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. It would be nice to include guidance on how to pick a nixpkgs commit.
I went to github and picked the latest from nixos-19.09. Then how do we know
which version of ghc it has? I did `nix repl` then `n = import nixpkgs.nix {}`
then use n.<tab> to see what's inside, but that's clumsy. Surely there's some
better way?
. I used `fetchTarball` to get nixpkgs, not `fetchGit`. fetchGit locked up my
laptop... probably it's just slower and nixpkgs is repo.
. I have to pass --option max-jobs 4 (less than default of 32) or it kills the
elaforge / Debug.hs
Created November 10, 2012 06:52
module Util.Debug (
-- * forced by evaluation
trace, tracep, traces, traceps
, tracef, trace_ret
-- * forced by monad
, traceM, tracepM, tracesM
-- in IO
, puts, put, putp
) where
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as Trans