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Delimited Continuations shift/reset in Kotlin
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*
* Implementation for Delimited Continuations `shift`/`reset` primitives via Kotlin Coroutines.
* See [].
* The following LISP code:
* ```
* (* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))
* ```
* translates to:
* ```
* 2 * reset<Int> {
* 1 + shift<Int> { k -> k(5) }
* }
* ```
fun <T> reset(body: suspend DelimitedScope<T>.() -> T): T =
DelimitedScopeImpl<T>().also { impl ->
body.startCoroutine(impl, impl)
interface DelimitedContinuation<T, R>
abstract class DelimitedScope<T> {
abstract suspend fun <R> shift(block: suspend DelimitedScope<T>.(DelimitedContinuation<T, R>) -> T): R
abstract suspend operator fun <R> DelimitedContinuation<T, R>.invoke(value: R): T
private typealias ShiftedFun<T> = (DelimitedScope<T>, DelimitedContinuation<T, Any?>, Continuation<T>) -> Any?
private class DelimitedScopeImpl<T> : DelimitedScope<T>(), Continuation<T>, DelimitedContinuation<T, Any?> {
private var shifted: ShiftedFun<T>? = null
private var shiftCont: Continuation<Any?>? = null
private var invokeCont: Continuation<T>? = null
private var invokeValue: Any? = null
private var result: Result<T>? = null
override val context: CoroutineContext
get() = EmptyCoroutineContext
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
this.result = result
override suspend fun <R> shift(block: suspend DelimitedScope<T>.(DelimitedContinuation<T, R>) -> T): R =
suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn {
this.shifted = block as ShiftedFun<T>
this.shiftCont = it as Continuation<Any?>
override suspend fun <R> DelimitedContinuation<T, R>.invoke(value: R): T =
suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn sc@{
check(invokeCont == null)
invokeCont = it
invokeValue = value
fun runReset(): T {
// This is the stack of continuation in the `shift { ... }` after call to delimited continuation
var currentCont: Continuation<T> = this
// Trampoline loop to avoid call stack usage
loop@while (true) {
// Call shift { ... } body or break if there are no more shift calls
val shifted = takeShifted() ?: break
// If shift does not call any continuation, then its value becomes the result -- break out of the loop
try {
val value = shifted.invoke(this, this, currentCont)
if (value !== COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) {
result = Result.success(value as T)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
result = Result.failure(e)
// Shift has suspended - check if shift { ... } body had invoked continuation
currentCont = takeInvokeCont() ?: continue@loop
val shiftCont = takeShiftCont()
?: error("Delimited continuation is single-shot and cannot be invoked twice")
// Propagate the result to all pending continuations in shift { ... } bodies
// Return the final result
return result!!.getOrThrow()
private fun takeShifted() = shifted?.also { shifted = null }
private fun takeShiftCont() = shiftCont?.also { shiftCont = null }
private fun takeInvokeCont() = invokeCont?.also { invokeCont = null }
import org.junit.*
import kotlin.test.*
class DelimitedTest {
fun testNoShit() {
val x = reset<Int> { 42 }
assertEquals(42, x)
fun testShiftOnly() {
val x = reset<Int> {
shift<Int> { k -> k(42) }
assertEquals(42, x)
fun testShiftRight() {
val x = reset<Int> {
40 + shift<Int> { k -> k(2) }
assertEquals(42, x)
fun testShiftLeft() {
val x = reset<Int> {
shift<Int> { k -> k(40) } + 2
assertEquals(42, x)
fun testShiftBoth() {
val x = reset<Int> {
shift<Int> { k -> k(40) } +
shift<Int> { k -> k(2) }
assertEquals(42, x)
fun testShiftToString() {
val x = reset<String> {
shift<Int> { k -> k(42) }.toString()
assertEquals("42", x)
fun testShiftWithoutContinuationInvoke() {
val x = reset<Int> {
shift<String> {
42 // does not call continuation, just override result
0 // this is not called
assertEquals(42, x)
// From:
// (* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))
// k := (+ 1 [])
fun testWikiSample() {
val x = 2 * reset<Int> {
1 + shift<Int> { k -> k(5) }
assertEquals(12, x)
// It must be extension on DelimitedScope<Int> to be able to shift
private suspend fun DelimitedScope<Int>.shiftFun(x: Int): Int =
shift<Int> { k -> k(x) } * 2
fun testShiftFromFunction() {
val x = reset<Int> {
2 + shiftFun(20)
assertEquals(42, x)
// Ensure there's no stack overflow because of many "shift" calls
fun testManyShifts() {
val res = reset<String> {
for (x in 0..10000) {
shift<Int> { k ->
assertEquals("OK", res)
// See
fun testShiftRemainderCalled() {
val log = ArrayList<String>()
val x = reset<Int> {
val y = shift<Int> { k ->
log += "before 1"
val r = k(1)
log += "after 1"
log += y.toString()
val z = shift<Int> { k ->
log += "before 2"
val r = k(2)
log += "after 2"
log += z.toString()
y + z
assertEquals(3, x)
"before 1",
"before 2",
"after 2",
"after 1"
), log)
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elizarov commented Jul 20, 2020

@b-studios Thanks for the paper. If you squint well enough, you might notice similarities with context-based programming practice that is growing in Kotlin ecosystem due to the Kotlin's convenient syntax for functions with a receiver (context). Kotlin coroutines (suspending functions) are also context-based, as well as composable functions form JetPack Compose. Another Kotlin-specific enabling feature for this programming style are inline functions, which serve as "co-pure" functions. Yes, they are second-class, but in return they automatically propagate caller's context without having to use effect polymorphism in their signature (indeed, effect polymorphism is no-go for a general-purpose non-research language).

For pragmatic reasons, though, Kotlin approach does not readily generalize to arbitrary effects, since we a looking for an efficient runtime mapping. All the various complex contexts (like suspending context or composable context) cannot be simply implemented as a library in Kotlin, but need context-specific support from the compiler. It also drives various pragmatic restrictions like single-shot-only continuations (creating an immutable snapshot of continuation at each suspending point would be simply too expensive for many real-life use-cases we were designing Kotlin coroutines for).

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@b-studios @elizarov thanks for the conversation and proposed suggestions. Jannis, Simon, and I worked in attempting multi-prompt and similar techniques and we have now a version of reset / shift that is gonna allow us to build effect handlers and remove the state label reflection tricks in the Arrow continuations. In case you are interested, this will keep evolving but this is the first attempt if you have any comments on it feel free to do directly in the PR even if closed and we will address them there or as issues. Thanks again for all your help.

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@elizarov I figured testNoShit is named incorrectly

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