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Elliott Kember elliottkember

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merlinmann /
Last active August 1, 2024 01:08
Merlin's Wisdom Project (Draft)

Merlin's Wisdom Project

Or: “Everybody likes being given a glass of water.”

By Merlin Mann.

It's only advice for you because it had to be advice for me.

A future version of Ember will come with a new templating engine known as HTMLBars.

The original motivation for HTMLBars was to allow helpers and properties to have better contextual information about what they were bound to.

So for example, consider a template like this:

<a href="{{url}}">{{link}}</a>
dtakahas / babby.rb
Last active December 28, 2021 03:56
How is babby formed in Rails?
class Babby < PragnentGirl::GetPragnent
attr_accessible :name, :mother, :location, :pragnent_girl_id
belongs_to :pragnent_girl
before_save :destroy_instain_mothers
after_save :pary_for_father
#How is babby formed?
mislav /
Last active December 22, 2018 19:56
Find "*.log" files in your home dir, sort them by fattest-first, and calculate the size of them all together.
find ~ -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 stat -f'%z %N' | sort -rn | tee fat-logfiles.txt | head
awk '{ total += $1 } END { printf "total: %5.2f MiB\n", total/1024/1024 }' < fat-logfiles.txt
desandro /
Created January 28, 2013 18:13
layout thrashing in jQuery
iamleeg /
Last active December 11, 2015 15:18
A quick and dirty pre-commit hook to let me flag code that shouldn't be committed.
git diff --cached -SNSLog --quiet
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "NSLog call detected, indicating debug code is staged. Please unstage your debug code."
exit 1
exit 0
markpundsack / heroku-CVE-2013-0156.rb
Last active November 27, 2023 15:44 — forked from elliottkember/heroku-CVE-2013-0156.rb
Forked from by elliottkember. CVE-2013-0156 is a nasty vulnerability in many versions of Rails. This script checks all your Heroku apps for this vulnerability in one quick (slow) move. More info:!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ/discussion
## The quick-and-nasty CVE-2013-0156 Heroku inspector!
## Originally brought to you by @elliottkember with changes by @markpundsack @ Heroku
## Download and run using:
## ruby heroku-CVE-2013-0156.rb
`heroku list`.split("\n").each do |app|
app = app.strip
# Some "heroku apps" lines have === formatting for grouping. They're not apps.
next if app[0..2] == "==="
marcinbunsch / lochness.rb
Created March 7, 2012 17:11
Loch Ness Monster Case implementation in Ruby
class String
def loch_ness_monster_case
self.split('::').collect do |section|
section.gsub(/([^\/])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase.split(/_/).collect { |part|
chars = part.split('')
half = chars.length/2
chars[half - 1].upcase!