join <$> m)
instance MMonad Yoneda where
squash = lowerYoneda
instance MMonad Coyoneda where
squash = lowerCoyoneda
embed :: forall t m n. (MMonad t, Monad m, Monad n) => (m ~> t n) -> t m ~> t n
embed f = case transform :: Monad m :- Monad (t m) of
Sub Dict -> case transform :: Monad n :- Monad (t n) of
Sub Dict -> squash . hoist f
-- * Tensoring transformers
-- |
-- 'Tensor'/'runTensor' form a monad isomorphism
-- @
-- Tensor :: s (t m) ~> Tensor s t m
-- runTensor :: Tensor s t m ~> s (t m)
-- @
newtype Tensor
(s :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
(t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *)
(m :: * -> *)
(a :: *) = Tensor { runTensor :: s (t m) a }
instance (MonadTrans s, MPointed t) => MonadTrans (Tensor s t) where
lift (m :: m a) = case transform :: Monad m :- Monad (t m) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (lift (lift m))
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t) => Lifting Monad (Tensor s t) where
lifting = Sub Dict
instance (MFunctor s, MFunctor t) => MFunctor (Tensor s t) where
hoist = go where
go :: forall m n a. (Monad m, Monad n) => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Tensor s t m a -> Tensor s t n a
go f (Tensor stma) = case transform :: Monad m :- Monad (t m) of
Sub Dict -> case transform :: Monad n :- Monad (t n) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (hoist (hoist f) stma)
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, Monad m) => Functor (Tensor s t m) where
fmap f (Tensor m) = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (fmap f m)
a <$ Tensor m = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (a <$ m)
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, Monad m) => Applicative (Tensor s t m) where
pure a = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (return a)
m <*> n = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (runTensor m <*> runTensor n)
m *> n = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (runTensor m *> runTensor n)
m <* n = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (runTensor m <* runTensor n)
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, Monad m) => Monad (Tensor s t m) where
return = pure
m >>= f = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (runTensor m >>= runTensor . f)
fail s = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (s (t m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (fail s)
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, Alternative (s (t m)), Monad m) => Alternative (Tensor s t m) where
Tensor m <|> Tensor n = Tensor (m <|> n)
empty = Tensor empty
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, MonadPlus (s (t m)), Monad m) => MonadPlus (Tensor s t m) where
mplus (Tensor m) (Tensor n) = Tensor (m `mplus` n)
mzero = Tensor mzero
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, MonadState e (s (t m)), Monad m) => MonadState e (Tensor s t m) where
get = Tensor get
put = Tensor . put
state = Tensor . state
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, MonadWriter e (s (t m)), Monad m) => MonadWriter e (Tensor s t m) where
tell = Tensor . tell
listen = Tensor . listen . runTensor
pass = Tensor . pass . runTensor
writer = Tensor . writer
instance (Lifting Monad s, Lifting Monad t, MonadReader e (s (t m)), Monad m) => MonadReader e (Tensor s t m) where
ask = Tensor ask
local f = Tensor . local f . runTensor
-- | lambda/unlambda form a monad isomorphism
lambda :: t m ~> Tensor IdentityT t m
lambda = Tensor . IdentityT
unlambda :: Tensor IdentityT t m ~> t m
unlambda = runIdentityT . runTensor
-- | rho/unrho form a monad isomorphism
rho :: (MFunctor t, Monad m) => t m ~> Tensor t IdentityT m
rho = Tensor . hoist IdentityT
unrho :: (MFunctor t, Monad m) => Tensor t IdentityT m ~> t m
unrho = hoist runIdentityT . runTensor
-- | assoc/unassoc form a monad isomorphism
assoc :: forall s t u m. (MFunctor s, MPointed t, MPointed u, Monad m) => Tensor (Tensor s t) u m ~> Tensor s (Tensor t u) m
assoc (Tensor (Tensor m)) = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (t (u m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (hoist Tensor m)
unassoc :: forall s t u m. (MFunctor s, MPointed t, MPointed u, Monad m) => Tensor s (Tensor t u) m ~> Tensor (Tensor s t) u m
unassoc (Tensor m) = case transform.transform :: Monad m :- Monad (t (u m)) of
Sub Dict -> Tensor (Tensor (hoist runTensor m))
-- * The initial monad transformer
-- | IdentityT is the initial monad transformer
-- this is a monomorphism unless t is terminal.
generalizeT :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => IdentityT m ~> t m
generalizeT (IdentityT m) = lift m
-- * The terminal monad transformer
-- | ProxyT is the terminal monad transformer
data ProxyT m a = ProxyT
instance MonadTrans ProxyT where
lift _ = ProxyT
instance Functor (ProxyT m) where
fmap _ _ = ProxyT
_ <$ _ = ProxyT
instance Applicative (ProxyT m) where
pure _ = ProxyT
_ <*> _ = ProxyT
instance Monad (ProxyT m) where
return _ = ProxyT
_ >>= _ = ProxyT
fail _ = ProxyT
instance MonadIO (ProxyT m) where
liftIO _ = ProxyT
-- this would ideally be an instance of MonadState s for all s, but there is a fundep!
instance MonadState s (ProxyT m) where
get = ProxyT
put _ = ProxyT
state _ = ProxyT
instance Alternative (ProxyT m) where
empty = ProxyT
_ <|> _ = ProxyT
instance MonadPlus (ProxyT m) where
mzero = ProxyT
mplus _ _ = ProxyT
instance MonadFix (ProxyT m) where
mfix _ = ProxyT
instance MonadZip (ProxyT m) where
munzip _ = (ProxyT, ProxyT)
mzipWith _ _ _ = ProxyT
instance Lifting Monad ProxyT where
lifting = Sub Dict
instance MMonad ProxyT where
squash _ = ProxyT
instance MFunctor ProxyT where
hoist _ _ = ProxyT
collapseT :: m ~> ProxyT n
collapseT _ = ProxyT
-- * Misc.
class Trivial a
instance Trivial a
class PairOb t () => MPair (t :: * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
type PairOb t :: * -> Constraint
-- | pair/unpair form an isomorphism
-- @
-- pair . unpair = id
-- unpair . pair = id
-- @
pair :: (Monad m, PairOb t a, PairOb t b) => t a (t b m) ~> t (a, b) m
unpair :: (Monad m, PairOb t a, PairOb t b) => t (a, b) m ~> t a (t b m)
pairOb :: proxy t -> (PairOb t a, PairOb t b) :- PairOb t (a, b)
pairT :: PairOb t a :- MPointed (t a)
-- | lowerUnit/lift form an isomorphism
-- @
-- lift . lowerUnit = id
-- lowerUnit . lift = id
-- @
lowerUnit :: Monad m => t () m ~> m
assocPair :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c))
assocPair ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
disassocPair :: (a,(b,c)) -> ((a,b),c)
disassocPair (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
instance MPair StateT where
type PairOb StateT = Trivial
pair m = StateT $ \(a,b) -> assocPair <$> runStateT (runStateT m a) b
unpair m = StateT $ \a -> StateT $ \b -> disassocPair <$> runStateT m (a,b)
pairOb _ = Sub Dict
pairT = Sub Dict
lowerUnit m = evalStateT m ()
instance MPair WriterT where
type PairOb WriterT = Monoid
pair m = WriterT $ assocPair <$> runWriterT (runWriterT m)
unpair m = WriterT $ WriterT $ disassocPair <$> runWriterT m
pairOb _ = Sub Dict
pairT = Sub Dict
lowerUnit m = fst <$> runWriterT m
instance MPair ReaderT where
type PairOb ReaderT = Trivial
pair m = ReaderT $ \(a,b) -> runReaderT (runReaderT m a) b
unpair m = ReaderT $ \a -> ReaderT $ \b -> runReaderT m (a, b)
pairOb _ = Sub Dict
pairT = Sub Dict
lowerUnit m = runReaderT m ()
class SumOb t Void => MSum (t :: * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
type SumOb t :: * -> Constraint
-- | sum/unsum form an isomorphism
-- @
-- sum . unsum = id
-- unsum . sum = id
-- @
sum :: (Monad m, SumOb t a, SumOb t b) => t a (t b m) ~> t (Either a b) m
unsum :: (Monad m, SumOb t a, SumOb t b) => t (Either a b) m ~> t a (t b m)
sumOb :: proxy t -> (SumOb t a, SumOb t b) :- SumOb t (Either a b)
sumT :: SumOb t a :- MPointed (t a)
-- | lowerCounit/lift form an isomorphism
-- @
-- lift . lowerCounit = id
-- lowerCounit . lift = id
-- @
lowerCounit :: Monad m => t Void m ~> m
instance MSum ExceptT where
type SumOb ExceptT = Trivial
sum m = ExceptT $ swizzle <$> runExceptT (runExceptT m) where
swizzle (Left b) = Left (Right b)
swizzle (Right (Left a)) = Left (Left a)
swizzle (Right (Right c)) = Right c
unsum m = ExceptT $ ExceptT $ unswizzle <$> runExceptT m where
unswizzle (Left (Right b)) = Left b
unswizzle (Left (Left a)) = Right (Left a)
unswizzle (Right c) = Right (Right c)
sumOb _ = Sub Dict
sumT = Sub Dict
lowerCounit m = either absurd id <$> runExceptT m
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