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Multitone test signal generation (and Rudin-Shapiro sequence) in Python

Reproduction of multitone test signals from Boyd - Multitone signals with low crest factor

  • The zero-phase method just produces impulses, which are not very useful because the energy is so concentrated in time, it's easy to distort, get bad SNR, etc.
  • The Rudin-Shapiro method produces noise-like tones, probably best for most things because it's white-like at all points in the signal.
  • The Newman method produces sweep-like tones, which are good for anything else that would be tested using a sweep.
    • Playing this on my computer causes my cat to freak out, try to burrow into my computer and bite my arm hard, refusing to let go. None of the other signals has this effect.
Multitone test signal generation.
Created on Fri Sep 28 12:11:26 2012
Reproduction of signals from
These have exactly flat frequency spectra at the FFT frequency bin centers.
from numpy import (pi, zeros, empty, arange, sqrt, exp, log10, amax,
linspace, mean, absolute)
from numpy.random import random
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq, irfft
# Originally from matplotlib.mlab:
def rms_flat(a):
Return the root mean square of all the elements of *a*, flattened out.
return sqrt(mean(absolute(a)**2))
def rudinshapiro(N):
Return first N terms of Rudin-Shapiro sequence.
Confirmed correct output to N = 10000:
def hamming(x):
Hamming weight of a binary sequence.
return bin(x).count('1')
out = empty(N, dtype=int)
for n in range(N):
b = hamming(n << 1 & n)
a = (-1)**b
out[n] = a
return out
def multitone(type, fs, length, N=None, N0=1):
Return a multitone signal of given type.
fs = sampling rate
length = length in samples
N = number of tones
N0 = starting tone
if N is None:
N = length//2
if type == 'impulse':
Zero-phase method
Figure 1
Worst crest factor possible (18 dB for N=32)
phase = zeros(N)
elif type == 'random':
Random phase method
Noise, with crest factor on order of sqrt(log(N)) (5 dB for N=32)
phase = random(N)*2*pi
elif 'rudin' in type:
Rudin-Shapiro sequence method
Figure 4
Noise-like, with crest factor under 6 dB when N is a power of 2.
phase = -pi*rudinshapiro(N)
phase[phase == -pi] = 0
elif 'newman' in type:
Newman method
Figure 6
Sweep-like, with crest factor about 4.6 dB at higher N
k = arange(N) + N0
phase = (pi*(k-1)**2)/N
if type in {'newmanreversed', 'newman_r'}:
phase = phase[::-1]
# # Explicit construction
# t = linspace(0, 2*pi, length, endpoint=False)
# sig = zeros_like(t)
# for k in arange(N)+N0:
# sig += cos(k*t + phase[k-N0])
# sig *= sqrt(2/N)
# Inverse FFT construction
f = zeros(length//2+1, dtype=complex)
for k in arange(N)+N0:
f[k] = exp(1j*phase[k-N0])
sig = irfft(f, length) * length/2 * sqrt(2/N)
return sig
if __name__ == '__main__':
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# sampling rate
fs = 512
length = fs*1 # seconds
# impulse, random, rudin, newman
type = 'rudin'
# number of tones
N = 32
# Starting tone
N0 = 1
sig = multitone(type, fs, length, N, N0)
crest_factor = 20*log10(amax(abs(sig))/rms_flat(sig))
print('Crest factor: {0:.2f} dB'.format(crest_factor))
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, length, endpoint=False)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t, sig)
plt.margins(0.1, 0.1)
# Use FFT to get the amplitude of the spectrum
ampl = 1/fs * abs(rfft(sig))
# FFT frequency bins
freqs = rfftfreq(fs, 1/fs)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(freqs, ampl, '.')
plt.margins(0.1, 0.1)
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endolith commented Oct 9, 2021

Summary of several different signals:

multitone reconstructed crest factors

Blue is Maximum Length Sequence after going through the analog reconstruction / interpolation process (which ruins the theoretically perfect crest factor):

upsampled reconstructed MLS

So for long signals, the sweep-like Newman tone is better than the MLS.

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