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Save eliben/9740414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TableGen lexer in Go (lexer.go and an input file)
// Lexer for the TableGen language.
package main
import (
// TokenName is a type for describing tokens mnemonically.
type TokenName int
// Values for TokenName
const (
// Special tokens
ERROR TokenName = iota
// Operators
var tokenNames = [...]string{
// Token represents a single token in the input stream.
// Name: mnemonic name (numeric).
// Val: string value of the token from the original stream.
// Pos: position - offset from beginning of stream.
type Token struct {
Name TokenName
Val string
Pos int
func (tok Token) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Token{%s, '%s', %d}", tokenNames[tok.Name], tok.Val, tok.Pos)
func makeErrorToken(pos int) Token {
return Token{ERROR, "", pos}
// Operator table for lookups.
var opTable = [...]TokenName{
'+': PLUS,
'-': MINUS,
'/': DIVIDE,
'.': PERIOD,
':': COLON,
'|': PIPE,
'#': POUND,
';': SEMI,
',': COMMA,
'(': L_PAREN,
')': R_PAREN,
'<': L_ANG,
'>': R_ANG,
'{': L_BRACE,
'}': R_BRACE,
'=': EQUALS,
// Lexer
// Create a new lexer with NewLexer and then call NextToken repeatedly to get
// tokens from the stream. The lexer will return a token with the name EOF when
// done.
type Lexer struct {
buf []byte
// Current rune.
r rune
// Position of the current rune in buf.
rpos int
// Position of the next rune in buf.
nextpos int
// NewLexer creates a new lexer for the given input.
func NewLexer(buf []byte) *Lexer {
lex := Lexer{buf, -1, 0, 0}
// Prime the lexer by calling .next
return &lex
func (lex *Lexer) NextToken() Token {
// Skip non-tokens like whitespace and check for EOF.
if lex.r < 0 {
return Token{EOF, "", lex.nextpos}
// Is this an operator?
if int(lex.r) < len(opTable) {
if opName := opTable[lex.r]; opName != ERROR {
if opName == DIVIDE {
// Special case: '/' may be the start of a comment.
if lex.peekNextByte() == '/' {
return lex.scanComment()
startpos := lex.rpos
return Token{opName, string(lex.buf[startpos:lex.rpos]), startpos}
// Not an operator. Try other types of tokens.
if isAlpha(lex.r) {
return lex.scanIdentifier()
} else if isDigit(lex.r) {
return lex.scanNumber()
} else if lex.r == '"' {
return lex.scanQuote()
return makeErrorToken(lex.rpos)
// next advances the lexer's internal state to point to the next run in the
// input.
func (lex *Lexer) next() {
if lex.nextpos < len(lex.buf) {
lex.rpos = lex.nextpos
// r is the current rune, w is its width. We start by assuming the
// common case - that the current rune is ASCII (and thus has width=1).
r, w := rune(lex.buf[lex.nextpos]), 1
if r > utf8.RuneSelf {
// The current rune is not actually ASCII, so we have to decode it
// properly.
r, w = utf8.DecodeRune(lex.buf[lex.nextpos:])
lex.nextpos += w
lex.r = r
} else {
lex.rpos = len(lex.buf)
lex.r = -1 // EOF
// peekNextByte returns the next byte in the stream (the one after lex.r).
// Note: a single byte is peeked at - if there's a rune longer than a byte
// there, only its first byte is returned.
func (lex *Lexer) peekNextByte() rune {
if lex.nextpos < len(lex.buf) {
return rune(lex.buf[lex.nextpos])
} else {
return -1
func (lex *Lexer) skipNontokens() {
for lex.r == ' ' || lex.r == '\t' || lex.r == '\n' || lex.r == '\r' {
func (lex *Lexer) scanIdentifier() Token {
startpos := lex.rpos
for isAlpha(lex.r) || isDigit(lex.r) {
return Token{IDENTIFIER, string(lex.buf[startpos:lex.rpos]), startpos}
func (lex *Lexer) scanNumber() Token {
startpos := lex.rpos
for isDigit(lex.r) {
return Token{NUMBER, string(lex.buf[startpos:lex.rpos]), startpos}
func (lex *Lexer) scanQuote() Token {
startpos := lex.rpos
for lex.r > 0 && lex.r != '"' {
if lex.r < 0 {
return makeErrorToken(startpos)
} else {
return Token{QUOTE, string(lex.buf[startpos:lex.rpos]), startpos}
func (lex *Lexer) scanComment() Token {
startpos := lex.rpos
for lex.r > 0 && lex.r != '\n' {
tok := Token{COMMENT, string(lex.buf[startpos:lex.rpos]), startpos}
return tok
func isAlpha(r rune) bool {
return 'a' <= r && r <= 'z' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || r == '_' || r == '$'
func isDigit(r rune) bool {
return '0' <= r && r <= '9'
func main() {
// Simple "driver" that reads in an input file and then measures how long it
// takes for the lexer to populate a slice of tokens from this input.
filebuf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error:", err)
nl := NewLexer(filebuf)
toks := []Token{}
startTime := time.Now()
for {
nt := nl.NextToken()
toks = append(toks, nt)
if nt.Name == EOF {
elapsed := time.Now()
fmt.Println("Elapsed:", elapsed.Sub(startTime))
//==--- - libsema diagnostics ----------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Semantic Analysis
let Component = "Sema" in {
let CategoryName = "Semantic Issue" in {
// For loop analysis
def warn_variables_not_in_loop_body : Warning<
"variable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 "
"used in loop condition not modified in loop body">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"loop-analysis">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_duplicate_enum_values : Warning<
"element %0 has been implicitly assigned %1 which another element has "
"been assigned">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"duplicate-enum">>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_duplicate_element : Note<"element %0 also has value %1">;
// Constant expressions
def err_expr_not_ice : Error<
"expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression">;
def ext_expr_not_ice : Extension<
"expression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression; "
"folding it to a constant is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def err_typecheck_converted_constant_expression : Error<
"value of type %0 is not implicitly convertible to %1">;
def err_typecheck_converted_constant_expression_disallowed : Error<
"conversion from %0 to %1 is not allowed in a converted constant expression">;
def err_expr_not_cce : Error<
"%select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size}0 "
"is not a constant expression">;
def err_cce_narrowing : ExtWarn<
"%select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size}0 "
"%select{cannot be narrowed from type %2 to %3|"
"evaluates to %2, which cannot be narrowed to type %3}1">,
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultError;
def err_cce_narrowing_sfinae : Error<
"%select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size}0 "
"%select{cannot be narrowed from type %2 to %3|"
"evaluates to %2, which cannot be narrowed to type %3}1">;
def err_ice_not_integral : Error<
"integral constant expression must have integral or unscoped enumeration "
"type, not %0">;
def err_ice_incomplete_type : Error<
"integral constant expression has incomplete class type %0">;
def err_ice_explicit_conversion : Error<
"integral constant expression requires explicit conversion from %0 to %1">;
def note_ice_conversion_here : Note<
"conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here">;
def err_ice_ambiguous_conversion : Error<
"ambiguous conversion from type %0 to an integral or unscoped "
"enumeration type">;
// Semantic analysis of constant literals.
def ext_predef_outside_function : Warning<
"predefined identifier is only valid inside function">,
def warn_float_overflow : Warning<
"magnitude of floating-point constant too large for type %0; maximum is %1">,
def warn_float_underflow : Warning<
"magnitude of floating-point constant too small for type %0; minimum is %1">,
def warn_double_const_requires_fp64 : Warning<
"double precision constant requires cl_khr_fp64, casting to single precision">;
// C99 variable-length arrays
def ext_vla : Extension<"variable length arrays are a C99 feature">,
def warn_vla_used : Warning<"variable length array used">,
InGroup<VLA>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cxx11_compat_array_of_runtime_bound : Warning<
"arrays of runtime bound are incompatible with C++ standards before C++1y">,
InGroup<CXXPre1yCompatPedantic>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_vla_non_pod : Error<"variable length array of non-POD element type %0">;
def err_vla_in_sfinae : Error<
"variable length array cannot be formed during template argument deduction">;
def err_array_star_in_function_definition : Error<
"variable length array must be bound in function definition">;
def err_vla_decl_in_file_scope : Error<
"variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope">;
def err_vla_decl_has_static_storage : Error<
"variable length array declaration can not have 'static' storage duration">;
def err_vla_decl_has_extern_linkage : Error<
"variable length array declaration can not have 'extern' linkage">;
def ext_vla_folded_to_constant : Extension<
"variable length array folded to constant array as an extension">;
// C99 variably modified types
def err_variably_modified_template_arg : Error<
"variably modified type %0 cannot be used as a template argument">;
def err_variably_modified_nontype_template_param : Error<
"non-type template parameter of variably modified type %0">;
def err_variably_modified_new_type : Error<
"'new' cannot allocate object of variably modified type %0">;
// C99 Designated Initializers
def ext_designated_init : Extension<
"designated initializers are a C99 feature">, InGroup<C99>;
def err_array_designator_negative : Error<
"array designator value '%0' is negative">;
def err_array_designator_empty_range : Error<
"array designator range [%0, %1] is empty">;
def err_array_designator_non_array : Error<
"array designator cannot initialize non-array type %0">;
def err_array_designator_too_large : Error<
"array designator index (%0) exceeds array bounds (%1)">;
def err_field_designator_non_aggr : Error<
"field designator cannot initialize a "
"%select{non-struct, non-union|non-class}0 type %1">;
def err_field_designator_unknown : Error<
"field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1">;
def err_field_designator_nonfield : Error<
"field designator %0 does not refer to a non-static data member">;
def note_field_designator_found : Note<"field designator refers here">;
def err_designator_for_scalar_init : Error<
"designator in initializer for scalar type %0">;
def warn_subobject_initializer_overrides : Warning<
"subobject initialization overrides initialization of other fields "
"within its enclosing subobject">, InGroup<InitializerOverrides>;
def warn_initializer_overrides : Warning<
"initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject">,
def note_previous_initializer : Note<
"previous initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here"
"%select{| (side effects may not occur at run time)}0">;
def err_designator_into_flexible_array_member : Error<
"designator into flexible array member subobject">;
def note_flexible_array_member : Note<
"initialized flexible array member %0 is here">;
def ext_flexible_array_init : Extension<
"flexible array initialization is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
// Declarations.
def err_bad_variable_name : Error<
"%0 cannot be the name of a variable or data member">;
def err_bad_parameter_name : Error<
"'%0' cannot be the name of a parameter">;
def err_parameter_name_omitted : Error<"parameter name omitted">;
def warn_unused_parameter : Warning<"unused parameter %0">,
InGroup<UnusedParameter>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unused_variable : Warning<"unused variable %0">,
InGroup<UnusedVariable>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unused_exception_param : Warning<"unused exception parameter %0">,
InGroup<UnusedExceptionParameter>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_decl_in_param_list : Warning<
"declaration of %0 will not be visible outside of this function">,
def warn_redefinition_in_param_list : Warning<
"redefinition of %0 will not be visible outside of this function">,
def warn_empty_parens_are_function_decl : Warning<
"empty parentheses interpreted as a function declaration">,
def warn_parens_disambiguated_as_function_declaration : Warning<
"parentheses were disambiguated as a function declaration">,
def note_additional_parens_for_variable_declaration : Note<
"add a pair of parentheses to declare a variable">;
def note_empty_parens_function_call : Note<
"change this ',' to a ';' to call %0">;
def note_empty_parens_default_ctor : Note<
"remove parentheses to declare a variable">;
def note_empty_parens_zero_initialize : Note<
"replace parentheses with an initializer to declare a variable">;
def warn_unused_function : Warning<"unused function %0">,
InGroup<UnusedFunction>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unused_member_function : Warning<"unused member function %0">,
InGroup<UnusedMemberFunction>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_used_but_marked_unused: Warning<"%0 was marked unused but was used">,
InGroup<UsedButMarkedUnused>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unneeded_internal_decl : Warning<
"%select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emitted">,
InGroup<UnneededInternalDecl>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unneeded_static_internal_decl : Warning<
"'static' function %0 declared in header file "
"should be declared 'static inline'">,
InGroup<UnneededInternalDecl>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unneeded_member_function : Warning<
"member function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted">,
InGroup<UnneededMemberFunction>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unused_private_field: Warning<"private field %0 is not used">,
InGroup<UnusedPrivateField>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_parameter_size: Warning<
"%0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value argument; "
"pass it by reference instead ?">, InGroup<LargeByValueCopy>;
def warn_return_value_size: Warning<
"return value of %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value object; "
"pass it by reference instead ?">, InGroup<LargeByValueCopy>;
def warn_return_value_udt: Warning<
"%0 has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type %1 which is "
"incompatible with C">, InGroup<ReturnTypeCLinkage>;
def warn_return_value_udt_incomplete: Warning<
"%0 has C-linkage specified, but returns incomplete type %1 which could be "
"incompatible with C">, InGroup<ReturnTypeCLinkage>;
def warn_implicit_function_decl : Warning<
"implicit declaration of function %0">,
InGroup<ImplicitFunctionDeclare>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_implicit_function_decl : ExtWarn<
"implicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in C99">,
def note_function_suggestion : Note<"did you mean %0?">;
def err_ellipsis_first_arg : Error<
"ISO C requires a named argument before '...'">;
def err_declarator_need_ident : Error<"declarator requires an identifier">;
def err_bad_language : Error<"unknown linkage language">;
def warn_use_out_of_scope_declaration : Warning<
"use of out-of-scope declaration of %0">;
def err_inline_non_function : Error<
"'inline' can only appear on functions">;
def err_noreturn_non_function : Error<
"'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions">;
def warn_qual_return_type : Warning<
"'%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effect">,
InGroup<IgnoredQualifiers>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_decl_shadow :
Warning<"declaration shadows a %select{"
"local variable|"
"variable in %2|"
"static data member of %2|"
"field of %2}1">,
InGroup<Shadow>, DefaultIgnore;
// C++ using declarations
def err_using_requires_qualname : Error<
"using declaration requires a qualified name">;
def err_using_typename_non_type : Error<
"'typename' keyword used on a non-type">;
def err_using_dependent_value_is_type : Error<
"dependent using declaration resolved to type without 'typename'">;
def err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_not_class : Error<
"using declaration in class refers into '%0', which is not a class">;
def err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_current_class : Error<
"using declaration refers to its own class">;
def err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_not_base_class : Error<
"using declaration refers into '%0', which is not a base class of %1">;
def err_using_decl_constructor_not_in_direct_base : Error<
"%0 is not a direct base of %1, can not inherit constructors">;
def err_using_decl_constructor_conflict : Error<
"can not inherit constructor, already inherited constructor with "
"the same signature">;
def note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_current_ctor : Note<
"conflicting constructor">;
def note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_previous_ctor : Note<
"previous constructor">;
def note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_previous_using : Note<
"previously inherited here">;
def warn_using_decl_constructor_ellipsis : Warning<
"inheriting constructor does not inherit ellipsis">,
def note_using_decl_constructor_ellipsis : Note<
"constructor declared with ellipsis here">;
def err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_class_member : Error<
"using declaration can not refer to class member">;
def err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_namespace : Error<
"using declaration can not refer to namespace">;
def err_using_decl_constructor : Error<
"using declaration can not refer to a constructor">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_using_decl_constructor : Warning<
"inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_using_decl_destructor : Error<
"using declaration can not refer to a destructor">;
def err_using_decl_template_id : Error<
"using declaration can not refer to a template specialization">;
def note_using_decl_target : Note<"target of using declaration">;
def note_using_decl_conflict : Note<"conflicting declaration">;
def err_using_decl_redeclaration : Error<"redeclaration of using decl">;
def err_using_decl_conflict : Error<
"target of using declaration conflicts with declaration already in scope">;
def err_using_decl_conflict_reverse : Error<
"declaration conflicts with target of using declaration already in scope">;
def note_using_decl : Note<"%select{|previous }0using declaration">;
def warn_access_decl_deprecated : Warning<
"access declarations are deprecated; use using declarations instead">,
def err_access_decl : Error<
"ISO C++11 does not allow access declarations; "
"use using declarations instead">;
def warn_exception_spec_deprecated : Warning<
"dynamic exception specifications are deprecated">,
InGroup<Deprecated>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_exception_spec_deprecated : Note<"use '%0' instead">;
def warn_deprecated_copy_operation : Warning<
"definition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 "
"for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared "
"%select{copy %select{assignment operator|constructor}1|destructor}2">,
InGroup<Deprecated>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_global_constructor : Warning<
"declaration requires a global constructor">,
InGroup<GlobalConstructors>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_global_destructor : Warning<
"declaration requires a global destructor">,
InGroup<GlobalConstructors>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_exit_time_destructor : Warning<
"declaration requires an exit-time destructor">,
InGroup<ExitTimeDestructors>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_invalid_thread : Error<
"'%0' is only allowed on variable declarations">;
def err_thread_non_global : Error<
"'%0' variables must have global storage">;
def err_thread_unsupported : Error<
"thread-local storage is unsupported for the current target">;
def warn_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_function : Warning<
"control may reach end of non-void function">,
def warn_falloff_nonvoid_function : Warning<
"control reaches end of non-void function">,
def err_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_block : Error<
"control may reach end of non-void block">;
def err_falloff_nonvoid_block : Error<
"control reaches end of non-void block">;
def warn_suggest_noreturn_function : Warning<
"%select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'">,
InGroup<MissingNoreturn>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_suggest_noreturn_block : Warning<
"block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'">,
InGroup<MissingNoreturn>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unreachable : Warning<"will never be executed">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"unreachable-code">>, DefaultIgnore;
/// Built-in functions.
def ext_implicit_lib_function_decl : ExtWarn<
"implicitly declaring library function '%0' with type %1">;
def note_please_include_header : Note<
"please include the header <%0> or explicitly provide a "
"declaration for '%1'">;
def note_previous_builtin_declaration : Note<"%0 is a builtin with type %1">;
def warn_implicit_decl_requires_stdio : Warning<
"declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header "
def warn_implicit_decl_requires_setjmp : Warning<
"declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header "
def warn_implicit_decl_requires_ucontext : Warning<
"declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header "
def warn_redecl_library_builtin : Warning<
"incompatible redeclaration of library function %0">,
def err_builtin_definition : Error<"definition of builtin function %0">;
def err_types_compatible_p_in_cplusplus : Error<
"__builtin_types_compatible_p is not valid in C++">;
def warn_builtin_unknown : Warning<"use of unknown builtin %0">,
InGroup<ImplicitFunctionDeclare>, DefaultError;
def warn_dyn_class_memaccess : Warning<
"%select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this "
"%1 call is a pointer to dynamic class %2; vtable pointer will be "
def note_bad_memaccess_silence : Note<
"explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warning">;
def warn_sizeof_pointer_expr_memaccess : Warning<
"'%0' call operates on objects of type %1 while the size is based on a "
"different type %2">,
def warn_sizeof_pointer_expr_memaccess_note : Note<
"did you mean to %select{dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply "
"it by the number of elements)|remove the addressof in the argument to "
"'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|provide an explicit "
def warn_sizeof_pointer_type_memaccess : Warning<
"argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same pointer type %1 as the "
"%select{destination|source}2; expected %3 or an explicit length">,
def warn_strlcpycat_wrong_size : Warning<
"size argument in %0 call appears to be size of the source; expected the size of "
"the destination">,
def note_strlcpycat_wrong_size : Note<
"change size argument to be the size of the destination">;
def warn_strncat_large_size : Warning<
"the value of the size argument in 'strncat' is too large, might lead to a "
"buffer overflow">, InGroup<StrncatSize>;
def warn_strncat_src_size : Warning<"size argument in 'strncat' call appears "
"to be size of the source">, InGroup<StrncatSize>;
def warn_strncat_wrong_size : Warning<
"the value of the size argument to 'strncat' is wrong">, InGroup<StrncatSize>;
def note_strncat_wrong_size : Note<
"change the argument to be the free space in the destination buffer minus "
"the terminating null byte">;
/// main()
// static main() is not an error in C, just in C++.
def warn_static_main : Warning<"'main' should not be declared static">,
def err_static_main : Error<"'main' is not allowed to be declared static">;
def err_inline_main : Error<"'main' is not allowed to be declared inline">;
def ext_noreturn_main : ExtWarn<
"'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturn">, InGroup<Main>;
def note_main_remove_noreturn : Note<"remove '_Noreturn'">;
def err_constexpr_main : Error<
"'main' is not allowed to be declared constexpr">;
def err_main_template_decl : Error<"'main' cannot be a template">;
def err_main_returns_nonint : Error<"'main' must return 'int'">;
def ext_main_returns_nonint : ExtWarn<"return type of 'main' is not 'int'">,
def note_main_change_return_type : Note<"change return type to 'int'">;
def err_main_surplus_args : Error<"too many parameters (%0) for 'main': "
"must be 0, 2, or 3">;
def warn_main_one_arg : Warning<"only one parameter on 'main' declaration">,
def err_main_arg_wrong : Error<"%select{first|second|third|fourth}0 "
"parameter of 'main' (%select{argument count|argument array|environment|"
"platform-specific data}0) must be of type %1">;
/// parser diagnostics
def ext_no_declarators : ExtWarn<"declaration does not declare anything">,
def ext_typedef_without_a_name : ExtWarn<"typedef requires a name">,
def err_typedef_not_identifier : Error<"typedef name must be an identifier">;
def err_statically_allocated_object : Error<
"interface type cannot be statically allocated">;
def err_object_cannot_be_passed_returned_by_value : Error<
"interface type %1 cannot be %select{returned|passed}0 by value"
"; did you forget * in %1?">;
def err_parameters_retval_cannot_have_fp16_type : Error<
"%select{parameters|function return value}0 cannot have __fp16 type; did you forget * ?">;
def err_opencl_half_load_store : Error<
"%select{loading directly from|assigning directly to}0 pointer to type %1 is not allowed">;
def err_opencl_cast_to_half : Error<"casting to type %0 is not allowed">;
def err_opencl_half_declaration : Error<
"declaring variable of type %0 is not allowed">;
def err_opencl_half_argument : Error<
"declaring function argument of type %0 is not allowed; did you forget * ?">;
def err_opencl_half_return : Error<
"declaring function return value of type %0 is not allowed; did you forget * ?">;
def warn_enum_value_overflow : Warning<"overflow in enumeration value">;
def warn_pragma_options_align_reset_failed : Warning<
"#pragma options align=reset failed: %0">;
def err_pragma_options_align_mac68k_target_unsupported : Error<
"mac68k alignment pragma is not supported on this target">;
def warn_pragma_pack_invalid_alignment : Warning<
"expected #pragma pack parameter to be '1', '2', '4', '8', or '16'">;
// Follow the MSVC implementation.
def warn_pragma_pack_show : Warning<"value of #pragma pack(show) == %0">;
def warn_pragma_pack_pop_identifer_and_alignment : Warning<
"specifying both a name and alignment to 'pop' is undefined">;
def warn_pragma_pack_pop_failed : Warning<"#pragma pack(pop, ...) failed: %0">;
def warn_pragma_unused_undeclared_var : Warning<
"undeclared variable %0 used as an argument for '#pragma unused'">;
def warn_pragma_unused_expected_var_arg : Warning<
"only variables can be arguments to '#pragma unused'">;
def err_pragma_push_visibility_mismatch : Error<
"#pragma visibility push with no matching #pragma visibility pop">;
def note_surrounding_namespace_ends_here : Note<
"surrounding namespace with visibility attribute ends here">;
def err_pragma_pop_visibility_mismatch : Error<
"#pragma visibility pop with no matching #pragma visibility push">;
def note_surrounding_namespace_starts_here : Note<
"surrounding namespace with visibility attribute starts here">;
/// Objective-C parser diagnostics
def err_duplicate_class_def : Error<
"duplicate interface definition for class %0">;
def err_undef_superclass : Error<
"cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1">;
def err_forward_superclass : Error<
"attempting to use the forward class %0 as superclass of %1">;
def err_no_nsconstant_string_class : Error<
"cannot find interface declaration for %0">;
def err_recursive_superclass : Error<
"trying to recursively use %0 as superclass of %1">;
def warn_previous_alias_decl : Warning<"previously declared alias is ignored">;
def err_conflicting_aliasing_type : Error<"conflicting types for alias %0">;
def warn_undef_interface : Warning<"cannot find interface declaration for %0">;
def warn_duplicate_protocol_def : Warning<"duplicate protocol definition of %0 is ignored">;
def err_protocol_has_circular_dependency : Error<
"protocol has circular dependency">;
def err_undeclared_protocol : Error<"cannot find protocol declaration for %0">;
def warn_undef_protocolref : Warning<"cannot find protocol definition for %0">;
def warn_readonly_property : Warning<
"attribute 'readonly' of property %0 restricts attribute "
"'readwrite' of property inherited from %1">;
def warn_property_attribute : Warning<
"'%1' attribute on property %0 does not match the property inherited from %2">;
def warn_property_types_are_incompatible : Warning<
"property type %0 is incompatible with type %1 inherited from %2">;
def warn_protocol_property_mismatch : Warning<
"property of type %0 was selected for synthesis">,
def err_undef_interface : Error<"cannot find interface declaration for %0">;
def err_category_forward_interface : Error<
"cannot define %select{category|class extension}0 for undefined class %1">;
def err_class_extension_after_impl : Error<
"cannot declare class extension for %0 after class implementation">;
def note_implementation_declared : Note<
"class implementation is declared here">;
def note_while_in_implementation : Note<
"detected while default synthesizing properties in class implementation">;
def note_class_declared : Note<
"class is declared here">;
def note_receiver_class_declared : Note<
"receiver is instance of class declared here">;
def note_receiver_is_id : Note<
"receiver is treated with 'id' type for purpose of method lookup">;
def note_suppressed_class_declare : Note<
"class with specified objc_requires_property_definitions attribute is declared here">;
def err_objc_root_class_subclass : Error<
"objc_root_class attribute may only be specified on a root class declaration">;
def warn_objc_root_class_missing : Warning<
"class %0 defined without specifying a base class">,
def note_objc_needs_superclass : Note<
"add a super class to fix this problem">;
def warn_dup_category_def : Warning<
"duplicate definition of category %1 on interface %0">;
def err_conflicting_super_class : Error<"conflicting super class name %0">;
def err_dup_implementation_class : Error<"reimplementation of class %0">;
def err_dup_implementation_category : Error<
"reimplementation of category %1 for class %0">;
def err_conflicting_ivar_type : Error<
"instance variable %0 has conflicting type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">;
def err_duplicate_ivar_declaration : Error<
"instance variable is already declared">;
def warn_on_superclass_use : Warning<
"class implementation may not have super class">;
def err_conflicting_ivar_bitwidth : Error<
"instance variable %0 has conflicting bit-field width">;
def err_conflicting_ivar_name : Error<
"conflicting instance variable names: %0 vs %1">;
def err_inconsistant_ivar_count : Error<
"inconsistent number of instance variables specified">;
def warn_undef_method_impl : Warning<"method definition for %0 not found">,
def note_required_for_protocol_at :
Note<"required for direct or indirect protocol %0">;
def warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_types : Warning<
"conflicting return type in "
"declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_ret_types : Warning<
"conflicting return type in "
"implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">,
def warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_type_modifiers : Warning<
"conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type "
"in declaration of %0">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_ret_type_modifiers : Warning<
"conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type "
"in implementation of %0">,
def warn_non_covariant_overriding_ret_types : Warning<
"conflicting return type in "
"declaration of %0: %1 vs %2">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_non_covariant_ret_types : Warning<
"conflicting return type in "
"implementation of %0: %1 vs %2">,
InGroup<MethodSignatures>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_overriding_param_types : Warning<
"conflicting parameter types in "
"declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_param_types : Warning<
"conflicting parameter types in "
"implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">,
def warn_conflicting_param_modifiers : Warning<
"conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type "
"in implementation of %0">,
def warn_conflicting_overriding_param_modifiers : Warning<
"conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type "
"in declaration of %0">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_non_contravariant_overriding_param_types : Warning<
"conflicting parameter types in "
"declaration of %0: %1 vs %2">,
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_non_contravariant_param_types : Warning<
"conflicting parameter types in "
"implementation of %0: %1 vs %2">,
InGroup<MethodSignatures>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_overriding_variadic :Warning<
"conflicting variadic declaration of method and its "
InGroup<OverridingMethodMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_conflicting_variadic :Warning<
"conflicting variadic declaration of method and its "
def warn_category_method_impl_match:Warning<
"category is implementing a method which will also be implemented"
" by its primary class">, InGroup<ObjCProtocolMethodImpl>;
def warn_implements_nscopying : Warning<
"default assign attribute on property %0 which implements "
"NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only]">;
def warn_multiple_method_decl : Warning<"multiple methods named %0 found">;
def warn_strict_multiple_method_decl : Warning<
"multiple methods named %0 found">, InGroup<StrictSelector>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_accessor_property_type_mismatch : Warning<
"type of property %0 does not match type of accessor %1">;
def not_conv_function_declared_at : Note<"type conversion function declared here">;
def note_method_declared_at : Note<"method %0 declared here">;
def note_property_attribute : Note<"property %0 is declared "
"%select{deprecated|unavailable}1 here">;
def err_setter_type_void : Error<"type of setter must be void">;
def err_duplicate_method_decl : Error<"duplicate declaration of method %0">;
def warn_duplicate_method_decl :
Warning<"multiple declarations of method %0 found and ignored">,
InGroup<MethodDuplicate>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_objc_var_decl_inclass :
Error<"cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol">;
def error_missing_method_context : Error<
"missing context for method declaration">;
def err_objc_property_attr_mutually_exclusive : Error<
"property attributes '%0' and '%1' are mutually exclusive">;
def err_objc_property_requires_object : Error<
"property with '%0' attribute must be of object type">;
def warn_objc_property_no_assignment_attribute : Warning<
"no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified - "
"'assign' is assumed">,
def warn_objc_isa_use : Warning<
"direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of "
"object_getClass()">, InGroup<DeprecatedObjCIsaUsage>;
def warn_objc_isa_assign : Warning<
"assignment to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of "
"object_setClass()">, InGroup<DeprecatedObjCIsaUsage>;
def warn_objc_pointer_masking : Warning<
"bitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly "
def warn_objc_property_default_assign_on_object : Warning<
"default property attribute 'assign' not appropriate for non-GC object">,
def warn_property_attr_mismatch : Warning<
"property attribute in class extension does not match the primary class">;
def warn_objc_property_copy_missing_on_block : Warning<
"'copy' attribute must be specified for the block property "
"when -fobjc-gc-only is specified">;
def warn_objc_property_retain_of_block : Warning<
"retain'ed block property does not copy the block "
"- use copy attribute instead">, InGroup<ObjCRetainBlockProperty>;
def warn_objc_readonly_property_has_setter : Warning<
"setter cannot be specified for a readonly property">,
def warn_atomic_property_rule : Warning<
"writable atomic property %0 cannot pair a synthesized %select{getter|setter}1 "
"with a user defined %select{getter|setter}2">,
def note_atomic_property_fixup_suggest : Note<"setter and getter must both be "
"synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomic">;
def err_atomic_property_nontrivial_assign_op : Error<
"atomic property of reference type %0 cannot have non-trivial assignment"
" operator">;
def warn_owning_getter_rule : Warning<
"property's synthesized getter follows Cocoa naming"
" convention for returning 'owned' objects">,
def warn_auto_synthesizing_protocol_property :Warning<
"auto property synthesis will not synthesize property"
" declared in a protocol">,
def warn_no_autosynthesis_shared_ivar_property : Warning <
"auto property synthesis will not synthesize property "
"'%0' because it cannot share an ivar with another synthesized property">,
def warn_no_autosynthesis_property : Warning<
"auto property synthesis will not synthesize property "
"'%0' because it is 'readwrite' but it will be synthesized 'readonly' "
"via another property">,
def warn_autosynthesis_property_ivar_match :Warning<
"autosynthesized property %0 will use %select{|synthesized}1 instance variable "
"%2, not existing instance variable %3">,
def warn_missing_explicit_synthesis : Warning <
"auto property synthesis is synthesizing property not explicitly synthesized">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"objc-missing-property-synthesis">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_property_getter_owning_mismatch : Warning<
"property declared as returning non-retained objects"
"; getter returning retained objects">;
def error_property_setter_ambiguous_use : Error<
"synthesized properties '%0' and '%1' both claim setter %2 -"
" use of this setter will cause unexpected behavior">;
def err_ownin_getter_rule : Error<
"property's synthesized getter follows Cocoa naming"
" convention for returning 'owned' objects">;
def warn_default_atomic_custom_getter_setter : Warning<
"atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 "
"(property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended)">,
InGroup<CustomAtomic>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_use_continuation_class : Error<
"illegal redeclaration of property in class extension %0"
" (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly')">;
def err_type_mismatch_continuation_class : Error<
"type of property %0 in class extension does not match "
"property type in primary class">;
def err_use_continuation_class_redeclaration_readwrite : Error<
"illegal redeclaration of 'readwrite' property in class extension %0"
" (perhaps you intended this to be a 'readwrite' redeclaration of a "
"'readonly' public property?)">;
def err_continuation_class : Error<"class extension has no primary class">;
def err_property_type : Error<"property cannot have array or function type %0">;
def error_missing_property_context : Error<
"missing context for property implementation declaration">;
def error_bad_property_decl : Error<
"property implementation must have its declaration in interface %0">;
def error_category_property : Error<
"property declared in category %0 cannot be implemented in "
"class implementation">;
def note_property_declare : Note<
"property declared here">;
def note_protocol_property_declare : Note<
"it could also be property of type %0 declared here">;
def note_property_synthesize : Note<
"property synthesized here">;
def error_synthesize_category_decl : Error<
"@synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation">;
def error_reference_property : Error<
"property of reference type is not supported">;
def error_missing_property_interface : Error<
"property implementation in a category with no category declaration">;
def error_bad_category_property_decl : Error<
"property implementation must have its declaration in the category %0">;
def error_bad_property_context : Error<
"property implementation must be in a class or category implementation">;
def error_missing_property_ivar_decl : Error<
"synthesized property %0 must either be named the same as a compatible"
" instance variable or must explicitly name an instance variable">;
def error_synthesize_weak_non_arc_or_gc : Error<
"@synthesize of 'weak' property is only allowed in ARC or GC mode">;
def err_arc_perform_selector_retains : Error<
"performSelector names a selector which retains the object">;
def warn_arc_perform_selector_leaks : Warning<
"performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown">,
def err_gc_weak_property_strong_type : Error<
"weak attribute declared on a __strong type property in GC mode">;
def warn_receiver_is_weak : Warning <
"weak %select{receiver|property|implicit property}0 may be "
"unpredictably set to nil">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"receiver-is-weak">>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_arc_assign_to_strong : Note<
"assign the value to a strong variable to keep the object alive during use">;
def warn_arc_repeated_use_of_weak : Warning <
"weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 is "
"accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 "
"but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep "
"the object alive">,
InGroup<ARCRepeatedUseOfWeak>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_implicitly_retains_self : Warning <
"block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly mention 'self' to indicate "
"this is intended behavior">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"implicit-retain-self">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_arc_possible_repeated_use_of_weak : Warning <
"weak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 may "
"be accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 "
"and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep "
"the object alive">,
InGroup<ARCRepeatedUseOfWeakMaybe>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_arc_weak_also_accessed_here : Note<
"also accessed here">;
def err_incomplete_synthesized_property : Error<
"cannot synthesize property %0 with incomplete type %1">;
def error_property_ivar_type : Error<
"type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of instance variable %2 (%3)">;
def error_property_accessor_type : Error<
"type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of accessor %2 (%3)">;
def error_ivar_in_superclass_use : Error<
"property %0 attempting to use instance variable %1 declared in super class %2">;
def error_weak_property : Error<
"existing instance variable %1 for __weak property %0 must be __weak">;
def error_strong_property : Error<
"existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be __weak">;
def error_dynamic_property_ivar_decl : Error<
"dynamic property can not have instance variable specification">;
def error_duplicate_ivar_use : Error<
"synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim instance variable %2">;
def error_property_implemented : Error<"property %0 is already implemented">;
def warn_objc_property_attr_mutually_exclusive : Warning<
"property attributes '%0' and '%1' are mutually exclusive">,
InGroup<ReadOnlySetterAttrs>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_objc_missing_super_call : Warning<
"method possibly missing a [super %0] call">,
def error_dealloc_bad_result_type : Error<
"dealloc return type must be correctly specified as 'void' under ARC, "
"instead of %0">;
def warn_undeclared_selector : Warning<
"undeclared selector %0">, InGroup<UndeclaredSelector>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_undeclared_selector_with_typo : Warning<
"undeclared selector %0; did you mean %1?">,
InGroup<UndeclaredSelector>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_implicit_atomic_property : Warning<
"property is assumed atomic by default">, InGroup<ImplicitAtomic>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_auto_readonly_iboutlet_fixup_suggest : Note<
"property should be changed to be readwrite">;
def warn_auto_readonly_iboutlet_property : Warning<
"readonly IBOutlet property '%0' when auto-synthesized may "
"not work correctly with 'nib' loader">,
def warn_auto_implicit_atomic_property : Warning<
"property is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the property">,
InGroup<ImplicitAtomic>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unimplemented_selector: Warning<
"creating selector for nonexistent method %0">, InGroup<Selector>, DefaultIgnore;
def warning_multiple_selectors: Warning<
"multiple selectors named %0 found">, InGroup<SelectorTypeMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unimplemented_protocol_method : Warning<
"method %0 in protocol not implemented">, InGroup<Protocol>;
// C++ declarations
def err_static_assert_expression_is_not_constant : Error<
"static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression">;
def err_static_assert_failed : Error<"static_assert failed %0">;
def warn_inline_namespace_reopened_noninline : Warning<
"inline namespace cannot be reopened as a non-inline namespace">;
def err_inline_namespace_mismatch : Error<
"%select{|non-}0inline namespace "
"cannot be reopened as %select{non-|}0inline">;
def err_unexpected_friend : Error<
"friends can only be classes or functions">;
def ext_enum_friend : ExtWarn<
"enumeration type %0 cannot be a friend">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_enum_friend : Warning<
"befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_nonclass_type_friend : ExtWarn<
"non-class friend type %0 is a C++11 extension">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_nonclass_type_friend : Warning<
"non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_friend_is_member : Error<
"friends cannot be members of the declaring class">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_friend_is_member : Warning<
"friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible "
"with C++98">, InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_unelaborated_friend_type : ExtWarn<
"unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify "
"'%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' to befriend %1">,
def warn_cxx98_compat_unelaborated_friend_type : Warning<
"befriending %1 without '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' "
"keyword is incompatible with C++98">, InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_qualified_friend_not_found : Error<
"no function named %0 with type %1 was found in the specified scope">;
def err_introducing_special_friend : Error<
"must use a qualified name when declaring a %select{constructor|"
"destructor|conversion operator}0 as a friend">;
def err_tagless_friend_type_template : Error<
"friend type templates must use an elaborated type">;
def err_no_matching_local_friend : Error<
"no matching function found in local scope">;
def err_no_matching_local_friend_suggest : Error<
"no matching function %0 found in local scope; did you mean %2?">;
def err_partial_specialization_friend : Error<
"partial specialization cannot be declared as a friend">;
def err_qualified_friend_def : Error<
"friend function definition cannot be qualified with '%0'">;
def err_friend_def_in_local_class : Error<
"friend function cannot be defined in a local class">;
def err_friend_not_first_in_declaration : Error<
"'friend' must appear first in a non-function declaration">;
def err_using_decl_friend : Error<
"cannot befriend target of using declaration">;
def err_invalid_member_in_interface : Error<
"%select{data member |non-public member function |static member function |"
"user-declared constructor|user-declared destructor|operator |"
"nested class }0%1 is not permitted within an interface type">;
def err_invalid_base_in_interface : Error<
"interface type cannot inherit from "
"%select{'struct|non-public 'interface|'class}0 %1'">;
def err_abstract_type_in_decl : Error<
"%select{return|parameter|variable|field|instance variable}0 type %1 is an abstract class">;
def err_allocation_of_abstract_type : Error<
"allocating an object of abstract class type %0">;
def err_throw_abstract_type : Error<
"cannot throw an object of abstract type %0">;
def err_array_of_abstract_type : Error<"array of abstract class type %0">;
def err_multiple_final_overriders : Error<
"virtual function %q0 has more than one final overrider in %1">;
def note_final_overrider : Note<"final overrider of %q0 in %1">;
def err_type_defined_in_type_specifier : Error<
"%0 can not be defined in a type specifier">;
def err_type_defined_in_result_type : Error<
"%0 can not be defined in the result type of a function">;
def err_type_defined_in_param_type : Error<
"%0 can not be defined in a parameter type">;
def err_type_defined_in_alias_template : Error<
"%0 can not be defined in a type alias template">;
def note_pure_virtual_function : Note<
"unimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1">;
def err_deleted_decl_not_first : Error<
"deleted definition must be first declaration">;
def err_deleted_override : Error<
"deleted function %0 cannot override a non-deleted function">;
def err_non_deleted_override : Error<
"non-deleted function %0 cannot override a deleted function">;
def warn_weak_vtable : Warning<
"%0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be "
"emitted in every translation unit">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"weak-vtables">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_weak_template_vtable : Warning<
"explicit template instantiation %0 will emit a vtable in every "
"translation unit">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"weak-template-vtables">>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_using_undefined_std : ExtWarn<
"using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std'">;
// C++ exception specifications
def err_exception_spec_in_typedef : Error<
"exception specifications are not allowed in %select{typedefs|type aliases}0">;
def err_distant_exception_spec : Error<
"exception specifications are not allowed beyond a single level "
"of indirection">;
def err_incomplete_in_exception_spec : Error<
"%select{|pointer to |reference to }0incomplete type %1 is not allowed "
"in exception specification">;
def err_rref_in_exception_spec : Error<
"rvalue reference type %0 is not allowed in exception specification">;
def err_mismatched_exception_spec : Error<
"exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration">;
def warn_mismatched_exception_spec : ExtWarn<
"exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration">;
def err_override_exception_spec : Error<
"exception specification of overriding function is more lax than "
"base version">;
def warn_override_exception_spec : ExtWarn<
"exception specification of overriding function is more lax than "
"base version">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def err_incompatible_exception_specs : Error<
"target exception specification is not superset of source">;
def err_deep_exception_specs_differ : Error<
"exception specifications of %select{return|argument}0 types differ">;
def warn_missing_exception_specification : Warning<
"%0 is missing exception specification '%1'">;
def err_noexcept_needs_constant_expression : Error<
"argument to noexcept specifier must be a constant expression">;
// C++ access checking
def err_class_redeclared_with_different_access : Error<
"%0 redeclared with '%1' access">;
def err_access : Error<
"%1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3">, AccessControl;
def ext_ms_using_declaration_inaccessible : ExtWarn<
"using declaration referring to inaccessible member '%0' (which refers "
"to accessible member '%1') is a Microsoft compatibility extension">,
AccessControl, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def err_access_ctor : Error<
"calling a %select{private|protected}0 constructor of class %2">,
def ext_rvalue_to_reference_access_ctor : ExtWarn<
"C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding "
"a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0">,
AccessControl, InGroup<BindToTemporaryCopy>;
def err_access_base_ctor : Error<
// The ERRORs represent other special members that aren't constructors, in
// hopes that someone will bother noticing and reporting if they appear
"%select{base class|inherited virtual base class}0 %1 has %select{private|"
"protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* "
"|*ERROR*|}2constructor">, AccessControl;
def err_access_field_ctor : Error<
// The ERRORs represent other special members that aren't constructors, in
// hopes that someone will bother noticing and reporting if they appear
"field of type %0 has %select{private|protected}2 "
"%select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}1constructor">,
def err_access_friend_function : Error<
"friend function %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3">,
def err_access_dtor : Error<
"calling a %select{private|protected}1 destructor of class %0">,
def err_access_dtor_base :
Error<"base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor">,
def err_access_dtor_vbase :
Error<"inherited virtual base class %1 has "
"%select{private|protected}2 destructor">,
def err_access_dtor_temp :
Error<"temporary of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor">,
def err_access_dtor_exception :
Error<"exception object of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 "
"destructor">, AccessControl;
def err_access_dtor_field :
Error<"field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor">,
def err_access_dtor_var :
Error<"variable of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor">,
def err_access_dtor_ivar :
Error<"instance variable of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 "
def note_previous_access_declaration : Note<
"previously declared '%1' here">;
def note_access_natural : Note<
"%select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 here">;
def note_access_constrained_by_path : Note<
"constrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0"
" inheritance here">;
def note_access_protected_restricted_noobject : Note<
"must name member using the type of the current context %0">;
def note_access_protected_restricted_ctordtor : Note<
"protected %select{constructor|destructor}0 can only be used to "
"%select{construct|destroy}0 a base class subobject">;
def note_access_protected_restricted_object : Note<
"can only access this member on an object of type %0">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_sfinae_access_control : Warning<
"substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore, NoSFINAE;
// C++ name lookup
def err_incomplete_nested_name_spec : Error<
"incomplete type %0 named in nested name specifier">;
def err_dependent_nested_name_spec : Error<
"nested name specifier for a declaration cannot depend on a template "
def err_nested_name_member_ref_lookup_ambiguous : Error<
"lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous">;
def ext_nested_name_member_ref_lookup_ambiguous : ExtWarn<
"lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of %1">,
def note_ambig_member_ref_object_type : Note<
"lookup in the object type %0 refers here">;
def note_ambig_member_ref_scope : Note<
"lookup from the current scope refers here">;
def err_qualified_member_nonclass : Error<
"qualified member access refers to a member in %0">;
def err_incomplete_member_access : Error<
"member access into incomplete type %0">;
def err_incomplete_type : Error<
"incomplete type %0 where a complete type is required">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_enum_nested_name_spec : Warning<
"enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
// C++ class members
def err_storageclass_invalid_for_member : Error<
"storage class specified for a member declaration">;
def err_mutable_function : Error<"'mutable' cannot be applied to functions">;
def err_mutable_reference : Error<"'mutable' cannot be applied to references">;
def err_mutable_const : Error<"'mutable' and 'const' cannot be mixed">;
def err_mutable_nonmember : Error<
"'mutable' can only be applied to member variables">;
def err_virtual_non_function : Error<
"'virtual' can only appear on non-static member functions">;
def err_virtual_out_of_class : Error<
"'virtual' can only be specified inside the class definition">;
def err_virtual_member_function_template : Error<
"'virtual' can not be specified on member function templates">;
def err_static_overrides_virtual : Error<
"'static' member function %0 overrides a virtual function in a base class">;
def err_explicit_non_function : Error<
"'explicit' can only appear on non-static member functions">;
def err_explicit_out_of_class : Error<
"'explicit' can only be specified inside the class definition">;
def err_explicit_non_ctor_or_conv_function : Error<
"'explicit' can only be applied to a constructor or conversion function">;
def err_static_not_bitfield : Error<"static member %0 cannot be a bit-field">;
def err_static_out_of_line : Error<
"'static' can only be specified inside the class definition">;
def err_typedef_not_bitfield : Error<"typedef member %0 cannot be a bit-field">;
def err_not_integral_type_bitfield : Error<
"bit-field %0 has non-integral type %1">;
def err_not_integral_type_anon_bitfield : Error<
"anonymous bit-field has non-integral type %0">;
def err_member_function_initialization : Error<
"initializer on function does not look like a pure-specifier">;
def err_non_virtual_pure : Error<
"%0 is not virtual and cannot be declared pure">;
def warn_pure_function_definition : ExtWarn<
"function definition with pure-specifier is a Microsoft extension">,
def err_implicit_object_parameter_init : Error<
"cannot initialize object parameter of type %0 with an expression "
"of type %1">;
def err_qualified_member_of_unrelated : Error<
"%q0 is not a member of class %1">;
def warn_call_to_pure_virtual_member_function_from_ctor_dtor : Warning<
"call to pure virtual member function %0; overrides of %0 in subclasses are "
"not available in the %select{constructor|destructor}1 of %2">;
def note_field_decl : Note<"member is declared here">;
def note_ivar_decl : Note<"instance variable is declared here">;
def note_bitfield_decl : Note<"bit-field is declared here">;
def note_previous_decl : Note<"%0 declared here">;
def note_implicit_param_decl : Note<"%0 is an implicit parameter">;
def note_member_synthesized_at : Note<
"implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy "
"assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 for %1 first "
"required here">;
def note_inhctor_synthesized_at : Note<
"inheriting constructor for %0 first required here">;
def err_missing_default_ctor : Error<
"%select{|implicit default |inheriting }0constructor for %1 must explicitly "
"initialize the %select{base class|member}2 %3 which does not have a default "
def err_illegal_union_or_anon_struct_member : Error<
"%select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 has a non-trivial "
"%select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment "
"operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_nontrivial_union_or_anon_struct_member : Warning<
"%select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 with a non-trivial "
"%select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment "
"operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_nontrivial_virtual_dtor : Note<
"destructor for %0 is not trivial because it is virtual">;
def note_nontrivial_has_virtual : Note<
"because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1">;
def note_nontrivial_no_def_ctor : Note<
"because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has no "
"default constructor">;
def note_user_declared_ctor : Note<
"implicit default constructor suppressed by user-declared constructor">;
def note_nontrivial_no_copy : Note<
"because no %select{<<ERROR>>|constructor|constructor|assignment operator|"
"assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}2 can be used to "
"%select{<<ERROR>>|copy|move|copy|move|<<ERROR>>}2 "
"%select{base class|field|an object}0 of type %3">;
def note_nontrivial_user_provided : Note<
"because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has a user-provided "
"%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|"
"copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2">;
def note_nontrivial_in_class_init : Note<
"because field %0 has an initializer">;
def note_nontrivial_param_type : Note<
"because its parameter is %diff{of type $, not $|of the wrong type}2,3">;
def note_nontrivial_default_arg : Note<"because it has a default argument">;
def note_nontrivial_variadic : Note<"because it is a variadic function">;
def note_nontrivial_subobject : Note<
"because the function selected to %select{construct|copy|move|copy|move|"
"destroy}2 %select{base class|field}0 of type %1 is not trivial">;
def note_nontrivial_objc_ownership : Note<
"because type %0 has a member with %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|"
"__autoreleasing}1 ownership">;
def err_static_data_member_not_allowed_in_anon_struct : Error<
"static data member %0 not allowed in anonymous struct">;
def ext_static_data_member_in_union : ExtWarn<
"static data member %0 in union is a C++11 extension">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_static_data_member_in_union : Warning<
"static data member %0 in union is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_union_member_of_reference_type : ExtWarn<
"union member %0 has reference type %1, which is a Microsoft extension">,
def err_union_member_of_reference_type : Error<
"union member %0 has reference type %1">;
def ext_anonymous_struct_union_qualified : Extension<
"anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%1'">;
def err_different_return_type_for_overriding_virtual_function : Error<
"virtual function %0 has a different return type "
"%diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has return type $)|"
"than the function it overrides}1,2">;
def note_overridden_virtual_function : Note<
"overridden virtual function is here">;
def err_conflicting_overriding_cc_attributes : Error<
"virtual function %0 has different calling convention attributes "
"%diff{($) than the function it overrides (which has calling convention $)|"
"than the function it overrides}1,2">;
def err_covariant_return_inaccessible_base : Error<
"invalid covariant return for virtual function: %1 is a "
"%select{private|protected}2 base class of %0">, AccessControl;
def err_covariant_return_ambiguous_derived_to_base_conv : Error<
"return type of virtual function %3 is not covariant with the return type of "
"the function it overrides (ambiguous conversion from derived class "
"%0 to base class %1:%2)">;
def err_covariant_return_not_derived : Error<
"return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of "
"the function it overrides (%1 is not derived from %2)">;
def err_covariant_return_incomplete : Error<
"return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of "
"the function it overrides (%1 is incomplete)">;
def err_covariant_return_type_different_qualifications : Error<
"return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of "
"the function it overrides (%1 has different qualifiers than %2)">;
def err_covariant_return_type_class_type_more_qualified : Error<
"return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of "
"the function it overrides (class type %1 is more qualified than class "
"type %2">;
// C++ constructors
def err_constructor_cannot_be : Error<"constructor cannot be declared '%0'">;
def err_invalid_qualified_constructor : Error<
"'%0' qualifier is not allowed on a constructor">;
def err_ref_qualifier_constructor : Error<
"ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a constructor">;
def err_constructor_return_type : Error<
"constructor cannot have a return type">;
def err_constructor_redeclared : Error<"constructor cannot be redeclared">;
def err_constructor_byvalue_arg : Error<
"copy constructor must pass its first argument by reference">;
def warn_no_constructor_for_refconst : Warning<
"%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 %1 does not declare any "
"constructor to initialize its non-modifiable members">;
def note_refconst_member_not_initialized : Note<
"%select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized">;
def ext_ms_explicit_constructor_call : ExtWarn<
"explicit constructor calls are a Microsoft extension">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
// C++ destructors
def err_destructor_not_member : Error<
"destructor must be a non-static member function">;
def err_destructor_cannot_be : Error<"destructor cannot be declared '%0'">;
def err_invalid_qualified_destructor : Error<
"'%0' qualifier is not allowed on a destructor">;
def err_ref_qualifier_destructor : Error<
"ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a destructor">;
def err_destructor_return_type : Error<"destructor cannot have a return type">;
def err_destructor_redeclared : Error<"destructor cannot be redeclared">;
def err_destructor_with_params : Error<"destructor cannot have any parameters">;
def err_destructor_variadic : Error<"destructor cannot be variadic">;
def err_destructor_typedef_name : Error<
"destructor cannot be declared using a %select{typedef|type alias}1 %0 of the class name">;
def err_destructor_name : Error<
"expected the class name after '~' to name the enclosing class">;
def err_destructor_class_name : Error<
"expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor">;
def err_ident_in_dtor_not_a_type : Error<
"identifier %0 in object destruction expression does not name a type">;
def err_destructor_expr_type_mismatch : Error<
"destructor type %0 in object destruction expression does not match the "
"type %1 of the object being destroyed">;
def note_destructor_type_here : Note<
"type %0 is declared here">;
def err_destructor_template : Error<
"destructor cannot be declared as a template">;
// C++ initialization
def err_init_conversion_failed : Error<
"cannot initialize %select{a variable|a parameter|return object|an "
"exception object|a member subobject|an array element|a new value|a value|a "
"base class|a constructor delegation|a vector element}0 "
"%diff{of type $ with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of type $|"
"with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of incompatible type}1,3"
"%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6"
"|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)"
"|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7"
"|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6"
"|: different qualifiers ("
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs "
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)}4">;
def err_lvalue_to_rvalue_ref : Error<"rvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot "
"bind to lvalue of type $|cannot bind to incompatible lvalue}0,1">;
def err_lvalue_reference_bind_to_initlist : Error<
"%select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot bind to an "
"initializer list temporary">;
def err_lvalue_reference_bind_to_temporary : Error<
"%select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference %diff{to type $ cannot bind "
"to a temporary of type $|cannot bind to incompatible temporary}1,2">;
def err_lvalue_reference_bind_to_unrelated : Error<
"%select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference "
"%diff{to type $ cannot bind to a value of unrelated type $|"
"cannot bind to a value of unrelated type}1,2">;
def err_reference_bind_drops_quals : Error<
"binding of reference %diff{to type $ to a value of type $ drops qualifiers|"
"drops qualifiers}0,1">;
def err_reference_bind_failed : Error<
"reference %diff{to type $ could not bind to an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of "
"type $|could not bind to %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of incompatible type}0,2">;
def err_reference_bind_init_list : Error<
"reference to type %0 cannot bind to an initializer list">;
def warn_temporary_array_to_pointer_decay : Warning<
"pointer is initialized by a temporary array, which will be destroyed at the "
"end of the full-expression">,
def err_init_list_bad_dest_type : Error<
"%select{|non-aggregate }0type %1 cannot be initialized with an initializer "
def err_member_function_call_bad_cvr : Error<"member function %0 not viable: "
"'this' argument has type %1, but function is not marked "
"%select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|"
"volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}2">;
def err_reference_bind_to_bitfield : Error<
"%select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to "
"bit-field%select{| %1}2">;
def err_reference_bind_to_vector_element : Error<
"%select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to vector element">;
def err_reference_var_requires_init : Error<
"declaration of reference variable %0 requires an initializer">;
def err_reference_without_init : Error<
"reference to type %0 requires an initializer">;
def note_value_initialization_here : Note<
"in value-initialization of type %0 here">;
def err_reference_has_multiple_inits : Error<
"reference cannot be initialized with multiple values">;
def err_init_non_aggr_init_list : Error<
"initialization of non-aggregate type %0 with an initializer list">;
def err_init_reference_member_uninitialized : Error<
"reference member of type %0 uninitialized">;
def note_uninit_reference_member : Note<
"uninitialized reference member is here">;
def warn_field_is_uninit : Warning<"field %0 is uninitialized when used here">,
def warn_reference_field_is_uninit : Warning<
"reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used here">,
def warn_static_self_reference_in_init : Warning<
"static variable %0 is suspiciously used within its own initialization">,
def warn_uninit_self_reference_in_init : Warning<
"variable %0 is uninitialized when used within its own initialization">,
def warn_uninit_self_reference_in_reference_init : Warning<
"reference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used within its own"
" initialization">,
def warn_uninit_var : Warning<
"variable %0 is uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1">,
InGroup<Uninitialized>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_sometimes_uninit_var : Warning<
"variable %0 is %select{used|captured}1 uninitialized whenever "
"%select{'%3' condition is %select{true|false}4|"
"'%3' loop %select{is entered|exits because its condition is false}4|"
"'%3' loop %select{condition is true|exits because its condition is false}4|"
"switch %3 is taken}2">, InGroup<UninitializedSometimes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_maybe_uninit_var : Warning<
"variable %0 may be uninitialized when "
"%select{used here|captured by block}1">,
InGroup<UninitializedMaybe>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_uninit_var_def : Note<"variable %0 is declared here">;
def note_uninit_var_use : Note<
"%select{uninitialized use occurs|variable is captured by block}0 here">;
def warn_uninit_byref_blockvar_captured_by_block : Warning<
"block pointer variable %0 is uninitialized when captured by block">,
InGroup<Uninitialized>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_block_var_fixit_add_initialization : Note<
"maybe you meant to use __block %0">;
def note_var_fixit_add_initialization : Note<
"initialize the variable %0 to silence this warning">;
def note_uninit_fixit_remove_cond : Note<
"remove the %select{'%1' if its condition|condition if it}0 "
"is always %select{false|true}2">;
def err_init_incomplete_type : Error<"initialization of incomplete type %0">;
def warn_unsequenced_mod_mod : Warning<
"multiple unsequenced modifications to %0">, InGroup<Unsequenced>;
def warn_unsequenced_mod_use : Warning<
"unsequenced modification and access to %0">, InGroup<Unsequenced>;
def err_temp_copy_no_viable : Error<
"no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|"
"returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array "
"element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|"
"initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1">;
def ext_rvalue_to_reference_temp_copy_no_viable : ExtWarn<
"no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|"
"returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array "
"element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|"
"initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy "
"constructor when binding a reference to a temporary">,
def err_temp_copy_ambiguous : Error<
"ambiguous constructor call when %select{copying variable|copying "
"parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying "
"array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|"
"initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1">;
def err_temp_copy_deleted : Error<
"%select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing "
"object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|"
"copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|"
"capturing value}0 of type %1 invokes deleted constructor">;
def err_temp_copy_incomplete : Error<
"copying a temporary object of incomplete type %0">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_temp_copy : Warning<
"%select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing "
"object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|"
"copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}1 "
"of type %2 when binding a reference to a temporary would %select{invoke "
"an inaccessible constructor|find no viable constructor|find ambiguous "
"constructors|invoke a deleted constructor}0 in C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatBindToTemporaryCopy>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_selected_explicit_constructor : Error<
"chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization">;
def note_constructor_declared_here : Note<
"constructor declared here">;
// C++11 decltype
def err_decltype_in_declarator : Error<
"'decltype' cannot be used to name a declaration">;
// C++11 auto
def warn_cxx98_compat_auto_type_specifier : Warning<
"'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_auto_variable_cannot_appear_in_own_initializer : Error<
"variable %0 declared with 'auto' type cannot appear in its own initializer">;
def err_illegal_decl_array_of_auto : Error<
"'%0' declared as array of %1">;
def err_new_array_of_auto : Error<
"cannot allocate array of 'auto'">;
def err_auto_not_allowed : Error<
"'auto' not allowed %select{in function prototype|in non-static struct member"
"|in non-static union member|in non-static class member|in interface member"
"|in exception declaration|in template parameter|in block literal"
"|in template argument|in typedef|in type alias|in function return type"
"|in conversion function type|here}0">;
def err_auto_var_requires_init : Error<
"declaration of variable %0 with type %1 requires an initializer">;
def err_auto_new_requires_ctor_arg : Error<
"new expression for type %0 requires a constructor argument">;
def err_auto_new_requires_parens : Error<
"new expression for type %0 cannot use list-initialization">;
def err_auto_var_init_no_expression : Error<
"initializer for variable %0 with type %1 is empty">;
def err_auto_var_init_multiple_expressions : Error<
"initializer for variable %0 with type %1 contains multiple expressions">;
def err_auto_new_ctor_multiple_expressions : Error<
"new expression for type %0 contains multiple constructor arguments">;
def err_auto_missing_trailing_return : Error<
"'auto' return without trailing return type">;
def err_trailing_return_without_auto : Error<
"function with trailing return type must specify return type 'auto', not %0">;
def err_trailing_return_in_parens : Error<
"trailing return type may not be nested within parentheses">;
def err_auto_var_deduction_failure : Error<
"variable %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2">;
def err_auto_var_deduction_failure_from_init_list : Error<
"cannot deduce actual type for variable %0 with type %1 from initializer list">;
def err_auto_new_deduction_failure : Error<
"new expression for type %0 has incompatible constructor argument of type %1">;
def err_auto_different_deductions : Error<
"'%select{auto|decltype(auto)}0' deduced as %1 in declaration of %2 and "
"deduced as %3 in declaration of %4">;
def err_implied_std_initializer_list_not_found : Error<
"cannot deduce type of initializer list because std::initializer_list was "
"not found; include <initializer_list>">;
def err_malformed_std_initializer_list : Error<
"std::initializer_list must be a class template with a single type parameter">;
def warn_dangling_std_initializer_list : Warning<
"array backing the initializer list will be destroyed at the end of "
"%select{the full-expression|the constructor}0">,
// C++1y decltype(auto) type
def err_decltype_auto_cannot_be_combined : Error<
"'decltype(auto)' cannot be combined with other type specifiers">;
def err_decltype_auto_function_declarator_not_declaration : Error<
"'decltype(auto)' can only be used as a return type "
"in a function declaration">;
def err_decltype_auto_compound_type : Error<
"cannot form %select{pointer to|reference to|array of}0 'decltype(auto)'">;
def err_decltype_auto_initializer_list : Error<
"cannot deduce 'decltype(auto)' from initializer list">;
// C++1y deduced return types
def err_auto_fn_deduction_failure : Error<
"cannot deduce return type %0 from returned value of type %1">;
def err_auto_fn_different_deductions : Error<
"'%select{auto|decltype(auto)}0' in return type deduced as %1 here but "
"deduced as %2 in earlier return statement">;
def err_auto_fn_used_before_defined : Error<
"function %0 with deduced return type cannot be used before it is defined">;
def err_auto_fn_no_return_but_not_auto : Error<
"cannot deduce return type %0 for function with no return statements">;
def err_auto_fn_return_void_but_not_auto : Error<
"cannot deduce return type %0 from omitted return expression">;
def err_auto_fn_return_init_list : Error<
"cannot deduce return type from initializer list">;
def err_auto_fn_virtual : Error<
"function with deduced return type cannot be virtual">;
// C++11 override control
def override_keyword_only_allowed_on_virtual_member_functions : Error<
"only virtual member functions can be marked '%0'">;
def err_function_marked_override_not_overriding : Error<
"%0 marked 'override' but does not override any member functions">;
def err_class_marked_final_used_as_base : Error<
"base %0 is marked 'final'">;
def warn_abstract_final_class : Warning<
"abstract class is marked 'final'">, InGroup<AbstractFinalClass>;
// C++11 attributes
def err_repeat_attribute : Error<"'%0' attribute cannot be repeated">;
// C++11 final
def err_final_function_overridden : Error<
"declaration of %0 overrides a 'final' function">;
// C++11 scoped enumerations
def err_enum_invalid_underlying : Error<
"non-integral type %0 is an invalid underlying type">;
def err_enumerator_too_large : Error<
"enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0">;
def ext_enumerator_too_large : ExtWarn<
"enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0">,
def err_enumerator_wrapped : Error<
"enumerator value %0 is not representable in the underlying type %1">;
def err_enum_redeclare_type_mismatch : Error<
"enumeration redeclared with different underlying type %0 (was %1)">;
def err_enum_redeclare_fixed_mismatch : Error<
"enumeration previously declared with %select{non|}0fixed underlying type">;
def err_enum_redeclare_scoped_mismatch : Error<
"enumeration previously declared as %select{un|}0scoped">;
def err_enum_class_reference : Error<
"reference to %select{|scoped }0enumeration must use 'enum' "
"not 'enum class'">;
def err_only_enums_have_underlying_types : Error<
"only enumeration types have underlying types">;
// C++11 delegating constructors
def err_delegating_ctor : Error<
"delegating constructors are permitted only in C++11">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_delegating_ctor : Warning<
"delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_delegating_initializer_alone : Error<
"an initializer for a delegating constructor must appear alone">;
def warn_delegating_ctor_cycle : Warning<
"constructor for %0 creates a delegation cycle">, DefaultError,
def note_it_delegates_to : Note<"it delegates to">;
def note_which_delegates_to : Note<"which delegates to">;
// C++11 range-based for loop
def err_for_range_decl_must_be_var : Error<
"for range declaration must declare a variable">;
def err_for_range_storage_class : Error<
"loop variable %0 may not be declared %select{'extern'|'static'|"
def err_type_defined_in_for_range : Error<
"types may not be defined in a for range declaration">;
def err_for_range_deduction_failure : Error<
"cannot use type %0 as a range">;
def err_for_range_incomplete_type : Error<
"cannot use incomplete type %0 as a range">;
def err_for_range_iter_deduction_failure : Error<
"cannot use type %0 as an iterator">;
def err_for_range_member_begin_end_mismatch : Error<
"range type %0 has '%select{begin|end}1' member but no '%select{end|begin}1' member">;
def err_for_range_begin_end_types_differ : Error<
"'begin' and 'end' must return the same type (got %0 and %1)">;
def note_in_for_range: Note<
"when looking up '%select{begin|end}0' function for range expression "
"of type %1">;
def err_for_range_invalid: Error<
"invalid range expression of type %0; no viable '%select{begin|end}1' "
"function available">;
def err_for_range_dereference : Error<
"invalid range expression of type %0; did you mean to dereference it "
"with '*'?">;
def note_for_range_invalid_iterator : Note <
"in implicit call to 'operator%select{!=|*|++}0' for iterator of type %1">;
def note_for_range_begin_end : Note<
"selected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3">;
// C++11 constexpr
def warn_cxx98_compat_constexpr : Warning<
"'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
// FIXME: Maybe this should also go in -Wc++1y-compat?
def warn_cxx1y_compat_constexpr_not_const : Warning<
"'constexpr' non-static member function will not be implicitly 'const' "
"in C++1y; add 'const' to avoid a change in behavior">,
def err_invalid_constexpr : Error<
"%select{function parameter|typedef|non-static data member}0 "
"cannot be constexpr">;
def err_invalid_constexpr_member : Error<"non-static data member cannot be "
"constexpr%select{; did you intend to make it %select{const|static}0?|}1">;
def err_constexpr_tag : Error<
"%select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot be marked constexpr">;
def err_constexpr_dtor : Error<"destructor cannot be marked constexpr">;
def err_constexpr_no_declarators : Error<
"constexpr can only be used in variable and function declarations">;
def err_invalid_constexpr_var_decl : Error<
"constexpr variable declaration must be a definition">;
def err_constexpr_static_mem_var_requires_init : Error<
"declaration of constexpr static data member %0 requires an initializer">;
def err_constexpr_var_non_literal : Error<
"constexpr variable cannot have non-literal type %0">;
def err_constexpr_var_requires_const_init : Error<
"constexpr variable %0 must be initialized by a constant expression">;
def err_constexpr_redecl_mismatch : Error<
"%select{non-constexpr declaration of %0 follows constexpr declaration"
"|constexpr declaration of %0 follows non-constexpr declaration}1">;
def err_constexpr_virtual : Error<"virtual function cannot be constexpr">;
def err_constexpr_virtual_base : Error<
"constexpr %select{member function|constructor}0 not allowed in "
"%select{struct|interface|class}1 with virtual base "
def note_non_literal_incomplete : Note<
"incomplete type %0 is not a literal type">;
def note_non_literal_virtual_base : Note<"%select{struct|interface|class}0 "
"with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal type">;
def note_constexpr_virtual_base_here : Note<"virtual base class declared here">;
def err_constexpr_non_literal_return : Error<
"constexpr function's return type %0 is not a literal type">;
def err_constexpr_non_literal_param : Error<
"constexpr %select{function|constructor}1's %ordinal0 parameter type %2 is "
"not a literal type">;
def err_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt : Error<
"statement not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0">;
def ext_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt : ExtWarn<
"use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is a C++1y extension">, InGroup<CXX1y>;
def warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt : Warning<
"use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1y">,
InGroup<CXXPre1yCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_constexpr_type_definition : ExtWarn<
"type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is a C++1y extension">, InGroup<CXX1y>;
def warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_type_definition : Warning<
"type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1y">,
InGroup<CXXPre1yCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_constexpr_vla : Error<
"variably-modified type %0 cannot be used in a constexpr "
def ext_constexpr_local_var : ExtWarn<
"variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is a C++1y extension">, InGroup<CXX1y>;
def warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_local_var : Warning<
"variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 "
"is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1y">,
InGroup<CXXPre1yCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_constexpr_local_var_static : Error<
"%select{static|thread_local}1 variable not permitted in a constexpr "
def err_constexpr_local_var_non_literal_type : Error<
"variable of non-literal type %1 cannot be defined in a constexpr "
def err_constexpr_local_var_no_init : Error<
"variables defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 must be "
def ext_constexpr_function_never_constant_expr : ExtWarn<
"constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 never produces a "
"constant expression">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"invalid-constexpr">>, DefaultError;
def err_constexpr_body_no_return : Error<
"no return statement in constexpr function">;
def warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_no_return : Warning<
"constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ "
"standards before C++1y">, InGroup<CXXPre1yCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_constexpr_body_multiple_return : ExtWarn<
"multiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++1y extension">,
def warn_cxx11_compat_constexpr_body_multiple_return : Warning<
"multiple return statements in constexpr function "
"is incompatible with C++ standards before C++1y">,
InGroup<CXXPre1yCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_constexpr_body_previous_return : Note<
"previous return statement is here">;
def err_constexpr_function_try_block : Error<
"function try block not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0">;
def err_constexpr_union_ctor_no_init : Error<
"constexpr union constructor does not initialize any member">;
def err_constexpr_ctor_missing_init : Error<
"constexpr constructor must initialize all members">;
def note_constexpr_ctor_missing_init : Note<
"member not initialized by constructor">;
def err_constexpr_method_non_literal : Error<
"non-literal type %0 cannot have constexpr members">;
def note_non_literal_no_constexpr_ctors : Note<
"%0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr "
"constructors other than copy or move constructors">;
def note_non_literal_base_class : Note<
"%0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type">;
def note_non_literal_field : Note<
"%0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of "
"%select{non-literal|volatile}3 type %2">;
def note_non_literal_user_provided_dtor : Note<
"%0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor">;
def note_non_literal_nontrivial_dtor : Note<
"%0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor">;
def warn_private_extern : Warning<
"use of __private_extern__ on a declaration may not produce external symbol "
"private to the linkage unit and is deprecated">, InGroup<PrivateExtern>;
def note_private_extern : Note<
"use __attribute__((visibility(\"hidden\"))) attribute instead">;
// C++11 char16_t/char32_t
def warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_type : Warning<
"'%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
// Objective-C++
def err_objc_decls_may_only_appear_in_global_scope : Error<
"Objective-C declarations may only appear in global scope">;
def warn_auto_var_is_id : Warning<
"'auto' deduced as 'id' in declaration of %0">,
// Attributes
def err_nsobject_attribute : Error<
"__attribute ((NSObject)) is for pointer types only">;
def err_attribute_can_be_applied_only_to_symbol_declaration : Error<
"%0 attribute can be applied only to symbol declaration">;
def err_attributes_are_not_compatible : Error<
"%0 and %1 attributes are not compatible">;
def err_attribute_wrong_number_arguments : Error<
"attribute %plural{0:takes no arguments|1:takes one argument|"
":requires exactly %0 arguments}0">;
def err_attribute_too_many_arguments : Error<
"attribute takes no more than %0 argument%s0">;
def err_suppress_autosynthesis : Error<
"objc_requires_property_definitions attribute may only be specified on a class"
"to a class declaration">;
def err_attribute_too_few_arguments : Error<
"attribute takes at least %0 argument%s0">;
def err_attribute_missing_parameter_name : Error<
"attribute requires unquoted parameter">;
def err_attribute_invalid_vector_type : Error<"invalid vector element type %0">;
def err_attribute_bad_neon_vector_size : Error<
"Neon vector size must be 64 or 128 bits">;
def err_attribute_argument_not_int : Error<
"'%0' attribute requires integer constant">;
def err_aligned_attribute_argument_not_int : Error<
"'aligned' attribute requires integer constant">;
def err_alignas_attribute_wrong_decl_type : Error<
"'%select{alignas|_Alignas}0' attribute cannot be applied to a %select{"
"function parameter|variable with 'register' storage class|"
"'catch' variable|bit-field}1">;
def err_alignas_missing_on_definition : Error<
"'%select{alignas|_Alignas}0' must be specified on definition if it is "
"specified on any declaration">;
def note_alignas_on_declaration : Note<
"declared with '%select{alignas|_Alignas}0' attribute here">;
def err_alignas_mismatch : Error<
"redeclaration has different alignment requirement (%1 vs %0)">;
def err_alignas_underaligned : Error<
"requested alignment is less than minimum alignment of %1 for type %0">;
def err_attribute_first_argument_not_int_or_bool : Error<
"%0 attribute first argument must be of int or bool type">;
def err_attribute_argument_outof_range : Error<
"init_priority attribute requires integer constant between "
"101 and 65535 inclusive">;
def err_init_priority_object_attr : Error<
"can only use 'init_priority' attribute on file-scope definitions "
"of objects of class type">;
def err_attribute_argument_vec_type_hint : Error<
"invalid attribute argument %0 - expecting a vector or vectorizable scalar type">;
def err_attribute_argument_n_not_int : Error<
"'%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be an integer constant">;
def err_attribute_argument_n_not_string : Error<
"'%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be a string">;
def err_attribute_argument_n_not_identifier : Error<
"'%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be an identifier">;
def err_attribute_argument_out_of_bounds : Error<
"'%0' attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds">;
def err_attribute_requires_objc_interface : Error<
"attribute may only be applied to an Objective-C interface">;
def err_attribute_uuid_malformed_guid : Error<
"uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID">;
def warn_nonnull_pointers_only : Warning<
"nonnull attribute only applies to pointer arguments">;
def err_attribute_pointers_only : Error<
"%0 attribute only applies to pointer arguments">;
def err_attribute_no_member_pointers : Error<
"%0 attribute cannot be used with pointers to members">;
def err_attribute_invalid_implicit_this_argument : Error<
"'%0' attribute is invalid for the implicit this argument">;
def err_ownership_type : Error<
"%0 attribute only applies to %1 arguments">;
def err_format_strftime_third_parameter : Error<
"strftime format attribute requires 3rd parameter to be 0">;
def err_format_attribute_requires_variadic : Error<
"format attribute requires variadic function">;
def err_format_attribute_not : Error<"format argument not %0">;
def err_format_attribute_result_not : Error<"function does not return %0">;
def err_format_attribute_implicit_this_format_string : Error<
"format attribute cannot specify the implicit this argument as the format "
def warn_unknown_method_family : Warning<"unrecognized method family">;
def err_init_method_bad_return_type : Error<
"init methods must return an object pointer type, not %0">;
def err_attribute_invalid_size : Error<
"vector size not an integral multiple of component size">;
def err_attribute_zero_size : Error<"zero vector size">;
def err_typecheck_vector_not_convertable : Error<
"can't convert between vector values of different size (%0 and %1)">;
def err_typecheck_ext_vector_not_typedef : Error<
"ext_vector_type only applies to types, not variables">;
def err_ext_vector_component_exceeds_length : Error<
"vector component access exceeds type %0">;
def err_ext_vector_component_name_illegal : Error<
"illegal vector component name '%0'">;
def err_attribute_address_space_not_int : Error<
"address space attribute requires an integer constant">;
def err_attribute_address_space_negative : Error<
"address space is negative">;
def err_attribute_address_space_too_high : Error<
"address space is larger than the maximum supported (%0)">;
def err_attribute_address_multiple_qualifiers : Error<
"multiple address spaces specified for type">;
def err_attribute_address_function_type : Error<
"function type may not be qualified with an address space">;
def err_as_qualified_auto_decl : Error<
"automatic variable qualified with an address space">;
def err_arg_with_address_space : Error<
"parameter may not be qualified with an address space">;
def err_field_with_address_space : Error<
"field may not be qualified with an address space">;
def err_attr_objc_ownership_redundant : Error<
"the type %0 is already explicitly ownership-qualified">;
def err_attribute_not_string : Error<
"argument to %0 attribute was not a string literal">;
def err_undeclared_nsnumber : Error<
"NSNumber must be available to use Objective-C literals">;
def err_invalid_nsnumber_type : Error<
"%0 is not a valid literal type for NSNumber">;
def err_undeclared_nsstring : Error<
"cannot box a string value because NSString has not been declared">;
def err_objc_illegal_boxed_expression_type : Error<
"illegal type %0 used in a boxed expression">;
def err_objc_incomplete_boxed_expression_type : Error<
"incomplete type %0 used in a boxed expression">;
def err_undeclared_nsarray : Error<
"NSArray must be available to use Objective-C array literals">;
def err_undeclared_nsdictionary : Error<
"NSDictionary must be available to use Objective-C dictionary "
def err_undeclared_boxing_method : Error<
"declaration of %0 is missing in %1 class">;
def err_objc_literal_method_sig : Error<
"literal construction method %0 has incompatible signature">;
def note_objc_literal_method_param : Note<
"%select{first|second|third}0 parameter has unexpected type %1 "
"(should be %2)">;
def note_objc_literal_method_return : Note<
"method returns unexpected type %0 (should be an object type)">;
def err_invalid_collection_element : Error<
"collection element of type %0 is not an Objective-C object">;
def err_box_literal_collection : Error<
"%select{string|character|boolean|numeric}0 literal must be prefixed by '@' "
"in a collection">;
def warn_objc_literal_comparison : Warning<
"direct comparison of %select{an array literal|a dictionary literal|"
"a numeric literal|a boxed expression|}0 has undefined behavior">,
def warn_missing_atsign_prefix : Warning<
"string literal must be prefixed by '@' ">, InGroup<ObjCLiteralMissingAtSign>;
def warn_objc_string_literal_comparison : Warning<
"direct comparison of a string literal has undefined behavior">,
def note_objc_literal_comparison_isequal : Note<
"use 'isEqual:' instead">;
let CategoryName = "Cocoa API Issue" in {
def warn_objc_redundant_literal_use : Warning<
"using %0 with a literal is redundant">, InGroup<ObjCRedundantLiteralUse>;
def err_attr_tlsmodel_arg : Error<"tls_model must be \"global-dynamic\", "
"\"local-dynamic\", \"initial-exec\" or \"local-exec\"">;
def err_only_annotate_after_access_spec : Error<
"access specifier can only have annotation attributes">;
def err_attribute_section_invalid_for_target : Error<
"argument to 'section' attribute is not valid for this target: %0">;
def err_attribute_section_local_variable : Error<
"'section' attribute is not valid on local variables">;
def warn_mismatched_section : Warning<
"section does not match previous declaration">, InGroup<Section>;
def err_anonymous_property: Error<
"anonymous property is not supported">;
def err_property_is_variably_modified: Error<
"property '%0' has a variably modified type">;
def err_no_getter_for_property : Error<
"no getter defined for property '%0'">;
def err_no_setter_for_property : Error<
"no setter defined for property '%0'">;
def error_cannot_find_suitable_getter : Error<
"cannot find suitable getter for property '%0'">;
def error_cannot_find_suitable_setter : Error<
"cannot find suitable setter for property '%0'">;
def err_attribute_aligned_not_power_of_two : Error<
"requested alignment is not a power of 2">;
def err_attribute_aligned_greater_than_8192 : Error<
"requested alignment must be 8192 bytes or smaller">;
def warn_redeclaration_without_attribute_prev_attribute_ignored : Warning<
"'%0' redeclared without %1 attribute: previous %1 ignored">;
def warn_attribute_ignored : Warning<"%0 attribute ignored">,
def warn_attribute_after_definition_ignored : Warning<
"attribute %0 after definition is ignored">,
def warn_unknown_attribute_ignored : Warning<
"unknown attribute %0 ignored">, InGroup<UnknownAttributes>;
def warn_cxx11_gnu_attribute_on_type : Warning<
"attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to a type">,
def warn_unhandled_ms_attribute_ignored : Warning<
"__declspec attribute %0 is not supported">,
def err_attribute_invalid_on_stmt : Error<
"%0 attribute cannot be applied to a statement">;
def warn_declspec_attribute_ignored : Warning<
"attribute %0 is ignored, place it after "
"\"%select{class|struct|union|interface|enum}1\" to apply attribute to "
"type declaration">, InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
def warn_attribute_precede_definition : Warning<
"attribute declaration must precede definition">,
def warn_attribute_void_function_method : Warning<
"attribute %0 cannot be applied to "
"%select{functions|Objective-C method}1 without return value">,
def warn_attribute_weak_on_field : Warning<
"__weak attribute cannot be specified on a field declaration">,
def warn_gc_attribute_weak_on_local : Warning<
"Objective-C GC does not allow weak variables on the stack">,
def warn_nsobject_attribute : Warning<
"__attribute ((NSObject)) may be put on a typedef only, "
"attribute is ignored">, InGroup<NSobjectAttribute>;
def warn_attribute_weak_on_local : Warning<
"__weak attribute cannot be specified on an automatic variable when ARC "
"is not enabled">,
def warn_weak_identifier_undeclared : Warning<
"weak identifier %0 never declared">;
def err_attribute_weak_static : Error<
"weak declaration cannot have internal linkage">;
def err_attribute_selectany_non_extern_data : Error<
"'selectany' can only be applied to data items with external linkage">;
def warn_attribute_invalid_on_definition : Warning<
"'%0' attribute cannot be specified on a definition">,
def err_attribute_weakref_not_static : Error<
"weakref declaration must have internal linkage">;
def err_attribute_weakref_not_global_context : Error<
"weakref declaration of '%0' must be in a global context">;
def err_attribute_weakref_without_alias : Error<
"weakref declaration of '%0' must also have an alias attribute">;
def err_alias_not_supported_on_darwin : Error <
"only weak aliases are supported on darwin">;
def warn_attribute_wrong_decl_type : Warning<
"%0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|"
"variables and functions|functions and methods|parameters|"
"functions, methods and blocks|functions, methods, and classes|"
"functions, methods, and parameters|classes|variables|methods|"
"variables, functions and labels|fields and global variables|structs|"
"variables, functions and tag types|thread-local variables|"
"variables and fields|variables, data members and tag types|"
"types and namespaces}1">,
def err_attribute_wrong_decl_type : Error<
"%0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|"
"variables and functions|functions and methods|parameters|"
"functions, methods and blocks|functions, methods, and classes|"
"functions, methods, and parameters|classes|variables|methods|"
"variables, functions and labels|fields and global variables|structs|"
"variables, functions and tag types|thread-local variables|"
"variables and fields|variables, data members and tag types|"
"types and namespaces}1">;
def warn_function_attribute_wrong_type : Warning<
"'%0' only applies to function types; type here is %1">,
def warn_pointer_attribute_wrong_type : Warning<
"'%0' only applies to pointer types; type here is %1">,
def warn_objc_object_attribute_wrong_type : Warning<
"'%0' only applies to Objective-C object or block pointer types; type here is %1">,
def warn_attribute_requires_functions_or_static_globals : Warning<
"%0 only applies to variables with static storage duration and functions">,
def warn_gnu_inline_attribute_requires_inline : Warning<
"'gnu_inline' attribute requires function to be marked 'inline',"
" attribute ignored">,
def err_attribute_vecreturn_only_vector_member : Error<
"the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a class or structure with one member, which must be a vector">;
def err_attribute_vecreturn_only_pod_record : Error<
"the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a POD (plain old data) class or structure (i.e. no virtual functions)">;
def err_cconv_change : Error<
"function declared '%0' here was previously declared "
"%select{'%2'|without calling convention}1">;
def warn_cconv_ignored : Warning<
"calling convention %0 ignored for this target">, InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
def err_cconv_knr : Error<
"function with no prototype cannot use %0 calling convention">;
def err_cconv_varargs : Error<
"variadic function cannot use %0 calling convention">;
def err_regparm_mismatch : Error<"function declared with regparm(%0) "
"attribute was previously declared "
"%plural{0:without the regparm|:with the regparm(%1)}1 attribute">;
def err_returns_retained_mismatch : Error<
"function declared with the ns_returns_retained attribute "
"was previously declared without the ns_returns_retained attribute">;
def err_objc_precise_lifetime_bad_type : Error<
"objc_precise_lifetime only applies to retainable types; type here is %0">;
def warn_objc_precise_lifetime_meaningless : Error<
"objc_precise_lifetime is not meaningful for "
"%select{__unsafe_unretained|__autoreleasing}0 objects">;
def err_invalid_pcs : Error<"invalid PCS type">;
def err_attribute_can_be_applied_only_to_value_decl : Error<
"%0 attribute can only be applied to value declarations">;
def warn_attribute_not_on_decl : Warning<
"%0 attribute ignored when parsing type">, InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
def err_base_specifier_attribute : Error<
"%0 attribute cannot be applied to a base specifier">;
// Availability attribute
def warn_availability_unknown_platform : Warning<
"unknown platform %0 in availability macro">, InGroup<Availability>;
def warn_availability_version_ordering : Warning<
"feature cannot be %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}0 in %1 version "
"%2 before it was %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}3 in version %4; "
"attribute ignored">, InGroup<Availability>;
def warn_mismatched_availability: Warning<
"availability does not match previous declaration">, InGroup<Availability>;
def warn_mismatched_availability_override : Warning<
"overriding method %select{introduced after|"
"deprecated before|obsoleted before}0 overridden method on %1 (%2 vs. %3)">,
def warn_mismatched_availability_override_unavail : Warning<
"overriding method cannot be unavailable on %0 when its overridden method is "
def note_overridden_method : Note<
"overridden method is here">;
// Thread Safety Attributes
def warn_thread_attribute_ignored : Warning<
"ignoring %0 attribute because its argument is invalid">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_thread_attribute_argument_not_lockable : Warning<
"%0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated "
"with 'lockable' attribute; type here is '%1'">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_thread_attribute_argument_not_class : Warning<
"%0 attribute requires arguments that are class type or point to"
" class type; type here is '%1'">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_thread_attribute_decl_not_lockable : Warning<
"%0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated "
"with 'lockable' attribute">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_thread_attribute_decl_not_pointer : Warning<
"'%0' only applies to pointer types; type here is %1">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_thread_attribute_wrong_decl_type : Warning<
"%0 attribute only applies to %select{"
"fields and global variables|functions and methods|"
"classes and structs}1">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAttributes>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_attribute_argument_out_of_range : Error<
"%0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds: "
"%plural{0:no parameters to index into|"
"1:can only be 1, since there is one parameter|"
":must be between 1 and %2}2">;
// Thread Safety Analysis
def warn_unlock_but_no_lock : Warning<
"unlocking '%0' that was not locked">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_double_lock : Warning<
"locking '%0' that is already locked">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_no_unlock : Warning<
"mutex '%0' is still locked at the end of function">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_expecting_locked : Warning<
"expecting mutex '%0' to be locked at the end of function">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
// FIXME: improve the error message about locks not in scope
def warn_lock_some_predecessors : Warning<
"mutex '%0' is not locked on every path through here">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_expecting_lock_held_on_loop : Warning<
"expecting mutex '%0' to be locked at start of each loop">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_locked_here : Note<"mutex acquired here">;
def warn_lock_exclusive_and_shared : Warning<
"mutex '%0' is locked exclusively and shared in the same scope">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_lock_exclusive_and_shared : Note<
"the other lock of mutex '%0' is here">;
def warn_variable_requires_any_lock : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}1 variable '%0' requires locking "
"%select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_var_deref_requires_any_lock : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by '%0' requires locking "
"%select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_fun_excludes_mutex : Warning<
"cannot call function '%0' while mutex '%1' is locked">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cannot_resolve_lock : Warning<
"cannot resolve lock expression">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
// Imprecise thread safety warnings
def warn_variable_requires_lock : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}2 variable '%0' requires locking "
"%select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_var_deref_requires_lock : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}2 the value pointed to by '%0' requires locking "
"%select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_fun_requires_lock : Warning<
"calling function '%0' requires %select{shared|exclusive}2 lock on '%1'">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyAnalysis>, DefaultIgnore;
// Precise thread safety warnings
def warn_variable_requires_lock_precise : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}2 variable '%0' requires locking "
"%select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyPrecise>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_var_deref_requires_lock_precise : Warning<
"%select{reading|writing}2 the value pointed to by '%0' requires locking "
"%select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyPrecise>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_fun_requires_lock_precise : Warning<
"calling function '%0' requires %select{shared|exclusive}2 lock on '%1'">,
InGroup<ThreadSafetyPrecise>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_found_mutex_near_match : Note<"found near match '%0'">;
// Dummy warning that will trigger "beta" warnings from the analysis if enabled.
def warn_thread_safety_beta : Warning<
"Thread safety beta warning.">, InGroup<ThreadSafetyBeta>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_vector_scalar : Warning<
"implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_complex_scalar : Warning<
"implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_float_precision : Warning<
"implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_float_integer : Warning<
"implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_integer_sign : Warning<
"implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<SignConversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_integer_sign_conditional : Warning<
"operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<SignConversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_integer_precision : Warning<
"implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_integer_64_32 : Warning<
"implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<Shorten64To32>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_integer_precision_constant : Warning<
"implicit conversion from %2 to %3 changes value from %0 to %1">,
def warn_impcast_bitfield_precision_constant : Warning<
"implicit truncation from %2 to bitfield changes value from %0 to %1">,
def warn_impcast_literal_float_to_integer : Warning<
"implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3">,
def warn_impcast_string_literal_to_bool : Warning<
"implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1">,
InGroup<StringConversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_impcast_different_enum_types : Warning<
"implicit conversion from enumeration type %0 to different enumeration type "
"%1">, InGroup<EnumConversion>;
def warn_impcast_bool_to_null_pointer : Warning<
"initialization of pointer of type %0 to null from a constant boolean "
"expression">, InGroup<BoolConversion>;
def warn_non_literal_null_pointer : Warning<
"expression which evaluates to zero treated as a null pointer constant of "
"type %0">, InGroup<NonLiteralNullConversion>;
def warn_impcast_null_pointer_to_integer : Warning<
"implicit conversion of NULL constant to %0">,
def warn_impcast_floating_point_to_bool : Warning<
"implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: %0 to %1">,
def warn_impcast_function_to_bool : Warning<
"address of function %q0 will always evaluate to 'true'">,
def note_function_to_bool_silence : Note<
"prefix with the address-of operator to silence this warning">;
def note_function_to_bool_call : Note<
"suffix with parentheses to turn this into a function call">;
def warn_cast_align : Warning<
"cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3">,
InGroup<CastAlign>, DefaultIgnore;
// Separate between casts to void* and non-void* pointers.
// Some APIs use (abuse) void* for something like a user context,
// and often that value is an integer even if it isn't a pointer itself.
// Having a separate warning flag allows users to control the warning
// for their workflow.
def warn_int_to_pointer_cast : Warning<
"cast to %1 from smaller integer type %0">,
def warn_int_to_void_pointer_cast : Warning<
"cast to %1 from smaller integer type %0">,
def warn_attribute_ignored_for_field_of_type : Warning<
"%0 attribute ignored for field of type %1">,
def warn_transparent_union_attribute_field_size_align : Warning<
"%select{alignment|size}0 of field %1 (%2 bits) does not match the "
"%select{alignment|size}0 of the first field in transparent union; "
"transparent_union attribute ignored">,
def note_transparent_union_first_field_size_align : Note<
"%select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits">;
def warn_transparent_union_attribute_not_definition : Warning<
"transparent_union attribute can only be applied to a union definition; "
"attribute ignored">,
def warn_transparent_union_attribute_floating : Warning<
"first field of a transparent union cannot have %select{floating point|"
"vector}0 type %1; transparent_union attribute ignored">,
def warn_transparent_union_attribute_zero_fields : Warning<
"transparent union definition must contain at least one field; "
"transparent_union attribute ignored">,
def warn_attribute_type_not_supported : Warning<
"'%0' attribute argument not supported: %1">,
def warn_attribute_unknown_visibility : Warning<"unknown visibility '%0'">,
def warn_attribute_protected_visibility :
Warning<"target does not support 'protected' visibility; using 'default'">,
def err_mismatched_visibility: Error<"visibility does not match previous declaration">;
def warn_attribute_unknown_endian : Warning<"unknown endian '%0'">,
def note_previous_attribute : Note<"previous attribute is here">;
def err_unknown_machine_mode : Error<"unknown machine mode %0">;
def err_unsupported_machine_mode : Error<"unsupported machine mode %0">;
def err_mode_not_primitive : Error<
"mode attribute only supported for integer and floating-point types">;
def err_mode_wrong_type : Error<
"type of machine mode does not match type of base type">;
def err_attr_wrong_decl : Error<
"'%0' attribute invalid on this declaration, requires typedef or value">;
def warn_attribute_nonnull_no_pointers : Warning<
"'nonnull' attribute applied to function with no pointer arguments">,
def warn_attribute_malloc_pointer_only : Warning<
"'malloc' attribute only applies to functions returning a pointer type">,
def warn_attribute_sentinel_named_arguments : Warning<
"'sentinel' attribute requires named arguments">,
def warn_attribute_sentinel_not_variadic : Warning<
"'sentinel' attribute only supported for variadic %select{functions|blocks}0">,
def err_attribute_sentinel_less_than_zero : Error<
"'sentinel' parameter 1 less than zero">;
def err_attribute_sentinel_not_zero_or_one : Error<
"'sentinel' parameter 2 not 0 or 1">;
def err_attribute_cleanup_arg_not_found : Error<
"'cleanup' argument %0 not found">;
def err_attribute_cleanup_arg_not_function : Error<
"'cleanup' argument %0 is not a function">;
def err_attribute_cleanup_func_must_take_one_arg : Error<
"'cleanup' function %0 must take 1 parameter">;
def err_attribute_cleanup_func_arg_incompatible_type : Error<
"'cleanup' function %0 parameter has "
"%diff{type $ which is incompatible with type $|incompatible type}1,2">;
def err_attribute_regparm_wrong_platform : Error<
"'regparm' is not valid on this platform">;
def err_attribute_regparm_invalid_number : Error<
"'regparm' parameter must be between 0 and %0 inclusive">;
// Clang-Specific Attributes
def warn_attribute_iboutlet : Warning<
"%0 attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties">,
def warn_attribute_ibaction: Warning<
"ibaction attribute can only be applied to Objective-C instance methods">,
def err_iboutletcollection_type : Error<
"invalid type %0 as argument of iboutletcollection attribute">;
def warn_iboutlet_object_type : Warning<
"%select{instance variable|property}2 with %0 attribute must "
"be an object type (invalid %1)">,
def err_attribute_overloadable_not_function : Error<
"'overloadable' attribute can only be applied to a function">;
def err_attribute_overloadable_missing : Error<
"%select{overloaded function|redeclaration of}0 %1 must have the "
"'overloadable' attribute">;
def note_attribute_overloadable_prev_overload : Note<
"previous overload of function is here">;
def err_attribute_overloadable_no_prototype : Error<
"'overloadable' function %0 must have a prototype">;
def warn_ns_attribute_wrong_return_type : Warning<
"%0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|methods}1 that "
"return %select{an Objective-C object|a pointer|a non-retainable pointer}2">,
def warn_ns_attribute_wrong_parameter_type : Warning<
"%0 attribute only applies to %select{Objective-C object|pointer}1 "
def warn_objc_requires_super_protocol : Warning<
"%0 attribute cannot be applied to %select{methods in protocols|dealloc}1">,
def note_protocol_decl : Note<
"protocol is declared here">;
def err_ns_bridged_not_interface : Error<
"parameter of 'ns_bridged' attribute does not name an Objective-C class">;
// Function Parameter Semantic Analysis.
def err_param_with_void_type : Error<"argument may not have 'void' type">;
def err_void_only_param : Error<
"'void' must be the first and only parameter if specified">;
def err_void_param_qualified : Error<
"'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers">;
def err_ident_list_in_fn_declaration : Error<
"a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition">;
def ext_param_not_declared : Extension<
"parameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int'">;
def err_param_typedef_of_void : Error<
"empty parameter list defined with a %select{typedef|type alias}0 of 'void' not allowed%select{ in C++|}0">;
def err_param_default_argument : Error<
"C does not support default arguments">;
def err_param_default_argument_redefinition : Error<
"redefinition of default argument">;
def warn_param_default_argument_redefinition : ExtWarn<
"redefinition of default argument">;
def err_param_default_argument_missing : Error<
"missing default argument on parameter">;
def err_param_default_argument_missing_name : Error<
"missing default argument on parameter %0">;
def err_param_default_argument_references_param : Error<
"default argument references parameter %0">;
def err_param_default_argument_references_local : Error<
"default argument references local variable %0 of enclosing function">;
def err_param_default_argument_references_this : Error<
"default argument references 'this'">;
def err_param_default_argument_nonfunc : Error<
"default arguments can only be specified for parameters in a function "
def err_param_default_argument_template_redecl : Error<
"default arguments cannot be added to a function template that has already "
"been declared">;
def err_param_default_argument_member_template_redecl : Error<
"default arguments cannot be added to an out-of-line definition of a member "
"of a %select{class template|class template partial specialization|nested "
"class in a template}0">;
def err_uninitialized_member_for_assign : Error<
"cannot define the implicit copy assignment operator for %0, because "
"non-static %select{reference|const}1 member %2 can't use copy "
"assignment operator">;
def err_uninitialized_member_in_ctor : Error<
"%select{|implicit default |inheriting }0constructor for %1 must explicitly "
"initialize the %select{reference|const}2 member %3">;
def err_default_arg_makes_ctor_special : Error<
"addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a "
"%select{default|copy|move}0 constructor">;
def err_use_of_default_argument_to_function_declared_later : Error<
"use of default argument to function %0 that is declared later in class %1">;
def note_default_argument_declared_here : Note<
"default argument declared here">;
def ext_param_promoted_not_compatible_with_prototype : ExtWarn<
"%diff{promoted type $ of K&R function parameter is not compatible with the "
"parameter type $|promoted type of K&R function parameter is not compatible "
"with parameter type}0,1 declared in a previous prototype">,
// C++ Overloading Semantic Analysis.
def err_ovl_diff_return_type : Error<
"functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded">;
def err_ovl_static_nonstatic_member : Error<
"static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types "
"cannot be overloaded">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_function_in_call : Error<
"no matching function for call to %0">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_member_function_in_call : Error<
"no matching member function for call to %0">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_call : Error<
"call to %0 is ambiguous">;
def err_ovl_deleted_call : Error<
"call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function %1%2">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_member_call : Error<
"call to member function %0 is ambiguous">;
def err_ovl_deleted_member_call : Error<
"call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 member function %1%2">;
def note_ovl_too_many_candidates : Note<
"remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; "
"pass -fshow-overloads=all to show them">;
def note_ovl_candidate : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"is the implicit default constructor|"
"is the implicit copy constructor|"
"is the implicit move constructor|"
"is the implicit copy assignment operator|"
"is the implicit move assignment operator|"
"is an inherited constructor}0%1"
"%select{| has different class%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}3,4"
"| has different number of parameters (expected %3 but has %4)"
"| has type mismatch at %ordinal3 parameter"
"%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}4,5"
"| has different return type%diff{ ($ expected but has $)|}3,4"
"| has different qualifiers (expected "
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile"
"|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3 but found "
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile"
"|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}4)}2">;
def note_ovl_candidate_inherited_constructor : Note<"inherited from here">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_deduction : Note<
"candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction">;
def note_ovl_candidate_incomplete_deduction : Note<"candidate template ignored: "
"couldn't infer template argument %0">;
def note_ovl_candidate_inconsistent_deduction : Note<
"candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting %select{types|values|"
"templates}0 for parameter %1%diff{ ($ vs. $)|}2,3">;
def note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_named : Note<
"candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument "
"for template parameter %0">;
def note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_unnamed : Note<
"candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument "
"for %ordinal0 template parameter">;
def note_ovl_candidate_instantiation_depth : Note<
"candidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template "
"instantiation depth">;
def note_ovl_candidate_underqualified : Note<
"candidate template ignored: can't deduce a type for %0 which would "
"make %2 equal %1">;
def note_ovl_candidate_substitution_failure : Note<
"candidate template ignored: substitution failure%0%1">;
def note_ovl_candidate_disabled_by_enable_if : Note<
"candidate template ignored: disabled by %0%1">;
def note_ovl_candidate_failed_overload_resolution : Note<
"candidate template ignored: couldn't resolve reference to overloaded "
"function %0">;
def note_ovl_candidate_non_deduced_mismatch : Note<
"candidate template ignored: could not match %diff{$ against $|types}0,1">;
// This note is needed because the above note would sometimes print two
// different types with the same name. Remove this note when the above note
// can handle that case properly.
def note_ovl_candidate_non_deduced_mismatch_qualified : Note<
"candidate template ignored: could not match %q0 against %q1">;
// Note that we don't treat templates differently for this diagnostic.
def note_ovl_candidate_arity : Note<"candidate "
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0 %select{|template }1"
"not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}2 %3 argument%s3, but %4 "
"%plural{1:was|:were}4 provided">;
def note_ovl_candidate_arity_one : Note<"candidate "
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0 %select{|template }1not viable: "
"%select{requires at least|allows at most single|requires single}2 "
"argument %3, but %plural{0:no|:%4}4 arguments were provided">;
def note_ovl_candidate_deleted : Note<
"candidate %select{function|function|constructor|"
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 has been "
"%select{explicitly made unavailable|explicitly deleted|"
"implicitly deleted}2">;
// Giving the index of the bad argument really clutters this message, and
// it's relatively unimportant because 1) it's generally obvious which
// argument(s) are of the given object type and 2) the fix is usually
// to complete the type, which doesn't involve changes to the call line
// anyway. If people complain, we can change it.
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv_incomplete : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 "
"not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type "
"%diff{$ to $|to parameter type}2,3">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_list_argument : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 "
"not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %3">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_overload : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1"
" not viable: no overload of %3 matching %2 for %ordinal4 argument">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1"
" not viable: no known conversion "
"%diff{from $ to $|from argument type to parameter type}2,3 for "
"%select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4"
"%select{|; dereference the argument with *|"
"; take the address of the argument with &|"
"; remove *|"
"; remove &}6">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_arc_conv : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1"
" not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument "
"%diff{of type $ to $|type to parameter type}2,3 for "
"%select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4 under ARC">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_lvalue : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1"
" not viable: expects an l-value for "
"%select{%ordinal3 argument|object argument}2">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_addrspace : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: "
"%select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) is in "
"address space %3, but parameter must be in address space %4">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_gc : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: "
"%select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}3 "
"ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_ownership : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: "
"%select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has "
"%select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}3 ownership,"
" but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|"
"__autoreleasing}4 ownership">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr_this : Note<"candidate "
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|}0 not viable: "
"'this' argument has type %2, but method is not marked "
"%select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|"
"volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}3">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: "
"%ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose "
"%select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3 qualifier"
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_base_to_derived_conv : Note<"candidate "
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0%1"
" not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}2 "
"%select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}2 %3 to "
"%select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}2 %4 for "
"%ordinal5 argument">;
def note_ovl_candidate_bad_target : Note<
"candidate %select{function|function|constructor|"
"function |function |constructor |"
"constructor (the implicit default constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|"
"constructor (the implicit move constructor)|"
"function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|"
"function (the implicit move assignment operator)|"
"constructor (inherited)}0 not viable: call to "
"%select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 function from"
" %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function">;
def note_ambiguous_type_conversion: Note<
"because of ambiguity in conversion %diff{of $ to $|between types}0,1">;
def note_ovl_builtin_binary_candidate : Note<
"built-in candidate %0">;
def note_ovl_builtin_unary_candidate : Note<
"built-in candidate %0">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_function_in_init : Error<
"no matching constructor for initialization of %0">;
def err_ovl_no_conversion_in_cast : Error<
"cannot convert %1 to %2 without a conversion operator">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_conversion_in_cast : Error<
"no matching conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|"
"dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_conversion_in_cast : Error<
"ambiguous conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|"
"dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2">;
def err_ovl_deleted_conversion_in_cast : Error<
"%select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|"
"functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 uses deleted function">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_init : Error<"call to constructor of %0 is ambiguous">;
def err_ref_init_ambiguous : Error<
"reference initialization of type %0 with initializer of type %1 is ambiguous">;
def err_ovl_deleted_init : Error<
"call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 constructor of %1">;
def err_ovl_deleted_special_init : Error<
"call to implicitly-deleted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|"
"move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|"
"destructor|function}0 of %1">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_oper_unary : Error<
"use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (operand type %1)">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_oper_binary : Error<
"use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (with operand types %1 and %2)">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_oper : Error<"no viable overloaded '%0'">;
def err_ovl_deleted_oper : Error<
"overload resolution selected %select{unavailable|deleted}0 operator '%1'%2">;
def err_ovl_deleted_special_oper : Error<
"object of type %0 cannot be %select{constructed|copied|moved|assigned|"
"assigned|destroyed}1 because its %select{default constructor|"
"copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|"
"move assignment operator|destructor}1 is implicitly deleted">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_subscript :
Error<"no viable overloaded operator[] for type %0">;
def err_ovl_no_oper :
Error<"type %0 does not provide a %select{subscript|call}1 operator">;
def err_ovl_unresolvable : Error<
"reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; "
"did you mean to call it%select{| with no arguments}0?">;
def err_bound_member_function : Error<
"reference to non-static member function must be called"
"%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}0">;
def note_possible_target_of_call : Note<"possible target for call">;
def err_ovl_no_viable_object_call : Error<
"no matching function for call to object of type %0">;
def err_ovl_ambiguous_object_call : Error<
"call to object of type %0 is ambiguous">;
def err_ovl_deleted_object_call : Error<
"call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function call operator in type %1%2">;
def note_ovl_surrogate_cand : Note<"conversion candidate of type %0">;
def err_member_call_without_object : Error<
"call to non-static member function without an object argument">;
// C++ Address of Overloaded Function
def err_addr_ovl_no_viable : Error<
"address of overloaded function %0 does not match required type %1">;
def err_addr_ovl_ambiguous : Error<
"address of overloaded function %0 is ambiguous">;
def err_addr_ovl_not_func_ptrref : Error<
"address of overloaded function %0 cannot be converted to type %1">;
def err_addr_ovl_no_qualifier : Error<
"can't form member pointer of type %0 without '&' and class name">;
// C++11 Literal Operators
def err_ovl_no_viable_literal_operator : Error<
"no matching literal operator for call to %0"
"%select{| with argument of type %2| with arguments of types %2 and %3}1"
"%select{| or 'const char *', and no matching literal operator template}4">;
// C++ Template Declarations
def err_template_param_shadow : Error<
"declaration of %0 shadows template parameter">;
def note_template_param_here : Note<"template parameter is declared here">;
def warn_template_export_unsupported : Warning<
"exported templates are unsupported">;
def err_template_outside_namespace_or_class_scope : Error<
"templates can only be declared in namespace or class scope">;
def err_template_linkage : Error<"templates must have C++ linkage">;
def err_template_typedef : Error<"a typedef cannot be a template">;
def err_template_unnamed_class : Error<
"cannot declare a class template with no name">;
def err_template_param_list_different_arity : Error<
"%select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template "
"%select{|template parameter }1redeclaration">;
def note_template_param_list_different_arity : Note<
"%select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template "
def note_template_prev_declaration : Note<
"previous template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is here">;
def err_template_param_different_kind : Error<
"template parameter has a different kind in template "
"%select{|template parameter }0redeclaration">;
def note_template_param_different_kind : Note<
"template parameter has a different kind in template argument">;
def err_template_nontype_parm_different_type : Error<
"template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template "
"%select{|template parameter }1redeclaration">;
def note_template_nontype_parm_different_type : Note<
"template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argument">;
def note_template_nontype_parm_prev_declaration : Note<
"previous non-type template parameter with type %0 is here">;
def err_template_nontype_parm_bad_type : Error<
"a non-type template parameter cannot have type %0">;
def err_template_param_default_arg_redefinition : Error<
"template parameter redefines default argument">;
def note_template_param_prev_default_arg : Note<
"previous default template argument defined here">;
def err_template_param_default_arg_missing : Error<
"template parameter missing a default argument">;
def ext_template_parameter_default_in_function_template : ExtWarn<
"default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension">,
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_parameter_default_in_function_template : Warning<
"default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_template_parameter_default_template_member : Error<
"cannot add a default template argument to the definition of a member of a "
"class template">;
def err_template_parameter_default_friend_template : Error<
"default template argument not permitted on a friend template">;
def err_template_template_parm_no_parms : Error<
"template template parameter must have its own template parameters">;
def err_template_variable : Error<"variable %0 declared as a template">;
def err_template_variable_noparams : Error<
"extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of variable %0">;
def err_template_member : Error<"member %0 declared as a template">;
def err_template_member_noparams : Error<
"extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of member %0">;
def err_template_tag_noparams : Error<
"extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of %0 %1">;
def err_template_decl_ref : Error<
"cannot refer to class template %0 without a template argument list">;
// C++ Template Argument Lists
def err_template_missing_args : Error<
"use of class template %0 requires template arguments">;
def err_template_arg_list_different_arity : Error<
"%select{too few|too many}0 template arguments for "
"%select{class template|function template|template template parameter"
"|template}1 %2">;
def note_template_decl_here : Note<"template is declared here">;
def note_member_of_template_here : Note<"member is declared here">;
def err_template_arg_must_be_type : Error<
"template argument for template type parameter must be a type">;
def err_template_arg_must_be_type_suggest : Error<
"template argument for template type parameter must be a type; did you forget 'typename'?">;
def err_template_arg_must_be_expr : Error<
"template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression">;
def err_template_arg_nontype_ambig : Error<
"template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as function type %0">;
def err_template_arg_must_be_template : Error<
"template argument for template template parameter must be a class template%select{| or type alias template}0">;
def ext_template_arg_local_type : ExtWarn<
"template argument uses local type %0">, InGroup<LocalTypeTemplateArgs>;
def ext_template_arg_unnamed_type : ExtWarn<
"template argument uses unnamed type">, InGroup<UnnamedTypeTemplateArgs>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_local_type : Warning<
"local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatLocalTypeTemplateArgs>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_unnamed_type : Warning<
"unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatUnnamedTypeTemplateArgs>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_template_unnamed_type_here : Note<
"unnamed type used in template argument was declared here">;
def err_template_arg_overload_type : Error<
"template argument is the type of an unresolved overloaded function">;
def err_template_arg_not_class_template : Error<
"template argument does not refer to a class template or template "
"template parameter">;
def note_template_arg_refers_here_func : Note<
"template argument refers to function template %0, here">;
def err_template_arg_template_params_mismatch : Error<
"template template argument has different template parameters than its "
"corresponding template template parameter">;
def err_template_arg_not_integral_or_enumeral : Error<
"non-type template argument of type %0 must have an integral or enumeration"
" type">;
def err_template_arg_not_ice : Error<
"non-type template argument of type %0 is not an integral constant "
def err_template_arg_not_address_constant : Error<
"non-type template argument of type %0 is not a constant expression">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_null : Warning<
"use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with "
"C++98">, InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_template_arg_untyped_null_constant : Error<
"null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type %0">;
def err_template_arg_wrongtype_null_constant : Error<
"null non-type template argument of type %0 does not match template parameter "
"of type %1">;
def err_deduced_non_type_template_arg_type_mismatch : Error<
"deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the "
"its corresponding template parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}0,1">;
def err_template_arg_not_convertible : Error<
"non-type template argument of type %0 cannot be converted to a value "
"of type %1">;
def warn_template_arg_negative : Warning<
"non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned "
"template parameter of type %2">, InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_template_arg_too_large : Warning<
"non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for "
"template parameter of type %2">, InGroup<Conversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_template_arg_no_ref_bind : Error<
"non-type template parameter of reference type "
"%diff{$ cannot bind to template argument of type $"
"|cannot bind to template of incompatible argument type}0,1">;
def err_template_arg_ref_bind_ignores_quals : Error<
"reference binding of non-type template parameter "
"%diff{of type $ to template argument of type $|to template argument}0,1 "
"ignores qualifiers">;
def err_template_arg_not_decl_ref : Error<
"non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration">;
def err_template_arg_not_object_or_func_form : Error<
"non-type template argument does not directly refer to an object or "
def err_template_arg_not_address_of : Error<
"non-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type %0 must "
"have its address taken">;
def err_template_arg_address_of_non_pointer : Error<
"address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of "
"reference type %0">;
def err_template_arg_reference_var : Error<
"non-type template argument of reference type %0 is not an object">;
def err_template_arg_field : Error<
"non-type template argument refers to non-static data member %0">;
def err_template_arg_method : Error<
"non-type template argument refers to non-static member function %0">;
def err_template_arg_object_no_linkage : Error<
"non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 %1 that "
"does not have linkage">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_object_internal : Warning<
"non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with "
"internal linkage is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_template_arg_object_internal : ExtWarn<
"non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with "
"internal linkage is a C++11 extension">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def err_template_arg_thread_local : Error<
"non-type template argument refers to thread-local object">;
def note_template_arg_internal_object : Note<
"non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 here">;
def note_template_arg_refers_here : Note<
"non-type template argument refers here">;
def err_template_arg_not_object_or_func : Error<
"non-type template argument does not refer to an object or function">;
def err_template_arg_not_pointer_to_member_form : Error<
"non-type template argument is not a pointer to member constant">;
def ext_template_arg_extra_parens : ExtWarn<
"address non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parentheses">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_extra_parens : Warning<
"redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are "
"incompatible with C++98">, InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_pointer_to_member_type : Error<
"invalid use of pointer to member type after %select{.*|->*}0">;
def err_pointer_to_member_call_drops_quals : Error<
"call to pointer to member function of type %0 drops '%1' qualifier%s2">;
def err_pointer_to_member_oper_value_classify: Error<
"pointer-to-member function type %0 can only be called on an "
// C++ template specialization
def err_template_spec_unknown_kind : Error<
"can only provide an explicit specialization for a class template, function "
"template, or a member function, static data member, "
"%select{or member class|member class, or member enumeration}0 of a "
"class template">;
def note_specialized_entity : Note<
"explicitly specialized declaration is here">;
def err_template_spec_decl_function_scope : Error<
"explicit specialization of %0 in function scope">;
def err_template_spec_decl_class_scope : Error<
"explicit specialization of %0 in class scope">;
def err_template_spec_decl_friend : Error<
"cannot declare an explicit specialization in a friend">;
def err_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope_global : Error<
"%select{class template|class template partial|function template|member "
"function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 "
"specialization of %1 must originally be declared in the global scope">;
def err_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope : Error<
"%select{class template|class template partial|function template|member "
"function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 "
"specialization of %1 must originally be declared in namespace %2">;
def ext_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope : ExtWarn<
"first declaration of %select{class template|class template partial|"
"function template|member function|static data member|member class|"
"member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is a "
"C++11 extension">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope : Warning<
"%select{class template|class template partial|function template|member "
"function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 "
"specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_template_spec_redecl_out_of_scope : Error<
"%select{class template|class template partial|function template|member "
"function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 "
"specialization of %1 not in a namespace enclosing %2">;
def err_template_spec_redecl_global_scope : Error<
"%select{class template|class template partial|function template|member "
"function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 "
"specialization of %1 must occur at global scope">;
def err_spec_member_not_instantiated : Error<
"specialization of member %q0 does not specialize an instantiated member">;
def note_specialized_decl : Note<"attempt to specialize declaration here">;
def err_specialization_after_instantiation : Error<
"explicit specialization of %0 after instantiation">;
def note_instantiation_required_here : Note<
"%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required here">;
def err_template_spec_friend : Error<
"template specialization declaration cannot be a friend">;
def err_template_spec_default_arg : Error<
"default argument not permitted on an explicit "
"%select{instantiation|specialization}0 of function %1">;
def err_not_class_template_specialization : Error<
"cannot specialize a %select{dependent template|template template "
def err_function_specialization_in_class : Error<
"cannot specialize a function %0 within class scope">;
def ext_function_specialization_in_class : ExtWarn<
"explicit specialization of %0 within class scope is a Microsoft extension">,
def ext_explicit_specialization_storage_class : ExtWarn<
"explicit specialization cannot have a storage class">;
def err_explicit_specialization_inconsistent_storage_class : Error<
"explicit specialization has extraneous, inconsistent storage class "
// C++ class template specializations and out-of-line definitions
def err_template_spec_needs_header : Error<
"template specialization requires 'template<>'">;
def err_template_spec_needs_template_parameters : Error<
"template specialization or definition requires a template parameter list "
"corresponding to the nested type %0">;
def err_template_param_list_matches_nontemplate : Error<
"template parameter list matching the non-templated nested type %0 should "
"be empty ('template<>')">;
def err_alias_template_extra_headers : Error<
"extraneous template parameter list in alias template declaration">;
def err_template_spec_extra_headers : Error<
"extraneous template parameter list in template specialization or "
"out-of-line template definition">;
def warn_template_spec_extra_headers : Warning<
"extraneous template parameter list in template specialization">;
def note_explicit_template_spec_does_not_need_header : Note<
"'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 "
"declared here">;
def err_template_qualified_declarator_no_match : Error<
"nested name specifier '%0' for declaration does not refer into a class, "
"class template or class template partial specialization">;
def err_specialize_member_of_template : Error<
"cannot specialize (with 'template<>') a member of an unspecialized "
// C++ Class Template Partial Specialization
def err_default_arg_in_partial_spec : Error<
"default template argument in a class template partial specialization">;
def err_dependent_non_type_arg_in_partial_spec : Error<
"non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the "
"partial specialization">;
def err_dependent_typed_non_type_arg_in_partial_spec : Error<
"non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with "
"dependent type %0">;
def err_partial_spec_args_match_primary_template : Error<
"class template partial specialization does not specialize any template "
"argument; to %select{declare|define}0 the primary template, remove the "
"template argument list">;
def warn_partial_specs_not_deducible : Warning<
"class template partial specialization contains "
"%select{a template parameter|template parameters}0 that can not be "
"deduced; this partial specialization will never be used">;
def note_partial_spec_unused_parameter : Note<
"non-deducible template parameter %0">;
def err_partial_spec_ordering_ambiguous : Error<
"ambiguous partial specializations of %0">;
def note_partial_spec_match : Note<"partial specialization matches %0">;
def err_partial_spec_redeclared : Error<
"class template partial specialization %0 cannot be redeclared">;
def note_prev_partial_spec_here : Note<
"previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is here">;
def err_partial_spec_fully_specialized : Error<
"partial specialization of %0 does not use any of its template parameters">;
// C++ Function template specializations
def err_function_template_spec_no_match : Error<
"no function template matches function template specialization %0">;
def err_function_template_spec_ambiguous : Error<
"function template specialization %0 ambiguously refers to more than one "
"function template; explicitly specify%select{| additional}1 template "
"arguments to identify a particular function template">;
def note_function_template_spec_matched : Note<
"function template matches specialization %0">;
def err_function_template_partial_spec : Error<
"function template partial specialization is not allowed">;
// C++ Template Instantiation
def err_template_recursion_depth_exceeded : Error<
"recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0">,
DefaultFatal, NoSFINAE;
def note_template_recursion_depth : Note<
"use -ftemplate-depth=N to increase recursive template instantiation depth">;
def err_template_instantiate_within_definition : Error<
"%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of template %1 within its"
" own definition">;
def err_template_instantiate_undefined : Error<
"%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of undefined template %1">;
def err_implicit_instantiate_member_undefined : Error<
"implicit instantiation of undefined member %0">;
def note_template_class_instantiation_here : Note<
"in instantiation of template class %0 requested here">;
def note_template_member_class_here : Note<
"in instantiation of member class %0 requested here">;
def note_template_member_function_here : Note<
"in instantiation of member function %q0 requested here">;
def note_function_template_spec_here : Note<
"in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested here">;
def note_template_static_data_member_def_here : Note<
"in instantiation of static data member %q0 requested here">;
def note_template_enum_def_here : Note<
"in instantiation of enumeration %q0 requested here">;
def note_template_type_alias_instantiation_here : Note<
"in instantiation of template type alias %0 requested here">;
def note_template_exception_spec_instantiation_here : Note<
"in instantiation of exception specification for %0 requested here">;
def note_default_arg_instantiation_here : Note<
"in instantiation of default argument for '%0' required here">;
def note_default_function_arg_instantiation_here : Note<
"in instantiation of default function argument expression "
"for '%0' required here">;
def note_explicit_template_arg_substitution_here : Note<
"while substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function "
"template %0 %1">;
def note_function_template_deduction_instantiation_here : Note<
"while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 "
def note_partial_spec_deduct_instantiation_here : Note<
"during template argument deduction for class template partial "
"specialization %0 %1">;
def note_prior_template_arg_substitution : Note<
"while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0"
" template parameter%1 %2">;
def note_template_default_arg_checking : Note<
"while checking a default template argument used here">;
def note_instantiation_contexts_suppressed : Note<
"(skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to "
"see all)">;
def err_field_instantiates_to_function : Error<
"data member instantiated with function type %0">;
def err_variable_instantiates_to_function : Error<
"%select{variable|static data member}0 instantiated with function type %1">;
def err_nested_name_spec_non_tag : Error<
"type %0 cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members">;
// C++ Explicit Instantiation
def err_explicit_instantiation_duplicate : Error<
"duplicate explicit instantiation of %0">;
def note_previous_explicit_instantiation : Note<
"previous explicit instantiation is here">;
def ext_explicit_instantiation_after_specialization : Extension<
"explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit "
"specialization will be ignored (C++11 extension)">,
def warn_cxx98_compat_explicit_instantiation_after_specialization : Warning<
"explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit "
"specialization is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatPedantic>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_previous_template_specialization : Note<
"previous template specialization is here">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_nontemplate_type : Error<
"explicit instantiation of non-templated type %0">;
def note_nontemplate_decl_here : Note<
"non-templated declaration is here">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_in_class : Error<
"explicit instantiation of %0 in class scope">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_out_of_scope : Error<
"explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_must_be_global : Error<
"explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope">;
def warn_explicit_instantiation_out_of_scope_0x : Warning<
"explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1">,
InGroup<CXX11Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_explicit_instantiation_must_be_global_0x : Warning<
"explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope">,
InGroup<CXX11Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_explicit_instantiation_requires_name : Error<
"explicit instantiation declaration requires a name">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_of_typedef : Error<
"explicit instantiation of typedef %0">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_storage_class : Error<
"explicit instantiation cannot have a storage class">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_not_known : Error<
"explicit instantiation of %0 does not refer to a function template, member "
"function, member class, or static data member">;
def note_explicit_instantiation_here : Note<
"explicit instantiation refers here">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_data_member_not_instantiated : Error<
"explicit instantiation refers to static data member %q0 that is not an "
def err_explicit_instantiation_member_function_not_instantiated : Error<
"explicit instantiation refers to member function %q0 that is not an "
def err_explicit_instantiation_ambiguous : Error<
"partial ordering for explicit instantiation of %0 is ambiguous">;
def note_explicit_instantiation_candidate : Note<
"explicit instantiation candidate function template here %0">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_inline : Error<
"explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline'">;
def warn_explicit_instantiation_inline_0x : Warning<
"explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline'">, InGroup<CXX11Compat>,
def err_explicit_instantiation_constexpr : Error<
"explicit instantiation cannot be 'constexpr'">;
def ext_explicit_instantiation_without_qualified_id : Extension<
"qualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id "
"(a typedef is not permitted)">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_unqualified_wrong_namespace : Error<
"explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1">;
def warn_explicit_instantiation_unqualified_wrong_namespace_0x : Warning<
"explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1">,
InGroup<CXX11Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_explicit_instantiation_undefined_member : Error<
"explicit instantiation of undefined %select{member class|member function|"
"static data member}0 %1 of class template %2">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_undefined_func_template : Error<
"explicit instantiation of undefined function template %0">;
def err_explicit_instantiation_declaration_after_definition : Error<
"explicit instantiation declaration (with 'extern') follows explicit "
"instantiation definition (without 'extern')">;
def note_explicit_instantiation_definition_here : Note<
"explicit instantiation definition is here">;
// C++ typename-specifiers
def err_typename_nested_not_found : Error<"no type named %0 in %1">;
def err_typename_nested_not_found_enable_if : Error<
"no type named 'type' in %0; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable "
"this declaration">;
def err_typename_nested_not_type : Error<
"typename specifier refers to non-type member %0 in %1">;
def note_typename_refers_here : Note<
"referenced member %0 is declared here">;
def err_typename_missing : Error<
"missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1'">;
def warn_typename_missing : ExtWarn<
"missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1'">,
def ext_typename_outside_of_template : ExtWarn<
"'typename' occurs outside of a template">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_typename_outside_of_template : Warning<
"use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_typename_refers_to_using_value_decl : Error<
"typename specifier refers to a dependent using declaration for a value "
"%0 in %1">;
def note_using_value_decl_missing_typename : Note<
"add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type">;
def err_template_kw_refers_to_non_template : Error<
"%0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template">;
def err_template_kw_refers_to_class_template : Error<
"'%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template">;
def note_referenced_class_template : Error<
"class template declared here">;
def err_template_kw_missing : Error<
"missing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1'">;
def ext_template_outside_of_template : ExtWarn<
"'template' keyword outside of a template">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_template_outside_of_template : Warning<
"use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_non_type_template_in_nested_name_specifier : Error<
"qualified name refers into a specialization of function template %0">;
def err_template_id_not_a_type : Error<
"template name refers to non-type template %0">;
def note_template_declared_here : Note<
"%select{function template|class template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 "
"%1 declared here">;
def note_parameter_type : Note<
"parameter of type %0 is declared here">;
// C++11 Variadic Templates
def err_template_param_pack_default_arg : Error<
"template parameter pack cannot have a default argument">;
def err_template_param_pack_must_be_last_template_parameter : Error<
"template parameter pack must be the last template parameter">;
def err_template_parameter_pack_non_pack : Error<
"%select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter"
"%select{| pack}1 conflicts with previous %select{template type|"
"non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1">;
def note_template_parameter_pack_non_pack : Note<
"%select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter"
"%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template"
"|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argument">;
def note_template_parameter_pack_here : Note<
"previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 "
"parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here">;
def err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_0 : Error<
"%select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field "
"size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|"
"using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|"
"non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|"
"__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 "
"contains an unexpanded parameter pack">;
def err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_1 : Error<
"%select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field "
"size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|"
"using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|"
"non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|"
"__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 "
"contains unexpanded parameter pack %1">;
def err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_2 : Error<
"%select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field "
"size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|"
"using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|"
"non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|"
"__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 "
"contains unexpanded parameter packs %1 and %2">;
def err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_3_or_more : Error<
"%select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field "
"size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|"
"using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|"
"non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|"
"__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block}0 "
"contains unexpanded parameter packs %1, %2, ...">;
def err_pack_expansion_without_parameter_packs : Error<
"pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs">;
def err_pack_expansion_length_conflict : Error<
"pack expansion contains parameter packs %0 and %1 that have different "
"lengths (%2 vs. %3)">;
def err_pack_expansion_length_conflict_multilevel : Error<
"pack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different "
"length (%1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packs">;
def err_pack_expansion_member_init : Error<
"pack expansion for initialization of member %0">;
def err_function_parameter_pack_without_parameter_packs : Error<
"type %0 of function parameter pack does not contain any unexpanded "
"parameter packs">;
def err_ellipsis_in_declarator_not_parameter : Error<
"only function and template parameters can be parameter packs">;
def err_sizeof_pack_no_pack_name : Error<
"%0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack">;
def err_unexpected_typedef : Error<
"unexpected type name %0: expected expression">;
def err_unexpected_namespace : Error<
"unexpected namespace name %0: expected expression">;
def err_undeclared_var_use : Error<"use of undeclared identifier %0">;
def warn_found_via_dependent_bases_lookup : ExtWarn<"use of identifier %0 "
"found via unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class templates is a "
"Microsoft extension">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def note_dependent_var_use : Note<"must qualify identifier to find this "
"declaration in dependent base class">;
def err_not_found_by_two_phase_lookup : Error<"call to function %0 that is neither "
"visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup">;
def note_not_found_by_two_phase_lookup : Note<"%0 should be declared prior to the "
"call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1">;
def err_undeclared_use : Error<"use of undeclared %0">;
def warn_deprecated : Warning<"%0 is deprecated">,
def warn_deprecated_message : Warning<"%0 is deprecated: %1">,
def warn_deprecated_fwdclass_message : Warning<
"%0 maybe deprecated because receiver type is unknown">,
def warn_deprecated_def : Warning<
"Implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0">,
InGroup<DeprecatedImplementations>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_unavailable : Error<"%0 is unavailable">;
def err_unavailable_message : Error<"%0 is unavailable: %1">;
def warn_unavailable_fwdclass_message : Warning<
"%0 maybe unavailable because receiver type is unknown">;
def note_unavailable_here : Note<
"%select{declaration|function}0 has been explicitly marked "
"%select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated}1 here">;
def note_implicitly_deleted : Note<
"explicitly defaulted function was implicitly deleted here">;
def warn_not_enough_argument : Warning<
"not enough variable arguments in %0 declaration to fit a sentinel">,
def warn_missing_sentinel : Warning <
"missing sentinel in %select{function call|method dispatch|block call}0">,
def note_sentinel_here : Note<
"%select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel here">;
def warn_missing_prototype : Warning<
"no previous prototype for function %0">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"missing-prototypes">>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_declaration_not_a_prototype : Note<
"this declaration is not a prototype; add 'void' to make it a prototype for a zero-parameter function">;
def warn_missing_variable_declarations : Warning<
"no previous extern declaration for non-static variable %0">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"missing-variable-declarations">>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_redefinition : Error<"redefinition of %0">;
def err_definition_of_implicitly_declared_member : Error<
"definition of implicitly declared %select{default constructor|copy "
"constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment "
def err_definition_of_explicitly_defaulted_member : Error<
"definition of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy "
"constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment "
def err_redefinition_extern_inline : Error<
"redefinition of a 'extern inline' function %0 is not supported in "
"%select{C99 mode|C++}1">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_friend_redefinition : Warning<
"friend function %0 would be implicitly redefined in C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_deleted_dtor_no_operator_delete : Note<
"virtual destructor requires an unambiguous, accessible 'operator delete'">;
def note_deleted_special_member_class_subobject : Note<
"%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|"
"copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 of "
"%1 is implicitly deleted because "
"%select{base class %3|%select{||||variant }4field %3}2 has "
"%select{no|a deleted|multiple|an inaccessible|a non-trivial}4 "
"%select{%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy "
"assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0|destructor}5"
def note_deleted_default_ctor_uninit_field : Note<
"default constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 of "
"%select{reference|const-qualified}3 type %2 would not be initialized">;
def note_deleted_default_ctor_all_const : Note<
"default constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because all "
"%select{data members|data members of an anonymous union member}1"
" are const-qualified">;
def note_deleted_copy_ctor_rvalue_reference : Note<
"copy constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 is of "
"rvalue reference type %2">;
def note_deleted_copy_user_declared_move : Note<
"copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is implicitly deleted because"
" %1 has a user-declared move %select{constructor|assignment operator}2">;
def note_deleted_assign_field : Note<
"%select{copy|move}0 assignment operator of %1 is implicitly deleted "
"because field %2 is of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3">;
// These should be errors.
def warn_undefined_internal : Warning<
"%select{function|variable}0 %q1 has internal linkage but is not defined">,
def warn_undefined_inline : Warning<"inline function %q0 is not defined">,
def note_used_here : Note<"used here">;
def warn_internal_in_extern_inline : ExtWarn<
"static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with "
"external linkage">, InGroup<StaticInInline>;
def ext_internal_in_extern_inline : Extension<
"static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with "
"external linkage">, InGroup<StaticInInline>;
def warn_static_local_in_extern_inline : Warning<
"non-constant static local variable in inline function may be different "
"in different files">, InGroup<StaticLocalInInline>;
def note_convert_inline_to_static : Note<
"use 'static' to give inline function %0 internal linkage">;
def note_internal_decl_declared_here : Note<
"%0 declared here">;
def warn_redefinition_of_typedef : ExtWarn<
"redefinition of typedef %0 is a C11 feature">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"typedef-redefinition"> >;
def err_redefinition_variably_modified_typedef : Error<
"redefinition of %select{typedef|type alias}0 for variably-modified type %1">;
def err_inline_declaration_block_scope : Error<
"inline declaration of %0 not allowed in block scope">;
def err_static_non_static : Error<
"static declaration of %0 follows non-static declaration">;
def err_different_language_linkage : Error<
"declaration of %0 has a different language linkage">;
def warn_weak_import : Warning <
"an already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration %0">;
def warn_static_non_static : ExtWarn<
"static declaration of %0 follows non-static declaration">;
def err_non_static_static : Error<
"non-static declaration of %0 follows static declaration">;
def err_extern_non_extern : Error<
"extern declaration of %0 follows non-extern declaration">;
def err_non_extern_extern : Error<
"non-extern declaration of %0 follows extern declaration">;
def err_non_thread_thread : Error<
"non-thread-local declaration of %0 follows thread-local declaration">;
def err_thread_non_thread : Error<
"thread-local declaration of %0 follows non-thread-local declaration">;
def err_thread_thread_different_kind : Error<
"thread-local declaration of %0 with %select{static|dynamic}1 initialization "
"follows declaration with %select{dynamic|static}1 initialization">;
def err_redefinition_different_type : Error<
"redefinition of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2">;
def err_redefinition_different_kind : Error<
"redefinition of %0 as different kind of symbol">;
def warn_forward_class_redefinition : Warning<
"redefinition of forward class %0 of a typedef name of an object type is ignored">,
def err_redefinition_different_typedef : Error<
"%select{typedef|type alias|type alias template}0 "
"redefinition with different types%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2">;
def err_tag_reference_non_tag : Error<
"elaborated type refers to %select{a non-tag type|a typedef|a type alias|a template|a type alias template}0">;
def err_tag_reference_conflict : Error<
"implicit declaration introduced by elaborated type conflicts with "
"%select{a declaration|a typedef|a type alias|a template}0 of the same name">;
def err_dependent_tag_decl : Error<
"%select{declaration|definition}0 of "
"%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 in a dependent scope">;
def err_tag_definition_of_typedef : Error<
"definition of type %0 conflicts with %select{typedef|type alias}1 of the same name">;
def err_conflicting_types : Error<"conflicting types for %0">;
def err_nested_redefinition : Error<"nested redefinition of %0">;
def err_use_with_wrong_tag : Error<
"use of %0 with tag type that does not match previous declaration">;
def warn_struct_class_tag_mismatch : Warning<
"%select{struct|interface|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously "
"declared as a %select{struct|interface|class}3%select{| template}1">,
InGroup<MismatchedTags>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_struct_class_previous_tag_mismatch : Warning<
"%2 defined as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}0%select{| template}1 "
"here but previously declared as "
"%select{a struct|an interface|a class}3%select{| template}1">,
InGroup<MismatchedTags>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_struct_class_suggestion : Note<
"did you mean %select{struct|interface|class}0 here?">;
def ext_forward_ref_enum : Extension<
"ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types">;
def err_forward_ref_enum : Error<
"ISO C++ forbids forward references to 'enum' types">;
def ext_ms_forward_ref_enum : Extension<
"forward references to 'enum' types are a Microsoft extension">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def ext_forward_ref_enum_def : Extension<
"redeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def err_redefinition_of_enumerator : Error<"redefinition of enumerator %0">;
def err_duplicate_member : Error<"duplicate member %0">;
def err_misplaced_ivar : Error<
"instance variables may not be placed in %select{categories|class extension}0">;
def warn_ivars_in_interface : Warning<
"declaration of instance variables in the interface is deprecated">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"objc-interface-ivars">>, DefaultIgnore;
def ext_enum_value_not_int : Extension<
"ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too "
def warn_enum_too_large : Warning<
"enumeration values exceed range of largest integer">;
def warn_enumerator_too_large : Warning<
"enumerator value %0 is not representable in the largest integer type">;
def warn_illegal_constant_array_size : Extension<
"size of static array must be an integer constant expression">;
def err_vm_decl_in_file_scope : Error<
"variably modified type declaration not allowed at file scope">;
def err_vm_decl_has_extern_linkage : Error<
"variably modified type declaration can not have 'extern' linkage">;
def err_typecheck_field_variable_size : Error<
"fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' "
"extension will never be supported">;
def err_vm_func_decl : Error<
"function declaration cannot have variably modified type">;
def err_array_too_large : Error<
"array is too large (%0 elements)">;
def warn_array_new_too_large : Warning<"array is too large (%0 elements)">,
// FIXME PR11644: ", will throw std::bad_array_new_length at runtime"
// -Wpadded, -Wpacked
def warn_padded_struct_field : Warning<
"padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 "
"%select{byte|bit}3%select{|s}4 to align %5">,
InGroup<Padded>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_padded_struct_anon_field : Warning<
"padding %select{struct|interface|class}0 %1 with %2 "
"%select{byte|bit}3%select{|s}4 to align anonymous bit-field">,
InGroup<Padded>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_padded_struct_size : Warning<
"padding size of %0 with %1 %select{byte|bit}2%select{|s}3 "
"to alignment boundary">, InGroup<Padded>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unnecessary_packed : Warning<
"packed attribute is unnecessary for %0">, InGroup<Packed>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_typecheck_negative_array_size : Error<"array size is negative">;
def warn_typecheck_negative_array_new_size : Warning<"array size is negative">,
// FIXME PR11644: ", will throw std::bad_array_new_length at runtime"
def warn_typecheck_function_qualifiers : Warning<
"qualifier on function type %0 has unspecified behavior">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_not_pointer : Error<
"restrict requires a pointer or reference (%0 is invalid)">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_not_pointer_noarg : Error<
"restrict requires a pointer or reference">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_invalid_pointee : Error<
"pointer to function type %0 may not be 'restrict' qualified">;
def ext_typecheck_zero_array_size : Extension<
"zero size arrays are an extension">, InGroup<ZeroLengthArray>;
def err_typecheck_zero_array_size : Error<
"zero-length arrays are not permitted in C++">;
def warn_typecheck_zero_static_array_size : Warning<
"'static' has no effect on zero-length arrays">,
def err_array_size_non_int : Error<"size of array has non-integer type %0">;
def err_init_element_not_constant : Error<
"initializer element is not a compile-time constant">;
def err_local_cant_init : Error<
"'__local' variable cannot have an initializer">;
def err_block_extern_cant_init : Error<
"'extern' variable cannot have an initializer">;
def warn_extern_init : Warning<"'extern' variable has an initializer">,
def err_variable_object_no_init : Error<
"variable-sized object may not be initialized">;
def err_excess_initializers : Error<
"excess elements in %select{array|vector|scalar|union|struct}0 initializer">;
def warn_excess_initializers : ExtWarn<
"excess elements in %select{array|vector|scalar|union|struct}0 initializer">;
def err_excess_initializers_in_char_array_initializer : Error<
"excess elements in char array initializer">;
def warn_excess_initializers_in_char_array_initializer : ExtWarn<
"excess elements in char array initializer">;
def err_initializer_string_for_char_array_too_long : Error<
"initializer-string for char array is too long">;
def warn_initializer_string_for_char_array_too_long : ExtWarn<
"initializer-string for char array is too long">;
def warn_missing_field_initializers : Warning<
"missing field '%0' initializer">,
InGroup<MissingFieldInitializers>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_braces_around_scalar_init : Warning<
"braces around scalar initializer">;
def warn_many_braces_around_scalar_init : ExtWarn<
"too many braces around scalar initializer">;
def ext_complex_component_init : Extension<
"complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components "
"is an extension">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"complex-component-init">>;
def err_empty_scalar_initializer : Error<"scalar initializer cannot be empty">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_empty_scalar_initializer : Warning<
"scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cxx98_compat_reference_list_init : Warning<
"reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cxx98_compat_initializer_list_init : Warning<
"initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_cxx98_compat_ctor_list_init : Warning<
"constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_illegal_initializer : Error<
"illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized)">;
def err_illegal_initializer_type : Error<"illegal initializer type %0">;
def err_init_list_type_narrowing_sfinae : Error<
"type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list">;
def err_init_list_type_narrowing : ExtWarn<
"type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list">,
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultError;
def err_init_list_variable_narrowing_sfinae : Error<
"non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in "
"initializer list">;
def err_init_list_variable_narrowing : ExtWarn<
"non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in "
"initializer list">, InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultError;
def err_init_list_constant_narrowing_sfinae : Error<
"constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1">;
def err_init_list_constant_narrowing : ExtWarn<
"constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1">,
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultError;
def warn_init_list_type_narrowing : Warning<
"type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list in C++11">,
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_init_list_variable_narrowing : Warning<
"non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in "
"initializer list in C++11">,
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_init_list_constant_narrowing : Warning<
"constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in "
InGroup<CXX11Narrowing>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_init_list_narrowing_override : Note<
"override this message by inserting an explicit cast">;
def err_init_objc_class : Error<
"cannot initialize Objective-C class type %0">;
def err_implicit_empty_initializer : Error<
"initializer for aggregate with no elements requires explicit braces">;
def err_bitfield_has_negative_width : Error<
"bit-field %0 has negative width (%1)">;
def err_anon_bitfield_has_negative_width : Error<
"anonymous bit-field has negative width (%0)">;
def err_bitfield_has_zero_width : Error<"named bit-field %0 has zero width">;
def err_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size : Error<
"size of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds size of its type (%2 bits)">;
def err_anon_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size : Error<
"size of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds size of its type (%1 bits)">;
def err_incorrect_number_of_vector_initializers : Error<
"number of elements must be either one or match the size of the vector">;
// Used by C++ which allows bit-fields that are wider than the type.
def warn_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size: Warning<
"size of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds the size of its type; value will be "
"truncated to %2 bits">;
def warn_anon_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size : Warning<
"size of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds size of its type; value will "
"be truncated to %1 bits">;
def warn_missing_braces : Warning<
"suggest braces around initialization of subobject">,
InGroup<MissingBraces>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_redefinition_of_label : Error<"redefinition of label %0">;
def err_undeclared_label_use : Error<"use of undeclared label %0">;
def warn_unused_label : Warning<"unused label %0">,
InGroup<UnusedLabel>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_goto_into_protected_scope : Error<"goto into protected scope">;
def warn_goto_into_protected_scope : ExtWarn<"goto into protected scope">,
def warn_cxx98_compat_goto_into_protected_scope : Warning<
"goto would jump into protected scope in C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_switch_into_protected_scope : Error<
"switch case is in protected scope">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_switch_into_protected_scope : Warning<
"switch case would be in a protected scope in C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_indirect_goto_without_addrlabel : Error<
"indirect goto in function with no address-of-label expressions">;
def err_indirect_goto_in_protected_scope : Error<
"indirect goto might cross protected scopes">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_indirect_goto_in_protected_scope : Warning<
"indirect goto might cross protected scopes in C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_indirect_goto_target : Note<"possible target of indirect goto">;
def note_protected_by_variable_init : Note<
"jump bypasses variable initialization">;
def note_protected_by_variable_nontriv_destructor : Note<
"jump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructor">;
def note_protected_by_variable_non_pod : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of non-POD variable">;
def note_protected_by_cleanup : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))">;
def note_protected_by_vla_typedef : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of VLA typedef">;
def note_protected_by_vla_type_alias : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of VLA type alias">;
def note_protected_by_vla : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of variable length array">;
def note_protected_by_objc_try : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of @try block">;
def note_protected_by_objc_catch : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of @catch block">;
def note_protected_by_objc_finally : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of @finally block">;
def note_protected_by_objc_synchronized : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of @synchronized block">;
def note_protected_by_objc_autoreleasepool : Note<
"jump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool block">;
def note_protected_by_cxx_try : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of try block">;
def note_protected_by_cxx_catch : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of catch block">;
def note_protected_by___block : Note<
"jump bypasses setup of __block variable">;
def note_protected_by_objc_ownership : Note<
"jump bypasses initialization of retaining variable">;
def note_enters_block_captures_cxx_obj : Note<
"jump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object">;
def note_enters_block_captures_strong : Note<
"jump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable">;
def note_enters_block_captures_weak : Note<
"jump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable">;
def note_exits_cleanup : Note<
"jump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))">;
def note_exits_dtor : Note<
"jump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructor">;
def note_exits___block : Note<
"jump exits scope of __block variable">;
def note_exits_objc_try : Note<
"jump exits @try block">;
def note_exits_objc_catch : Note<
"jump exits @catch block">;
def note_exits_objc_finally : Note<
"jump exits @finally block">;
def note_exits_objc_synchronized : Note<
"jump exits @synchronized block">;
def note_exits_cxx_try : Note<
"jump exits try block">;
def note_exits_cxx_catch : Note<
"jump exits catch block">;
def note_exits_objc_autoreleasepool : Note<
"jump exits autoreleasepool block">;
def note_exits_objc_ownership : Note<
"jump exits scope of retaining variable">;
def note_exits_block_captures_cxx_obj : Note<
"jump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ object">;
def note_exits_block_captures_strong : Note<
"jump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable">;
def note_exits_block_captures_weak : Note<
"jump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable">;
def err_func_returning_array_function : Error<
"function cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1">;
def err_field_declared_as_function : Error<"field %0 declared as a function">;
def err_field_incomplete : Error<"field has incomplete type %0">;
def ext_variable_sized_type_in_struct : ExtWarn<
"field %0 with variable sized type %1 not at the end of a struct or class is"
" a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def err_flexible_array_empty_struct : Error<
"flexible array %0 not allowed in otherwise empty struct">;
def err_flexible_array_has_nonpod_type : Error<
"flexible array member %0 of non-POD element type %1">;
def ext_flexible_array_in_struct : Extension<
"%0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array member">,
def ext_flexible_array_in_array : Extension<
"%0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member">,
def err_flexible_array_init : Error<
"initialization of flexible array member is not allowed">;
def ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_ms : Extension<
"flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty "
"%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a Microsoft extension">,
def ext_flexible_array_union_ms : Extension<
"flexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension">,
def ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_gnu : Extension<
"flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty "
"%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a GNU extension">,
def ext_flexible_array_union_gnu : Extension<
"flexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
let CategoryName = "ARC Semantic Issue" in {
// ARC-mode diagnostics.
let CategoryName = "ARC Weak References" in {
def err_arc_weak_no_runtime : Error<
"the current deployment target does not support automated __weak references">;
def err_arc_unsupported_weak_class : Error<
"class is incompatible with __weak references">;
def err_arc_weak_unavailable_assign : Error<
"assignment of a weak-unavailable object to a __weak object">;
def err_arc_weak_unavailable_property : Error<
"synthesizing __weak instance variable of type %0, which does not "
"support weak references">;
def note_implemented_by_class : Note<
"when implemented by class %0">;
def err_arc_convesion_of_weak_unavailable : Error<
"%select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of weak-unavailable object of type %1 to"
" a __weak object of type %2">;
} // end "ARC Weak References" category
let CategoryName = "ARC Restrictions" in {
def err_arc_illegal_explicit_message : Error<
"ARC forbids explicit message send of %0">;
def err_arc_unused_init_message : Error<
"the result of a delegate init call must be immediately returned "
"or assigned to 'self'">;
def err_arc_mismatched_cast : Error<
"%select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of "
"%select{%2|a non-Objective-C pointer type %2|a block pointer|"
"an Objective-C pointer|an indirect pointer to an Objective-C pointer}1"
" to %3 is disallowed with ARC">;
def err_arc_nolifetime_behavior : Error<
"explicit ownership qualifier on cast result has no effect">;
def err_arc_objc_object_in_tag : Error<
"ARC forbids %select{Objective-C objects|blocks}0 in "
def err_arc_objc_property_default_assign_on_object : Error<
"ARC forbids synthesizing a property of an Objective-C object "
"with unspecified ownership or storage attribute">;
def err_arc_illegal_selector : Error<
"ARC forbids use of %0 in a @selector">;
def err_arc_illegal_method_def : Error<
"ARC forbids %select{implementation|synthesis}0 of %1">;
def warn_arc_strong_pointer_objc_pointer : Warning<
"method parameter of type %0 with no explicit ownership">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"explicit-ownership-type">>, DefaultIgnore;
} // end "ARC Restrictions" category
def err_arc_lost_method_convention : Error<
"method was declared as %select{an 'alloc'|a 'copy'|an 'init'|a 'new'}0 "
"method, but its implementation doesn't match because %select{"
"its result type is not an object pointer|"
"its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1">;
def note_arc_lost_method_convention : Note<"declaration in interface">;
def err_arc_gained_method_convention : Error<
"method implementation does not match its declaration">;
def note_arc_gained_method_convention : Note<
"declaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' "
"family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|"
"its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1">;
def err_typecheck_arc_assign_self : Error<
"cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family">;
def err_typecheck_arc_assign_self_class_method : Error<
"cannot assign to 'self' in a class method">;
def err_typecheck_arr_assign_enumeration : Error<
"fast enumeration variables can't be modified in ARC by default; "
"declare the variable __strong to allow this">;
def warn_arc_retained_assign : Warning<
"assigning retained object to %select{weak|unsafe_unretained}0 "
"; object will be released after assignment">,
def warn_arc_retained_property_assign : Warning<
"assigning retained object to unsafe property"
"; object will be released after assignment">,
def warn_arc_literal_assign : Warning<
"assigning %select{array literal|dictionary literal|numeric literal|boxed expression|<should not happen>|block literal}0"
" to a weak %select{property|variable}1"
"; object will be released after assignment">,
def err_arc_new_array_without_ownership : Error<
"'new' cannot allocate an array of %0 with no explicit ownership">;
def err_arc_autoreleasing_var : Error<
"%select{__block variables|global variables|fields|instance variables}0 cannot have "
"__autoreleasing ownership">;
def err_arc_autoreleasing_capture : Error<
"cannot capture __autoreleasing variable in a "
"%select{block|lambda by copy}0">;
def err_arc_thread_ownership : Error<
"thread-local variable has non-trivial ownership: type is %0">;
def err_arc_indirect_no_ownership : Error<
"%select{pointer|reference}1 to non-const type %0 with no explicit ownership">;
def err_arc_array_param_no_ownership : Error<
"must explicitly describe intended ownership of an object array parameter">;
def err_arc_pseudo_dtor_inconstant_quals : Error<
"pseudo-destructor destroys object of type %0 with inconsistently-qualified "
"type %1">;
def err_arc_init_method_unrelated_result_type : Error<
"init methods must return a type related to the receiver type">;
def err_arc_nonlocal_writeback : Error<
"passing address of %select{non-local|non-scalar}0 object to "
"__autoreleasing parameter for write-back">;
def err_arc_method_not_found : Error<
"no known %select{instance|class}1 method for selector %0">;
def err_arc_receiver_forward_class : Error<
"receiver %0 for class message is a forward declaration">;
def err_arc_may_not_respond : Error<
"no visible @interface for %0 declares the selector %1">;
def err_arc_receiver_forward_instance : Error<
"receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration">;
def warn_receiver_forward_instance : Warning<
"receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration">,
InGroup<ForwardClassReceiver>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_arc_collection_forward : Error<
"collection expression type %0 is a forward declaration">;
def err_arc_multiple_method_decl : Error<
"multiple methods named %0 found with mismatched result, "
"parameter type or attributes">;
def warn_arc_lifetime_result_type : Warning<
"ARC %select{unused|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}0 "
"lifetime qualifier on return type is ignored">,
let CategoryName = "ARC Retain Cycle" in {
def warn_arc_retain_cycle : Warning<
"capturing %0 strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle">,
def note_arc_retain_cycle_owner : Note<
"block will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly "
"retained by the captured object}0">;
} // end "ARC Retain Cycle" category
def warn_arc_object_memaccess : Warning<
"%select{destination for|source of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to "
"ownership-qualified type %2">, InGroup<ARCNonPodMemAccess>;
let CategoryName = "ARC and @properties" in {
def err_arc_strong_property_ownership : Error<
"existing instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be "
def err_arc_assign_property_ownership : Error<
"existing instance variable %1 for property %0 with %select{unsafe_unretained| assign}2 "
"attribute must be __unsafe_unretained">;
def err_arc_inconsistent_property_ownership : Error<
"%select{|unsafe_unretained|strong|weak}1 property %0 may not also be "
"declared %select{|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}2">;
} // end "ARC and @properties" category
def err_arc_atomic_ownership : Error<
"cannot perform atomic operation on a pointer to type %0: type has "
"non-trivial ownership">;
let CategoryName = "ARC Casting Rules" in {
def err_arc_bridge_cast_incompatible : Error<
"incompatible types casting %0 to %1 with a %select{__bridge|"
"__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}2 cast">;
def err_arc_bridge_cast_wrong_kind : Error<
"cast of %select{Objective-C|block|C}0 pointer type %1 to "
"%select{Objective-C|block|C}2 pointer type %3 cannot use %select{__bridge|"
def err_arc_cast_requires_bridge : Error<
"%select{cast|implicit conversion}0 of %select{Objective-C|block|C}1 "
"pointer type %2 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}3 pointer type %4 "
"requires a bridged cast">;
def note_arc_bridge : Note<
"use __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership)">;
def note_arc_cstyle_bridge : Note<
"use __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly (no change in ownership)">;
def note_arc_bridge_transfer : Note<
"use %select{__bridge_transfer|CFBridgingRelease call}1 to transfer "
"ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC">;
def note_arc_cstyle_bridge_transfer : Note<
"use __bridge_transfer with C-style cast to transfer "
"ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC">;
def note_arc_bridge_retained : Note<
"use %select{__bridge_retained|CFBridgingRetain call}1 to make an "
"ARC object available as a +1 %0">;
def note_arc_cstyle_bridge_retained : Note<
"use __bridge_retained with C-style cast to make an "
"ARC object available as a +1 %0">;
} // ARC Casting category
} // ARC category name
def err_flexible_array_init_needs_braces : Error<
"flexible array requires brace-enclosed initializer">;
def err_illegal_decl_array_of_functions : Error<
"'%0' declared as array of functions of type %1">;
def err_illegal_decl_array_incomplete_type : Error<
"array has incomplete element type %0">;
def err_illegal_message_expr_incomplete_type : Error<
"Objective-C message has incomplete result type %0">;
def err_illegal_decl_array_of_references : Error<
"'%0' declared as array of references of type %1">;
def err_decl_negative_array_size : Error<
"'%0' declared as an array with a negative size">;
def err_array_static_outside_prototype : Error<
"%0 used in array declarator outside of function prototype">;
def err_array_static_not_outermost : Error<
"%0 used in non-outermost array type derivation">;
def err_array_star_outside_prototype : Error<
"star modifier used outside of function prototype">;
def err_illegal_decl_pointer_to_reference : Error<
"'%0' declared as a pointer to a reference of type %1">;
def err_illegal_decl_mempointer_to_reference : Error<
"'%0' declared as a member pointer to a reference of type %1">;
def err_illegal_decl_mempointer_to_void : Error<
"'%0' declared as a member pointer to void">;
def err_illegal_decl_mempointer_in_nonclass : Error<
"'%0' does not point into a class">;
def err_mempointer_in_nonclass_type : Error<
"member pointer refers into non-class type %0">;
def err_reference_to_void : Error<"cannot form a reference to 'void'">;
def err_nonfunction_block_type : Error<
"block pointer to non-function type is invalid">;
def err_return_block_has_expr : Error<"void block should not return a value">;
def err_block_return_missing_expr : Error<
"non-void block should return a value">;
def err_func_def_incomplete_result : Error<
"incomplete result type %0 in function definition">;
def err_atomic_specifier_bad_type : Error<
"_Atomic cannot be applied to "
"%select{incomplete |array |function |reference |atomic |qualified |}0type "
"%1 %select{||||||which is not trivially copyable}0">;
// Expressions.
def ext_sizeof_alignof_function_type : Extension<
"invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a "
"function type">, InGroup<PointerArith>;
def ext_sizeof_alignof_void_type : Extension<
"invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to a void "
"type">, InGroup<PointerArith>;
def err_sizeof_alignof_incomplete_type : Error<
"invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step}0' to an "
"incomplete type %1">;
def err_sizeof_alignof_bitfield : Error<
"invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof}0' to bit-field">;
def err_alignof_member_of_incomplete_type : Error<
"invalid application of 'alignof' to a field of a class still being defined">;
def err_vecstep_non_scalar_vector_type : Error<
"'vec_step' requires built-in scalar or vector type, %0 invalid">;
def err_offsetof_incomplete_type : Error<
"offsetof of incomplete type %0">;
def err_offsetof_record_type : Error<
"offsetof requires struct, union, or class type, %0 invalid">;
def err_offsetof_array_type : Error<"offsetof requires array type, %0 invalid">;
def ext_offsetof_extended_field_designator : Extension<
"using extended field designator is an extension">,
def warn_offsetof_non_pod_type : ExtWarn<"offset of on non-POD type %0">,
def warn_offsetof_non_standardlayout_type : ExtWarn<
"offset of on non-standard-layout type %0">, InGroup<InvalidOffsetof>;
def err_offsetof_bitfield : Error<"cannot compute offset of bit-field %0">;
def warn_floatingpoint_eq : Warning<
"comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"float-equal">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_division_by_zero : Warning<"division by zero is undefined">,
def warn_remainder_by_zero : Warning<"remainder by zero is undefined">,
def warn_shift_negative : Warning<"shift count is negative">,
def warn_shift_gt_typewidth : Warning<"shift count >= width of type">,
def warn_shift_result_gt_typewidth : Warning<
"signed shift result (%0) requires %1 bits to represent, but %2 only has "
"%3 bits">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"shift-overflow">>;
def warn_shift_result_sets_sign_bit : Warning<
"signed shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's "
"type (%1) and becomes negative">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"shift-sign-overflow">>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_precedence_bitwise_rel : Warning<
"%0 has lower precedence than %1; %1 will be evaluated first">,
def note_precedence_bitwise_first : Note<
"place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it first">;
def note_precedence_silence : Note<
"place parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warning">;
def warn_precedence_conditional : Warning<
"operator '?:' has lower precedence than '%0'; '%0' will be evaluated first">,
def note_precedence_conditional_first : Note<
"place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first">;
def warn_logical_instead_of_bitwise : Warning<
"use of logical '%0' with constant operand">,
def note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_change_operator : Note<
"use '%0' for a bitwise operation">;
def note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_remove_constant : Note<
"remove constant to silence this warning">;
def warn_bitwise_and_in_bitwise_or : Warning<
"'&' within '|'">, InGroup<BitwiseOpParentheses>;
def warn_logical_and_in_logical_or : Warning<
"'&&' within '||'">, InGroup<LogicalOpParentheses>;
def warn_overloaded_shift_in_comparison :Warning<
"overloaded operator %select{>>|<<}0 has lower precedence than "
"comparison operator">,
def note_evaluate_comparison_first :Note<
"place parentheses around comparison expression to evaluate it first">;
def warn_addition_in_bitshift : Warning<
"operator '%0' has lower precedence than '%1'; "
"'%1' will be evaluated first">, InGroup<ShiftOpParentheses>;
def warn_self_assignment : Warning<
"explicitly assigning a variable of type %0 to itself">,
InGroup<SelfAssignment>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_string_plus_int : Warning<
"adding %0 to a string does not append to the string">,
def note_string_plus_int_silence : Note<
"use array indexing to silence this warning">;
def warn_sizeof_array_param : Warning<
"sizeof on array function parameter will return size of %0 instead of %1">,
def warn_sizeof_array_decay : Warning<
"sizeof on pointer operation will return size of %0 instead of %1">,
def err_sizeof_nonfragile_interface : Error<
"application of '%select{alignof|sizeof}1' to interface %0 is "
"not supported on this architecture and platform">;
def err_atdef_nonfragile_interface : Error<
"use of @defs is not supported on this architecture and platform">;
def err_subscript_nonfragile_interface : Error<
"subscript requires size of interface %0, which is not constant for "
"this architecture and platform">;
def err_arithmetic_nonfragile_interface : Error<
"arithmetic on pointer to interface %0, which is not a constant size for "
"this architecture and platform">;
def ext_subscript_non_lvalue : Extension<
"ISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue array">;
def err_typecheck_subscript_value : Error<
"subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector">;
def err_typecheck_subscript_not_integer : Error<
"array subscript is not an integer">;
def err_subscript_function_type : Error<
"subscript of pointer to function type %0">;
def err_subscript_incomplete_type : Error<
"subscript of pointer to incomplete type %0">;
def err_dereference_incomplete_type : Error<
"dereference of pointer to incomplete type %0">;
def ext_gnu_subscript_void_type : Extension<
"subscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extension">, InGroup<PointerArith>;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_struct_union : Error<
"member reference base type %0 is not a structure or union">;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_ivar : Error<
"%0 does not have a member named %1">;
def error_arc_weak_ivar_access : Error<
"dereferencing a __weak pointer is not allowed due to possible "
"null value caused by race condition, assign it to strong variable first">;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_arrow : Error<
"member reference type %0 is not a pointer">;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_suggestion : Error<
"member reference type %0 is %select{a|not a}1 pointer; maybe you meant to use '%select{->|.}1'?">;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_type : Error<
"cannot refer to type member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2'">;
def err_typecheck_member_reference_unknown : Error<
"cannot refer to member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2'">;
def err_member_reference_needs_call : Error<
"base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call "
"it%select{| with no arguments}0?">;
def warn_subscript_is_char : Warning<"array subscript is of type 'char'">,
InGroup<CharSubscript>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_typecheck_incomplete_tag : Error<"incomplete definition of type %0">;
def err_no_member : Error<"no member named %0 in %1">;
def err_no_member_overloaded_arrow : Error<
"no member named %0 in %1; did you mean to use '->' instead of '.'?">;
def err_member_not_yet_instantiated : Error<
"no member %0 in %1; it has not yet been instantiated">;
def note_non_instantiated_member_here : Note<
"not-yet-instantiated member is declared here">;
def err_enumerator_does_not_exist : Error<
"enumerator %0 does not exist in instantiation of %1">;
def note_enum_specialized_here : Note<
"enum %0 was explicitly specialized here">;
def err_member_redeclared : Error<"class member cannot be redeclared">;
def ext_member_redeclared : ExtWarn<"class member cannot be redeclared">,
def err_member_redeclared_in_instantiation : Error<
"multiple overloads of %0 instantiate to the same signature %1">;
def err_member_name_of_class : Error<"member %0 has the same name as its class">;
def err_member_def_undefined_record : Error<
"out-of-line definition of %0 from class %1 without definition">;
def err_member_def_does_not_match : Error<
"out-of-line definition of %0 does not match any declaration in %1">;
def err_friend_decl_does_not_match : Error<
"friend declaration of %0 does not match any declaration in %1">;
def err_member_def_does_not_match_suggest : Error<
"out-of-line definition of %0 does not match any declaration in %1; "
"did you mean %2?">;
def err_member_def_does_not_match_ret_type : Error<
"out-of-line definition of %q0 differs from the declaration in the return type">;
def err_nonstatic_member_out_of_line : Error<
"non-static data member defined out-of-line">;
def err_qualified_typedef_declarator : Error<
"typedef declarator cannot be qualified">;
def err_qualified_param_declarator : Error<
"parameter declarator cannot be qualified">;
def ext_out_of_line_declaration : ExtWarn<
"out-of-line declaration of a member must be a definition">,
InGroup<OutOfLineDeclaration>, DefaultError;
def warn_member_extra_qualification : Warning<
"extra qualification on member %0">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def err_member_extra_qualification : Error<
"extra qualification on member %0">;
def err_member_qualification : Error<
"non-friend class member %0 cannot have a qualified name">;
def note_member_def_close_match : Note<"member declaration nearly matches">;
def note_member_def_close_const_match : Note<
"member declaration does not match because "
"it %select{is|is not}0 const qualified">;
def note_member_def_close_param_match : Note<
"type of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition"
"%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2">;
def err_typecheck_ivar_variable_size : Error<
"instance variables must have a constant size">;
def err_ivar_reference_type : Error<
"instance variables cannot be of reference type">;
def err_typecheck_illegal_increment_decrement : Error<
"cannot %select{decrement|increment}1 value of type %0">;
def err_typecheck_arithmetic_incomplete_type : Error<
"arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %0">;
def err_typecheck_pointer_arith_function_type : Error<
"arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 "
"function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2">;
def err_typecheck_pointer_arith_void_type : Error<
"arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void">;
def err_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type : Error<
"variable has incomplete type %0">;
def ext_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type : ExtWarn<
"tentative definition of variable with internal linkage has incomplete non-array type %0">,
def err_tentative_def_incomplete_type : Error<
"tentative definition has type %0 that is never completed">;
def err_tentative_def_incomplete_type_arr : Error<
"tentative definition has array of type %0 that is never completed">;
def warn_tentative_incomplete_array : Warning<
"tentative array definition assumed to have one element">;
def err_typecheck_incomplete_array_needs_initializer : Error<
"definition of variable with array type needs an explicit size "
"or an initializer">;
def err_array_init_not_init_list : Error<
"array initializer must be an initializer "
"list%select{| or string literal| or wide string literal}0">;
def err_array_init_narrow_string_into_wchar : Error<
"initializing wide char array with non-wide string literal">;
def err_array_init_wide_string_into_char : Error<
"initializing char array with wide string literal">;
def err_array_init_incompat_wide_string_into_wchar : Error<
"initializing wide char array with incompatible wide string literal">;
def err_array_init_different_type : Error<
"cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with array of type $|"
"with different type of array}0,1">;
def err_array_init_non_constant_array : Error<
"cannot initialize array %diff{of type $ with non-constant array of type $|"
"with different type of array}0,1">;
def ext_array_init_copy : Extension<
"initialization of an array "
"%diff{of type $ from a compound literal of type $|"
"from a compound literal}0,1 is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
// This is intentionally not disabled by -Wno-gnu.
def ext_array_init_parens : ExtWarn<
"parenthesized initialization of a member array is a GNU extension">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"gnu-array-member-paren-init">>, DefaultError;
def warn_deprecated_string_literal_conversion : Warning<
"conversion from string literal to %0 is deprecated">, InGroup<DeprecatedWritableStr>;
def err_realimag_invalid_type : Error<"invalid type %0 to %1 operator">;
def err_typecheck_sclass_fscope : Error<
"illegal storage class on file-scoped variable">;
def err_unsupported_global_register : Error<
"global register variables are not supported">;
def warn_standalone_specifier : Warning<"'%0' ignored on this declaration">,
def ext_standalone_specifier : ExtWarn<"'%0' is not permitted on a declaration "
"of a type">, InGroup<MissingDeclarations>;
def err_standalone_class_nested_name_specifier : Error<
"forward declaration of %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot "
"have a nested name specifier">;
def err_typecheck_sclass_func : Error<"illegal storage class on function">;
def err_static_block_func : Error<
"function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage class">;
def err_typecheck_address_of : Error<"address of %select{bit-field"
"|vector element|property expression|register variable}0 requested">;
def ext_typecheck_addrof_void : Extension<
"ISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void'">;
def err_unqualified_pointer_member_function : Error<
"must explicitly qualify name of member function when taking its address">;
def err_invalid_form_pointer_member_function : Error<
"cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function">;
def err_parens_pointer_member_function : Error<
"cannot parenthesize the name of a method when forming a member pointer">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_lvalue_addrof_addrof_function : Error<
"extra '&' taking address of overloaded function">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_lvalue_addrof : Error<
"cannot take the address of an rvalue of type %0">;
def ext_typecheck_addrof_temporary : ExtWarn<
"taking the address of a temporary object of type %0">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"address-of-temporary">>, DefaultError;
def err_typecheck_addrof_temporary : Error<
"taking the address of a temporary object of type %0">;
def err_typecheck_unary_expr : Error<
"invalid argument type %0 to unary expression">;
def err_typecheck_indirection_requires_pointer : Error<
"indirection requires pointer operand (%0 invalid)">;
def warn_indirection_through_null : Warning<
"indirection of non-volatile null pointer will be deleted, not trap">, InGroup<NullDereference>;
def note_indirection_through_null : Note<
"consider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile'">;
def warn_pointer_indirection_from_incompatible_type : Warning<
"dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined "
InGroup<UndefinedReinterpretCast>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_objc_object_assignment : Error<
"cannot assign to class object (%0 invalid)">;
def err_typecheck_invalid_operands : Error<
"invalid operands to binary expression (%0 and %1)">;
def err_typecheck_sub_ptr_compatible : Error<
"%diff{$ and $ are not pointers to compatible types|"
"pointers to incompatible types}0,1">;
def ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_pointer_integer : ExtWarn<
"ordered comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1)">;
def ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_pointer_and_zero : Extension<
"ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extension">;
def ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_function_pointers : ExtWarn<
"ordered comparison of function pointers (%0 and %1)">;
def ext_typecheck_comparison_of_fptr_to_void : Extension<
"equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1)">;
def err_typecheck_comparison_of_fptr_to_void : Error<
"equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1)">;
def ext_typecheck_comparison_of_pointer_integer : ExtWarn<
"comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1)">;
def err_typecheck_comparison_of_pointer_integer : Error<
"comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1)">;
def ext_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers : ExtWarn<
"comparison of distinct pointer types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">,
def ext_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands : ExtWarn<
"incompatible operand types (%0 and %1)">;
def err_cond_voidptr_arc : Error <
"operands to conditional of types%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 are incompatible "
"in ARC mode">;
def err_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers : Error<
"comparison of distinct pointer types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">;
def ext_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers_nonstandard : ExtWarn<
"comparison of distinct pointer types (%0 and %1) uses non-standard "
"composite pointer type %2">, InGroup<CompareDistinctPointerType>;
def err_typecheck_assign_const : Error<"read-only variable is not assignable">;
def err_stmtexpr_file_scope : Error<
"statement expression not allowed at file scope">;
def warn_mixed_sign_comparison : Warning<
"comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1">,
InGroup<SignCompare>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_lunsigned_always_true_comparison : Warning<
"comparison of unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression %0 is always %1">,
def warn_out_of_range_compare : Warning<
"comparison of constant %0 with expression of type %1 is always "
"%select{false|true}2">, InGroup<TautologicalOutOfRangeCompare>;
def warn_runsigned_always_true_comparison : Warning<
"comparison of %0 unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression is always %1">,
def warn_comparison_of_mixed_enum_types : Warning<
"comparison of two values with different enumeration types"
"%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">,
def warn_null_in_arithmetic_operation : Warning<
"use of NULL in arithmetic operation">,
def warn_null_in_comparison_operation : Warning<
"comparison between NULL and non-pointer "
"%select{(%1 and NULL)|(NULL and %1)}0">,
def warn_logical_not_on_lhs_of_comparison : Warning<
"logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison">,
def note_logical_not_fix : Note<
"add parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the comparison first">;
def note_logical_not_silence_with_parens : Note<
"add parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning">;
def err_invalid_this_use : Error<
"invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function">;
def err_this_static_member_func : Error<
"'this' cannot be%select{| implicitly}0 used in a static member function "
def err_invalid_member_use_in_static_method : Error<
"invalid use of member %0 in static member function">;
def err_invalid_qualified_function_type : Error<
"%select{static |non-}0member function %select{of type %2 |}1"
"cannot have '%3' qualifier">;
def err_compound_qualified_function_type : Error<
"%select{block pointer|pointer|reference}0 to function type %select{%2 |}1"
"cannot have '%3' qualifier">;
def err_ref_qualifier_overload : Error<
"cannot overload a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with "
"ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}0 with a member function %select{"
"without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}1">;
def err_invalid_non_static_member_use : Error<
"invalid use of non-static data member %0">;
def err_nested_non_static_member_use : Error<
"%select{call to non-static member function|use of non-static data member}0 "
"%2 of %1 from nested type %3">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_non_static_member_use : Warning<
"use of non-static data member %0 in an unevaluated context is "
"incompatible with C++98">, InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_invalid_incomplete_type_use : Error<
"invalid use of incomplete type %0">;
def err_builtin_func_cast_more_than_one_arg : Error<
"function-style cast to a builtin type can only take one argument">;
def err_value_init_for_array_type : Error<
"array types cannot be value-initialized">;
def warn_format_nonliteral_noargs : Warning<
"format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure)">,
def warn_format_nonliteral : Warning<
"format string is not a string literal">,
InGroup<FormatNonLiteral>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_unexpected_interface : Error<
"unexpected interface name %0: expected expression">;
def err_ref_non_value : Error<"%0 does not refer to a value">;
def err_ref_vm_type : Error<
"cannot refer to declaration with a variably modified type inside block">;
def err_ref_flexarray_type : Error<
"cannot refer to declaration of structure variable with flexible array member "
"inside block">;
def err_ref_array_type : Error<
"cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block">;
def err_property_not_found : Error<
"property %0 not found on object of type %1">;
def err_invalid_property_name : Error<
"%0 is not a valid property name (accessing an object of type %1)">;
def err_getter_not_found : Error<
"no getter method for read from property">;
def err_objc_subscript_method_not_found : Error<
"expected method to %select{read|write}1 %select{dictionary|array}2 element not "
"found on object of type %0">;
def err_objc_subscript_index_type : Error<
"method index parameter type %0 is not integral type">;
def err_objc_subscript_key_type : Error<
"method key parameter type %0 is not object type">;
def err_objc_subscript_dic_object_type : Error<
"method object parameter type %0 is not object type">;
def err_objc_subscript_object_type : Error<
"cannot assign to this %select{dictionary|array}1 because assigning method's "
"2nd parameter of type %0 is not an Objective-C pointer type">;
def err_objc_subscript_base_type : Error<
"%select{dictionary|array}1 subscript base type %0 is not an Objective-C object">;
def err_objc_multiple_subscript_type_conversion : Error<
"indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 has "
"multiple type conversion functions">;
def err_objc_subscript_type_conversion : Error<
"indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an integral"
" or Objective-C pointer type">;
def err_objc_subscript_pointer : Error<
"indexing expression is invalid because subscript type %0 is not an"
" Objective-C pointer">;
def err_objc_indexing_method_result_type : Error<
"method for accessing %select{dictionary|array}1 element must have Objective-C"
" object return type instead of %0">;
def err_objc_index_incomplete_class_type : Error<
"Objective-C index expression has incomplete class type %0">;
def err_illegal_container_subscripting_op : Error<
"illegal operation on Objective-C container subscripting">;
def err_property_not_found_forward_class : Error<
"property %0 cannot be found in forward class object %1">;
def err_property_not_as_forward_class : Error<
"property %0 refers to an incomplete Objective-C class %1 "
"(with no @interface available)">;
def note_forward_class : Note<
"forward declaration of class here">;
def err_duplicate_property : Error<
"property has a previous declaration">;
def ext_gnu_void_ptr : Extension<
"arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extension">,
def ext_gnu_ptr_func_arith : Extension<
"arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function "
"type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extension">,
def error_readonly_message_assignment : Error<
"assigning to 'readonly' return result of an Objective-C message not allowed">;
def ext_integer_increment_complex : Extension<
"ISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0">;
def ext_integer_complement_complex : Extension<
"ISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0">;
def err_nosetter_property_assignment : Error<
"%select{assignment to readonly property|"
"no setter method %1 for assignment to property}0">;
def err_nosetter_property_incdec : Error<
"%select{%select{increment|decrement}1 of readonly property|"
"no setter method %2 for %select{increment|decrement}1 of property}0">;
def err_nogetter_property_compound_assignment : Error<
"a getter method is needed to perform a compound assignment on a property">;
def err_nogetter_property_incdec : Error<
"no getter method %1 for %select{increment|decrement}0 of property">;
def error_no_subobject_property_setting : Error<
"expression is not assignable">;
def err_qualified_objc_access : Error<
"%select{property|instance variable}0 access cannot be qualified with '%1'">;
def ext_freestanding_complex : Extension<
"complex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementation">;
// FIXME: Remove when we support imaginary.
def err_imaginary_not_supported : Error<"imaginary types are not supported">;
// Obj-c expressions
def warn_root_inst_method_not_found : Warning<
"instance method %0 is being used on 'Class' which is not in the root class">,
def warn_class_method_not_found : Warning<
"class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id')">,
def warn_instance_method_on_class_found : Warning<
"instance method %0 found instead of class method %1">,
def warn_inst_method_not_found : Warning<
"instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id')">,
def error_no_super_class_message : Error<
"no @interface declaration found in class messaging of %0">;
def error_root_class_cannot_use_super : Error<
"%0 cannot use 'super' because it is a root class">;
def err_invalid_receiver_to_message_super : Error<
"'super' is only valid in a method body">;
def err_invalid_receiver_class_message : Error<
"receiver type %0 is not an Objective-C class">;
def err_missing_open_square_message_send : Error<
"missing '[' at start of message send expression">;
def warn_bad_receiver_type : Warning<
"receiver type %0 is not 'id' or interface pointer, consider "
"casting it to 'id'">,InGroup<ObjCReceiver>;
def err_bad_receiver_type : Error<"bad receiver type %0">;
def err_unknown_receiver_suggest : Error<
"unknown receiver %0; did you mean %1?">;
def error_objc_throw_expects_object : Error<
"@throw requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid)">;
def error_objc_synchronized_expects_object : Error<
"@synchronized requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid)">;
def error_rethrow_used_outside_catch : Error<
"@throw (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block">;
def err_attribute_multiple_objc_gc : Error<
"multiple garbage collection attributes specified for type">;
def err_catch_param_not_objc_type : Error<
"@catch parameter is not a pointer to an interface type">;
def err_illegal_qualifiers_on_catch_parm : Error<
"illegal qualifiers on @catch parameter">;
def err_storage_spec_on_catch_parm : Error<
"@catch parameter cannot have storage specifier '%0'">;
def warn_register_objc_catch_parm : Warning<
"'register' storage specifier on @catch parameter will be ignored">;
def err_qualified_objc_catch_parm : Error<
"@catch parameter declarator cannot be qualified">;
def warn_objc_pointer_cxx_catch_fragile : Warning<
"can not catch an exception thrown with @throw in C++ in the non-unified "
"exception model">, InGroup<ObjCNonUnifiedException>;
def err_objc_object_catch : Error<
"can't catch an Objective-C object by value">;
def err_incomplete_type_objc_at_encode : Error<
"'@encode' of incomplete type %0">;
def warn_setter_getter_impl_required : Warning<
"property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - "
"use @synthesize, @dynamic or provide a method implementation "
"in this class implementation">,
def warn_setter_getter_impl_required_in_category : Warning<
"property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - "
"use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category">,
def note_parameter_named_here : Note<
"passing argument to parameter %0 here">;
def note_parameter_here : Note<
"passing argument to parameter here">;
// C++ casts
// These messages adhere to the TryCast pattern: %0 is an int specifying the
// cast type, %1 is the source type, %2 is the destination type.
def err_bad_reinterpret_cast_overload : Error<
"reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function %0 to type %1">;
def warn_reinterpret_different_from_static : Warning<
"'reinterpret_cast' %select{from|to}3 class %0 %select{to|from}3 its "
"%select{virtual base|base at non-zero offset}2 %1 behaves differently from "
"'static_cast'">, InGroup<ReinterpretBaseClass>;
def note_reinterpret_updowncast_use_static: Note<
"use 'static_cast' to adjust the pointer correctly while "
def err_bad_static_cast_overload : Error<
"address of overloaded function %0 cannot be static_cast to type %1">;
def err_bad_cstyle_cast_overload : Error<
"address of overloaded function %0 cannot be cast to type %1">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_generic : Error<
"%select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|"
"functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 is not allowed">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_rvalue : Error<
"%select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|"
"functional-style cast}0 from rvalue to reference type %2">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_bitfield : Error<
"%select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|"
"functional-style cast}0 from bit-field lvalue to reference type %2">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_qualifiers_away : Error<
"%select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|"
"functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 casts away qualifiers">;
def err_bad_const_cast_dest : Error<
"%select{const_cast||||C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 to %2, "
"which is not a reference, pointer-to-object, or pointer-to-data-member">;
def ext_cast_fn_obj : Extension<
"cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension">;
def warn_cxx98_compat_cast_fn_obj : Warning<
"cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatPedantic>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_bad_reinterpret_cast_small_int : Error<
"cast from pointer to smaller type %2 loses information">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_vector_to_scalar_different_size : Error<
"%select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 "
"to scalar %2 of different size">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_scalar_to_vector_different_size : Error<
"%select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from scalar %1 "
"to vector %2 of different size">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_vector_to_vector_different_size : Error<
"%select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 "
"to vector %2 of different size">;
def err_bad_lvalue_to_rvalue_cast : Error<
"cannot cast from lvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are "
"not compatible">;
def err_bad_static_cast_pointer_nonpointer : Error<
"cannot cast from type %1 to pointer type %2">;
def err_bad_static_cast_member_pointer_nonmp : Error<
"cannot cast from type %1 to member pointer type %2">;
def err_bad_cxx_cast_member_pointer_size : Error<
"cannot %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from member pointer "
"type %1 to member pointer type %2 of different size">;
def err_bad_reinterpret_cast_reference : Error<
"reinterpret_cast of a %0 to %1 needs its address which is not allowed">;
def warn_undefined_reinterpret_cast : Warning<
"reinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior">,
InGroup<UndefinedReinterpretCast>, DefaultIgnore;
// These messages don't adhere to the pattern.
// FIXME: Display the path somehow better.
def err_ambiguous_base_to_derived_cast : Error<
"ambiguous cast from base %0 to derived %1:%2">;
def err_static_downcast_via_virtual : Error<
"cannot cast %0 to %1 via virtual base %2">;
def err_downcast_from_inaccessible_base : Error<
"cannot cast %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 to %0">;
def err_upcast_to_inaccessible_base : Error<
"cannot cast %0 to its %select{private|protected}2 base class %1">;
def err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_ref_or_ptr : Error<
"%0 is not a reference or pointer">;
def err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_class : Error<"%0 is not a class">;
def err_bad_dynamic_cast_incomplete : Error<"%0 is an incomplete type">;
def err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_ptr : Error<"%0 is not a pointer">;
def err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_polymorphic : Error<"%0 is not polymorphic">;
// Other C++ expressions
def err_need_header_before_typeid : Error<
"you need to include <typeinfo> before using the 'typeid' operator">;
def err_need_header_before_ms_uuidof : Error<
"you need to include <guiddef.h> before using the '__uuidof' operator">;
def err_uuidof_without_guid : Error<
"cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with no GUID">;
def err_incomplete_typeid : Error<"'typeid' of incomplete type %0">;
def err_static_illegal_in_new : Error<
"the 'static' modifier for the array size is not legal in new expressions">;
def err_array_new_needs_size : Error<
"array size must be specified in new expressions">;
def err_bad_new_type : Error<
"cannot allocate %select{function|reference}1 type %0 with new">;
def err_new_incomplete_type : Error<
"allocation of incomplete type %0">;
def err_new_array_nonconst : Error<
"only the first dimension of an allocated array may have dynamic size">;
def err_new_array_init_args : Error<
"array 'new' cannot have initialization arguments">;
def ext_new_paren_array_nonconst : ExtWarn<
"when type is in parentheses, array cannot have dynamic size">;
def err_placement_new_non_placement_delete : Error<
"'new' expression with placement arguments refers to non-placement "
"'operator delete'">;
def err_array_size_not_integral : Error<
"array size expression must have integral or %select{|unscoped }0"
"enumeration type, not %1">;
def err_array_size_incomplete_type : Error<
"array size expression has incomplete class type %0">;
def err_array_size_explicit_conversion : Error<
"array size expression of type %0 requires explicit conversion to type %1">;
def note_array_size_conversion : Note<
"conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here">;
def err_array_size_ambiguous_conversion : Error<
"ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type %0 to an integral or "
"enumeration type">;
def ext_array_size_conversion : Extension<
"implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to "
"%select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extension">,
def warn_cxx98_compat_array_size_conversion : Warning<
"implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to "
"%select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98CompatPedantic>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_address_space_qualified_new : Error<
"'new' cannot allocate objects of type %0 in address space '%1'">;
def err_address_space_qualified_delete : Error<
"'delete' cannot delete objects of type %0 in address space '%1'">;
def err_default_init_const : Error<
"default initialization of an object of const type %0"
"%select{| requires a user-provided default constructor}1">;
def err_delete_operand : Error<"cannot delete expression of type %0">;
def ext_delete_void_ptr_operand : ExtWarn<
"cannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type %0">;
def err_ambiguous_delete_operand : Error<
"ambiguous conversion of delete expression of type %0 to a pointer">;
def warn_delete_incomplete : Warning<
"deleting pointer to incomplete type %0 may cause undefined behavior">,
def err_delete_incomplete_class_type : Error<
"deleting incomplete class type %0; no conversions to pointer type">;
def err_delete_explicit_conversion : Error<
"converting delete expression from type %0 to type %1 invokes an explicit "
"conversion function">;
def note_delete_conversion : Note<"conversion to pointer type %0">;
def warn_delete_array_type : Warning<
"'delete' applied to a pointer-to-array type %0 treated as delete[]">;
def err_no_suitable_delete_member_function_found : Error<
"no suitable member %0 in %1">;
def err_ambiguous_suitable_delete_member_function_found : Error<
"multiple suitable %0 functions in %1">;
def note_member_declared_here : Note<
"member %0 declared here">;
def err_decrement_bool : Error<"cannot decrement expression of type bool">;
def warn_increment_bool : Warning<
"incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated">, InGroup<Deprecated>;
def err_catch_incomplete_ptr : Error<
"cannot catch pointer to incomplete type %0">;
def err_catch_incomplete_ref : Error<
"cannot catch reference to incomplete type %0">;
def err_catch_incomplete : Error<"cannot catch incomplete type %0">;
def err_catch_rvalue_ref : Error<"cannot catch exceptions by rvalue reference">;
def err_qualified_catch_declarator : Error<
"exception declarator cannot be qualified">;
def err_early_catch_all : Error<"catch-all handler must come last">;
def err_bad_memptr_rhs : Error<
"right hand operand to %0 has non pointer-to-member type %1">;
def err_bad_memptr_lhs : Error<
"left hand operand to %0 must be a %select{|pointer to }1class "
"compatible with the right hand operand, but is %2">;
def warn_exception_caught_by_earlier_handler : Warning<
"exception of type %0 will be caught by earlier handler">;
def note_previous_exception_handler : Note<"for type %0">;
def err_exceptions_disabled : Error<
"cannot use '%0' with exceptions disabled">;
def err_objc_exceptions_disabled : Error<
"cannot use '%0' with Objective-C exceptions disabled">;
def warn_non_virtual_dtor : Warning<
"%0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor">,
InGroup<NonVirtualDtor>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_delete_non_virtual_dtor : Warning<
"delete called on %0 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor">,
InGroup<DeleteNonVirtualDtor>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_delete_abstract_non_virtual_dtor : Warning<
"delete called on %0 that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor">,
def warn_overloaded_virtual : Warning<
"%q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1">,
InGroup<OverloadedVirtual>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_hidden_overloaded_virtual_declared_here : Note<
"hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here"
"%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3"
"|: different number of parameters (%2 vs %3)"
"|: type mismatch at %ordinal2 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}3,4"
"|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3"
"|: different qualifiers ("
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}2 vs "
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3)}1">;
def warn_using_directive_in_header : Warning<
"using namespace directive in global context in header">,
InGroup<HeaderHygiene>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_overaligned_type : Warning<
"type %0 requires %1 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only "
"guarantees %2 bytes">,
InGroup<OveralignedType>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_conditional_void_nonvoid : Error<
"%select{left|right}1 operand to ? is void, but %select{right|left}1 operand "
"is of type %0">;
def err_conditional_ambiguous : Error<
"conditional expression is ambiguous; "
"%diff{$ can be converted to $ and vice versa|"
"types can be convert to each other}0,1">;
def err_conditional_ambiguous_ovl : Error<
"conditional expression is ambiguous; %diff{$ and $|types}0,1 "
"can be converted to several common types">;
def err_throw_incomplete : Error<
"cannot throw object of incomplete type %0">;
def err_throw_incomplete_ptr : Error<
"cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type %0">;
def err_return_in_constructor_handler : Error<
"return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal">;
let CategoryName = "Lambda Issue" in {
def err_capture_more_than_once : Error<
"%0 can appear only once in a capture list">;
def err_reference_capture_with_reference_default : Error<
"'&' cannot precede a capture when the capture default is '&'">;
def err_this_capture_with_copy_default : Error<
"'this' cannot be explicitly captured when the capture default is '='">;
def err_copy_capture_with_copy_default : Error<
"'&' must precede a capture when the capture default is '='">;
def err_capture_does_not_name_variable : Error<
"%0 in capture list does not name a variable">;
def err_capture_non_automatic_variable : Error<
"%0 cannot be captured because it does not have automatic storage "
def err_this_capture : Error<
"'this' cannot be %select{implicitly |}0captured in this context">;
def err_lambda_capture_anonymous_var : Error<
"unnamed variable cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda expression">;
def err_lambda_capture_vm_type : Error<
"variable %0 with variably modified type cannot be captured in "
"a lambda expression">;
def err_lambda_capture_flexarray_type : Error<
"variable %0 with flexible array member cannot be captured in "
"a lambda expression">;
def err_lambda_impcap : Error<
"variable %0 cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no "
"capture-default specified">;
def note_lambda_decl : Note<"lambda expression begins here">;
def err_lambda_unevaluated_operand : Error<
"lambda expression in an unevaluated operand">;
def err_lambda_return_init_list : Error<
"cannot deduce lambda return type from initializer list">;
def err_lambda_capture_default_arg : Error<
"lambda expression in default argument cannot capture any entity">;
def err_lambda_incomplete_result : Error<
"incomplete result type %0 in lambda expression">;
def err_noreturn_lambda_has_return_expr : Error<
"lambda declared 'noreturn' should not return">;
def warn_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_lambda : Warning<
"control may reach end of non-void lambda">,
def warn_falloff_nonvoid_lambda : Warning<
"control reaches end of non-void lambda">,
def err_access_lambda_capture : Error<
// The ERRORs represent other special members that aren't constructors, in
// hopes that someone will bother noticing and reporting if they appear
"capture of variable '%0' as type %1 calls %select{private|protected}3 "
"%select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}2constructor">,
def note_lambda_to_block_conv : Note<
"implicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer "
// C++1y lambda init-captures.
def err_init_capture_no_expression : Error<
"initializer missing for lambda capture %0">;
def err_init_capture_multiple_expressions : Error<
"initializer for lambda capture %0 contains multiple expressions">;
def err_init_capture_deduction_failure : Error<
"cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer of type %1">;
def err_init_capture_deduction_failure_from_init_list : Error<
"cannot deduce type for lambda capture %0 from initializer list">;
def err_return_in_captured_stmt : Error<
"cannot return from %0">;
def err_capture_block_variable : Error<
"__block variable %0 cannot be captured in a "
"%select{lambda expression|captured statement}1">;
def err_operator_arrow_circular : Error<
"circular pointer delegation detected">;
def err_pseudo_dtor_base_not_scalar : Error<
"object expression of non-scalar type %0 cannot be used in a "
"pseudo-destructor expression">;
def ext_pseudo_dtor_on_void : ExtWarn<
"pseudo-destructors on type void are a Microsoft extension">,
def err_pseudo_dtor_type_mismatch : Error<
"the type of object expression "
"%diff{($) does not match the type being destroyed ($)|"
"does not match the type being destroyed}0,1 "
"in pseudo-destructor expression">;
def err_pseudo_dtor_call_with_args : Error<
"call to pseudo-destructor cannot have any arguments">;
def err_dtor_expr_without_call : Error<
"%select{destructor reference|pseudo-destructor expression}0 must be "
"called immediately with '()'">;
def err_pseudo_dtor_destructor_non_type : Error<
"%0 does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression; expected "
"the name of type %1">;
def err_invalid_use_of_function_type : Error<
"a function type is not allowed here">;
def err_invalid_use_of_array_type : Error<"an array type is not allowed here">;
def err_type_defined_in_condition : Error<
"types may not be defined in conditions">;
def err_typecheck_bool_condition : Error<
"value of type %0 is not contextually convertible to 'bool'">;
def err_typecheck_ambiguous_condition : Error<
"conversion %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 is ambiguous">;
def err_typecheck_nonviable_condition : Error<
"no viable conversion%diff{ from $ to $|}0,1">;
def err_typecheck_deleted_function : Error<
"conversion function %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 "
"invokes a deleted function">;
def err_expected_class_or_namespace : Error<"expected a class or namespace">;
def err_expected_class : Error<"%0 is not a class%select{ or namespace|, "
"namespace, or scoped enumeration}1">;
def err_invalid_declarator_scope : Error<"cannot define or redeclare %0 here "
"because namespace %1 does not enclose namespace %2">;
def err_invalid_declarator_global_scope : Error<
"definition or redeclaration of %0 cannot name the global scope">;
def err_invalid_declarator_in_function : Error<
"definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a function">;
def err_not_tag_in_scope : Error<
"no %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 named %1 in %2">;
def err_no_typeid_with_fno_rtti : Error<
"cannot use typeid with -fno-rtti">;
def err_cannot_form_pointer_to_member_of_reference_type : Error<
"cannot form a pointer-to-member to member %0 of reference type %1">;
def err_incomplete_object_call : Error<
"incomplete type in call to object of type %0">;
def warn_condition_is_assignment : Warning<"using the result of an "
"assignment as a condition without parentheses">,
// Completely identical except off by default.
def warn_condition_is_idiomatic_assignment : Warning<"using the result "
"of an assignment as a condition without parentheses">,
InGroup<DiagGroup<"idiomatic-parentheses">>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_condition_assign_to_comparison : Note<
"use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison">;
def note_condition_or_assign_to_comparison : Note<
"use '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparison">;
def note_condition_assign_silence : Note<
"place parentheses around the assignment to silence this warning">;
def warn_equality_with_extra_parens : Warning<"equality comparison with "
"extraneous parentheses">, InGroup<ParenthesesOnEquality>;
def note_equality_comparison_to_assign : Note<
"use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment">;
def note_equality_comparison_silence : Note<
"remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning">;
// assignment related diagnostics (also for argument passing, returning, etc).
// In most of these diagnostics the %2 is a value from the
// Sema::AssignmentAction enumeration
def err_typecheck_convert_incompatible : Error<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|"
"assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|"
"passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|"
"returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|"
"converting type to incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|"
"initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|"
"sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|"
"casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2"
"%select{|; dereference with *|"
"; take the address with &|"
"; remove *|"
"; remove &}3"
"%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6"
"|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)"
"|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7"
"|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6"
"|: different qualifiers ("
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}5 vs "
"%select{none|const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|"
"volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}6)}4">;
def err_typecheck_missing_return_type_incompatible : Error<
"%diff{return type $ must match previous return type $|"
"return type must match previous return type}0,1 when %select{block "
"literal|lambda expression}2 has unspecified explicit return type">;
def warn_incompatible_qualified_id : Warning<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|"
"assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|"
"passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|"
"returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|"
"converting type to incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|"
"initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|"
"sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|"
"casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2">;
def ext_typecheck_convert_pointer_int : ExtWarn<
"incompatible pointer to integer conversion "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
"%select{|; dereference with *|"
"; take the address with &|"
"; remove *|"
"; remove &}3">,
def ext_typecheck_convert_int_pointer : ExtWarn<
"incompatible integer to pointer conversion "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
"%select{|; dereference with *|"
"; take the address with &|"
"; remove *|"
"; remove &}3">,
def ext_typecheck_convert_pointer_void_func : Extension<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" converts between void pointer and function pointer">;
def ext_typecheck_convert_incompatible_pointer_sign : ExtWarn<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" converts between pointers to integer types with different sign">,
def ext_typecheck_convert_incompatible_pointer : ExtWarn<
"incompatible pointer types "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
"%select{|; dereference with *|"
"; take the address with &|"
"; remove *|"
"; remove &}3">,
def ext_typecheck_convert_discards_qualifiers : ExtWarn<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" discards qualifiers">,
def ext_nested_pointer_qualifier_mismatch : ExtWarn<
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" discards qualifiers in nested pointer types">,
def warn_incompatible_vectors : Warning<
"incompatible vector types "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2">,
InGroup<VectorConversion>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_int_to_block_pointer : Error<
"invalid block pointer conversion "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2">;
def err_typecheck_convert_incompatible_block_pointer : Error<
"incompatible block pointer types "
"%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2">;
def err_typecheck_incompatible_address_space : Error<
"%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" changes address space of pointer">;
def err_typecheck_incompatible_ownership : Error<
"%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0"
"|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|"
"passing to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|"
"returning from function with different return type}0,1"
"|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1"
"|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|"
"initializing with expression of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|"
"sending to parameter of different type}0,1"
"|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2"
" changes retain/release properties of pointer">;
def err_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_blocks : Error<
"comparison of distinct block types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">;
def err_typecheck_array_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"array type %0 is not assignable">;
def err_typecheck_non_object_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"non-object type %0 is not assignable">;
def err_typecheck_expression_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"expression is not assignable">;
def err_typecheck_incomplete_type_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"incomplete type %0 is not assignable">;
def err_typecheck_lvalue_casts_not_supported : Error<
"assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported">;
def err_typecheck_duplicate_vector_components_not_mlvalue : Error<
"vector is not assignable (contains duplicate components)">;
def err_block_decl_ref_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"variable is not assignable (missing __block type specifier)">;
def err_lambda_decl_ref_not_modifiable_lvalue : Error<
"cannot assign to a variable captured by copy in a non-mutable lambda">;
def err_typecheck_call_not_function : Error<
"called object type %0 is not a function or function pointer">;
def err_call_incomplete_return : Error<
"calling function with incomplete return type %0">;
def err_call_function_incomplete_return : Error<
"calling %0 with incomplete return type %1">;
def note_function_with_incomplete_return_type_declared_here : Note<
"%0 declared here">;
def err_call_incomplete_argument : Error<
"argument type %0 is incomplete">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_few_args : Error<
"too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected %1, have %2">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_few_args_one : Error<
"too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"single argument %1 was not specified">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_few_args_at_least : Error<
"too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected at least %1, have %2">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_few_args_at_least_one : Error<
"too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"at least argument %1 must be specified">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_many_args : Error<
"too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected %1, have %2">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_many_args_one : Error<
"too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected single argument %1, have %2 arguments">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_many_args_at_most : Error<
"too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected at most %1, have %2">;
def err_typecheck_call_too_many_args_at_most_one : Error<
"too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to "
"%select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, "
"expected at most single argument %1, have %2 arguments">;
def note_callee_decl : Note<
"%0 declared here">;
def note_defined_here : Note<"%0 defined here">;
def err_builtin_fn_use : Error<"builtin functions must be directly called">;
def warn_call_wrong_number_of_arguments : Warning<
"too %select{few|many}0 arguments in call to %1">;
def err_atomic_builtin_must_be_pointer : Error<
"first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_builtin_must_be_pointer_intptr : Error<
"first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer or pointer"
" (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_builtin_pointer_size : Error<
"first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4,8 or 16 byte "
"type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_op_needs_atomic : Error<
"first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic "
"type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_op_needs_non_const_atomic : Error<
"first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to non-const _Atomic "
"type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_op_needs_trivial_copy : Error<
"first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to a trivially-copyable"
" type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr : Error<
"first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0"
"integer or pointer (%1 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_op_bitwise_needs_atomic_int : Error<
"first argument to bitwise atomic operation must be a pointer to "
"%select{|atomic }0integer (%1 invalid)">;
def err_atomic_load_store_uses_lib : Error<
"atomic %select{load|store}0 requires runtime support that is not "
"available for this target">;
def err_deleted_function_use : Error<"attempt to use a deleted function">;
def err_kern_type_not_void_return : Error<
"kernel function type %0 must have void return type">;
def err_config_scalar_return : Error<
"CUDA special function 'cudaConfigureCall' must have scalar return type">;
def err_kern_call_not_global_function : Error<
"kernel call to non-global function %0">;
def err_global_call_not_config : Error<
"call to global function %0 not configured">;
def err_ref_bad_target : Error<
"reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 "
"function %1 in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function">;
def warn_non_pod_vararg_with_format_string : Warning<
"cannot pass %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 object of type %1 to variadic "
"%select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format "
"string was %3">, InGroup<NonPODVarargs>, DefaultError;
// The arguments to this diagnostic should match the warning above.
def err_cannot_pass_objc_interface_to_vararg_format : Error<
"cannot pass object with interface type %1 by value to variadic "
"%select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format "
"string was %3">;
def err_cannot_pass_objc_interface_to_vararg : Error<
"cannot pass object with interface type %0 by value through variadic "
def warn_cannot_pass_non_pod_arg_to_vararg : Warning<
"cannot pass object of %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 type %1 through variadic"
" %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; call will abort at runtime">,
InGroup<NonPODVarargs>, DefaultError;
def warn_cxx98_compat_pass_non_pod_arg_to_vararg : Warning<
"passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic"
" %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_typecheck_call_invalid_ordered_compare : Error<
"ordered compare requires two args of floating point type"
"%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">;
def err_typecheck_call_invalid_unary_fp : Error<
"floating point classification requires argument of floating point type "
"(passed in %0)">;
def err_typecheck_cond_expect_scalar : Error<
"used type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required">;
def ext_typecheck_cond_one_void : Extension<
"C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void side">;
def err_typecheck_cond_expect_scalar_or_vector : Error<
"used type %0 where arithmetic, pointer, or vector type is required">;
def err_typecheck_cast_to_incomplete : Error<
"cast to incomplete type %0">;
def ext_typecheck_cast_nonscalar : Extension<
"C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same type">;
def ext_typecheck_cast_to_union : Extension<
"cast to union type is a GNU extension">,
def err_typecheck_cast_to_union_no_type : Error<
"cast to union type from type %0 not present in union">;
def err_cast_pointer_from_non_pointer_int : Error<
"operand of type %0 cannot be cast to a pointer type">;
def warn_cast_pointer_from_sel : Warning<
"cast of type %0 to %1 is deprecated; use sel_getName instead">,
def warn_bad_function_cast : Warning<
"cast from function call of type %0 to non-matching type %1">,
InGroup<BadFunctionCast>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_cast_pointer_to_non_pointer_int : Error<
"pointer cannot be cast to type %0">;
def err_typecheck_expect_scalar_operand : Error<
"operand of type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required">;
def err_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands : Error<
"incompatible operand types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">;
def ext_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands_nonstandard : ExtWarn<
"incompatible operand types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1 use non-standard composite "
"pointer type %2">;
def err_cast_selector_expr : Error<
"cannot type cast @selector expression">;
def warn_typecheck_cond_incompatible_pointers : ExtWarn<
"pointer type mismatch%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">,
def warn_typecheck_cond_pointer_integer_mismatch : ExtWarn<
"pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression"
"%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1">,
def err_typecheck_choose_expr_requires_constant : Error<
"'__builtin_choose_expr' requires a constant expression">;
def warn_unused_expr : Warning<"expression result unused">,
def warn_unused_voidptr : Warning<
"expression result unused; should this cast be to 'void'?">,
def warn_unused_property_expr : Warning<
"property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects">,
def warn_unused_container_subscript_expr : Warning<
"container access result unused - container access should not be used for side effects">,
def warn_unused_call : Warning<
"ignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute">,
def warn_unused_result : Warning<
"ignoring return value of function declared with warn_unused_result "
"attribute">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"unused-result">>;
def warn_unused_volatile : Warning<
"expression result unused; assign into a variable to force a volatile load">,
def warn_unused_comparison : Warning<
"%select{equality|inequality}0 comparison result unused">,
def note_inequality_comparison_to_or_assign : Note<
"use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignment">;
def err_incomplete_type_used_in_type_trait_expr : Error<
"incomplete type %0 used in type trait expression">;
def err_type_trait_arity : Error<
"type trait requires %0%select{| or more}1 argument%select{|s}2; have "
"%3 argument%s3">;
def err_dimension_expr_not_constant_integer : Error<
"dimension expression does not evaluate to a constant unsigned int">;
def err_expected_ident_or_lparen : Error<"expected identifier or '('">;
def err_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands_null : Error<
"non-pointer operand type %0 incompatible with %select{NULL|nullptr}1">;
def ext_empty_struct_union : Extension<
"empty %select{struct|union}0 is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def ext_no_named_members_in_struct_union : Extension<
"%select{struct|union}0 without named members is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def warn_empty_struct_union_compat : Warning<"empty %select{struct|union}0 "
"has size 0 in C, size 1 in C++">, InGroup<CXXCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_zero_size_struct_union_compat : Warning<"%select{struct|union}0 "
"with only bit-fields of width 0 has size 0 in C, size 1 in C++">,
InGroup<CXXCompat>, DefaultIgnore;
} // End of general sema category.
// inline asm.
let CategoryName = "Inline Assembly Issue" in {
def err_asm_wide_character : Error<"wide string is invalid in 'asm'">;
def err_asm_invalid_lvalue_in_output : Error<"invalid lvalue in asm output">;
def err_asm_invalid_output_constraint : Error<
"invalid output constraint '%0' in asm">;
def err_asm_invalid_lvalue_in_input : Error<
"invalid lvalue in asm input for constraint '%0'">;
def err_asm_invalid_input_constraint : Error<
"invalid input constraint '%0' in asm">;
def err_asm_invalid_type_in_input : Error<
"invalid type %0 in asm input for constraint '%1'">;
def err_asm_tying_incompatible_types : Error<
"unsupported inline asm: input with type "
"%diff{$ matching output with type $|}0,1">;
def err_asm_incomplete_type : Error<"asm operand has incomplete type %0">;
def err_asm_unknown_register_name : Error<"unknown register name '%0' in asm">;
def err_asm_invalid_input_size : Error<
"invalid input size for constraint '%0'">;
def err_invalid_asm_cast_lvalue : Error<
"invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an l-value: "
"remove the cast or build with -fheinous-gnu-extensions">;
def warn_asm_label_on_auto_decl : Warning<
"ignored asm label '%0' on automatic variable">;
def warn_invalid_asm_cast_lvalue : Warning<
"invalid use of a cast in an inline asm context requiring an l-value: "
"accepted due to -fheinous-gnu-extensions, but clang may remove support "
"for this in the future">;
def warn_asm_mismatched_size_modifier : Warning<
"value size does not match register size specified by the constraint "
"and modifier">,
let CategoryName = "Semantic Issue" in {
def err_invalid_conversion_between_vectors : Error<
"invalid conversion between vector type%diff{ $ and $|}0,1 of different "
def err_invalid_conversion_between_vector_and_integer : Error<
"invalid conversion between vector type %0 and integer type %1 "
"of different size">;
def err_invalid_conversion_between_vector_and_scalar : Error<
"invalid conversion between vector type %0 and scalar type %1">;
// C++ member initializers.
def err_only_constructors_take_base_inits : Error<
"only constructors take base initializers">;
def err_multiple_mem_initialization : Error <
"multiple initializations given for non-static member %0">;
def err_multiple_mem_union_initialization : Error <
"initializing multiple members of union">;
def err_multiple_base_initialization : Error <
"multiple initializations given for base %0">;
def err_mem_init_not_member_or_class : Error<
"member initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base "
def warn_initializer_out_of_order : Warning<
"%select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after "
"%select{field|base}2 %3">,
InGroup<Reorder>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_base_init_does_not_name_class : Error<
"constructor initializer %0 does not name a class">;
def err_base_init_direct_and_virtual : Error<
"base class initializer %0 names both a direct base class and an "
"inherited virtual base class">;
def err_not_direct_base_or_virtual : Error<
"type %0 is not a direct or virtual base of %1">;
def err_in_class_initializer_non_const : Error<
"non-const static data member must be initialized out of line">;
def err_in_class_initializer_volatile : Error<
"static const volatile data member must be initialized out of line">;
def err_in_class_initializer_bad_type : Error<
"static data member of type %0 must be initialized out of line">;
def ext_in_class_initializer_float_type : ExtWarn<
"in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 is a GNU extension">,
def ext_in_class_initializer_float_type_cxx11 : ExtWarn<
"in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 requires "
"'constexpr' specifier">, InGroup<StaticFloatInit>, DefaultError;
def note_in_class_initializer_float_type_cxx11 : Note<"add 'constexpr'">;
def err_in_class_initializer_literal_type : Error<
"in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 requires "
"'constexpr' specifier">;
def err_in_class_initializer_non_constant : Error<
"in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression">;
def err_in_class_initializer_references_def_ctor : Error<
"defaulted default constructor of %0 cannot be used by non-static data "
"member initializer which appears before end of class definition">;
def ext_in_class_initializer_non_constant : Extension<
"in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression; "
"folding it to a constant is a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def err_thread_dynamic_init : Error<
"initializer for thread-local variable must be a constant expression">;
def err_thread_nontrivial_dtor : Error<
"type of thread-local variable has non-trivial destruction">;
def note_use_thread_local : Note<
"use 'thread_local' to allow this">;
// C++ anonymous unions and GNU anonymous structs/unions
def ext_anonymous_union : Extension<
"anonymous unions are a C11 extension">, InGroup<C11>;
def ext_gnu_anonymous_struct : Extension<
"anonymous structs are a GNU extension">, InGroup<GNU>;
def ext_c11_anonymous_struct : Extension<
"anonymous structs are a C11 extension">, InGroup<C11>;
def err_anonymous_union_not_static : Error<
"anonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static'">;
def err_anonymous_union_with_storage_spec : Error<
"anonymous union at class scope must not have a storage specifier">;
def err_anonymous_struct_not_member : Error<
"anonymous %select{structs|structs and classes}0 must be "
"%select{struct or union|class}0 members">;
def err_anonymous_union_member_redecl : Error<
"member of anonymous union redeclares %0">;
def err_anonymous_struct_member_redecl : Error<
"member of anonymous struct redeclares %0">;
def err_anonymous_record_with_type : Error<
"types cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0">;
def ext_anonymous_record_with_type : Extension<
"types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft "
"extension">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
def ext_anonymous_record_with_anonymous_type : Extension<
"anonymous types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 "
"are an extension">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"nested-anon-types">>;
def err_anonymous_record_with_function : Error<
"functions cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0">;
def err_anonymous_record_with_static : Error<
"static members cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0">;
def err_anonymous_record_bad_member : Error<
"anonymous %select{struct|union}0 can only contain non-static data members">;
def err_anonymous_record_nonpublic_member : Error<
"anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot contain a "
"%select{private|protected}1 data member">;
def ext_ms_anonymous_struct : ExtWarn<
"anonymous structs are a Microsoft extension">, InGroup<Microsoft>;
// C++ local classes
def err_reference_to_local_var_in_enclosing_function : Error<
"reference to local variable %0 declared in enclosing function %1">;
def err_reference_to_local_var_in_enclosing_block : Error<
"reference to local variable %0 declared in enclosing block literal">;
def err_reference_to_local_var_in_enclosing_lambda : Error<
"reference to local variable %0 declared in enclosing lambda expression">;
def err_reference_to_local_var_in_enclosing_context : Error<
"reference to local variable %0 declared in enclosing context">;
def note_local_variable_declared_here : Note<
"%0 declared here">;
def err_static_data_member_not_allowed_in_local_class : Error<
"static data member %0 not allowed in local class %1">;
// C++ derived classes
def err_base_clause_on_union : Error<"unions cannot have base classes">;
def err_base_must_be_class : Error<"base specifier must name a class">;
def err_union_as_base_class : Error<"unions cannot be base classes">;
def err_circular_inheritance : Error<
"circular inheritance between %0 and %1">;
def err_incomplete_base_class : Error<"base class has incomplete type">;
def err_duplicate_base_class : Error<
"base class %0 specified more than once as a direct base class">;
// FIXME: better way to display derivation? Pass entire thing into diagclient?
def err_ambiguous_derived_to_base_conv : Error<
"ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2">;
def err_ambiguous_memptr_conv : Error<
"ambiguous conversion from pointer to member of %select{base|derived}0 "
"class %1 to pointer to member of %select{derived|base}0 class %2:%3">;
def err_memptr_conv_via_virtual : Error<
"conversion from pointer to member of class %0 to pointer to member "
"of class %1 via virtual base %2 is not allowed">;
// C++ member name lookup
def err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobjects : Error<
"non-static member %0 found in multiple base-class subobjects of type %1:%2">;
def err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobject_types : Error<
"member %0 found in multiple base classes of different types">;
def note_ambiguous_member_found : Note<"member found by ambiguous name lookup">;
def err_ambiguous_reference : Error<"reference to %0 is ambiguous">;
def note_ambiguous_candidate : Note<"candidate found by name lookup is %q0">;
def err_ambiguous_tag_hiding : Error<"a type named %0 is hidden by a "
"declaration in a different namespace">;
def note_hidden_tag : Note<"type declaration hidden">;
def note_hiding_object : Note<"declaration hides type">;
// C++ operator overloading
def err_operator_overload_needs_class_or_enum : Error<
"overloaded %0 must have at least one parameter of class "
"or enumeration type">;
def err_operator_overload_variadic : Error<"overloaded %0 cannot be variadic">;
def err_operator_overload_static : Error<
"overloaded %0 cannot be a static member function">;
def err_operator_overload_default_arg : Error<
"parameter of overloaded %0 cannot have a default argument">;
def err_operator_overload_must_be : Error<
"overloaded %0 must be a %select{unary|binary|unary or binary}2 operator "
"(has %1 parameter%s1)">;
def err_operator_overload_must_be_member : Error<
"overloaded %0 must be a non-static member function">;
def err_operator_overload_post_incdec_must_be_int : Error<
"parameter of overloaded post-%select{increment|decrement}1 operator must "
"have type 'int' (not %0)">;
// C++ allocation and deallocation functions.
def err_operator_new_delete_declared_in_namespace : Error<
"%0 cannot be declared inside a namespace">;
def err_operator_new_delete_declared_static : Error<
"%0 cannot be declared static in global scope">;
def err_operator_new_delete_invalid_result_type : Error<
"%0 must return type %1">;
def err_operator_new_delete_dependent_result_type : Error<
"%0 cannot have a dependent return type; use %1 instead">;
def err_operator_new_delete_too_few_parameters : Error<
"%0 must have at least one parameter">;
def err_operator_new_delete_template_too_few_parameters : Error<
"%0 template must have at least two parameters">;
def err_operator_new_dependent_param_type : Error<
"%0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; "
"use size_t (%1) instead">;
def err_operator_new_param_type : Error<
"%0 takes type size_t (%1) as first parameter">;
def err_operator_new_default_arg: Error<
"parameter of %0 cannot have a default argument">;
def err_operator_delete_dependent_param_type : Error<
"%0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use %1 instead">;
def err_operator_delete_param_type : Error<
"first parameter of %0 must have type %1">;
// C++ literal operators
def err_literal_operator_outside_namespace : Error<
"literal operator %0 must be in a namespace or global scope">;
def err_literal_operator_default_argument : Error<
"literal operator cannot have a default argument">;
// FIXME: This diagnostic sucks
def err_literal_operator_params : Error<
"parameter declaration for literal operator %0 is not valid">;
def err_literal_operator_extern_c : Error<
"literal operator must have C++ linkage">;
def warn_user_literal_reserved : Warning<
"user-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved; "
"no literal will invoke this operator">,
// C++ conversion functions
def err_conv_function_not_member : Error<
"conversion function must be a non-static member function">;
def err_conv_function_return_type : Error<
"conversion function cannot have a return type">;
def err_conv_function_with_params : Error<
"conversion function cannot have any parameters">;
def err_conv_function_variadic : Error<
"conversion function cannot be variadic">;
def err_conv_function_to_array : Error<
"conversion function cannot convert to an array type">;
def err_conv_function_to_function : Error<
"conversion function cannot convert to a function type">;
def err_conv_function_with_complex_decl : Error<
"must use a typedef to declare a conversion to %0">;
def err_conv_function_redeclared : Error<
"conversion function cannot be redeclared">;
def warn_conv_to_self_not_used : Warning<
"conversion function converting %0 to itself will never be used">;
def warn_conv_to_base_not_used : Warning<
"conversion function converting %0 to its base class %1 will never be used">;
def warn_conv_to_void_not_used : Warning<
"conversion function converting %0 to %1 will never be used">;
def warn_not_compound_assign : Warning<
"use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (%0=)">;
// C++11 explicit conversion operators
def ext_explicit_conversion_functions : ExtWarn<
"explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension">, InGroup<CXX11>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_explicit_conversion_functions : Warning<
"explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
// C++11 defaulted functions
def err_defaulted_special_member_params : Error<
"an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot "
"have default arguments">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_variadic : Error<
"an explicitly-defaulted %select{|copy |move }0constructor cannot "
"be variadic">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_return_type : Error<
"explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator must "
"return %1">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_quals : Error<
"an explicitly-defaulted %select{copy|move}0 assignment operator may not "
"have 'const'%select{, 'constexpr'|}1 or 'volatile' qualifiers">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_volatile_param : Error<
"the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted %select{<<ERROR>>|"
"copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|"
"move assignment operator|<<ERROR>>}0 may not be volatile">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_move_const_param : Error<
"the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move "
"%select{constructor|assignment operator}0 may not be const">;
def err_defaulted_special_member_copy_const_param : Error<
"the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy "
"%select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is const, but a member or base "
"requires it to be non-const">;
def err_defaulted_copy_assign_not_ref : Error<
"the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must be an "
"lvalue reference type">;
def err_incorrect_defaulted_exception_spec : Error<
"exception specification of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|"
"copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment "
"operator|destructor}0 does not match the "
"calculated one">;
def err_incorrect_defaulted_constexpr : Error<
"defaulted definition of %select{default constructor|copy constructor|"
"move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator}0 "
"is not constexpr">;
def err_out_of_line_default_deletes : Error<
"defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move "
"constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 "
"would delete it after its first declaration">;
def ext_implicit_exception_spec_mismatch : ExtWarn<
"function previously declared with an %select{explicit|implicit}0 exception "
"specification redeclared with an %select{implicit|explicit}0 exception "
"specification">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"implicit-exception-spec-mismatch">>;
def warn_ptr_arith_precedes_bounds : Warning<
"the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array">,
InGroup<ArrayBoundsPointerArithmetic>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_ptr_arith_exceeds_bounds : Warning<
"the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that "
"contains %1 element%s2)">,
InGroup<ArrayBoundsPointerArithmetic>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_array_index_precedes_bounds : Warning<
"array index %0 is before the beginning of the array">,
def warn_array_index_exceeds_bounds : Warning<
"array index %0 is past the end of the array (which contains %1 "
"element%s2)">, InGroup<ArrayBounds>;
def note_array_index_out_of_bounds : Note<
"array %0 declared here">;
def warn_printf_insufficient_data_args : Warning<
"more '%%' conversions than data arguments">, InGroup<Format>;
def warn_printf_data_arg_not_used : Warning<
"data argument not used by format string">, InGroup<FormatExtraArgs>;
def warn_format_invalid_conversion : Warning<
"invalid conversion specifier '%0'">, InGroup<FormatInvalidSpecifier>;
def warn_printf_incomplete_specifier : Warning<
"incomplete format specifier">, InGroup<Format>;
def warn_missing_format_string : Warning<
"format string missing">, InGroup<Format>;
def warn_scanf_nonzero_width : Warning<
"zero field width in scanf format string is unused">,
def warn_printf_conversion_argument_type_mismatch : Warning<
"format specifies type %0 but the argument has type %1">,
def warn_format_argument_needs_cast : Warning<
"values of type '%0' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit "
"cast to %1 instead">,
def warn_printf_positional_arg_exceeds_data_args : Warning <
"data argument position '%0' exceeds the number of data arguments (%1)">,
def warn_format_zero_positional_specifier : Warning<
"position arguments in format strings start counting at 1 (not 0)">,
def warn_format_invalid_positional_specifier : Warning<
"invalid position specified for %select{field width|field precision}0">,
def warn_format_mix_positional_nonpositional_args : Warning<
"cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments in format string">,
def warn_static_array_too_small : Warning<
"array argument is too small; contains %0 elements, callee requires at least %1">,
def note_callee_static_array : Note<
"callee declares array parameter as static here">;
def warn_empty_format_string : Warning<
"format string is empty">, InGroup<FormatZeroLength>;
def warn_format_string_is_wide_literal : Warning<
"format string should not be a wide string">, InGroup<Format>;
def warn_printf_format_string_contains_null_char : Warning<
"format string contains '\\0' within the string body">, InGroup<Format>;
def warn_printf_asterisk_missing_arg : Warning<
"'%select{*|.*}0' specified field %select{width|precision}0 is missing a matching 'int' argument">,
def warn_printf_asterisk_wrong_type : Warning<
"field %select{width|precision}0 should have type %1, but argument has type %2">,
def warn_printf_nonsensical_optional_amount: Warning<
"%select{field width|precision}0 used with '%1' conversion specifier, resulting in undefined behavior">,
def warn_printf_nonsensical_flag: Warning<
"flag '%0' results in undefined behavior with '%1' conversion specifier">,
def warn_format_nonsensical_length: Warning<
"length modifier '%0' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '%1' conversion specifier">,
def warn_format_non_standard_positional_arg: ExtWarn<
"positional arguments are not supported by ISO C">, InGroup<FormatNonStandard>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_format_non_standard: ExtWarn<
"'%0' %select{length modifier|conversion specifier}1 is not supported by ISO C">,
InGroup<FormatNonStandard>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_format_non_standard_conversion_spec: ExtWarn<
"using length modifier '%0' with conversion specifier '%1' is not supported by ISO C">,
InGroup<FormatNonStandard>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_printf_ignored_flag: Warning<
"flag '%0' is ignored when flag '%1' is present">,
def warn_scanf_scanlist_incomplete : Warning<
"no closing ']' for '%%[' in scanf format string">,
def note_format_string_defined : Note<"format string is defined here">;
def note_format_fix_specifier : Note<"did you mean to use '%0'?">;
def note_printf_c_str: Note<"did you mean to call the %0 method?">;
def warn_null_arg : Warning<
"null passed to a callee which requires a non-null argument">,
// CHECK: returning address/reference of stack memory
def warn_ret_stack_addr : Warning<
"address of stack memory associated with local variable %0 returned">,
def warn_ret_stack_ref : Warning<
"reference to stack memory associated with local variable %0 returned">,
def warn_ret_local_temp_addr : Warning<
"returning address of local temporary object">,
def warn_ret_local_temp_ref : Warning<
"returning reference to local temporary object">,
def warn_ret_addr_label : Warning<
"returning address of label, which is local">,
def err_ret_local_block : Error<
"returning block that lives on the local stack">;
def note_ref_var_local_bind : Note<
"binding reference variable %0 here">;
// Check for initializing a member variable with the address or a reference to
// a constructor parameter.
def warn_bind_ref_member_to_parameter : Warning<
"binding reference member %0 to stack allocated parameter %1">,
def warn_init_ptr_member_to_parameter_addr : Warning<
"initializing pointer member %0 with the stack address of parameter %1">,
def warn_bind_ref_member_to_temporary : Warning<
"binding reference %select{|subobject of }1member %0 to a temporary value">,
def note_ref_or_ptr_member_declared_here : Note<
"%select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here">;
def note_ref_subobject_of_member_declared_here : Note<
"member with reference subobject declared here">;
// For non-floating point, expressions of the form x == x or x != x
// should result in a warning, since these always evaluate to a constant.
// Array comparisons have similar warnings
def warn_comparison_always : Warning<
"%select{self-|array }0comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true|a constant}1">,
def warn_stringcompare : Warning<
"result of comparison against %select{a string literal|@encode}0 is "
"unspecified (use strncmp instead)">,
def warn_identity_field_assign : Warning<
"assigning %select{field|instance variable}0 to itself">,
// Type safety attributes
def err_type_tag_for_datatype_not_ice : Error<
"'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be "
"an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression">;
def err_type_tag_for_datatype_too_large : Error<
"'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be "
"an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression "
"that can be represented by a 64 bit integer">;
def warn_type_tag_for_datatype_wrong_kind : Warning<
"this type tag was not designed to be used with this function">,
def warn_type_safety_type_mismatch : Warning<
"argument type %0 doesn't match specified '%1' type tag "
"%select{that requires %3|}2">, InGroup<TypeSafety>;
def warn_type_safety_null_pointer_required : Warning<
"specified %0 type tag requires a null pointer">, InGroup<TypeSafety>;
// Generic selections.
def err_assoc_type_incomplete : Error<
"type %0 in generic association incomplete">;
def err_assoc_type_nonobject : Error<
"type %0 in generic association not an object type">;
def err_assoc_type_variably_modified : Error<
"type %0 in generic association is a variably modified type">;
def err_assoc_compatible_types : Error<
"type %0 in generic association compatible with previously specified type %1">;
def note_compat_assoc : Note<
"compatible type %0 specified here">;
def err_generic_sel_no_match : Error<
"controlling expression type %0 not compatible with any generic association type">;
def err_generic_sel_multi_match : Error<
"controlling expression type %0 compatible with %1 generic association types">;
// Blocks
def err_blocks_disable : Error<"blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks"
" or pick a deployment target that supports them">;
def err_block_returning_array_function : Error<
"block cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1">;
// Builtin annotation
def err_builtin_annotation_first_arg : Error<
"first argument to __builtin_annotation must be an integer">;
def err_builtin_annotation_second_arg : Error<
"second argument to __builtin_annotation must be a non-wide string constant">;
// CFString checking
def err_cfstring_literal_not_string_constant : Error<
"CFString literal is not a string constant">;
def warn_cfstring_truncated : Warning<
"input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not "
"belong to the input codeset UTF-8">,
// Statements.
def err_continue_not_in_loop : Error<
"'continue' statement not in loop statement">;
def err_break_not_in_loop_or_switch : Error<
"'break' statement not in loop or switch statement">;
def err_default_not_in_switch : Error<
"'default' statement not in switch statement">;
def err_case_not_in_switch : Error<"'case' statement not in switch statement">;
def warn_bool_switch_condition : Warning<
"switch condition has boolean value">;
def warn_case_value_overflow : Warning<
"overflow converting case value to switch condition type (%0 to %1)">,
def err_duplicate_case : Error<"duplicate case value '%0'">;
def err_duplicate_case_differing_expr : Error<
"duplicate case value: '%0' and '%1' both equal '%2'">;
def warn_case_empty_range : Warning<"empty case range specified">;
def warn_missing_case_for_condition :
Warning<"no case matching constant switch condition '%0'">;
def warn_def_missing_case1 : Warning<
"enumeration value %0 not explicitly handled in switch">,
InGroup<SwitchEnum>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_def_missing_case2 : Warning<
"enumeration values %0 and %1 not explicitly handled in switch">,
InGroup<SwitchEnum>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_def_missing_case3 : Warning<
"enumeration values %0, %1, and %2 not explicitly handled in switch">,
InGroup<SwitchEnum>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_def_missing_cases : Warning<
"%0 enumeration values not explicitly handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...">,
InGroup<SwitchEnum>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_missing_case1 : Warning<"enumeration value %0 not handled in switch">,
def warn_missing_case2 : Warning<
"enumeration values %0 and %1 not handled in switch">,
def warn_missing_case3 : Warning<
"enumeration values %0, %1, and %2 not handled in switch">,
def warn_missing_cases : Warning<
"%0 enumeration values not handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...">,
def warn_unannotated_fallthrough : Warning<
"unannotated fall-through between switch labels">,
InGroup<ImplicitFallthrough>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_unannotated_fallthrough_per_function : Warning<
"unannotated fall-through between switch labels in partly-annotated "
"function">, InGroup<ImplicitFallthroughPerFunction>, DefaultIgnore;
def note_insert_fallthrough_fixit : Note<
"insert '%0;' to silence this warning">;
def note_insert_break_fixit : Note<
"insert 'break;' to avoid fall-through">;
def err_fallthrough_attr_wrong_target : Error<
"clang::fallthrough attribute is only allowed on empty statements">;
def note_fallthrough_insert_semi_fixit : Note<"did you forget ';'?">;
def err_fallthrough_attr_outside_switch : Error<
"fallthrough annotation is outside switch statement">;
def warn_fallthrough_attr_invalid_placement : Warning<
"fallthrough annotation does not directly precede switch label">,
def warn_fallthrough_attr_unreachable : Warning<
"fallthrough annotation in unreachable code">,
def warn_unreachable_default : Warning<
"default label in switch which covers all enumeration values">,
InGroup<CoveredSwitchDefault>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_not_in_enum : Warning<"case value not in enumerated type %0">,
def warn_not_in_enum_assignment : Warning<"integer constant not in range "
"of enumerated type %0">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"assign-enum">>, DefaultIgnore;
def err_typecheck_statement_requires_scalar : Error<
"statement requires expression of scalar type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_typecheck_statement_requires_integer : Error<
"statement requires expression of integer type (%0 invalid)">;
def err_multiple_default_labels_defined : Error<
"multiple default labels in one switch">;
def err_switch_multiple_conversions : Error<
"multiple conversions from switch condition type %0 to an integral or "
"enumeration type">;
def note_switch_conversion : Note<
"conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1">;
def err_switch_explicit_conversion : Error<
"switch condition type %0 requires explicit conversion to %1">;
def err_switch_incomplete_class_type : Error<
"switch condition has incomplete class type %0">;
def warn_empty_if_body : Warning<
"if statement has empty body">, InGroup<EmptyBody>;
def warn_empty_for_body : Warning<
"for loop has empty body">, InGroup<EmptyBody>;
def warn_empty_range_based_for_body : Warning<
"range-based for loop has empty body">, InGroup<EmptyBody>;
def warn_empty_while_body : Warning<
"while loop has empty body">, InGroup<EmptyBody>;
def warn_empty_switch_body : Warning<
"switch statement has empty body">, InGroup<EmptyBody>;
def note_empty_body_on_separate_line : Note<
"put the semicolon on a separate line to silence this warning">;
def err_va_start_used_in_non_variadic_function : Error<
"'va_start' used in function with fixed args">;
def warn_second_parameter_of_va_start_not_last_named_argument : Warning<
"second parameter of 'va_start' not last named argument">, InGroup<Varargs>;
def warn_va_start_of_reference_type_is_undefined : Warning<
"'va_start' has undefined behavior with reference types">, InGroup<Varargs>;
def err_first_argument_to_va_arg_not_of_type_va_list : Error<
"first argument to 'va_arg' is of type %0 and not 'va_list'">;
def err_second_parameter_to_va_arg_incomplete: Error<
"second argument to 'va_arg' is of incomplete type %0">;
def err_second_parameter_to_va_arg_abstract: Error<
"second argument to 'va_arg' is of abstract type %0">;
def warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_not_pod : Warning<
"second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type %0">,
InGroup<NonPODVarargs>, DefaultError;
def warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_ownership_qualified : Warning<
"second argument to 'va_arg' is of ARC ownership-qualified type %0">,
InGroup<NonPODVarargs>, DefaultError;
def warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_never_compatible : Warning<
"second argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type %0; this va_arg has "
"undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to %1">, InGroup<Varargs>;
def warn_return_missing_expr : Warning<
"non-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a value">, DefaultError,
def ext_return_missing_expr : ExtWarn<
"non-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a value">, DefaultError,
def ext_return_has_expr : ExtWarn<
"%select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 "
"should not return a value">,
DefaultError, InGroup<ReturnType>;
def ext_return_has_void_expr : Extension<
"void %select{function|method|block}1 %0 should not return void expression">;
def err_return_init_list : Error<
"%select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 "
"must not return a value">;
def warn_noreturn_function_has_return_expr : Warning<
"function %0 declared 'noreturn' should not return">,
def warn_falloff_noreturn_function : Warning<
"function declared 'noreturn' should not return">,
def err_noreturn_block_has_return_expr : Error<
"block declared 'noreturn' should not return">;
def err_noreturn_missing_on_first_decl : Error<
"function declared '[[noreturn]]' after its first declaration">;
def note_noreturn_missing_first_decl : Note<
"declaration missing '[[noreturn]]' attribute is here">;
def err_carries_dependency_missing_on_first_decl : Error<
"%select{function|parameter}0 declared '[[carries_dependency]]' "
"after its first declaration">;
def note_carries_dependency_missing_first_decl : Note<
"declaration missing '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute is here">;
def err_carries_dependency_param_not_function_decl : Error<
"'[[carries_dependency]]' attribute only allowed on parameter in a function "
"declaration or lambda">;
def err_block_on_nonlocal : Error<
"__block attribute not allowed, only allowed on local variables">;
def err_block_on_vm : Error<
"__block attribute not allowed on declaration with a variably modified type">;
def err_shufflevector_non_vector : Error<
"first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must be vectors">;
def err_shufflevector_incompatible_vector : Error<
"first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must have the same type">;
def err_shufflevector_nonconstant_argument : Error<
"index for __builtin_shufflevector must be a constant integer">;
def err_shufflevector_argument_too_large : Error<
"index for __builtin_shufflevector must be less than the total number "
"of vector elements">;
def err_vector_incorrect_num_initializers : Error<
"%select{too many|too few}0 elements in vector initialization (expected %1 elements, have %2)">;
def err_altivec_empty_initializer : Error<"expected initializer">;
def err_invalid_neon_type_code : Error<
"incompatible constant for this __builtin_neon function">;
def err_argument_invalid_range : Error<
"argument should be a value from %0 to %1">;
def err_builtin_longjmp_invalid_val : Error<
"argument to __builtin_longjmp must be a constant 1">;
def err_constant_integer_arg_type : Error<
"argument to %0 must be a constant integer">;
def ext_mixed_decls_code : Extension<
"ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code">,
def err_non_local_variable_decl_in_for : Error<
"declaration of non-local variable in 'for' loop">;
def err_non_variable_decl_in_for : Error<
"non-variable declaration in 'for' loop">;
def err_toomany_element_decls : Error<
"only one element declaration is allowed">;
def err_selector_element_not_lvalue : Error<
"selector element is not a valid lvalue">;
def err_selector_element_type : Error<
"selector element type %0 is not a valid object">;
def err_collection_expr_type : Error<
"the type %0 is not a pointer to a fast-enumerable object">;
def warn_collection_expr_type : Warning<
"collection expression type %0 may not respond to %1">;
def err_invalid_conversion_between_ext_vectors : Error<
"invalid conversion between ext-vector type %0 and %1">;
def warn_duplicate_attribute_exact : Warning<
"attribute %0 is already applied">, InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
def warn_duplicate_attribute : Warning<
"attribute %0 is already applied with different parameters">,
// Type
def ext_invalid_sign_spec : Extension<"'%0' cannot be signed or unsigned">;
def warn_receiver_forward_class : Warning<
"receiver %0 is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist">,
def note_method_sent_forward_class : Note<"method %0 is used for the forward class">;
def ext_missing_declspec : ExtWarn<
"declaration specifier missing, defaulting to 'int'">;
def ext_missing_type_specifier : ExtWarn<
"type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'">,
def err_decimal_unsupported : Error<
"GNU decimal type extension not supported">;
def err_missing_type_specifier : Error<
"C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations">;
def err_objc_array_of_interfaces : Error<
"array of interface %0 is invalid (probably should be an array of pointers)">;
def ext_c99_array_usage : Extension<
"%select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 "
"feature">, InGroup<C99>;
def err_c99_array_usage_cxx : Error<
"%select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 "
"feature, not permitted in C++">;
def err_double_requires_fp64 : Error<
"use of type 'double' requires cl_khr_fp64 extension to be enabled">;
def err_int128_unsupported : Error<
"__int128 is not supported on this target">;
def err_nsconsumed_attribute_mismatch : Error<
"overriding method has mismatched ns_consumed attribute on its"
" parameter">;
def err_nsreturns_retained_attribute_mismatch : Error<
"overriding method has mismatched ns_returns_%select{not_retained|retained}0"
" attributes">;
def note_getter_unavailable : Note<
"or because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is found">;
def err_invalid_protocol_qualifiers : Error<
"invalid protocol qualifiers on non-ObjC type">;
def warn_ivar_use_hidden : Warning<
"local declaration of %0 hides instance variable">,
def error_ivar_use_in_class_method : Error<
"instance variable %0 accessed in class method">;
def error_implicit_ivar_access : Error<
"instance variable %0 cannot be accessed because 'self' has been redeclared">;
def error_private_ivar_access : Error<"instance variable %0 is private">,
def error_protected_ivar_access : Error<"instance variable %0 is protected">,
def warn_maynot_respond : Warning<"%0 may not respond to %1">;
def warn_attribute_method_def : Warning<
"attributes on method implementation and its declaration must match">,
def ext_typecheck_base_super : Warning<
"method parameter type "
"%diff{$ does not match super class method parameter type $|"
"does not match super class method parameter type}0,1">,
InGroup<SuperSubClassMismatch>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_missing_method_return_type : Warning<
"method has no return type specified; defaults to 'id'">,
InGroup<MissingMethodReturnType>, DefaultIgnore;
def warn_direct_ivar_access : Warning<"instance variable %0 is being "
"directly accessed">, InGroup<DiagGroup<"direct-ivar-access">>, DefaultIgnore;
// Spell-checking diagnostics
def err_unknown_type_or_class_name_suggest : Error<
"unknown %select{type|class}2 name %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_unknown_typename_suggest : Error<
"unknown type name %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_unknown_nested_typename_suggest : Error<
"no type named %0 in %1; did you mean %2?">;
def err_no_member_suggest : Error<"no member named %0 in %1; did you mean %2?">;
def err_undeclared_use_suggest : Error<
"use of undeclared %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_undeclared_var_use_suggest : Error<
"use of undeclared identifier %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_no_template_suggest : Error<"no template named %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_no_member_template_suggest : Error<
"no template named %0 in %1; did you mean %2?">;
def err_mem_init_not_member_or_class_suggest : Error<
"initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base "
"class; did you mean the %select{base class|member}1 %2?">;
def err_field_designator_unknown_suggest : Error<
"field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1; did you mean "
def err_typecheck_member_reference_ivar_suggest : Error<
"%0 does not have a member named %1; did you mean %2?">;
def err_property_not_found_suggest : Error<
"property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean %2?">;
def err_ivar_access_using_property_syntax_suggest : Error<
"property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access instance variable %2?">;
def err_property_found_suggest : Error<
"property %0 found on object of type %1; did you mean to access "
"it with the \".\" operator?">;
def err_undef_interface_suggest : Error<
"cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1?">;
def warn_undef_interface_suggest : Warning<
"cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_undef_superclass_suggest : Error<
"cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1; did you mean "
def err_undeclared_protocol_suggest : Error<
"cannot find protocol declaration for %0; did you mean %1?">;
def note_base_class_specified_here : Note<
"base class %0 specified here">;
def err_using_directive_suggest : Error<
"no namespace named %0; did you mean %1?">;
def err_using_directive_member_suggest : Error<
"no namespace named %0 in %1; did you mean %2?">;
def note_namespace_defined_here : Note<"namespace %0 defined here">;
def err_sizeof_pack_no_pack_name_suggest : Error<
"%0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack; did you mean %1?">;
def note_parameter_pack_here : Note<"parameter pack %0 declared here">;
def err_uncasted_use_of_unknown_any : Error<
"%0 has unknown type; cast it to its declared type to use it">;
def err_uncasted_call_of_unknown_any : Error<
"%0 has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type">;
def err_uncasted_send_to_unknown_any_method : Error<
"no known method %select{%objcinstance1|%objcclass1}0; cast the "
"message send to the method's return type">;
def err_unsupported_unknown_any_decl : Error<
"%0 has unknown type, which is unsupported for this kind of declaration">;
def err_unsupported_unknown_any_expr : Error<
"unsupported expression with unknown type">;
def err_unsupported_unknown_any_call : Error<
"call to unsupported expression with unknown type">;
def err_unknown_any_addrof : Error<
"the address of a declaration with unknown type "
"can only be cast to a pointer type">;
def err_unknown_any_var_function_type : Error<
"variable %0 with unknown type cannot be given a function type">;
def err_unknown_any_function : Error<
"function %0 with unknown type must be given a function type">;
def err_filter_expression_integral : Error<
"filter expression type should be an integral value not %0">;
// OpenCL warnings and errors.
def err_invalid_astype_of_different_size : Error<
"invalid reinterpretation: sizes of %0 and %1 must match">;
def err_static_kernel : Error<
"kernel functions cannot be declared static">;
def err_opencl_ptrptr_kernel_arg : Error<
"kernel argument cannot be declared as a pointer to a pointer">;
def err_static_function_scope : Error<
"variables in function scope cannot be declared static">;
def err_opencl_bitfields : Error<
"bitfields are not supported in OpenCL">;
def err_opencl_vla : Error<
"variable length arrays are not supported in OpenCL">;
def err_event_t_kernel_arg : Error<
"the event_t type cannot be used to declare a kernel function argument">;
def err_event_t_global_var : Error<
"the event_t type cannot be used to declare a program scope variable">;
def err_event_t_struct_field : Error<
"the event_t type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field">;
def err_event_t_addr_space_qual : Error<
"the event_t type can only be used with __private address space qualifier">;
def err_expected_kernel_void_return_type : Error<
"kernel must have void return type">;
def err_sampler_argument_required : Error<
"sampler_t variable required - got %0">;
def err_wrong_sampler_addressspace: Error<
"sampler type cannot be used with the __local and __global address space qualifiers">;
def err_opencl_global_invalid_addr_space : Error<
"global variables must have a constant address space qualifier">;
} // end of sema category
let CategoryName = "OpenMP Issue" in {
// OpenMP support.
def err_omp_expected_var_arg_suggest : Error<
"%0 is not a global variable, static local variable or static data member%select{|; did you mean %2?}1">;
def err_omp_global_var_arg : Error<
"arguments of '#pragma omp %0' must have %select{global storage|static storage duration}1">;
def err_omp_ref_type_arg : Error<
"arguments of '#pragma omp %0' cannot be of reference type">;
def err_omp_var_scope : Error<
"'#pragma omp %0' must appear in the scope of the %q1 variable declaration">;
def err_omp_var_used : Error<
"'#pragma omp %0' must precede all references to variable %q1">;
def err_omp_var_thread_local : Error<
"variable %0 cannot be threadprivate because it is thread-local">;
def err_omp_threadprivate_incomplete_type : Error<
"threadprivate variable with incomplete type %0">;
} // end of OpenMP category
let CategoryName = "Related Result Type Issue" in {
// Objective-C related result type compatibility
def warn_related_result_type_compatibility_class : Warning<
"method is expected to return an instance of its class type "
"%diff{$, but is declared to return $|"
", but is declared to return different type}0,1">;
def warn_related_result_type_compatibility_protocol : Warning<
"protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing "
"class, but is declared to return %0">;
def note_related_result_type_family : Note<
"%select{overridden|current}0 method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|"
"self}1' method family%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its "
"class type}0">;
def note_related_result_type_overridden : Note<
"overridden method returns an instance of its class type">;
def note_related_result_type_inferred : Note<
"%select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of "
"its receiver type (%2)">;
def note_related_result_type_explicit : Note<
"%select{overridden|current}0 method is explicitly declared 'instancetype'"
"%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0">;
let CategoryName = "Modules Issue" in {
def err_module_private_specialization : Error<
"%select{template|partial|member}0 specialization cannot be "
"declared __module_private__">;
def err_module_private_local : Error<
"%select{local variable|parameter|typedef}0 %1 cannot be declared "
def err_module_private_local_class : Error<
"local %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 cannot be declared "
def err_module_private_definition : Error<
"definition of %0 must be imported from module '%1' before it is required">;
let CategoryName = "Documentation Issue" in {
def warn_not_a_doxygen_trailing_member_comment : Warning<
"not a Doxygen trailing comment">, InGroup<Documentation>, DefaultIgnore;
} // end of documentation issue category
} // end of sema component.
//===-- - SSE Instruction Set ---------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file describes the X86 SSE instruction set, defining the instructions,
// and properties of the instructions which are needed for code generation,
// machine code emission, and analysis.
class OpndItins<InstrItinClass arg_rr, InstrItinClass arg_rm> {
InstrItinClass rr = arg_rr;
InstrItinClass rm = arg_rm;
// InstrSchedModel info.
X86FoldableSchedWrite Sched = WriteFAdd;
class SizeItins<OpndItins arg_s, OpndItins arg_d> {
OpndItins s = arg_s;
OpndItins d = arg_d;
class ShiftOpndItins<InstrItinClass arg_rr, InstrItinClass arg_rm,
InstrItinClass arg_ri> {
InstrItinClass rr = arg_rr;
InstrItinClass rm = arg_rm;
InstrItinClass ri = arg_ri;
// scalar
let Sched = WriteFAdd in {
def SSE_ALU_F32S : OpndItins<
def SSE_ALU_F64S : OpndItins<
def SSE_ALU_ITINS_S : SizeItins<
let Sched = WriteFMul in {
def SSE_MUL_F32S : OpndItins<
def SSE_MUL_F64S : OpndItins<
def SSE_MUL_ITINS_S : SizeItins<
let Sched = WriteFDiv in {
def SSE_DIV_F32S : OpndItins<
def SSE_DIV_F64S : OpndItins<
def SSE_DIV_ITINS_S : SizeItins<
// parallel
let Sched = WriteFAdd in {
def SSE_ALU_F32P : OpndItins<
def SSE_ALU_F64P : OpndItins<
def SSE_ALU_ITINS_P : SizeItins<
let Sched = WriteFMul in {
def SSE_MUL_F32P : OpndItins<
def SSE_MUL_F64P : OpndItins<
def SSE_MUL_ITINS_P : SizeItins<
let Sched = WriteFDiv in {
def SSE_DIV_F32P : OpndItins<
def SSE_DIV_F64P : OpndItins<
def SSE_DIV_ITINS_P : SizeItins<
def SSE_BIT_ITINS_P : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteVecALU in {
def SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P : OpndItins<
def SSE_INTALUQ_ITINS_P : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteVecIMul in
def SSE_INTMUL_ITINS_P : OpndItins<
def SSE_INTSHIFT_ITINS_P : ShiftOpndItins<
def SSE_MOVA_ITINS : OpndItins<
def SSE_MOVU_ITINS : OpndItins<
// SSE 1 & 2 Instructions Classes
/// sse12_fp_scalar - SSE 1 & 2 scalar instructions class
multiclass sse12_fp_scalar<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in {
def rr : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2))], itins.rr>,
def rm : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode RC:$src1, (load addr:$src2)))], itins.rm>,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
/// sse12_fp_scalar_int - SSE 1 & 2 scalar instructions intrinsics class
multiclass sse12_fp_scalar_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC,
string asm, string SSEVer, string FPSizeStr,
Operand memopr, ComplexPattern mem_cpat,
OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr_Int : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (!cast<Intrinsic>(
!strconcat("int_x86_sse", SSEVer, "_", OpcodeStr, FPSizeStr))
RC:$src1, RC:$src2))], itins.rr>,
def rm_Int : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, memopr:$src2),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (!cast<Intrinsic>(!strconcat("int_x86_sse",
SSEVer, "_", OpcodeStr, FPSizeStr))
RC:$src1, mem_cpat:$src2))], itins.rm>,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
/// sse12_fp_packed - SSE 1 & 2 packed instructions class
multiclass sse12_fp_packed<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
RegisterClass RC, ValueType vt,
X86MemOperand x86memop, PatFrag mem_frag,
Domain d, OpndItins itins, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr : PI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))], itins.rr, d>,
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode RC:$src1, (mem_frag addr:$src2)))],
itins.rm, d>,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
/// sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm - SSE 1 & 2 packed instructions class
multiclass sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC, Domain d,
string OpcodeStr, X86MemOperand x86memop,
list<dag> pat_rr, list<dag> pat_rm,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
def rr : PI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
pat_rr, NoItinerary, d>,
def rm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
pat_rm, NoItinerary, d>,
Sched<[WriteVecLogicLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Non-instruction patterns
// A vector extract of the first f32/f64 position is a subregister copy
def : Pat<(f32 (vector_extract (v4f32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v4f32 VR128:$src), FR32)>;
def : Pat<(f64 (vector_extract (v2f64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v2f64 VR128:$src), FR64)>;
// A 128-bit subvector extract from the first 256-bit vector position
// is a subregister copy that needs no instruction.
def : Pat<(v4i32 (extract_subvector (v8i32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v4i32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8i32 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (extract_subvector (v8f32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v4f32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8f32 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (extract_subvector (v4i64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v2i64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4i64 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (extract_subvector (v4f64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v2f64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4f64 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (extract_subvector (v16i16 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v8i16 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v16i16 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (extract_subvector (v32i8 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(v16i8 (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v32i8 VR256:$src), sub_xmm))>;
// A 128-bit subvector insert to the first 256-bit vector position
// is a subregister copy that needs no instruction.
let AddedComplexity = 25 in { // to give priority over vinsertf128rm
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v2i64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v4i64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v2f64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v4f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v4i32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v8i32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v4f32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v8f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v8i16 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v16i16 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(insert_subvector undef, (v16i8 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)),
(INSERT_SUBREG (v32i8 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), VR128:$src, sub_xmm)>;
// Implicitly promote a 32-bit scalar to a vector.
def : Pat<(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector FR32:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (scalar_to_vector FR32:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128)>;
// Implicitly promote a 64-bit scalar to a vector.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (scalar_to_vector FR64:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (scalar_to_vector FR64:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128)>;
// Bitcasts between 128-bit vector types. Return the original type since
// no instruction is needed for the conversion
let Predicates = [HasSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (bitconvert (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (v2i64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (bitconvert (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (v2i64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (bitconvert (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (v2i64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (bitconvert (v2f64 VR128:$src))), (v2i64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (bitconvert (v4f32 VR128:$src))), (v2i64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 VR128:$src))), (v4i32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (bitconvert (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (v4i32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (bitconvert (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (v4i32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (bitconvert (v2f64 VR128:$src))), (v4i32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (bitconvert (v4f32 VR128:$src))), (v4i32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64 VR128:$src))), (v8i16 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (bitconvert (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (v8i16 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (bitconvert (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (v8i16 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64 VR128:$src))), (v8i16 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (bitconvert (v4f32 VR128:$src))), (v8i16 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64 VR128:$src))), (v16i8 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (v16i8 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (bitconvert (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (v16i8 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64 VR128:$src))), (v16i8 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (bitconvert (v4f32 VR128:$src))), (v16i8 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (bitconvert (v2i64 VR128:$src))), (v4f32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (bitconvert (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (v4f32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (bitconvert (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (v4f32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (bitconvert (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (v4f32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (bitconvert (v2f64 VR128:$src))), (v4f32 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (bitconvert (v2i64 VR128:$src))), (v2f64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (bitconvert (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (v2f64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (bitconvert (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (v2f64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (bitconvert (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (v2f64 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (bitconvert (v4f32 VR128:$src))), (v2f64 VR128:$src)>;
// Bitcasts between 256-bit vector types. Return the original type since
// no instruction is needed for the conversion
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4f64 (bitconvert (v8f32 VR256:$src))), (v4f64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (bitconvert (v8i32 VR256:$src))), (v4f64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (bitconvert (v4i64 VR256:$src))), (v4f64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (bitconvert (v16i16 VR256:$src))), (v4f64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (bitconvert (v32i8 VR256:$src))), (v4f64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (bitconvert (v8i32 VR256:$src))), (v8f32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (bitconvert (v4i64 VR256:$src))), (v8f32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (bitconvert (v4f64 VR256:$src))), (v8f32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (bitconvert (v32i8 VR256:$src))), (v8f32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (bitconvert (v16i16 VR256:$src))), (v8f32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (bitconvert (v8f32 VR256:$src))), (v4i64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (bitconvert (v8i32 VR256:$src))), (v4i64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (bitconvert (v4f64 VR256:$src))), (v4i64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (bitconvert (v32i8 VR256:$src))), (v4i64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (bitconvert (v16i16 VR256:$src))), (v4i64 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (bitconvert (v4f64 VR256:$src))), (v32i8 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (bitconvert (v4i64 VR256:$src))), (v32i8 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (bitconvert (v8f32 VR256:$src))), (v32i8 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (bitconvert (v8i32 VR256:$src))), (v32i8 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (bitconvert (v16i16 VR256:$src))), (v32i8 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (bitconvert (v32i8 VR256:$src))), (v8i32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (bitconvert (v16i16 VR256:$src))), (v8i32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (bitconvert (v8f32 VR256:$src))), (v8i32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (bitconvert (v4i64 VR256:$src))), (v8i32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (bitconvert (v4f64 VR256:$src))), (v8i32 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (bitconvert (v8f32 VR256:$src))), (v16i16 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (bitconvert (v8i32 VR256:$src))), (v16i16 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (bitconvert (v4i64 VR256:$src))), (v16i16 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (bitconvert (v4f64 VR256:$src))), (v16i16 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (bitconvert (v32i8 VR256:$src))), (v16i16 VR256:$src)>;
// Alias instructions that map fld0 to xorps for sse or vxorps for avx.
// This is expanded by ExpandPostRAPseudos.
let isReMaterializable = 1, isAsCheapAsAMove = 1, canFoldAsLoad = 1,
isPseudo = 1, SchedRW = [WriteZero] in {
def FsFLD0SS : I<0, Pseudo, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set FR32:$dst, fp32imm0)]>, Requires<[HasSSE1]>;
def FsFLD0SD : I<0, Pseudo, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set FR64:$dst, fpimm0)]>, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
// AVX & SSE - Zero/One Vectors
// Alias instruction that maps zero vector to pxor / xorp* for sse.
// This is expanded by ExpandPostRAPseudos to an xorps / vxorps, and then
// swizzled by ExecutionDepsFix to pxor.
// We set canFoldAsLoad because this can be converted to a constant-pool
// load of an all-zeros value if folding it would be beneficial.
let isReMaterializable = 1, isAsCheapAsAMove = 1, canFoldAsLoad = 1,
isPseudo = 1, SchedRW = [WriteZero] in {
def V_SET0 : I<0, Pseudo, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4f32 immAllZerosV))]>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 immAllZerosV), (V_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 immAllZerosV), (V_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 immAllZerosV), (V_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 immAllZerosV), (V_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 immAllZerosV), (V_SET0)>;
// The same as done above but for AVX. The 256-bit AVX1 ISA doesn't support PI,
// and doesn't need it because on sandy bridge the register is set to zero
// at the rename stage without using any execution unit, so SET0PSY
// and SET0PDY can be used for vector int instructions without penalty
let isReMaterializable = 1, isAsCheapAsAMove = 1, canFoldAsLoad = 1,
isPseudo = 1, Predicates = [HasAVX], SchedRW = [WriteZero] in {
def AVX_SET0 : I<0, Pseudo, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set VR256:$dst, (v8f32 immAllZerosV))]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def : Pat<(v4f64 immAllZerosV), (AVX_SET0)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v4i64 immAllZerosV), (AVX_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 immAllZerosV), (AVX_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 immAllZerosV), (AVX_SET0)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 immAllZerosV), (AVX_SET0)>;
// AVX1 has no support for 256-bit integer instructions, but since the 128-bit
// VPXOR instruction writes zero to its upper part, it's safe build zeros.
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(v32i8 immAllZerosV), (SUBREG_TO_REG (i8 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(bc_v32i8 (v8f32 immAllZerosV)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i8 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 immAllZerosV), (SUBREG_TO_REG (i16 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(bc_v16i16 (v8f32 immAllZerosV)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i16 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 immAllZerosV), (SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(bc_v8i32 (v8f32 immAllZerosV)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 immAllZerosV), (SUBREG_TO_REG (i64 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(bc_v4i64 (v8f32 immAllZerosV)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i64 0), (V_SET0), sub_xmm)>;
// We set canFoldAsLoad because this can be converted to a constant-pool
// load of an all-ones value if folding it would be beneficial.
let isReMaterializable = 1, isAsCheapAsAMove = 1, canFoldAsLoad = 1,
isPseudo = 1, SchedRW = [WriteZero] in {
def V_SETALLONES : I<0, Pseudo, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4i32 immAllOnesV))]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
def AVX2_SETALLONES : I<0, Pseudo, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins), "",
[(set VR256:$dst, (v8i32 immAllOnesV))]>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Move FP Scalar Instructions
// Move Instructions. Register-to-register movss/movsd is not used for FR32/64
// register copies because it's a partial register update; FsMOVAPSrr/FsMOVAPDrr
// is used instead. Register-to-register movss/movsd is not modeled as an
// INSERT_SUBREG because INSERT_SUBREG requires that the insert be implementable
// in terms of a copy, and just mentioned, we don't use movss/movsd for copies.
multiclass sse12_move_rr<RegisterClass RC, SDNode OpNode, ValueType vt,
X86MemOperand x86memop, string base_opc,
string asm_opr> {
def rr : SI<0x10, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(base_opc, asm_opr),
[(set VR128:$dst, (vt (OpNode VR128:$src1,
(scalar_to_vector RC:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_S_RR>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
// For the disassembler
let isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
def rr_REV : SI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(base_opc, asm_opr),
[], IIC_SSE_MOV_S_RR>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
multiclass sse12_move<RegisterClass RC, SDNode OpNode, ValueType vt,
X86MemOperand x86memop, string OpcodeStr> {
// AVX
defm V#NAME : sse12_move_rr<RC, OpNode, vt, x86memop, OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}">,
def V#NAME#mr : SI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins x86memop:$dst, RC:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(store RC:$src, addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_S_MR>,
VEX, VEX_LIG, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
// SSE1 & 2
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm NAME : sse12_move_rr<RC, OpNode, vt, x86memop, OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}">;
def NAME#mr : SI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins x86memop:$dst, RC:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(store RC:$src, addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_S_MR>,
// Loading from memory automatically zeroing upper bits.
multiclass sse12_move_rm<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
PatFrag mem_pat, string OpcodeStr> {
def V#NAME#rm : SI<0x10, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (mem_pat addr:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_S_RM>, VEX, VEX_LIG, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def NAME#rm : SI<0x10, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (mem_pat addr:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_S_RM>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
defm MOVSS : sse12_move<FR32, X86Movss, v4f32, f32mem, "movss">, XS;
defm MOVSD : sse12_move<FR64, X86Movsd, v2f64, f64mem, "movsd">, XD;
let canFoldAsLoad = 1, isReMaterializable = 1 in {
defm MOVSS : sse12_move_rm<FR32, f32mem, loadf32, "movss">, XS;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in
defm MOVSD : sse12_move_rm<FR64, f64mem, loadf64, "movsd">, XD;
// Patterns
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
// Move scalar to XMM zero-extended, zeroing a VR128 then do a
// MOVS{S,D} to the lower bits.
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 (scalar_to_vector FR32:$src)))),
(VMOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)), FR32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VMOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)), (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VMOVSSrr (v4i32 (V_SET0)), (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector FR64:$src)))),
(VMOVSDrr (v2f64 (V_SET0)), FR64:$src)>;
// Move low f32 and clear high bits.
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86vzmovl (v8f32 VR256:$src))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8f32 VR256:$src), sub_xmm)), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzmovl (v8i32 VR256:$src))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSSrr (v4i32 (V_SET0)),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8i32 VR256:$src), sub_xmm)), sub_xmm)>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
// MOVSSrm zeros the high parts of the register; represent this
// with SUBREG_TO_REG. The AVX versions also write: DST[255:128] <- 0
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src))))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (loadv4f32 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
// MOVSDrm zeros the high parts of the register; represent this
// with SUBREG_TO_REG. The AVX versions also write: DST[255:128] <- 0
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2f64 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (bc_v2f64 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzload addr:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
// Represent the same patterns above but in the form they appear for
// 256-bit types
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVSSrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src))), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVSSrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector FR32:$src)), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(v4f32 (VMOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)), FR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v2f64 (scalar_to_vector FR64:$src)), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i64 0),
(v2f64 (VMOVSDrr (v2f64 (V_SET0)), FR64:$src)),
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i64 0), (VMOVSDrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
// Move low f64 and clear high bits.
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86vzmovl (v4f64 VR256:$src))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSDrr (v2f64 (V_SET0)),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4f64 VR256:$src), sub_xmm)), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzmovl (v4i64 VR256:$src))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSDrr (v2i64 (V_SET0)),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4i64 VR256:$src), sub_xmm)), sub_xmm)>;
// Extract and store.
def : Pat<(store (f32 (vector_extract (v4f32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(VMOVSSmr addr:$dst, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v4f32 VR128:$src), FR32))>;
def : Pat<(store (f64 (vector_extract (v2f64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(VMOVSDmr addr:$dst, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v2f64 VR128:$src), FR64))>;
// Shuffle with VMOVSS
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSSrr (v4i32 VR128:$src1),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v4i32 VR128:$src2), FR32))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSSrr (v4f32 VR128:$src1),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (v4f32 VR128:$src2), FR32))>;
// 256-bit variants
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Movss VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSSrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8i32 VR256:$src1), sub_xmm),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8i32 VR256:$src2), sub_xmm)),
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86Movss VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSSrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8f32 VR256:$src1), sub_xmm),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v8f32 VR256:$src2), sub_xmm)),
// Shuffle with VMOVSD
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
// 256-bit variants
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Movsd VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSDrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4i64 VR256:$src1), sub_xmm),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4i64 VR256:$src2), sub_xmm)),
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86Movsd VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0),
(VMOVSDrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4f64 VR256:$src1), sub_xmm),
(EXTRACT_SUBREG (v4f64 VR256:$src2), sub_xmm)),
// FIXME: Instead of a X86Movlps there should be a X86Movsd here, the problem
// is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the fold cause
// it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel time and the
// fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
// Move scalar to XMM zero-extended, zeroing a VR128 then do a
// MOVSS to the lower bits.
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 (scalar_to_vector FR32:$src)))),
(MOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)), FR32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(MOVSSrr (v4f32 (V_SET0)), (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(MOVSSrr (v4i32 (V_SET0)), (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32))>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
// MOVSSrm already zeros the high parts of the register.
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src))))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vzmovl (loadv4f32 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSSrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
// Extract and store.
def : Pat<(store (f32 (vector_extract (v4f32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(MOVSSmr addr:$dst, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32))>;
// Shuffle with MOVSS
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSSrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR32))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSSrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR32))>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
// Move scalar to XMM zero-extended, zeroing a VR128 then do a
// MOVSD to the lower bits.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector FR64:$src)))),
(MOVSDrr (v2f64 (V_SET0)), FR64:$src)>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
// MOVSDrm already zeros the high parts of the register.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2f64 addr:$src))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (bc_v2f64 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzload addr:$src)),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS (MOVSDrm addr:$src), VR128)>;
// Extract and store.
def : Pat<(store (f64 (vector_extract (v2f64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0))),
(MOVSDmr addr:$dst, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR64))>;
// Shuffle with MOVSD
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
// FIXME: Instead of a X86Movlps there should be a X86Movsd here, the problem
// is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the fold cause
// it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel time and the
// fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVSDrr VR128:$src1, (COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src2, FR64))>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Move Aligned/Unaligned FP Instructions
multiclass sse12_mov_packed<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, PatFrag ld_frag,
string asm, Domain d,
OpndItins itins,
bit IsReMaterializable = 1> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in
def rr : PI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"), [], itins.rr, d>,
let canFoldAsLoad = 1, isReMaterializable = IsReMaterializable in
def rm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (ld_frag addr:$src))], itins.rm, d>,
defm VMOVAPS : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR128, f128mem, alignedloadv4f32,
"movaps", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
defm VMOVAPD : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR128, f128mem, alignedloadv2f64,
"movapd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
TB, OpSize, VEX;
defm VMOVUPS : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR128, f128mem, loadv4f32,
"movups", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVU_ITINS>,
defm VMOVUPD : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR128, f128mem, loadv2f64,
"movupd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVU_ITINS, 0>,
TB, OpSize, VEX;
defm VMOVAPSY : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR256, f256mem, alignedloadv8f32,
"movaps", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
defm VMOVAPDY : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR256, f256mem, alignedloadv4f64,
"movapd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
TB, OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VMOVUPSY : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR256, f256mem, loadv8f32,
"movups", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVU_ITINS>,
defm VMOVUPDY : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR256, f256mem, loadv4f64,
"movupd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVU_ITINS, 0>,
TB, OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
defm MOVAPS : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR128, f128mem, alignedloadv4f32,
"movaps", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
defm MOVAPD : sse12_mov_packed<0x28, VR128, f128mem, alignedloadv2f64,
"movapd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVA_ITINS>,
TB, OpSize;
defm MOVUPS : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR128, f128mem, loadv4f32,
"movups", SSEPackedSingle, SSE_MOVU_ITINS>,
defm MOVUPD : sse12_mov_packed<0x10, VR128, f128mem, loadv2f64,
"movupd", SSEPackedDouble, SSE_MOVU_ITINS, 0>,
TB, OpSize;
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def VMOVAPSmr : VPSI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore (v4f32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVAPDmr : VPDI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore (v2f64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVUPSmr : VPSI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v4f32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVUPDmr : VPDI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v2f64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVAPSYmr : VPSI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore256 (v8f32 VR256:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVAPDYmr : VPDI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore256 (v4f64 VR256:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVUPSYmr : VPSI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v8f32 VR256:$src), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVUPDYmr : VPDI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v4f64 VR256:$src), addr:$dst)],
} // SchedRW
// For disassembler
let isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0, SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def VMOVAPSrr_REV : VPSI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVAPDrr_REV : VPDI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVUPSrr_REV : VPSI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVUPDrr_REV : VPDI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVAPSYrr_REV : VPSI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVAPDYrr_REV : VPDI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVUPSYrr_REV : VPSI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVUPDYrr_REV : VPDI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzmovl
(insert_subvector undef, (v4i32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVAPSrr VR128:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzmovl
(insert_subvector undef, (v2i64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVAPSrr VR128:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86vzmovl
(insert_subvector undef, (v4f32 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVAPSrr VR128:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86vzmovl
(insert_subvector undef, (v2f64 VR128:$src), (iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVAPSrr VR128:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_storeu_ps_256 addr:$dst, VR256:$src),
(VMOVUPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_storeu_pd_256 addr:$dst, VR256:$src),
(VMOVUPDYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def MOVAPSmr : PSI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore (v4f32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def MOVAPDmr : PDI<0x29, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignedstore (v2f64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def MOVUPSmr : PSI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v4f32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def MOVUPDmr : PDI<0x11, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (v2f64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
} // SchedRW
// For disassembler
let isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0, SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def MOVAPSrr_REV : PSI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def MOVAPDrr_REV : PDI<0x29, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def MOVUPSrr_REV : PSI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movups\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def MOVUPDrr_REV : PDI<0x11, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movupd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_storeu_ps addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_storeu_pd addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(VMOVUPDmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_storeu_ps addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(MOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_storeu_pd addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(MOVUPDmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
// Use vmovaps/vmovups for AVX integer load/store.
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// 128-bit load/store
def : Pat<(alignedloadv2i64 addr:$src),
(VMOVAPSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(loadv2i64 addr:$src),
(VMOVUPSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4i32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v8i16 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v16i8 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v8i16 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v16i8 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
// 256-bit load/store
def : Pat<(alignedloadv4i64 addr:$src),
(VMOVAPSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(loadv4i64 addr:$src),
(VMOVUPSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore256 (v4i64 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore256 (v8i32 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore256 (v16i16 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore256 (v32i8 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i64 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v8i32 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v16i16 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v32i8 VR256:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
// Special patterns for storing subvector extracts of lower 128-bits
// Its cheaper to just use VMOVAPS/VMOVUPS instead of VEXTRACTF128mr
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2f64 (extract_subvector
(v4f64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPDmr addr:$dst, (v2f64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4f32 (extract_subvector
(v8f32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, (v4f32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2i64 (extract_subvector
(v4i64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPDmr addr:$dst, (v2i64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4i32 (extract_subvector
(v8i32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, (v4i32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v8i16 (extract_subvector
(v16i16 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, (v8i16 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v16i8 (extract_subvector
(v32i8 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVAPSmr addr:$dst, (v16i8 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v2f64 (extract_subvector
(v4f64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPDmr addr:$dst, (v2f64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v4f32 (extract_subvector
(v8f32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, (v4f32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v2i64 (extract_subvector
(v4i64 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPDmr addr:$dst, (v2i64 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i32 (extract_subvector
(v8i32 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, (v4i32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v8i16 (extract_subvector
(v16i16 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, (v8i16 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
def : Pat<(store (v16i8 (extract_subvector
(v32i8 VR256:$src), (iPTR 0))), addr:$dst),
(VMOVUPSmr addr:$dst, (v16i8 (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src,sub_xmm)))>;
// Use movaps / movups for SSE integer load / store (one byte shorter).
// The instructions selected below are then converted to MOVDQA/MOVDQU
// during the SSE domain pass.
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
def : Pat<(alignedloadv2i64 addr:$src),
(MOVAPSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(loadv2i64 addr:$src),
(MOVUPSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4i32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v8i16 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v16i8 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVAPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v8i16 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(store (v16i8 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVUPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
// Alias instruction to do FR32 or FR64 reg-to-reg copy using movaps. Upper
// bits are disregarded. FIXME: Set encoding to pseudo!
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def FsVMOVAPSrr : VPSI<0x28, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def FsVMOVAPDrr : VPDI<0x28, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def FsMOVAPSrr : PSI<0x28, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def FsMOVAPDrr : PDI<0x28, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
// Alias instruction to load FR32 or FR64 from f128mem using movaps. Upper
// bits are disregarded. FIXME: Set encoding to pseudo!
let canFoldAsLoad = 1, isReMaterializable = 1, SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
let isCodeGenOnly = 1 in {
def FsVMOVAPSrm : VPSI<0x28, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (alignedloadfsf32 addr:$src))],
def FsVMOVAPDrm : VPDI<0x28, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (alignedloadfsf64 addr:$src))],
def FsMOVAPSrm : PSI<0x28, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"movaps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (alignedloadfsf32 addr:$src))],
def FsMOVAPDrm : PDI<0x28, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"movapd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (alignedloadfsf64 addr:$src))],
// SSE 1 & 2 - Move Low packed FP Instructions
multiclass sse12_mov_hilo_packed_base<bits<8>opc, SDNode psnode, SDNode pdnode,
string base_opc, string asm_opr,
InstrItinClass itin> {
def PSrm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, f64mem:$src2),
!strconcat(base_opc, "s", asm_opr),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(psnode VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4f32 (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src2))))))],
itin, SSEPackedSingle>, TB,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
def PDrm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, f64mem:$src2),
!strconcat(base_opc, "d", asm_opr),
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2f64 (pdnode VR128:$src1,
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src2)))))],
itin, SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass sse12_mov_hilo_packed<bits<8>opc, SDNode psnode, SDNode pdnode,
string base_opc, InstrItinClass itin> {
defm V#NAME : sse12_mov_hilo_packed_base<opc, psnode, pdnode, base_opc,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
itin>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm NAME : sse12_mov_hilo_packed_base<opc, psnode, pdnode, base_opc,
"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
defm MOVL : sse12_mov_hilo_packed<0x12, X86Movlps, X86Movlpd, "movlp",
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def VMOVLPSmr : VPSI<0x13, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movlps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract (bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src)),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
def VMOVLPDmr : VPDI<0x13, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movlpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract (v2f64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
def MOVLPSmr : PSI<0x13, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movlps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract (bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src)),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
def MOVLPDmr : PDI<0x13, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movlpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract (v2f64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
} // SchedRW
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// Shuffle with VMOVLPS
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(VMOVLPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(VMOVLPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// Shuffle with VMOVLPD
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(VMOVLPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(VMOVLPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// Store patterns
def : Pat<(store (v4f32 (X86Movlps (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVLPSmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i32 (X86Movlps
(bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src1)), VR128:$src2)), addr:$src1),
(VMOVLPSmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(store (v2f64 (X86Movlpd (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVLPDmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(store (v2i64 (X86Movlpd (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVLPDmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
// (store (vector_shuffle (load addr), v2, <4, 5, 2, 3>), addr) using MOVLPS
def : Pat<(store (i64 (vector_extract (bc_v2i64 (v4f32 VR128:$src2)),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$src1),
(MOVLPSmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
// Shuffle with MOVLPS
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(MOVLPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlps VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(MOVLPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movlps VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4f32 (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src2))))),
(MOVLPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// Store patterns
def : Pat<(store (v4f32 (X86Movlps (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLPSmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(store (v4i32 (X86Movlps
(bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src1)), VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLPSmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
// Shuffle with MOVLPD
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(MOVLPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlpd VR128:$src1, (load addr:$src2))),
(MOVLPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// Store patterns
def : Pat<(store (v2f64 (X86Movlpd (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLPDmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(store (v2i64 (X86Movlpd (load addr:$src1), VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLPDmr addr:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Move Hi packed FP Instructions
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
defm MOVH : sse12_mov_hilo_packed<0x16, X86Movlhps, X86Movlhpd, "movhp",
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
// v2f64 extract element 1 is always custom lowered to unpack high to low
// and extract element 0 so the non-store version isn't too horrible.
def VMOVHPSmr : VPSI<0x17, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movhps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract
(X86Unpckh (bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src)),
(bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, VEX;
def VMOVHPDmr : VPDI<0x17, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movhpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract
(v2f64 (X86Unpckh VR128:$src, VR128:$src)),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, VEX;
def MOVHPSmr : PSI<0x17, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movhps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract
(X86Unpckh (bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src)),
(bc_v2f64 (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>;
def MOVHPDmr : PDI<0x17, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movhpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (f64 (vector_extract
(v2f64 (X86Unpckh VR128:$src, VR128:$src)),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>;
} // SchedRW
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// VMOVHPS patterns
def : Pat<(X86Movlhps VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4f32 (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src2))))),
(VMOVHPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movlhps VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4i32 (v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src2)))),
(VMOVHPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// FIXME: Instead of X86Unpckl, there should be a X86Movlhpd here, the problem
// is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the load fold
// cause it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel time
// and the fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Unpckl VR128:$src1,
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src2)))),
(VMOVHPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
// MOVHPS patterns
def : Pat<(X86Movlhps VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4f32 (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src2))))),
(MOVHPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movlhps VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4f32 (v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src2)))),
(MOVHPSrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
// FIXME: Instead of X86Unpckl, there should be a X86Movlhpd here, the problem
// is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the load fold
// cause it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel time
// and the fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Unpckl VR128:$src1,
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src2)))),
(MOVHPDrm VR128:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Move Low to High and High to Low packed FP Instructions
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def VMOVLHPSrr : VPSI<0x16, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"movlhps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4f32 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
VEX_4V, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def VMOVHLPSrr : VPSI<0x12, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"movhlps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4f32 (X86Movhlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
VEX_4V, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def MOVLHPSrr : PSI<0x16, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"movlhps\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4f32 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def MOVHLPSrr : PSI<0x12, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"movhlps\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4f32 (X86Movhlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// MOVLHPS patterns
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVLHPSrr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVLHPSrr (v2i64 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2)>;
// MOVHLPS patterns
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movhlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(VMOVHLPSrr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
// MOVLHPS patterns
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLHPSrr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Movlhps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVLHPSrr (v2i64 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2)>;
// MOVHLPS patterns
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movhlps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)),
(MOVHLPSrr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Conversion Instructions
def SSE_CVT_PD : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteCvtI2F in
def SSE_CVT_PS : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteCvtI2F in
def SSE_CVT_Scalar : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteCvtF2I in
def SSE_CVT_SS2SI_32 : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteCvtF2I in
def SSE_CVT_SS2SI_64 : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteCvtF2I in
def SSE_CVT_SD2SI : OpndItins<
multiclass sse12_cvt_s<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass SrcRC, RegisterClass DstRC,
SDNode OpNode, X86MemOperand x86memop, PatFrag ld_frag,
string asm, OpndItins itins> {
def rr : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins SrcRC:$src), asm,
[(set DstRC:$dst, (OpNode SrcRC:$src))],
itins.rr>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def rm : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src), asm,
[(set DstRC:$dst, (OpNode (ld_frag addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
multiclass sse12_cvt_p<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass SrcRC, RegisterClass DstRC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, string asm, Domain d,
OpndItins itins> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def rr : I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins SrcRC:$src), asm,
[], itins.rr, d>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src), asm,
[], itins.rm, d>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
multiclass sse12_vcvt_avx<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass SrcRC, RegisterClass DstRC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, string asm> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def rr : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins DstRC:$src1, SrcRC:$src),
!strconcat(asm,"\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}"), []>,
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs DstRC:$dst),
(ins DstRC:$src1, x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(asm,"\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}"), []>,
Sched<[WriteCvtI2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
} // neverHasSideEffects = 1
defm VCVTTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR32, GR32, fp_to_sint, f32mem, loadf32,
"cvttss2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm VCVTTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR32, GR64, fp_to_sint, f32mem, loadf32,
"cvttss2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm VCVTTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR64, GR32, fp_to_sint, f64mem, loadf64,
"cvttsd2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm VCVTTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR64, GR64, fp_to_sint, f64mem, loadf64,
"cvttsd2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
def : InstAlias<"vcvttss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSS2SIrr GR32:$dst, FR32:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSS2SIrm GR32:$dst, f32mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSD2SIrr GR32:$dst, FR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSD2SIrm GR32:$dst, f64mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSS2SI64rr GR64:$dst, FR32:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSS2SI64rm GR64:$dst, f32mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSD2SI64rr GR64:$dst, FR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTSD2SI64rm GR64:$dst, f64mem:$src), 0>;
// The assembler can recognize rr 64-bit instructions by seeing a rxx
// register, but the same isn't true when only using memory operands,
// provide other assembly "l" and "q" forms to address this explicitly
// where appropriate to do so.
defm VCVTSI2SS : sse12_vcvt_avx<0x2A, GR32, FR32, i32mem, "cvtsi2ss{l}">,
defm VCVTSI2SS64 : sse12_vcvt_avx<0x2A, GR64, FR32, i64mem, "cvtsi2ss{q}">,
defm VCVTSI2SD : sse12_vcvt_avx<0x2A, GR32, FR64, i32mem, "cvtsi2sd{l}">,
defm VCVTSI2SD64 : sse12_vcvt_avx<0x2A, GR64, FR64, i64mem, "cvtsi2sd{q}">,
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsi2ss\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}",
(VCVTSI2SSrm FR64:$dst, FR64:$src1, i32mem:$src)>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsi2sd\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}",
(VCVTSI2SDrm FR64:$dst, FR64:$src1, i32mem:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(f32 (sint_to_fp (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VCVTSI2SSrm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f32 (sint_to_fp (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTSI2SS64rm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f64 (sint_to_fp (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VCVTSI2SDrm (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f64 (sint_to_fp (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTSI2SD64rm (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f32 (sint_to_fp GR32:$src)),
(VCVTSI2SSrr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), GR32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f32 (sint_to_fp GR64:$src)),
(VCVTSI2SS64rr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), GR64:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f64 (sint_to_fp GR32:$src)),
(VCVTSI2SDrr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), GR32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(f64 (sint_to_fp GR64:$src)),
(VCVTSI2SD64rr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), GR64:$src)>;
defm CVTTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR32, GR32, fp_to_sint, f32mem, loadf32,
"cvttss2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm CVTTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR32, GR64, fp_to_sint, f32mem, loadf32,
"cvttss2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm CVTTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR64, GR32, fp_to_sint, f64mem, loadf64,
"cvttsd2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm CVTTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2C, FR64, GR64, fp_to_sint, f64mem, loadf64,
"cvttsd2si\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm CVTSI2SS : sse12_cvt_s<0x2A, GR32, FR32, sint_to_fp, i32mem, loadi32,
"cvtsi2ss{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XS;
defm CVTSI2SS64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2A, GR64, FR32, sint_to_fp, i64mem, loadi64,
"cvtsi2ss{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XS, REX_W;
defm CVTSI2SD : sse12_cvt_s<0x2A, GR32, FR64, sint_to_fp, i32mem, loadi32,
"cvtsi2sd{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XD;
defm CVTSI2SD64 : sse12_cvt_s<0x2A, GR64, FR64, sint_to_fp, i64mem, loadi64,
"cvtsi2sd{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XD, REX_W;
def : InstAlias<"cvttss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSS2SIrr GR32:$dst, FR32:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSS2SIrm GR32:$dst, f32mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSD2SIrr GR32:$dst, FR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSD2SIrm GR32:$dst, f64mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSS2SI64rr GR64:$dst, FR32:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSS2SI64rm GR64:$dst, f32mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSD2SI64rr GR64:$dst, FR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvttsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTTSD2SI64rm GR64:$dst, f64mem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsi2ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSI2SSrm FR64:$dst, i32mem:$src)>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsi2sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSI2SDrm FR64:$dst, i32mem:$src)>;
// Conversion Instructions Intrinsics - Match intrinsics which expect MM
// and/or XMM operand(s).
multiclass sse12_cvt_sint<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass SrcRC, RegisterClass DstRC,
Intrinsic Int, Operand memop, ComplexPattern mem_cpat,
string asm, OpndItins itins> {
def rr : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins SrcRC:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set DstRC:$dst, (Int SrcRC:$src))], itins.rr>,
def rm : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins memop:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set DstRC:$dst, (Int mem_cpat:$src))], itins.rm>,
multiclass sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass SrcRC,
RegisterClass DstRC, Intrinsic Int, X86MemOperand x86memop,
PatFrag ld_frag, string asm, OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs DstRC:$dst), (ins DstRC:$src1, SrcRC:$src2),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set DstRC:$dst, (Int DstRC:$src1, SrcRC:$src2))],
itins.rr>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def rm : SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs DstRC:$dst),
(ins DstRC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set DstRC:$dst, (Int DstRC:$src1, (ld_frag addr:$src2)))],
itins.rm>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
defm VCVTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR32,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2si, sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvtsd2si",
defm VCVTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR64,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2si64, sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvtsd2si",
defm CVTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2si,
sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvtsd2si", SSE_CVT_SD2SI>, XD;
defm CVTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR64, int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2si64,
sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvtsd2si", SSE_CVT_SD2SI>, XD, REX_W;
defm Int_VCVTSI2SS : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR32, VR128,
int_x86_sse_cvtsi2ss, i32mem, loadi32, "cvtsi2ss{l}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar, 0>, XS, VEX_4V;
defm Int_VCVTSI2SS64 : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR64, VR128,
int_x86_sse_cvtsi642ss, i64mem, loadi64, "cvtsi2ss{q}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar, 0>, XS, VEX_4V,
defm Int_VCVTSI2SD : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR32, VR128,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsi2sd, i32mem, loadi32, "cvtsi2sd{l}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar, 0>, XD, VEX_4V;
defm Int_VCVTSI2SD64 : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR64, VR128,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsi642sd, i64mem, loadi64, "cvtsi2sd{q}",
SSE_CVT_Scalar, 0>, XD,
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm Int_CVTSI2SS : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR32, VR128,
int_x86_sse_cvtsi2ss, i32mem, loadi32,
"cvtsi2ss{l}", SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XS;
defm Int_CVTSI2SS64 : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR64, VR128,
int_x86_sse_cvtsi642ss, i64mem, loadi64,
"cvtsi2ss{q}", SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XS, REX_W;
defm Int_CVTSI2SD : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR32, VR128,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsi2sd, i32mem, loadi32,
"cvtsi2sd{l}", SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XD;
defm Int_CVTSI2SD64 : sse12_cvt_sint_3addr<0x2A, GR64, VR128,
int_x86_sse2_cvtsi642sd, i64mem, loadi64,
"cvtsi2sd{q}", SSE_CVT_Scalar>, XD, REX_W;
/// SSE 1 Only
// Aliases for intrinsics
defm Int_VCVTTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse_cvttss2si,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvttss2si",
defm Int_VCVTTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR64,
int_x86_sse_cvttss2si64, ssmem, sse_load_f32,
"cvttss2si", SSE_CVT_SS2SI_64>,
defm Int_VCVTTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse2_cvttsd2si,
sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvttsd2si",
defm Int_VCVTTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR64,
int_x86_sse2_cvttsd2si64, sdmem, sse_load_f64,
"cvttsd2si", SSE_CVT_SD2SI>,
defm Int_CVTTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse_cvttss2si,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvttss2si",
defm Int_CVTTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR64,
int_x86_sse_cvttss2si64, ssmem, sse_load_f32,
"cvttss2si", SSE_CVT_SS2SI_64>, XS, REX_W;
defm Int_CVTTSD2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse2_cvttsd2si,
sdmem, sse_load_f64, "cvttsd2si",
defm Int_CVTTSD2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2C, VR128, GR64,
int_x86_sse2_cvttsd2si64, sdmem, sse_load_f64,
"cvttsd2si", SSE_CVT_SD2SI>, XD, REX_W;
defm VCVTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse_cvtss2si,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvtss2si",
defm VCVTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR64, int_x86_sse_cvtss2si64,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvtss2si",
defm CVTSS2SI : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR32, int_x86_sse_cvtss2si,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvtss2si",
defm CVTSS2SI64 : sse12_cvt_sint<0x2D, VR128, GR64, int_x86_sse_cvtss2si64,
ssmem, sse_load_f32, "cvtss2si",
defm VCVTDQ2PS : sse12_cvt_p<0x5B, VR128, VR128, i128mem,
"vcvtdq2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSEPackedSingle, SSE_CVT_PS>,
TB, VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm VCVTDQ2PSY : sse12_cvt_p<0x5B, VR256, VR256, i256mem,
"vcvtdq2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSEPackedSingle, SSE_CVT_PS>,
TB, VEX, VEX_L, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm CVTDQ2PS : sse12_cvt_p<0x5B, VR128, VR128, i128mem,
"cvtdq2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSEPackedSingle, SSE_CVT_PS>,
TB, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSS2SIrr GR32:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSS2SIrm GR32:$dst, ssmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSD2SIrr GR32:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSD2SIrm GR32:$dst, sdmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSS2SI64rr GR64:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSS2SI64rm GR64:$dst, ssmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSD2SI64rr GR64:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTSD2SI64rm GR64:$dst, sdmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSS2SIrr GR32:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtss2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSS2SIrm GR32:$dst, ssmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSD2SIrr GR32:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsd2si{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSD2SIrm GR32:$dst, sdmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSS2SI64rr GR64:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtss2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSS2SI64rm GR64:$dst, ssmem:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSD2SI64rr GR64:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"cvtsd2si{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(CVTSD2SI64rm GR64:$dst, sdmem:$src)>;
/// SSE 2 Only
// Convert scalar double to scalar single
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def VCVTSD2SSrr : VSDI<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR64:$src1, FR64:$src2),
"cvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", [],
let mayLoad = 1 in
def VCVTSD2SSrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR64:$src1, f64mem:$src2),
"vcvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[], IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>,
XD, Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fround FR64:$src)), (VCVTSD2SSrr FR64:$src, FR64:$src)>,
def CVTSD2SSrr : SDI<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
"cvtsd2ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (fround FR64:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def CVTSD2SSrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins f64mem:$src),
"cvtsd2ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (fround (loadf64 addr:$src)))],
Requires<[UseSSE2, OptForSize]>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
def Int_VCVTSD2SSrr: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"vcvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2ss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>, XD, VEX_4V, Requires<[HasAVX]>,
def Int_VCVTSD2SSrm: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, sdmem:$src2),
"vcvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2ss
VR128:$src1, sse_load_f64:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>, XD, VEX_4V, Requires<[HasAVX]>,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
def Int_CVTSD2SSrr: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"cvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2ss VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>, XD, Requires<[UseSSE2]>,
def Int_CVTSD2SSrm: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, sdmem:$src2),
"cvtsd2ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtsd2ss
VR128:$src1, sse_load_f64:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>, XD, Requires<[UseSSE2]>,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Convert scalar single to scalar double
// SSE2 instructions with XS prefix
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def VCVTSS2SDrr : I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1, FR32:$src2),
"vcvtss2sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[], IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>,
XS, Requires<[HasAVX]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
let mayLoad = 1 in
def VCVTSS2SDrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1, f32mem:$src2),
"vcvtss2sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[], IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>,
XS, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG, Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fextend FR32:$src)),
(VCVTSS2SDrr FR32:$src, FR32:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(fextend (loadf32 addr:$src)),
(VCVTSS2SDrm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(extloadf32 addr:$src),
(VCVTSS2SDrm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>;
def : Pat<(extloadf32 addr:$src),
(VCVTSS2SDrr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), (VMOVSSrm addr:$src))>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSpeed]>;
def CVTSS2SDrr : I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
"cvtss2sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (fextend FR32:$src))],
Requires<[UseSSE2]>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def CVTSS2SDrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins f32mem:$src),
"cvtss2sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (extloadf32 addr:$src))],
Requires<[UseSSE2, OptForSize]>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
// extload f32 -> f64. This matches load+fextend because we have a hack in
// the isel (PreprocessForFPConvert) that can introduce loads after dag
// combine.
// Since these loads aren't folded into the fextend, we have to match it
// explicitly here.
def : Pat<(fextend (loadf32 addr:$src)),
(CVTSS2SDrm addr:$src)>, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
def : Pat<(extloadf32 addr:$src),
(CVTSS2SDrr (MOVSSrm addr:$src))>, Requires<[UseSSE2, OptForSpeed]>;
def Int_VCVTSS2SDrr: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"vcvtss2sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtss2sd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>, XS, VEX_4V, Requires<[HasAVX]>,
def Int_VCVTSS2SDrm: I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2),
"vcvtss2sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtss2sd VR128:$src1, sse_load_f32:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>, XS, VEX_4V, Requires<[HasAVX]>,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in { // SSE2 instructions with XS prefix
def Int_CVTSS2SDrr: I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"cvtss2sd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtss2sd VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RR>, XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>,
def Int_CVTSS2SDrm: I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2),
"cvtss2sd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtss2sd VR128:$src1, sse_load_f32:$src2))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_Scalar_RM>, XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>,
Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Convert packed single/double fp to doubleword
def VCVTPS2DQrr : VPDI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtps2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def VCVTPS2DQrm : VPDI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtps2dq (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RM>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def VCVTPS2DQYrr : VPDI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_ps2dq_256 VR256:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def VCVTPS2DQYrm : VPDI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_ps2dq_256 (memopv8f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RM>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def CVTPS2DQrr : PDI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtps2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def CVTPS2DQrm : PDI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvtps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtps2dq (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RM>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
// Convert Packed Double FP to Packed DW Integers
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// The assembler can recognize rr 256-bit instructions by seeing a ymm
// register, but the same isn't true when using memory operands instead.
// Provide other assembly rr and rm forms to address this explicitly.
def VCVTPD2DQrr : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2dq VR128:$src))]>,
VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
// XMM only
def : InstAlias<"vcvtpd2dqx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTPD2DQrr VR128:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def VCVTPD2DQXrm : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"vcvtpd2dqx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2dq (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))]>, VEX,
// YMM only
def VCVTPD2DQYrr : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"vcvtpd2dq{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_pd2dq_256 VR256:$src))]>, VEX, VEX_L,
def VCVTPD2DQYrm : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
"vcvtpd2dq{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_pd2dq_256 (memopv4f64 addr:$src)))]>,
VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTPD2DQYrr VR128:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def CVTPD2DQrm : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvtpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2dq (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def CVTPD2DQrr : SDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
// Convert with truncation packed single/double fp to doubleword
// SSE2 packed instructions with XS prefix
def VCVTTPS2DQrr : VS2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvttps2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def VCVTTPS2DQrm : VS2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvttps2dq
(memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RM>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def VCVTTPS2DQYrr : VS2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvtt_ps2dq_256 VR256:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def VCVTTPS2DQYrm : VS2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (int_x86_avx_cvtt_ps2dq_256
(memopv8f32 addr:$src)))],
def CVTTPS2DQrr : S2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvttps2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def CVTTPS2DQrm : S2SI<0x5B, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvttps2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvttps2dq (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PS_RM>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4f32 (sint_to_fp (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTDQ2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (sint_to_fp (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(VCVTDQ2PSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2ps VR128:$src),
(VCVTDQ2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2ps (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTDQ2PSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTTPS2DQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (memopv4f32 addr:$src))),
(VCVTTPS2DQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (sint_to_fp (v8i32 VR256:$src))),
(VCVTDQ2PSYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (sint_to_fp (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src)))),
(VCVTDQ2PSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (fp_to_sint (v8f32 VR256:$src))),
(VCVTTPS2DQYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (fp_to_sint (memopv8f32 addr:$src))),
(VCVTTPS2DQYrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(v4f32 (sint_to_fp (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(CVTDQ2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (sint_to_fp (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(CVTDQ2PSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2ps VR128:$src),
(CVTDQ2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2ps (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src))),
(CVTDQ2PSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(CVTTPS2DQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (memopv4f32 addr:$src))),
(CVTTPS2DQrm addr:$src)>;
def VCVTTPD2DQrr : VPDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvttpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvttpd2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
// The assembler can recognize rr 256-bit instructions by seeing a ymm
// register, but the same isn't true when using memory operands instead.
// Provide other assembly rr and rm forms to address this explicitly.
// XMM only
def : InstAlias<"vcvttpd2dqx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTPD2DQrr VR128:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def VCVTTPD2DQXrm : VPDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvttpd2dqx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvttpd2dq
(memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
// YMM only
def VCVTTPD2DQYrr : VPDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"cvttpd2dq{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvtt_pd2dq_256 VR256:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def VCVTTPD2DQYrm : VPDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
"cvttpd2dq{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvtt_pd2dq_256 (memopv4f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2ILd]>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvttpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTTPD2DQYrr VR128:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (v4f64 VR256:$src))),
(VCVTTPD2DQYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (fp_to_sint (memopv4f64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTTPD2DQYrm addr:$src)>;
} // Predicates = [HasAVX]
def CVTTPD2DQrr : PDI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvttpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvttpd2dq VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2I]>;
def CVTTPD2DQrm : PDI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),(ins f128mem:$src),
"cvttpd2dq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvttpd2dq
(memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
// Convert packed single to packed double
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// SSE2 instructions without OpSize prefix
def VCVTPS2PDrr : I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtps2pd VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, TB, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def VCVTPS2PDrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f64mem:$src),
"vcvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2f64 (extloadv2f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, TB, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
def VCVTPS2PDYrr : I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_ps2_pd_256 VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, TB, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def VCVTPS2PDYrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"vcvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_ps2_pd_256 (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, TB, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def CVTPS2PDrr : I<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtps2pd VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, TB, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def CVTPS2PDrm : I<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f64mem:$src),
"cvtps2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2f64 (extloadv2f32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, TB, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
// Convert Packed DW Integers to Packed Double FP
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayLoad = 1 in
def VCVTDQ2PDrm : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"vcvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[]>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtI2FLd]>;
def VCVTDQ2PDrr : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2pd VR128:$src))]>, VEX,
def VCVTDQ2PDYrm : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"vcvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src))))]>, VEX, VEX_L,
def VCVTDQ2PDYrr : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvtdq2_pd_256 VR128:$src))]>, VEX, VEX_L,
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayLoad = 1 in
def CVTDQ2PDrm : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"cvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtI2FLd]>;
def CVTDQ2PDrr : S2SI<0xE6, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtdq2pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtdq2pd VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, Sched<[WriteCvtI2F]>;
// AVX 256-bit register conversion intrinsics
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4f64 (sint_to_fp (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTDQ2PDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (sint_to_fp (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(VCVTDQ2PDYrm addr:$src)>;
} // Predicates = [HasAVX]
// Convert packed double to packed single
// The assembler can recognize rr 256-bit instructions by seeing a ymm
// register, but the same isn't true when using memory operands instead.
// Provide other assembly rr and rm forms to address this explicitly.
def VCVTPD2PSrr : VPDI<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtpd2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2ps VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
// XMM only
def : InstAlias<"vcvtpd2psx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTPD2PSrr VR128:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def VCVTPD2PSXrm : VPDI<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvtpd2psx\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2ps (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, VEX, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
// YMM only
def VCVTPD2PSYrr : VPDI<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"cvtpd2ps{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_pd2_ps_256 VR256:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def VCVTPD2PSYrm : VPDI<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
"cvtpd2ps{y}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx_cvt_pd2_ps_256 (memopv4f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
def : InstAlias<"vcvtpd2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VCVTPD2PSYrr VR128:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
def CVTPD2PSrr : PDI<0x5A, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"cvtpd2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2ps VR128:$src))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RR>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2F]>;
def CVTPD2PSrm : PDI<0x5A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
"cvtpd2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_cvtpd2ps (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_CVT_PD_RM>, Sched<[WriteCvtF2FLd]>;
// AVX 256-bit register conversion intrinsics
// FIXME: Migrate SSE conversion intrinsics matching to use patterns as below
// whenever possible to avoid declaring two versions of each one.
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_cvtdq2_ps_256 VR256:$src),
(VCVTDQ2PSYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_cvtdq2_ps_256 (bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTDQ2PSYrm addr:$src)>;
// Match fround and fextend for 128/256-bit conversions
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vfpround (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTPD2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vfpround (memopv2f64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTPD2PSXrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fround (v4f64 VR256:$src))),
(VCVTPD2PSYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fround (loadv4f64 addr:$src))),
(VCVTPD2PSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vfpext (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTPS2PDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (fextend (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VCVTPS2PDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (extloadv4f32 addr:$src)),
(VCVTPS2PDYrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
// Match fround and fextend for 128 conversions
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vfpround (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(CVTPD2PSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86vfpround (memopv2f64 addr:$src))),
(CVTPD2PSrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vfpext (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(CVTPS2PDrr VR128:$src)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Compare Instructions
// sse12_cmp_scalar - sse 1 & 2 compare scalar instructions
multiclass sse12_cmp_scalar<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
Operand CC, SDNode OpNode, ValueType VT,
PatFrag ld_frag, string asm, string asm_alt,
OpndItins itins> {
def rr : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode (VT RC:$src1), RC:$src2, imm:$cc))],
itins.rr>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def rm : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode (VT RC:$src1),
(ld_frag addr:$src2), imm:$cc))],
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Accept explicit immediate argument form instead of comparison code.
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def rr_alt : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, i8imm:$cc), asm_alt, [],
IIC_SSE_ALU_F32S_RR>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm_alt : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, i8imm:$cc), asm_alt, [],
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
defm VCMPSS : sse12_cmp_scalar<FR32, f32mem, AVXCC, X86cmpss, f32, loadf32,
"cmp${cc}ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmpss\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
defm VCMPSD : sse12_cmp_scalar<FR64, f64mem, AVXCC, X86cmpsd, f64, loadf64,
"cmp${cc}sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmpsd\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
SSE_ALU_F32S>, // same latency as 32 bit compare
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm CMPSS : sse12_cmp_scalar<FR32, f32mem, SSECC, X86cmpss, f32, loadf32,
"cmp${cc}ss\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
"cmpss\t{$cc, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $cc}", SSE_ALU_F32S>,
defm CMPSD : sse12_cmp_scalar<FR64, f64mem, SSECC, X86cmpsd, f64, loadf64,
"cmp${cc}sd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
"cmpsd\t{$cc, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $cc}",
SSE_ALU_F32S>, // same latency as 32 bit compare
multiclass sse12_cmp_scalar_int<X86MemOperand x86memop, Operand CC,
Intrinsic Int, string asm, OpndItins itins> {
def rr : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set VR128:$dst, (Int VR128:$src1,
VR128:$src, imm:$cc))],
def rm : SIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, x86memop:$src, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set VR128:$dst, (Int VR128:$src1,
(load addr:$src), imm:$cc))],
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Aliases to match intrinsics which expect XMM operand(s).
defm Int_VCMPSS : sse12_cmp_scalar_int<f32mem, AVXCC, int_x86_sse_cmp_ss,
"cmp${cc}ss\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}",
defm Int_VCMPSD : sse12_cmp_scalar_int<f64mem, AVXCC, int_x86_sse2_cmp_sd,
"cmp${cc}sd\t{$src, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src}",
SSE_ALU_F32S>, // same latency as f32
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm Int_CMPSS : sse12_cmp_scalar_int<f32mem, SSECC, int_x86_sse_cmp_ss,
"cmp${cc}ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
defm Int_CMPSD : sse12_cmp_scalar_int<f64mem, SSECC, int_x86_sse2_cmp_sd,
"cmp${cc}sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
SSE_ALU_F32S>, // same latency as f32
// sse12_ord_cmp - Unordered/Ordered scalar fp compare and set EFLAGS
multiclass sse12_ord_cmp<bits<8> opc, RegisterClass RC, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType vt, X86MemOperand x86memop,
PatFrag ld_frag, string OpcodeStr> {
def rr: SI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}"),
[(set EFLAGS, (OpNode (vt RC:$src1), RC:$src2))],
def rm: SI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}"),
[(set EFLAGS, (OpNode (vt RC:$src1),
(ld_frag addr:$src2)))],
Sched<[WriteFAddLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
defm VUCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, FR32, X86cmp, f32, f32mem, loadf32,
"ucomiss">, TB, VEX, VEX_LIG;
defm VUCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, FR64, X86cmp, f64, f64mem, loadf64,
"ucomisd">, TB, OpSize, VEX, VEX_LIG;
let Pattern = []<dag> in {
defm VCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, undef, v4f32, f128mem, load,
"comiss">, TB, VEX, VEX_LIG;
defm VCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, undef, v2f64, f128mem, load,
"comisd">, TB, OpSize, VEX, VEX_LIG;
defm Int_VUCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, VR128, X86ucomi, v4f32, f128mem,
load, "ucomiss">, TB, VEX;
defm Int_VUCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, VR128, X86ucomi, v2f64, f128mem,
load, "ucomisd">, TB, OpSize, VEX;
defm Int_VCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, X86comi, v4f32, f128mem,
load, "comiss">, TB, VEX;
defm Int_VCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, X86comi, v2f64, f128mem,
load, "comisd">, TB, OpSize, VEX;
defm UCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, FR32, X86cmp, f32, f32mem, loadf32,
"ucomiss">, TB;
defm UCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, FR64, X86cmp, f64, f64mem, loadf64,
"ucomisd">, TB, OpSize;
let Pattern = []<dag> in {
defm COMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, undef, v4f32, f128mem, load,
"comiss">, TB;
defm COMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, undef, v2f64, f128mem, load,
"comisd">, TB, OpSize;
defm Int_UCOMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, VR128, X86ucomi, v4f32, f128mem,
load, "ucomiss">, TB;
defm Int_UCOMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2E, VR128, X86ucomi, v2f64, f128mem,
load, "ucomisd">, TB, OpSize;
defm Int_COMISS : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, X86comi, v4f32, f128mem, load,
"comiss">, TB;
defm Int_COMISD : sse12_ord_cmp<0x2F, VR128, X86comi, v2f64, f128mem, load,
"comisd">, TB, OpSize;
} // Defs = [EFLAGS]
// sse12_cmp_packed - sse 1 & 2 compare packed instructions
multiclass sse12_cmp_packed<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
Operand CC, Intrinsic Int, string asm,
string asm_alt, Domain d> {
def rri : PIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (Int RC:$src1, RC:$src2, imm:$cc))],
def rmi : PIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, CC:$cc), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (Int RC:$src1, (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc))],
Sched<[WriteFAddLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Accept explicit immediate argument form instead of comparison code.
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def rri_alt : PIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, i8imm:$cc),
asm_alt, [], IIC_SSE_CMPP_RR, d>, Sched<[WriteFAdd]>;
def rmi_alt : PIi8<0xC2, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, i8imm:$cc),
asm_alt, [], IIC_SSE_CMPP_RM, d>,
Sched<[WriteFAddLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
defm VCMPPS : sse12_cmp_packed<VR128, f128mem, AVXCC, int_x86_sse_cmp_ps,
"cmp${cc}ps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmpps\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm VCMPPD : sse12_cmp_packed<VR128, f128mem, AVXCC, int_x86_sse2_cmp_pd,
"cmp${cc}pd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmppd\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm VCMPPSY : sse12_cmp_packed<VR256, f256mem, AVXCC, int_x86_avx_cmp_ps_256,
"cmp${cc}ps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmpps\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VCMPPDY : sse12_cmp_packed<VR256, f256mem, AVXCC, int_x86_avx_cmp_pd_256,
"cmp${cc}pd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
"cmppd\t{$cc, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm CMPPS : sse12_cmp_packed<VR128, f128mem, SSECC, int_x86_sse_cmp_ps,
"cmp${cc}ps\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
"cmpps\t{$cc, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB;
defm CMPPD : sse12_cmp_packed<VR128, f128mem, SSECC, int_x86_sse2_cmp_pd,
"cmp${cc}pd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
"cmppd\t{$cc, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $cc}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86cmpp (v4f32 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPSrri (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (v4f32 VR128:$src2), imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86cmpp (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPSrmi (v4f32 VR128:$src1), addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86cmpp (v2f64 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86cmpp (v2f64 VR128:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPDrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86cmpp (v8f32 VR256:$src1), VR256:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPSYrri (v8f32 VR256:$src1), (v8f32 VR256:$src2), imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86cmpp (v8f32 VR256:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPSYrmi (v8f32 VR256:$src1), addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86cmpp (v4f64 VR256:$src1), VR256:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPDYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86cmpp (v4f64 VR256:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(VCMPPDYrmi VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86cmpp (v4f32 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(CMPPSrri (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (v4f32 VR128:$src2), imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86cmpp (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(CMPPSrmi (v4f32 VR128:$src1), addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86cmpp (v2f64 VR128:$src1), VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)),
(CMPPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86cmpp (v2f64 VR128:$src1), (memop addr:$src2), imm:$cc)),
(CMPPDrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$cc)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Shuffle Instructions
/// sse12_shuffle - sse 1 & 2 shuffle instructions
multiclass sse12_shuffle<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
ValueType vt, string asm, PatFrag mem_frag,
Domain d, bit IsConvertibleToThreeAddress = 0> {
def rmi : PIi8<0xC6, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, i8imm:$src3), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (X86Shufp RC:$src1, (mem_frag addr:$src2),
(i8 imm:$src3))))], IIC_SSE_SHUFP, d>,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let isConvertibleToThreeAddress = IsConvertibleToThreeAddress in
def rri : PIi8<0xC6, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, i8imm:$src3), asm,
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (X86Shufp RC:$src1, RC:$src2,
(i8 imm:$src3))))], IIC_SSE_SHUFP, d>,
defm VSHUFPS : sse12_shuffle<VR128, f128mem, v4f32,
"shufps\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
memopv4f32, SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm VSHUFPSY : sse12_shuffle<VR256, f256mem, v8f32,
"shufps\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
memopv8f32, SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VSHUFPD : sse12_shuffle<VR128, f128mem, v2f64,
"shufpd\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src2, $src3}",
memopv2f64, SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm VSHUFPDY : sse12_shuffle<VR256, f256mem, v4f64,
"shufpd\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src2, $src3}",
memopv4f64, SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm SHUFPS : sse12_shuffle<VR128, f128mem, v4f32,
"shufps\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
memopv4f32, SSEPackedSingle, 1 /* cvt to pshufd */>,
defm SHUFPD : sse12_shuffle<VR128, f128mem, v2f64,
"shufpd\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
memopv2f64, SSEPackedDouble, 1 /* cvt to pshufd */>,
TB, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPSrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPSrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1,
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPDrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
// 256-bit patterns
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Shufp VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPSYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Shufp VR256:$src1,
(bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPSYrmi VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Shufp VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPDYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Shufp VR256:$src1,
(memopv4i64 addr:$src2), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VSHUFPDYrmi VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1,
(bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(SHUFPSrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(SHUFPSrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
// Generic SHUFPD patterns
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1,
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(SHUFPDrmi VR128:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86Shufp VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(SHUFPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Unpack Instructions
/// sse12_unpack_interleave - sse 1 & 2 unpack and interleave
multiclass sse12_unpack_interleave<bits<8> opc, SDNode OpNode, ValueType vt,
PatFrag mem_frag, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, string asm,
Domain d> {
def rr : PI<opc, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
asm, [(set RC:$dst,
(vt (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))],
IIC_SSE_UNPCK, d>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def rm : PI<opc, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
asm, [(set RC:$dst,
(vt (OpNode RC:$src1,
(mem_frag addr:$src2))))],
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
defm VUNPCKHPS: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v4f32, memopv4f32,
VR128, f128mem, "unpckhps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm VUNPCKHPD: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v2f64, memopv2f64,
VR128, f128mem, "unpckhpd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm VUNPCKLPS: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v4f32, memopv4f32,
VR128, f128mem, "unpcklps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm VUNPCKLPD: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v2f64, memopv2f64,
VR128, f128mem, "unpcklpd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm VUNPCKHPSY: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v8f32, memopv8f32,
VR256, f256mem, "unpckhps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VUNPCKHPDY: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v4f64, memopv4f64,
VR256, f256mem, "unpckhpd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VUNPCKLPSY: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v8f32, memopv8f32,
VR256, f256mem, "unpcklps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VUNPCKLPDY: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v4f64, memopv4f64,
VR256, f256mem, "unpcklpd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm UNPCKHPS: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v4f32, memopv4f32,
VR128, f128mem, "unpckhps\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB;
defm UNPCKHPD: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x15, X86Unpckh, v2f64, memopv2f64,
VR128, f128mem, "unpckhpd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize;
defm UNPCKLPS: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v4f32, memopv4f32,
VR128, f128mem, "unpcklps\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB;
defm UNPCKLPD: sse12_unpack_interleave<0x14, X86Unpckl, v2f64, memopv2f64,
VR128, f128mem, "unpcklpd\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize;
} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Unpckl VR256:$src1, (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)))),
(VUNPCKLPSYrm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Unpckl VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(VUNPCKLPSYrr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Unpckh VR256:$src1, (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)))),
(VUNPCKHPSYrm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Unpckh VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(VUNPCKHPSYrr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Unpckl VR256:$src1, (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))),
(VUNPCKLPDYrm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Unpckl VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(VUNPCKLPDYrr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Unpckh VR256:$src1, (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))),
(VUNPCKHPDYrm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86Unpckh VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)),
(VUNPCKHPDYrr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// FIXME: Instead of X86Movddup, there should be a X86Unpckl here, the
// problem is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the load
// fold cause it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel
// time and the fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movddup VR128:$src)),
(VUNPCKLPDrr VR128:$src, VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
// FIXME: Instead of X86Movddup, there should be a X86Unpckl here, the
// problem is during lowering, where it's not possible to recognize the load
// fold cause it has two uses through a bitcast. One use disappears at isel
// time and the fold opportunity reappears.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Movddup VR128:$src)),
(UNPCKLPDrr VR128:$src, VR128:$src)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Extract Floating-Point Sign mask
/// sse12_extr_sign_mask - sse 1 & 2 unpack and interleave
multiclass sse12_extr_sign_mask<RegisterClass RC, Intrinsic Int, string asm,
Domain d> {
def rr32 : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins RC:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set GR32:$dst, (Int RC:$src))], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK, d>,
def rr64 : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins RC:$src),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"), [],
IIC_SSE_MOVMSK, d>, REX_W, Sched<[WriteVecLogic]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VMOVMSKPS : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR128, int_x86_sse_movmsk_ps,
"movmskps", SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX;
defm VMOVMSKPD : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR128, int_x86_sse2_movmsk_pd,
"movmskpd", SSEPackedDouble>, TB,
OpSize, VEX;
defm VMOVMSKPSY : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR256, int_x86_avx_movmsk_ps_256,
"movmskps", SSEPackedSingle>, TB,
defm VMOVMSKPDY : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR256, int_x86_avx_movmsk_pd_256,
"movmskpd", SSEPackedDouble>, TB,
OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
def : Pat<(i32 (X86fgetsign FR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(i64 (X86fgetsign FR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(i32 (X86fgetsign FR64:$src)),
def : Pat<(i64 (X86fgetsign FR64:$src)),
// Assembler Only
def VMOVMSKPSr64r : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movmskps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK,
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX, Sched<[WriteVecLogic]>;
def VMOVMSKPDr64r : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movmskpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK,
SSEPackedDouble>, TB,
OpSize, VEX, Sched<[WriteVecLogic]>;
def VMOVMSKPSYr64r : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movmskps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK,
SSEPackedSingle>, TB, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteVecLogic]>;
def VMOVMSKPDYr64r : PI<0x50, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movmskpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK,
SSEPackedDouble>, TB,
OpSize, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteVecLogic]>;
defm MOVMSKPS : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR128, int_x86_sse_movmsk_ps, "movmskps",
SSEPackedSingle>, TB;
defm MOVMSKPD : sse12_extr_sign_mask<VR128, int_x86_sse2_movmsk_pd, "movmskpd",
SSEPackedDouble>, TB, OpSize;
def : Pat<(i32 (X86fgetsign FR32:$src)),
(MOVMSKPSrr32 (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128))>,
def : Pat<(i64 (X86fgetsign FR32:$src)),
(MOVMSKPSrr64 (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128))>,
def : Pat<(i32 (X86fgetsign FR64:$src)),
(MOVMSKPDrr32 (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128))>,
def : Pat<(i64 (X86fgetsign FR64:$src)),
(MOVMSKPDrr64 (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128))>,
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Logical Instructions
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in { // SSE integer instructions
/// PDI_binop_rm - Simple SSE2 binary operator.
multiclass PDI_binop_rm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType OpVT, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, OpndItins itins,
bit IsCommutable, bit Is2Addr> {
let isCommutable = IsCommutable in
def rr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))], itins.rr>,
def rm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)))))],
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
multiclass PDI_binop_all<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode Opcode,
ValueType OpVT128, ValueType OpVT256,
OpndItins itins, bit IsCommutable = 0> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm V#NAME : PDI_binop_rm<opc, !strconcat("v", OpcodeStr), Opcode, OpVT128,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem, itins, IsCommutable, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm NAME : PDI_binop_rm<opc, OpcodeStr, Opcode, OpVT128, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, itins, IsCommutable, 1>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
defm V#NAME#Y : PDI_binop_rm<opc, !strconcat("v", OpcodeStr), Opcode,
OpVT256, VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem, itins,
IsCommutable, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
// These are ordered here for pattern ordering requirements with the fp versions
defm PAND : PDI_binop_all<0xDB, "pand", and, v2i64, v4i64, SSE_BIT_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm POR : PDI_binop_all<0xEB, "por", or, v2i64, v4i64, SSE_BIT_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PXOR : PDI_binop_all<0xEF, "pxor", xor, v2i64, v4i64, SSE_BIT_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PANDN : PDI_binop_all<0xDF, "pandn", X86andnp, v2i64, v4i64,
// SSE 1 & 2 - Logical Instructions
/// sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical - SSE 1 & 2 aliased packed FP logical ops
multiclass sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode, OpndItins itins> {
defm V#NAME#PS : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), OpNode,
FR32, f32, f128mem, memopfsf32, SSEPackedSingle, itins, 0>,
defm V#NAME#PD : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), OpNode,
FR64, f64, f128mem, memopfsf64, SSEPackedDouble, itins, 0>,
TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PS : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), OpNode, FR32,
f32, f128mem, memopfsf32, SSEPackedSingle, itins>,
defm PD : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), OpNode, FR64,
f64, f128mem, memopfsf64, SSEPackedDouble, itins>,
TB, OpSize;
// Alias bitwise logical operations using SSE logical ops on packed FP values.
defm FsAND : sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical<0x54, "and", X86fand,
defm FsOR : sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical<0x56, "or", X86for,
defm FsXOR : sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical<0x57, "xor", X86fxor,
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, Pattern = []<dag>, isCommutable = 0 in
defm FsANDN : sse12_fp_alias_pack_logical<0x55, "andn", undef,
/// sse12_fp_packed_logical - SSE 1 & 2 packed FP logical ops
multiclass sse12_fp_packed_logical<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode> {
defm V#NAME#PSY : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR256, SSEPackedSingle,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), f256mem,
[(set VR256:$dst, (v4i64 (OpNode VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)))],
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v4i64 (v8f32 VR256:$src1)),
(memopv4i64 addr:$src2)))], 0>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm V#NAME#PDY : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR256, SSEPackedDouble,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), f256mem,
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v4i64 (v4f64 VR256:$src1)),
(bc_v4i64 (v4f64 VR256:$src2))))],
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v4i64 (v4f64 VR256:$src1)),
(memopv4i64 addr:$src2)))], 0>,
TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
// In AVX no need to add a pattern for 128-bit logical rr ps, because they
// are all promoted to v2i64, and the patterns are covered by the int
// version. This is needed in SSE only, because v2i64 isn't supported on
// SSE1, but only on SSE2.
defm V#NAME#PS : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR128, SSEPackedSingle,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), f128mem, [],
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)),
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))], 0>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm V#NAME#PD : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR128, SSEPackedDouble,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), f128mem,
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src1)),
(bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src2))))],
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src1)),
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))], 0>,
TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PS : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR128, SSEPackedSingle,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), f128mem,
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (OpNode VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)),
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))]>, TB;
defm PD : sse12_fp_packed_logical_rm<opc, VR128, SSEPackedDouble,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), f128mem,
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src1)),
(bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src2))))],
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (bc_v2i64 (v2f64 VR128:$src1)),
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))]>, TB, OpSize;
defm AND : sse12_fp_packed_logical<0x54, "and", and>;
defm OR : sse12_fp_packed_logical<0x56, "or", or>;
defm XOR : sse12_fp_packed_logical<0x57, "xor", xor>;
let isCommutable = 0 in
defm ANDN : sse12_fp_packed_logical<0x55, "andn", X86andnp>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Arithmetic Instructions
/// basic_sse12_fp_binop_xxx - SSE 1 & 2 binops come in both scalar and
/// vector forms.
/// In addition, we also have a special variant of the scalar form here to
/// represent the associated intrinsic operation. This form is unlike the
/// plain scalar form, in that it takes an entire vector (instead of a scalar)
/// and leaves the top elements unmodified (therefore these cannot be commuted).
/// These three forms can each be reg+reg or reg+mem.
/// FIXME: once all 256-bit intrinsics are matched, cleanup and refactor those
/// classes below
multiclass basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
SizeItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
defm SS : sse12_fp_scalar<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss"),
OpNode, FR32, f32mem,
itins.s, Is2Addr>, XS;
defm SD : sse12_fp_scalar<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd"),
OpNode, FR64, f64mem,
itins.d, Is2Addr>, XD;
multiclass basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode, SizeItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm V#NAME#PS : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), OpNode,
VR128, v4f32, f128mem, memopv4f32,
SSEPackedSingle, itins.s, 0>, TB, VEX_4V;
defm V#NAME#PD : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), OpNode,
VR128, v2f64, f128mem, memopv2f64,
SSEPackedDouble, itins.d, 0>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm V#NAME#PSY : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"),
OpNode, VR256, v8f32, f256mem, memopv8f32,
SSEPackedSingle, itins.s, 0>, TB, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm V#NAME#PDY : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"),
OpNode, VR256, v4f64, f256mem, memopv4f64,
SSEPackedDouble, itins.d, 0>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PS : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps"), OpNode, VR128,
v4f32, f128mem, memopv4f32, SSEPackedSingle,
itins.s, 1>, TB;
defm PD : sse12_fp_packed<opc, !strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd"), OpNode, VR128,
v2f64, f128mem, memopv2f64, SSEPackedDouble,
itins.d, 1>, TB, OpSize;
multiclass basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SizeItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
defm SS : sse12_fp_scalar_int<opc, OpcodeStr, VR128,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss"), "", "_ss", ssmem, sse_load_f32,
itins.s, Is2Addr>, XS;
defm SD : sse12_fp_scalar_int<opc, OpcodeStr, VR128,
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd"), "2", "_sd", sdmem, sse_load_f64,
itins.d, Is2Addr>, XD;
// Binary Arithmetic instructions
defm ADD : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x58, "add", fadd, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
defm MUL : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x59, "mul", fmul, SSE_MUL_ITINS_P>;
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm SUB : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5C, "sub", fsub, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
defm DIV : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5E, "div", fdiv, SSE_DIV_ITINS_P>;
defm MAX : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5F, "max", X86fmax, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
defm MIN : basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5D, "min", X86fmin, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
let isCodeGenOnly = 1 in {
defm MAXC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5F, "max", X86fmaxc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
defm MINC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_p<0x5D, "min", X86fminc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_P>;
defm VADD : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x58, "add", fadd, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x58, "add", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
defm VMUL : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x59, "mul", fmul, SSE_MUL_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x59, "mul", SSE_MUL_ITINS_S, 0>,
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm VSUB : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5C, "sub", fsub, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5C, "sub", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
defm VDIV : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5E, "div", fdiv, SSE_DIV_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5E, "div", SSE_DIV_ITINS_S, 0>,
defm VMAX : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5F, "max", X86fmax, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5F, "max", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
defm VMIN : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5D, "min", X86fmin, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5D, "min", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm ADD : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x58, "add", fadd, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x58, "add", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
defm MUL : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x59, "mul", fmul, SSE_MUL_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x59, "mul", SSE_MUL_ITINS_S>;
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm SUB : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5C, "sub", fsub, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5C, "sub", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
defm DIV : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5E, "div", fdiv, SSE_DIV_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5E, "div", SSE_DIV_ITINS_S>;
defm MAX : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5F, "max", X86fmax, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5F, "max", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
defm MIN : basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5D, "min", X86fmin, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>,
basic_sse12_fp_binop_s_int<0x5D, "min", SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
let isCodeGenOnly = 1 in {
defm VMAXC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5F, "max", X86fmaxc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
defm VMINC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5D, "min", X86fminc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S, 0>,
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm MAXC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5F, "max", X86fmaxc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
defm MINC: basic_sse12_fp_binop_s<0x5D, "min", X86fminc, SSE_ALU_ITINS_S>;
/// Unop Arithmetic
/// In addition, we also have a special variant of the scalar form here to
/// represent the associated intrinsic operation. This form is unlike the
/// plain scalar form, in that it takes an entire vector (instead of a
/// scalar) and leaves the top elements undefined.
/// And, we have a special variant form for a full-vector intrinsic form.
let Sched = WriteFSqrt in {
def SSE_SQRTPS : OpndItins<
def SSE_SQRTSS : OpndItins<
def SSE_SQRTPD : OpndItins<
def SSE_SQRTSD : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteFRcp in {
def SSE_RCPP : OpndItins<
def SSE_RCPS : OpndItins<
/// sse1_fp_unop_s - SSE1 unops in scalar form.
multiclass sse1_fp_unop_s<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode, Intrinsic F32Int, OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX], hasSideEffects = 0 in {
def V#NAME#SSr : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1, FR32:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in {
def V#NAME#SSm : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1,f32mem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def V#NAME#SSm_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def SSr : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR32:$dst, (OpNode FR32:$src))]>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
// For scalar unary operations, fold a load into the operation
// only in OptForSize mode. It eliminates an instruction, but it also
// eliminates a whole-register clobber (the load), so it introduces a
// partial register update condition.
def SSm : I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins f32mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR32:$dst, (OpNode (load addr:$src)))], itins.rm>, XS,
Requires<[UseSSE1, OptForSize]>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def SSr_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F32Int VR128:$src))], itins.rr>,
def SSm_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins ssmem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F32Int sse_load_f32:$src))], itins.rm>,
/// sse1_fp_unop_s_rw - SSE1 unops where vector form has a read-write operand.
multiclass sse1_fp_unop_rw<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX], hasSideEffects = 0 in {
def V#NAME#SSr : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1, FR32:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in {
def V#NAME#SSm : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst),
(ins FR32:$src1,f32mem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def V#NAME#SSm_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ss\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def SSr : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR32:$dst, (OpNode FR32:$src))]>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
// For scalar unary operations, fold a load into the operation
// only in OptForSize mode. It eliminates an instruction, but it also
// eliminates a whole-register clobber (the load), so it introduces a
// partial register update condition.
def SSm : I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins f32mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR32:$dst, (OpNode (load addr:$src)))], itins.rm>, XS,
Requires<[UseSSE1, OptForSize]>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
def SSr_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
[], itins.rr>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in
def SSm_Int : SSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ss\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
[], itins.rm>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
/// sse1_fp_unop_p - SSE1 unops in packed form.
multiclass sse1_fp_unop_p<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def V#NAME#PSr : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4f32 (OpNode VR128:$src)))],
itins.rr>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PSm : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def V#NAME#PSYr : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (v8f32 (OpNode VR256:$src)))],
itins.rr>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PSYm : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode (memopv8f32 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def PSr : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4f32 (OpNode VR128:$src)))], itins.rr>,
def PSm : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))], itins.rm>,
/// sse1_fp_unop_p_int - SSE1 intrinsics unops in packed forms.
multiclass sse1_fp_unop_p_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic V4F32Int, Intrinsic V8F32Int,
OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def V#NAME#PSr_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (V4F32Int VR128:$src))],
itins.rr>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PSm_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (V4F32Int (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def V#NAME#PSYr_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (V8F32Int VR256:$src))],
itins.rr>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PSYm_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins f256mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (V8F32Int (memopv8f32 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def PSr_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (V4F32Int VR128:$src))],
itins.rr>, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def PSm_Int : PSI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (V4F32Int (memopv4f32 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
/// sse2_fp_unop_s - SSE2 unops in scalar form.
multiclass sse2_fp_unop_s<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode, Intrinsic F64Int, OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX], hasSideEffects = 0 in {
def V#NAME#SDr : SDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst),
(ins FR64:$src1, FR64:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in {
def V#NAME#SDm : SDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst),
(ins FR64:$src1,f64mem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def V#NAME#SDm_Int : SDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, sdmem:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"sd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
def SDr : SDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR64:$dst, (OpNode FR64:$src))], itins.rr>,
// See the comments in sse1_fp_unop_s for why this is OptForSize.
def SDm : I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins f64mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set FR64:$dst, (OpNode (load addr:$src)))], itins.rm>, XD,
Requires<[UseSSE2, OptForSize]>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def SDr_Int : SDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F64Int VR128:$src))], itins.rr>,
def SDm_Int : SDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins sdmem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "sd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F64Int sse_load_f64:$src))], itins.rm>,
/// sse2_fp_unop_p - SSE2 unops in vector forms.
multiclass sse2_fp_unop_p<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
SDNode OpNode, OpndItins itins> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def V#NAME#PDr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2f64 (OpNode VR128:$src)))],
itins.rr>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PDm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def V#NAME#PDYr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (v4f64 (OpNode VR256:$src)))],
itins.rr>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def V#NAME#PDYm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode (memopv4f64 addr:$src)))],
itins.rm>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded]>;
def PDr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2f64 (OpNode VR128:$src)))], itins.rr>,
def PDm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "pd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode (memopv2f64 addr:$src)))], itins.rm>,
// Square root.
defm SQRT : sse1_fp_unop_s<0x51, "sqrt", fsqrt, int_x86_sse_sqrt_ss,
sse1_fp_unop_p<0x51, "sqrt", fsqrt, SSE_SQRTPS>,
sse2_fp_unop_s<0x51, "sqrt", fsqrt, int_x86_sse2_sqrt_sd,
sse2_fp_unop_p<0x51, "sqrt", fsqrt, SSE_SQRTPD>;
// Reciprocal approximations. Note that these typically require refinement
// in order to obtain suitable precision.
defm RSQRT : sse1_fp_unop_rw<0x52, "rsqrt", X86frsqrt, SSE_SQRTSS>,
sse1_fp_unop_p<0x52, "rsqrt", X86frsqrt, SSE_SQRTPS>,
sse1_fp_unop_p_int<0x52, "rsqrt", int_x86_sse_rsqrt_ps,
int_x86_avx_rsqrt_ps_256, SSE_SQRTPS>;
defm RCP : sse1_fp_unop_rw<0x53, "rcp", X86frcp, SSE_RCPS>,
sse1_fp_unop_p<0x53, "rcp", X86frcp, SSE_RCPP>,
sse1_fp_unop_p_int<0x53, "rcp", int_x86_sse_rcp_ps,
int_x86_avx_rcp_ps_256, SSE_RCPP>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fsqrt FR32:$src)),
(VSQRTSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fsqrt (load addr:$src))),
(VSQRTSSm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fsqrt FR64:$src)),
(VSQRTSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fsqrt (load addr:$src))),
(VSQRTSDm (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (X86frsqrt FR32:$src)),
(VRSQRTSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (X86frsqrt (load addr:$src))),
(VRSQRTSSm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (X86frcp FR32:$src)),
(VRCPSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(f32 (X86frcp (load addr:$src))),
(VRCPSSm (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), addr:$src)>,
Requires<[HasAVX, OptForSize]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_sqrt_ss VR128:$src),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32)),
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_sqrt_ss sse_load_f32:$src),
(VSQRTSSm_Int (v4f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), sse_load_f32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_sqrt_sd VR128:$src),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR64)),
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_sqrt_sd sse_load_f64:$src),
(VSQRTSDm_Int (v2f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), sse_load_f64:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rsqrt_ss VR128:$src),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32)),
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rsqrt_ss sse_load_f32:$src),
(VRSQRTSSm_Int (v4f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), sse_load_f32:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rcp_ss VR128:$src),
(COPY_TO_REGCLASS VR128:$src, FR32)),
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rcp_ss sse_load_f32:$src),
(VRCPSSm_Int (v4f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), sse_load_f32:$src)>;
// Reciprocal approximations. Note that these typically require refinement
// in order to obtain suitable precision.
let Predicates = [UseSSE1] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rsqrt_ss VR128:$src),
(RSQRTSSr_Int VR128:$src, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse_rcp_ss VR128:$src),
(RCPSSr_Int VR128:$src, VR128:$src)>;
// There is no f64 version of the reciprocal approximation instructions.
// SSE 1 & 2 - Non-temporal stores
let AddedComplexity = 400 in { // Prefer non-temporal versions
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def VMOVNTPSmr : VPSI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v4f32 VR128:$src),
def VMOVNTPDmr : VPDI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v2f64 VR128:$src),
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in
def VMOVNTDQmr : VPDI<0xE7, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntdq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v2i64 VR128:$src),
def VMOVNTPSYmr : VPSI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movntps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v8f32 VR256:$src),
def VMOVNTPDYmr : VPDI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movntpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v4f64 VR256:$src),
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in
def VMOVNTDQYmr : VPDI<0xE7, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movntdq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v4i64 VR256:$src),
def MOVNTPSmr : PSI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v4f32 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
def MOVNTPDmr : PDI<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntpd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore(v2f64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in
def MOVNTDQmr : PDI<0xE7, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntdq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(alignednontemporalstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)],
// There is no AVX form for instructions below this point
def MOVNTImr : I<0xC3, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst, GR32:$src),
"movnti{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(nontemporalstore (i32 GR32:$src), addr:$dst)],
TB, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
def MOVNTI_64mr : RI<0xC3, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, GR64:$src),
"movnti{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(nontemporalstore (i64 GR64:$src), addr:$dst)],
TB, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
} // SchedRW = [WriteStore]
def : Pat<(alignednontemporalstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(VMOVNTDQmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(alignednontemporalstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst),
(MOVNTDQmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // AddedComplexity
// SSE 1 & 2 - Prefetch and memory fence
// Prefetch intrinsic.
let Predicates = [HasSSE1], SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
def PREFETCHT0 : I<0x18, MRM1m, (outs), (ins i8mem:$src),
"prefetcht0\t$src", [(prefetch addr:$src, imm, (i32 3), (i32 1))],
def PREFETCHT1 : I<0x18, MRM2m, (outs), (ins i8mem:$src),
"prefetcht1\t$src", [(prefetch addr:$src, imm, (i32 2), (i32 1))],
def PREFETCHT2 : I<0x18, MRM3m, (outs), (ins i8mem:$src),
"prefetcht2\t$src", [(prefetch addr:$src, imm, (i32 1), (i32 1))],
def PREFETCHNTA : I<0x18, MRM0m, (outs), (ins i8mem:$src),
"prefetchnta\t$src", [(prefetch addr:$src, imm, (i32 0), (i32 1))],
// FIXME: How should these memory instructions be modeled?
let SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
// Flush cache
def CLFLUSH : I<0xAE, MRM7m, (outs), (ins i8mem:$src),
"clflush\t$src", [(int_x86_sse2_clflush addr:$src)],
IIC_SSE_PREFETCH>, TB, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
// Pause. This "instruction" is encoded as "rep; nop", so even though it
// was introduced with SSE2, it's backward compatible.
def PAUSE : I<0x90, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "pause", [], IIC_SSE_PAUSE>, REP;
// Load, store, and memory fence
def SFENCE : I<0xAE, MRM_F8, (outs), (ins),
"sfence", [(int_x86_sse_sfence)], IIC_SSE_SFENCE>,
TB, Requires<[HasSSE1]>;
def LFENCE : I<0xAE, MRM_E8, (outs), (ins),
"lfence", [(int_x86_sse2_lfence)], IIC_SSE_LFENCE>,
TB, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
def MFENCE : I<0xAE, MRM_F0, (outs), (ins),
"mfence", [(int_x86_sse2_mfence)], IIC_SSE_MFENCE>,
TB, Requires<[HasSSE2]>;
} // SchedRW
def : Pat<(X86SFence), (SFENCE)>;
def : Pat<(X86LFence), (LFENCE)>;
def : Pat<(X86MFence), (MFENCE)>;
// SSE 1 & 2 - Load/Store XCSR register
def VLDMXCSR : VPSI<0xAE, MRM2m, (outs), (ins i32mem:$src),
"ldmxcsr\t$src", [(int_x86_sse_ldmxcsr addr:$src)],
IIC_SSE_LDMXCSR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def VSTMXCSR : VPSI<0xAE, MRM3m, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst),
"stmxcsr\t$dst", [(int_x86_sse_stmxcsr addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_STMXCSR>, VEX, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
def LDMXCSR : PSI<0xAE, MRM2m, (outs), (ins i32mem:$src),
"ldmxcsr\t$src", [(int_x86_sse_ldmxcsr addr:$src)],
IIC_SSE_LDMXCSR>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def STMXCSR : PSI<0xAE, MRM3m, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst),
"stmxcsr\t$dst", [(int_x86_sse_stmxcsr addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_STMXCSR>, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
// SSE2 - Move Aligned/Unaligned Packed Integer Instructions
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in { // SSE integer instructions
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def VMOVDQArr : VPDI<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_RR>,
def VMOVDQAYrr : VPDI<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_RR>,
def VMOVDQUrr : VSSI<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RR>,
def VMOVDQUYrr : VSSI<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RR>,
// For Disassembler
let isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0, SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def VMOVDQArr_REV : VPDI<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVDQAYrr_REV : VPDI<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVDQUrr_REV : VSSI<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVDQUYrr_REV : VSSI<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
let canFoldAsLoad = 1, mayLoad = 1, isReMaterializable = 1,
neverHasSideEffects = 1, SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
def VMOVDQArm : VPDI<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_RM>,
def VMOVDQAYrm : VPDI<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i256mem:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_RM>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def VMOVDQUrm : I<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"vmovdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RM>,
def VMOVDQUYrm : I<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i256mem:$src),
"vmovdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RM>,
let mayStore = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def VMOVDQAmr : VPDI<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_MR>,
def VMOVDQAYmr : VPDI<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_MR>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def VMOVDQUmr : I<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"vmovdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_MR>,
def VMOVDQUYmr : I<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i256mem:$dst, VR256:$src),
"vmovdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_MR>,
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in
def MOVDQArr : PDI<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVA_P_RR>;
def MOVDQUrr : I<0x6F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RR>, XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
// For Disassembler
let isCodeGenOnly = 1, hasSideEffects = 0 in {
def MOVDQArr_REV : PDI<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def MOVDQUrr_REV : I<0x7F, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[], IIC_SSE_MOVU_P_RR>, XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // SchedRW
let canFoldAsLoad = 1, mayLoad = 1, isReMaterializable = 1,
neverHasSideEffects = 1, SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
def MOVDQArm : PDI<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[/*(set VR128:$dst, (alignedloadv2i64 addr:$src))*/],
def MOVDQUrm : I<0x6F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[/*(set VR128:$dst, (loadv2i64 addr:$src))*/],
XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
let mayStore = 1, SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def MOVDQAmr : PDI<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[/*(alignedstore (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)*/],
def MOVDQUmr : I<0x7F, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i128mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movdqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[/*(store (v2i64 VR128:$src), addr:$dst)*/],
XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_storeu_dq addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(VMOVDQUmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_storeu_dq_256 addr:$dst, VR256:$src),
(VMOVDQUYmr addr:$dst, VR256:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_storeu_dq addr:$dst, VR128:$src),
(MOVDQUmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src)>;
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Arithmetic Instructions
let Sched = WriteVecIMul in
def SSE_PMADD : OpndItins<
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in { // SSE integer instructions
multiclass PDI_binop_rm_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, Intrinsic IntId,
RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop,
OpndItins itins,
bit IsCommutable = 0,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = IsCommutable in
def rr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntId RC:$src1, RC:$src2))], itins.rr>,
def rm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntId RC:$src1, (bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2))))],
itins.rm>, Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass PDI_binop_all_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, Intrinsic IntId128,
Intrinsic IntId256, OpndItins itins,
bit IsCommutable = 0> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm V#NAME : PDI_binop_rm_int<opc, !strconcat("v", OpcodeStr), IntId128,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem, itins,
IsCommutable, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm NAME : PDI_binop_rm_int<opc, OpcodeStr, IntId128, VR128, memopv2i64,
i128mem, itins, IsCommutable, 1>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
defm V#NAME#Y : PDI_binop_rm_int<opc, !strconcat("v", OpcodeStr), IntId256,
VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem, itins,
IsCommutable, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
multiclass PDI_binop_rmi<bits<8> opc, bits<8> opc2, Format ImmForm,
string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
SDNode OpNode2, RegisterClass RC,
ValueType DstVT, ValueType SrcVT, PatFrag bc_frag,
ShiftOpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
// src2 is always 128-bit
def rr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (DstVT (OpNode RC:$src1, (SrcVT VR128:$src2))))],
itins.rr>, Sched<[WriteVecShift]>;
def rm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (DstVT (OpNode RC:$src1,
(bc_frag (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))))], itins.rm>,
Sched<[WriteVecShiftLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
def ri : PDIi8<opc2, ImmForm, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (DstVT (OpNode2 RC:$src1, (i32 imm:$src2))))], itins.ri>,
/// PDI_binop_rm2 - Simple SSE2 binary operator with different src and dst types
multiclass PDI_binop_rm2<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType DstVT, ValueType SrcVT, RegisterClass RC,
PatFrag memop_frag, X86MemOperand x86memop,
OpndItins itins,
bit IsCommutable = 0, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = IsCommutable in
def rr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (DstVT (OpNode (SrcVT RC:$src1), RC:$src2)))]>,
def rm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (DstVT (OpNode (SrcVT RC:$src1),
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)))))]>,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
defm PADDB : PDI_binop_all<0xFC, "paddb", add, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PADDW : PDI_binop_all<0xFD, "paddw", add, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PADDD : PDI_binop_all<0xFE, "paddd", add, v4i32, v8i32,
defm PADDQ : PDI_binop_all<0xD4, "paddq", add, v2i64, v4i64,
defm PMULLW : PDI_binop_all<0xD5, "pmullw", mul, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PSUBB : PDI_binop_all<0xF8, "psubb", sub, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PSUBW : PDI_binop_all<0xF9, "psubw", sub, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PSUBD : PDI_binop_all<0xFA, "psubd", sub, v4i32, v8i32,
defm PSUBQ : PDI_binop_all<0xFB, "psubq", sub, v2i64, v4i64,
defm PSUBUSB : PDI_binop_all<0xD8, "psubusb", X86subus, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PSUBUSW : PDI_binop_all<0xD9, "psubusw", X86subus, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PMINUB : PDI_binop_all<0xDA, "pminub", X86umin, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PMINSW : PDI_binop_all<0xEA, "pminsw", X86smin, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PMAXUB : PDI_binop_all<0xDE, "pmaxub", X86umax, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PMAXSW : PDI_binop_all<0xEE, "pmaxsw", X86smax, v8i16, v16i16,
// Intrinsic forms
defm PSUBSB : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE8, "psubsb", int_x86_sse2_psubs_b,
int_x86_avx2_psubs_b, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 0>;
defm PSUBSW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE9, "psubsw" , int_x86_sse2_psubs_w,
int_x86_avx2_psubs_w, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 0>;
defm PADDSB : PDI_binop_all_int<0xEC, "paddsb" , int_x86_sse2_padds_b,
int_x86_avx2_padds_b, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PADDSW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xED, "paddsw" , int_x86_sse2_padds_w,
int_x86_avx2_padds_w, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PADDUSB : PDI_binop_all_int<0xDC, "paddusb", int_x86_sse2_paddus_b,
int_x86_avx2_paddus_b, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PADDUSW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xDD, "paddusw", int_x86_sse2_paddus_w,
int_x86_avx2_paddus_w, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PMULHUW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE4, "pmulhuw", int_x86_sse2_pmulhu_w,
int_x86_avx2_pmulhu_w, SSE_INTMUL_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PMULHW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE5, "pmulhw" , int_x86_sse2_pmulh_w,
int_x86_avx2_pmulh_w, SSE_INTMUL_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PMADDWD : PDI_binop_all_int<0xF5, "pmaddwd", int_x86_sse2_pmadd_wd,
int_x86_avx2_pmadd_wd, SSE_PMADD, 1>;
defm PAVGB : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE0, "pavgb", int_x86_sse2_pavg_b,
int_x86_avx2_pavg_b, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PAVGW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xE3, "pavgw", int_x86_sse2_pavg_w,
int_x86_avx2_pavg_w, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
defm PSADBW : PDI_binop_all_int<0xF6, "psadbw", int_x86_sse2_psad_bw,
int_x86_avx2_psad_bw, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 1>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPMULUDQ : PDI_binop_rm2<0xF4, "vpmuludq", X86pmuludq, v2i64, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_INTMUL_ITINS_P, 1, 0>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
defm VPMULUDQY : PDI_binop_rm2<0xF4, "vpmuludq", X86pmuludq, v4i64, v8i32,
VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem,
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PMULUDQ : PDI_binop_rm2<0xF4, "pmuludq", X86pmuludq, v2i64, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_INTMUL_ITINS_P, 1>;
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Logical Instructions
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPSLLW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF1, 0x71, MRM6r, "vpsllw", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSLLD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF2, 0x72, MRM6r, "vpslld", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm VPSLLQ : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF3, 0x73, MRM6r, "vpsllq", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v2i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm VPSRLW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD1, 0x71, MRM2r, "vpsrlw", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSRLD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD2, 0x72, MRM2r, "vpsrld", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm VPSRLQ : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD3, 0x73, MRM2r, "vpsrlq", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v2i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm VPSRAW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE1, 0x71, MRM4r, "vpsraw", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSRAD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE2, 0x72, MRM4r, "vpsrad", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt, SchedRW = [WriteVecShift] in {
// 128-bit logical shifts.
def VPSLLDQri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM7r,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpslldq\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_psll_dq_bs VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
def VPSRLDQri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM3r,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpsrldq\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_psrl_dq_bs VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
// PSRADQri doesn't exist in SSE[1-3].
} // Predicates = [HasAVX]
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPSLLWY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF1, 0x71, MRM6r, "vpsllw", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR256, v16i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSLLDY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF2, 0x72, MRM6r, "vpslld", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR256, v8i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm VPSLLQY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF3, 0x73, MRM6r, "vpsllq", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR256, v4i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm VPSRLWY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD1, 0x71, MRM2r, "vpsrlw", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR256, v16i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSRLDY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD2, 0x72, MRM2r, "vpsrld", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR256, v8i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm VPSRLQY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD3, 0x73, MRM2r, "vpsrlq", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR256, v4i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm VPSRAWY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE1, 0x71, MRM4r, "vpsraw", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR256, v16i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm VPSRADY : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE2, 0x72, MRM4r, "vpsrad", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR256, v8i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt, SchedRW = [WriteVecShift] in {
// 256-bit logical shifts.
def VPSLLDQYri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM7r,
(outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpslldq\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx2_psll_dq_bs VR256:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
def VPSRLDQYri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM3r,
(outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpsrldq\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR256:$dst,
(int_x86_avx2_psrl_dq_bs VR256:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
// PSRADQYri doesn't exist in SSE[1-3].
} // Predicates = [HasAVX2]
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PSLLW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF1, 0x71, MRM6r, "psllw", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm PSLLD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF2, 0x72, MRM6r, "pslld", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm PSLLQ : PDI_binop_rmi<0xF3, 0x73, MRM6r, "psllq", X86vshl, X86vshli,
VR128, v2i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm PSRLW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD1, 0x71, MRM2r, "psrlw", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm PSRLD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD2, 0x72, MRM2r, "psrld", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
defm PSRLQ : PDI_binop_rmi<0xD3, 0x73, MRM2r, "psrlq", X86vsrl, X86vsrli,
VR128, v2i64, v2i64, bc_v2i64,
defm PSRAW : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE1, 0x71, MRM4r, "psraw", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR128, v8i16, v8i16, bc_v8i16,
defm PSRAD : PDI_binop_rmi<0xE2, 0x72, MRM4r, "psrad", X86vsra, X86vsrai,
VR128, v4i32, v4i32, bc_v4i32,
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt, SchedRW = [WriteVecShift] in {
// 128-bit logical shifts.
def PSLLDQri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM7r,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"pslldq\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_psll_dq_bs VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>;
def PSRLDQri : PDIi8<0x73, MRM3r,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"psrldq\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_sse2_psrl_dq_bs VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>;
// PSRADQri doesn't exist in SSE[1-3].
} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_psll_dq VR128:$src1, imm:$src2),
(VPSLLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_psrl_dq VR128:$src1, imm:$src2),
(VPSRLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86fsrl VR128:$src1, i32immSExt8:$src2)),
(VPSRLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
// Shift up / down and insert zero's.
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vshldq VR128:$src, (i8 imm:$amt))),
(VPSLLDQri VR128:$src, (BYTE_imm imm:$amt))>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vshrdq VR128:$src, (i8 imm:$amt))),
(VPSRLDQri VR128:$src, (BYTE_imm imm:$amt))>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx2_psll_dq VR256:$src1, imm:$src2),
(VPSLLDQYri VR256:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx2_psrl_dq VR256:$src1, imm:$src2),
(VPSRLDQYri VR256:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_psll_dq VR128:$src1, imm:$src2),
(PSLLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse2_psrl_dq VR128:$src1, imm:$src2),
(PSRLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86fsrl VR128:$src1, i32immSExt8:$src2)),
(PSRLDQri VR128:$src1, (BYTE_imm imm:$src2))>;
// Shift up / down and insert zero's.
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vshldq VR128:$src, (i8 imm:$amt))),
(PSLLDQri VR128:$src, (BYTE_imm imm:$amt))>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vshrdq VR128:$src, (i8 imm:$amt))),
(PSRLDQri VR128:$src, (BYTE_imm imm:$amt))>;
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Comparison Instructions
defm PCMPEQB : PDI_binop_all<0x74, "pcmpeqb", X86pcmpeq, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PCMPEQW : PDI_binop_all<0x75, "pcmpeqw", X86pcmpeq, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PCMPEQD : PDI_binop_all<0x76, "pcmpeqd", X86pcmpeq, v4i32, v8i32,
defm PCMPGTB : PDI_binop_all<0x64, "pcmpgtb", X86pcmpgt, v16i8, v32i8,
defm PCMPGTW : PDI_binop_all<0x65, "pcmpgtw", X86pcmpgt, v8i16, v16i16,
defm PCMPGTD : PDI_binop_all<0x66, "pcmpgtd", X86pcmpgt, v4i32, v8i32,
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Pack Instructions
defm PACKSSWB : PDI_binop_all_int<0x63, "packsswb", int_x86_sse2_packsswb_128,
int_x86_avx2_packsswb, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 0>;
defm PACKSSDW : PDI_binop_all_int<0x6B, "packssdw", int_x86_sse2_packssdw_128,
int_x86_avx2_packssdw, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 0>;
defm PACKUSWB : PDI_binop_all_int<0x67, "packuswb", int_x86_sse2_packuswb_128,
int_x86_avx2_packuswb, SSE_INTALU_ITINS_P, 0>;
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Shuffle Instructions
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in {
multiclass sse2_pshuffle<string OpcodeStr, ValueType vt128, ValueType vt256,
SDNode OpNode> {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def V#NAME#ri : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode VR128:$src1, (i8 imm:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_PSHUF>, VEX, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def V#NAME#mi : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode (bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src1)),
(i8 imm:$src2))))], IIC_SSE_PSHUF>, VEX,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def V#NAME#Yri : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(vt256 (OpNode VR256:$src1, (i8 imm:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_PSHUF>, VEX, VEX_L, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def V#NAME#Ymi : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins i256mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat("v", OpcodeStr,
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(vt256 (OpNode (bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src1)),
(i8 imm:$src2))))], IIC_SSE_PSHUF>, VEX, VEX_L,
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def ri : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode VR128:$src1, (i8 imm:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_PSHUF>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def mi : Ii8<0x70, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode (bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src1)),
(i8 imm:$src2))))], IIC_SSE_PSHUF>,
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
defm PSHUFD : sse2_pshuffle<"pshufd", v4i32, v8i32, X86PShufd>, TB, OpSize;
defm PSHUFHW : sse2_pshuffle<"pshufhw", v8i16, v16i16, X86PShufhw>, XS;
defm PSHUFLW : sse2_pshuffle<"pshuflw", v8i16, v16i16, X86PShuflw>, XD;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PShufd (memopv4f32 addr:$src1), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPSHUFDmi addr:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PShufd VR128:$src1, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPSHUFDri VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PShufd (memopv4f32 addr:$src1), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PSHUFDmi addr:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PShufd VR128:$src1, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PSHUFDri VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Unpack Instructions
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in {
multiclass sse2_unpack<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, ValueType vt,
SDNode OpNode, PatFrag bc_frag, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (vt (OpNode VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)))],
IIC_SSE_UNPCK>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def rm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (OpNode VR128:$src1,
(bc_frag (memopv2i64
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass sse2_unpack_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, ValueType vt,
SDNode OpNode, PatFrag bc_frag> {
def Yrr : PDI<opc, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (vt (OpNode VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)))]>,
def Yrm : PDI<opc, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr,"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (OpNode VR256:$src1,
(bc_frag (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))))]>,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPUNPCKLBW : sse2_unpack<0x60, "vpunpcklbw", v16i8, X86Unpckl,
bc_v16i8, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKLWD : sse2_unpack<0x61, "vpunpcklwd", v8i16, X86Unpckl,
bc_v8i16, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKLDQ : sse2_unpack<0x62, "vpunpckldq", v4i32, X86Unpckl,
bc_v4i32, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKLQDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6C, "vpunpcklqdq", v2i64, X86Unpckl,
bc_v2i64, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKHBW : sse2_unpack<0x68, "vpunpckhbw", v16i8, X86Unpckh,
bc_v16i8, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKHWD : sse2_unpack<0x69, "vpunpckhwd", v8i16, X86Unpckh,
bc_v8i16, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKHDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6A, "vpunpckhdq", v4i32, X86Unpckh,
bc_v4i32, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPUNPCKHQDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6D, "vpunpckhqdq", v2i64, X86Unpckh,
bc_v2i64, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPUNPCKLBW : sse2_unpack_y<0x60, "vpunpcklbw", v32i8, X86Unpckl,
bc_v32i8>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKLWD : sse2_unpack_y<0x61, "vpunpcklwd", v16i16, X86Unpckl,
bc_v16i16>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKLDQ : sse2_unpack_y<0x62, "vpunpckldq", v8i32, X86Unpckl,
bc_v8i32>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKLQDQ : sse2_unpack_y<0x6C, "vpunpcklqdq", v4i64, X86Unpckl,
bc_v4i64>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKHBW : sse2_unpack_y<0x68, "vpunpckhbw", v32i8, X86Unpckh,
bc_v32i8>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKHWD : sse2_unpack_y<0x69, "vpunpckhwd", v16i16, X86Unpckh,
bc_v16i16>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKHDQ : sse2_unpack_y<0x6A, "vpunpckhdq", v8i32, X86Unpckh,
bc_v8i32>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPUNPCKHQDQ : sse2_unpack_y<0x6D, "vpunpckhqdq", v4i64, X86Unpckh,
bc_v4i64>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PUNPCKLBW : sse2_unpack<0x60, "punpcklbw", v16i8, X86Unpckl,
defm PUNPCKLWD : sse2_unpack<0x61, "punpcklwd", v8i16, X86Unpckl,
defm PUNPCKLDQ : sse2_unpack<0x62, "punpckldq", v4i32, X86Unpckl,
defm PUNPCKLQDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6C, "punpcklqdq", v2i64, X86Unpckl,
defm PUNPCKHBW : sse2_unpack<0x68, "punpckhbw", v16i8, X86Unpckh,
defm PUNPCKHWD : sse2_unpack<0x69, "punpckhwd", v8i16, X86Unpckh,
defm PUNPCKHDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6A, "punpckhdq", v4i32, X86Unpckh,
defm PUNPCKHQDQ : sse2_unpack<0x6D, "punpckhqdq", v2i64, X86Unpckh,
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
// SSE2 - Packed Integer Extract and Insert
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt in {
multiclass sse2_pinsrw<bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rri : Ii8<0xC4, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1,
GR32:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"pinsrw\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
"vpinsrw\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86pinsrw VR128:$src1, GR32:$src2, imm:$src3))], IIC_SSE_PINSRW>,
def rmi : Ii8<0xC4, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1,
i16mem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"pinsrw\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
"vpinsrw\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86pinsrw VR128:$src1, (extloadi16 addr:$src2),
imm:$src3))], IIC_SSE_PINSRW>,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Extract
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def VPEXTRWri : Ii8<0xC5, MRMSrcReg,
(outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpextrw\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (X86pextrw (v8i16 VR128:$src1),
imm:$src2))]>, TB, OpSize, VEX,
def PEXTRWri : PDIi8<0xC5, MRMSrcReg,
(outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"pextrw\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (X86pextrw (v8i16 VR128:$src1),
imm:$src2))], IIC_SSE_PEXTRW>,
Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
// Insert
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPINSRW : sse2_pinsrw<0>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
def VPINSRWrr64i : Ii8<0xC4, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, GR64:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"vpinsrw\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[]>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PINSRW : sse2_pinsrw, TB, OpSize, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
// SSE2 - Packed Mask Creation
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt, SchedRW = [WriteVecLogic] in {
def VPMOVMSKBrr : VPDI<0xD7, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"pmovmskb\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_pmovmskb_128 VR128:$src))],
def VPMOVMSKBr64r : VPDI<0xD7, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"pmovmskb\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVMSK>, VEX;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def VPMOVMSKBYrr : VPDI<0xD7, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"pmovmskb\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (int_x86_avx2_pmovmskb VR256:$src))]>, VEX, VEX_L;
def VPMOVMSKBYr64r : VPDI<0xD7, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
"pmovmskb\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", []>, VEX, VEX_L;
def PMOVMSKBrr : PDI<0xD7, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"pmovmskb\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (int_x86_sse2_pmovmskb_128 VR128:$src))],
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
// SSE2 - Conditional Store
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt, SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
let Uses = [EDI] in
def VMASKMOVDQU : VPDI<0xF7, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"maskmovdqu\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(int_x86_sse2_maskmov_dqu VR128:$src, VR128:$mask, EDI)],
let Uses = [RDI] in
def VMASKMOVDQU64 : VPDI<0xF7, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"maskmovdqu\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(int_x86_sse2_maskmov_dqu VR128:$src, VR128:$mask, RDI)],
let Uses = [EDI] in
def MASKMOVDQU : PDI<0xF7, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"maskmovdqu\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(int_x86_sse2_maskmov_dqu VR128:$src, VR128:$mask, EDI)],
let Uses = [RDI] in
def MASKMOVDQU64 : PDI<0xF7, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"maskmovdqu\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(int_x86_sse2_maskmov_dqu VR128:$src, VR128:$mask, RDI)],
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedInt
// SSE2 - Move Doubleword
// Move Int Doubleword to Packed Double Int
def VMOVDI2PDIrr : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector GR32:$src)))], IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>,
VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def VMOVDI2PDIrm : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))],
VEX, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def VMOV64toPQIrr : VRS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector GR64:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def VMOV64toSDrr : VRS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (bitconvert GR64:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def MOVDI2PDIrr : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector GR32:$src)))], IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>,
def MOVDI2PDIrm : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def MOV64toPQIrr : RS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector GR64:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def MOV64toSDrr : RS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (bitconvert GR64:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
// Move Int Doubleword to Single Scalar
def VMOVDI2SSrr : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (bitconvert GR32:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def VMOVDI2SSrm : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (bitconvert (loadi32 addr:$src)))],
VEX, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def MOVDI2SSrr : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (bitconvert GR32:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def MOVDI2SSrm : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR32:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR32:$dst, (bitconvert (loadi32 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
// Move Packed Doubleword Int to Packed Double Int
def VMOVPDI2DIrr : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (vector_extract (v4i32 VR128:$src),
def VMOVPDI2DImr : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i32mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i32 (vector_extract (v4i32 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)], IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>,
VEX, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def MOVPDI2DIrr : S2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (vector_extract (v4i32 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0)))], IIC_SSE_MOVD_ToGP>,
def MOVPDI2DImr : S2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i32 (vector_extract (v4i32 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
// Move Packed Doubleword Int first element to Doubleword Int
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def VMOVPQIto64rr : VRS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (vector_extract (v2i64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0)))],
def MOVPQIto64rr : RS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (vector_extract (v2i64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0)))],
} //SchedRW
// Bitcast FR64 <-> GR64
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def VMOV64toSDrm : S2SI<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (bitconvert (loadi64 addr:$src)))]>,
VEX, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def VMOVSDto64rr : VRS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (bitconvert FR64:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def VMOVSDto64mr : VRS2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, FR64:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i64 (bitconvert FR64:$src)), addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
def MOV64toSDrm : S2SI<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs FR64:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set FR64:$dst, (bitconvert (loadi64 addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
def MOVSDto64rr : RS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (bitconvert FR64:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVD_ToGP>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def MOVSDto64mr : RS2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, FR64:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i64 (bitconvert FR64:$src)), addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
// Move Scalar Single to Double Int
def VMOVSS2DIrr : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (bitconvert FR32:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVD_ToGP>, VEX, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def VMOVSS2DImr : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst, FR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i32 (bitconvert FR32:$src)), addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, VEX, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
def MOVSS2DIrr : S2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (bitconvert FR32:$src))],
IIC_SSE_MOVD_ToGP>, Sched<[WriteMove]>;
def MOVSS2DImr : S2I<0x7E, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i32mem:$dst, FR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i32 (bitconvert FR32:$src)), addr:$dst)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
// Patterns and instructions to describe movd/movq to XMM register zero-extends
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
def VMOVZDI2PDIrr : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector GR32:$src)))))],
def VMOVZQI2PQIrr : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", // X86-64 only
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector GR64:$src)))))],
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
def MOVZDI2PDIrr : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector GR32:$src)))))],
def MOVZQI2PQIrr : RS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"mov{d|q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", // X86-64 only
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector GR64:$src)))))],
} // SchedRW
let AddedComplexity = 20, SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
def VMOVZDI2PDIrm : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector
(loadi32 addr:$src))))))],
def MOVZDI2PDIrm : S2I<0x6E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector
(loadi32 addr:$src))))))],
} // AddedComplexity, SchedRW
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// AVX 128-bit movd/movq instruction write zeros in the high 128-bit part.
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (bc_v4i32 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVZDI2PDIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVZDI2PDIrm addr:$src)>;
// Use regular 128-bit instructions to match 256-bit scalar_to_vec+zext.
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector GR32:$src)),(iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVZDI2PDIrr GR32:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzmovl (insert_subvector undef,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector GR64:$src)),(iPTR 0)))),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i64 0), (VMOVZQI2PQIrr GR64:$src), sub_xmm)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2], AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (bc_v4i32 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(MOVZDI2PDIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzmovl (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(MOVZDI2PDIrm addr:$src)>;
// These are the correct encodings of the instructions so that we know how to
// read correct assembly, even though we continue to emit the wrong ones for
// compatibility with Darwin's buggy assembler.
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(MOV64toPQIrr VR128:$dst, GR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(MOV64toSDrr FR64:$dst, GR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(MOVPQIto64rr GR64:$dst, VR128:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(MOVSDto64rr GR64:$dst, FR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(VMOVZQI2PQIrr VR128:$dst, GR64:$src), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
(MOVZQI2PQIrr VR128:$dst, GR64:$src), 0>;
// SSE2 - Move Quadword
// Move Quadword Int to Packed Quadword Int
let SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
def VMOVQI2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))]>, XS,
VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def MOVQI2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))],
Requires<[UseSSE2]>; // SSE2 instruction with XS Prefix
} // SchedRW
// Move Packed Quadword Int to Quadword Int
let SchedRW = [WriteStore] in {
def VMOVPQI2QImr : VS2I<0xD6, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i64 (vector_extract (v2i64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
def MOVPQI2QImr : S2I<0xD6, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(store (i64 (vector_extract (v2i64 VR128:$src),
(iPTR 0))), addr:$dst)],
} // SchedRW
// Store / copy lower 64-bits of a XMM register.
def VMOVLQ128mr : VS2I<0xD6, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(int_x86_sse2_storel_dq addr:$dst, VR128:$src)]>, VEX,
def MOVLQ128mr : S2I<0xD6, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins i64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(int_x86_sse2_storel_dq addr:$dst, VR128:$src)],
IIC_SSE_MOVDQ>, Sched<[WriteStore]>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in
def VMOVZQI2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector
(loadi64 addr:$src))))))],
XS, VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in
def MOVZQI2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector
(loadi64 addr:$src))))))],
XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>, Sched<[WriteLoad]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX], AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VMOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (bc_v2i64 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src)),
(VMOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2], AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(MOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (bc_v2i64 (loadv4f32 addr:$src)))),
(MOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src)), (MOVZQI2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i64 (alignedX86vzload addr:$src)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVAPSrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzload addr:$src)),
(SUBREG_TO_REG (i32 0), (VMOVUPSrm addr:$src), sub_xmm)>;
// Moving from XMM to XMM and clear upper 64 bits. Note, there is a bug in
// IA32 document. movq xmm1, xmm2 does clear the high bits.
let SchedRW = [WriteVecLogic] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in
def VMOVZPQILo2PQIrr : I<0x7E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl (v2i64 VR128:$src))))],
XS, VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
let AddedComplexity = 15 in
def MOVZPQILo2PQIrr : I<0x7E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl (v2i64 VR128:$src))))],
XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // SchedRW
let SchedRW = [WriteVecLogicLd] in {
let AddedComplexity = 20 in
def VMOVZPQILo2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl
(loadv2i64 addr:$src))))],
XS, VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def MOVZPQILo2PQIrm : I<0x7E, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (v2i64 (X86vzmovl
(loadv2i64 addr:$src))))],
XS, Requires<[UseSSE2]>;
} // SchedRW
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VMOVZPQILo2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(VMOVZPQILo2PQIrr VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE2] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzmovl (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(MOVZPQILo2PQIrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86vzmovl (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(MOVZPQILo2PQIrr VR128:$src)>;
// Instructions to match in the assembler
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
def VMOVQs64rr : VS2I<0x6E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
def VMOVQd64rr : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
// Recognize "movd" with GR64 destination, but encode as a "movq"
def VMOVQd64rr_alt : VS2I<0x7E, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [],
} // SchedRW
// Instructions for the disassembler
// xr = XMM register
// xm = mem64
let SchedRW = [WriteMove] in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def VMOVQxrxr: I<0x7E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vmovq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", []>, VEX, XS;
def MOVQxrxr : I<0x7E, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"movq\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", [], IIC_SSE_MOVQ_RR>, XS;
} // SchedRW
// SSE3 - Replicate Single FP - MOVSHDUP and MOVSLDUP
multiclass sse3_replicate_sfp<bits<8> op, SDNode OpNode, string OpcodeStr,
ValueType vt, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag mem_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop> {
def rr : S3SI<op, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def rm : S3SI<op, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpNode (mem_frag addr:$src)))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffleLd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VMOVSHDUP : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x16, X86Movshdup, "vmovshdup",
v4f32, VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem>, VEX;
defm VMOVSLDUP : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x12, X86Movsldup, "vmovsldup",
v4f32, VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem>, VEX;
defm VMOVSHDUPY : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x16, X86Movshdup, "vmovshdup",
v8f32, VR256, memopv8f32, f256mem>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VMOVSLDUPY : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x12, X86Movsldup, "vmovsldup",
v8f32, VR256, memopv8f32, f256mem>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm MOVSHDUP : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x16, X86Movshdup, "movshdup", v4f32, VR128,
memopv4f32, f128mem>;
defm MOVSLDUP : sse3_replicate_sfp<0x12, X86Movsldup, "movsldup", v4f32, VR128,
memopv4f32, f128mem>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movshdup VR128:$src)),
(VMOVSHDUPrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movshdup (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVSHDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsldup VR128:$src)),
(VMOVSLDUPrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsldup (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVSLDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Movshdup VR256:$src)),
(VMOVSHDUPYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Movshdup (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVSHDUPYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Movsldup VR256:$src)),
(VMOVSLDUPYrr VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Movsldup (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVSLDUPYrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE3] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movshdup VR128:$src)),
(MOVSHDUPrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movshdup (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(MOVSHDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsldup VR128:$src)),
(MOVSLDUPrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Movsldup (bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src)))),
(MOVSLDUPrm addr:$src)>;
// SSE3 - Replicate Double FP - MOVDDUP
multiclass sse3_replicate_dfp<string OpcodeStr> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in
def rr : S3DI<0x12, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[], IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
def rm : S3DI<0x12, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins f64mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2f64 (X86Movddup
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src)))))],
IIC_SSE_MOV_LH>, Sched<[WriteShuffleLd]>;
// FIXME: Merge with above classe when there're patterns for the ymm version
multiclass sse3_replicate_dfp_y<string OpcodeStr> {
def rr : S3DI<0x12, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR256:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (v4f64 (X86Movddup VR256:$src)))]>,
def rm : S3DI<0x12, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins f256mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(v4f64 (X86Movddup
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src)))))]>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VMOVDDUP : sse3_replicate_dfp<"vmovddup">, VEX;
defm VMOVDDUPY : sse3_replicate_dfp_y<"vmovddup">, VEX, VEX_L;
defm MOVDDUP : sse3_replicate_dfp<"movddup">;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (memopv2f64 addr:$src)),
(VMOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64 (memopv4f32 addr:$src))),
(VMOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64 (memopv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VMOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))),
(VMOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
// 256-bit version
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (memopv4f64 addr:$src)),
(VMOVDDUPYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (memopv4i64 addr:$src)),
(VMOVDDUPYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (v4i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src)))),
(VMOVDDUPYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (v4i64 VR256:$src)),
(VMOVDDUPYrr VR256:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE3] in {
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (memopv2f64 addr:$src)),
(MOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64 (memopv4f32 addr:$src))),
(MOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64 (memopv2i64 addr:$src))),
(MOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(X86Movddup (bc_v2f64
(v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))),
(MOVDDUPrm addr:$src)>;
// SSE3 - Move Unaligned Integer
let SchedRW = [WriteLoad] in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def VLDDQUrm : S3DI<0xF0, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"vlddqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse3_ldu_dq addr:$src))]>, VEX;
def VLDDQUYrm : S3DI<0xF0, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i256mem:$src),
"vlddqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (int_x86_avx_ldu_dq_256 addr:$src))]>,
def LDDQUrm : S3DI<0xF0, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"lddqu\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse3_ldu_dq addr:$src))],
// SSE3 - Arithmetic
multiclass sse3_addsub<Intrinsic Int, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : I<0xD0, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (Int RC:$src1, RC:$src2))], itins.rr>,
def rm : I<0xD0, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (Int RC:$src1, (memop addr:$src2)))], itins.rr>,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VADDSUBPS : sse3_addsub<int_x86_sse3_addsub_ps, "vaddsubps", VR128,
f128mem, SSE_ALU_F32P, 0>, TB, XD, VEX_4V;
defm VADDSUBPSY : sse3_addsub<int_x86_avx_addsub_ps_256, "vaddsubps", VR256,
f256mem, SSE_ALU_F32P, 0>, TB, XD, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VADDSUBPD : sse3_addsub<int_x86_sse3_addsub_pd, "vaddsubpd", VR128,
f128mem, SSE_ALU_F64P, 0>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V;
defm VADDSUBPDY : sse3_addsub<int_x86_avx_addsub_pd_256, "vaddsubpd", VR256,
f256mem, SSE_ALU_F64P, 0>, TB, OpSize, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", Predicates = [UseSSE3] in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm ADDSUBPS : sse3_addsub<int_x86_sse3_addsub_ps, "addsubps", VR128,
f128mem, SSE_ALU_F32P>, TB, XD;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm ADDSUBPD : sse3_addsub<int_x86_sse3_addsub_pd, "addsubpd", VR128,
f128mem, SSE_ALU_F64P>, TB, OpSize;
// SSE3 Instructions
// Horizontal ops
multiclass S3D_Int<bits<8> o, string OpcodeStr, ValueType vt, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, SDNode OpNode, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : S3DI<o, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))], IIC_SSE_HADDSUB_RR>,
def rm : S3DI<o, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src1, (memop addr:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_HADDSUB_RM>, Sched<[WriteFAddLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass S3_Int<bits<8> o, string OpcodeStr, ValueType vt, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, SDNode OpNode, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : S3I<o, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))], IIC_SSE_HADDSUB_RR>,
def rm : S3I<o, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (OpNode RC:$src1, (memop addr:$src2))))],
IIC_SSE_HADDSUB_RM>, Sched<[WriteFAddLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VHADDPS : S3D_Int<0x7C, "vhaddps", v4f32, VR128, f128mem,
X86fhadd, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VHSUBPS : S3D_Int<0x7D, "vhsubps", v4f32, VR128, f128mem,
X86fhsub, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VHADDPSY : S3D_Int<0x7C, "vhaddps", v8f32, VR256, f256mem,
X86fhadd, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VHSUBPSY : S3D_Int<0x7D, "vhsubps", v8f32, VR256, f256mem,
X86fhsub, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VHADDPD : S3_Int <0x7C, "vhaddpd", v2f64, VR128, f128mem,
X86fhadd, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VHSUBPD : S3_Int <0x7D, "vhsubpd", v2f64, VR128, f128mem,
X86fhsub, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VHADDPDY : S3_Int <0x7C, "vhaddpd", v4f64, VR256, f256mem,
X86fhadd, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VHSUBPDY : S3_Int <0x7D, "vhsubpd", v4f64, VR256, f256mem,
X86fhsub, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm HADDPS : S3D_Int<0x7C, "haddps", v4f32, VR128, f128mem, X86fhadd>;
defm HSUBPS : S3D_Int<0x7D, "hsubps", v4f32, VR128, f128mem, X86fhsub>;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm HADDPD : S3_Int<0x7C, "haddpd", v2f64, VR128, f128mem, X86fhadd>;
defm HSUBPD : S3_Int<0x7D, "hsubpd", v2f64, VR128, f128mem, X86fhsub>;
// SSSE3 - Packed Absolute Instructions
/// SS3I_unop_rm_int - Simple SSSE3 unary op whose type can be v*{i8,i16,i32}.
multiclass SS3I_unop_rm_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId128> {
def rr128 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId128 VR128:$src))], IIC_SSE_PABS_RR>,
OpSize, Sched<[WriteVecALU]>;
def rm128 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src))))], IIC_SSE_PABS_RM>,
OpSize, Sched<[WriteVecALULd]>;
/// SS3I_unop_rm_int_y - Simple SSSE3 unary op whose type can be v*{i8,i16,i32}.
multiclass SS3I_unop_rm_int_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId256> {
def rr256 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId256 VR256:$src))]>,
OpSize, Sched<[WriteVecALU]>;
def rm256 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins i256mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src))))]>, OpSize,
// Helper fragments to match sext vXi1 to vXiY.
def v16i1sextv16i8 : PatLeaf<(v16i8 (X86pcmpgt (bc_v16i8 (v4i32 immAllZerosV)),
def v8i1sextv8i16 : PatLeaf<(v8i16 (X86vsrai VR128:$src, (i32 15)))>;
def v4i1sextv4i32 : PatLeaf<(v4i32 (X86vsrai VR128:$src, (i32 31)))>;
def v32i1sextv32i8 : PatLeaf<(v32i8 (X86pcmpgt (bc_v32i8 (v8i32 immAllZerosV)),
def v16i1sextv16i16: PatLeaf<(v16i16 (X86vsrai VR256:$src, (i32 15)))>;
def v8i1sextv8i32 : PatLeaf<(v8i32 (X86vsrai VR256:$src, (i32 31)))>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPABSB : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1C, "vpabsb",
int_x86_ssse3_pabs_b_128>, VEX;
defm VPABSW : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1D, "vpabsw",
int_x86_ssse3_pabs_w_128>, VEX;
defm VPABSD : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1E, "vpabsd",
int_x86_ssse3_pabs_d_128>, VEX;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v16i1sextv16i8)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v16i8 VR128:$src), (v16i1sextv16i8)))),
(VPABSBrr128 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v8i1sextv8i16)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v8i16 VR128:$src), (v8i1sextv8i16)))),
(VPABSWrr128 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v4i1sextv4i32)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v4i32 VR128:$src), (v4i1sextv4i32)))),
(VPABSDrr128 VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPABSB : SS3I_unop_rm_int_y<0x1C, "vpabsb",
int_x86_avx2_pabs_b>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPABSW : SS3I_unop_rm_int_y<0x1D, "vpabsw",
int_x86_avx2_pabs_w>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPABSD : SS3I_unop_rm_int_y<0x1E, "vpabsd",
int_x86_avx2_pabs_d>, VEX, VEX_L;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v4i64 (v32i1sextv32i8)),
(bc_v4i64 (add (v32i8 VR256:$src), (v32i1sextv32i8)))),
(VPABSBrr256 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v4i64 (v16i1sextv16i16)),
(bc_v4i64 (add (v16i16 VR256:$src), (v16i1sextv16i16)))),
(VPABSWrr256 VR256:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v4i64 (v8i1sextv8i32)),
(bc_v4i64 (add (v8i32 VR256:$src), (v8i1sextv8i32)))),
(VPABSDrr256 VR256:$src)>;
defm PABSB : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1C, "pabsb",
defm PABSW : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1D, "pabsw",
defm PABSD : SS3I_unop_rm_int<0x1E, "pabsd",
let Predicates = [HasSSSE3] in {
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v16i1sextv16i8)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v16i8 VR128:$src), (v16i1sextv16i8)))),
(PABSBrr128 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v8i1sextv8i16)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v8i16 VR128:$src), (v8i1sextv8i16)))),
(PABSWrr128 VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(xor
(bc_v2i64 (v4i1sextv4i32)),
(bc_v2i64 (add (v4i32 VR128:$src), (v4i1sextv4i32)))),
(PABSDrr128 VR128:$src)>;
// SSSE3 - Packed Binary Operator Instructions
let Sched = WriteVecALU in {
def SSE_PHADDSUBD : OpndItins<
def SSE_PHADDSUBSW : OpndItins<
def SSE_PHADDSUBW : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteShuffle in
def SSE_PSHUFB : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteVecALU in
def SSE_PSIGN : OpndItins<
let Sched = WriteVecIMul in
def SSE_PMULHRSW : OpndItins<
/// SS3I_binop_rm - Simple SSSE3 bin op
multiclass SS3I_binop_rm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType OpVT, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))], itins.rr>,
OpSize, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def rm : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst,
(OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)))))], itins.rm>, OpSize,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
/// SS3I_binop_rm_int - Simple SSSE3 bin op whose type can be v*{i8,i16,i32}.
multiclass SS3I_binop_rm_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId128, OpndItins itins,
bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr128 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId128 VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))]>,
OpSize, Sched<[itins.Sched]>;
def rm128 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId128 VR128:$src1,
(bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src2))))]>, OpSize,
Sched<[itins.Sched.Folded, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass SS3I_binop_rm_int_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId256> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr256 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId256 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2))]>,
def rm256 : SS38I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(IntId256 VR256:$src1,
(bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))))]>, OpSize;
let ImmT = NoImm, Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm VPHADDW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x01, "vphaddw", X86hadd, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPHADDD : SS3I_binop_rm<0x02, "vphaddd", X86hadd, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPHSUBW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x05, "vphsubw", X86hsub, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPHSUBD : SS3I_binop_rm<0x06, "vphsubd", X86hsub, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPSIGNB : SS3I_binop_rm<0x08, "vpsignb", X86psign, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPSIGNW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x09, "vpsignw", X86psign, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPSIGND : SS3I_binop_rm<0x0A, "vpsignd", X86psign, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPSHUFB : SS3I_binop_rm<0x00, "vpshufb", X86pshufb, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem,
defm VPHADDSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x03, "vphaddsw",
defm VPHSUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x07, "vphsubsw",
defm VPMADDUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x04, "vpmaddubsw",
defm VPMULHRSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x0B, "vpmulhrsw",
let ImmT = NoImm, Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm VPHADDWY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x01, "vphaddw", X86hadd, v16i16, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPHADDDY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x02, "vphaddd", X86hadd, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPHSUBWY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x05, "vphsubw", X86hsub, v16i16, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPHSUBDY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x06, "vphsubd", X86hsub, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPSIGNBY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x08, "vpsignb", X86psign, v32i8, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPSIGNWY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x09, "vpsignw", X86psign, v16i16, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPSIGNDY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x0A, "vpsignd", X86psign, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPSHUFBY : SS3I_binop_rm<0x00, "vpshufb", X86pshufb, v32i8, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem,
defm VPHADDSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int_y<0x03, "vphaddsw",
int_x86_avx2_phadd_sw>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPHSUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int_y<0x07, "vphsubsw",
int_x86_avx2_phsub_sw>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMADDUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int_y<0x04, "vpmaddubsw",
int_x86_avx2_pmadd_ub_sw>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMULHRSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int_y<0x0B, "vpmulhrsw",
int_x86_avx2_pmul_hr_sw>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
// None of these have i8 immediate fields.
let ImmT = NoImm, Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm PHADDW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x01, "phaddw", X86hadd, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PHADDSUBW>;
defm PHADDD : SS3I_binop_rm<0x02, "phaddd", X86hadd, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PHADDSUBD>;
defm PHSUBW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x05, "phsubw", X86hsub, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PHADDSUBW>;
defm PHSUBD : SS3I_binop_rm<0x06, "phsubd", X86hsub, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PHADDSUBD>;
defm PSIGNB : SS3I_binop_rm<0x08, "psignb", X86psign, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PSIGN>;
defm PSIGNW : SS3I_binop_rm<0x09, "psignw", X86psign, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PSIGN>;
defm PSIGND : SS3I_binop_rm<0x0A, "psignd", X86psign, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PSIGN>;
defm PSHUFB : SS3I_binop_rm<0x00, "pshufb", X86pshufb, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, SSE_PSHUFB>;
defm PHADDSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x03, "phaddsw",
defm PHSUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x07, "phsubsw",
defm PMADDUBSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x04, "pmaddubsw",
int_x86_ssse3_pmadd_ub_sw_128, SSE_PMADD>;
defm PMULHRSW : SS3I_binop_rm_int<0x0B, "pmulhrsw",
// SSSE3 - Packed Align Instruction Patterns
multiclass ssse3_palignr<string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def R128rr : SS3AI<0x0F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[], IIC_SSE_PALIGNR>, OpSize, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def R128rm : SS3AI<0x0F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[], IIC_SSE_PALIGNR>, OpSize, Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
multiclass ssse3_palignr_y<string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def R256rr : SS3AI<0x0F, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize, Sched<[WriteShuffle]>;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def R256rm : SS3AI<0x0F, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize, Sched<[WriteShuffleLd, ReadAfterLd]>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPALIGN : ssse3_palignr<"vpalignr", 0>, VEX_4V;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
defm VPALIGN : ssse3_palignr_y<"vpalignr", 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst", Predicates = [UseSSSE3] in
defm PALIGN : ssse3_palignr<"palignr">;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86PAlignr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR256rr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86PAlignr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR256rr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86PAlignr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR256rr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86PAlignr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR256rr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSSE3] in {
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (X86PAlignr VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(PALIGNR128rr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
// SSSE3 - Thread synchronization
let SchedRW = [WriteSystem] in {
let usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
def MONITOR : PseudoI<(outs), (ins i32mem:$src1, GR32:$src2, GR32:$src3),
[(int_x86_sse3_monitor addr:$src1, GR32:$src2, GR32:$src3)]>,
let Uses = [EAX, ECX, EDX] in
def MONITORrrr : I<0x01, MRM_C8, (outs), (ins), "monitor", [], IIC_SSE_MONITOR>,
TB, Requires<[HasSSE3]>;
let Uses = [ECX, EAX] in
def MWAITrr : I<0x01, MRM_C9, (outs), (ins), "mwait",
[(int_x86_sse3_mwait ECX, EAX)], IIC_SSE_MWAIT>,
TB, Requires<[HasSSE3]>;
} // SchedRW
def : InstAlias<"mwait %eax, %ecx", (MWAITrr)>, Requires<[In32BitMode]>;
def : InstAlias<"mwait %rax, %rcx", (MWAITrr)>, Requires<[In64BitMode]>;
def : InstAlias<"monitor %eax, %ecx, %edx", (MONITORrrr)>,
def : InstAlias<"monitor %rax, %rcx, %rdx", (MONITORrrr)>,
// SSE4.1 - Packed Move with Sign/Zero Extend
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int8<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, Intrinsic IntId> {
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))]>,
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId> {
def Yrr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
def Yrm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId (load addr:$src)))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPMOVSXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x20, "vpmovsxbw", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw>,
defm VPMOVSXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x23, "vpmovsxwd", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd>,
defm VPMOVSXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x25, "vpmovsxdq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq>,
defm VPMOVZXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x30, "vpmovzxbw", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw>,
defm VPMOVZXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x33, "vpmovzxwd", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd>,
defm VPMOVZXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x35, "vpmovzxdq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPMOVSXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x20, "vpmovsxbw",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxbw>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVSXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x23, "vpmovsxwd",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxwd>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVSXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x25, "vpmovsxdq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxdq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x30, "vpmovzxbw",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxbw>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x33, "vpmovzxwd",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxwd>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int16_y<0x35, "vpmovzxdq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxdq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm PMOVSXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x20, "pmovsxbw", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw>;
defm PMOVSXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x23, "pmovsxwd", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd>;
defm PMOVSXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x25, "pmovsxdq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq>;
defm PMOVZXBW : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x30, "pmovzxbw", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw>;
defm PMOVZXWD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x33, "pmovzxwd", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd>;
defm PMOVZXDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8<0x35, "pmovzxdq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// Common patterns involving scalar load.
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (bc_v16i8 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (bc_v8i16 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (bc_v16i8 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (bc_v8i16 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
// Common patterns involving scalar load.
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbw (bc_v16i8 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwd (bc_v8i16 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxdq (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbw (bc_v16i8 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwd (bc_v8i16 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (vzmovl_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (vzload_v2i64 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxdq (bc_v4i32 (loadv2i64 addr:$src))),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
let AddedComplexity = 15 in {
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzmovly (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VPMOVZXDQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzmovly (v8i16 VR128:$src))),
(VPMOVZXWDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsmovl (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXDQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsmovl (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWDYrr VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsmovl (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsmovl (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsmovl (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsmovl (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int4<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, Intrinsic IntId> {
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))]>,
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int8_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId> {
def Yrr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
def Yrm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(IntId (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))]>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPMOVSXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x21, "vpmovsxbd", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbd>,
defm VPMOVSXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x24, "vpmovsxwq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwq>,
defm VPMOVZXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x31, "vpmovzxbd", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbd>,
defm VPMOVZXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x34, "vpmovzxwq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwq>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPMOVSXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8_y<0x21, "vpmovsxbd",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxbd>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVSXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8_y<0x24, "vpmovsxwq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxwq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int8_y<0x31, "vpmovzxbd",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxbd>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int8_y<0x34, "vpmovzxwq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxwq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm PMOVSXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x21, "pmovsxbd", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbd>;
defm PMOVSXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x24, "pmovsxwq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwq>;
defm PMOVZXBD : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x31, "pmovzxbd", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbd>;
defm PMOVZXWQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4<0x34, "pmovzxwq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwq>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// Common patterns involving scalar load
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbd (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwq (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVSXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbd (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwq (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(VPMOVZXWQrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
// Common patterns involving scalar load
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbd (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxwq (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(PMOVSXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbd (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxwq (vzmovl_v4i32 addr:$src)),
(PMOVZXWQrm addr:$src)>;
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int2<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, Intrinsic IntId> {
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
// Expecting a i16 load any extended to i32 value.
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i16mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId (bitconvert
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi16_anyext addr:$src))))))]>,
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int4_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId> {
def Yrr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
// Expecting a i16 load any extended to i32 value.
def Yrm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i16mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId (bitconvert
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))]>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPMOVSXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int2<0x22, "vpmovsxbq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbq>,
defm VPMOVZXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int2<0x32, "vpmovzxbq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbq>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPMOVSXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4_y<0x22, "vpmovsxbq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovsxbq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPMOVZXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int4_y<0x32, "vpmovzxbq",
int_x86_avx2_pmovzxbq>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm PMOVSXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int2<0x22, "pmovsxbq", int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbq>;
defm PMOVZXBQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int2<0x32, "pmovzxbq", int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbq>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBWYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXDQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86vsext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXBWYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXBDYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXBQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v16i16 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXWDYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v16i16 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXWQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v8i32 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVSXDQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsmovl (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64 (load addr:$src)))))),
(VPMOVSXWDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsmovl (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 (load addr:$src)))))),
(VPMOVSXDQYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXWQYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXWQYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBQYrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// Common patterns involving scalar load
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbq
(bitconvert (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbq
(bitconvert (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXBQrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXBWrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXBDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXBQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXWQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (PMOVSXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
// Common patterns involving scalar load
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovsxbq
(bitconvert (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(int_x86_sse41_pmovzxbq
(bitconvert (v4i32 (X86vzmovl
(v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (extloadi32i16 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBWYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXWDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXWQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXDQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86vzext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXBWYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXBDYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v32i8 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXBQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86vzext (v16i16 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXWDYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v16i16 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXWQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86vzext (v8i32 VR256:$src))),
(VPMOVZXDQYrr (EXTRACT_SUBREG VR256:$src, sub_xmm))>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBWrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXBQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXWQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVZXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi16_anyext addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src)))))),
(VPMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBWrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXBQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXWQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (VPMOVSXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64
(scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64
(scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vsext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32
(scalar_to_vector (extloadi32i16 addr:$src))))))),
(VPMOVSXBQrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXBWrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXBDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v16i8 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXBQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXWDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v8i16 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXWQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 VR128:$src))), (PMOVZXDQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXBWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXBDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v16i8 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi16_anyext addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXBQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXWDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v8i16 (bitconvert (v4i32 (scalar_to_vector (loadi32 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXWQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 (scalar_to_vector (loadi64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2f64 (scalar_to_vector (loadf64 addr:$src))))))),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86vzext (v4i32 (bitconvert (v2i64 (X86vzload addr:$src)))))),
(PMOVZXDQrm addr:$src)>;
// SSE4.1 - Extract Instructions
/// SS41I_binop_ext8 - SSE 4.1 extract 8 bits to 32 bit reg or 8 bit mem
multiclass SS41I_extract8<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set GR32:$dst, (X86pextrb (v16i8 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2))]>,
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayStore = 1 in
def mr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i8mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, OpSize;
// There's an AssertZext in the way of writing the store pattern
// (store (i8 (trunc (X86pextrb (v16i8 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2))), addr:$dst)
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPEXTRB : SS41I_extract8<0x14, "vpextrb">, VEX;
def VPEXTRBrr64 : SS4AIi8<0x14, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vpextrb\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>, OpSize, VEX;
defm PEXTRB : SS41I_extract8<0x14, "pextrb">;
/// SS41I_extract16 - SSE 4.1 extract 16 bits to memory destination
multiclass SS41I_extract16<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr> {
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayStore = 1 in
def mr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i16mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[]>, OpSize;
// There's an AssertZext in the way of writing the store pattern
// (store (i16 (trunc (X86pextrw (v16i8 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2))), addr:$dst)
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPEXTRW : SS41I_extract16<0x15, "vpextrw">, VEX;
defm PEXTRW : SS41I_extract16<0x15, "pextrw">;
/// SS41I_extract32 - SSE 4.1 extract 32 bits to int reg or memory destination
multiclass SS41I_extract32<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set GR32:$dst,
(extractelt (v4i32 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2))]>, OpSize;
def mr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i32mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(store (extractelt (v4i32 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2),
addr:$dst)]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPEXTRD : SS41I_extract32<0x16, "vpextrd">, VEX;
defm PEXTRD : SS41I_extract32<0x16, "pextrd">;
/// SS41I_extract32 - SSE 4.1 extract 32 bits to int reg or memory destination
multiclass SS41I_extract64<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set GR64:$dst,
(extractelt (v2i64 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2))]>, OpSize, REX_W;
def mr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i64mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(store (extractelt (v2i64 VR128:$src1), imm:$src2),
addr:$dst)]>, OpSize, REX_W;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPEXTRQ : SS41I_extract64<0x16, "vpextrq">, VEX, VEX_W;
defm PEXTRQ : SS41I_extract64<0x16, "pextrq">;
/// SS41I_extractf32 - SSE 4.1 extract 32 bits fp value to int reg or memory
/// destination
multiclass SS41I_extractf32<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set GR32:$dst,
(extractelt (bc_v4i32 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)), imm:$src2))]>,
def mr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f32mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(store (extractelt (bc_v4i32 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)), imm:$src2),
addr:$dst)]>, OpSize;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VEXTRACTPS : SS41I_extractf32<0x17, "vextractps">, VEX;
def VEXTRACTPSrr64 : SS4AIi8<0x17, MRMDestReg, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vextractps \t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[]>, OpSize, VEX;
defm EXTRACTPS : SS41I_extractf32<0x17, "extractps">;
// Also match an EXTRACTPS store when the store is done as f32 instead of i32.
def : Pat<(store (f32 (bitconvert (extractelt (bc_v4i32 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)),
(VEXTRACTPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src1, imm:$src2)>,
def : Pat<(store (f32 (bitconvert (extractelt (bc_v4i32 (v4f32 VR128:$src1)),
(EXTRACTPSmr addr:$dst, VR128:$src1, imm:$src2)>,
// SSE4.1 - Insert Instructions
multiclass SS41I_insert8<bits<8> opc, string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, GR32:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86pinsrb VR128:$src1, GR32:$src2, imm:$src3))]>, OpSize;
def rm : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i8mem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86pinsrb VR128:$src1, (extloadi8 addr:$src2),
imm:$src3))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPINSRB : SS41I_insert8<0x20, "vpinsrb", 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PINSRB : SS41I_insert8<0x20, "pinsrb">;
multiclass SS41I_insert32<bits<8> opc, string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, GR32:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (insertelt VR128:$src1, GR32:$src2, imm:$src3)))]>,
def rm : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i32mem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v4i32 (insertelt VR128:$src1, (loadi32 addr:$src2),
imm:$src3)))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPINSRD : SS41I_insert32<0x22, "vpinsrd", 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PINSRD : SS41I_insert32<0x22, "pinsrd">;
multiclass SS41I_insert64<bits<8> opc, string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, GR64:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (insertelt VR128:$src1, GR64:$src2, imm:$src3)))]>,
def rm : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i64mem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(v2i64 (insertelt VR128:$src1, (loadi64 addr:$src2),
imm:$src3)))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPINSRQ : SS41I_insert64<0x22, "vpinsrq", 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_W;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PINSRQ : SS41I_insert64<0x22, "pinsrq">, REX_W;
// insertps has a few different modes, there's the first two here below which
// are optimized inserts that won't zero arbitrary elements in the destination
// vector. The next one matches the intrinsic and could zero arbitrary elements
// in the target vector.
multiclass SS41I_insertf32<bits<8> opc, string asm, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86insrtps VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
def rm : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, f32mem:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(X86insrtps VR128:$src1,
(v4f32 (scalar_to_vector (loadf32 addr:$src2))),
imm:$src3))]>, OpSize;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VINSERTPS : SS41I_insertf32<0x21, "vinsertps", 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm INSERTPS : SS41I_insertf32<0x21, "insertps">;
// SSE4.1 - Round Instructions
multiclass sse41_fp_unop_rm<bits<8> opcps, bits<8> opcpd, string OpcodeStr,
X86MemOperand x86memop, RegisterClass RC,
PatFrag mem_frag32, PatFrag mem_frag64,
Intrinsic V4F32Int, Intrinsic V2F64Int> {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
// Intrinsic operation, reg.
// Vector intrinsic operation, reg
def PSr : SS4AIi8<opcps, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"ps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (V4F32Int RC:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
// Vector intrinsic operation, mem
def PSm : SS4AIi8<opcps, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"ps\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst,
(V4F32Int (mem_frag32 addr:$src1),imm:$src2))]>,
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
// Vector intrinsic operation, reg
def PDr : SS4AIi8<opcpd, MRMSrcReg,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins RC:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"pd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (V2F64Int RC:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
// Vector intrinsic operation, mem
def PDm : SS4AIi8<opcpd, MRMSrcMem,
(outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"pd\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst,
(V2F64Int (mem_frag64 addr:$src1),imm:$src2))]>,
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble
multiclass sse41_fp_binop_rm<bits<8> opcss, bits<8> opcsd,
string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic F32Int,
Intrinsic F64Int, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let ExeDomain = GenericDomain in {
// Operation, reg.
let hasSideEffects = 0 in
def SSr : SS4AIi8<opcss, MRMSrcReg,
(outs FR32:$dst), (ins FR32:$src1, FR32:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[]>, OpSize;
// Intrinsic operation, reg.
def SSr_Int : SS4AIi8<opcss, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F32Int VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
// Intrinsic operation, mem.
def SSm : SS4AIi8<opcss, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, ssmem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"ss\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(F32Int VR128:$src1, sse_load_f32:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
// Operation, reg.
let hasSideEffects = 0 in
def SDr : SS4AIi8<opcsd, MRMSrcReg,
(outs FR64:$dst), (ins FR64:$src1, FR64:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[]>, OpSize;
// Intrinsic operation, reg.
def SDr_Int : SS4AIi8<opcsd, MRMSrcReg,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (F64Int VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
// Intrinsic operation, mem.
def SDm : SS4AIi8<opcsd, MRMSrcMem,
(outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src1, sdmem:$src2, i32i8imm:$src3),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"sd\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(F64Int VR128:$src1, sse_load_f64:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
} // ExeDomain = GenericDomain
// FP round - roundss, roundps, roundsd, roundpd
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
// Intrinsic form
defm VROUND : sse41_fp_unop_rm<0x08, 0x09, "vround", f128mem, VR128,
memopv4f32, memopv2f64,
int_x86_sse41_round_pd>, VEX;
defm VROUNDY : sse41_fp_unop_rm<0x08, 0x09, "vround", f256mem, VR256,
memopv8f32, memopv4f64,
int_x86_avx_round_pd_256>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VROUND : sse41_fp_binop_rm<0x0A, 0x0B, "vround",
int_x86_sse41_round_sd, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_LIG;
def : Pat<(ffloor FR32:$src),
(VROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (ffloor FR64:$src)),
(VROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fnearbyint FR32:$src)),
(VROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fnearbyint FR64:$src)),
(VROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fceil FR32:$src)),
(VROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fceil FR64:$src)),
(VROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (frint FR32:$src)),
(VROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (frint FR64:$src)),
(VROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (ftrunc FR32:$src)),
(VROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (ftrunc FR64:$src)),
(VROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (ffloor VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fnearbyint VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fceil VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (frint VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (ftrunc VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (ffloor VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (fnearbyint VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (fceil VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (frint VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (ftrunc VR128:$src)),
(VROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (ffloor VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPSr VR256:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (fnearbyint VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPSr VR256:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (fceil VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPSr VR256:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (frint VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPSr VR256:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (ftrunc VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPSr VR256:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (ffloor VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPDr VR256:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (fnearbyint VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPDr VR256:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (fceil VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPDr VR256:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (frint VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPDr VR256:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (ftrunc VR256:$src)),
(VROUNDYPDr VR256:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
defm ROUND : sse41_fp_unop_rm<0x08, 0x09, "round", f128mem, VR128,
memopv4f32, memopv2f64,
int_x86_sse41_round_ps, int_x86_sse41_round_pd>;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm ROUND : sse41_fp_binop_rm<0x0A, 0x0B, "round",
int_x86_sse41_round_ss, int_x86_sse41_round_sd>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
def : Pat<(ffloor FR32:$src),
(ROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (ffloor FR64:$src)),
(ROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fnearbyint FR32:$src)),
(ROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fnearbyint FR64:$src)),
(ROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (fceil FR32:$src)),
(ROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (fceil FR64:$src)),
(ROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (frint FR32:$src)),
(ROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (frint FR64:$src)),
(ROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(f32 (ftrunc FR32:$src)),
(ROUNDSSr (f32 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR32:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(f64 (ftrunc FR64:$src)),
(ROUNDSDr (f64 (IMPLICIT_DEF)), FR64:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (ffloor VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fnearbyint VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fceil VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (frint VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (ftrunc VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPSr VR128:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (ffloor VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x1))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (fnearbyint VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0xC))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (fceil VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x2))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (frint VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x4))>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (ftrunc VR128:$src)),
(ROUNDPDr VR128:$src, (i32 0x3))>;
// SSE4.1 - Packed Bit Test
// ptest instruction we'll lower to this in X86ISelLowering primarily from
// the intel intrinsic that corresponds to this.
let Defs = [EFLAGS], Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def VPTESTrr : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"vptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS, (X86ptest VR128:$src1, (v2i64 VR128:$src2)))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def VPTESTrm : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcMem, (outs), (ins VR128:$src1, f128mem:$src2),
"vptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS,(X86ptest VR128:$src1, (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def VPTESTYrr : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
"vptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS, (X86ptest VR256:$src1, (v4i64 VR256:$src2)))]>,
OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
def VPTESTYrm : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcMem, (outs), (ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
"vptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS,(X86ptest VR256:$src1, (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)))]>,
OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
let Defs = [EFLAGS] in {
def PTESTrr : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"ptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS, (X86ptest VR128:$src1, (v2i64 VR128:$src2)))]>,
def PTESTrm : SS48I<0x17, MRMSrcMem, (outs), (ins VR128:$src1, f128mem:$src2),
"ptest\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set EFLAGS, (X86ptest VR128:$src1, (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))]>,
// The bit test instructions below are AVX only
multiclass avx_bittest<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, PatFrag mem_frag, ValueType vt> {
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs), (ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}"),
[(set EFLAGS, (X86testp RC:$src1, (vt RC:$src2)))]>, OpSize, VEX;
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs), (ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}"),
[(set EFLAGS, (X86testp RC:$src1, (mem_frag addr:$src2)))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
let Defs = [EFLAGS], Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VTESTPS : avx_bittest<0x0E, "vtestps", VR128, f128mem, memopv4f32, v4f32>;
defm VTESTPSY : avx_bittest<0x0E, "vtestps", VR256, f256mem, memopv8f32, v8f32>,
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VTESTPD : avx_bittest<0x0F, "vtestpd", VR128, f128mem, memopv2f64, v2f64>;
defm VTESTPDY : avx_bittest<0x0F, "vtestpd", VR256, f256mem, memopv4f64, v4f64>,
// SSE4.1 - Misc Instructions
let Defs = [EFLAGS], Predicates = [HasPOPCNT] in {
def POPCNT16rr : I<0xB8, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR16:$dst), (ins GR16:$src),
"popcnt{w}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR16:$dst, (ctpop GR16:$src)), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
OpSize, XS;
def POPCNT16rm : I<0xB8, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR16:$dst), (ins i16mem:$src),
"popcnt{w}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR16:$dst, (ctpop (loadi16 addr:$src))),
(implicit EFLAGS)]>, OpSize, XS;
def POPCNT32rr : I<0xB8, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins GR32:$src),
"popcnt{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (ctpop GR32:$src)), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
def POPCNT32rm : I<0xB8, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR32:$dst), (ins i32mem:$src),
"popcnt{l}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR32:$dst, (ctpop (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(implicit EFLAGS)]>, XS;
def POPCNT64rr : RI<0xB8, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins GR64:$src),
"popcnt{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (ctpop GR64:$src)), (implicit EFLAGS)]>,
def POPCNT64rm : RI<0xB8, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR64:$dst), (ins i64mem:$src),
"popcnt{q}\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set GR64:$dst, (ctpop (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(implicit EFLAGS)]>, XS;
// SS41I_unop_rm_int_v16 - SSE 4.1 unary operator whose type is v8i16.
multiclass SS41I_unop_rm_int_v16<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId128> {
def rr128 : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId128 VR128:$src))]>, OpSize;
def rm128 : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src))))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPHMINPOSUW : SS41I_unop_rm_int_v16 <0x41, "vphminposuw",
int_x86_sse41_phminposuw>, VEX;
defm PHMINPOSUW : SS41I_unop_rm_int_v16 <0x41, "phminposuw",
/// SS41I_binop_rm_int - Simple SSE 4.1 binary operator
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId128, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId128 VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))]>, OpSize;
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId128 VR128:$src1,
(bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src2))))]>, OpSize;
/// SS41I_binop_rm_int_y - Simple SSE 4.1 binary operator
multiclass SS41I_binop_rm_int_y<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId256> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def Yrr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntId256 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2))]>, OpSize;
def Yrm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(IntId256 VR256:$src1,
(bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))))]>, OpSize;
/// SS48I_binop_rm - Simple SSE41 binary operator.
multiclass SS48I_binop_rm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType OpVT, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rr : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))]>, OpSize;
def rm : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst,
(OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)))))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in
defm VPACKUSDW : SS41I_binop_rm_int<0x2B, "vpackusdw", int_x86_sse41_packusdw,
0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMINSB : SS48I_binop_rm<0x38, "vpminsb", X86smin, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMINSD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x39, "vpminsd", X86smin, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMINUD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3B, "vpminud", X86umin, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMINUW : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3A, "vpminuw", X86umin, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMAXSB : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3C, "vpmaxsb", X86smax, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMAXSD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3D, "vpmaxsd", X86smax, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMAXUD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3F, "vpmaxud", X86umax, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMAXUW : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3E, "vpmaxuw", X86umax, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPMULDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int<0x28, "vpmuldq", int_x86_sse41_pmuldq,
0>, VEX_4V;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in
defm VPACKUSDW : SS41I_binop_rm_int_y<0x2B, "vpackusdw",
int_x86_avx2_packusdw>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMINSBY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x38, "vpminsb", X86smin, v32i8, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMINSDY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x39, "vpminsd", X86smin, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMINUDY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3B, "vpminud", X86umin, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMINUWY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3A, "vpminuw", X86umin, v16i16, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMAXSBY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3C, "vpmaxsb", X86smax, v32i8, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMAXSDY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3D, "vpmaxsd", X86smax, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMAXUDY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3F, "vpmaxud", X86umax, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMAXUWY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3E, "vpmaxuw", X86umax, v16i16, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMULDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int_y<0x28, "vpmuldq",
int_x86_avx2_pmul_dq>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
let isCommutable = 0 in
defm PACKUSDW : SS41I_binop_rm_int<0x2B, "packusdw", int_x86_sse41_packusdw>;
defm PMINSB : SS48I_binop_rm<0x38, "pminsb", X86smin, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMINSD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x39, "pminsd", X86smin, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMINUD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3B, "pminud", X86umin, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMINUW : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3A, "pminuw", X86umin, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMAXSB : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3C, "pmaxsb", X86smax, v16i8, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMAXSD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3D, "pmaxsd", X86smax, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMAXUD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3F, "pmaxud", X86umax, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMAXUW : SS48I_binop_rm<0x3E, "pmaxuw", X86umax, v8i16, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PMULDQ : SS41I_binop_rm_int<0x28, "pmuldq", int_x86_sse41_pmuldq>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
defm VPMULLD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x40, "vpmulld", mul, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VPCMPEQQ : SS48I_binop_rm<0x29, "vpcmpeqq", X86pcmpeq, v2i64, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPMULLDY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x40, "vpmulld", mul, v8i32, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPCMPEQQY : SS48I_binop_rm<0x29, "vpcmpeqq", X86pcmpeq, v4i64, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm PMULLD : SS48I_binop_rm<0x40, "pmulld", mul, v4i32, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm PCMPEQQ : SS48I_binop_rm<0x29, "pcmpeqq", X86pcmpeq, v2i64, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
/// SS41I_binop_rmi_int - SSE 4.1 binary operator with 8-bit immediate
multiclass SS41I_binop_rmi_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rri : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntId RC:$src1, RC:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
def rmi : SS4AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}"),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}")),
[(set RC:$dst,
(IntId RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)), imm:$src3))]>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VBLENDPS : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0C, "vblendps", int_x86_sse41_blendps,
VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VBLENDPSY : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0C, "vblendps",
int_x86_avx_blend_ps_256, VR256, memopv8f32,
f256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VBLENDPD : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0D, "vblendpd", int_x86_sse41_blendpd,
VR128, memopv2f64, f128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VBLENDPDY : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0D, "vblendpd",
int_x86_avx_blend_pd_256,VR256, memopv4f64,
f256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPBLENDW : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0E, "vpblendw", int_x86_sse41_pblendw,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VMPSADBW : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x42, "vmpsadbw", int_x86_sse41_mpsadbw,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm VDPPS : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x40, "vdpps", int_x86_sse41_dpps,
VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm VDPPD : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x41, "vdppd", int_x86_sse41_dppd,
VR128, memopv2f64, f128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm VDPPSY : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x40, "vdpps", int_x86_avx_dp_ps_256,
VR256, memopv8f32, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm VPBLENDWY : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0E, "vpblendw", int_x86_avx2_pblendw,
VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VMPSADBWY : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x42, "vmpsadbw", int_x86_avx2_mpsadbw,
VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
let isCommutable = 0 in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm BLENDPS : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0C, "blendps", int_x86_sse41_blendps,
VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem>;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm BLENDPD : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0D, "blendpd", int_x86_sse41_blendpd,
VR128, memopv2f64, f128mem>;
defm PBLENDW : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x0E, "pblendw", int_x86_sse41_pblendw,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm MPSADBW : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x42, "mpsadbw", int_x86_sse41_mpsadbw,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem>;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm DPPS : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x40, "dpps", int_x86_sse41_dpps,
VR128, memopv4f32, f128mem>;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm DPPD : SS41I_binop_rmi_int<0x41, "dppd", int_x86_sse41_dppd,
VR128, memopv2f64, f128mem>;
/// SS41I_quaternary_int_avx - AVX SSE 4.1 with 4 operators
multiclass SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop,
PatFrag mem_frag, Intrinsic IntId> {
def rr : Ii8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, RC:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntId RC:$src1, RC:$src2, RC:$src3))],
NoItinerary, SSEPackedInt>, OpSize, TA, VEX_4V, VEX_I8IMM;
def rm : Ii8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, RC:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set RC:$dst,
(IntId RC:$src1, (bitconvert (mem_frag addr:$src2)),
NoItinerary, SSEPackedInt>, OpSize, TA, VEX_4V, VEX_I8IMM;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VBLENDVPD : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4B, "vblendvpd", VR128, f128mem,
memopv2f64, int_x86_sse41_blendvpd>;
defm VBLENDVPDY : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4B, "vblendvpd", VR256, f256mem,
memopv4f64, int_x86_avx_blendv_pd_256>, VEX_L;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VBLENDVPS : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4A, "vblendvps", VR128, f128mem,
memopv4f32, int_x86_sse41_blendvps>;
defm VBLENDVPSY : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4A, "vblendvps", VR256, f256mem,
memopv8f32, int_x86_avx_blendv_ps_256>, VEX_L;
} // ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle
defm VPBLENDVB : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4C, "vpblendvb", VR128, i128mem,
memopv2i64, int_x86_sse41_pblendvb>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
defm VPBLENDVBY : SS41I_quaternary_int_avx<0x4C, "vpblendvb", VR256, i256mem,
memopv4i64, int_x86_avx2_pblendvb>, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v16i8 (vselect (v16i8 VR128:$mask), (v16i8 VR128:$src1),
(v16i8 VR128:$src2))),
(VPBLENDVBrr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, VR128:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (vselect (v4i32 VR128:$mask), (v4i32 VR128:$src1),
(v4i32 VR128:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPSrr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, VR128:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (vselect (v4i32 VR128:$mask), (v4f32 VR128:$src1),
(v4f32 VR128:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPSrr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, VR128:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (vselect (v2i64 VR128:$mask), (v2i64 VR128:$src1),
(v2i64 VR128:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPDrr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, VR128:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (vselect (v2i64 VR128:$mask), (v2f64 VR128:$src1),
(v2f64 VR128:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPDrr VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1, VR128:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (vselect (v8i32 VR256:$mask), (v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(v8i32 VR256:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPSYrr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, VR256:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (vselect (v8i32 VR256:$mask), (v8f32 VR256:$src1),
(v8f32 VR256:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPSYrr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, VR256:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (vselect (v4i64 VR256:$mask), (v4i64 VR256:$src1),
(v4i64 VR256:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPDYrr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, VR256:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (vselect (v4i64 VR256:$mask), (v4f64 VR256:$src1),
(v4f64 VR256:$src2))),
(VBLENDVPDYrr VR256:$src2, VR256:$src1, VR256:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86Blendi (v8f32 VR256:$src1), (v8f32 VR256:$src2),
(VBLENDPSYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86Blendi (v4f64 VR256:$src1), (v4f64 VR256:$src2),
(VBLENDPDYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86Blendi (v8i16 VR128:$src1), (v8i16 VR128:$src2),
(VPBLENDWrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Blendi (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (v4f32 VR128:$src2),
(VBLENDPSrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Blendi (v2f64 VR128:$src1), (v2f64 VR128:$src2),
(VBLENDPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v32i8 (vselect (v32i8 VR256:$mask), (v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(v32i8 VR256:$src2))),
(VPBLENDVBYrr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, VR256:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86Blendi (v16i16 VR256:$src1), (v16i16 VR256:$src2),
(VPBLENDWYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
/// SS41I_ternary_int - SSE 4.1 ternary operator
let Uses = [XMM0], Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
multiclass SS41I_ternary_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, PatFrag mem_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, Intrinsic IntId> {
def rr0 : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, XMM0))]>,
def rm0 : SS48I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId VR128:$src1,
(bitconvert (mem_frag addr:$src2)), XMM0))]>, OpSize;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm BLENDVPD : SS41I_ternary_int<0x15, "blendvpd", memopv2f64, f128mem,
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm BLENDVPS : SS41I_ternary_int<0x14, "blendvps", memopv4f32, f128mem,
defm PBLENDVB : SS41I_ternary_int<0x10, "pblendvb", memopv2i64, i128mem,
// Aliases with the implicit xmm0 argument
def : InstAlias<"blendvpd\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(BLENDVPDrr0 VR128:$dst, VR128:$src2)>;
def : InstAlias<"blendvpd\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(BLENDVPDrm0 VR128:$dst, f128mem:$src2)>;
def : InstAlias<"blendvps\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(BLENDVPSrr0 VR128:$dst, VR128:$src2)>;
def : InstAlias<"blendvps\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(BLENDVPSrm0 VR128:$dst, f128mem:$src2)>;
def : InstAlias<"pblendvb\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(PBLENDVBrr0 VR128:$dst, VR128:$src2)>;
def : InstAlias<"pblendvb\t{%xmm0, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, %xmm0}",
(PBLENDVBrm0 VR128:$dst, i128mem:$src2)>;
let Predicates = [UseSSE41] in {
def : Pat<(v16i8 (vselect (v16i8 XMM0), (v16i8 VR128:$src1),
(v16i8 VR128:$src2))),
(PBLENDVBrr0 VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (vselect (v4i32 XMM0), (v4i32 VR128:$src1),
(v4i32 VR128:$src2))),
(BLENDVPSrr0 VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (vselect (v4i32 XMM0), (v4f32 VR128:$src1),
(v4f32 VR128:$src2))),
(BLENDVPSrr0 VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (vselect (v2i64 XMM0), (v2i64 VR128:$src1),
(v2i64 VR128:$src2))),
(BLENDVPDrr0 VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (vselect (v2i64 XMM0), (v2f64 VR128:$src1),
(v2f64 VR128:$src2))),
(BLENDVPDrr0 VR128:$src2, VR128:$src1)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86Blendi (v8i16 VR128:$src1), (v8i16 VR128:$src2),
(PBLENDWrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86Blendi (v4f32 VR128:$src1), (v4f32 VR128:$src2),
(BLENDPSrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86Blendi (v2f64 VR128:$src1), (v2f64 VR128:$src2),
(BLENDPDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def VMOVNTDQArm : SS48I<0x2A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"vmovntdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse41_movntdqa addr:$src))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
def VMOVNTDQAYrm : SS48I<0x2A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins i256mem:$src),
"vmovntdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (int_x86_avx2_movntdqa addr:$src))]>,
OpSize, VEX, VEX_L;
def MOVNTDQArm : SS48I<0x2A, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins i128mem:$src),
"movntdqa\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse41_movntdqa addr:$src))]>,
// SSE4.2 - Compare Instructions
/// SS42I_binop_rm - Simple SSE 4.2 binary operator
multiclass SS42I_binop_rm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType OpVT, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : SS428I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst, (OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1, RC:$src2)))]>,
def rm : SS428I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set RC:$dst,
(OpVT (OpNode RC:$src1, (memop_frag addr:$src2))))]>, OpSize;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPCMPGTQ : SS42I_binop_rm<0x37, "vpcmpgtq", X86pcmpgt, v2i64, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
defm VPCMPGTQY : SS42I_binop_rm<0x37, "vpcmpgtq", X86pcmpgt, v4i64, VR256,
memopv4i64, i256mem, 0>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in
defm PCMPGTQ : SS42I_binop_rm<0x37, "pcmpgtq", X86pcmpgt, v2i64, VR128,
memopv2i64, i128mem>;
// SSE4.2 - String/text Processing Instructions
// Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Mask
multiclass pseudo_pcmpistrm<string asm> {
def REG : PseudoI<(outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse42_pcmpistrm128 VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2,
def MEM : PseudoI<(outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse42_pcmpistrm128 VR128:$src1,
(bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)), imm:$src3))]>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS], usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
defm VPCMPISTRM128 : pseudo_pcmpistrm<"#VPCMPISTRM128">, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm PCMPISTRM128 : pseudo_pcmpistrm<"#PCMPISTRM128">, Requires<[UseSSE42]>;
multiclass pcmpistrm_SS42AI<string asm> {
def rr : SS42AI<0x62, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $src1|$src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm :SS42AI<0x62, MRMSrcMem, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $src1|$src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let Defs = [XMM0, EFLAGS], neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPCMPISTRM128 : pcmpistrm_SS42AI<"vpcmpistrm">, VEX;
defm PCMPISTRM128 : pcmpistrm_SS42AI<"pcmpistrm"> ;
// Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Mask
multiclass pseudo_pcmpestrm<string asm> {
def REG : PseudoI<(outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse42_pcmpestrm128
VR128:$src1, EAX, VR128:$src3, EDX, imm:$src5))]>;
def MEM : PseudoI<(outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse42_pcmpestrm128 VR128:$src1, EAX,
(bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src3)), EDX, imm:$src5))]>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX, EDX], usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
defm VPCMPESTRM128 : pseudo_pcmpestrm<"#VPCMPESTRM128">, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm PCMPESTRM128 : pseudo_pcmpestrm<"#PCMPESTRM128">, Requires<[UseSSE42]>;
multiclass SS42AI_pcmpestrm<string asm> {
def rr : SS42AI<0x60, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src5, $src3, $src1|$src1, $src3, $src5}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : SS42AI<0x60, MRMSrcMem, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src5, $src3, $src1|$src1, $src3, $src5}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let Defs = [XMM0, EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX, EDX], neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPCMPESTRM128 : SS42AI_pcmpestrm<"vpcmpestrm">, VEX;
defm PCMPESTRM128 : SS42AI_pcmpestrm<"pcmpestrm">;
// Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings, Return Index
multiclass pseudo_pcmpistri<string asm> {
def REG : PseudoI<(outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
[(set GR32:$dst, EFLAGS,
(X86pcmpistri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>;
def MEM : PseudoI<(outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
[(set GR32:$dst, EFLAGS, (X86pcmpistri VR128:$src1,
(bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)), imm:$src3))]>;
let Defs = [EFLAGS], usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
defm VPCMPISTRI : pseudo_pcmpistri<"#VPCMPISTRI">, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm PCMPISTRI : pseudo_pcmpistri<"#PCMPISTRI">, Requires<[UseSSE42]>;
multiclass SS42AI_pcmpistri<string asm> {
def rr : SS42AI<0x63, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $src1|$src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : SS42AI<0x63, MRMSrcMem, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src3, $src2, $src1|$src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let Defs = [ECX, EFLAGS], neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPCMPISTRI : SS42AI_pcmpistri<"vpcmpistri">, VEX;
defm PCMPISTRI : SS42AI_pcmpistri<"pcmpistri">;
// Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings, Return Index
multiclass pseudo_pcmpestri<string asm> {
def REG : PseudoI<(outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
[(set GR32:$dst, EFLAGS,
(X86pcmpestri VR128:$src1, EAX, VR128:$src3, EDX, imm:$src5))]>;
def MEM : PseudoI<(outs GR32:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
[(set GR32:$dst, EFLAGS,
(X86pcmpestri VR128:$src1, EAX, (bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src3)), EDX,
let Defs = [EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX, EDX], usesCustomInserter = 1 in {
defm VPCMPESTRI : pseudo_pcmpestri<"#VPCMPESTRI">, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
defm PCMPESTRI : pseudo_pcmpestri<"#PCMPESTRI">, Requires<[UseSSE42]>;
multiclass SS42AI_pcmpestri<string asm> {
def rr : SS42AI<0x61, MRMSrcReg, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src5, $src3, $src1|$src1, $src3, $src5}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : SS42AI<0x61, MRMSrcMem, (outs),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src3, i8imm:$src5),
!strconcat(asm, "\t{$src5, $src3, $src1|$src1, $src3, $src5}"),
[]>, OpSize;
let Defs = [ECX, EFLAGS], Uses = [EAX, EDX], neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
defm VPCMPESTRI : SS42AI_pcmpestri<"vpcmpestri">, VEX;
defm PCMPESTRI : SS42AI_pcmpestri<"pcmpestri">;
// SSE4.2 - CRC Instructions
// No CRC instructions have AVX equivalents
// crc intrinsic instruction
// This set of instructions are only rm, the only difference is the size
// of r and m.
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
def CRC32r32m8 : SS42FI<0xF0, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, i8mem:$src2),
"crc32{b} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_8 GR32:$src1,
(load addr:$src2)))]>;
def CRC32r32r8 : SS42FI<0xF0, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, GR8:$src2),
"crc32{b} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_8 GR32:$src1, GR8:$src2))]>;
def CRC32r32m16 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, i16mem:$src2),
"crc32{w} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_16 GR32:$src1,
(load addr:$src2)))]>,
def CRC32r32r16 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, GR16:$src2),
"crc32{w} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_16 GR32:$src1, GR16:$src2))]>,
def CRC32r32m32 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, i32mem:$src2),
"crc32{l} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_32 GR32:$src1,
(load addr:$src2)))]>;
def CRC32r32r32 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR32:$dst),
(ins GR32:$src1, GR32:$src2),
"crc32{l} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR32:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_32_32 GR32:$src1, GR32:$src2))]>;
def CRC32r64m8 : SS42FI<0xF0, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins GR64:$src1, i8mem:$src2),
"crc32{b} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR64:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_64_8 GR64:$src1,
(load addr:$src2)))]>,
def CRC32r64r8 : SS42FI<0xF0, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins GR64:$src1, GR8:$src2),
"crc32{b} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR64:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_64_8 GR64:$src1, GR8:$src2))]>,
def CRC32r64m64 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcMem, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins GR64:$src1, i64mem:$src2),
"crc32{q} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR64:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_64_64 GR64:$src1,
(load addr:$src2)))]>,
def CRC32r64r64 : SS42FI<0xF1, MRMSrcReg, (outs GR64:$dst),
(ins GR64:$src1, GR64:$src2),
"crc32{q} \t{$src2, $src1|$src1, $src2}",
[(set GR64:$dst,
(int_x86_sse42_crc32_64_64 GR64:$src1, GR64:$src2))]>,
// AES-NI Instructions
multiclass AESI_binop_rm_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId128, bit Is2Addr = 1> {
def rr : AES8I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntId128 VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2))]>,
def rm : AES8I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $dst|$dst, $src2}"),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}")),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(IntId128 VR128:$src1, (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)))]>, OpSize;
// Perform One Round of an AES Encryption/Decryption Flow
let Predicates = [HasAVX, HasAES] in {
defm VAESENC : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDC, "vaesenc",
int_x86_aesni_aesenc, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VAESENCLAST : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDD, "vaesenclast",
int_x86_aesni_aesenclast, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VAESDEC : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDE, "vaesdec",
int_x86_aesni_aesdec, 0>, VEX_4V;
defm VAESDECLAST : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDF, "vaesdeclast",
int_x86_aesni_aesdeclast, 0>, VEX_4V;
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
defm AESENC : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDC, "aesenc",
defm AESENCLAST : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDD, "aesenclast",
defm AESDEC : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDE, "aesdec",
defm AESDECLAST : AESI_binop_rm_int<0xDF, "aesdeclast",
// Perform the AES InvMixColumn Transformation
let Predicates = [HasAVX, HasAES] in {
def VAESIMCrr : AES8I<0xDB, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1),
"vaesimc\t{$src1, $dst|$dst, $src1}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aesimc VR128:$src1))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def VAESIMCrm : AES8I<0xDB, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src1),
"vaesimc\t{$src1, $dst|$dst, $src1}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_aesni_aesimc (memopv2i64 addr:$src1)))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def AESIMCrr : AES8I<0xDB, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1),
"aesimc\t{$src1, $dst|$dst, $src1}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aesimc VR128:$src1))]>,
def AESIMCrm : AES8I<0xDB, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src1),
"aesimc\t{$src1, $dst|$dst, $src1}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_aesni_aesimc (memopv2i64 addr:$src1)))]>,
// AES Round Key Generation Assist
let Predicates = [HasAVX, HasAES] in {
def VAESKEYGENASSIST128rr : AESAI<0xDF, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vaeskeygenassist\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aeskeygenassist VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def VAESKEYGENASSIST128rm : AESAI<0xDF, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vaeskeygenassist\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aeskeygenassist (memopv2i64 addr:$src1), imm:$src2))]>,
OpSize, VEX;
def AESKEYGENASSIST128rr : AESAI<0xDF, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"aeskeygenassist\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aeskeygenassist VR128:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
def AESKEYGENASSIST128rm : AESAI<0xDF, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins i128mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"aeskeygenassist\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_aesni_aeskeygenassist (memopv2i64 addr:$src1), imm:$src2))]>,
// PCLMUL Instructions
// AVX carry-less Multiplication instructions
def VPCLMULQDQrr : AVXPCLMULIi8<0x44, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vpclmulqdq\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_pclmulqdq VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>;
def VPCLMULQDQrm : AVXPCLMULIi8<0x44, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vpclmulqdq\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_pclmulqdq VR128:$src1,
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2), imm:$src3))]>;
// Carry-less Multiplication instructions
let Constraints = "$src1 = $dst" in {
def PCLMULQDQrr : PCLMULIi8<0x44, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"pclmulqdq\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_pclmulqdq VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$src3))]>;
def PCLMULQDQrm : PCLMULIi8<0x44, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"pclmulqdq\t{$src3, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_pclmulqdq VR128:$src1,
(memopv2i64 addr:$src2), imm:$src3))]>;
} // Constraints = "$src1 = $dst"
multiclass pclmul_alias<string asm, int immop> {
def : InstAlias<!strconcat("pclmul", asm, "dq {$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
(PCLMULQDQrr VR128:$dst, VR128:$src, immop)>;
def : InstAlias<!strconcat("pclmul", asm, "dq {$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
(PCLMULQDQrm VR128:$dst, i128mem:$src, immop)>;
def : InstAlias<!strconcat("vpclmul", asm,
"dq {$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
(VPCLMULQDQrr VR128:$dst, VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, immop)>;
def : InstAlias<!strconcat("vpclmul", asm,
"dq {$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
(VPCLMULQDQrm VR128:$dst, VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2, immop)>;
defm : pclmul_alias<"hqhq", 0x11>;
defm : pclmul_alias<"hqlq", 0x01>;
defm : pclmul_alias<"lqhq", 0x10>;
defm : pclmul_alias<"lqlq", 0x00>;
// SSE4A Instructions
let Predicates = [HasSSE4A] in {
let Constraints = "$src = $dst" in {
def EXTRQI : Ii8<0x78, MRM0r, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src, i8imm:$len, i8imm:$idx),
"extrq\t{$idx, $len, $src|$src, $len, $idx}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse4a_extrqi VR128:$src, imm:$len,
imm:$idx))]>, TB, OpSize;
def EXTRQ : I<0x79, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"extrq\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse4a_extrq VR128:$src,
VR128:$mask))]>, TB, OpSize;
def INSERTQI : Ii8<0x78, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$len, i8imm:$idx),
"insertq\t{$idx, $len, $src2, $src|$src, $src2, $len, $idx}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse4a_insertqi VR128:$src,
VR128:$src2, imm:$len, imm:$idx))]>, XD;
def INSERTQ : I<0x79, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src, VR128:$mask),
"insertq\t{$mask, $src|$src, $mask}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (int_x86_sse4a_insertq VR128:$src,
VR128:$mask))]>, XD;
def MOVNTSS : I<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f32mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntss\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(int_x86_sse4a_movnt_ss addr:$dst, VR128:$src)]>, XS;
def MOVNTSD : I<0x2B, MRMDestMem, (outs), (ins f64mem:$dst, VR128:$src),
"movntsd\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(int_x86_sse4a_movnt_sd addr:$dst, VR128:$src)]>, XD;
// AVX Instructions
// VBROADCAST - Load from memory and broadcast to all elements of the
// destination operand
class avx_broadcast<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC,
X86MemOperand x86memop, Intrinsic Int> :
AVX8I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (Int addr:$src))]>, VEX;
// AVX2 adds register forms
class avx2_broadcast_reg<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC,
Intrinsic Int> :
AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (Int VR128:$src))]>, VEX;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
def VBROADCASTSSrm : avx_broadcast<0x18, "vbroadcastss", VR128, f32mem,
def VBROADCASTSSYrm : avx_broadcast<0x18, "vbroadcastss", VR256, f32mem,
int_x86_avx_vbroadcast_ss_256>, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
def VBROADCASTSDYrm : avx_broadcast<0x19, "vbroadcastsd", VR256, f64mem,
int_x86_avx_vbroadcast_sd_256>, VEX_L;
def VBROADCASTF128 : avx_broadcast<0x1A, "vbroadcastf128", VR256, f128mem,
int_x86_avx_vbroadcastf128_pd_256>, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
def VBROADCASTSSrr : avx2_broadcast_reg<0x18, "vbroadcastss", VR128,
def VBROADCASTSSYrr : avx2_broadcast_reg<0x18, "vbroadcastss", VR256,
int_x86_avx2_vbroadcast_ss_ps_256>, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
def VBROADCASTSDYrr : avx2_broadcast_reg<0x19, "vbroadcastsd", VR256,
int_x86_avx2_vbroadcast_sd_pd_256>, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in
def VBROADCASTI128 : avx_broadcast<0x5A, "vbroadcasti128", VR256, i128mem,
int_x86_avx2_vbroadcasti128>, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in
def : Pat<(int_x86_avx_vbroadcastf128_ps_256 addr:$src),
(VBROADCASTF128 addr:$src)>;
// VINSERTF128 - Insert packed floating-point values
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
def VINSERTF128rr : AVXAIi8<0x18, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vinsertf128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def VINSERTF128rm : AVXAIi8<0x18, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, f128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vinsertf128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8f32 VR256:$src1), (v4f32 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4f64 VR256:$src1), (v2f64 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8f32 VR256:$src1), (memopv4f32 addr:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4f64 VR256:$src1), (memopv2f64 addr:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4i64 VR256:$src1), (v2i64 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8i32 VR256:$src1), (v4i32 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v32i8 VR256:$src1), (v16i8 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v16i16 VR256:$src1), (v8i16 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4i64 VR256:$src1), (memopv2i64 addr:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v8i16 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTF128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
// VEXTRACTF128 - Extract packed floating-point values
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
def VEXTRACTF128rr : AVXAIi8<0x19, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vextractf128\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[]>, VEX, VEX_L;
let mayStore = 1 in
def VEXTRACTF128mr : AVXAIi8<0x19, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f128mem:$dst, VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vextractf128\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[]>, VEX, VEX_L;
// AVX1 patterns
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v4f32 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v8f32 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v2f64 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v4f64 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4f32 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v8f32 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2f64 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v4f64 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v2i64 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v4i64 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v4i32 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v8i16 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v16i8 (VEXTRACTF128rr
(v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2i64 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v4i64 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4i32 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v8i16 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v16i8 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTF128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
// VMASKMOV - Conditional SIMD Packed Loads and Stores
multiclass avx_movmask_rm<bits<8> opc_rm, bits<8> opc_mr, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntLd, Intrinsic IntLd256,
Intrinsic IntSt, Intrinsic IntSt256> {
def rm : AVX8I<opc_rm, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, f128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntLd addr:$src2, VR128:$src1))]>,
def Yrm : AVX8I<opc_rm, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, f256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntLd256 addr:$src2, VR256:$src1))]>,
def mr : AVX8I<opc_mr, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f128mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(IntSt addr:$dst, VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)]>, VEX_4V;
def Ymr : AVX8I<opc_mr, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins f256mem:$dst, VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(IntSt256 addr:$dst, VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm VMASKMOVPS : avx_movmask_rm<0x2C, 0x2E, "vmaskmovps",
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm VMASKMOVPD : avx_movmask_rm<0x2D, 0x2F, "vmaskmovpd",
// VPERMIL - Permute Single and Double Floating-Point Values
multiclass avx_permil<bits<8> opc_rm, bits<8> opc_rmi, string OpcodeStr,
RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop_f,
X86MemOperand x86memop_i, PatFrag i_frag,
Intrinsic IntVar, ValueType vt> {
def rr : AVX8I<opc_rm, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntVar RC:$src1, RC:$src2))]>, VEX_4V;
def rm : AVX8I<opc_rm, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop_i:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntVar RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (i_frag addr:$src2))))]>, VEX_4V;
def ri : AVXAIi8<opc_rmi, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (vt (X86VPermilp RC:$src1, (i8 imm:$src2))))]>, VEX;
def mi : AVXAIi8<opc_rmi, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins x86memop_f:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set RC:$dst,
(vt (X86VPermilp (memop addr:$src1), (i8 imm:$src2))))]>, VEX;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
defm VPERMILPS : avx_permil<0x0C, 0x04, "vpermilps", VR128, f128mem, i128mem,
memopv2i64, int_x86_avx_vpermilvar_ps, v4f32>;
defm VPERMILPSY : avx_permil<0x0C, 0x04, "vpermilps", VR256, f256mem, i256mem,
memopv4i64, int_x86_avx_vpermilvar_ps_256, v8f32>, VEX_L;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in {
defm VPERMILPD : avx_permil<0x0D, 0x05, "vpermilpd", VR128, f128mem, i128mem,
memopv2i64, int_x86_avx_vpermilvar_pd, v2f64>;
defm VPERMILPDY : avx_permil<0x0D, 0x05, "vpermilpd", VR256, f256mem, i256mem,
memopv4i64, int_x86_avx_vpermilvar_pd_256, v4f64>, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPermilp VR256:$src1, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPSYri VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VPermilp VR256:$src1, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPDYri VR256:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPermilp (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src1)),
(i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPSYmi addr:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VPermilp (memopv4i64 addr:$src1), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPDYmi addr:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86VPermilp VR128:$src1, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPDri VR128:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86VPermilp (memopv2i64 addr:$src1), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERMILPDmi addr:$src1, imm:$imm)>;
// VPERM2F128 - Permute Floating-Point Values in 128-bit chunks
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in {
def VPERM2F128rr : AVXAIi8<0x06, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vperm2f128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (v8f32 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2,
(i8 imm:$src3))))]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
def VPERM2F128rm : AVXAIi8<0x06, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, f256mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vperm2f128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, (memopv8f32 addr:$src2),
(i8 imm:$src3)))]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(memopv4f64 addr:$src2), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(memopv4i64 addr:$src2), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(bc_v32i8 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(bc_v16i16 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2F128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
// VZERO - Zero YMM registers
let Defs = [YMM0, YMM1, YMM2, YMM3, YMM4, YMM5, YMM6, YMM7,
YMM8, YMM9, YMM10, YMM11, YMM12, YMM13, YMM14, YMM15] in {
// Zero All YMM registers
def VZEROALL : I<0x77, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "vzeroall",
[(int_x86_avx_vzeroall)]>, TB, VEX, VEX_L, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
// Zero Upper bits of YMM registers
def VZEROUPPER : I<0x77, RawFrm, (outs), (ins), "vzeroupper",
[(int_x86_avx_vzeroupper)]>, TB, VEX, Requires<[HasAVX]>;
// Half precision conversion instructions
multiclass f16c_ph2ps<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop, Intrinsic Int> {
def rr : I<0x13, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
"vcvtph2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}",
[(set RC:$dst, (Int VR128:$src))]>,
T8, OpSize, VEX;
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayLoad = 1 in
def rm : I<0x13, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
"vcvtph2ps\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}", []>, T8, OpSize, VEX;
multiclass f16c_ps2ph<RegisterClass RC, X86MemOperand x86memop, Intrinsic Int> {
def rr : Ii8<0x1D, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vcvtps2ph\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst, (Int RC:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
TA, OpSize, VEX;
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayStore = 1 in
def mr : Ii8<0x1D, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins x86memop:$dst, RC:$src1, i32i8imm:$src2),
"vcvtps2ph\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>,
TA, OpSize, VEX;
let Predicates = [HasAVX, HasF16C] in {
defm VCVTPH2PS : f16c_ph2ps<VR128, f64mem, int_x86_vcvtph2ps_128>;
defm VCVTPH2PSY : f16c_ph2ps<VR256, f128mem, int_x86_vcvtph2ps_256>, VEX_L;
defm VCVTPS2PH : f16c_ps2ph<VR128, f64mem, int_x86_vcvtps2ph_128>;
defm VCVTPS2PHY : f16c_ps2ph<VR256, f128mem, int_x86_vcvtps2ph_256>, VEX_L;
// AVX2 Instructions
/// AVX2_binop_rmi_int - AVX2 binary operator with 8-bit immediate
multiclass AVX2_binop_rmi_int<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntId, RegisterClass RC, PatFrag memop_frag,
X86MemOperand x86memop> {
let isCommutable = 1 in
def rri : AVX2AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, RC:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set RC:$dst, (IntId RC:$src1, RC:$src2, imm:$src3))]>,
def rmi : AVX2AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC:$dst),
(ins RC:$src1, x86memop:$src2, u32u8imm:$src3),
"\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}"),
[(set RC:$dst,
(IntId RC:$src1,
(bitconvert (memop_frag addr:$src2)), imm:$src3))]>,
let isCommutable = 0 in {
defm VPBLENDD : AVX2_binop_rmi_int<0x02, "vpblendd", int_x86_avx2_pblendd_128,
VR128, memopv2i64, i128mem>;
defm VPBLENDDY : AVX2_binop_rmi_int<0x02, "vpblendd", int_x86_avx2_pblendd_256,
VR256, memopv4i64, i256mem>, VEX_L;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86Blendi (v4i32 VR128:$src1), (v4i32 VR128:$src2),
(VPBLENDDrri VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86Blendi (v8i32 VR256:$src1), (v8i32 VR256:$src2),
(VPBLENDDYrri VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$mask)>;
// VPBROADCAST - Load from memory and broadcast to all elements of the
// destination operand
multiclass avx2_broadcast<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr,
X86MemOperand x86memop, PatFrag ld_frag,
Intrinsic Int128, Intrinsic Int256> {
def rr : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (Int128 VR128:$src))]>, VEX;
def rm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(Int128 (scalar_to_vector (ld_frag addr:$src))))]>, VEX;
def Yrr : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins VR128:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (Int256 VR128:$src))]>, VEX, VEX_L;
def Yrm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst), (ins x86memop:$src),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src, $dst|$dst, $src}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(Int256 (scalar_to_vector (ld_frag addr:$src))))]>,
defm VPBROADCASTB : avx2_broadcast<0x78, "vpbroadcastb", i8mem, loadi8,
defm VPBROADCASTW : avx2_broadcast<0x79, "vpbroadcastw", i16mem, loadi16,
defm VPBROADCASTD : avx2_broadcast<0x58, "vpbroadcastd", i32mem, loadi32,
defm VPBROADCASTQ : avx2_broadcast<0x59, "vpbroadcastq", i64mem, loadi64,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v16i8 (X86VBroadcast (loadi8 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTBrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VBroadcast (loadi8 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTBYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86VBroadcast (loadi16 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTWrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VBroadcast (loadi16 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTWYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86VBroadcast (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTDrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VBroadcast (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86VBroadcast (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTQrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VBroadcast (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTQYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i8 (X86VBroadcast (v16i8 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTBrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VBroadcast (v16i8 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTBYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (X86VBroadcast (v8i16 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTWrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VBroadcast (v8i16 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTWYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86VBroadcast (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTDrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VBroadcast (v4i32 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTDYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2i64 (X86VBroadcast (v2i64 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VBroadcast (v2i64 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTQYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86VBroadcast (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86VBroadcast (v4f32 VR128:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSYrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (X86VBroadcast (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(VPBROADCASTQrr VR128:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VBroadcast (v2f64 VR128:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSDYrr VR128:$src)>;
// Provide fallback in case the load node that is used in the patterns above
// is used by additional users, which prevents the pattern selection.
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86VBroadcast FR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86VBroadcast FR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VBroadcast FR64:$src)),
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86VBroadcast GR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VBroadcast GR32:$src)),
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VBroadcast GR64:$src)),
// AVX1 broadcast patterns
let Predicates = [HasAVX1Only] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VBroadcast (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VBroadcast (loadi64 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86VBroadcast (loadi32 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSrm addr:$src)>;
let Predicates = [HasAVX] in {
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86VBroadcast (loadf32 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VBroadcast (loadf64 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSDYrm addr:$src)>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86VBroadcast (loadf32 addr:$src))),
(VBROADCASTSSrm addr:$src)>;
// Provide fallback in case the load node that is used in the patterns above
// is used by additional users, which prevents the pattern selection.
let AddedComplexity = 20 in {
// 128bit broadcasts:
def : Pat<(v4f32 (X86VBroadcast FR32:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128), 0)>;
def : Pat<(v8f32 (X86VBroadcast FR32:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128), 0), sub_xmm),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR32:$src, VR128), 0), 1)>;
def : Pat<(v4f64 (X86VBroadcast FR64:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128), 0x44), sub_xmm),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS FR64:$src, VR128), 0x44), 1)>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (X86VBroadcast GR32:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS GR32:$src, VR128), 0)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VBroadcast GR32:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS GR32:$src, VR128), 0), sub_xmm),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS GR32:$src, VR128), 0), 1)>;
def : Pat<(v4i64 (X86VBroadcast GR64:$src)),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS GR64:$src, VR128), 0x44), sub_xmm),
(VPSHUFDri (COPY_TO_REGCLASS GR64:$src, VR128), 0x44), 1)>;
// VPERM - Permute instructions
multiclass avx2_perm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, PatFrag mem_frag,
ValueType OpVT> {
def Yrr : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(OpVT (X86VPermv VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)))]>,
def Yrm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(OpVT (X86VPermv VR256:$src1,
(bitconvert (mem_frag addr:$src2)))))]>,
defm VPERMD : avx2_perm<0x36, "vpermd", memopv4i64, v8i32>;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedSingle in
defm VPERMPS : avx2_perm<0x16, "vpermps", memopv8f32, v8f32>;
multiclass avx2_perm_imm<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, PatFrag mem_frag,
ValueType OpVT> {
def Yri : AVX2AIi8<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(OpVT (X86VPermi VR256:$src1, (i8 imm:$src2))))]>,
def Ymi : AVX2AIi8<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins i256mem:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(OpVT (X86VPermi (mem_frag addr:$src1),
(i8 imm:$src2))))]>, VEX, VEX_L;
defm VPERMQ : avx2_perm_imm<0x00, "vpermq", memopv4i64, v4i64>, VEX_W;
let ExeDomain = SSEPackedDouble in
defm VPERMPD : avx2_perm_imm<0x01, "vpermpd", memopv4f64, v4f64>, VEX_W;
// VPERM2I128 - Permute Floating-Point Values in 128-bit chunks
def VPERM2I128rr : AVX2AIi8<0x46, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vperm2i128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (v4i64 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2,
(i8 imm:$src3))))]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
def VPERM2I128rm : AVX2AIi8<0x46, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, f256mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vperm2i128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[(set VR256:$dst, (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, (memopv4i64 addr:$src2),
(i8 imm:$src3)))]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rr VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v32i8 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, (bc_v32i8 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)),
(i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v16i16 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1,
(bc_v16i16 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)), (i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
def : Pat<(v8i32 (X86VPerm2x128 VR256:$src1, (bc_v8i32 (memopv4i64 addr:$src2)),
(i8 imm:$imm))),
(VPERM2I128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2, imm:$imm)>;
// VINSERTI128 - Insert packed integer values
let neverHasSideEffects = 1 in {
def VINSERTI128rr : AVX2AIi8<0x38, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vinserti128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let mayLoad = 1 in
def VINSERTI128rm : AVX2AIi8<0x38, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i128mem:$src2, i8imm:$src3),
"vinserti128\t{$src3, $src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2, $src3}",
[]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4i64 VR256:$src1), (v2i64 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8i32 VR256:$src1), (v4i32 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v32i8 VR256:$src1), (v16i8 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v16i16 VR256:$src1), (v8i16 VR128:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rr VR256:$src1, VR128:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v4i64 VR256:$src1), (memopv2i64 addr:$src2),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v4i32 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v16i8 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
def : Pat<(vinsertf128_insert:$ins (v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(bc_v8i16 (memopv2i64 addr:$src2)),
(iPTR imm)),
(VINSERTI128rm VR256:$src1, addr:$src2,
(INSERT_get_vinsertf128_imm VR256:$ins))>;
// VEXTRACTI128 - Extract packed integer values
def VEXTRACTI128rr : AVX2AIi8<0x39, MRMDestReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vextracti128\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}",
[(set VR128:$dst,
(int_x86_avx2_vextracti128 VR256:$src1, imm:$src2))]>,
let neverHasSideEffects = 1, mayStore = 1 in
def VEXTRACTI128mr : AVX2AIi8<0x39, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i128mem:$dst, VR256:$src1, i8imm:$src2),
"vextracti128\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}", []>,
let Predicates = [HasAVX2] in {
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v2i64 (VEXTRACTI128rr
(v4i64 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v4i32 (VEXTRACTI128rr
(v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v8i16 (VEXTRACTI128rr
(v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(vextractf128_extract:$ext VR256:$src1, (iPTR imm)),
(v16i8 (VEXTRACTI128rr
(v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext)))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v2i64 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v4i64 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTI128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v4i32 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v8i32 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTI128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v8i16 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v16i16 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTI128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
def : Pat<(alignedstore (v16i8 (vextractf128_extract:$ext (v32i8 VR256:$src1),
(iPTR imm))), addr:$dst),
(VEXTRACTI128mr addr:$dst, VR256:$src1,
(EXTRACT_get_vextractf128_imm VR128:$ext))>;
// VPMASKMOV - Conditional SIMD Integer Packed Loads and Stores
multiclass avx2_pmovmask<string OpcodeStr,
Intrinsic IntLd128, Intrinsic IntLd256,
Intrinsic IntSt128, Intrinsic IntSt256> {
def rm : AVX28I<0x8c, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst, (IntLd128 addr:$src2, VR128:$src1))]>, VEX_4V;
def Yrm : AVX28I<0x8c, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst, (IntLd256 addr:$src2, VR256:$src1))]>,
def mr : AVX28I<0x8e, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i128mem:$dst, VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(IntSt128 addr:$dst, VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2)]>, VEX_4V;
def Ymr : AVX28I<0x8e, MRMDestMem, (outs),
(ins i256mem:$dst, VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(IntSt256 addr:$dst, VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2)]>, VEX_4V, VEX_L;
defm VPMASKMOVD : avx2_pmovmask<"vpmaskmovd",
defm VPMASKMOVQ : avx2_pmovmask<"vpmaskmovq",
int_x86_avx2_maskstore_q_256>, VEX_W;
// Variable Bit Shifts
multiclass avx2_var_shift<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, SDNode OpNode,
ValueType vt128, ValueType vt256> {
def rr : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, VR128:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode VR128:$src1, (vt128 VR128:$src2))))]>,
def rm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst),
(ins VR128:$src1, i128mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR128:$dst,
(vt128 (OpNode VR128:$src1,
(vt128 (bitconvert (memopv2i64 addr:$src2))))))]>,
def Yrr : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcReg, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, VR256:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(vt256 (OpNode VR256:$src1, (vt256 VR256:$src2))))]>,
def Yrm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR256:$dst),
(ins VR256:$src1, i256mem:$src2),
!strconcat(OpcodeStr, "\t{$src2, $src1, $dst|$dst, $src1, $src2}"),
[(set VR256:$dst,
(vt256 (OpNode VR256:$src1,
(vt256 (bitconvert (memopv4i64 addr:$src2))))))]>,
defm VPSLLVD : avx2_var_shift<0x47, "vpsllvd", shl, v4i32, v8i32>;
defm VPSLLVQ : avx2_var_shift<0x47, "vpsllvq", shl, v2i64, v4i64>, VEX_W;
defm VPSRLVD : avx2_var_shift<0x45, "vpsrlvd", srl, v4i32, v8i32>;
defm VPSRLVQ : avx2_var_shift<0x45, "vpsrlvq", srl, v2i64, v4i64>, VEX_W;
defm VPSRAVD : avx2_var_shift<0x46, "vpsravd", sra, v4i32, v8i32>;
// VGATHER - GATHER Operations
multiclass avx2_gather<bits<8> opc, string OpcodeStr, RegisterClass RC256,
X86MemOperand memop128, X86MemOperand memop256> {
def rm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs VR128:$dst, VR128:$mask_wb),
(ins VR128:$src1, memop128:$src2, VR128:$mask),
"\t{$mask, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $mask}"),
[]>, VEX_4VOp3;
def Yrm : AVX28I<opc, MRMSrcMem, (outs RC256:$dst, RC256:$mask_wb),
(ins RC256:$src1, memop256:$src2, RC256:$mask),
"\t{$mask, $src2, $dst|$dst, $src2, $mask}"),
[]>, VEX_4VOp3, VEX_L;
let mayLoad = 1, Constraints
= "@earlyclobber $dst,@earlyclobber $mask_wb, $src1 = $dst, $mask = $mask_wb"
in {
defm VGATHERDPD : avx2_gather<0x92, "vgatherdpd", VR256, vx64mem, vx64mem>, VEX_W;
defm VGATHERQPD : avx2_gather<0x93, "vgatherqpd", VR256, vx64mem, vy64mem>, VEX_W;
defm VGATHERDPS : avx2_gather<0x92, "vgatherdps", VR256, vx32mem, vy32mem>;
defm VGATHERQPS : avx2_gather<0x93, "vgatherqps", VR128, vx32mem, vy32mem>;
defm VPGATHERDQ : avx2_gather<0x90, "vpgatherdq", VR256, vx64mem, vx64mem>, VEX_W;
defm VPGATHERQQ : avx2_gather<0x91, "vpgatherqq", VR256, vx64mem, vy64mem>, VEX_W;
defm VPGATHERDD : avx2_gather<0x90, "vpgatherdd", VR256, vx32mem, vy32mem>;
defm VPGATHERQD : avx2_gather<0x91, "vpgatherqd", VR128, vx32mem, vy32mem>;
//===-- - NEON support for ARM -------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file describes the ARM NEON instruction set.
// NEON-specific Operands.
def nModImm : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
def nImmSplatI8AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi8splat"; }
def nImmSplatI8 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmSplatI8AsmOperand;
def nImmSplatI16AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi16splat"; }
def nImmSplatI16 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmSplatI16AsmOperand;
def nImmSplatI32AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi32splat"; }
def nImmSplatI32 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmSplatI32AsmOperand;
def nImmVMOVI32AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi32vmov"; }
def nImmVMOVI32 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmVMOVI32AsmOperand;
def nImmVMOVI32NegAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi32vmovNeg"; }
def nImmVMOVI32Neg : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmVMOVI32NegAsmOperand;
def nImmVMOVF32 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printFPImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = FPImmOperand;
def nImmSplatI64AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "NEONi64splat"; }
def nImmSplatI64 : Operand<i32> {
let PrintMethod = "printNEONModImmOperand";
let ParserMatchClass = nImmSplatI64AsmOperand;
def VectorIndex8Operand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "VectorIndex8"; }
def VectorIndex16Operand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "VectorIndex16"; }
def VectorIndex32Operand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "VectorIndex32"; }
def VectorIndex8 : Operand<i32>, ImmLeaf<i32, [{
return ((uint64_t)Imm) < 8;
}]> {
let ParserMatchClass = VectorIndex8Operand;
let PrintMethod = "printVectorIndex";
let MIOperandInfo = (ops i32imm);
def VectorIndex16 : Operand<i32>, ImmLeaf<i32, [{
return ((uint64_t)Imm) < 4;
}]> {
let ParserMatchClass = VectorIndex16Operand;
let PrintMethod = "printVectorIndex";
let MIOperandInfo = (ops i32imm);
def VectorIndex32 : Operand<i32>, ImmLeaf<i32, [{
return ((uint64_t)Imm) < 2;
}]> {
let ParserMatchClass = VectorIndex32Operand;
let PrintMethod = "printVectorIndex";
let MIOperandInfo = (ops i32imm);
// Register list of one D register.
def VecListOneDAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListOneD";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListOneD : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListOne"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListOneDAsmOperand;
// Register list of two sequential D registers.
def VecListDPairAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListDPair";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListDPair : RegisterOperand<DPair, "printVectorListTwo"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListDPairAsmOperand;
// Register list of three sequential D registers.
def VecListThreeDAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeD";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListThreeD : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListThree"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeDAsmOperand;
// Register list of four sequential D registers.
def VecListFourDAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourD";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListFourD : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListFour"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourDAsmOperand;
// Register list of two D registers spaced by 2 (two sequential Q registers).
def VecListDPairSpacedAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListDPairSpaced";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListDPairSpaced : RegisterOperand<DPair, "printVectorListTwoSpaced"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListDPairSpacedAsmOperand;
// Register list of three D registers spaced by 2 (three Q registers).
def VecListThreeQAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeQ";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListThreeQ : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListThreeSpaced"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeQAsmOperand;
// Register list of three D registers spaced by 2 (three Q registers).
def VecListFourQAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourQ";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListFourQ : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListFourSpaced"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourQAsmOperand;
// Register list of one D register, with "all lanes" subscripting.
def VecListOneDAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListOneDAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListOneDAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListOneAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListOneDAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of two D registers, with "all lanes" subscripting.
def VecListDPairAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListDPairAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListDPairAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPair,
"printVectorListTwoAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListDPairAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of two D registers spaced by 2 (two sequential Q registers).
def VecListDPairSpacedAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPair,
"printVectorListTwoSpacedAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListDPairSpacedAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of three D registers, with "all lanes" subscripting.
def VecListThreeDAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeDAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListThreeDAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPR,
"printVectorListThreeAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeDAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of three D registers spaced by 2 (three sequential Q regs).
def VecListThreeQAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeQAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListThreeQAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPR,
"printVectorListThreeSpacedAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeQAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of four D registers, with "all lanes" subscripting.
def VecListFourDAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourDAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListFourDAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPR, "printVectorListFourAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourDAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of four D registers spaced by 2 (four sequential Q regs).
def VecListFourQAllLanesAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourQAllLanes";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListOperands";
def VecListFourQAllLanes : RegisterOperand<DPR,
"printVectorListFourSpacedAllLanes"> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourQAllLanesAsmOperand;
// Register list of one D register, with byte lane subscripting.
def VecListOneDByteIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListOneDByteIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListOneDByteIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListOneDByteIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListOneDHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListOneDHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListOneDHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListOneDHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListOneDWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListOneDWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListOneDWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListOneDWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of two D registers with byte lane subscripting.
def VecListTwoDByteIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListTwoDByteIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListTwoDByteIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListTwoDByteIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListTwoDHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListTwoDHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListTwoDHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListTwoDHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListTwoDWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListTwoDWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListTwoDWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListTwoDWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of two Q registers with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListTwoQHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListTwoQHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListTwoQHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListTwoQHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListTwoQWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListTwoQWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListTwoQWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListTwoQWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of three D registers with byte lane subscripting.
def VecListThreeDByteIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeDByteIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListThreeDByteIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeDByteIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListThreeDHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeDHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListThreeDHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeDHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListThreeDWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeDWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListThreeDWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeDWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of three Q registers with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListThreeQHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeQHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListThreeQHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeQHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListThreeQWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListThreeQWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListThreeQWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListThreeQWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of four D registers with byte lane subscripting.
def VecListFourDByteIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourDByteIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListFourDByteIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourDByteIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListFourDHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourDHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListFourDHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourDHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListFourDWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourDWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListFourDWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourDWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// Register list of four Q registers with half-word lane subscripting.
def VecListFourQHWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourQHWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListFourQHWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourQHWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
// ...with word lane subscripting.
def VecListFourQWordIndexAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass {
let Name = "VecListFourQWordIndexed";
let ParserMethod = "parseVectorList";
let RenderMethod = "addVecListIndexedOperands";
def VecListFourQWordIndexed : Operand<i32> {
let ParserMatchClass = VecListFourQWordIndexAsmOperand;
let MIOperandInfo = (ops DPR:$Vd, i32imm:$idx);
def dword_alignedload : PatFrag<(ops node:$ptr), (load node:$ptr), [{
return cast<LoadSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() >= 8;
def dword_alignedstore : PatFrag<(ops node:$val, node:$ptr),
(store node:$val, node:$ptr), [{
return cast<StoreSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() >= 8;
def word_alignedload : PatFrag<(ops node:$ptr), (load node:$ptr), [{
return cast<LoadSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 4;
def word_alignedstore : PatFrag<(ops node:$val, node:$ptr),
(store node:$val, node:$ptr), [{
return cast<StoreSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 4;
def hword_alignedload : PatFrag<(ops node:$ptr), (load node:$ptr), [{
return cast<LoadSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 2;
def hword_alignedstore : PatFrag<(ops node:$val, node:$ptr),
(store node:$val, node:$ptr), [{
return cast<StoreSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 2;
def byte_alignedload : PatFrag<(ops node:$ptr), (load node:$ptr), [{
return cast<LoadSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 1;
def byte_alignedstore : PatFrag<(ops node:$val, node:$ptr),
(store node:$val, node:$ptr), [{
return cast<StoreSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() == 1;
def non_word_alignedload : PatFrag<(ops node:$ptr), (load node:$ptr), [{
return cast<LoadSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() < 4;
def non_word_alignedstore : PatFrag<(ops node:$val, node:$ptr),
(store node:$val, node:$ptr), [{
return cast<StoreSDNode>(N)->getAlignment() < 4;
// NEON-specific DAG Nodes.
def SDTARMVCMP : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisSameAs<1, 2>]>;
def SDTARMVCMPZ : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, []>;
// Types for vector shift by immediates. The "SHX" version is for long and
// narrow operations where the source and destination vectors have different
// types. The "SHINS" version is for shift and insert operations.
def SDTARMVSH : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisVT<2, i32>]>;
def SDTARMVSHX : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisInt<1>,
SDTCisVT<2, i32>]>;
def SDTARMVSHINS : SDTypeProfile<1, 3, [SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>, SDTCisVT<3, i32>]>;
def NEONvqshlsu : SDNode<"ARMISD::VQSHLsu", SDTARMVSH>;
def NEONvqshrnsu : SDNode<"ARMISD::VQSHRNsu", SDTARMVSHX>;
def NEONvqrshrnsu : SDNode<"ARMISD::VQRSHRNsu", SDTARMVSHX>;
def SDTARMVGETLN : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisVT<0, i32>, SDTCisInt<1>,
SDTCisVT<2, i32>]>;
def SDTARMVMOVIMM : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisVT<1, i32>]>;
def SDTARMVORRIMM : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisVT<2, i32>]>;
def NEONvbsl : SDNode<"ARMISD::VBSL",
SDTypeProfile<1, 3, [SDTCisVec<0>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 3>]>>;
def NEONvdup : SDNode<"ARMISD::VDUP", SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [SDTCisVec<0>]>>;
// VDUPLANE can produce a quad-register result from a double-register source,
// so the result is not constrained to match the source.
def NEONvduplane : SDNode<"ARMISD::VDUPLANE",
SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisVec<1>,
SDTCisVT<2, i32>]>>;
def SDTARMVEXT : SDTypeProfile<1, 3, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>, SDTCisVT<3, i32>]>;
def SDTARMVSHUF : SDTypeProfile<1, 1, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>]>;
def SDTARMVSHUF2 : SDTypeProfile<2, 2, [SDTCisVec<0>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 3>]>;
def SDTARMVMULL : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisInt<0>, SDTCisInt<1>,
SDTCisSameAs<1, 2>]>;
def SDTARMFMAX : SDTypeProfile<1, 2, [SDTCisVT<0, f32>, SDTCisSameAs<0, 1>,
SDTCisSameAs<0, 2>]>;
def NEONimmAllZerosV: PatLeaf<(NEONvmovImm (i32 timm)), [{
ConstantSDNode *ConstVal = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(0));
unsigned EltBits = 0;
uint64_t EltVal = ARM_AM::decodeNEONModImm(ConstVal->getZExtValue(), EltBits);
return (EltBits == 32 && EltVal == 0);
def NEONimmAllOnesV: PatLeaf<(NEONvmovImm (i32 timm)), [{
ConstantSDNode *ConstVal = cast<ConstantSDNode>(N->getOperand(0));
unsigned EltBits = 0;
uint64_t EltVal = ARM_AM::decodeNEONModImm(ConstVal->getZExtValue(), EltBits);
return (EltBits == 8 && EltVal == 0xff);
// NEON load / store instructions
// Use VLDM to load a Q register as a D register pair.
// This is a pseudo instruction that is expanded to VLDMD after reg alloc.
: PseudoVFPLdStM<(outs DPair:$dst), (ins GPR:$Rn),
IIC_fpLoad_m, "",
[(set DPair:$dst, (v2f64 (load GPR:$Rn)))]>;
// Use VSTM to store a Q register as a D register pair.
// This is a pseudo instruction that is expanded to VSTMD after reg alloc.
: PseudoVFPLdStM<(outs), (ins DPair:$src, GPR:$Rn),
IIC_fpStore_m, "",
[(store (v2f64 DPair:$src), GPR:$Rn)]>;
// Classes for VLD* pseudo-instructions with multi-register operands.
// These are expanded to real instructions after register allocation.
class VLDQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst), (ins addrmode6:$addr), itin, "">;
class VLDQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQWBfixedPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQWBregisterPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, rGPR:$offset), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst), (ins addrmode6:$addr), itin, "">;
class VLDQQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQQWBfixedPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQQWBregisterPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, rGPR:$offset), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VLDQQQQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQQQPR:$dst), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QQQQPR:$src),itin,
"$src = $dst">;
class VLDQQQQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQQQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQQQPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb, $src = $dst">;
let mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1 in {
// VLD1 : Vector Load (multiple single elements)
class VLD1D<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0111,op7_4, (outs VecListOneD:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
class VLD1Q<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0,0b10,0b1010,op7_4, (outs VecListDPair:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x2,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
def VLD1d8 : VLD1D<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD1d16 : VLD1D<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD1d32 : VLD1D<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD1d64 : VLD1D<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
def VLD1q8 : VLD1Q<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD1q16 : VLD1Q<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD1q32 : VLD1Q<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD1q64 : VLD1Q<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VLD1DWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b10, 0b0111,op7_4, (outs VecListOneD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0111,op7_4, (outs VecListOneD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
multiclass VLD1QWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b1010,op7_4, (outs VecListDPair:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b1010,op7_4, (outs VecListDPair:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
defm VLD1d8wb : VLD1DWB<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
defm VLD1d16wb : VLD1DWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1d32wb : VLD1DWB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
defm VLD1d64wb : VLD1DWB<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
defm VLD1q8wb : VLD1QWB<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
defm VLD1q16wb : VLD1QWB<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1q32wb : VLD1QWB<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
defm VLD1q64wb : VLD1QWB<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
// ...with 3 registers
class VLD1D3<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0110,op7_4, (outs VecListThreeD:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x3, "vld1", Dt,
"$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
multiclass VLD1D3WB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0110, op7_4, (outs VecListThreeD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0110,op7_4, (outs VecListThreeD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
def VLD1d8T : VLD1D3<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD1d16T : VLD1D3<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD1d32T : VLD1D3<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD1d64T : VLD1D3<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
defm VLD1d8Twb : VLD1D3WB<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
defm VLD1d16Twb : VLD1D3WB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1d32Twb : VLD1D3WB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
defm VLD1d64Twb : VLD1D3WB<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
def VLD1d64TPseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD1x3>;
// ...with 4 registers
class VLD1D4<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, 0b0010, op7_4, (outs VecListFourD:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x4, "vld1", Dt,
"$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
multiclass VLD1D4WB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0010, op7_4, (outs VecListFourD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b10,0b0010,op7_4, (outs VecListFourD:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
def VLD1d8Q : VLD1D4<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD1d16Q : VLD1D4<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD1d32Q : VLD1D4<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD1d64Q : VLD1D4<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
defm VLD1d8Qwb : VLD1D4WB<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
defm VLD1d16Qwb : VLD1D4WB<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1d32Qwb : VLD1D4WB<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
defm VLD1d64Qwb : VLD1D4WB<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
def VLD1d64QPseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD1x4>;
// VLD2 : Vector Load (multiple 2-element structures)
class VLD2<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, RegisterOperand VdTy,
InstrItinClass itin>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs VdTy:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), itin,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
def VLD2d8 : VLD2<0b1000, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2>;
def VLD2d16 : VLD2<0b1000, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2>;
def VLD2d32 : VLD2<0b1000, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2>;
def VLD2q8 : VLD2<0b0011, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2>;
def VLD2q16 : VLD2<0b0011, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2>;
def VLD2q32 : VLD2<0b0011, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2>;
def VLD2q8Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2>;
def VLD2q16Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2>;
def VLD2q32Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2>;
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VLD2WB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt,
RegisterOperand VdTy, InstrItinClass itin> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs VdTy:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), itin,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs VdTy:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), itin,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
defm VLD2d8wb : VLD2WB<0b1000, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2u>;
defm VLD2d16wb : VLD2WB<0b1000, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2u>;
defm VLD2d32wb : VLD2WB<0b1000, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPair, IIC_VLD2u>;
defm VLD2q8wb : VLD2WB<0b0011, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2u>;
defm VLD2q16wb : VLD2WB<0b0011, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2u>;
defm VLD2q32wb : VLD2WB<0b0011, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListFourD, IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q8PseudoWB_fixed : VLDQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q16PseudoWB_fixed : VLDQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q32PseudoWB_fixed : VLDQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q8PseudoWB_register : VLDQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q16PseudoWB_register : VLDQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
def VLD2q32PseudoWB_register : VLDQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VLD2x2u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers
def VLD2b8 : VLD2<0b1001, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2>;
def VLD2b16 : VLD2<0b1001, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2>;
def VLD2b32 : VLD2<0b1001, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2>;
defm VLD2b8wb : VLD2WB<0b1001, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2u>;
defm VLD2b16wb : VLD2WB<0b1001, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2u>;
defm VLD2b32wb : VLD2WB<0b1001, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VLD2u>;
// VLD3 : Vector Load (multiple 3-element structures)
class VLD3D<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD3,
"vld3", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $dst2, $dst3\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST3Instruction";
def VLD3d8 : VLD3D<0b0100, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD3d16 : VLD3D<0b0100, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3d32 : VLD3D<0b0100, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3d8Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
def VLD3d16Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
def VLD3d32Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD3DWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm), IIC_VLD3u,
"vld3", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $dst2, $dst3\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST3Instruction";
def VLD3d8_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0100, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD3d16_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0100, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3d32_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0100, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3d8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3d16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3d32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VLD3q8 : VLD3D<0b0101, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD3q16 : VLD3D<0b0101, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3q32 : VLD3D<0b0101, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3q8_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0101, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD3q16_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0101, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3q32_UPD : VLD3DWB<0b0101, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3q8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3q16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3q32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
// ...alternate versions to be allocated odd register numbers:
def VLD3q8oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
def VLD3q16oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
def VLD3q32oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3>;
def VLD3q8oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3q16oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
def VLD3q32oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3u>;
// VLD4 : Vector Load (multiple 4-element structures)
class VLD4D<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn), IIC_VLD4,
"vld4", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $dst2, $dst3, $dst4\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST4Instruction";
def VLD4d8 : VLD4D<0b0000, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD4d16 : VLD4D<0b0000, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD4d32 : VLD4D<0b0000, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD4d8Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
def VLD4d16Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
def VLD4d32Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD4DWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm), IIC_VLD4u,
"vld4", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $dst2, $dst3, $dst4\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST4Instruction";
def VLD4d8_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0000, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD4d16_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0000, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD4d32_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0000, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD4d8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4d16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4d32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VLD4q8 : VLD4D<0b0001, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD4q16 : VLD4D<0b0001, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD4q32 : VLD4D<0b0001, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD4q8_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0001, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VLD4q16_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0001, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VLD4q32_UPD : VLD4DWB<0b0001, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VLD4q8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4q16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4q32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
// ...alternate versions to be allocated odd register numbers:
def VLD4q8oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
def VLD4q16oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
def VLD4q32oddPseudo : VLDQQQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4>;
def VLD4q8oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4q16oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
def VLD4q32oddPseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4u>;
} // mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1
// Classes for VLD*LN pseudo-instructions with multi-register operands.
// These are expanded to real instructions after register allocation.
class VLDQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "$src = $dst">;
class VLDQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb, $src = $dst">;
class VLDQQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, QQPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "$src = $dst">;
class VLDQQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb, $src = $dst">;
class VLDQQQQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQQQPR:$dst),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, QQQQPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "$src = $dst">;
class VLDQQQQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs QQQQPR:$dst, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQQQPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb, $src = $dst">;
// VLD1LN : Vector Load (single element to one lane)
class VLD1LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty,
PatFrag LoadOp>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VLD1ln, "vld1", Dt, "\\{$Vd[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"$src = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (vector_insert (Ty DPR:$src),
(i32 (LoadOp addrmode6:$Rn)),
imm:$lane))]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1LN";
class VLD1LN32<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty,
PatFrag LoadOp>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6oneL32:$Rn, DPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VLD1ln, "vld1", Dt, "\\{$Vd[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"$src = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (vector_insert (Ty DPR:$src),
(i32 (LoadOp addrmode6oneL32:$Rn)),
imm:$lane))]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1LN";
class VLD1QLNPseudo<ValueType Ty, PatFrag LoadOp> : VLDQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD1ln> {
let Pattern = [(set QPR:$dst, (vector_insert (Ty QPR:$src),
(i32 (LoadOp addrmode6:$addr)),
def VLD1LNd8 : VLD1LN<0b0000, {?,?,?,0}, "8", v8i8, extloadi8> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD1LNd16 : VLD1LN<0b0100, {?,?,0,?}, "16", v4i16, extloadi16> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
def VLD1LNd32 : VLD1LN32<0b1000, {?,0,?,?}, "32", v2i32, load> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
def VLD1LNq8Pseudo : VLD1QLNPseudo<v16i8, extloadi8>;
def VLD1LNq16Pseudo : VLD1QLNPseudo<v8i16, extloadi16>;
def VLD1LNq32Pseudo : VLD1QLNPseudo<v4i32, load>;
def : Pat<(vector_insert (v2f32 DPR:$src),
(f32 (load addrmode6:$addr)), imm:$lane),
(VLD1LNd32 addrmode6:$addr, DPR:$src, imm:$lane)>;
def : Pat<(vector_insert (v4f32 QPR:$src),
(f32 (load addrmode6:$addr)), imm:$lane),
(VLD1LNq32Pseudo addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src, imm:$lane)>;
let mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1 in {
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD1LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VLD1lnu, "vld1", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$src = $Vd, $Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1LN";
def VLD1LNd8_UPD : VLD1LNWB<0b0000, {?,?,?,0}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD1LNd16_UPD : VLD1LNWB<0b0100, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VLD1LNd32_UPD : VLD1LNWB<0b1000, {?,0,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{4};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VLD1LNq8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD1lnu>;
def VLD1LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD1lnu>;
def VLD1LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD1lnu>;
// VLD2LN : Vector Load (single 2-element structure to one lane)
class VLD2LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VLD2ln, "vld2", Dt, "\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD2LN";
def VLD2LNd8 : VLD2LN<0b0001, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD2LNd16 : VLD2LN<0b0101, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD2LNd32 : VLD2LN<0b1001, {?,0,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD2LNd8Pseudo : VLDQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD2ln>;
def VLD2LNd16Pseudo : VLDQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD2ln>;
def VLD2LNd32Pseudo : VLDQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD2ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VLD2LNq16 : VLD2LN<0b0101, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD2LNq32 : VLD2LN<0b1001, {?,1,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD2LNq16Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD2ln>;
def VLD2LNq32Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD2ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD2LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VLD2lnu, "vld2", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2, $Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD2LN";
def VLD2LNd8_UPD : VLD2LNWB<0b0001, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD2LNd16_UPD : VLD2LNWB<0b0101, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD2LNd32_UPD : VLD2LNWB<0b1001, {?,0,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD2LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD2lnu>;
def VLD2LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD2lnu>;
def VLD2LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD2lnu>;
def VLD2LNq16_UPD : VLD2LNWB<0b0101, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD2LNq32_UPD : VLD2LNWB<0b1001, {?,1,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD2LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD2lnu>;
def VLD2LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD2lnu>;
// VLD3LN : Vector Load (single 3-element structure to one lane)
class VLD3LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3,
nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VLD3ln, "vld3", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane], $dst3[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2, $src3 = $dst3", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD3LN";
def VLD3LNd8 : VLD3LN<0b0010, {?,?,?,0}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD3LNd16 : VLD3LN<0b0110, {?,?,0,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD3LNd32 : VLD3LN<0b1010, {?,0,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD3LNd8Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD3ln>;
def VLD3LNd16Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD3ln>;
def VLD3LNd32Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD3ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VLD3LNq16 : VLD3LN<0b0110, {?,?,1,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD3LNq32 : VLD3LN<0b1010, {?,1,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD3LNq16Pseudo : VLDQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD3ln>;
def VLD3LNq32Pseudo : VLDQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD3ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD3LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VLD3lnu, "vld3", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane], $dst3[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2, $src3 = $dst3, $Rn.addr = $wb",
[]> {
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD3LN";
def VLD3LNd8_UPD : VLD3LNWB<0b0010, {?,?,?,0}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD3LNd16_UPD : VLD3LNWB<0b0110, {?,?,0,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD3LNd32_UPD : VLD3LNWB<0b1010, {?,0,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD3LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3lnu>;
def VLD3LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3lnu>;
def VLD3LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3lnu>;
def VLD3LNq16_UPD : VLD3LNWB<0b0110, {?,?,1,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD3LNq32_UPD : VLD3LNWB<0b1010, {?,1,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VLD3LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3lnu>;
def VLD3LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3lnu>;
// VLD4LN : Vector Load (single 4-element structure to one lane)
class VLD4LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4,
nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VLD4ln, "vld4", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane], $dst3[$lane], $dst4[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2, $src3 = $dst3, $src4 = $dst4", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD4LN";
def VLD4LNd8 : VLD4LN<0b0011, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD4LNd16 : VLD4LN<0b0111, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD4LNd32 : VLD4LN<0b1011, {?,0,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VLD4LNd8Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD4ln>;
def VLD4LNd16Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD4ln>;
def VLD4LNd32Pseudo : VLDQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD4ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VLD4LNq16 : VLD4LN<0b0111, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD4LNq32 : VLD4LN<0b1011, {?,1,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VLD4LNq16Pseudo : VLDQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD4ln>;
def VLD4LNq32Pseudo : VLDQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VLD4ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD4LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b10, op11_8, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VLD4lnu, "vld4", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $dst2[$lane], $dst3[$lane], $dst4[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $dst2, $src3 = $dst3, $src4 = $dst4, $Rn.addr = $wb",
[]> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD4LN" ;
def VLD4LNd8_UPD : VLD4LNWB<0b0011, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VLD4LNd16_UPD : VLD4LNWB<0b0111, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD4LNd32_UPD : VLD4LNWB<0b1011, {?,0,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VLD4LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4lnu>;
def VLD4LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4lnu>;
def VLD4LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4lnu>;
def VLD4LNq16_UPD : VLD4LNWB<0b0111, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VLD4LNq32_UPD : VLD4LNWB<0b1011, {?,1,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VLD4LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4lnu>;
def VLD4LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4lnu>;
} // mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1
// VLD1DUP : Vector Load (single element to all lanes)
class VLD1DUP<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty, PatFrag LoadOp>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4, (outs VecListOneDAllLanes:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn),
IIC_VLD1dup, "vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "",
[(set VecListOneDAllLanes:$Vd,
(Ty (NEONvdup (i32 (LoadOp addrmode6dup:$Rn)))))]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
def VLD1DUPd8 : VLD1DUP<{0,0,0,?}, "8", v8i8, extloadi8>;
def VLD1DUPd16 : VLD1DUP<{0,1,0,?}, "16", v4i16, extloadi16>;
def VLD1DUPd32 : VLD1DUP<{1,0,0,?}, "32", v2i32, load>;
def : Pat<(v2f32 (NEONvdup (f32 (load addrmode6dup:$addr)))),
(VLD1DUPd32 addrmode6:$addr)>;
class VLD1QDUP<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty, PatFrag LoadOp>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4, (outs VecListDPairAllLanes:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD1dup,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "",
[(set VecListDPairAllLanes:$Vd,
(Ty (NEONvdup (i32 (LoadOp addrmode6dup:$Rn)))))]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
def VLD1DUPq8 : VLD1QDUP<{0,0,1,0}, "8", v16i8, extloadi8>;
def VLD1DUPq16 : VLD1QDUP<{0,1,1,?}, "16", v8i16, extloadi16>;
def VLD1DUPq32 : VLD1QDUP<{1,0,1,?}, "32", v4i32, load>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (NEONvdup (f32 (load addrmode6dup:$addr)))),
(VLD1DUPq32 addrmode6:$addr)>;
let mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1 in {
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VLD1DUPWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4,
(outs VecListOneDAllLanes:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD1dupu,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4,
(outs VecListOneDAllLanes:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1dupu,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
multiclass VLD1QDUPWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4,
(outs VecListDPairAllLanes:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD1dupu,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1100, op7_4,
(outs VecListDPairAllLanes:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD1dupu,
"vld1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD1DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
defm VLD1DUPd8wb : VLD1DUPWB<{0,0,0,0}, "8">;
defm VLD1DUPd16wb : VLD1DUPWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1DUPd32wb : VLD1DUPWB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
defm VLD1DUPq8wb : VLD1QDUPWB<{0,0,1,0}, "8">;
defm VLD1DUPq16wb : VLD1QDUPWB<{0,1,1,?}, "16">;
defm VLD1DUPq32wb : VLD1QDUPWB<{1,0,1,?}, "32">;
// VLD2DUP : Vector Load (single 2-element structure to all lanes)
class VLD2DUP<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, RegisterOperand VdTy>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1101, op7_4, (outs VdTy:$Vd),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD2dup,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD2DupInstruction";
def VLD2DUPd8 : VLD2DUP<{0,0,0,?}, "8", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
def VLD2DUPd16 : VLD2DUP<{0,1,0,?}, "16", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
def VLD2DUPd32 : VLD2DUP<{1,0,0,?}, "32", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
// ...with double-spaced registers
def VLD2DUPd8x2 : VLD2DUP<{0,0,1,?}, "8", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
def VLD2DUPd16x2 : VLD2DUP<{0,1,1,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
def VLD2DUPd32x2 : VLD2DUP<{1,0,1,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VLD2DUPWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, RegisterOperand VdTy> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1101, op7_4,
(outs VdTy:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD2dupu,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD2DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1101, op7_4,
(outs VdTy:$Vd, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm), IIC_VLD2dupu,
"vld2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD2DupInstruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVLDwbRegister";
defm VLD2DUPd8wb : VLD2DUPWB<{0,0,0,0}, "8", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
defm VLD2DUPd16wb : VLD2DUPWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
defm VLD2DUPd32wb : VLD2DUPWB<{1,0,0,?}, "32", VecListDPairAllLanes>;
defm VLD2DUPd8x2wb : VLD2DUPWB<{0,0,1,0}, "8", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
defm VLD2DUPd16x2wb : VLD2DUPWB<{0,1,1,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
defm VLD2DUPd32x2wb : VLD2DUPWB<{1,0,1,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpacedAllLanes>;
// VLD3DUP : Vector Load (single 3-element structure to all lanes)
class VLD3DUP<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1110, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD3dup,
"vld3", Dt, "\\{$Vd[], $dst2[], $dst3[]\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = 0;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD3DupInstruction";
def VLD3DUPd8 : VLD3DUP<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD3DUPd16 : VLD3DUP<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3DUPd32 : VLD3DUP<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3DUPd8Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3dup>;
def VLD3DUPd16Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3dup>;
def VLD3DUPd32Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD3dup>;
// ...with double-spaced registers (not used for codegen):
def VLD3DUPq8 : VLD3DUP<{0,0,1,?}, "8">;
def VLD3DUPq16 : VLD3DUP<{0,1,1,?}, "16">;
def VLD3DUPq32 : VLD3DUP<{1,0,1,?}, "32">;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD3DUPWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1110, op7_4, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm), IIC_VLD3dupu,
"vld3", Dt, "\\{$Vd[], $dst2[], $dst3[]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = 0;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD3DupInstruction";
def VLD3DUPd8_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{0,0,0,0}, "8">;
def VLD3DUPd16_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD3DUPd32_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VLD3DUPq8_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{0,0,1,0}, "8">;
def VLD3DUPq16_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{0,1,1,?}, "16">;
def VLD3DUPq32_UPD : VLD3DUPWB<{1,0,1,?}, "32">;
def VLD3DUPd8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3dupu>;
def VLD3DUPd16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3dupu>;
def VLD3DUPd32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD3dupu>;
// VLD4DUP : Vector Load (single 4-element structure to all lanes)
class VLD4DUP<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1111, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn), IIC_VLD4dup,
"vld4", Dt, "\\{$Vd[], $dst2[], $dst3[], $dst4[]\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD4DupInstruction";
def VLD4DUPd8 : VLD4DUP<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VLD4DUPd16 : VLD4DUP<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD4DUPd32 : VLD4DUP<{1,?,0,?}, "32"> { let Inst{6} = Rn{5}; }
def VLD4DUPd8Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4dup>;
def VLD4DUPd16Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4dup>;
def VLD4DUPd32Pseudo : VLDQQPseudo<IIC_VLD4dup>;
// ...with double-spaced registers (not used for codegen):
def VLD4DUPq8 : VLD4DUP<{0,0,1,?}, "8">;
def VLD4DUPq16 : VLD4DUP<{0,1,1,?}, "16">;
def VLD4DUPq32 : VLD4DUP<{1,?,1,?}, "32"> { let Inst{6} = Rn{5}; }
// ...with address register writeback:
class VLD4DUPWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<1, 0b10, 0b1111, op7_4,
(outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$dst2, DPR:$dst3, DPR:$dst4, GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6dup:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm), IIC_VLD4dupu,
"vld4", Dt, "\\{$Vd[], $dst2[], $dst3[], $dst4[]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLD4DupInstruction";
def VLD4DUPd8_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{0,0,0,0}, "8">;
def VLD4DUPd16_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VLD4DUPd32_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{1,?,0,?}, "32"> { let Inst{6} = Rn{5}; }
def VLD4DUPq8_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{0,0,1,0}, "8">;
def VLD4DUPq16_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{0,1,1,?}, "16">;
def VLD4DUPq32_UPD : VLD4DUPWB<{1,?,1,?}, "32"> { let Inst{6} = Rn{5}; }
def VLD4DUPd8Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4dupu>;
def VLD4DUPd16Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4dupu>;
def VLD4DUPd32Pseudo_UPD : VLDQQWBPseudo<IIC_VLD4dupu>;
} // mayLoad = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraDefRegAllocReq = 1
let mayStore = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraSrcRegAllocReq = 1 in {
// Classes for VST* pseudo-instructions with multi-register operands.
// These are expanded to real instructions after register allocation.
class VSTQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src), itin, "">;
class VSTQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQWBfixedPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQWBregisterPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, rGPR:$offset, QPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QQPR:$src), itin, "">;
class VSTQQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQWBfixedPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, QQPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQWBregisterPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, rGPR:$offset, QQPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQQQPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QQQQPR:$src), itin, "">;
class VSTQQQQWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQQQPR:$src), itin,
"$addr.addr = $wb">;
// VST1 : Vector Store (multiple single elements)
class VST1D<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0111,op7_4, (outs), (ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListOneD:$Vd),
IIC_VST1, "vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
class VST1Q<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0,0b00,0b1010,op7_4, (outs), (ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListDPair:$Vd),
IIC_VST1x2, "vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
def VST1d8 : VST1D<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST1d16 : VST1D<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST1d32 : VST1D<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST1d64 : VST1D<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
def VST1q8 : VST1Q<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST1q16 : VST1Q<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST1q32 : VST1Q<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST1q64 : VST1Q<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VST1DWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b00, 0b0111,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListOneD:$Vd), IIC_VLD1u,
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0111,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VecListOneD:$Vd),
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
multiclass VST1QWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b1010,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListDPair:$Vd), IIC_VLD1x2u,
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b1010,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VecListDPair:$Vd),
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
defm VST1d8wb : VST1DWB<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
defm VST1d16wb : VST1DWB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
defm VST1d32wb : VST1DWB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
defm VST1d64wb : VST1DWB<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
defm VST1q8wb : VST1QWB<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
defm VST1q16wb : VST1QWB<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
defm VST1q32wb : VST1QWB<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
defm VST1q64wb : VST1QWB<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
// ...with 3 registers
class VST1D3<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, 0b0110, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListThreeD:$Vd),
IIC_VST1x3, "vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
multiclass VST1D3WB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0110,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListThreeD:$Vd), IIC_VLD1x3u,
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0110,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VecListThreeD:$Vd),
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
def VST1d8T : VST1D3<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST1d16T : VST1D3<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST1d32T : VST1D3<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST1d64T : VST1D3<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
defm VST1d8Twb : VST1D3WB<{0,0,0,?}, "8">;
defm VST1d16Twb : VST1D3WB<{0,1,0,?}, "16">;
defm VST1d32Twb : VST1D3WB<{1,0,0,?}, "32">;
defm VST1d64Twb : VST1D3WB<{1,1,0,?}, "64">;
def VST1d64TPseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST1x3>;
def VST1d64TPseudoWB_fixed : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST1x3u>;
def VST1d64TPseudoWB_register : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST1x3u>;
// ...with 4 registers
class VST1D4<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, 0b0010, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListFourD:$Vd),
IIC_VST1x4, "vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "",
[]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
multiclass VST1D4WB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0010,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListFourD:$Vd), IIC_VLD1x4u,
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0,0b00,0b0010,op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VecListFourD:$Vd),
"vst1", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST1Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
def VST1d8Q : VST1D4<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST1d16Q : VST1D4<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST1d32Q : VST1D4<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST1d64Q : VST1D4<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
defm VST1d8Qwb : VST1D4WB<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
defm VST1d16Qwb : VST1D4WB<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
defm VST1d32Qwb : VST1D4WB<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
defm VST1d64Qwb : VST1D4WB<{1,1,?,?}, "64">;
def VST1d64QPseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST1x4>;
def VST1d64QPseudoWB_fixed : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST1x4u>;
def VST1d64QPseudoWB_register : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST1x4u>;
// VST2 : Vector Store (multiple 2-element structures)
class VST2<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, RegisterOperand VdTy,
InstrItinClass itin>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs), (ins addrmode6:$Rn, VdTy:$Vd),
itin, "vst2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
def VST2d8 : VST2<0b1000, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPair, IIC_VST2>;
def VST2d16 : VST2<0b1000, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPair, IIC_VST2>;
def VST2d32 : VST2<0b1000, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPair, IIC_VST2>;
def VST2q8 : VST2<0b0011, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListFourD, IIC_VST2x2>;
def VST2q16 : VST2<0b0011, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListFourD, IIC_VST2x2>;
def VST2q32 : VST2<0b0011, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListFourD, IIC_VST2x2>;
def VST2q8Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST2x2>;
def VST2q16Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST2x2>;
def VST2q32Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST2x2>;
// ...with address register writeback:
multiclass VST2DWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt,
RegisterOperand VdTy> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VdTy:$Vd), IIC_VLD1u,
"vst2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VdTy:$Vd), IIC_VLD1u,
"vst2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
multiclass VST2QWB<bits<4> op7_4, string Dt> {
def _fixed : NLdSt<0, 0b00, 0b0011, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, VecListFourD:$Vd), IIC_VLD1u,
"vst2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn!",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Rm = 0b1101; // NLdSt will assign to the right encoding bits.
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbFixed";
def _register : NLdSt<0, 0b00, 0b0011, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, rGPR:$Rm, VecListFourD:$Vd),
"vst2", Dt, "$Vd, $Rn, $Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST2Instruction";
let AsmMatchConverter = "cvtVSTwbRegister";
defm VST2d8wb : VST2DWB<0b1000, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPair>;
defm VST2d16wb : VST2DWB<0b1000, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPair>;
defm VST2d32wb : VST2DWB<0b1000, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPair>;
defm VST2q8wb : VST2QWB<{0,0,?,?}, "8">;
defm VST2q16wb : VST2QWB<{0,1,?,?}, "16">;
defm VST2q32wb : VST2QWB<{1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST2q8PseudoWB_fixed : VSTQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
def VST2q16PseudoWB_fixed : VSTQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
def VST2q32PseudoWB_fixed : VSTQQWBfixedPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
def VST2q8PseudoWB_register : VSTQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
def VST2q16PseudoWB_register : VSTQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
def VST2q32PseudoWB_register : VSTQQWBregisterPseudo<IIC_VST2x2u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers
def VST2b8 : VST2<0b1001, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VST2>;
def VST2b16 : VST2<0b1001, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VST2>;
def VST2b32 : VST2<0b1001, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpaced, IIC_VST2>;
defm VST2b8wb : VST2DWB<0b1001, {0,0,?,?}, "8", VecListDPairSpaced>;
defm VST2b16wb : VST2DWB<0b1001, {0,1,?,?}, "16", VecListDPairSpaced>;
defm VST2b32wb : VST2DWB<0b1001, {1,0,?,?}, "32", VecListDPairSpaced>;
// VST3 : Vector Store (multiple 3-element structures)
class VST3D<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3), IIC_VST3,
"vst3", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $src2, $src3\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST3Instruction";
def VST3d8 : VST3D<0b0100, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST3d16 : VST3D<0b0100, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST3d32 : VST3D<0b0100, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST3d8Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
def VST3d16Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
def VST3d32Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST3DWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3), IIC_VST3u,
"vst3", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $src2, $src3\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST3Instruction";
def VST3d8_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0100, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST3d16_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0100, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST3d32_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0100, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST3d8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3d16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3d32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VST3q8 : VST3D<0b0101, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST3q16 : VST3D<0b0101, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST3q32 : VST3D<0b0101, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST3q8_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0101, {0,0,0,?}, "8">;
def VST3q16_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0101, {0,1,0,?}, "16">;
def VST3q32_UPD : VST3DWB<0b0101, {1,0,0,?}, "32">;
def VST3q8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3q16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3q32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
// ...alternate versions to be allocated odd register numbers:
def VST3q8oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
def VST3q16oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
def VST3q32oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST3>;
def VST3q8oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3q16oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
def VST3q32oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST3u>;
// VST4 : Vector Store (multiple 4-element structures)
class VST4D<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4),
IIC_VST4, "vst4", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $src2, $src3, $src4\\}, $Rn",
"", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST4Instruction";
def VST4d8 : VST4D<0b0000, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST4d16 : VST4D<0b0000, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST4d32 : VST4D<0b0000, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST4d8Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
def VST4d16Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
def VST4d32Pseudo : VSTQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST4DWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdSt<0, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4), IIC_VST4u,
"vst4", Dt, "\\{$Vd, $src2, $src3, $src4\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVLDST4Instruction";
def VST4d8_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0000, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST4d16_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0000, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST4d32_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0000, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST4d8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4d16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4d32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VST4q8 : VST4D<0b0001, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST4q16 : VST4D<0b0001, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST4q32 : VST4D<0b0001, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST4q8_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0001, {0,0,?,?}, "8">;
def VST4q16_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0001, {0,1,?,?}, "16">;
def VST4q32_UPD : VST4DWB<0b0001, {1,0,?,?}, "32">;
def VST4q8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4q16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4q32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
// ...alternate versions to be allocated odd register numbers:
def VST4q8oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
def VST4q16oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
def VST4q32oddPseudo : VSTQQQQPseudo<IIC_VST4>;
def VST4q8oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4q16oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
def VST4q32oddPseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQWBPseudo<IIC_VST4u>;
} // mayStore = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraSrcRegAllocReq = 1
// Classes for VST*LN pseudo-instructions with multi-register operands.
// These are expanded to real instructions after register allocation.
class VSTQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "">;
class VSTQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QQPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "">;
class VSTQQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb">;
class VSTQQQQLNPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs), (ins addrmode6:$addr, QQQQPR:$src, nohash_imm:$lane),
itin, "">;
class VSTQQQQLNWBPseudo<InstrItinClass itin>
: PseudoNLdSt<(outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset, QQQQPR:$src,
nohash_imm:$lane), itin, "$addr.addr = $wb">;
// VST1LN : Vector Store (single element from one lane)
class VST1LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty,
PatFrag StoreOp, SDNode ExtractOp, Operand AddrMode>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins AddrMode:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VST1ln, "vst1", Dt, "\\{$Vd[$lane]\\}, $Rn", "",
[(StoreOp (ExtractOp (Ty DPR:$Vd), imm:$lane), AddrMode:$Rn)]> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST1LN";
class VST1QLNPseudo<ValueType Ty, PatFrag StoreOp, SDNode ExtractOp>
: VSTQLNPseudo<IIC_VST1ln> {
let Pattern = [(StoreOp (ExtractOp (Ty QPR:$src), imm:$lane),
def VST1LNd8 : VST1LN<0b0000, {?,?,?,0}, "8", v8i8, truncstorei8,
NEONvgetlaneu, addrmode6> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST1LNd16 : VST1LN<0b0100, {?,?,0,?}, "16", v4i16, truncstorei16,
NEONvgetlaneu, addrmode6> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VST1LNd32 : VST1LN<0b1000, {?,0,?,?}, "32", v2i32, store, extractelt,
addrmode6oneL32> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
def VST1LNq8Pseudo : VST1QLNPseudo<v16i8, truncstorei8, NEONvgetlaneu>;
def VST1LNq16Pseudo : VST1QLNPseudo<v8i16, truncstorei16, NEONvgetlaneu>;
def VST1LNq32Pseudo : VST1QLNPseudo<v4i32, store, extractelt>;
def : Pat<(store (extractelt (v2f32 DPR:$src), imm:$lane), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1LNd32 addrmode6:$addr, DPR:$src, imm:$lane)>;
def : Pat<(store (extractelt (v4f32 QPR:$src), imm:$lane), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1LNq32Pseudo addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$src, imm:$lane)>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST1LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt, ValueType Ty,
PatFrag StoreOp, SDNode ExtractOp, Operand AdrMode>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins AdrMode:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VST1lnu, "vst1", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb",
[(set GPR:$wb, (StoreOp (ExtractOp (Ty DPR:$Vd), imm:$lane),
AdrMode:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm))]> {
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST1LN";
class VST1QLNWBPseudo<ValueType Ty, PatFrag StoreOp, SDNode ExtractOp>
: VSTQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST1lnu> {
let Pattern = [(set GPR:$wb, (StoreOp (ExtractOp (Ty QPR:$src), imm:$lane),
addrmode6:$addr, am6offset:$offset))];
def VST1LNd8_UPD : VST1LNWB<0b0000, {?,?,?,0}, "8", v8i8, post_truncsti8,
NEONvgetlaneu, addrmode6> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST1LNd16_UPD : VST1LNWB<0b0100, {?,?,0,?}, "16", v4i16, post_truncsti16,
NEONvgetlaneu, addrmode6> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VST1LNd32_UPD : VST1LNWB<0b1000, {?,0,?,?}, "32", v2i32, post_store,
extractelt, addrmode6oneL32> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5-4} = Rn{5-4};
def VST1LNq8Pseudo_UPD : VST1QLNWBPseudo<v16i8, post_truncsti8, NEONvgetlaneu>;
def VST1LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VST1QLNWBPseudo<v8i16, post_truncsti16,NEONvgetlaneu>;
def VST1LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VST1QLNWBPseudo<v4i32, post_store, extractelt>;
let mayStore = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraSrcRegAllocReq = 1 in {
// VST2LN : Vector Store (single 2-element structure from one lane)
class VST2LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VST2ln, "vst2", Dt, "\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST2LN";
def VST2LNd8 : VST2LN<0b0001, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST2LNd16 : VST2LN<0b0101, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST2LNd32 : VST2LN<0b1001, {?,0,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST2LNd8Pseudo : VSTQLNPseudo<IIC_VST2ln>;
def VST2LNd16Pseudo : VSTQLNPseudo<IIC_VST2ln>;
def VST2LNd32Pseudo : VSTQLNPseudo<IIC_VST2ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VST2LNq16 : VST2LN<0b0101, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VST2LNq32 : VST2LN<0b1001, {?,1,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
def VST2LNq16Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST2ln>;
def VST2LNq32Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST2ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST2LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VST2lnu, "vst2", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST2LN";
def VST2LNd8_UPD : VST2LNWB<0b0001, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST2LNd16_UPD : VST2LNWB<0b0101, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST2LNd32_UPD : VST2LNWB<0b1001, {?,0,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST2LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST2lnu>;
def VST2LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST2lnu>;
def VST2LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST2lnu>;
def VST2LNq16_UPD : VST2LNWB<0b0101, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST2LNq32_UPD : VST2LNWB<0b1001, {?,1,0,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST2LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST2lnu>;
def VST2LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST2lnu>;
// VST3LN : Vector Store (single 3-element structure from one lane)
class VST3LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3,
nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VST3ln, "vst3", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane], $src3[$lane]\\}, $Rn", "", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST3LN";
def VST3LNd8 : VST3LN<0b0010, {?,?,?,0}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST3LNd16 : VST3LN<0b0110, {?,?,0,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST3LNd32 : VST3LN<0b1010, {?,0,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST3LNd8Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST3ln>;
def VST3LNd16Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST3ln>;
def VST3LNd32Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST3ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VST3LNq16 : VST3LN<0b0110, {?,?,1,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST3LNq32 : VST3LN<0b1010, {?,1,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST3LNq16Pseudo : VSTQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST3ln>;
def VST3LNq32Pseudo : VSTQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST3ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST3LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VST3lnu, "vst3", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane], $src3[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST3LN";
def VST3LNd8_UPD : VST3LNWB<0b0010, {?,?,?,0}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST3LNd16_UPD : VST3LNWB<0b0110, {?,?,0,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST3LNd32_UPD : VST3LNWB<0b1010, {?,0,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST3LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST3lnu>;
def VST3LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST3lnu>;
def VST3LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST3lnu>;
def VST3LNq16_UPD : VST3LNWB<0b0110, {?,?,1,0}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST3LNq32_UPD : VST3LNWB<0b1010, {?,1,0,0}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
def VST3LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST3lnu>;
def VST3LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST3lnu>;
// VST4LN : Vector Store (single 4-element structure from one lane)
class VST4LN<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4,
nohash_imm:$lane), IIC_VST4ln, "vst4", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane], $src3[$lane], $src4[$lane]\\}, $Rn",
"", []> {
let Rm = 0b1111;
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST4LN";
def VST4LNd8 : VST4LN<0b0011, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST4LNd16 : VST4LN<0b0111, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST4LNd32 : VST4LN<0b1011, {?,0,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VST4LNd8Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST4ln>;
def VST4LNd16Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST4ln>;
def VST4LNd32Pseudo : VSTQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST4ln>;
// ...with double-spaced registers:
def VST4LNq16 : VST4LN<0b0111, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST4LNq32 : VST4LN<0b1011, {?,1,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VST4LNq16Pseudo : VSTQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST4ln>;
def VST4LNq32Pseudo : VSTQQQQLNPseudo<IIC_VST4ln>;
// ...with address register writeback:
class VST4LNWB<bits<4> op11_8, bits<4> op7_4, string Dt>
: NLdStLn<1, 0b00, op11_8, op7_4, (outs GPR:$wb),
(ins addrmode6:$Rn, am6offset:$Rm,
DPR:$Vd, DPR:$src2, DPR:$src3, DPR:$src4, nohash_imm:$lane),
IIC_VST4lnu, "vst4", Dt,
"\\{$Vd[$lane], $src2[$lane], $src3[$lane], $src4[$lane]\\}, $Rn$Rm",
"$Rn.addr = $wb", []> {
let Inst{4} = Rn{4};
let DecoderMethod = "DecodeVST4LN";
def VST4LNd8_UPD : VST4LNWB<0b0011, {?,?,?,?}, "8"> {
let Inst{7-5} = lane{2-0};
def VST4LNd16_UPD : VST4LNWB<0b0111, {?,?,0,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST4LNd32_UPD : VST4LNWB<0b1011, {?,0,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VST4LNd8Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST4lnu>;
def VST4LNd16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST4lnu>;
def VST4LNd32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST4lnu>;
def VST4LNq16_UPD : VST4LNWB<0b0111, {?,?,1,?}, "16"> {
let Inst{7-6} = lane{1-0};
def VST4LNq32_UPD : VST4LNWB<0b1011, {?,1,?,?}, "32"> {
let Inst{7} = lane{0};
let Inst{5} = Rn{5};
def VST4LNq16Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST4lnu>;
def VST4LNq32Pseudo_UPD : VSTQQQQLNWBPseudo<IIC_VST4lnu>;
} // mayStore = 1, neverHasSideEffects = 1, hasExtraSrcRegAllocReq = 1
// Use vld1/vst1 for unaligned f64 load / store
def : Pat<(f64 (hword_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1d16 addrmode6:$addr)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(hword_alignedstore (f64 DPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1d16 addrmode6:$addr, DPR:$value)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(f64 (byte_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1d8 addrmode6:$addr)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(byte_alignedstore (f64 DPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1d8 addrmode6:$addr, DPR:$value)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(f64 (non_word_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1d64 addrmode6:$addr)>, Requires<[IsBE]>;
def : Pat<(non_word_alignedstore (f64 DPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1d64 addrmode6:$addr, DPR:$value)>, Requires<[IsBE]>;
// Use vld1/vst1 for Q and QQ. Also use them for unaligned v2f64
// load / store if it's legal.
def : Pat<(v2f64 (dword_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1q64 addrmode6:$addr)>;
def : Pat<(dword_alignedstore (v2f64 QPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1q64 addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$value)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (word_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1q32 addrmode6:$addr)>;
def : Pat<(word_alignedstore (v2f64 QPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1q32 addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$value)>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (hword_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1q16 addrmode6:$addr)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(hword_alignedstore (v2f64 QPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1q16 addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$value)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(v2f64 (byte_alignedload addrmode6:$addr)),
(VLD1q8 addrmode6:$addr)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
def : Pat<(byte_alignedstore (v2f64 QPR:$value), addrmode6:$addr),
(VST1q8 addrmode6:$addr, QPR:$value)>, Requires<[IsLE]>;
// NEON pattern fragments
// Extract D sub-registers of Q registers.
def DSubReg_i8_reg : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
assert(ARM::dsub_7 == ARM::dsub_0+7 && "Unexpected subreg numbering");
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(ARM::dsub_0 + N->getZExtValue()/8, MVT::i32);
def DSubReg_i16_reg : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
assert(ARM::dsub_7 == ARM::dsub_0+7 && "Unexpected subreg numbering");
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(ARM::dsub_0 + N->getZExtValue()/4, MVT::i32);
def DSubReg_i32_reg : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
assert(ARM::dsub_7 == ARM::dsub_0+7 && "Unexpected subreg numbering");
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(ARM::dsub_0 + N->getZExtValue()/2, MVT::i32);
def DSubReg_f64_reg : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
assert(ARM::dsub_7 == ARM::dsub_0+7 && "Unexpected subreg numbering");
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(ARM::dsub_0 + N->getZExtValue(), MVT::i32);
// Extract S sub-registers of Q/D registers.
def SSubReg_f32_reg : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
assert(ARM::ssub_3 == ARM::ssub_0+3 && "Unexpected subreg numbering");
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(ARM::ssub_0 + N->getZExtValue(), MVT::i32);
// Translate lane numbers from Q registers to D subregs.
def SubReg_i8_lane : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(N->getZExtValue() & 7, MVT::i32);
def SubReg_i16_lane : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(N->getZExtValue() & 3, MVT::i32);
def SubReg_i32_lane : SDNodeXForm<imm, [{
return CurDAG->getTargetConstant(N->getZExtValue() & 1, MVT::i32);
// Instruction Classes
// Basic 2-register operations: double- and quad-register.
class N2VD<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4, string OpcodeStr,
string Dt, ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode OpNode>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$Vm), IIC_VUNAD, OpcodeStr, Dt,"$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N2VQ<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4, string OpcodeStr,
string Dt, ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode OpNode>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$Vm), IIC_VUNAQ, OpcodeStr, Dt,"$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Basic 2-register intrinsics, both double- and quad-register.
class N2VDInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N2VQInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Narrow 2-register operations.
class N2VN<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyD, ValueType TyQ, SDNode OpNode>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (TyD (OpNode (TyQ QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Narrow 2-register intrinsics.
class N2VNInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyD, ValueType TyQ, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (TyD (IntOp (TyQ QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Long 2-register operations (currently only used for VMOVL).
class N2VL<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode OpNode>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (TyQ (OpNode (TyD DPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Long 2-register intrinsics.
class N2VLInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$Vm), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (TyQ (IntOp (TyD DPR:$Vm))))]>;
// 2-register shuffles (VTRN/VZIP/VUZP), both double- and quad-register.
class N2VDShuffle<bits<2> op19_18, bits<5> op11_7, string OpcodeStr, string Dt>
: N2V<0b11, 0b11, op19_18, 0b10, op11_7, 0, 0, (outs DPR:$Vd, DPR:$Vm),
(ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$src2), IIC_VPERMD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $Vm", []>;
class N2VQShuffle<bits<2> op19_18, bits<5> op11_7,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt>
: N2V<0b11, 0b11, op19_18, 0b10, op11_7, 1, 0, (outs QPR:$Vd, QPR:$Vm),
(ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$src2), itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm",
"$src1 = $Vd, $src2 = $Vm", []>;
// Basic 3-register operations: double- and quad-register.
class N3VD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy DPR:$Vn), (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
// Same as N3VD but no data type.
class N3VDX<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy,
SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable>
: N3VX<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy DPR:$Vn), (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>{
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VDSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane32<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (ShOp (Ty DPR:$Vn),
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_VFP2:$Vm),imm:$lane)))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VDSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane16<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, IIC_VMULi16D, OpcodeStr, Dt,"$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane","",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (ShOp (Ty DPR:$Vn),
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_8:$Vm), imm:$lane)))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VQ<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy QPR:$Vn), (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VQX<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable>
: N3VX<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy QPR:$Vn), (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>{
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VQSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane32<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (ShOp (ResTy QPR:$Vn),
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
imm:$lane)))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VQSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane16<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, IIC_VMULi16Q, OpcodeStr, Dt,"$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (ShOp (ResTy QPR:$Vn),
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_8:$Vm),
imm:$lane)))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
// Basic 3-register intrinsics, both double- and quad-register.
class N3VDInt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vn), (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VDIntSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane32<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (IntOp (Ty DPR:$Vn),
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
imm:$lane)))))]> {
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VDIntSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane16<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (IntOp (Ty DPR:$Vn),
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_8:$Vm), imm:$lane)))))]> {
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VDIntSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm, DPR:$Vn), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $Vn", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vm), (OpTy DPR:$Vn))))]> {
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vm = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VQInt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$Vn), (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VQIntSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane32<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (ResTy QPR:$Vn),
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
imm:$lane)))))]> {
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VQIntSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane16<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (ResTy QPR:$Vn),
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_8:$Vm),
imm:$lane)))))]> {
let isCommutable = 0;
class N3VQIntSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm, QPR:$Vn), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $Vn", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$Vm), (OpTy QPR:$Vn))))]> {
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vm = $Vd";
let isCommutable = 0;
// Multiply-Add/Sub operations: double- and quad-register.
class N3VDMulOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator MulOp, SDPatternOperator OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode DPR:$src1,
(Ty (MulOp DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm)))))]>;
class N3VDMulOpSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator MulOp, SDPatternOperator ShOp>
: N3VLane32<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (ShOp (Ty DPR:$src1),
(Ty (MulOp DPR:$Vn,
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
class N3VDMulOpSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDNode MulOp, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane16<0, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (Ty DPR:$Vd),
(Ty (ShOp (Ty DPR:$src1),
(Ty (MulOp DPR:$Vn,
(Ty (NEONvduplane (Ty DPR_8:$Vm),
class N3VQMulOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty,
SDPatternOperator MulOp, SDPatternOperator OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode QPR:$src1,
(Ty (MulOp QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm)))))]>;
class N3VQMulOpSL<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy,
SDPatternOperator MulOp, SDPatternOperator ShOp>
: N3VLane32<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (ShOp (ResTy QPR:$src1),
(ResTy (MulOp QPR:$Vn,
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
class N3VQMulOpSL16<bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy,
SDNode MulOp, SDNode ShOp>
: N3VLane16<1, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (ShOp (ResTy QPR:$src1),
(ResTy (MulOp QPR:$Vn,
(ResTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_8:$Vm),
// Neon Intrinsic-Op instructions (VABA): double- and quad-register.
class N3VDIntOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode DPR:$src1,
(Ty (IntOp (Ty DPR:$Vn), (Ty DPR:$Vm))))))]>;
class N3VQIntOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode QPR:$src1,
(Ty (IntOp (Ty QPR:$Vn), (Ty QPR:$Vm))))))]>;
// Neon 3-argument intrinsics, both double- and quad-register.
// The destination register is also used as the first source operand register.
class N3VDInt3<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$src1),
(OpTy DPR:$Vn), (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N3VQInt3<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$src1),
(OpTy QPR:$Vn), (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Long Multiply-Add/Sub operations.
class N3VLMulOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode MulOp, SDNode OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (OpNode (TyQ QPR:$src1),
(TyQ (MulOp (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD DPR:$Vm)))))]>;
class N3VLMulOpSL<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode MulOp, SDNode OpNode>
: N3VLane32<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd,
(OpNode (TyQ QPR:$src1),
(TyQ (MulOp (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD (NEONvduplane (TyD DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
class N3VLMulOpSL16<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode MulOp, SDNode OpNode>
: N3VLane16<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd,
(OpNode (TyQ QPR:$src1),
(TyQ (MulOp (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD (NEONvduplane (TyD DPR_8:$Vm),
// Long Intrinsic-Op vector operations with explicit extend (VABAL).
class N3VLIntExtOp<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode ExtOp,
SDNode OpNode>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (OpNode (TyQ QPR:$src1),
(TyQ (ExtOp (TyD (IntOp (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD DPR:$Vm)))))))]>;
// Neon Long 3-argument intrinsic. The destination register is
// a quad-register and is also used as the first source operand register.
class N3VLInt3<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd,
(TyQ (IntOp (TyQ QPR:$src1), (TyD DPR:$Vn), (TyD DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N3VLInt3SL<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane32<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (ResTy QPR:$src1),
(OpTy DPR:$Vn),
(OpTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
class N3VLInt3SL16<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane16<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (ResTy QPR:$src1),
(OpTy DPR:$Vn),
(OpTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_8:$Vm),
// Narrowing 3-register intrinsics.
class N3VNInt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType TyD, ValueType TyQ,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, QPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, IIC_VBINi4D,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (TyD (IntOp (TyQ QPR:$Vn), (TyQ QPR:$Vm))))]> {
let isCommutable = Commutable;
// Long 3-register operations.
class N3VL<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (TyQ (OpNode (TyD DPR:$Vn), (TyD DPR:$Vm))))]> {
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VLSL<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode OpNode>
: N3VLane32<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd,
(TyQ (OpNode (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD (NEONvduplane (TyD DPR_VFP2:$Vm),imm:$lane)))))]>;
class N3VLSL16<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode OpNode>
: N3VLane16<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd,
(TyQ (OpNode (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD (NEONvduplane (TyD DPR_8:$Vm), imm:$lane)))))]>;
// Long 3-register operations with explicitly extended operands.
class N3VLExt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDNode OpNode, SDNode ExtOp,
bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (OpNode (TyQ (ExtOp (TyD DPR:$Vn))),
(TyQ (ExtOp (TyD DPR:$Vm)))))]> {
let isCommutable = Commutable;
// Long 3-register intrinsics with explicit extend (VABDL).
class N3VLIntExt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode ExtOp,
bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (TyQ (ExtOp (TyD (IntOp (TyD DPR:$Vn),
(TyD DPR:$Vm))))))]> {
let isCommutable = Commutable;
// Long 3-register intrinsics.
class N3VLInt<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD, SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (TyQ (IntOp (TyD DPR:$Vn), (TyD DPR:$Vm))))]> {
let isCommutable = Commutable;
class N3VLIntSL<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, InstrItinClass itin,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane32<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_VFP2:$Vm, VectorIndex32:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vn),
(OpTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_VFP2:$Vm),
class N3VLIntSL16<bit op24, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLane16<op24, 1, op21_20, op11_8, 1, 0,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vn, DPR_8:$Vm, VectorIndex16:$lane),
NVMulSLFrm, itin, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm$lane", "",
[(set (ResTy QPR:$Vd),
(ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vn),
(OpTy (NEONvduplane (OpTy DPR_8:$Vm),
// Wide 3-register operations.
class N3VW<bit op24, bit op23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType TyQ, ValueType TyD,
SDNode OpNode, SDNode ExtOp, bit Commutable>
: N3V<op24, op23, op21_20, op11_8, 0, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vn, DPR:$Vm), N3RegFrm, IIC_VSUBiD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vn, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (OpNode (TyQ QPR:$Vn),
(TyQ (ExtOp (TyD DPR:$Vm)))))]> {
// All of these have a two-operand InstAlias.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vn = $Vd";
let isCommutable = Commutable;
// Pairwise long 2-register intrinsics, both double- and quad-register.
class N2VDPLInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$Vm), IIC_VSHLiD, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N2VQPLInt<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$Vm), IIC_VSHLiD, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Pairwise long 2-register accumulate intrinsics,
// both double- and quad-register.
// The destination register is also used as the first source operand register.
class N2VDPLInt2<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vm), IIC_VPALiD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (ResTy DPR:$src1), (OpTy DPR:$Vm))))]>;
class N2VQPLInt2<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op19_18,
bits<2> op17_16, bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2V<op24_23, op21_20, op19_18, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vm), IIC_VPALiQ,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (ResTy QPR:$src1), (OpTy QPR:$Vm))))]>;
// Shift by immediate,
// both double- and quad-register.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vm = $Vd" in {
class N2VDSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, Operand ImmTy,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty, SDNode OpNode>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode (Ty DPR:$Vm), (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
class N2VQSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Format f, InstrItinClass itin, Operand ImmTy,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType Ty, SDNode OpNode>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), f, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (Ty (OpNode (Ty QPR:$Vm), (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
// Long shift by immediate.
class N2VLSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op6, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, Operand ImmTy, SDNode OpNode>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), N2RegVShLFrm,
IIC_VSHLiD, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy DPR:$Vm),
(i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
// Narrow shift by immediate.
class N2VNSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy, Operand ImmTy, SDNode OpNode>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), N2RegVShRFrm, itin,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (OpNode (OpTy QPR:$Vm),
(i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
// Shift right by immediate and accumulate,
// both double- and quad-register.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vm = $Vd" in {
class N2VDShAdd<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Operand ImmTy, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDNode ShOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 0, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), N2RegVShRFrm, IIC_VPALiD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (Ty (add DPR:$src1,
(Ty (ShOp DPR:$Vm, (i32 imm:$SIMM))))))]>;
class N2VQShAdd<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Operand ImmTy, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty, SDNode ShOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 1, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), N2RegVShRFrm, IIC_VPALiD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (Ty (add QPR:$src1,
(Ty (ShOp QPR:$Vm, (i32 imm:$SIMM))))))]>;
// Shift by immediate and insert,
// both double- and quad-register.
let TwoOperandAliasConstraint = "$Vm = $Vd" in {
class N2VDShIns<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Operand ImmTy, Format f, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty,SDNode ShOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 0, op4, (outs DPR:$Vd),
(ins DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), f, IIC_VSHLiD,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (Ty (ShOp DPR:$src1, DPR:$Vm, (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
class N2VQShIns<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
Operand ImmTy, Format f, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
ValueType Ty,SDNode ShOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 1, op4, (outs QPR:$Vd),
(ins QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vm, ImmTy:$SIMM), f, IIC_VSHLiQ,
OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "$src1 = $Vd",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (Ty (ShOp QPR:$src1, QPR:$Vm, (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
// Convert, with fractional bits immediate,
// both double- and quad-register.
class N2VCvtD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy,
SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm, neon_vcvt_imm32:$SIMM), NVCVTFrm,
IIC_VUNAD, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy DPR:$Vm), (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
class N2VCvtQ<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, ValueType ResTy, ValueType OpTy,
SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N2VImm<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm, neon_vcvt_imm32:$SIMM), NVCVTFrm,
IIC_VUNAQ, OpcodeStr, Dt, "$Vd, $Vm, $SIMM", "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (ResTy (IntOp (OpTy QPR:$Vm), (i32 imm:$SIMM))))]>;
// Multiclasses
// Abbreviations used in multiclass suffixes:
// Q = quarter int (8 bit) elements
// H = half int (16 bit) elements
// S = single int (32 bit) elements
// D = double int (64 bit) elements
// Neon 2-register vector operations and intrinsics.
// Neon 2-register comparisons.
// source operand element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N2V_QHS_cmp<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op4, string opc, string Dt,
string asm, SDNode OpNode> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), asm, "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (v8i8 (OpNode (v8i8 DPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v4i16 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), asm, "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (v4i16 (OpNode (v4i16 DPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v2i32 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), asm, "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (v2i32 (OpNode (v2i32 DPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v2f32 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, 0, op4,
(outs DPR:$Vd), (ins DPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, "f32", asm, "",
[(set DPR:$Vd, (v2i32 (OpNode (v2f32 DPR:$Vm))))]> {
let Inst{10} = 1; // overwrite F = 1
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), asm, "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (v16i8 (OpNode (v16i8 QPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v8i16 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), asm, "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (v8i16 (OpNode (v8i16 QPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v4i32 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), asm, "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (v4i32 (OpNode (v4i32 QPR:$Vm))))]>;
def v4f32 : N2V<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, 1, op4,
(outs QPR:$Vd), (ins QPR:$Vm), NoItinerary,
opc, "f32", asm, "",
[(set QPR:$Vd, (v4i32 (OpNode (v4f32 QPR:$Vm))))]> {
let Inst{10} = 1; // overwrite F = 1
// Neon 2-register vector intrinsics,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N2VInt_QHS<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD, InstrItinClass itinQ,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinD, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, v8i8, IntOp>;
def v4i16 : N2VDInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinD, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),v4i16,v4i16,IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N2VDInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinD, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),v2i32,v2i32,IntOp>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinQ, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8,v16i8,IntOp>;
def v8i16 : N2VQInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinQ, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),v8i16,v8i16,IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N2VQInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
itinQ, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),v4i32,v4i32,IntOp>;
// Neon Narrowing 2-register vector operations,
// source operand element sizes of 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VN_HSD<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i8 : N2VN<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i8, v8i16, OpNode>;
def v4i16 : N2VN<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i16, v4i32, OpNode>;
def v2i32 : N2VN<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i32, v2i64, OpNode>;
// Neon Narrowing 2-register vector intrinsics,
// source operand element sizes of 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VNInt_HSD<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
def v8i8 : N2VNInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i8, v8i16, IntOp>;
def v4i16 : N2VNInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i16, v4i32, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N2VNInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op6, op4,
itin, OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i32, v2i64, IntOp>;
// Neon Lengthening 2-register vector intrinsic (currently specific to VMOVL).
// source operand element sizes of 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VL_QHS<bits<2> op24_23, bits<5> op11_7, bit op6, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i16 : N2VL<op24_23, 0b00, 0b10, 0b00, op11_7, op6, op4, IIC_VQUNAiD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v8i8, OpNode>;
def v4i32 : N2VL<op24_23, 0b01, 0b00, 0b00, op11_7, op6, op4, IIC_VQUNAiD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, OpNode>;
def v2i64 : N2VL<op24_23, 0b10, 0b00, 0b00, op11_7, op6, op4, IIC_VQUNAiD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, OpNode>;
// Neon 3-register vector operations.
// First with only element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3V_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable = 0> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N3VD<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i8, v8i8, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v4i16 : N3VD<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i16, v4i16, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v2i32 : N3VD<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i32, v2i32, OpNode, Commutable>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N3VQ<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v16i8, v16i8, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v8i16 : N3VQ<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i16, v8i16, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VQ<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i32, v4i32, OpNode, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VSL_HS<bits<4> op11_8, string OpcodeStr, SDNode ShOp> {
def v4i16 : N3VDSL16<0b01, op11_8, OpcodeStr, "i16", v4i16, ShOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VDSL<0b10, op11_8, IIC_VMULi32D, OpcodeStr, "i32", v2i32, ShOp>;
def v8i16 : N3VQSL16<0b01, op11_8, OpcodeStr, "i16", v8i16, v4i16, ShOp>;
def v4i32 : N3VQSL<0b10, op11_8, IIC_VMULi32Q, OpcodeStr, "i32",
v4i32, v2i32, ShOp>;
// ....then also with element size 64 bits:
multiclass N3V_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD, InstrItinClass itinQ,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable = 0>
: N3V_QHS<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, itinD, itinD, itinQ, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, Dt, OpNode, Commutable> {
def v1i64 : N3VD<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v1i64, v1i64, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VQ<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i64, v2i64, OpNode, Commutable>;
// Neon 3-register vector intrinsics.
// First with only element sizes of 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VInt_HS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v4i16 : N3VDInt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i16, v4i16, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v2i32 : N3VDInt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, f, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i32, v2i32, IntOp, Commutable>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v8i16 : N3VQInt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i16, v8i16, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VQInt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i32, v4i32, IntOp, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VInt_HSSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v4i16 : N3VDIntSh<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i16, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VDIntSh<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, f, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i32, v2i32, IntOp>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v8i16 : N3VQIntSh<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i16, v8i16, IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N3VQIntSh<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i32, v4i32, IntOp>;
multiclass N3VIntSL_HS<bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
def v4i16 : N3VDIntSL16<0b01, op11_8, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VDIntSL<0b10, op11_8, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, IntOp>;
def v8i16 : N3VQIntSL16<0b01, op11_8, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N3VQIntSL<0b10, op11_8, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, v2i32, IntOp>;
// ....then also with element size of 8 bits:
multiclass N3VInt_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0>
: N3VInt_HS<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16, itinD32, itinQ16, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, Dt, IntOp, Commutable> {
def v8i8 : N3VDInt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i8, v8i8, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v16i8 : N3VQInt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v16i8, v16i8, IntOp, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VInt_QHSSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VInt_HSSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16, itinD32, itinQ16, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, Dt, IntOp> {
def v8i8 : N3VDIntSh<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i8, v8i8, IntOp>;
def v16i8 : N3VQIntSh<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v16i8, v16i8, IntOp>;
// ....then also with element size of 64 bits:
multiclass N3VInt_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0>
: N3VInt_QHS<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16, itinD32, itinQ16, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, Dt, IntOp, Commutable> {
def v1i64 : N3VDInt<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, f, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v1i64, v1i64, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VQInt<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i64, v2i64, IntOp, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VInt_QHSDSh<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4, Format f,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VInt_QHSSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, f, itinD16, itinD32, itinQ16, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, Dt, IntOp> {
def v1i64 : N3VDIntSh<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, f, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v1i64, v1i64, IntOp>;
def v2i64 : N3VQIntSh<op24, op23, 0b11, op11_8, op4, f, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i64, v2i64, IntOp>;
// Neon Narrowing 3-register vector intrinsics,
// source operand element sizes of 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N3VNInt_HSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v8i8 : N3VNInt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i8, v8i16, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v4i16 : N3VNInt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i16, v4i32, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v2i32 : N3VNInt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i32, v2i64, IntOp, Commutable>;
// Neon Long 3-register vector operations.
multiclass N3VL_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v8i16 : N3VL<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i16, v8i8, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VL<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i32, v4i16, OpNode, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VL<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i64, v2i32, OpNode, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VLSL_HS<bit op24, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode> {
def v4i16 : N3VLSL16<op24, 0b01, op11_8, itin, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, OpNode>;
def v2i32 : N3VLSL<op24, 0b10, op11_8, itin, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, OpNode>;
multiclass N3VLExt_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode, SDNode ExtOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v8i16 : N3VLExt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i16, v8i8, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VLExt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i32, v4i16, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VLExt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i64, v2i32, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
// Neon Long 3-register vector intrinsics.
// First with only element sizes of 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VLInt_HS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v4i32 : N3VLInt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i32, v4i16, IntOp, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VLInt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i64, v2i32, IntOp, Commutable>;
multiclass N3VLIntSL_HS<bit op24, bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
def v4i16 : N3VLIntSL16<op24, 0b01, op11_8, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VLIntSL<op24, 0b10, op11_8, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, IntOp>;
// ....then also with element size of 8 bits:
multiclass N3VLInt_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, bit Commutable = 0>
: N3VLInt_HS<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, itin16, itin32, OpcodeStr, Dt,
IntOp, Commutable> {
def v8i16 : N3VLInt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i16, v8i8, IntOp, Commutable>;
// ....with explicit extend (VABDL).
multiclass N3VLIntExt_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode ExtOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v8i16 : N3VLIntExt<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i16, v8i8, IntOp, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VLIntExt<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i32, v4i16, IntOp, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VLIntExt<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i64, v2i32, IntOp, ExtOp, Commutable>;
// Neon Wide 3-register vector intrinsics,
// source operand element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VW_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode, SDNode ExtOp, bit Commutable = 0> {
def v8i16 : N3VW<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"),
v8i16, v8i8, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v4i32 : N3VW<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v4i32, v4i16, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
def v2i64 : N3VW<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v2i64, v2i32, OpNode, ExtOp, Commutable>;
// Neon Multiply-Op vector operations,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VMulOp_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode OpNode> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N3VDMulOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, mul, OpNode>;
def v4i16 : N3VDMulOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, mul, OpNode>;
def v2i32 : N3VDMulOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, mul, OpNode>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N3VQMulOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, mul, OpNode>;
def v8i16 : N3VQMulOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, mul, OpNode>;
def v4i32 : N3VQMulOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, mul, OpNode>;
multiclass N3VMulOpSL_HS<bits<4> op11_8,
InstrItinClass itinD16, InstrItinClass itinD32,
InstrItinClass itinQ16, InstrItinClass itinQ32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode ShOp> {
def v4i16 : N3VDMulOpSL16<0b01, op11_8, itinD16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, mul, ShOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VDMulOpSL<0b10, op11_8, itinD32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, mul, ShOp>;
def v8i16 : N3VQMulOpSL16<0b01, op11_8, itinQ16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, v4i16,
mul, ShOp>;
def v4i32 : N3VQMulOpSL<0b10, op11_8, itinQ32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, v2i32,
mul, ShOp>;
// Neon Intrinsic-Op vector operations,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VIntOp_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD, InstrItinClass itinQ,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp,
SDNode OpNode> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N3VDIntOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, IntOp, OpNode>;
def v4i16 : N3VDIntOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, IntOp, OpNode>;
def v2i32 : N3VDIntOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, IntOp, OpNode>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N3VQIntOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, IntOp, OpNode>;
def v8i16 : N3VQIntOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, IntOp, OpNode>;
def v4i32 : N3VQIntOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, IntOp, OpNode>;
// Neon 3-argument intrinsics,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VInt3_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itinD, InstrItinClass itinQ,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N3VDInt3<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, v8i8, IntOp>;
def v4i16 : N3VDInt3<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VDInt3<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinD,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, v2i32, IntOp>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N3VQInt3<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, v16i8, IntOp>;
def v8i16 : N3VQInt3<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, v8i16, IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N3VQInt3<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itinQ,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, v4i32, IntOp>;
// Neon Long Multiply-Op vector operations,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VLMulOp_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode MulOp,
SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i16 : N3VLMulOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin16, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v8i8, MulOp, OpNode>;
def v4i32 : N3VLMulOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin16, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, MulOp, OpNode>;
def v2i64 : N3VLMulOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin32, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, MulOp, OpNode>;
multiclass N3VLMulOpSL_HS<bit op24, bits<4> op11_8, string OpcodeStr,
string Dt, SDNode MulOp, SDNode OpNode> {
def v4i16 : N3VLMulOpSL16<op24, 0b01, op11_8, IIC_VMACi16D, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt,"16"), v4i32, v4i16, MulOp, OpNode>;
def v2i32 : N3VLMulOpSL<op24, 0b10, op11_8, IIC_VMACi32D, OpcodeStr,
!strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, MulOp, OpNode>;
// Neon Long 3-argument intrinsics.
// First with only element sizes of 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N3VLInt3_HS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
def v4i32 : N3VLInt3<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i64 : N3VLInt3<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, IntOp>;
multiclass N3VLInt3SL_HS<bit op24, bits<4> op11_8,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
def v4i16 : N3VLInt3SL16<op24, 0b01, op11_8, IIC_VMACi16D,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt,"16"), v4i32, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N3VLInt3SL<op24, 0b10, op11_8, IIC_VMACi32D,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, IntOp>;
// ....then also with element size of 8 bits:
multiclass N3VLInt3_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin16, InstrItinClass itin32,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp>
: N3VLInt3_HS<op24, op23, op11_8, op4, itin16, itin32, OpcodeStr, Dt, IntOp> {
def v8i16 : N3VLInt3<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v8i8, IntOp>;
// ....with explicit extend (VABAL).
multiclass N3VLIntExtOp_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDPatternOperator IntOp, SDNode ExtOp, SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i16 : N3VLIntExtOp<op24, op23, 0b00, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v8i8,
IntOp, ExtOp, OpNode>;
def v4i32 : N3VLIntExtOp<op24, op23, 0b01, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16,
IntOp, ExtOp, OpNode>;
def v2i64 : N3VLIntExtOp<op24, op23, 0b10, op11_8, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32,
IntOp, ExtOp, OpNode>;
// Neon Pairwise long 2-register intrinsics,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N2VPLInt_QHS<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v4i16, v8i8, IntOp>;
def v4i16 : N2VDPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v2i32, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N2VDPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v1i64, v2i32, IntOp>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v16i8, IntOp>;
def v8i16 : N2VQPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v8i16, IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N2VQPLInt<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v4i32, IntOp>;
// Neon Pairwise long 2-register accumulate intrinsics,
// element sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bits:
multiclass N2VPLInt2_QHS<bits<2> op24_23, bits<2> op21_20, bits<2> op17_16,
bits<5> op11_7, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDPatternOperator IntOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v4i16, v8i8, IntOp>;
def v4i16 : N2VDPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v2i32, v4i16, IntOp>;
def v2i32 : N2VDPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v1i64, v2i32, IntOp>;
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b00, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v16i8, IntOp>;
def v8i16 : N2VQPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b01, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v8i16, IntOp>;
def v4i32 : N2VQPLInt2<op24_23, op21_20, 0b10, op17_16, op11_7, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v4i32, IntOp>;
// Neon 2-register vector shift by immediate,
// with f of either N2RegVShLFrm or N2RegVShRFrm
// element sizes of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VShL_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v1i64 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v1i64, OpNode>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v8i16 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v4i32 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v2i64 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, N2RegVShLFrm, itin, i32imm,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v2i64, OpNode>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
multiclass N2VShR_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
string baseOpc, SDNode OpNode> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm8,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v1i64 : N2VDSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm64,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v1i64, OpNode>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm8,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v8i16 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v4i32 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v2i64 : N2VQSh<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, N2RegVShRFrm, itin, shr_imm64,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v2i64, OpNode>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// Neon Shift-Accumulate vector operations,
// element sizes of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VShAdd_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode ShOp> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm8,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i8, ShOp> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VDShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i16, ShOp> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VDShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i32, ShOp> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v1i64 : N2VDShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, shr_imm64,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v1i64, ShOp>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm8,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v16i8, ShOp> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v8i16 : N2VQShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm16,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v8i16, ShOp> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v4i32 : N2VQShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm32,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v4i32, ShOp> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v2i64 : N2VQShAdd<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, shr_imm64,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"), v2i64, ShOp>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// Neon Shift-Insert vector operations,
// with f of either N2RegVShLFrm or N2RegVShRFrm
// element sizes of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits:
multiclass N2VShInsL_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "8", v8i8, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "16", v4i16, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "32", v2i32, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v1i64 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "64", v1i64, NEONvsli>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "8", v16i8, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v8i16 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "16", v8i16, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v4i32 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "32", v4i32, NEONvsli> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v2i64 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, i32imm,
N2RegVShLFrm, OpcodeStr, "64", v2i64, NEONvsli>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
multiclass N2VShInsR_QHSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op4,
string OpcodeStr> {
// 64-bit vector types.
def v8i8 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm8,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "8", v8i8, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm16,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "16", v4i16, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm32,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "32", v2i32, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v1i64 : N2VDShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, shr_imm64,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "64", v1i64, NEONvsri>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// 128-bit vector types.
def v16i8 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm8,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "8", v16i8, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v8i16 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm16,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "16", v8i16, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v4i32 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 0, op4, shr_imm32,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "32", v4i32, NEONvsri> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
def v2i64 : N2VQShIns<op24, op23, op11_8, 1, op4, shr_imm64,
N2RegVShRFrm, OpcodeStr, "64", v2i64, NEONvsri>;
// imm6 = xxxxxx
// Neon Shift Long operations,
// element sizes of 8, 16, 32 bits:
multiclass N2VLSh_QHS<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op6,
bit op4, string OpcodeStr, string Dt, SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i16 : N2VLSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "8"), v8i16, v8i8, imm1_7, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i32 : N2VLSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"), v4i32, v4i16, imm1_15, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i64 : N2VLSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"), v2i64, v2i32, imm1_31, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
// Neon Shift Narrow operations,
// element sizes of 16, 32, 64 bits:
multiclass N2VNSh_HSD<bit op24, bit op23, bits<4> op11_8, bit op7, bit op6,
bit op4, InstrItinClass itin, string OpcodeStr, string Dt,
SDNode OpNode> {
def v8i8 : N2VNSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "16"),
v8i8, v8i16, shr_imm8, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-19} = 0b001; // imm6 = 001xxx
def v4i16 : N2VNSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "32"),
v4i16, v4i32, shr_imm16, OpNode> {
let Inst{21-20} = 0b01; // imm6 = 01xxxx
def v2i32 : N2VNSh<op24, op23, op11_8, op7, op6, op4, itin,
OpcodeStr, !strconcat(Dt, "64"),
v2i32, v2i64, shr_imm32, OpNode> {
let Inst{21} = 0b1; // imm6 = 1xxxxx
// Instruction Definitions.
// Vector Add Operations.
// VADD : Vector Add (integer and floating-point)
defm VADD : N3V_QHSD<0, 0, 0b1000, 0, IIC_VBINiD, IIC_VBINiQ, "vadd", "i",
add, 1>;
def VADDfd : N3VD<0, 0, 0b00, 0b1101, 0, IIC_VBIND, "vadd", "f32",
v2f32, v2f32, fadd, 1>;
def VADDfq : N3VQ<0, 0, 0b00, 0b1101, 0, IIC_VBINQ, "vadd", "f32",
v4f32, v4f32, fadd, 1>;
// VADDL : Vector Add Long (Q = D + D)
defm VADDLs : N3VLExt_QHS<0,1,0b0000,0, IIC_VSHLiD, IIC_VSHLiD,
"vaddl", "s", add, sext, 1>;
defm VADDLu : N3VLExt_QHS<1,1,0b0000,0, IIC_VSHLiD, IIC_VSHLiD,
"vaddl", "u", add, zext, 1>;
// VADDW : Vector Add Wide (Q = Q + D)
defm VADDWs : N3VW_QHS<0,1,0b0001,0, "vaddw", "s", add, sext, 0>;
defm VADDWu : N3VW_QHS<1,1,0b0001,0, "vaddw", "u", add, zext, 0>;
// VHADD : Vector Halving Add
defm VHADDs : N3VInt_QHS<0, 0, 0b0000, 0, N3RegFrm,
"vhadd", "s", int_arm_neon_vhadds, 1>;
defm VHADDu : N3VInt_QHS<1, 0, 0b0000, 0, N3RegFrm,
"vhadd", "u", int_arm_neon_vhaddu, 1>;
// VRHADD : Vector Rounding Halving Add
defm VRHADDs : N3VInt_QHS<0, 0, 0b0001, 0, N3RegFrm,
"vrhadd", "s", int_arm_neon_vrhadds, 1>;
defm VRHADDu : N3VInt_QHS<1, 0, 0b0001, 0, N3RegFrm,
"vrhadd", "u", int_arm_neon_vrhaddu, 1>;
// VQADD : Vector Saturating Add
defm VQADDs : N3VInt_QHSD<0, 0, 0b0000, 1, N3RegFrm,
"vqadd", "s", int_arm_neon_vqadds, 1>;
defm VQADDu : N3VInt_QHSD<1, 0, 0b0000, 1, N3RegFrm,
"vqadd", "u", int_arm_neon_vqaddu, 1>;
// VADDHN : Vector Add and Narrow Returning High Half (D = Q + Q)
defm VADDHN : N3VNInt_HSD<0,1,0b0100,0, "vaddhn", "i",
int_arm_neon_vaddhn, 1>;
// VRADDHN : Vector Rounding Add and Narrow Returning High Half (D = Q + Q)
defm VRADDHN : N3VNInt_HSD<1,1,0b0100,0, "vraddhn", "i",
int_arm_neon_vraddhn, 1>;
// Vector Multiply Operations.
// VMUL : Vector Multiply (integer, polynomial and floating-point)
defm VMUL : N3V_QHS<0, 0, 0b1001, 1, IIC_VMULi16D, IIC_VMULi32D,
IIC_VMULi16Q, IIC_VMULi32Q, "vmul", "i", mul, 1>;
def VMULpd : N3VDInt<1, 0, 0b00, 0b1001, 1, N3RegFrm, IIC_VMULi16D, "vmul",
"p8", v8i8, v8i8, int_arm_neon_vmulp, 1>;
def VMULpq : N3VQInt<1, 0, 0b00, 0b1001, 1, N3RegFrm, IIC_VMULi16Q, "vmul",
"p8", v16i8, v16i8, int_arm_neon_vmulp, 1>;
def VMULfd : N3VD<1, 0, 0b00, 0b1101, 1, IIC_VFMULD, "vmul", "f32",
v2f32, v2f32, fmul, 1>;
def VMULfq : N3VQ<1, 0, 0b00, 0b1101, 1, IIC_VFMULQ, "vmul", "f32",
v4f32, v4f32, fmul, 1>;
defm VMULsl : N3VSL_HS<0b1000, "vmul", mul>;
def VMULslfd : N3VDSL<0b10, 0b1001, IIC_VBIND, "vmul", "f32", v2f32, fmul>;
def VMULslfq : N3VQSL<0b10, 0b1001, IIC_VBINQ, "vmul", "f32", v4f32,
v2f32, fmul>;
def : Pat<(v8i16 (mul (v8i16 QPR:$src1),
(v8i16 (NEONvduplane (v8i16 QPR:$src2), imm:$lane)))),
(v8i16 (VMULslv8i16 (v8i16 QPR:$src1),
(v4i16 (EXTRACT_SUBREG QPR:$src2,
(DSubReg_i16_reg imm:$lane))),
(SubReg_i16_lane imm:$lane)))>;
def : Pat<(v4i32 (mul (v4i32 QPR:$src1),
(v4i32 (NEONvduplane (v4i32 QPR:$src2), imm:$lane)))),
(v4i32 (VMULslv4i32 (v4i32 QPR:$src1),
(v2i32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG QPR:$src2,
(DSubReg_i32_reg imm:$lane))),
(SubReg_i32_lane imm:$lane)))>;
def : Pat<(v4f32 (fmul (v4f32 QPR:$src1),
(v4f32 (NEONvduplane (v4f32 QPR:$src2), imm:$lane)))),
(v4f32 (VMULslfq (v4f32 QPR:$src1),
(v2f32 (EXTRACT_SUBREG QPR:$src2,
(DSubReg_i32_reg imm:$lane))),
(SubReg_i32_lane imm:$lane)))>;
// VQDMULH : Vector Saturating Doubling Multiply Returning High Half
defm VQDMULH : N3VInt_HS<0, 0, 0b1011, 0, N3RegFrm, IIC_VMULi16D, IIC_VMULi32D,
"vqdmulh", "s", int_arm_neon_vqdmulh, 1>;
defm VQDMULHsl: N3VIntSL_HS<0b1100, IIC_VMULi16D, IIC_VMULi32D,
"vqdmulh", "s", int_arm_neon_vqdm
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