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Created December 12, 2012 05:44
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Copy of, which will efficiently sample lines from a large file or infinite pipe.
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
### samp
### Efficiently sample lines from a large file or infinite pipe.
### Table of Contents:
## * Copyright & Licensing
## * Script Documentation
## * Acknowledgments
## * Function Definitions
## * Pattern / Action Section
### Copyright & Licensing
## Copyright 2012 Tomer Altman
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <>.
### Script Documentation
## samp
## Examples:
## Example 1: Randomly sample 5 lines from a very large file:
## samp -v k=5 < VERY_LARGE_FILE
## Example 2: Randomly sample 500 lines from an infinite stream:
## mkfifo sampler;
## UPPER_PIPE | tee sampler | LOWER_PIPE &
## samp -v k=500 < sampler > accumulated_samples.txt
## Synopsis:
## samp [OPTION]...
## Description:
## Sample k random lines from standard input, and print
## updated samples upon sample set change to standard out, without
## knowing the size of the stream in advance.
## In particular, this
## script implements the offline 'reservoir sampling'
## algorithm. Unlike performing 'shuf -n <k> <FILE>', this script does
## not buffer the entire file into memory before returning a result,
## thus, it is suitable for large files that would exhaust system
## memory, or even infinite pipes of data.
## Because the sample iterations are separated by a distinct string,
## it is trivial for a downstream program to get the final (or most recent) sample. For example, if the results are being stored in a file called accumulated_samples.txt, and we are looking for 8 samples, the the following pipe should generate the most recent sample:
## tail -n 9 accumulated_samples.txt | head -n 8
## Options:
## k: Number of lines to sample. Mandatory. Provide on command line as follows:
## "-v k=5"
## sep: Separator string used to demarcate iterations of the sample in
## standard output. Defaults to '==='. Provide on command line as follows:
## "-v sep='foo'
## stats: Boolean. If 'true', follow separator string with two
## integers. The first integer is the sample iteration number, and the
## second integer is the number of records (i.e., lines) processed thus
## far at the time the sample is updated. Example:
## "=== 15 357"
## Defaults to 'false'. Provide on command line as follows:
## "-v stats=true"
### Acknowledgments:
## This script was inspired by a Hacker News post regarding the Dim
## Sum program. It seemed that the Perl and Ruby implementations of
## reservoir sampling were much larger than if implemented in AWK, and
## weren't written with care to avoid needing to slurp the entire file
## into memory before returning a result.
## Hacker News post:
## Wikipedia article on Reservoir Sampling:
## Thank you to Janis Papanagnou on comp.lang.awk for helping me
## improve an early version of this script.
### Function Definitions:
## Define a function for returning a number between 1 and n:
## (definition inspired by example from GAWK Manual)
function random_int (n) {
return 1 + int(rand() * n)
### Pattern / Action section:
## Process the command-line arguments:
if (k == "") {
print "samp: sample size 'k' not provided. Exiting." > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
if (sep == "") sep="==="
if (stats == "") stats = "false"
## Initialize the PRNG seed:
## For the first k lines, initialize the sample array:
NR <= k {
sample[NR] = $0
## If we've initialized the sample array, and we pick an integer
## between one and the current record number that is less than or
## equal to k, update the sample array and print it to stdout:
(current_random_int = random_int(NR)) <= k {
sample[current_random_int] = $0
for (i=1; i <= k; i++)
print sample[i]
if ( stats == "true" )
print sep, sample_count, NR
print sep
if (NR < k) {
print "samp: WARNING: Final number of lines processed is less than k=" k " samples." > "/dev/stderr"
for (i=1; i <= k; i++)
print sample[i]
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