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Last active February 23, 2023 02:05
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"function":"Regulates glucose levels in the blood",
"effect":"Promotes uptake and storage of glucose in cells, and conversion of glucose to glycogen in the liver and muscles"
"function":"Promotes uptake and storage of fatty acids",
"effect":"Reduces breakdown of proteins in the muscles"
"function":"Regulates glucose levels in the blood",
"effect":"Promotes release of glucose from the liver, and conversion of glycogen to glucose"
"function":"Promotes breakdown of fats",
"effect":"Increases lipolysis, the breakdown of fats into fatty acids for energy"
"function":"Regulates stress response",
"effect":"Increases blood sugar levels, suppresses the immune system, and reduces inflammation"
"function":"Regulates metabolism",
"effect":"Promotes breakdown of fats and proteins for energy"
"function":"Regulates 'fight or flight' response",
"effect":"Increases heart rate and blood pressure, dilates airways, and increases blood sugar levels"
"function":"Promotes breakdown of glycogen",
"effect":"Increases conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy"
"name":"Thyroid Hormones",
"function":"Regulate metabolism",
"effect":"Increase metabolic rate, promote breakdown of fats and proteins for energy"
"function":"Promote growth and development",
"effect":"Help to regulate growth and development of organs and tissues, particularly in children"
"function":"Regulates female reproductive system",
"effect":"Promotes development of secondary sex characteristics, regulates menstrual cycle, and promotes growth and maintenance of reproductive organs"
"function":"Promotes bone health",
"effect":"Helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis"
"function":"Regulates male reproductive system",
"effect":"Promotes development of secondary sex characteristics, regulates sperm production, and promotes growth and maintenance of reproductive organs"
"function":"Promotes muscle growth",
"effect":"Increases protein synthesis and promotes muscle hypertrophy"
"function":"Regulates hunger",
"effect":"Stimulates appetite and increases food intake"
"function":"Regulates energy balance",
"effect":"Promotes fat storage and decreases energy expenditure"
"function":"Regulates hunger",
"effect":"Suppresses appetite and reduces food intake"
"function":"Regulates energy balance",
"effect":"Promotes energy expenditure and increases metabolism"
"function":"Regulates sleep",
"effect":"Promotes sleep and regulates circadian rhythms"
"function":"Regulates mood",
"effect":"May help to regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression"
"function":"Regulates social behavior",
"effect":"Promotes social bonding, trust, and empathy"
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth, and promotes lactation in nursing mothers"
"function":"Regulates water balance",
"effect":"Increases water reabsorption in the kidneys and reduces urine output"
"function":"Regulates blood pressure",
"effect":"Promotes vasoconstriction, or narrowing of blood vessels, to increase blood pressure"
"function":"Regulates water and electrolyte balance",
"effect":"Increases reabsorption of sodium and water in the kidneys and excretion of potassium"
"function":"Regulates blood pressure",
"effect":"Increases blood volume and promotes vasoconstriction to increase blood pressure"
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Promotes milk production in nursing mothers"
"function":"Regulates immune system",
"effect":"May have immune-regulatory effects and promote anti-inflammatory processes"
"name":"Parathyroid Hormone",
"function":"Regulates calcium levels in the blood",
"effect":"Increases calcium reabsorption in the kidneys, promotes bone resorption, and activates Vitamin D"
"function":"Regulates bone metabolism",
"effect":"Promotes bone resorption and helps to maintain bone density"
"function":"Regulates calcium levels in the blood",
"effect":"Decreases calcium resorption in the kidneys, and inhibits bone resorption"
"function":"Regulates bone metabolism",
"effect":"Helps to maintain bone density by inhibiting bone resorption"
"name":"Growth Hormone",
"function":"Regulates growth and development",
"effect":"Promotes cell growth, replication, and differentiation"
"function":"Regulates stress response",
"effect":"Increases blood sugar, suppresses immune function, and promotes breakdown of muscle and bone"
"function":"Regulates metabolism",
"effect":"May increase appetite, promote insulin resistance, and contribute to obesity"
"name":"Adrenaline (Epinephrine)",
"function":"Regulates stress response",
"effect":"Increases heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate, and triggers release of glucose from liver"
"function":"Regulates metabolism",
"effect":"Increases metabolic rate, promotes breakdown of glycogen and fat, and contributes to weight loss"
"name":"Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine)",
"function":"Regulates stress response",
"effect":"Increases heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate, and triggers release of glucose from liver"
"function":"Regulates attention and arousal",
"effect":"Increases alertness, focus, and attention"
"name":"Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4)",
"function":"Regulates metabolism",
"effect":"Increases metabolic rate, promotes breakdown of glycogen and fat, and contributes to weight loss"
"function":"Regulates growth and development",
"effect":"Promotes growth and development of bones and tissues, and plays a key role in fetal development"
"name":"Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)",
"function":"Regulates growth and development",
"effect":"Promotes cell growth, replication, and differentiation, and plays a key role in childhood growth"
"function":"Regulates metabolism",
"effect":"May promote anabolic processes, such as protein synthesis and glucose uptake"
"name":"Erythropoietin (EPO)",
"function":"Regulates red blood cell production",
"effect":"Stimulates production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and increases oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood"
"function":"Regulates muscle function",
"effect":"May enhance muscle performance and delay fatigue by improving oxygen delivery to the muscles"
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Promotes growth and development of female sex organs, and plays a key role in menstrual cycle"
"function":"Regulates bone density",
"effect":"May help to maintain bone density and reduce risk of osteoporosis in women"
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Promotes growth and development of male sex organs, and plays a key role in sperm production"
"function":"Regulates muscle mass and strength",
"effect":"May promote muscle growth and enhance muscle performance in men"
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"function":"Regulates sleep-wake cycle",
"effect":"Promotes sleep and helps to regulate the body’s circadian rhythms"
"function":"Acts as an antioxidant",
"effect":"May help to protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce risk of chronic diseases"
"function":"Regulates appetite and metabolism",
"effect":"Suppresses appetite and promotes energy expenditure, and plays a key role in body weight regulation"
"function":"Regulates immune function",
"effect":"May play a role in modulating immune function and inflammation"
"function":"Regulates appetite and metabolism",
"effect":"Increases appetite and promotes energy intake, and plays a key role in body weight regulation"
"function":"Regulates growth hormone secretion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, and may promote muscle growth and repair"
"name":"Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)",
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Stimulates growth and development of ovarian follicles in women, and plays a key role in spermatogenesis in men"
"function":"Regulates hormone secretion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of estrogen and progesterone in women, and testosterone in men"
"name":"Luteinizing Hormone (LH)",
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Triggers ovulation in women, and stimulates production of testosterone in men"
"function":"Regulates hormone secretion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of estrogen and progesterone in women, and testosterone in men"
"function":"Regulates bone metabolism",
"effect":"Promotes bone formation and helps to regulate calcium levels in the blood"
"function":"Regulates kidney function",
"effect":"Promotes excretion of calcium and phosphate in the urine, and may help to prevent kidney stones"
"name":"Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)",
"function":"Regulates bone metabolism",
"effect":"Promotes bone resorption and helps to regulate calcium levels in the blood"
"function":"Regulates kidney function",
"effect":"Promotes reabsorption of calcium and excretion of phosphate in the urine, and helps to maintain calcium balance"
"function":"Regulates sodium and potassium balance",
"effect":"Promotes reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium in the kidneys, and helps to maintain electrolyte balance"
"function":"Regulates blood pressure",
"effect":"Increases blood pressure by promoting water retention and vasoconstriction"
"name":"Erythropoietin (EPO)",
"function":"Regulates red blood cell production",
"effect":"Stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells, and may be used therapeutically to treat anemia"
"function":"Regulates oxygen delivery",
"effect":"Increases oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, and may enhance endurance performance"
"function":"Regulates immune function",
"effect":"Promotes development and maturation of T-cells, and plays a key role in immune system function"
"function":"Regulates wound healing",
"effect":"May promote tissue repair and regeneration"
"function":"Regulates digestion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of bicarbonate from the pancreas, which neutralizes stomach acid and aids in digestion"
"function":"Regulates appetite",
"effect":"May play a role in regulating food intake and satiety"
"name":"Cholecystokinin (CCK)",
"function":"Regulates digestion",
"effect":"Stimulates release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, and promotes contraction of the gallbladder to release bile"
"function":"Regulates appetite",
"effect":"Induces satiety and may reduce food intake"
"function":"Regulates digestion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of gastric acid from the stomach, and promotes stomach motility"
"function":"Regulates appetite",
"effect":"May play a role in regulating food intake and satiety"
"name":"Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)",
"function":"Regulates stress response",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of cortisol from the adrenal glands, and plays a key role in the body’s response to stress"
"function":"Regulates inflammation",
"effect":"May modulate immune system function and inflammation"
"name":"Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)",
"function":"Regulates thyroid function",
"effect":"Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and energy balance"
"function":"Regulates growth and development",
"effect":"Plays a role in growth and development of children, and may be involved in maintaining adult tissue homeostasis"
"name":"Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)",
"function":"Regulates reproductive system",
"effect":"Stimulates growth and development of ovarian follicles in women, and plays a key role in spermatogenesis in men"
"function":"Regulates hormone secretion",
"effect":"Stimulates secretion of estrogen and progesterone in women, and testosterone in men"
"composition":"A and B chains connected by disulfide bonds",
"function":"Regulates glucose metabolism"
"composition":"29 amino acids",
"function":"Increases blood glucose levels"
"composition":"21 carbon atoms",
"function":"Stress response, immune system regulation"
"function":"Fight or flight response"
"name":"Thyroid Hormones",
"composition":"T3 and T4",
"function":"Regulates metabolism, growth and development"
"composition":"18 carbon atoms",
"function":"Female sexual development and reproductive function"
"composition":"19 carbon atoms",
"function":"Male sexual development and reproductive function"
"composition":"28 amino acids",
"function":"Stimulates appetite"
"composition":"167 amino acids",
"function":"Regulates energy balance and appetite"
"function":"Regulates sleep-wake cycle"
"composition":"9 amino acids",
"function":"Stimulates uterine contractions and lactation"
"composition":"9 amino acids",
"function":"Regulates water balance"
"composition":"21 carbon atoms",
"function":"Regulates salt and water balance"
"composition":"198 amino acids",
"function":"Stimulates milk production"
"name":"Parathyroid Hormone",
"composition":"84 amino acids",
"function":"Regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism"
"name":"Growth Hormone",
"name":"Adrenaline (Epinephrine)",
"name":"Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine)",
"name":"Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4)",
"formula":"C15H11I4NO4 (T4), C15H12I3NO4 (T3)"
"name":"Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)",
"name":"Erythropoietin (EPO)",
"name":"Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)",
"name":"Luteinizing Hormone (LH)",
"name":"Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)",
"formula":"C 191 H 308 N 56 O 58 S 1",
"molecularWeight":"4.4 kDa"
"formula":"C 21 H 28 O 5",
"molecularWeight":"360.44 g/mol"
"name":"Erythropoietin (EPO)",
"formula":"C 815 H 1317 N 233 O 241 S 5",
"molecularWeight":"30.4 kDa"
"formula":"C 129 H 215 N 33 O 55",
"molecularWeight":"3108.09 g/mol"
"formula":"C 130 H 220 N 44 O 41 S",
"molecularWeight":"3055.26 g/mol"
"name":"Cholecystokinin (CCK)",
"formula":"C 49 H 62 N 10 O 16 S",
"molecularWeight":"1144.23 g/mol"
"formula":"C 106 H 162 N 26 O 28 S 2",
"molecularWeight":"2555.23 g/mol"
"name":"Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)",
"formula":"C 207 H 308 N 56 O 58 S 1",
"molecularWeight":"4.5 kDa"
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The production of hormones is regulated by a complex system of feedback loops involving the brain, glands, and organs in the body. Here's a simplified overview of how it works:

The hypothalamus, a region of the brain, senses changes in the body's internal environment, such as changes in temperature, blood pressure, or nutrient levels. It then produces a releasing hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain.

The pituitary gland then releases a hormone that travels through the bloodstream to target glands or organs in the body, such as the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, or gonads (ovaries or testes). This hormone signals the target gland or organ to produce and release its own hormone.

Once the target gland or organ has released its hormone, the hormone travels through the bloodstream to target cells throughout the body. When the hormone binds to its receptor on a target cell, it triggers a specific response.

As the level of the hormone in the bloodstream increases, it can have a negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, causing them to reduce the production of their releasing hormones. This negative feedback loop helps to maintain a balance of hormones in the body.

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Hormones are molecules, which means they are made up of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. In the case of hormones, the atoms are typically carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, arranged in a specific way to create a molecule with a unique shape and function.

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