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Created February 6, 2016 19:39
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Sharif University CTF 2016: Crypto 350 British Elevator Solver
# original file name: solve_sssa_attack.sage
from sage.all import *
p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [A, B])
print E.order() == p
g = E(5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775, 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248)
v = E(2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046, 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582)
def hensel_lift(curve, p, point):
A, B = map(long, (E.a4(), E.a6()))
x, y = map(long, point.xy())
fr = y**2 - (x**3 + A*x + B)
t = (- fr / p) % p
t *= inverse_mod(2 * y, p) # (y**2)' = 2 * y
t %= p
new_y = y + p * t
return x, new_y
# lift points
x1, y1 = hensel_lift(E, p, g)
x2, y2 = hensel_lift(E, p, v)
# calculate new A, B (actually, they will be the same here)
mod = p ** 2
A2 = y2**2 - y1**2 - (x2**3 - x1**3)
A2 = A2 * inverse_mod(x2 - x1, mod)
A2 %= mod
B2 = y1**2 - x1**3 - A2 * x1
B2 %= mod
# new curve
E2 = EllipticCurve(IntegerModRing(p**2), [A2, B2])
# calculate dlog
g2s = (p - 1) * E2(x1, y1)
v2s = (p - 1) * E2(x2, y2)
x1s, y1s = map(long, g2s.xy())
x2s, y2s = map(long, v2s.xy())
dx1 = (x1s - x1) / p % p
dx2 = (y1s - y1) / p
dy1 = (x2s - x2)
dy2 = (y2s - y2) % p
print "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d" % (dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, p)
m = dy1 * inverse_mod(dx1, p) * dx2 * inverse_mod(dy2, p)
m %= p
print m
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Given Elliptic Curve is Anomalous Elliptic Curve. so, I apply SSSA-Attack.

Flag is 6418297401790414611703852603267852625498215178707956450

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