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Created April 24, 2015 08:30
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module.exports = React.createClass
displayName: 'InViewWrapper'
onInView: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
inViewOffset: React.PropTypes.number
getDefaultProps: ->
inViewOffset: 0
getInitialState: ->
submerged: false
render: ->
React.DOM.div _.omit(@props, ['onInView', 'onInViewData', 'inViewOffset']), @props.children
componentWilllUnmount: ->
window.removeEventListener 'scroll', @debouncedCheckPosition
componentWillMount: ->
@debouncedCheckPosition = _.throttle @checkPosition, 300
window.addEventListener 'scroll', @debouncedCheckPosition
checkPosition: ->
rect = @getDOMNode().getBoundingClientRect()
top =
height = rect.height
if (not @state.submerged and top < @props.inViewOffset) or (@state.submerged and top + height > @props.inViewOffset)
@setState submerged: !@state.submerged
@props.onInView @props.onInViewData
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