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Last active February 2, 2021 08:41
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"flat" circular substitution
{-# language DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Primitive.Array
import Data.STRef
import Data.Void
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
import Text.Read
type Level = Int
data Name = Name { hint :: String, nameId :: Occ } -- lazy nameId
instance Show Name where
showsPrec d (Name n o) = showParen (d >= 11) $ showString "Name " . showsPrec 11 n . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 o
instance Read Name where
readPrec = parens $ prec 10 do
Ident "Name" <- lexP
Name <$> step readPrec <*> step readPrec
type Occ = Int
instance Eq Name where
(==) = (==) `on` nameId
instance Ord Name where
compare = compare `on` nameId
data Constant
= Level
| LevelLiteral
| Omega
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
data Term a
= Free a
| Bound Occ
| Constant !Constant
| Term a :+ {-# unpack #-} !Level
| Max [Term a]
| Type !(Term a)
| LAM {-# unpack #-} !Name !(Term a) !(Term a)
| PI {-# unpack #-} !Name !(Term a) !(Term a)
| SIGMA {-# unpack #-} !Name !(Term a) !(Term a)
| App !(Term a) !(Term a)
| Fst !(Term a)
| Snd !(Term a)
| Pair !(Term a) !(Term a) !(Term a)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
class Bindable t where
bound :: t -> Occ
bind :: Occ -> t
prime :: Bindable t => t -> Occ
prime t = bound t + 1
instance Bindable (Term a) where
bound Free{} = 0
bound Bound{} = 0
bound Constant{} = 0
bound (a :+ _) = bound a
bound (Max xs) = foldr (\a r -> bound a `max` r) 0 xs
bound (Type t) = bound t
bound (LAM b t _) = nameId b `max` bound t
bound (PI b t _) = nameId b `max` bound t
bound (SIGMA b t _) = nameId b `max` bound t
bound (App x y) = bound x `max` bound y
bound (Fst t) = bound t
bound (Snd t) = bound t
bound (Pair t x y) = bound t `max` bound x `max` bound y
bind = Bound
:: Bindable t
=> (Name -> t -> r)
-> String
-> (t -> t)
-> r
binder c n e = c (Name n i) body where
body = e (bind i)
i = prime body
:: Bindable t
=> (Name -> t -> r)
-> String
-> (t -> ST s t)
-> ST s r
binderST c n e = do
ix <- newSTRef (error "binderM: fix failed") -- mfix with a tuple would generalize to any MonadFix
body <- mfix \body -> do
let i = prime body
writeSTRef ix i
e (bind i)
readSTRef ix <&> \i -> c (Name n i) body
lamST, piST, sigmaST :: String -> Term a -> (Term a -> ST s (Term a)) -> ST s (Term a)
lamST s t = binderST (`LAM` t) s
piST s t = binderST (`PI` t) s
sigmaST s t = binderST (`SIGMA` t) s
rebind :: MutableArray s (Term b) -> Term a -> (a -> Term b) -> ST s (Term b)
rebind env xs0 f = go xs0 where
instantiate = writeArray env . nameId
go = \case
Free a -> pure $ f a
Bound b -> readArray env b
Constant c -> pure $ Constant c
m :+ n -> (:+ n) <$> go m
Type t -> Type <$> go t
Max xs -> Max <$> traverse go xs
LAM b t e -> do
t' <- go t
lamST (hint b) t' \v -> instantiate b v *> go e
PI b t e -> do
t' <- go t
piST (hint b) t' \v -> instantiate b v *> go e
SIGMA b t e -> do
t' <- go t
sigmaST (hint b) t' \v -> instantiate b v *> go e
App x y -> App <$> go x <*> go y
Fst x -> Fst <$> go x
Snd x -> Snd <$> go x
Pair t x y -> Pair <$> go t <*> go x <*> go y
instance Applicative Term where
pure = Free
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Term where
return = Free
m >>= f = runST do
env <- newArray (prime m) $ error "(Term.>>=): unbound variable"
rebind env m f
bind1 :: Occ -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
bind1 i e v = runST do
env <- newArray (i + 1) $ error "bind1: unbound variable"
writeArray env i v
rebind env v pure
pattern Lam :: String -> Term a -> (Term a -> Term a) -> Term a
pattern Lam s t f <- LAM (Name s i) t (bind1 i -> f) where
Lam s t f = binder (`LAM` t) s f
pattern Pi :: String -> Term a -> (Term a -> Term a) -> Term a
pattern Pi s t f <- PI (Name s i) t (bind1 i -> f) where
Pi s t f = binder (`PI` t) s f
pattern Sigma :: String -> Term a -> (Term a -> Term a) -> Term a
pattern Sigma s t f <- SIGMA (Name s i) t (bind1 i -> f) where
Sigma s t f = binder (`SIGMA` t) s f
{-# complete Free, Bound, Constant, (:+), Type, Max, Lam, Pi, Sigma, App, Fst, Snd, Pair #-}
subst :: Eq a => a -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
subst a x y = y >>= \a' -> if a == a' then x else Free a'
main :: IO ()
main = do
id_ :: Term Void
id_ = Lam "x" (Constant Omega) \x -> x
const_ :: Term Void
const_ = Lam "x" (Constant Omega) \x -> Lam "y" (Constant Omega) \y -> x
ki :: Term String
ki = App (Free "const") (Free "id")
print id_
print const_
print $ (Lam "_" (Constant Omega) \_ -> ki) >>= \case
"id" -> id_
"const" -> const_
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ekmett commented Feb 2, 2021

Based on

The superpower you are given by this notion of names is that you get to know how deep the binding structure of any syntax tree goes, and at least if you maintain the invariant of always using the HOAS-like view patterns to work with terms, these names are densely packed.

Modified to use Data.Primitive.Array instead of an IntMap and to provide view patterns that offer a fully faux HOAS API.

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