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Created November 10, 2012 06:52
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module Util.Debug (
-- * forced by evaluation
trace, tracep, traces, traceps
, tracef, trace_ret
-- * forced by monad
, traceM, tracepM, tracesM
-- in IO
, puts, put, putp
) where
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
import qualified Debug.Trace as Trace
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Util.PPrint as PPrint
import qualified Util.Pretty as Pretty
import qualified Util.Seq as Seq
-- * forced by evaluation
trace :: (Show a) => String -> a -> a
trace msg val = Trace.trace (with_msg msg (pshow val)) val
tracep :: (Pretty.Pretty a) => String -> a -> a
tracep msg val = Trace.trace (with_msg msg (Pretty.formatted val)) val
-- | Print a string.
traces :: String -> a -> a
traces = Trace.trace . (prefix++)
-- | Pretty print an arbitrary value.
traceps :: (Pretty.Pretty b) => String -> b -> a -> a
traceps msg traced = traces (with_msg msg (Pretty.formatted traced))
-- | Print a value after applying a function to it.
tracef :: (Show b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a
tracef f val = traces (pshow (f val)) val
-- | Trace input and output of a function.
trace_ret :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> a -> b -> b
trace_ret function a ret = traces (function ++ " " ++ pa ++ arrow ++ pret) ret
arrow = if '\n' `elem` pa || '\n' `elem` pret then "\t\t=>\n" else " => "
pa = pshow a
pret = pshow ret
-- * forced by monad
-- | Print a value in a monad. The monad will force it to be printed.
traceM :: (Show a, Monad m) => String -> a -> m ()
traceM msg val = Trace.trace (with_msg msg (pshow val)) (return ())
tracepM :: (Pretty.Pretty a, Monad m) => String -> a -> m ()
tracepM msg val = Trace.trace (with_msg msg (Pretty.formatted val)) (return ())
tracesM :: (Monad m) => String -> m ()
tracesM msg = Trace.trace msg (return ())
-- * in IO
-- These are like putStrLn, but more easily greppable.
puts :: (Trans.MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
puts = put_line . (prefix++)
put :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Show a) => String -> a -> m ()
put msg = put_line . with_msg msg . pshow
putp :: (Trans.MonadIO m, Pretty.Pretty a) => String -> a -> m ()
putp msg = put_line . with_msg msg . Pretty.formatted
put_line :: (Trans.MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
put_line s = Trans.liftIO $ do
putStrLn s
IO.hFlush IO.stdout
-- * implementation
with_msg :: String -> String -> String
with_msg msg text = Seq.strip $ prefix ++ msg ++ ": " ++ text
prefix :: String
prefix = "** "
pshow :: (Show a) => a -> String
pshow = Seq.strip . PPrint.pshow
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