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Created July 9, 2015 12:05
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from sage.all import *
def lagrange_delta(u,S):
d = 1
for j in S:
if j == u: continue
d *= (x-j)/(u-j)
return d
def eval_poly(ex, u):
return sum([x * u ^ y for x,y in ex.coefficients()])
def get_random():
return ZZ.random_element(2**256)
def genpoly(rank, m):
expr = m
for i in xrange(1, rank):
expr += get_random() * x ** i
return expr
def encrypt(n, m):
rank = n
ex = genpoly(rank, ZZ(m))
keys = []
for i in xrange(n):
r = get_random()
t = (r, eval_poly(ex, r))
return keys
def decrypt(keys):
keys = dict(keys)
ex = 0
for x in keys.keys():
ex += keys[x] * lagrange_delta(x, keys.keys())
print "[+] Constructed Polynomial :", ex.expand().simplify()
return ex.coefficients()[0][0]
m = encrypt(16, int("test_message".encode("hex"), 16))
print m
print ("%x"%int(decrypt(m))).decode("hex")
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