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Last active February 3, 2018 21:45
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Sharif CTF 8 Crypto 500+100pts: OSS hard Solver
Attacking to the OSS (Ong-Schnorr-Shamir) Signature Scheme: The perfect solution
[1] Jefferey Shallit. 1984. "An exposition of Pollard's algorithm for quadratic congruences"
[2] Robin Chapman (, Efficiently finding two squares which sum to a prime, URL (version: 2010-10-06):
from scryptos import *
from ecpy import modular_square_root
import gmpy
import math
import sys
debug = False
def absolutely_least_residue(a, m):
Compute Absolutely Least Residue
a : An integer
m : Modulus
This function returns integer `x`, such that `x` \equiv `a` (mod `m`).
Moreover, it satisfy the inequality "-`m`/2 <= `a` <= `m`/2".
a %= m
if 2*abs(a) > m:
return a - m
assert -m/2 <= a <= m/2
return a
def find_uv(p, D):
Find `u` and `v` which satisfy u^2 - Dv^2 \equiv 0\pmod p
from the solution of x^2 - D \equiv 0\pmod p
p : A prime
D : An integer
This function returns two-tuple: (u, v)
There are the solution of this equation: u^2 - Dv^2 \equiv 0\pmod p
C = gmpy.sqrt(abs(D))
m0 = p
x0 = min(*modular_square_root(D % p, p))
xi = [x0]
mi = [m0]
i = 0
while True:
m_ = (xi[i]**2 - D) / mi[i]
x_ = absolutely_least_residue(xi[i] % m_, m_)
xi += [x_]
mi += [m_]
i += 1
if mi[i] < C:
n = i
Ai = {
n-1: 1,
for i in xrange(1, n):
i = n-i-1
Ai[i] = Ai[i+2] + ((xi[i+1] - xi[i]) / mi[i+1]) * Ai[i+1]
u = abs(Ai[0] * xi[0]) - Ai[1] * mi[0]
v = abs(Ai[0])
assert (u**2 - D*v**2) % mi[0] == 0
return (u, v)
def fermat_two_squares(p):
Decompose the prime according to "Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares".
p : A prime which there exists `j` such that `p` = 4`j`+1.
This function returns two integers-tuple `(x, y)`.
These integer holds `x`^2 + `y`^2 = `p`.
I quoted some functions (`powmods`, `quos`, `grem`, `ggcd`) and code from [2].
def powmods(a, r, n):
out = 1
while r > 0:
if (r % 2) == 1:
r -= 1
out = absolutely_least_residue(out * a, n)
r /= 2
a = absolutely_least_residue(a * a, n)
return out
def quos(a, n):
if n <= 0:
return "negative modulus"
return (a - absolutely_least_residue(a, n))/n
def grem(w, z):
# remainder in Gaussian integers when dividing w by z
(w0, w1) = w
(z0, z1) = z
n = z0 * z0 + z1 * z1
assert n != 0, "division by zero"
u0 = quos(w0 * z0 + w1 * z1, n)
u1 = quos(w1 * z0 - w0 * z1, n)
return(w0 - z0 * u0 + z1 * u1, w1 - z0 * u1 - z1 * u0)
def ggcd(w, z):
while z != (0,0):
w, z = z, grem(w, z)
return w
k = gmpy.legendre(-1, p)
if k == -1:
print '-d is not quadratic residue'
return None
x0 = modular_square_root(-1 % p, p)[0]
return ggcd((p, 0), (x0, 1))
def solve_two_squares_sum(d, k, n):
Solve following equation:
(1) x^2 + d*y^2 \equiv k mod n
d : Plus/Minus flag (you can set only `+1` or `-1`).
k : Target variable
n : Modulus
This function returns the solution of equation (1) as tuple of two integers.
assert d in [1, -1], '`d` must be 1 or -1'
if d == 1:
p = k
while True:
if gmpy.is_prime(p) and (p - 1) % 4 == 0 and gmpy.legendre(-1, p) == 1:
p += n
x, y = map(abs, fermat_two_squares(p))
assert (x**2 + y**2) % n == k
return x, y
elif d == -1:
if k % 2 == 1:
r = k
r = k + n
x, y = (r+1)/2, (r-1)/2
assert (x**2 - y**2) % n == k
return x, y
def mult(x1, y1, x2, y2, D, n):
Signature multiplication from `m1` and `m2`.
x1, y1 : Signature for `m1`
x2, y2 : Signature for `m2`
D, n : Public parameter of that signature
This function returns tuple of two-integers.
It's signature corresponding to `m1`*`m2` mod `n`.
return (
(x1 * x2 + D * y1 * y2) % n,
(y1 * x2 + x1 * y2) % n
def solve_weighted_two_squares_sum(n, D, k):
Solve following equation:
(1) x^2 - Dy^2 \equiv k \pmod n
n : Modulus
k : An integer - weight variable
D : An integer - target variable
This function returns the solution of equation (1) as tuple of two integers.
D = absolutely_least_residue(D, n)
k = absolutely_least_residue(k, n)
assert D != 0 and k != 0
if gmpy.is_square(abs(D)) == 1:
b = gmpy.sqrt(abs(D))
if D >= 0:
d = -1
d = 1
sol = solve_two_squares_sum(d, k, n)
return (sol[0], sol[1] * modinv(b, n))
if gcd(n, D) != 1 or gcd(n, k) != 1:
print '[!] Factor found: %d' % max(gcd(n, D), gcd(n, k))
if abs(k) < abs(D):
u, v = solve_weighted_two_squares_sum(n, k, D)
return ((u * modinv(v, n)) % n, modinv(v, n))
p = k % n
while True:
if gmpy.is_prime(p) and gmpy.legendre(D, p) == 1:
p += n
u, v = find_uv(p, D)
assert ((u**2 - D*v**2) % p) == 0
_lambda = ((u**2 - D*v**2)/p) % n
w, z = solve_weighted_two_squares_sum(n, D, _lambda)
a = modinv(w**2 - D*z**2, n)
s = (w*a) % n
t = (z*a) % n
x_sol, y_sol = mult(u, v, s, t, D, n)
if debug:
print '[+] D, k = %d, %d' % (D, k)
print '[+] Lambda = %d' % (_lambda)
print '[+] Lambda*k = %d' % ((_lambda * p) % n)
print '[+] u, v = %d, %d (u^2-Dv^2 = %d (mod n))' % (u, v, (u**2 - D*v**2) % n)
print '[+] (u^2-Dv^2) * lambda^-1 = %d (mod n)' % ((((u**2 - D*v**2) % n) * modinv(_lambda, n)) % n)
print '[+] (w^2-Dz^2)(s^2-Dt^2) = %d (mod n))' % ((((w**2 - D*z**2) % n) * (s**2 - D*t**2)) % n)
print '[+] w, z = %d, %d (w^2-Dz^2 = %d (mod n))' % (w, z, (w**2 - D*z**2) % n)
print '[+] x, y = %d, %d (x^2-Dy^2 = %d (mod n)' % (x_sol, y_sol, (x_sol**2 - D*y_sol**2) % n)
print '[+] Sanity Check: ', k, ((u**2 - D*v**2) % n * modinv(w**2 - D*z**2, n)) % n
print '\n'
assert (w**2 - D*z**2)%n == _lambda
assert (x_sol**2 - D*y_sol**2) % n == k % n
return x_sol, y_sol
def main():
Sharif CTF 8 - OSS hard
n = 108504503412454373447900779392896455789182908920252767679102572784833248190682207737154598741166656146295499891768592408962529857168166275863130804227243036676846199142906617137007877378696363607314850559328607693669984310189715960464177540321389050644453028598966277046571994650300388605135199566812211180551
k = 96418402323876864512491639972930583881318685814783562179751981420110811774390896080021079024657494752001051891183358590923934531389848653055409236592228196204683162829359099715583891741617111941684481041179057606706801620321693724317614343290846702947941240579335556736392623484157714059707148044213280632330
k = n-k
public = (n, k)
m = 9045418907335068770268779849124564950219260545189341826614770092040336019517687130751801431148236418688112027601673969058529643735762961447504773552645699712014099935774980274016297241177481291819364059206708658744657881196289540965565219550846730216720833999741328972855594202081834339846728109
x, y = solve_weighted_two_squares_sum(n, k, m)
print x
print y
print (x**2 - k * y**2) % n == m
if __name__ == '__main__':
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