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eloylp eloylp

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rafacouto /
Created June 21, 2020 18:05
My first blinky with Rust embedded
use panic_halt as _; // you can put a breakpoint on `rust_begin_unwind` to catch panics
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use stm32f4xx_hal as hal;
use crate::hal::{prelude::*, stm32};
jlblancoc /
Last active July 8, 2024 06:37
Installing gcc-7 & g++-7 in Ubuntu 16.04LTS Xenial

Run the following in the terminal:

Install the gcc-7 packages:

sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++-7 -y

Set it up so the symbolic links gcc, g++ point to the newer version:

staaldraad /
Last active November 20, 2024 19:43
AWK to get details from /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/udp when netstat and lsof are not available
# Gawk version
# Remote
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($3,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")+1,4))}'
# Local
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk '{x=strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")-2,2)); for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) x = x"."strtonum("0x"substr($2,i,2))}{print x":"strtonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")+1,4))}'
# No Gawk
# Local
grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk 'function hextodec(str,ret,n,i,k,c){
troyharvey / deployment.yml
Last active January 15, 2025 18:24
Using Kubernetes envFrom for environment variables
# Use envFrom to load Secrets and ConfigMaps into environment variables
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: mans-not-hot
app: mans-not-hot
replicas: 1
innovia /
Last active January 29, 2024 23:00
Create a service account and generate a kubeconfig file for it - this will also set the default namespace for the user
set -e
set -o pipefail
# Add user to k8s using service account, no RBAC (must create RBAC after this script)
if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 <service_account_name> <namespace>"
exit 1
TinkerTeam / How to Compile Debian Kernel for Tinker
Last active August 20, 2024 02:48
How to Compile Debian Kernel for Tinker Board

How to Compile Kernel for Tinker Board

- Build environment

Installing the build tools

sudo apt-get install git-core gitk git-gui gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf device-tree-compiler gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu mtools parted libssl-dev

- Build Kernel

1. Compile the kernel

echo "Running userdata script as $(whoami) from $(pwd)"
# Log commands to stdout and vicariously /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
set -o xtrace
# Exit on error
roadrunner2 / 0
Last active February 9, 2025 16:53
Linux on MacBook Pro Late 2016 and Mid 2017 (with Touchbar)


This is about documenting getting Linux running on the late 2016 and mid 2017 MPB's; the focus is mostly on the MacBookPro13,3 and MacBookPro14,3 (15inch models), but I try to make it relevant and provide information for MacBookPro13,1, MacBookPro13,2, MacBookPro14,1, and MacBookPro14,2 (13inch models) too. I'm currently using Fedora 27, but most the things should be valid for other recent distros even if the details differ. The kernel version is 4.14.x (after latest update).

The state of linux on the MBP (with particular focus on MacBookPro13,2) is also being tracked on . And for Ubuntu users there are a couple tutorials (here and here) focused on that distro and the MacBook.

Note: For those who have followed these instructions ealier, and in particular for those who have had problems with the custom DSDT, modifying the DSDT is not necessary anymore - se

porglezomp /
Last active May 29, 2024 09:18
Serializing Binary Data in Rust

Serializing Binary Data in Rust

The way I like to serialize data in Rust into binary formats is to let a data structure blit itself into a mutable buffer. This is a relatively composable, low level way to work that lends itself to having other abstractions built on top of it. I recently was serializing network packets, so let's make up a small packet format that illustrates how we can do this.

|  Tag (u16)  | Count (u16) |
|                           |
~        Entry (u32)        ~